vendredi 21 août 2015

X. Genesis of Abrahamic Religions

Historical-Critical Approach of Miracles: Genesis of Abrahamic Religions

A. Introduction:

The concept of miracle is an abstract concept whose contour is not strico sense defined in the sacred texts founders, and technical and scientific resources available Poverty time of writing have been used to interpret the events would have made ​​such vain attempt. The concept of miracle, however, seems to have played a central role in the birth and life of the Abrahamic religions. We will make this part a historical-critical reading of the miracle stories mentioned in the Qur'an and show that replacing those -ci [1] in their own contexts, it appears that they describe phenomena certainly unusual and statistically rare, but not strictly speaking physically irrelevant. But we shall see, these precisely explain the genesis of the Abrahamic religions and their emergence.

We will support the edge of the historical-critical reading of the miracle stories of the Koran, that they seem to have gradually marked and carved the world of Abrahamic religions, constituting dissonant artifacts related to the experience of the ordinary, and consolidating he seems precisely the thesis that they are souvenirs of milestones, seeming a priori irrational but nonetheless real that resident at the source of the most influential religions in the history of mankind.

These extraordinary stories seem to be indeed the contrary evidence of a development of the spirit, traces perpetuated in the collective memory of exceptional events that marked the course of history, in very specific socio-political circumstances. The typical conceptualization of miracles as a sign of divine providence on their elected institute and a religious tradition that exacerbate attention, memory and the transmission of these events coming out of the ordinary, a characteristic way of Abrahamic religions. In fact, the most exotic and providential events have inevitably had more scoring chance in the memories to cross ages and send us being carriers of the fascination of the witnesses who experienced these events so unexpected and against-intuitive. The events of common having meanwhile naturally dissipated in the forgotten pages of history to be concealed and defne the outlines of the most significant events that shaped the spirituality of the Mesopotamian peoples founders of the Abrahamic religions.

B. Miracles and Their Contexts:
B-1. The importance of contextualization History:

From a scientific perspective, it is important to put particulèrement historical events in their historical context and socio-anthropological own to better understand. But restoring these wonderful stories in their own context we realize that the modern conception of miracles, of course exaggerated by the multi-milénaire transmission, as consisting of a forced violation of the laws of nature, clearly distorts the historical-critical decryption and leads Historian little vigilant at an early evaluation of their historical value.

B-2. The Concept of Miracle and Exaggeration Popular:

It may seem a priori obvious searching for a modern person in violation of the laws of nature to qualify a miraculous event, and this assumption blurs the track in the critical approach of the miracle stories of the founding texts of the Abrahamic religions. But nothing was further from the truth into the abyss of history, where even natural events such as disasters or epidemics were considered the undisputed intervention of the gods and whose only misunderstanding was enough to qualify them as supernatural. The unexpected side or unpredictable within a certain providence of events was enough to qualify therefore once a miracle event, while the intellectual difficulty interpreting this event told one hand, but mostly its popular transmission invariably led to the amplification and exaggeration distorting stories and complicating the work done evaluating their historical authenticity for a modern person.

The role of lightning in the morphogenesis of the mountains at high altitudes says priori implausible story in a dramatic manifestation of God to the Israelites by detonating a huge rock and letting them die and collapse to the ground before resurrecting them.

Thus, the stories of healings thaumaturgic [2], waking dead, delivery of qualified women sterile or old, at a time or spontaneous remissions were ignored, the diagnosis of archaic death, the basic concept of infertility or unknown, and age 60 for a woman considered very advanced, leading historian bit vigilant to judge such claims as inauthentic without thinking about how the contemporaries of these testimonies could assess such events. But such events have necessarily occurred over the ages and marked the spirits so that the most exceptional cases have been able to achieve with the mark of good authentic souvenirs seems obvious, specifically by what the witnesses of these exceptional events had to pass them in a powerful way.

We are conscious of going against the Current of legalistic arguments on the question of the historicity of the patriarchs of the Abrahamic religions. Readers who have not read our theses in articles before can read to better understand the background of our present approach, but, for practical reasons we will not be here at this level.

B-3. The Prophetic a phenomenon Natural Selection:

We can comfortably argue that universal flood story and survival castaways found on all continents is the deepest source of that divine providence tradition, and its soil. Providence notion, which he seems to have gained considerable momentum in the survival of Abraham to the ordeal of fire after reffusé to worship to God but that of his hometown ... An event hinge founder, who will establish both a religion gradually evolving towards monotheism as we know it and the strict rejection of any secondary deity, but is especially characterize the role of divine providence marks in respect of a people . elected

Undoubtedly Canaan since the exodus to the desert of Arabia and the events that occurred in the time of Moses, however, are the most powerful moment of this religious institution and its keystone; (Deut. 34: 10-12). "He has not arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face Nobody can be compared to him all the signs and wonders that God 'sent to Egypt against Pharaoh, against all his servants and against his country, and for all the terrifying deeds that Moses performed in power under the eyes of all Israel. "The biblical stories reflect the true abundance as false prophets in ancient times. In fact, the contest providential circumstances or regarded as punitive surrounding these characters naturally led to an anthropological phenomenon (of shamanistic type), where events warrant or contradicted them in a natural selection system: a prophetic phenomenon exacerbated in the Middle East enlivened by numerous wars, invasions and social crises.

Poverty miraculous tales between Moses and Jesus did not escape the watchful eyes. Thus setbacks or blessings reaching the chosen people will be specifically considered extraordinary consequences justifying the true prophets of Israel. The climax ending in Jesus to be the breaking point and premise the last dispercement the people of Israel the promised land.

No doubt that the masses of faithful goshawks forming charismatic figure of Jesus, born of woman blank held in a community where privacy was virtually non-existent by the promiscuous life of a corpuscular community literally cut off from the world, that the faithful could see the image of the expected Messiah, have led precisely in his sentenced to death by the Roman authorities; with the support and incitement of Jewish clergy fearing a terrifying punishment by the Roman authorities found the Israelites flocking to their own King. Nationalist movements Israelites (zealots, assassins, ...) reported by historians for this particular time, show the socio-political situation in the region so critical of Jesus' time. The prodigious birth of Jesus amplifying the popular perception of the events surrounding it, and no doubt hoping to have finally found his savior, and thus further intensify the phenomenon of imaginary or actual healing on contact. It will probably sufficed some spectacular healings and exorcisms, and charisma and erudition of Jesus were enough to amplify this phenomenon, in a context that is most critical and agitated. Remember all the stronger that Jesus will be considered the cause of this persecution succeeding his crucifixion. Jesus has been rooted in the golden pages of the history of mankind as well as the assistance of extraordinary circumstances that once he appears to be based, respectively, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, or in social contexts antrhropologiques exceptional basis the most influential family of Abrahamic religions in the history of mankind.

B-4. Having Founded Prodigies of a People:

When we look at the Quranic stories, and analyze them with the modern tools of historical criticism, we find the characters mentioned any different. The story of Noah and the flood is universal whose memory he seems-can thus constitute a true common memory of the founding community of flooding so exaggerated transmitted over their dispercement worldwide [3]. We have already mentioned Abraham reffusant to worship the gods of the sun, moon and Venus foreigners in Ur (mentioning the issue of semiotic evolution of the concept of God and the report of anunakis with angels), survivor extraordinary way to the fiery ordeal after being launched in a blaze in the measure of his offense to catapult distance: now such a fire will generate sufficient flashover flash blowing the branches in the center and calling, as described in the Koran, fresh air to survive for the Patriarch before the eyes of the observers who were toiling to approach the blaze seen from outside: giving the main impetus of religions that will, millennia later called Abrahamic . Thus, these miracles would other than the source of the strength of the conservation of these key moments based multi cultural tradition millennium, which would be nothing less than the reason for the birth and as powerful transmission of the Abrahamic religions.

C. Extraordinary Phenomena Across the Qur'an:

Let us now on Qur'anic passages evoking qualified or not extraordinary events and miracles do a historical-critical reading and zetetic, making sure to strictly observe the criteria of demarcation and falsifiability .

C-1. The story of the Flood in Noah's Sa Quranic version.

The memory of a flood that affected men which they have survived is universal. The Quran mentions this as a souvenir perpetuated by the faithful ears; (Cor 69:12.): "It is We who, when the water overflowed, you have loaded on the ark in order to make for you a reminder that any faithful keeps ear."

The Koran ignore the notion of flood, and evokes a flood and Tabari already conceived a local flood affecting the tribe of Noah. . Qur'an, which also ignores the notion of Ark or safe and evokes a small boat made ​​of branches and tow

Furthermore, the Qur'an maintains that the descendants of Noah are those who have remained (among the other survivors); ( Cor 37:77).: "And We made ​​his offspring [= those of Noah] those who survive". However, genetic studies show that genetic Adam, common biological ancestor of all modern humans back according to the analyzes of Fluvioeolian Cruciani [3] to 140,000 years, somewhere in Africa. This does not mean that we also have other lines of genes, including chromosome 338,000 years old are showing a introgression among the population of modern humans after the coalescence of universal patrilineal lineage to 140,000 years . But the universality of the story reinforces the thesis of a common ancestral memories to all humanity. One can imagine how such an event was to be a fact all the more remarkable for a small men living peacefully community hunting, fishing and gathering, it was consiter in one of the few stories leading a lifestyle could not be more mundane.

Likewise, evidence of the high seas when at least 130 000 years [5] shows that men could sail well at this early period, and lived partly fishing also practicing cabotage for even longer. However, like the theory of Tobba generation Abrose Stanley, universal myths can go up in a small community that lived somewhere in Africa in ancient times. Thesis further reinforced by the fact that this period corresponds precisely with the end of the Riss glaciation and rising sea levels. The stability of the substance of the universal myths is explained by the small population of men to a very recent time.

We can see on this graph of population growth from 10,000 BCE. Demographics climbs significantly from the appearance of writing. And it is there that the way to fix the oral tradition allows new stability. An estimated several thousand men from the Upper Palaeolithic.

C-2. The Wonders of Abraham:
1. Abraham and the Ordeal of Fire, Lightning Flashover Thesis A Generalized Open-Air.

The account of Abraham's rejection of tutelary gods same pertitente in several respects, even though the story was clearly distorted over Of the history. Indeed, the religion in Ur and the region was henotheistic type. This means that each city had its own local god. Moreover, invasions and acculturation led syncretism with other deities to the time of Isin Larsa, towards the end of the Third Dynasty of Ur, such as the Sun, Moon and Venus. The inability of local gods to protect cities, endless wars mentioned in the writings of the time, and progress in astrology and the discovery of the cyclist side movements of the stars expected to determine the fate of cities and men have Abraham led oppose it.

But demolishing the idols of the pantheon, and arguing that it is the largest that eliminated them, he was able to force the priests to justify condemning themselves to an ordeal by fire that he should not escape. But a huge blaze that also have had remote Abraham was able to catapult the opposite effect, and widespread flash fire, blowing the branches from the center of the home to the outside, thereby generating an air of Appeal fees to the center as described by the Qur'an. A weather with strong winds and the fire of composition may have favored the emanations of volatile organic compounds mingling with the pyrolysis and generating a saving explosion. Such an event could not, if it is made ​​even amplify the exclusive worship of the god of Abraham his descendants in perpetuating the memory of this extraordinary event.

2. Abraham and The Birds Domestic.

(2 Cor. 260): "And when Abraham said: 'Lord, show me how You raise the dead', Allah says: 'Do not you think?' 'Certainly Abraham said, but that my heart may be at ease!' 'Take thus says Allah, four birds, tame them (and cut them) and on each hill, put it in then call them. they will come to you in haste. And know that Allah is Mighty, Wise. ' "There is talk in this story of Abraham asks God to how souls survident death of an idea insiprée to Abraham, but that has clearly not materialized.

Indeed, nothing says that Abraham put this idea into practice. We mentioned the connection of this story with the belief in the passage from the dead than of the living to the period of Isin-Larsa, consolidating plausible historicity of this story too.

C-3. The pregnancies in Advanced Age:

Life expectancy in antiquity and subfertility are not yet or little known, knowing that a late menopause may happen after 55 years or 60 years or more. So Sarah has been premenopausal and still get pregnant Isaac. His exact age is certainly not advanced in the Qur'an.

C-4. The Wonders of Jacob:
1. The neurosis of Jacob to Joseph Causing Loss Hysterical Blindness and its hyperosmia.

(Cor. 12: 93-97): "'Take my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father: he will recover sight And bring me all your family.' And when the caravan crosses the. limit, their father said: 'I detected, of course, the smell of Joseph, even if you say that I am delirious. They said to him,' By Allah, there you are well within your perpetual delirium '. Then when the good news came bearer , he applied it [the shirt] on the face of Jacob It recovered [immediately] the view. and said, 'Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you know not? 'They said: "O our father, implore for us the remission of our sins we were truly at fault.'".

We have already discussed the issue of eye of Jacob to the disappearance of Joseph. And stressed that cases of hysterical blindness occurred following great emotional shocks are real. As also the description of Jacob as delusional by his family reinforces this thesis. Furthermore, the fact that Joseph feels the smell of Joseph before other family members shows that he suffered 'hyperosmia. Another clinical signs related to his painful emotional state.

2. Covering the View Jacob hearing that Joseph is alive.

The recovery of sight Jacob heard that Joseph is alive is like the signature of authenticity of this story, confirming that it is obviously not a development of the mind, but the memory of a real historical event. Thus, it is a priori improbable story to actually remember an authentic brand, consolidating the authenticity of the story of Jacob, premise miraculous reign in Egypt.

Egyptian Cartouche mentioning King Cananée Ya'qob Har.

C-5. The Wonders of Moses:
1. Plagues of Egypt, Bad Floods.

The plagues of Egypt appear in the Koranic version of as the consequence of bad floods.

(Cor. 7: 130-131): "We have experienced Pharaoh's people with years of drought and shortness of fruits so that they remember. And when good befell them, they said: 'This is due to us'; and if evil afflicted them, they saw Moses and those who were with him a bad omen. Truly their fate depends only on Allah but most of them do not know and they said?. 'Whatever sign you bring us to bewitch us, we will not believe in you.' So We sent on them the flood, locusts, lice (or grill), frogs and blood , clear signs, but they swelled with pride and remained a criminal people. "

Note that even though it seemed to have been forgotten over time, the story wound meant a very precise and central idea in the confrontation of the Israelites to Pharaoh. Since this is Pharaoh, who as god of the gods first Ombudsman which ensured good floods. Besides all the Egyptian cult revolved precisely goshawks that belief. The reverse of the ancient kingdom of Canaanite peoples came to Egypt after a famine, fears to rebuild steal Canaan thus constitute a deep consistency that is avoided in the post-Masoretic version of the biblical story of wounds. Linked directly to the overtaxation of the subject peoples that specifically urged the Israelites to revolt leading to their flight in the Arabian desert to the loss of Canaan by the Egyptian government under Ramses III. The commemoration of the plagues of Egypt in Jewish worship as part of the liberation of Performed Pharaoh manna and quails in the desert and the golden calf symbolizing fertility have clearly consistency tiered strengthening the authenticity of these memories distorted with time.

2. The Main Light and The Thesis Symbiotic Bacteria bioluminescent.

(Cor. 28: 29-32): "And when Moses had fulfilled the term, and he set off with his family, he saw a fire Mount side. He said to his family: ".. Stay here I have seen the fire Maybe I'll bring you a new or fire firebrand so that you may warm". And when he arrived there called from the right side of the valley, in the blessed place from the tree: "O Moses That I am Allah, the Lord of the universe!" And. "Throw down your staff 'And when he saw it moving as if it was a snake, he turned his back without turning "O Moses approach and fear not.! you are of those who are secure. put thy hand into the thy bosom, it will come forth white without evil, and draw your arm against you for not being afraid.. Those are two proofs from your Lord to Pharaoh and his chiefs These are really wicked people. "".

It seems indeed relevant that Moses touched bioluminescantes bacteria during his trip to the East at the burning bush. The fact that his hand is described as bright after being hidden under his tunic strengthens this hypothesis. Bioluminescent symbiotic bacteria that colonized his hand and can naturally explain such a phenomenon surprising observers in Egypt, as Moses himself. Certainses traditions report that the Israelites thought Moses was a leper, this may be related to such a hypothetical contamination.
The story of the burning bush and the hand that glitters can be linked if microorganisms (bacteria) illuminating the bush where Moses will live his first spiritual experience could contaminate his hand in the burning bush where he picked up a helical branch crawl like a snake: triple event that could initiate the prophetic career of Moses. The latter having spent his youth in Egypt was to know confrontations between magicians and sorcerers during the festivities and have seized the power of what was happening: this critical time will have based its savior career ahead free the Israelites from the yoke of Pharaoh.

Above, Bali, Indonesia. Water shine because bioluminescent microorganisms. Moses was able to find a luminescent bush and touch the hand of the tree that has been contaminated strain of bioluminescent bacteria.

. 3. Stick to Helical and Accoustique Individuals Optical Effects

One verse of the Quran clearly describes the movement of the pointing stick by "moving in the manner of a snake" (Cor. 28: 30-32 ). The fact that, as with the light hand of Moses has just found this stick in a distant journey fleeing Egypt and had defeated the powerful magic of the scholars of Egypt enough to make a providential miracle.


A helical stick to the particular aerodynamic properties can indeed, once launched, turn on itself producing the effect of a snake transformation.

Above: a helical wind turbine. An individual fuselage may allow a helical stick thrown as a javelin undergo axial rotation making it reach a speed of rotation in the manner of a router so as to give thereto an appearance and a similar whistle to that of a snake and rush the horisontalement ground, preventing too far.

to. The helical shape of the stick must induce an axial rotation.
b. The rotation must produce a strobe-like effect generating snake transformation of printing.
c. Furthermore rotation must touch the ground to drag sideways, like a snake.
d. And sliding and rotating, a whistle similar to that of a snake must complete the processing effect.
e. The kinetic force who have broken stick or wrap around him the ropes and sticks magicians, or perhaps aspier forward and throwing back.


. 4. The earthquake and the Jordan Water Withdrawal

A verse mentions an explosion before the fall of the water level (Cor 26:63.). However, the Red Sea and the Jordan River are located on the Asian-African fault and the area is known for its high seismicity. The Bible mentions many earthquakes in the region, and currently still shaking regularly enregistés in the region. However, a fracture of the fault in the Red Sea could suck the water of the Jordan and the temporarily dry as described in this passage. Furthermore, disruption of the flow of water from rivers in an earthquake is a given, and this is explained by different mechanisms: the connection between groundwater and its role on the friction of tectonic plates at the flaws, the call of water in case of fracture submarine sometimes causing tsunamis, earthquakes on the influence of the magnetic field and finally the influence of waves on the Earth's crust INFLUENCING drainage.

Dried up, the banks of the Jordan evoke mountains, as mentioned in the narrative of the Koran crossing the waters.

5. Manna and Quail.

The story of the manna and quail used as food for the Israelites in the desert wandering is not an upheaval of the order of nature. For cons, the providence of finding the leak situation, when bad floods in Egypt pushing overtaxation had pushed them to flee could only keep themselves in the collective memory.

The manna in the desert, an organic accretion of matter known Bedouin.

Quail are either non-existent in the deserts, but providence led them in number to the children of Israel remained in the memories.

6. Twelve Falling Water Sources Woodpecker. Certainly, as water starts to flow when Moses struck a rock with his staff would be a clear sign of divine providence, but mountain water always has periods of freezing and thawing, and the story does not really nothing improbable in itself. If we consider the long career of the prophet, and the duration of their wanderings in the desert of Arabia, it even seems as it were self-evident. 7. Lightning Assomant Destroying The Rock and the Children of Israel at Mount Lawz.

(Cor. 2: 54-56): "And [remember] when Moses said to his people:" O my people, indeed you have wronged yourselves by taking the calf idol Come back to your Creator, and then, so kill the guilty yourselves.! it would be better for you with your Creator "So that ... 'He turned your repentance; for He is certainly welcoming of repentance, the Merciful And [remember] when you say: "O Moses! We will not believe you until we see Allah plainly!" Then lightning grabs you while you were looking. Then We raised you up after your death that you may give thanks."Another significant event of the Exodus story is the manifestation of God on Mount in a fire smashing a rock and smash down the children of Israel.

Once revived this terrifying moment will remain etched in that able minds. But here again, it is remarkable that a 40-day getaway in the mountains well have enough to witness such a storm. But high-altitude lightning is regular and the peaks and rocks are privileged sites by lightning. We also know now that thunderstorms play a considerable role in the erosion of the mountains and morphogenesis. The discovery in Jabal Lawz a split boulder with rock debris at his feet clearly reinforces the credibility of the story.

The pulverized rock Jabal Lawz.

Site diagram from Jabal Lawz in Saudi.

8. Passage of Veal Wailing Wind.

Here again, the roar of a gold statuette may have certainly impressed the children of Israel. Yet it is more than likely that the golden calf was not full inside. And the passage of air into an empty statuette can clearly produce issuing a roar as described in this story.
C-6. . The Ultimatum Salih and La Chamelle of God

(. Cor 11: 61-68): "For the Thamud We sent their brother Salih He said." O my people, worship God; you have no other god . beside Him He initiated you from the earth, and then you installed it you will seek his forgiveness and then you repent to him My Lord is always near, ready to answer, "they said..." O Salih, you was popular among us before that you forbid us to worship what our parents adored We are full of doubt concerning everything you told us, "He said.?." O my people, and if I have a sign of my Lord and a mercy from Him? Who would support me against God, if I disobeyed Him? You can only increase my loss. "O my people! This is the camel of God to serve you sign. You will let eat God's earth, and do no harm to the touch, so that you do encouriez immediate punishment "They put to death He said:.." You've only got three days to live. This is a prophecy that is inevitable. "When our judgment came, we saved Salih and those who believed with him by mercy from us, from the humiliation of that day. Your Lord is the Most Strong, Almighty. Those who transgressed were annihilated by the disaster, leaving them in their homes, dead. It was as if they had never lived. Indeed, the Thamud rejected their Lord. Absolutely, Thamud have incurred their annihilation. "The story actually mentions the ultimatum with a camel. The Koran gives no implausible element.

C-7. The Kingdom of Solomon Wild and Wonderful.

The stories of Solomon's kingdom are largely exaggerated through Islamic literature, but the Quran mentions in reality nothing implausible.

1. The Language of the Birds, Bird Army and spirits:

(Cor. 27: 16-19): "And Solomon inherited David and said:"! O mankind We we learned the language of birds, and we were given from all things This is really evident favor and were gathered to Solomon.. his armies of the jinn, men and birds, and were placed in ranks When they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said:. "O ants, enter your dwellings, [lest] that Solomon and his hosts crush you [underfoot] without realizing" it. smiled, amused at her speech and said: "Let me Lord, to give thanks for the blessings You have bestowed me and my parents, and that I may do good work that you approved and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your righteous servants.

"The language of birds, and the power of the spirits are nothing extravagant in the ancient mind. But tradition has amplified these stories as to make them unacceptable.

Dan stele bearing the words as the Maisonnée David made ​​engraved by an Aramean king to the IX or the VIII.

2. A Conducive Wind Solomon, The Copper Furnaces and Les Rochers Surprising:

(Cor. 34: 12-13): "And to Solomon (We subjected) the wind, the journey in the morning to one month (from walk) and the evening course a month too. And for him we did sink the copper source. And among the jinn there who worked under him, by permission of his Lord. Whoever of them, turned aside from Our command, We made ​​him taste the punishment of burning. They made ​​for him what he wanted: shrines, statues, plateaus as entrenched basins and pots. "O family of David, in gratitude Act according" , while there are few of My servants are grateful. "The wind carries the expectations of the King reflect a providential coincidence probably multiple in its favor, copper produced in abundance simply evokes the work of the clean copper his time, but in large quantities.

The jinn are said work orders appears to be a legend full of fantastic stories, perhaps arising from the discovery of rocks with strange shapes in the construction of his temple fammeux. Indeed, the enigmatic link between jinn, wind erosion is found in some old stories, as in the hadith: "God created the jinn into three categories: the first is made ​​of snakes, scorpions and reptiles; the second looks at wind in the atmosphere; the third looks to men and is likely to reward and punishment. ". Tradition also reports that a disciple of the Prophet was swept by a wind at their camp in the vicinity of the site of Thamud, and that jinn have prevailed so far from camp before he found the way to the camp.

3. Assemble Who Ant Colony Towards the formicary:

(Cor. 27: 18-19): "When they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said," O ants, enter your dwellings, [lest] that Solomon and his hosts crush you [underfoot] without realizing it "Solomon smiled, amused by his message and said." Let me Lord, to give thanks for the blessings You have bestowed me and my parents, and that I may do good work that you approved and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your righteous servants.

"It is tempting to imagine the ant speaking here as a human. But the Koran not say that. But communication among ants is known a long time. They organize themselves and move in communicating via pheromones emissions, sound or by touching the antennae as the video below.


4. Bird who Roucoule and the Queen of Sheba:

(Cor. 27: 20-26): "Then he reviewed the birds and said," Why do not I see the bird cooing Is he from? absent? I will punish him severely! Or I execute him Or he brings me a clear reason. " But there remained (absent) little time and said: "I learned that you have not learned, and I bring you to a new safe Saba: I have found a woman they queen of everything that has been filled and has a magnificent throne. I found her and her people worshiping the sun instead of Allah. " Satan has embellished their actions, and turned them astray, and they are not guided. What do they bow down to Allah who brings forth what is hidden in the heavens and the earth and knows what you conceal and what you reveal? Allah! Point god but He, the Lord of the Throne Huge. "This story also appears to be irrelevant a priori, while the current assessment of the bird intelligence has much changed since the writing of this story.

Indeed, many species of birds have been shown to be able to articulate words intelligibly. No doubt the parrot Alex is a rare case. It knows indeed over 1000 English words and form sentences from 100 words including perfect sense. He is able to distinguish seven colors, geometric shapes and describe objects according to size, shape and Color. The bird species mentioned in this story is not explicit. But such an event, whatever little credibility priori is actually rather irrelevant. Especially when we know that the words and ideas said to have been made ​​by the bird consist of leitmotifs features of that time, if we go to the Bible.


C-8. The Story of Hosea

(Cor. 2: 259): "Or the one who was passing by a village deserted and devastated," How will God did He give life to this after its death? "He said . So God killed him and so remained for a hundred years then He raised him saying. "How long have you tarried?" "I stayed one day, said the other, or part of a .! day "" No god said, you have remained a hundred years hence Look at your food and drink: nothing is spoiled; and look at your ass And make you a sign to the people, Look further at the bones.. how we straighten and strengthen them by the flesh "and before the evidence, he said." I know that God is omnipotent ""

Note that the Qur'an does not claim that the body of Hosea was burned and reconstructed, or the death of concept in the Qur'an shows a parallel with sleep; (Cor. 39:42) "Allah dying souls [يتوفى الأنفس] at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. He withholds those on whom He has ordained death while He sends the rest for a term appointed. There are certainly there are signs for people who reflect. " Thus, the temporary death of the Israelites struck down by a storm also joined this point.

The Hosea food and drink are not specified in the Qur'an, but the longevity of some grains; honey and wine is known.

Thus Hosea could fall into a centenary coma and wake up a hundred years later (the concept of a hundred years may here be understood in the second degree, typical use of ancient Semitic languages ​​hundred meaning a optimum period). And his servants will nouri and cared for her coalescence. While his ass has regained strength and showed the omnipotence of God, producing another sign that will mark the spirits.

C-9. Transfiguration in Pigs and Monkeys.

The transfiguration of Jewish Communities in kinds of pigs and monkeys must also be taken in the ancient anthropological context. However, cases of hirsutism, hypertrichosis or elephantiasis affecting communities who desecrated the Sabbath, perhaps several generations or more of the members of these families is not an implausible idea. In fact, consanguineous marriages in small Jewish communities are well known. And it is clear that cases of hirsutism or elephantiasis could occur in communities profaning the Sabbath and having been preserved in popular memory.

Julia Pastrana died in 1860 suffering from hypertrichosis. The elephantiasis is a contagious disease that can affect a comunity. It may explain the legend of the transformation into pigs of a community in ancient times.

C-10. Swallowed Jonah and spits by A Whale Shark.

A whale shark may well have to swallow and spit Jonah. The Qur'an does not mention time, unlike the post-Masoretic Bible versions.

The story of Jonah swallowed by a fish and spit out the Qur'an differs from the post-Masoretic Bible version by not mentioning the duration of the event, lasting three days and three nights that can also be symbolic in the semantics of the time. Now, such admittedly very impressive event is perfectly plausible. A whale shark was able to swallow and spit out Jonah.

"... Although whale sharks are usually placid and considered harmless, four" attacks "of fishing boats were reported. A report tells how the shark headed straight to the boat the mouth wide open, hit the stern of the boat and knocked him down. The animal was probably busy eating, ignoring the presence of batea ... The unusual digestive anatomy of the whale shark evokes the story of Jonah. It is easy to imagine that one can inadvertently be drawn into the mouth of a whale shark, which is huge, "terminal", located at the front of the head (most sharks have a hangover located in the lower position and which opens below and behind the nose). You do not even would notice the teeth that are more than 3,000 on each jaw, because they are all small (less than a quarter inch long) and are covered with a flap of skin. The cavernous mouth, even a small adult whale shark could easily contain two Jonas at once. You do not would stay long in the mouth, but you'd be rushed or drawn along pharynx or throat, which circulates water at ten gill slits. Unlike the throat of all other sharks, or some 25,000 species of fish, the top and the sides of the throat durequin whale form a giant colander and complex, consisting of five pairs of gill blades, cartilage grids. They are covered with a dark porous material and in which the openings are not more than one tenth of an inch in diameter. The grids form a wall that prevents an anchovy released by the gill slits; not talking about a human. When the shark closes his mouth, gill slides down behind the language and press the liquid through the porous material and out through the huge gill slits. You could feel the beat of a huge heart through the floor of the pharynx while the back of the throat opens and concentrated krill, small fish-and even- yourself are swept through the esophagus in this huge banquet hall and elastic stomach that is the heart (or cardiac). You could not swim against the current, because every 15 or 20 seconds another plankton cargo is released into the stomach. Luckily you do not go through the posterior end. It is so small that only lechyme (digested goop liquid) can pass through the pyloric stomach (pylorus or) much smaller and inelastic, which leads to the intestine in a narrow "staircase" 73 spiral turns. But you would not necessarily trapped in cardiac stomach. Sharks have a nonviolent method to get rid of large objects in the suspicious digestibility they swallow accidentally. By a process known as "gastric eversion," a shark can slowly empty its cardiac stomach by returning the glove finger and expelling through the mouth. Once the unwanted contents of the stomach has been expelled, the stomach is replaced. So you could go out on a slippery carpet covered with mucus, but probably weakened enriched by this experience ... "(Excerpt from an article in National Geographic in 1992:" Whale Sharks "by Eugenie Clark, photographs by David Doubilet, National Geographic Vol 182, No. 6, december 1992, pp 120-139 Translation:. Frederick Mauvisseau)

C-11. The Prodigies and Mary:
1. A parthenogenetic Pregnancy Exceptional.

We have already agreed on this point earlier, and emphasized that the rule of the merger of two male and female gametes respectively containing 23 homologous chromosomes, the sex chromosome X or is the male determines the sex of baby is an extreme simplification that modern biology has shown to be far more complicated. Indeed, the development of techniques such as amniocentesis and genetic testing (for paternity testing or judicial) revealed that, like trisomy 21, the impressive number of false detectable layers was the emerging part of iceberg of the powerful lottery reproductive mechanism. Thus, it appeared that in many cases several missing chromosome in a gamete is made ​​double by the second gamete. Showing that cases of human parthenogenesis with input from the entire gene pool by single mother is biologically unlikely. Similarly, the complexity of sex determination biologically allows the child to read is male.

Monica Jones is considered the first woman who delivered a baby by parthenogenesis.

2. Dattier and Le Ruisseau Providential Unexpected.

Again, the Qur'anic account is very simple and harsh. Marie, in the convulsions of her late pregnancy begins to shelter under a date tree, and simply finds a water runoff that was already there or which began after it is put to it. This is not extravagant or supernatural. But the original story of providence for it has again been amplified over time to also turn this moment into a extraordonaire event, probably forgetting in the original meaning.

3. Fruits Pushing In the House of Mary.

Also, Marie Zacharie found eating fruits isolated in his room is surprised. Marie replied that it is the god who pourvoie. But the Essene milieu where it was clearly placed by his mother, devoting the god is known to survive in autarky in the margins of the community. And lived the agriclture. The houses of the threshold in the ground was able to do as fruits grains have failed in the room of the little Marie who has obtained the watered and fruit in her room. The story does not say more.

C-12. The Wonders of Jesus:

1. A Gifted Child Speaking Know Before Walking. To Cradle

It is no wonder that a gifted child in the cradle speak could make an impression. But, this is not improbable at all. Now the birth of that child in a woman considered chaste had to amplify the effect.

2. A charismatic Wonderworker.

(Cor 3:49). "He will be the messenger to the children of Israel, [and tell them]," Truly, I come to you with a sign from your Lord. For you, I of clay, as the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and by the permission of Allah, it becomes a bird. And I heal the blind and the leper, and I raise the dead, by Allah's leave. And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. In this is a sign for you, if you are believers!

"Jesus is described in the Qur'an as having healed a born blind and lepers or bald. It is tempting to think that these two healings may constitute both cases most spectacular thaumaturgical career savior. But, again, whatever that seems unlikely, it is possible that the healing of a man born blind concerned a case of cortical blindness, which clinically may disappear temporarily or even permanently if the psychology of the patient is stimulated powerfully, as in a case of exorcism in the middle of a howling mob. As for the case of the leper, we can easily think he was a pro parte Paucilobacillaire leprosy, which 70-90% of cases of spontaneous remission are identified. The Qur'anic term chosen "Abrash" evokes the loss of hair known for this type of leprosy.

3. Reanimation of a Person Held for Dead.

Here again, we must stay vigilents. The diagnosis of death in antiquity was rudimentary. While even with all the technological advances, clinical death remains a black hole still today. The awakening of a person required for dead, having undergone see a temporary cardiac arrest and wake up to the arrival of Jesus, perhaps just being pushed to it by the cries of the people here still did nothing ivraisemblable. While this could actually make an impact if the event really took place.

4. A Clay Bird Kind If that crumbles and Takes Shape of a Bird.

(Cor 3:49). "" In truth, I come to you with a sign from your Lord. For you, I of clay, as the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and by the permission of Allah, it becomes a bird. "This story extensively developed in religious literature as apocryphal Christian and Islamic is actually could not be more brief in his Qur'anic version where Jesus clay form" a kind of bird "that when it starts to blow it turns bird. It is not written "a live bird." Therefore, it seems that the gross form crumbling is described as taking the form of a bird. A bird, a bird but not living according to the Qur'an in its literal form ... This event is to design under his strange birth, its surprising exorcisms and awakening a dead person held his call.

5. Jesus Held for Death Returns to Life.

Likewise , the Quran rejects that Jesus was truly dead, and described the scene of the crucifixion as a killing illusion. John Damascene mentions the crucifixion of his shadow [4], an older version as it had to reach him. However, the description of the casting of blood and water from his body when the Roman soldier pressed the tip of his spear between his ribs testifies that he was alive, the better, it will have been able to allow the phlegm out allowing it to breathe better and wake up in the cave. The death of Jesus has gradually established a eschatology which was naturally amplified by speakers and ultimately reduced the Christian world to a deep doctrinal division, struggling to reach a common interpretation.

C-13. Young Sleepers:

1. The entrance of the Cave Blocked.

The closure of the entrance of a cave has in fact nothing supernatural and so far, the story could not be more likely.

2. A State Altered Consciousness and Survival in The Cave in a State Second.

Moreover, impaired consciousness of young people fleeing in panic also remains could not be more relevant. Now in a state of altered consciousness, people eat, can even cook without being aware. The Qur'an does not claim that the young people were starving during their frightful state plunging them into a state of consciousness disturbing.

3. The duration of stay.

No doubt the most delicate point of the story lies in the question of the duration of this state prison in the cave. Now, the question is not to unanimously by Muslim exegetes. Thus the fammeux story.

(Cor. 19: 22-27): "They will say: <they were three, the fourth was their dog> And. They will say in guessing at the unknown they were five, the sixth being their dog and they d i Ront: <September, the eighth being their dog>. Say: <. My Lord knows best their number It is only few who know>. Do not talk about them as an apparent way and does not consult anyone regarding the [And never say about a thing. 'I will surely do it tomorrow> Without adding:. "If Allah wills> and remember your Lord when you forget and say: 'I hope that my Lord guides me and brings me closer to what is correct>]. And, they remained in their cave three hundred years and add nine (years). Say: "Allah knows best how long they stayed: there. To Him belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth. As he sees, Hearing! They have no protector other than Him and He will not associate anyone in His command. And recite what has been revealed the Book of your Lord. None can change His words. And you will find, besides Him, no refuge

"4. Good Empreur and Their Awakening.

Their revival and probably currency engraved with the effigy of the former emperor recalls the subsequent succession of emperors, sometimes persecutors, sometimes for the Christians. So the story of the rescue of a group of young people immersed in a cave time an emperor milder does arise a few years later has necessarily been able to make an impression, and found the legend amplified by speakers over the centuries.

C-14. Vultures, Smallpox Epidemic and La Troupe at Elephant Abraha.

The story of the destruction of the troop of elephants Abraha has been amply studied above. Let us recall simply that Historians confirm the company by the emperor of Abyssinia millitaires expeditions in the region and a smallpox epidemic that specific time ... Who could only conduct the attack of the troops by devouring the prey soft tissue, and smashing with stones jets: an almost unavoidable mathematical destiny in the desert arm.

A breeze perncoptère vulture its prey with stones can not pierce their skin with its beak too little hard.

C-15. The Wonders of Muhammad:

1. . The Providential Parasélénie

Abdullah ibn Masud said: "At the time of the Messenger, the moon was split into two pieces," Be witnesses of this fact, "then said the Messenger. "Abdullah ibn Umar said about the verse," The time is near and the moon has split. "

"This event occurred during the lifetime of the Messenger. The moon is split into two sections: one section at the foot of the mountain and a section behind the mountain." Bear witness, "said the Prophet.. "Tradition says that the moon was split in two, part of which came down to the foot of a mountain.

This is clear proof of the reliability of the story. Because, in a case of parasélénie, twice the moon can project well before an object to the horizon as described. A case of powerful parasélénie was able to found one of the miracles of Muhammad.

2. The Spiritual Journey in Dream.

The ascension of the Prophet is well defended as occurred in a dream by some of his disciples. The crossing of people in hell, so that the judgment has not occurred reinforces this release. The terms of the Qur'an ...

3. A Wind providential.

The Koran mentions, finally, a troisème miracle. Muhammad launches a handful of sand a providential wind scatters over the entire opposing troop, providing a powerful advantage to the faithful.

D. Conclusions:

The survival of Abraham to the ordeal of fire after rejecting the worship of foreign gods and refuge in Canaan is the founding moment of the Abrahamic religions. The ordeal of fire justifying Abraham in his reffus foreign cults present a profound coherence. The memory of the birth of their ancestor, despite the advanced age of Sara and multiplication in Canaan is the story of the genesis of a people. The memory of the reign in Egypt by their ancestors to be driven back to Canaan and surcharged before finally flee their ancestral lands, the consistency of memories of bad floods denying Pharaoh power to ensure good raw, manna and quail, twelve water sources, the fear of being Egyptian steal land reinforces the historicity of these memories: up to the birth of a powerful religion that will last several millennia. The parthenogenetic birth of Jesus in a very critical period that ended with the dispersal of Canaan Israelite undoubtedly exacerbated the stories about the Jesus that will be seen by many as the ultimate realization of Moses curses.

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[1] We have already shared our thesis on the provision in the Koran pre-Masoretic having persisted in archaic the Arab-Muslim world historically cut off from the Judeo-Christian culture.

[2] Thus, it is very likely that the thaumaturgic reputation that led Jesus to believe in his messianic role stemmed precisely coincidence of exceptional healings emerging statistically of popular experience. It is moving that the Gospels relate that many people again became disabled after the departure of the Savior ..

[3] Fulvio Cruciani et al. "A Revised Root for the Human Y Chromosomal Phylogenetic Tree: The Origin of patrilineal Diversity in Africa", The American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 88, n o 6 May 19, 2011 (DOI 10.1016 / j.ajhg.2011.05.002).

[4] Let us evoke the thesis of the generation Tobba Stanley Ambrose who argues that universal myths are an ancestral heritage dating back to a main founding community which all modern humans originated. Thus, it is very likely that the thaumaturgic reputation that led Jesus to believe in his messianic role stemmed precisely coincidence of exceptional healings emerging statistically of popular experience. It is moving that the Gospels relate that many people again became disabled after the departure of the Savior ...

[5] Paleolithic Tools - Plakias, Crete, Volume 64 Number 1, January / February 2011 by Zach Zorich. (© 2011 by the Archaeological Institute of America

[6] "And, he says, the Jews, in defiance of the law, wanted to put on the cross, and after having seized him, they crucified him as his shadow. Christ himself, he said, undergoes neither the cross nor death. Indeed God took with him in heaven, because He loved her. " ("The heresies" written by John Damascene, considered one of the Eastern Church fathers, Jean Mansour or John of Damascus says John Damascene was born around 676 and died December 5 749.)

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