samedi 29 août 2015

III. Geology

Part Geology CONTENTS

B-1. 11/74 II Geomorphology and erosion of stones.
B-2. Clouds II 25/164 enclosed in a sky-earth cycle.
B-3. 45/266 II Tourbillon containing a fire stable air in the eye of a hurricane, or fire balls?
B-4. 140/99 VII Water would she space?
B-5. VII 144/125 pressure and altitude.
B-6. Plant varieties VI 146/141.
B-7. Winds 157/57 VII announce and bring the clouds, revivify the oasis.
B-8. 208/6 X Signs in opposition day-night on Earth.
B-9. X 217/73 limited Flood (rising water globally toward - 130,000 years).
B-10. 219/90 X Tsunami for Moses?
B-11. 231 / 81-82 XI Rain clay and reversed city from top to bottom.
B-12. 249/4 XIII Plate tectonics and erosion. Juxtaposed land of varying quality.
B-13. 250/12 XIII Lightning (fear Hope) and heavy clouds.
B-14. 250/13 XIII Lightning unpredictable random motion by man.
B-15. 259/32 XIV The water comes from heaven.
B-16. 261/45 XIV restocking of destroyed cities.
B-17. 261/46 XIV A ploy that would move mountains out of their places.
B-18. 263/19 XV Erosion and anchored mountains.
B-19. 266 / 73-4 XV The clay rain lasts.
B-20. 269 ​​/ 15-6 XVI The role of mountains in the stability of the earth's crust.
B-21. 286-7 / 49-51 XVII rock cycle.
B-22. 295/17 XVIII Earth is spherical.
B-23. 299/47 XVIII Earthquakes and moving mountains.
B-24. 311/90 XIX The earth splits times during earthquakes for kilometers.
B-25. 312/6 XX What exists in the basements.
B-26. 319 / 105-7 XX The fate of the mountains: the end of life of the sun.
B-27. 332/2 XXII Abortion and earthquake.
B-28. 336/31 XXII A man who would fall on high ground.
B-29. 338/47 XXII A Day with God is like a thousand years - geological and astronomical time.
B-30. 339/61 XXII The penumbra and the laws of optics.
B-31. 340/65 XXII God submitting to men all that is on earth.
B-32. 343/18 XXIII Water falls in the same amount each year (16 million tons per second) - She could have escaped into space.
B-33. A mysterious verse XXIV 354/35, the bulb works without fire - a peculiarity of bioluminescence.
B-34. 355/40 XXIV The darkness of the ocean depths - Al Niño - superimposed waves, deep water and clouds.
B-35. 355/43 XXIV The power and strength of hail.
B-36. 356/44 XXIV night and day change sides (Yuqallibu).
B-37. 364 / XXV 46.53 The shadow of the Earth is projected conically towards the sky - hydrodynamic Barrier (surface tension) between two seas, or bodies of water.
B-38. 384 / 87-88 XXVII link between earthquakes and landslides.
B-39. 395/81 XXVIII of Core Goods (394/76 XXXVIII) sinking into the ground.
B-40. 398/20 XXIX Paleontology.
B-41. 403/55 XXIX Heavenly Punishment.
B-42. 404/3 The XXIX place in lower altitude or closer.
B-43. 408/41 XXX Corruption - the human mis- on land and sea.
B-44. 409/48 XXX winds raise the clouds - the rain out of the clouds inside.
B-45. 429 / 9-10 XXXV: Liquefaction (seismology) - Fall of pieces of heaven on Earth.
B-46. 435/9 XXXV winds raise clouds and cause them - An oasis life resumes quickly after rain.
B-47. 437/27 XXXV Rocks of colors and black rocks (which absorb light) are witnesses of the origins of the world.
B-48. 446 / 4-7 XXXVII The Easts contain the Wests.
B-49. 458/5 XXXIX Night and day wrap on the terrestrial sphere.
B-50. 460/21 XXXIX Rainwater is routed to the sources in groundwater.
B-51. 489/10 XLIII The Earth, the cradle of humanity.
B-52. 490/11 XLIII The water supply measure from the sky.
B-53. 496/10 XLIV Smoke and earthquakes.
B-54. 499 / 5.12 to 3 XLV A sign in the distribution of winds - The sea is subject.
B-55. 501/24 XLV This is not the time killed, this is an illusion.
B-56. L 518/7 The mountains are rooted in the earth.
B-57. L 520/44 Earth will be rent asunder.
B-58. 521/20 LI ago on Earth evidence.
B-59. 522 / 48-9 LI Changes reliefs and life are related, suggestions evolution to sexual reproduction?
B-60. 523 / 5-10 LII The seas will evaporate - Heaven will be a hectic whirl - Mountains fast walk.
B-61. 525/35 to 6.44 LII The fall of meteorites from space.
B-62. 529 / 9-15 LIV The waters of heaven and earth coming together.
B-63. 532 / 19-20 LV hydrodynamic barrier.
B-64. 536 / 68-70 LVI Salt water and the greenhouse effect.
B-65. 541/25 LVII The iron comes from the space.
B-66. 559/12 LXV September Lands inhabited by humanoid species.
B-67. 564/30 LXVII And if the water sank into the depths of the earth.
B-68. 566/44 LXVIII The end of time.
B-69. 580 / 8-11 LXXVII sprayed late sun Mountains.
B-70. 582 / 6-7 LXXVIII The mountains have roots planted in the ground.
B-71. 584/31 LXXIX The water emerged from the depths of the Earth.
B-72. 584 / 31-2 LXXIX Water preceded the mountains.
B-73. 591/11 LXXXVI The sky which back?
B-74. 599 / 1-5 XCIX Earthquake: Earth geological and biological telling his story by revealing its contents.
B-75. 601 / 3-4 hp Acceleration of gravity.

This second part considers the verses dealing with matters concerning geophysics. The geomorphological structure of the planet, the properties of rocks, etc., there are always treated according to the same principle compare the statements of the Qur'an as they were to be intercepted at the time of writing with modern data acquired by verifiable scientific discoveries of experimentally. We are not surprised that the Quran marvels at the power of the atmosphere, the surface tension of a hydrodynamic balance between water depending on the salinity, the cycle of rain, maybe even geological movements related to seismicity Hijzaz. Although these points were studied several centuries after the composition of the Koran. Muslim: 2766, reports of Muhammad, God would have ordered two regions of the Earth to get closer to each other and that this was the cases, this gold is a phenomenon now known as scientifically possible. Perhaps should we see a kind of landslide field? We'll see, here again, the original style of the Koran under his pure nakedness and simplicity to describe things. We will find, in this second part of our analysis of the Koran, the cycle of water from the atmosphere to the depths of the Earth (already imagined a century ago by St. Augustine), allusions evoke the cycle of rocks related to sedimentation, changes in relief, in that the water is said to have preceded the current mountains. The formation of mountains rising to the surface of the Earth. And yet several other data.

(§ Page / verse. - Sura)
B-1. 11/74 II Geomorphology and erosion of stones:
"Then in spite of all this your hearts hardened and became as rocks, or even harder still; because there are stones from which flow streams, others split to arise in the water, others are down for fear of God. "

We now know how the stones actually eroded by rivers and wind. It is studied by a branch of specific sciences: geomorphology (ie the study of weathering and erosion of rocks.). The collapse of a rock for fear of God refers to the miracle of Moses to his people who asked to see his god manifest. We do not intend here to go into more metaphysical explanation, just that sometimes soulignions rocks crumble even after extensive erosions etc. Note also that the Qur'an describes in a similar way as a prostration, the position of trees whose roots are directed downward, the extension on the floor of the shadow etc.

B-2. Clouds II 25/164 enclosed in a sky-earth cycle:
"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the Earth, in opposition of the night and day, (.) Variation in the winds, and clouds covered between heaven and earth, in all this there a sign for a people who reason. "

This verse is one of the most eloquent of the book, because it says that clouds are subject between heaven and Earth. Indeed, they go up and down tirelessly in a tireless ring, bound by terrestrial gravitation (LXXXVI Cor. 11). Clouds form on the surface and go up in altitude, assemble and move to precipitate elsewhere. All this following the change in air currents. We have already mentioned above that some companions of Muhammad spoke of heaven bringing back the rain. Saint Augustine wrote about the water cycle a century earlier, the Qur'an explores this again and this is not so miraculous.

This passage also refers to a sign in the change of the winds. Interesting because, really, the winds determine all cloud movements. Similarly, the night and day bizarrely play an important role in the cycle of the wind, because the continual passage from night to day allows the planet to maintain its temperature stable. Otherwise, the water would freeze over half of the planet and the climate is also different on the other side in case the rotation of the Earth would last too long; and if rotation accelerated, the general temperature increase and life on Earth would be upset since the depths of the oceans play a vital role in photosynthesis. It is impossible to determine to what extent all this was clear in the mind of Muhammad, but the literal meaning of the verses -we will cite others ailleurs- is, it is true, accurate enough for the time, at least for a modern reader.

B-3. 45/266 II Tourbillon containing a fire stable air in the eye of a hurricane, or fire balls?
"And a whirlwind containing fire falls upon his garden and burns? "


Photo of a ball lightning; (. Cor p.45 / 266 II) ". and a whirlwind containing fire falls upon his garden and burns? "

We now know that sometimes, a fireball is formed during thunderstorms, which moves in strange ways and can cause fire. This phenomenon supported since ancient times, but long denied, was photographed and caught on video several times. Two physicists -Eli Jerby and Vladimir Dikhtyar- have managed to produce a fireball in the laboratory, concentrating energy using microwaves in a small confined space of about ten centimeters, the micro beam -ondes being focused specifically on a point of 3 millimeters. The scientists then obtained a pillar of fire produced by the torn material and the contact point on the ground which eventually condense into a ball of 3 cm in a fraction of seconds. The dull red color orange and the slow movement and the almost liquid appearance of the ball reminder that this is a combustion phenomenon. This also confirms the teachings of this verse.

B-4. 140/99 VII Water would she space?
"And He it is who sent down from heaven water. Then by her, We gave germinate any plant, enough to get out We made a green. "

It is possible that this passage from the Koran simply evokes the clouds bringing rain. But a hadith told Muhammad that a meteorite should fall in the future raining fertilizer and dehydrated planet. This hadith, genuine or not, allows us to rethink the way criticized here in this light too. The discovery of water in meteorites prove that the origin of the water is space at the beginning. The dating of these shows that the water must exist in terrestrial space as the planet was not yet formed. Some astrophysicists believe that it is the moon that brought water to Earth from the clash and break away to finally put in orbit around her. In fact the water would come to 10% of comets and asteroids for the rest as we have explained elsewhere.

B-5. 144/125 VII pressure and altitude:
"And whomsoever God wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam. And whomever He wills astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he were climbing to heaven. "

Indeed, the pressure drops with altitude and it becomes difficult to breathe when we climb high up in the sky. The air gradually diminishes as we rise in altitude. That any person who climbed mountains knows. Another verse that concordistes use in their zeal to see miracles everywhere. The hadiths relate Muhammad several times walking the hills of Mecca ...

B-6. 146/141 VI vegetable varieties:
"It is He Who created the trellised and not trellised gardens; and the palm trees and culture to the various crops; olives and pomegranates, similar and different species. "

The variety of plants makes them more stable and resistant to changes in climate forests. We'll come back in the other verses study. The damage from the terrible storm that devastated plantations in France in late 1999, were amplified according to specialists by the lack of plant diversity of affected areas. See also: (Cor p.263 / 19 XV.). This book passage praised God who created so many varieties of plants.

B-7. Winds 157/57 VII announce and bring the clouds, revivify the oases:
"It is He Who sends the winds as a sign of His mercy. Then, when carrying a heavy cloud, We drive it to a dead country -from sécheresse- then We send down water, then We bring forth all kinds of fruit species. "

This fact these are the basic elements of modern meteorology. Those who are informed know that the winds also brought with them seeds, and lightning produce ozone and enrich the soil with nitrogen. A desert oasis became quickly becomes revived and was soon visited various animals, sometimes just a few hours; the sky, the area where it rained turned green with astonishing speed, and people of various animals to the point that it becomes almost impossible in the eyes of the Bedouins.

A team of British and Costa Rican scientists IIED (abbreviation Columbia Institute for Research and Environmental Development) studied the area around the Arenal Lake Dam during four years to estimate the effect of deforestation on precipitation. Conclusion: since deforestation, river water flow was not diminished but rather had indeed significantly increased allowing greater production of electrical energy. Pastures were receiving 25% more than the rainforests. Which therefore contradicted the assumptions of environmentalists. The role of plants in the rainfall cycle consists of evapotranspiration, increasing the level of humidity in the atmosphere and thus the chances for rain. The other source of the water of precipitation is evaporation of surface water at water points such as lakes, seas or oceans. Researchers at the Free University of Amsterdam and the University of New-castle concluded in their report entitled "From the mountain to the tap 'that the roots of trees sucking groundwater with their deep roots could worsen drought in drylands. Better, a team from the ULB (Belgium), the Ben Gurion University in Beersheba (Israel) and the University of Salamanca (Spain) have developed a project to increase rainfall in the Negev desert. The project called Geshem -pluie in hébreux- seeks a dark island of 1 km² to increase local heat that will increase the ascending winds and rains to promote a 300 ml precipitation in the desert.

However, this verse evokes of course the greening of the desert oasis in the heart and not of the arid and infertile land. The degree of fertility of the land, the Qur'an also speaks elsewhere: (Cor p.249 / 4 XIII.).

The winds even play a direct role in the production of rain, because the wind produces aerosols which will go fertilize the water vapor it has high before it aloft to cause precipitation of the formed aerosol droplets goshawks. An interesting detail in the description of the Koran. Rather fairly accurate since the purpose of this extract is not to describe the phenomenon but to establish a relationship with the spiritual and the religious.

B-8. 208/6 X Signs in opposition day-night on Earth:
"In opposition of the night and day, and in all that God has created there are signs. "

Opposition, "ikhtilaf": that is to say, the night and day, and oppose one another, start back to back "Khalf" back-to-back, one on the other Earth almost sphere. This word also means divergence and interpreted by the alternation of night and day due to the rotation of the Earth. We do not know if Muhammad saw this and dictating this passage, but the literal sense makes such a reading. The spherical model of the Earth existed at the time of Muhammad, and several passages from the Koran appear to show that Muhammad conceived the Earth as spherical ...

B-9. X 217/73 limited Flood (rising water globally toward - 130,000 years):
"They treated him -Noé- liar. We saved him and those who were with him in the ark, and We made righteous successors on Earth. We drowned those who lie Our signs. "

The Koran makes no mention of a flood that would have destroyed all living species, even if Noah is said to have been ordered to load pairs of all kinds of species following the Koran -we will study further the question of semantics the issue of species of charging as a way man could conceive of the Middle Ages. Instead, this flood was intended, according to Quranic verses, the only disbelievers and did not cover the mountains, but rather taken aback humans where they lived before they have had time to climb regardless Mount (XI Cor. 38-44). The simple rationality of the Qur'an seems to have stripped the biblical account in these incoherent aspects. Scientifically, the amount of water existing on Earth, in the depths and in the atmosphere is not in ability to cover the mountains, nor will destroy entire ecosystems. The destruction of living beings is not described in the Qur'anic version of as is the case in Biblical release. The difference is significant because, as we shall see, all the affirmation of the Koran are scientifically possible in theory, in contrast to various statements in the Bible (Genesis VII: 17-24). Still other versions also exist in many other cultures with yet other variants; Here we will analyze the Koranic release.

Crossover studies in paleontology, genetics and geology agree to locate the appearance of Homo sapiens sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic race around the Red Sea. Significant flood would she have taken place at that time? Well, yes. Experts have found that there would have had a periodicity of about 100,000 years of ice age to another since 1.650.000 years. Even more, it was verified that the waters of seas and oceans amounted strong enough to just 130,000 years, which had to flood the edge of the Red Sea where apparently humans were located at that time, since the first fossils Modern men are there.

This memory has been preserved orally by theory be many civilizations throughout the world, from Africa and China, to the Native Americans. The language did exist at the time of the first men according to experts, as linguists, anthropologists and paleontologists. So modern man has suffered genetic tightening on Earth there are around 150,000 years to the end of the Riss glaciation. While Europe was still under the snow and the tropics the equator suffered some drought. Around 15,000 years later the glaciers melted so that the low-lying areas to peripheries of water points should be located where our ancestors - to meet their water needs - have been submerged. A flood that occurred at that time, when the water had gradually climbed to the inside of the inhabited coasts by humans have caused strong losses to individuals at the time. Would it thus marked the first men of the universal scale of this rise in water to the point that his memory has remained through many civilizations from the Sumerians Mayan. The Qur'an suggests otherwise as the ears of the wise have preserved the memory orally; (Cor. LXIX: 11-12).

Another exciting aspect of the Qur'an, is that in its typical Bedouin rationality, it is a portrait of the first men through the figure Noahide, so all the characteristics that are assigned to the first men in the Quran corresponds with the mentioned period higher.

Some characteristics attributed to men of Noah, Cain and Abel, are found in more traditional times, but they are all united in the first time this particular period in Homo sapiens sapiens. The use of stone stoning: (.. Cor p 372 / 116-20 XXVI) goes eg from Homo erectus already following a discovery in Dmanisi, pebbles found in a quote in this region of the planet date back several hundred thousands of years and they have been transported from a river then located hundreds of kilometers from where they were discovered. Which shows that they were swept away by Homo erectus? But funeral rites appeared with Cain, according to the Scriptures, date from the appearance of modern man in this period, as well as clothes, talismans, the elaborate language which is seen in an organization for hunting. We will deal with these areas in more detail below. Such coincidences are probably related to several points, first the Koran speaks very little of the first ancestors, so little probability of slipping into anachronisms, then the very critical and rational style to not fall into the ridiculous explains simplicity of the verses concerned, finally, think that Muhammad in his Quran teacher and inspiration to Arab must have long meditated on what should have been the first people to live in precarious conditions?

The standardization of the litturgique finalization of the Bible by the Masoretes depends on the scholarly Hellenistic influence and the deportation to Babylon, which explains many similarities between the biblical story and mythologies of the Near East, Babylonian and Sumerian. The israiliyyat in which will blend the Quranic version are midrashim of the Israelites who fled Canaan before and during deportation and may have played a role in the structure of the literary context of the Koran. Even in the story of Noah.

B-10. 219/90 X Tsunami for Moses?
"And We opened the sea to the children of Israel. "

Some scientists eager to show some miraculous stories of exodus have developed a theory about the explosion of Santorini to explain many events related in the Bible. Without recess support such unverifiable thesis probably, it is conceivable that a tsunami could have produced a similar effect if an earthquake would have been produced at that time in the Red Sea or the Mediterranean. It is in any case a miracle attributed to Moses. The explosion of Santorini dates from the reign of the Hyksos in Egypt, it is foolish to look for crossing the red sea of the Israelites on that date. But another earthquake probably could in principle produce this at the time of Ramses II. The idea of a tsunami caused by an underwater earthquake in the bottom of the Red Sea or the Mediterranean is not prohibited, but this hypothesis is pure fiction. In fact the Red Sea is roughly 2250 km long and 250 km wide with a depth of up to 300 meters in places and is located at the conjunction of the African plate and the Eurasian Plate thus a risk area seismic potential. During a tsunami waters are sinking deep at the epicenter of the earthquake, and then back at altitude to launch to the coast. The period of falling water could have allowed Moses to cross the Jordan River which would withdraw. This is a possible explanation but absolutely unverified. Let us know that waves of Tsunami are sometimes so steep that they have a form specialists compared by a high wall, which can reach fifteen meters high and theoretically much more, see; (XVI Cor. 63): "Then We revealed to Moses: 'Strike the sea with your staff!' '. It parted at that time and each part became like a mountain, huge. ". Without support such a thesis formally, we exposed for completeness.

B-11. 231 / 81-82 XI Rain clay and bottom reversed from top city:
"Then the angels said: 'We are certainly envoys of your Lord. They can never reach you. Take your family to a night time. And that no one of you turns back. Except your wife, who is achieving what needs to hit others. Which threatened overtook them at dawn. Dawn Is not near? And when Our command came, We gave the heights to the depths, and rained down on her mass of clay stones succeeding each other, with a known brand of your Lord! "

A disaster of this kind can in fact be explained by a very strong earthquake or by the violence of the awakening of a volcano and does not seem as unthinkable as when the Koran was written. There are different types of volcanoes. Often the products volcanoes have a point source (central volcanoes), one of two types of central volcanoes is conical with a steep slope and consists mainly of projections of solid materials that volcanologists call or tephra ejecta. The ejecta are made of igneous plutonic rocks such as granite and gabbro from the depths of the earth causing the clay-as what is mentioned in the Coran- which constitutes the greater part of the earth's crust. The tephra may vary in size from the state of ash and slag to lapilli. The sound of a volcano can achieve phenomenal distances. The explosion of a volcano on the island of Krakatau in 1883 -Indonésie- was heard within a radius of 5000 kilometers around. The air movement sometimes give the impression of a screech.

The description of the Koran is fantastically realistic. The city may have been covered with ejecta and ash very quickly as described in this passage. A volcano can cover a city with over 100 meters of various materials. Noise is also mentioned in another passage; (Horn, XV: 73-74).

Similarly, the supposed order of Loth his wife not to go back is smart, considering a phenomenon currently known. At the sight of a shocking event, the person is fixed and does not move. This is known to the person who sees a car approaching her example. Instinct is not the only cause for this. During an emotional shock, the brain secretes of the adrenalin and corticosteroids, due to an excess of anxiety and stress, which eventually produces inertia and increased heart rate and increased Blood pressure that would become -in finely handicapping as described for Lot's wife who could be returned if this event really took place in the reality of being struck ejecta like the others. The Bible says Lot's wife became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19: 26). Projections of ejecta were not mentioned in Genesis nor the noise volcano described therein brimstone and fire as well as smoke. What is observable from the outside actually. Because the product volcano smoke and burning magma that smells suffers an extremely wide scope and after the event. Finally, according to the statistical studies seismic and volcanic phenomena seem actually occur most often near dawn -like so it was the case for the city of Loth-, probably because of the effects of tides? The influence of the attraction of the moon on plate tectonics is no longer a secret. They would influence by the agitation of the oceans seismic movements. It seems that the Jews of Medina were oral or written a story whose possessions Loth or another witness of this kind of disaster could have been a witness who survived. Maybe is this the Bedouin version of the biblical story?

B-12. 249/4 XIII Plate tectonics and erosion. Juxtaposed land of varying quality.
"And on Earth, there are tracts side by another, cereal vines gardens and palm trees in clumps or spaced, watered with the same water, but we each superiors give to others in their taste . Indeed in that are signs for a people who understand. "

Plate tectonics, landslides and erosion are sometimes actually two juxtaposed land are not identically constituted. One of them can even be fertile soil and the other sterile. We know the issue of landslides, this is not a superstition. It is built in land regions based on the radioactivity of certain elements that are there that archaeologists have developed ways of dating cites excavations dating from land excavations - geochronology.

From the point of view of agriculture as this passage gives a lesson This is an encouragement to study these more closely land. The famous Amazonian terra pretta distributed by plots across the Amazon is not she studied in many labs for its almost supernatural properties. There are also differences of a fruit tree species to another, but this verse seems to evoke the difference of juxtaposed fields.
The winemakers know the variation in fertility neighboring plots. But the fact that mountains move during earthquakes although they were unaware at the time of the compilation of the Qur'an: (Cor. XXVII: 87-88): "And the day when We soufflerons the trumpet, all those in the heavens and all who are on earth will be scared - except those whom God will save. And you see the mountains, you think frozen, walking like walking the clouds. "; (XCIX Cor. 1-5): "When the earth will shake with a violent earthquake, and the earth will come out of her his burden, and that man will say 'she has.' that day she will tell her story! ". The mountains that men believe frozen move very slowly but they move faster in case of earthquakes. In a hadith, Muhammad describes explaining this surprisingly. Al-Bukhari. The beginning of creation. Hadith narrated by abu Sa'id: "There was in children of Israel a man who had killed ninety-nine; after which he went in search of a hermit asking - '' Can I still hope for redemption? '' What the Hermit replied - '' What man killed the No. ' Hermit and fell on a man who advised him: - '' Make yourself in one country '. Death touched the man started man being oriented country. On this the angels of mercy and retribution were discussing what to do. God revealed to this country to approach it from behind and away from it. And said to the angels to measure the distance between countries and the man found himself closer to his destination a span! God forgave the murderer. ". The surface of the earth is not stable large scale. The floor moves and occasionally we feel earthquakes. This is not because we do not feel the smallest movements they do not exist. Plate tectonics being ignored at the time of Muhammad may seem miraculous even to fantastic priori that evokes a movement so naturally areas. But it probably must look again a much more simple and commonplace explanation. You should know that for Arabic, which often crosses the desert caravans, relief is anything but static. It is not foolish to imagine that a powerful earthquake makes the strongest move mountains.
To arrive at the theory of plate tectonics was not until the cartographer, Francis Bacon (1561-1626), have noticed the similarities between the American continent is South and West of the African continent, after great explorations. In the eighteenth century, Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), a German naturalist and explorer, was going to link the coasts of America and the west coasts of Africa, which seem to fit. Alfred Wegener (1881-1930) only establish definitively continental drift.

B-13. 250/12 XIII Lightning (hope fear) and heavy clouds:
"He it is Who shows you the lightning -you inspiring fear and espoir-; and He created the heavy clouds. "

Clouds heavy and dark are clearly described and cumulonimbus that such mountain walking in the atmosphere, sometimes to their present height veil, evoking an anvil, it comes to ice clouds. These clouds produce hail and the storm, as evidenced by their slow path in the sky, are indeed heavy as they contain lots of ice crystals which electricity is precisely the product of friction. Thunder is a hope because it announces rain and inspires awe as it can cause fire and death. We made ​​more exactly an analysis of various types of clouds elsewhere.

B-14. 250/13 XIII Lightning unpredictable random motion by man.
"The thunder glorifies Him with His praise, as a result of his fear. And He sends the thunderbolts which he reached whom He wills. "

Lightning variable follows a path which is not predictable by man since it follows the non-linear laws. Nothing innovative in this description obviously. A storm that doubles can hit a target and the second stop before hitting another target. The mechanisms that direct lightning remain partly unknown. The verse does not say that we can not attract the storm to a point, for example with a laser, or a lightning rod. He explains storms as being under God's command. Lightning kills annually many people still today. A flash moves around 40,000 km / s and corresponds to a potential difference of up to 100 million volts. The temperature of the air reaches around a flash about 30,000 ° C. But all those who are affected by lightning do not necessarily die.

B-15. 259/32 XIV The water comes from heaven:
"God! It is He Who created the heavens and the earth and the sky Who sends down water. "

The landed water came on the planet, while we do not find much on the moon and on many planets? In fact the water would come to 10% of comets and asteroids for the rest. We have already studied this in the chapter on astronomy.

B-16. Restocking 261/45 XIV destroyed cited:
"And you lived the homes of those who had wronged themselves. It appeared you clearly how we had treated and We have cited examples. "

From a scientific point of view the destroyed cities are not recommended as they are in areas at risk either because of plate tectonics, or because of a volcano or because of radioactive basements. For the Arabs who live almost unhooked time, such a finding must be almost obvious? In any case, what is criticized in the verse is prohibited in physical reality or face the same as the old. Forgetting these cataclysms taking a long time, sometimes a volcano died in the meantime, but the tectonic faults are very "stable" on a massive scale.

B-17. 261/46 XIV A ploy that would move mountains out of their places.
"They certainly have plotted. But their plot is registered with God even though their plot was powerful enough to bring down the mountains. "

Currently, scientists are working on projects outside the norm to try to fetch the precious metals and energy in end fund on the planet. This could cause changes in the Earth's crust and eventually move mountains out of their places. Amazing to describe such a picture for the time. Several hadiths and verses speak of walking mountains.

When large tsunami from the end of 2004, some experts have speculated that the disaster could very well be due to an existing electromagnetic weapon in the hands of superpowers, this weapon is to send regular shock waves from a satellite to a particular region of the ocean causing, in this way, gradually large waves that could influence of plate tectonics. But it seems that it was a natural phenomenon for the 2004 tsunami.

B-18. 263/19 XV Erosion and anchored mountains:
"And as for the earth, We have provided; and have it anchored rock masses! And We have caused to grow everything harmoniously proportioned. "

The Earth was formed and has been provided, deployed in three dimensions by the asteroid collision. Erosion on the planet surface and mountains training are intimately related and it is not surprising that both Things are so often cited in parallel. The tectonic plates are like treadmills. They emerge from the depths of the Earth at the oceanic ridges are pushed gradually sink in subduction zones where they cross each other tectonic plates. In conjunction rise of mountain ranges. The -l'écorce terrestre- Earth thus extends literally and mountains are anchored above. The verse is consistent with the phenomenon in question. But we must keep an eye on in the desert environment of the Arabian peninsula, the sand is spread with strong winds. The concept of a crust of course being ignored at the time.

The tectonic plate movements cause in practice fragmentation surface rocks and mountains produce their conjunctions. The role of tectonics in biodiversity is equally undeniable, especially concerning the enrichment of various species over time. The isolation of species by mountain ranges and terrain in general is precisely monitoring the diversity of species. In the Koranic environment requires designing oasis amid the sands that become green.

B-19. 266 / 73-4 XV Clay rain lasts:
"So, at sunrise the rumbling overtook them. And We turned the city from top to bottom and rained down on them stones of baked clay hard. "

This is possible during a very violent earthquake that can propel very large rocks hundreds of meters high. The Koran stops so remarkable on such cataclysms. It may also happen by the explosion of a meteor in space that would send it back to Earth. This therefore does not fall within superstition but a real phenomenon that really place on our planet. We developed this point elsewhere.

B-20. 269 ​​/ 15-6 XVI The role of mountains in the stability of the earth's crust:
"And He has set on the earth mountains for you -from it maintains stably. "

The Qur'an uses different terms to describe the mountains the word Tur (etymology: Reach) which means a mountain, the word Jibal (etymology: form, mixing the elements together, knead, fold, agglomerate) meaning mountain and the word Rawâsi (etymology: farm, anchor, maintain firm footing) identifying the massifs.

Genesis mountainous terrain

The formation of mountain ranges in subduction zones. Observe the accretionary wedge that will give future mountain.

The formulation alqaynâ fiha rawâsiya year tamîda bihim actually corresponds to the way forms a mountain. Since mountain ranges are formed in subduction zones, where one tectonic plate slides beneath another and descends to the depths of the Earth. A combination of two tectonic plates, or two masses of continental crust moving in one direction of the other, in general, the denser plate slides under the other. The top plate acts as a sort of doctor blade plane and the other plate and a mountain shape by folding along the contact area subject to tremendous geological powers. The mountain also has a deep root of about twenty times the height of the mountain, and the decline and the accumulation width of the visible surface of the mountain is compensated isostatically by this huge root.

The mountains are formed mainly following three rules. Either it'sa an ancient volcano, or a piece of a tectonic plate sliding on another. Not forgetting the geosynclinal theory sediment deposits which settle in a hollow in the crust form a mountain. In all cases, the mountains are formed by anchoring in the depths of the Earth, and they balance tectonic movements by slowing down. The horizontal forces are dampened by the elevation of the mountain altitude and its horizontal expansion. A volcano releases energy in the surface to reduce the energy producing tectonic movements, a mountain that is sandwiched between two plates must handle shocks and reduce movements. This was verified by French seismologists, on the Alps, the shock waves were trapped in the valleys, as in a box. Otherwise they cross the surface of the Earth like waves on the ocean. This description of the Koran is very striking. It was difficult to conceive how Muhammad had to explain this surprising way.

B-21. 286-7 / 49-51 XVII rock cycle:
"They say: - Is it that once we become dust and bones, we would really created anew - Tell them: -Devenez stone or iron. Or what grows in your breasts (which you design on the other). "

The ashes of our bodies, like all other substances grainy sediment and earth are transformed over time by rocks. According to this passage from the Koran, if the resurrection was delayed, we would become the rock, then we think of sedimentary rock. As long as it would take more to turn into dust verse is really original. We also explained that if it was late more, our atoms become iron according to quantum laws. See other rational explanation above tests.

B-22. 295/17 XVIII Earth is spherical:
"You should have seen the sun when it rises, away from their cave to the right, and when it goes down approach their left, while they themselves are there, in the open space of the cave. "

He should probably understand that the cave in question would be on a sphere, so that the sun moves away, rising and comes close by lying. It may indeed be that as the opposite of Medina on the globe. Unless this is a slip of the tongue? But would it not corrected? The verse should apply to Muhammad, located in Arabia: "You have seen the sun. when it rises ". The event, therefore it must be held in a place where the sun retires by lying to Medina, and where it departs, rising to Medina. We will return more extensively in the chapter on the timeline.

B-23. 299/47 XVIII Earthquakes and move mountains:
"The Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth much (or naked)"

This verse is one of the most intriguing of the Koran by an explanatory perspective. Indeed, it clearly links earthquakes to the movement of mountains. What has been established as true after long research and investigation. The Qur'an mentions the earthquakes of the end times elsewhere: (XCIX Cor. 1-8). The movement of the mountains will accompany earthquakes during the end of the world. But perhaps our modern spirit is misleading. An earthquake does not naturally he would move mountains, even slowly?

The sun will become bigger and irradiate the surface of the Earth, melting the mountains like icicles slowly sliding. The surface of the Earth by gravity and then will smooth the mountains walk. The land will be more bare it no longer exist plants or human constructions. A human scale, the visible surface on the distances visible to the human eye appear stripped at each point. Seen from space, the Earth will be smoothed with melted near the sun and being eroded by the solar wind. But the Koranic picture it really describes this stuff or are we in a misinterpretation?

B-24. 311/90 XIX The earth splits times during earthquakes for kilometers:
"Little was necessary that the heavens open slightly at these words, the earth from splitting and the mountains fall in ruins. "

Crack the earth's crust after an earthquake
Crack the ground following the earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 on the Richter scale in Alaska in 1964.

Sometimes during earthquakes, sometimes the ground and splitting it in sometimes surprising and impressive proportions. This passage from the Quran describes the destruction of the planet supposed to take place before the resurrection.

B-25. 312/6 XX What exists in the basement:
"To Him belongs all that is in heaven, on earth, what lies between them and what lies beneath the soil. "

The Koran mentions that there is anything other than the sky and the earth on which we walk. Under our feet exist many things. In particular, there would be in the core of the planet enough gold to cover the total area of ​​land that are not submerged by the oceans. According to a hadith of abu Hurayrah, Muhammad would have explained that some people will see the unjust buried seven layers of the earth swallow them toward the bottom of the Earth in -Cité el-Bukhari. This description is interesting because it reminds some modern observations.

Earth is made of superimposed layers of land erosion has spread over time. Under the crust -the croûte- exist even multiple layers of various specifications named: Moho, top coat, asthenosphere, lower mantle Gutenberg discontinuity, outer core and inner core. This subdivision is not arbitrary, but there are other subdivisions mentioned in some literature.

B-26. 319 / 105-7 XX The fate of the mountains: the end of life of the sun.
"And they ask you about the mountains. Say: 'My Lord will scatter them like dust and leave them as a barren plain in which you will not see neither crookedness nor depression'. "

According to the Qur'an as should be the end of the mountains. And what does science say? The fracking reduce the roughness of the rocks during violent erosions according to studies done by a geologist from the University of Toronto in Canada, Russel Pysklywec. It has addressed the Southern Alps, a mountain range located on an island south of New Zealand, where extreme erosion reduced by one centimeter per year crust. The erosion is so intense in fact that the plate plunges beneath the other was deprived of its rough edges to the point where the lava rocks that must repel all that the degree of surface erosion by buoyancy no longer. Even earthquakes are longer exist. The plates slide with minimal friction so that the raised flattened out. The erosion can not be reduced to decrease over the surface of the mountain range but works deep on tectonic plates. On the planet Venus, which has a flat astonishment surface, the high temperature by a powerful greenhouse effect that would have stopped the kind of plate tectonics. It is not excluded that the global warming lead the way to the flattening of its surface comparable to the meaning ascribed this passage from the Koran.

Pushing a mountain
With low erosion, coat manages to rise so as to raise the mountain especially since it loses mass.

Effect of erosion on the relief of a mountain
With a violent erosion, subducting plate slides against each other fairly, without the mountain can grow again.

At the rate of rainfall on the island studied, the Alps in Europe would not need that half a million of years to overcome. However, global warming and acid rain are likely to cause increasing the degree of erosion. But at present, geophysics does not have sufficient data that can explain the mountains become convincingly.

B-27. 332/2 XXII Abortion and earthquake.
"The day you see it, every nursing mother will forget her suckling and every pregnant woman will abort what she was wearing. And you will see drunk people when they are not. But the punishment of Allah is severe. "

It goes without saying that an earthquake can cause miscarriage. In addition, it is currently known that if a human being is shaken during an earthquake -as long violent- it will have a similar approach to that flickering of a drunkard. The cause is now known, the balance is carried out by the content of the cochlea in the inner ear: if we suffer a violent movement, the content of snails is disturbed and makes us lose balance. Loss of balance among alcoholics is it, probably due to inhibition of brain areas that ensure our balance.

B-28. 336/31 XXII A man who would fall high on earth:
"Be exclusively committed to the religion of God; Do not associate anything with Him. For everyone who associates with God, it is as if falling from the sky and the birds had snatched him or the wind had thrown him into a deep abyss. "

What would a man fall from above? Probably the acceleration of gravity could make small crumbs that vultures would almost chew. The acceleration of gravity will cause more man falls, the more his body will weigh heavily upon contact with the bottom. Al-Kindi (179-251 H.) studying body drop before Isaac Newton (1642-1727 M.), even if he has not had success at the time.

B-29. 338/47 XXII A Day with God is like a thousand years - geological and astronomical time.
"And they ask you to hasten the punishment. God never fail in His Word. However, one day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you count. "

We now know as the geological and cosmic movements stretch for incredible time scales; all this makes interesting verse of undeniable way. The time dimension should be much less important to the Demiurge. The Universe around 13 billion years of the planet and 4.55 billion years. Life appeared there around 3, of years and modern man there are already 150,000 years to 70,000 years. Note that the number 1000 is symbolic, but even taken literally, the origin of the universe dates back to (13 billion: 366: 1000 =) 35 519 years according to this original approach. The earth is old (4.5 billion: 366: 1000 =) 12.295 years. Man exists since (150,000: 366: 1000 =) 0.41 years. An approach already mentioned in the Bible.

B-30. 339/61 XXII The penumbra and the laws of optics:
"This is how God merges Night into Day, and He merges the day into the night. "

The Earth is a sphere, and the sun's light field merges into that of the shadow of the Earth in areas where sunlight reaches not more completely. If the Earth was flat, there would be no such distinction. The penumbra born tangent rays of light and the diffraction light which requires a curved space (Cor p.458 / 5 XXXIX.): ". He wraps the night over the day, and He wraps the day over the night. . "This observation is rather ingenious.

B-31. 340/65 XXII God submitting to men all that is on Earth:
"Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you all that is on earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by his command? "

We can tame up number of physical laws. This verse is an amazing inspiration.

Capsizing boats in the famous Bermuda Triangle is due to the solid methane, which is found in abundance in the region. In diluent in the water, it would change the density of water and would run boats. While in evaporating it would skyrocket hot engines of aircraft and would fall.

B-32. 343/18 XXIII Water falls in the same amount each year (16 million tons per second) - She could have escaped into space:
"And We send down water from the sky in due measure. We then kept in the ground, however, that we are well able to make it go away. "

To understand the weight of this passage from the book, it takes a while to get into the skin of a person living in an arid country where sometimes it does not rain for years. Scientific point of view, if gravity on the planet had been lower, the water could escape from its gravitational field by small amounts until no more remained on Earth. The moon can not keep the atmosphere for example. The loss of water in subduction zones is recovered with a slight loss by geophysical mechanisms. As the sun temperature is very stable and the rotation of the earth as the amount of water which evaporates and the quantity of water that falls as precipitation is also very stable over time. But is it really that balance there that is described in this passage? Earth returns the evaporated water according to some commentators interpreting the verse (Cor p.591 / 11 LXXXVI.).

B-33. A mysterious verse XXIV 354/35, the bulb works without fire - a peculiarity of bioluminescence:
"God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche where -certaine- is a lamp. This lamp is in a crystal container and looks like a star of great brilliance whose fuel comes from a blessed tree, an olive neither of the east nor west, whose oil-nigh luminous, though fire touch it. Light beyond the light. God guides to His light whom He will. God offers men parables. Savant God is of all things! "

L'Olivier is a tree that grows in certain latitudes the edges of the Mediterranean Sea from east to west, as stated in the verse. There are olive trees in areas with a Mediterranean climate and an olive species exists in South Africa and is named O. laurifolia. Olive oil has a high ability to reflect light. L'Olivier is considered blessed tree among Christians.

If this verse actually speaks well of God, yet it is potentially a source of idea to design a production of smokeless light. The light bulb remember this description and a bioluminescent oil could help realize such a lamp illuminating the bioluminescence. The emmagasinement of sunlight in a bioluminescent body to distribute the night is now possible with some modern techniques.

Several plants golds already been genetically modified to be bioluminescent. The culture of a similar plant whose oil having this property could be used to produce a lamp as the object symbolically described in this verse.
Can we finally see in these verses relate to the descriptions of Dr. Moor about people testimonials clinically announced as dead on Resplendent Light they saw psychically during this time lapse -see his book Life after life. As well as, as described in Ancient Egypt and explained in words recorded by ibn Abbas, concerning the separation of the soul from the body on a journey to the Divine Ark, and the crossing of the heavenly gates ? In one verse, the soul leave the body every night to go under the Throne and returns if the lifetime has not been completed: (Cor p.463 / 42 XXXIX.). We will return with a read more earth) ground further.

B-34. 355/40 XXIV The darkness of the ocean depths - Al Niño - superimposed waves, deep water and clouds:
"(The actions of disbelievers) is like the darkness in a deep sea waves cover them, waves above which totaled more waves, on which there are thick clouds. Darkness piled on each other. When someone extends his hand, he hardly distinguishes. "

The ocean waters are murky at great depths that the water filter the different frequencies of light waves as we descend to great depths. The red color disappears, then orange, yellow, green and blue. At greater depths, it is perfectly black. We do not know how deep the ancients were able to snorkel, and Muhammad probably does not speak of a personal'rience & exp, but the divers were able to dive more than 200 meters deep snorkeling. The degree of water impurities can make them more or less enlightened depths ...

After the darkness of the depths the Koran speaks good waves. You should know that there are waves at great depths. The waves surface waves overlook the depths that experts have discovered. It is of course excluded to argue that it is this sense that would be described by this passage, although a contemporary reading allows such a comparison surprisingly.

As waves and clouds that exceed in height, they remind us like earthquakes sub-oceanic plates cause waves that reach speeds by combining several meters high on the beaches -up to 30 meters.

This passage also links between the clouds and the seas, we read: "cover the Waves, waves above which totaled more waves, on which there are thick clouds. ". The phenomena of El Niño and El Ni ña have indeed shown us the link between oceans and the atmosphere in the atmospheric phenomena. Moreover clouds form primarily on the seas and oceans by evaporation. This observation is original in all its simplicity.

This verse also seems to imply the freezing cold of the deep, as it speaks out of the hand of a location. Strong winds cool the air according to a principle-based acceleration. Another plausible intuition that has once again raised the zeal of many concordistes seeking miracles in the Qur'an.

B-35. 355/43 XXIV The power and strength of the hail:
"Do you not see that Allah drives clouds? Then joins them together, actually a cluster and you see the rain emerge from within them. And He sends down from the sky hail from similar clouds in the mountains. He strikes whom He wills, and whom He departs! Almost so that the brightness of its flash blinds the sight. "

Inside a cloud is colder being protected by a screen to the outside. In fact, the rain as well in the interior of a little cloud as explained by some commentators on this passage from the Koran. Hail can sometimes have such power that it can break objects falling. The size of the small can vary. It goes from 2-13 mm, and sometimes several hailstones can agglomerate and form a mass of snow and ice can be very dangerous during the fall.

Lightning born by ice crystals friction in this type of cloud. The brightness of the flash is short enough, otherwise it could destroy the retina and cause blindness. The proximity of hail and thunder on Earth can naturally explain a parallel as the one established here without having to seek a miracle.

B-36. 356/44 XXIV night and day change sides (Yuqallibu):
"God reverses the night and day. There is a lesson for those who have eyes. "

The word yuqallibu means "He reverse" or "It reverses." We saw as the Koran says that the night and the day are opposed (ikhtilaf), here is evoked also change their side to actually place over the years according to the revolution of the Earth from the sun goshawks and Relatively place every twelve hours or half period of the actual rotation of the Earth in its imaginary axis goshawks space. We read good "for those who have eyes" Note that the word yuqallibu comes from an ancient Semitic word QLB which means the center in -Geo grec- and heart in Arabic. Note that the word geo gave root words geography, geology, etc. Because hearts can 'turn' said the Islamic ante poets. Maybe that al Biruni (351-428 H.) relied on this passage to imagine the rotation of the Earth five centuries before Copernicus? However, it would be hasty to say that this direction was the direction targeted by the Qur'an.

The apparent motions of the stars come from this Earth rotation. They are the visible result of this change. If a star located millions of kilometers from Earth would go around the Earth, it should move at a terrifying speed.

B-37. 364 / XXV 46.53 The shadow of the Earth is projected conically towards the sky - hydrodynamic Barrier (surface tension) between two seas, or bodies of water.
"Have you not seen how your Lord stretches the shadow? If He had willed, He could have made it still. Then We made the sun the Index; We seize the same -for ramener- to us with ease. "; "And He it is who has set free the two seas: The sweet, refreshing; the other salty and bitter. It assigns and between an intermediary and an impassable barrier. "

This verse is further proof that the Earth is designed by Muhammad as spherical. For in fact, the shadow of the planet is projected cone of shadow towards the side where it's dark space. The night is the shadow of the Earth which is projected to top cone to the sky: ". Similarly, we seize it to Us -for ramener- with ease. . "The word thumma means either: sometimes, either: the same. We preferred the second translation is more accurate here.

Cone shade on the night side of the Earth
At night the shadow of the Earth soars toward heaven, to God who grasps with ease.

The fact that the sun does not remain stable in the sky comes from the elliptical motion of revolution of the Earth. But she was not elliptic in the past. If the Earth were located closer to the sun and followed its circular orbit, rotation eventually stabilize and the sun would remain as if suspended in its place. As the case of the Earth relative to the moon.

The second verse perhaps evokes the hydrodynamic barrier that repels fresh water on one side and salt water on the other side where two water masses meet, we talk in oceanography of the surface tension, probably recorded through longstanding browsers. It is very unlikely that Muhammad has had the opportunity to see this for himself or having probably not traveled very little at sea, but the Arab navigators have had to make this change in salinity in the Gulf of Aden (Strait Bab el Mandeb-) between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The Red Sea is one of the saltiest seas of the globe, and the Indian Ocean becomes less salty. Between shallow salt water and fresh water deeper also forms a hydrodynamic barrier which separates the water in a physical way. Nevertheless, note that the Koran does not necessarily speak of salinity drinkers for humans but for animals that live there and the sailors probably drinking during their sea voyages.

B-38. 384 / 87-88 XXVII link between earthquakes and landslides:
"And the day when We soufflerons the trumpet, all who are in heaven and all who are on earth will be scared - except those whom God will save. And you see the mountains, you think frozen, walking like walking the clouds. "

This verse is one of the most amazing of the Koran by an explanatory perspective. Indeed, it directly links earthquakes apocalyptic movements of the mountains and even evokes a movement of mountains that we do not would feel (reminiscent of plate tectonics). An intuition that has been confirmed with research and investigation. The Qur'an mentions the earthquakes of the end times elsewhere: (XCIX Cor. 1-5). But it is probably more reasonable to think simply that powerful earthquakes should move these huge rock masses, a belief that it may well be back to the time of Muhammad.

On a scale of global weather, mountainous masses change just like the clouds, while we believe the frozen. This accelerates during earthquakes. The Qur'an repeatedly stops earthquakes apocalyptic; See for example: (Cor P.599 / 1-5 XCIX.). The planet known as geophysicists at least four times when all the continents were assembled into one whole and then separated. And the idea of a major earthquake period is not to exclude scientific perspective. The last time the land would have gathered Permian -280 000 000 and 250 million years in the past-and would be separated Triassic -250 000 000 and 213 million years in the past. Each period corresponds with massive species extinctions and it reminds us that the African and Eurasian plates are in the process of strengthening the Mediterranean Sea and that major earthquakes are expected for this reason. The continents seem to be stable at the level of men, but the relief changes as the clouds that form and disperse in the air as wonderfully described this passage from the Koran, perhaps even a bit metaphorically.

B-39. 395/81 XXVIII of Core Goods (394/76 XXXVIII) sinking into the ground:
"We caused the earth swallowed him and his home. "

Sometimes a basement clay is eroded by acid rain and a large area of ​​the appropriate weight collapsing surface rocks of a sometimes irreparably. We see this kind of subsidence at least once in our life. Such problems are known by modern architects and engineers who study land before building it. The example of the Tower of Pisa is an interesting case. In a hadith, Muhammad is painted and citing the collapse of two regions in apocalyptic earthquakes, one in the East and in the West -Muslim, pound signs of the end times. Korah's assets would have been so important that the keys to its coffers would be drawn by huge beasts.

B-40. 398/20 XXIX Paleontology:
"Say: 'Browse through the earth and see how God began the creation. Then -voyez- as God created the ultimate creation (man). "

This verse encourages to seek for the whole world how life appeared to finally reach the ultimate creature that is the human species. This is perhaps the first historical concept of paleontology. Maybe when ibn Khaldun visited the devastated cities and analyzed the bones, it was based on these verses? It is even one of the pioneer-change theory. In his Muqaddima suggests the diversity of living by transformations (read John William Draper, History of the Conflict entre Religion and Science, New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1881 8th ed., 373 p.). Read pages 190, 842 and 885 of his work translated into French and published by the publishing house Sindbad (3rd Edition, 1967-1968). If the evolution of species is based in paleontology and species have succeeded, virtual jumps are the rule and nothing proves scientifically with certainty that these sudden changes are slow transformation of one species into another.

B-41. 403/55 XXIX Heavenly Punishment:
"The day the punishment will envelop them from above and beneath their feet. "

It would seem that according to this prophecy a celestial object should fall on our heads at the end of time. What is scientifically concerned for several years now. See as well ; (.. Cor p 525 / 44-46 LFL): "And if they see fragments falling from the sky they say - 'Clouds hardened'; So leave them, until they shall swoon. That day their ploys do their will in anything, and they will not be helped. ". As they produce a noise similar to the sound of thunder, meteorite falls have been associated with thunderstorms and clouds until 1803. It is still decades after the scientific recognition of the possibility of falling stones located sky beyond the clouds famous Meteor Crater that Arizona was counted for the first time in a meteorite. So it is really exciting to find this prophecy in the Koran.

Periodic statistical significant fall or asteroid to Earth is now studied in observatories. An asteroid is not dropped on the planet since "too much" time according to statistical studies; This theoretically increases the risk of falling from one of those who travel around the Earth in a future increasingly close. Briefly explain this reasoning. Take a coin and throw it successively a thousand times, it will fall an average of 500 times and 500 times on battery side. But if you analyze in detail the cells and surfaces, you will see long series of batteries and other long faces. Well, the odds of falling to Earth of an asteroid are mathematically that the delay should increase the risk. (XXVI Cor. 4): "If We will, We send down a sign from heaven so that their necks are bent . ". Better, above passage from the Koran can speculate on a certain periodicity of falling objects like this?

Moreover, Muhammad explained according to some hadiths that towards the end of time there would be stone rains "There will be at the end of this land subsidence community, transmutations (genetic abnormalities?) And rain of stones. "; Narrated by Tirmidhi, No. 418 considered healthy according to al-Albani (Sahih ul-Jami ', No. 8013). "She will come to you when you see it before ten signs: the smoke, the antichrist, the beast (we have discussed elsewhere), the sunrise from the West, the return of Jesus, the Gogs and Magogs and three east to land subsidence in the West and the Arabian peninsula and finally a fire that arise from Yemen (magma?), and will push everyone to the meeting place. ". This suggests that this prophecy of Muhammad as a meteor is expected to fall to Earth at the end of time which should be accompanied by years of earthquakes, land subsidence, a smoke that should fill the sky and the duration days should be slowed until one day a year makes -l'antéchrist arise when one day will be a year, the report narrated by Abi Umayya ibn Junâda and according Nawas ibn el Sam'an (Muslim: signs of end of time) - and- finally the sun should rise at sunset strangely - even al-Bukhari in the chapter:. the signs of the end times if the term was prolonged days after the fall of an asteroid but the rain fall parched earth so that the earth does not give vegetation - another almost uncanny realism description contained in Muslim-, flora and consequently cause wildlife &'truite being considerably with the smoke preventing sunlight from reaching the earth.

The Prophet evoked indeed all about the end times, and announced that these events would succeed like beads on a rosary which the string breaks: Sahih al-Jami 'No. 3222. If there is only one credible prophecy of Muhammad it should probably be this is an amazing realism.

B-42. 404/3 The XXIX place in lower altitude or closer:
"The Romans have been defeated in the lowest country. "

The Koran says that the quotes which have fought the Romans and the Persians the lifetime of the Prophet was the lowest place in the world, has been recognized by geologists. The Dead Sea is the lowest place below the level of the sea, and the famous battle took place in that area to more than 300 meters below the sea.

But the word rendered Lowest may also be understood by the closest. Probably originally intended meaning of this verse?

B-43. 408/41 XXX Corruption - the human un- land and sea:
"Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what people have done with their own hands. "

This passage is more than ever in the current screen. Which reached before that the limits of self-destruction of the human race of our present time? We have polluted the seas and the atmosphere and some advocate the idea of ​​sending certain types of waste in space? Debris missiles and ships sunk in the seas and debris from satellites that are starting to become alarming in the atmosphere reflect the striking events of this verse full of wisdom. However this verse probably refers above all wars and massacres.

B-44. 409/48 XXX winds raise the clouds - the rain out of the clouds inside.
"God! It is He Who sends the winds that raise the clouds; He spreads them in the sky as He wills, and put them into pieces. You see the rain come out of their depth. Then when it reaches with whom He wills of His servants, that they rejoice. "

A wind is physically a movement of an air mass of a high pressure zone to a low pressure area, the upslope winds are called 'common'. The rain comes from the inside of the clouds, not the periphery -like simply describes what Passage- which has been verified in meteorology. Clouds are classified according to four floors; lower: ranging from fog to stratocumulus to 1.5 km above sea level, average: altostratus and altocumulus located between about 3 and 6 km altitude, above: cirrus, cirrostratus and cirrocumulus, or vertical development: cumulus and stratus-nimbo; or the cumulonimbus that such heavy and dark mountains walking in the atmosphere, sometimes to their present height veil, evoking an anvil, it comes to ice clouds. The clouds of this type change 1.5 13 kilometers altitude. And more recently, there was a new kind of cloud the asperatus: "We tried to identify and classify all images of clouds that we have, but there were some who were not in any of the categories, j 'I started to think that this could be a unique type of cloud, "says Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the association Cloud Appreciation Society. Elsewhere, the Qur'an describes the cloud as evolving from the ground to heaven in a subjection to God (II Cor. 164): "Verily in the creation of the heavens and the Earth, in opposition of the night and day, (.) in the change of the winds, and clouds covered between heaven and earth, in all this there is a sign for people of understanding. ". The clouds have different shapes and colors depending on the altitude and wind type they are organized by the winds: in halos, sails, fibrous structures, balls organized in groups or arcs, or in thick sheets covering the entire sky, with gray or bluish color. Each type of cloud has its peculiarities.

Clouds giving rains mentioned in the passage studied here are mainly nimbo-stratus shapeless, thick and dark. The description shows great ingenuity and an important sense of observation.

B-45. 429 / 9-10 XXXV: Liquefaction (seismology) - Fall of pieces of heaven on Earth.
"Do they not see what is so sky and the ground in front of and behind them? If We will, We the Earth swallow them, or that pieces of the sky to fall on them. "

Sometimes it happens that during an earthquake deep waters rise to the surface through the moving grains basements. Then the soil liquefies literally and heavy constructions surfaces dig into the ground. Finally the dry ground and nothing remains of large buildings after the disaster. We experienced a case of this kind in Kobe in 1995.

Sometimes celestial objects on the way to the planet fall over because of its attractive field. For two objects attract each other directly with a force proportional to the product of the masses of the two bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them.

Many witnesses such natural phenomena have always existed. We must not seek supernatural in these descriptions of the Qur'an.

B-46. 435/9 XXXV winds raise clouds and cause them - An oasis life resumes quickly after rain.
"And it is God Who sends the winds that raise a cloud We drive them to a dead land; then we give life to the earth after its death. Thus will be the resurrection. "

Winds are the movements of the atmosphere that raise clouds and bring the air. In this sense they are really winds that raise the evaporated water surface. The water in the air produced by the evaporation of surface water and evapotranspiration of plants is high by ascending winds and is organized in altitude before moving being pushed by winds and rushing.

The Qur'an refers to the speed at which an oasis back to life after rain on many occasions. But this reality is not exclusive to only oasis, we have already spoken - see above.

B-47. 437/27 XXXV Rocks of colors and black rocks (which absorb light) are witnesses of the origins of the world:
"Hast thou not seen that from heaven, God sends down water? Then bring forth fruits of different colors. And in the mountains there are white and red, of various colors and intensely black. There similarly has different colors, among men, animals, and cattle. Those of His servants who have knowledge fear God; Allah is Mighty, Forgiving. "

The Qur'an distinguishes ingeniously black colors here. Indeed, black is the absence of color, it absorbs heat and colors and no longer emits light or very little, but the passage also cites red color. The colors of the Earth's geological history tell its scientists. Black is the original form of the mineral world before the appearance of the water and of life that developed there. While the red color appeared late, with the increase of the oxygen content in the atmosphere. This is the oxidation of iron which gives these shades ranging from red to ocher to Earth. The varied color range that starts with water and vegetation continues to grow in living beings and also in men. Green is a color that still exists on our little blue planet as it is inhabited plants. We have already quoted the Israeli Geshem project, covering a large area of ​​1 km black square to warm the area and call the rainfall, we are not going back. It's funny that this passage that seems almost clear about the role of rainfall in the colors of the rocks stops especially on the black.

B-48. 446 / 4-7 XXXVII The Easts contain the Wests:
"Your Lord is truly unique; Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the Easts. "

This verse is even a hint about the Qur'anic concept of a spherical Earth. If Easts did not understand the Wests, the passa''ge become very strange and foolish when we know as the Qur'an gives so much importance, stressing that there exists only one god.

B-49. 458/5 XXXIX Night and day wrap on the terrestrial sphere:
". He wraps the night over the day, and He wraps the day over the night. "

This further suggests that according to the Koran Earth must be spherical (the Earth has a geodesic shape). We studied this passage more fully elsewhere - see above.

B-50. 460/21 XXXIX Rainwater is routed to the sources in groundwater:
"Do you not see that God sends down from the sky water, then He sends the springs into the Earth. "

Rainfall the water sink in the ground permeable until stopped by the impermeable rock with water. Groundwater thus formed becomes available, sometimes naturally, sometimes by drilling wells, according to the depth where the water stopped. As already explained above, Augustine described the rainy cycle already a century before Muhammad, the fact of finding this kind of reasoning in the Quran is not so extraordinary. However, many ancients believed that the sources had a different origin than the waters of the rains, the depths of the earth. Even the fabulous Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) still believed that groundwater was a separate source of water in the atmosphere. Al-Bukhari reported that Muhammad's companions asked if they could consume well water polluted with waste water flowing there during rainfall. This is in the chapter dealing with ablutions.

Water has even a second cycle in the basement, where he lost in subduction zones and spring by phenomena such as vapor explosions. The Koran also seems to suggest that this time our real surprise; (LXVII Cor. 30): "Say: 'Have you considered if your water was absorbed deep within the Earth, which then can supply you source of water?'. ". If water is lost more deeply it would rain and sources would empty -relire verse above on supply sources in rainwater. Perhaps an understandable fear just for men living in an extremely arid region. The waters resurface as we have explained above. The actual loss is slightly greater than the recovered water. But that does not threaten us at our time scale. Elsewhere the book describes the clouds are located just above the waves of the seas and oceans (Cor p.355 / 40 XXIV.) And brilliantly described as the winds rise and push them to the inhabited lands (Cor p.. 409/48 XXX). For excerpts that have not intended to describe these phenomena, the descriptions are rather realistic.

B-51. 489/10 XLIII The Earth, the cradle of humanity:
"He Who has given you the land to the cradle and you are tracing paths to you to guide you. "

The idea of describing the Earth as a cradle is very important here. He should probably understand that the goal is heavenly in Paradise. Because the Earth is thus named as a passenger place which man can come to continue its expansion. And indeed, many verses that speak of man would go into space when he receives the authority, as-Sultan, or to stock without appropriate the sky, to understand Paradis. What is said however it is not conquest of space as if we were the real masters or we escape before the Apocalypse, as analyzed above.

B-52. 490/11 XLIII The water supply measure from the sky:
"He Who has sent down from heaven water by measure. "

By far, we must of course understand the wisdom of the omnipotent god. But it is also true physically. As the sun temperature is very stable and the rotation of the earth as the amount of water which evaporates and the quantity of water that falls as precipitation is also very stable over the years; or 16,000,000 tons per second. We repeat some explanations so that those who wish to have a clear explanation of these verses without knowing the similar can access them, and we apologize for weighing and the content of our critical review. Our first objective is to be comprehensive in our analysis and positivist critique of the Koran.

B-53. 496/10 XLIV Smoke and earthquakes:
" Well ! Await the day when the sky will bring a visible smoke. "

Earthquakes can produce cracks in the earth's crust and volcanoes, wake up; by that smoke is produced (ash and volcanic gases). Or the dust raised by the fall of an asteroid can explain a kind of cold smoke? The Hijaz region is a highly seismic zone, and find this kind of knowledge at that time in that area should not surprise us. One hadith even evokes the vision of a fire arises from hijaz in Iraq. What is reported by historians, unless the hadith is forged after the event. It would appear to be a magma eruption.

All these things nevertheless require geophysical violent movements. We mentioned in Chapter astronomy lyrics companions about it, who saw an event that occurred in the time of Muhammad. But the Prophet stated that the ten great signs will be realized in the chain.

B-54. 499 / 5.12 to 3 XLV A sign in the distribution of winds - The sea is subject:
"Similarly, in the alternation of night and day, and what God sends down from the sky like living then gives life to the earth after its death, and in the distribution of the winds, there are Signs for people who understand. "" God, it is He who has subjected the sea that the ships may sail through it by His command, and that you may seek of His bounty. "

It is very amusing to note the distribution of winds along the equator in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. We now know that the stability of the sea water is closely linked to the strength and direction of winds. Which also challenge browsers. Not to mention the importance of wind speed and duration of the nights and days etc. We have discussed in Chapter astronomy.

B-55. 501/24 XLV This is not the time killed, this is an illusion:
"And they said, 'They are for us that the life of this world. We die and we live and only time destroys us. ' They have no knowledge of that; they do speculate. "

This philosophical approach of the Qur'an is very appealing. Death is now shown to be programmed by our own metabolism and the time has influence a witness role. It is established that the lifetime is tied to our DNA and the weather plays no role in the process of aging and death. Time is designed eg as a function of the flow of days and nights. However, if the rotation of the Earth changed, we would have shorter or longer days. Time stands still elapse at the same speed, but climate change could accelerate our extinction as a species. The duration of days on other planets is so variable: Mercury rotates on itself in 87.97 Earth days; Venus 224.70 days; Mars 1 year and 321.7 days; Jupiter in 11 years and 314.8 days; Saturn in 29 years and 160.0 days; Uranus in 84 years and 7.4 days and Neptune in 164 years and 280.3 days. As time passes stably throughout the Universe, duration of life and death on these other planets would be no different for us. Existentialist questions exist probably since the birth of man and continue to exist until the end of our species.

B-56. L 518/7 The mountains are rooted in the earth:
"And the earth We have spread and we are firmly pressed the mountains and made grow therein every kind of beautiful plants couples. "

It was verified that the mountains have a large root that their party emerges at the surface, one can actually imagine seeing a huge rock mass of loose soil. Who has not seen a farmer snatch a large rock from the Earth to plow? In fact, the mountains literally float on the mantle of the planet under the law of buoyancy.

A combination of two tectonic plates, or two masses of continental crust, the denser plate slides under the other, and the mountains are crowded along the contact zones. By isostasie the mountain is lifted up, but the most impressive part is incorporated into the mantle. We investigated more fully, moreover, the formation of mountains next to certain extracts from the Koran.

B-57. L 520/44 Earth will be rent asunder:
"The day the earth shall be rent, rejecting hurriedly. "

This too is now recognized and most certainly should be known by the witnesses of the time of Muhammad. During earthquakes sometimes splits in the earth where large tectonic faults reach the surface of the planet.

B-58. 521/20 LI ago on Earth evidence:
"There on earth are signs for those who believe with certainty; as well as yourselves. Will ye not then. "

Life and crystals are among the uncountable wonders of creation. Man uses besides as a source of continuing inspiration and invented the bionic. So do not be religious to see wonders in nature.

The operation of a cell is enough to challenge the most arrogant who deny the existence of a demiurge as religious. Similarly, the structure and function of the human eye alone constitute a challenge for atheists undeniably, if conceived the theory of evolution to explain this so simply. Thousands of chemical reactions oriented to the second in a smaller cell That a grain of sand and a body made of atoms that -l'œil- trafficking and condenses the simple light without disturbing, is sufficient in a fraction of the message he retired to calculate all movements, shapes and colors in an extraordinary way, that's what meditation. Science can never prove the existence of god, and not this feature anyway. But it broadens the horizons of the faithful of the religions of the world, as highlighted in this Qur'anic way.

B-59. 522 / 48-9 LI Changes reliefs and life are related, suggestions evolution to sexual reproduction?
"And the earth We have dotted. We are so good at directing. And of all things, We formed two torque elements. "

The Earth formed by the orientation of asteroids that have littered. And is itself driven in space. In this book the passage establishes a simple link between living beings and their environment. A fact much more important than making a priori seems. According to research in biology, life has evolved with tectonic movements that isolated groups of species to trace their different forms in the evolution of living organisms. The movements also produce new sediments essential for sustaining life on Earth.

Another point which is of great importance for the proliferation of living beings that is also referred to in this passage is sexual reproduction. Animals like the plants have evolved into sexual reproduction which promoted the diversity of life forms. Since the contribution of two genomes for descendants enriched the generation of cash generation.

We have no certainty about the archetypes of plants and animals have evolved these two kingdoms to the privilege of reproducing mainly sexual way. According to paleontological data, each of these forms of living organisms would have adopted sexual reproduction along with other forms of living organisms, allowing stability and current varieties.

B-60. 523 / 5-10 LII The seas will evaporate - Heaven will be a hectic whirl - Mountains quickly walk:
"And by the high vault. And the sea boiled. (.) The day when the sky will be shaken a swirling, and where the mountains will turn on. "

This description of the Koran is striking because it is curiously closer scientific forecasts in several respects. When the sun approaches its end, it will approach the Earth by becoming a red giant, in this 7.67 billion years. Already in 1.6 billion years, the seas and rivers will evaporate into effect in accordance with simplified estimates obtained by the union of research efforts of James Kasting -University of Michigan-Lawrence and Ken Kaldeira -du Livemore laboratory . Both experts made a projection of the likely future warming taking into account known data such as: physical and chemical conditions necessary for life, carbon cycle, the evolution of the sun and volcanism, etc. Thus, we know that the moon is moving away from Earth very slowly. This changes the speed of rotation of the planet. It is possible that in a less distant future, the Earth undergoes, because of this, very high temperatures. The seas will evaporate when the temperature reaches levels up to 100 ° C - this is said by experts as explained above. Understand probably not referring to the role of mountains movements major earthquakes expected to occur in the future, according to several passages of the Koran.

We have already discussed the idea of ​​a swirling sky as it should be understood at the time of Muhammad, we will not return here.

B-61. 525/35 to 6.44 LII The fall of meteorites from space:
"Were they created from nothing, or would they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? (...) And if they see fragments falling from the sky they say - '' Clouds hardened '; So leave them, until they shall swoon. "

This passage also reminds as pieces fall from the sky when objects located around the planet are attracted by its magnetic field and gravity. Fact observed by the 'shooting stars' mentioned in several passages of the Koran. The Qur'an repeatedly returns on this phenomenon. This excerpt from the Koran so readers threat of being struck down by falling pieces of the sky other than hail. A catastrophe of this kind could actually cause by itself most catastrophic events of the end times mentioned in the Qur'an: earthquakes, movement of mountains, visible smoke, crack in the ground, etc.

B-62. 529 / 9-15 LIV The waters of heaven and earth coming together:
". We opened the gates of heaven with water pouring, and We forth the earth sources. The waters met in a -naturel- order which was already declared in one thing. "

We have already explained elsewhere that the design of the water cycle seems rather precise enough in the Qur'an. Here, a link between deep waters and the waters of heaven is established to reinforce the legend of Noah. A phenomenon not so incoherent that it actually. The waters at depths resurface height differences and the waters of the sky to fall as precipitation. The climate that the territories where it rains can change depending on the wind direction, location mountains etc. But from one territory to another, basements may abound more or less water. If rains fall in basements that can swallow more, this water will be more difficult to extract deep unless such a flaw puts the water into the sea etc. Geophysicists believe that rising seas could be explained by the scarcity of rains in the ice sheets that do régénéreraient so fast enough. Their melting increasing the volume of the amount of rainfall seas elsewhere will inevitably increased and soil rengorgés water will overflow. Groundwater sometimes arise violently by vapor explosions. Here, the sacred book evokes a catastrophic flood where the water from the sky and depths will rejoin an original image. We have already emphasized the rational of the Koran against the myth of the universal deluge which does not mention the recovery of mountains or the end of animal species. It may be that the version of the flood of the Koran is that of the Bedouin, most tribes have their own version of this legend.

B-63. 532 / 19-20 LV hydrodynamic barrier:
"He has let free the two seas meeting; there is a barrier between them they do not exceed. You pull the two beads and corals. "

This passage evokes the barriers hydrodynamic pushing fresh water on one side and salt water on the other side where two water masses meet.

Underwater view of the Strait of Gibraltar

A sectional view of the Strait of Gibraltar, each zone has a different degree of salinity. The waters of the Mediterranean plunge into the Atlantic waters and lose by diluting salinity in the Atlantic waters.

Following this passage is also interesting. Because pearls are from both freshwater than saltwater. It is therefore correct that the corals and pearls from the two types of water.

The coral that we believe exist only in the warm waters revealed his presence for centuries in the cold waters, we find particularly Great Barrier Reef to the north-east coast of Australia in the Coral Sea, a sea Pacific Ocean. Studies on the degree of salinity of the water showed that the salinity of the water varies according to the temperature of water, even for some rivers. Corals also exist at the confluence itself from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean along the Iberian Peninsula. A happy coincidence evokes pearls and coral in the two "seas". But it is actually possible to understand that the pearl and coral are found in both seas, but not both in the two types of water. We noted earlier that Arab sailors knew the change in sea water salinity by their navigation beyond the Gulf of Aden.

B-64. 536 / 68-70 LVI Salt water and the greenhouse effect:
"Do you see the water you drink? Is it you who send down from the cloud? Or are we responsible? If we wanted, we would be doing the salt. "

Rain water is desalted by evaporation, the salt stays down and the water rises in altitude being distilled. We read also that water sources are rain-fed, (Cor p.460 / 21 XXXIX.): "Do you not see that God sends down from the sky water, then He sends the springs In the ground. ". These processes have been devised by Saint Augustine before the Koran, this is not so extraordinary. The salt waters of the sea are desalted by evaporation and we come clean on their salt. Rainwater is now a brackish taste of heaven that contains various gases. The chemistry of the atmosphere has changed catastrophically. It would be inconsistent to see these details in the Qur'an, which dates back to the sixth century. It is rather a threat from a God omnipotent.

B-65. 541/25 LVII Iron comes from space:
". And We have sent down iron in which there is a formidable force. "

According to modern astrophysics, iron can not have been produced in the solar system, it must have formed in a giant star to have such atomic mass. Iron in the heart of the planet also comes from the area because the sun can not be produced with its low energy. Maybe we to understand these verses that iron strength comes from heaven? We stopped on that in the section of astronomy.

B-66. 559/12 LXV September Lands inhabited by humanoid species:
"God has created seven heavens and of the earth. In between them, the revelation comes down, so you know that God has power over truth and that God encompasses all things in knowledge. "

This verse speak seven planets inhabited by humans and their fellow prophets Abraham, according to what is reported by Ibn Abbas in the exegesis of the Qur'an, with a reliable source considered as Bayhaqî (384-458 H.) -Specialists Muslim in Hadith Studies and whose word is considered evidence in chaféistes- and takes particular ibn Kathir in his exegesis of the Qur'an. It is therefore a true Muslim tradition. Let us remember that the Qur'an mentions the existence of animal species through the seven heavens (Cor p.486 / 29 XLII.). The literal meaning of this verse also in this direction; the Koran evokes good of life elsewhere. The vastness of the cosmos makes this approach of ibn Kathir by Bayhaqî and going back to Muhammad by the hadiths strong consistent. But it should be noted that this belief in the existence of living beings also has no real philosophical depth.

We must differentiate these seven lands of the seven underground lands also reported by Muslim tradition. Muhammad actually said according to a hadith of al-Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 43, Number 632: Narrated by Said bin Zaid: "The Messenger said," Whoever usurps the property of others unjustly, his neck will be encircled by seven land until the day of resurrection. '". Another original tradition not related to this passage from the Koran, since scientifically the planet is made ​​of layers on top of each other, that until very hot kernel heart of the earth. However, this hadith has an uncanny resemblance to a Hindu Jain belief contained in Tattv? RTHa S? tra (M. 200-400), corresponding morally just to the five main Vows exposed through dialogue between Mahavira (-599 to -527), founder of Jainism, and one of his disciples:
  1. Do not exert violence.
  2. Do not lie.
  3. Do not steal.
  4. Not to commit sex-related impurity.
  5. Do not become materialistic.
The seven infernal lands described metaphorically where the dead suffer increasingly are named in the Tattvartha Sutra: 1) Ratnaprabha, 2) Sharkaraprabha, 3) Balukaprabha, 4) Pankaprabha, 5) Dhamaprabha, 6) Tamahprabha and 7) Mahatamahprabha . When the followers of Muhammad arrived in India they treated Hindus as a people like the Jews and Christians who received a book but having gone astray. The temples were kept and they were not mistreated for their religion because Islam forbids forced conversion: (II Cor. 256): "There is no compulsion in religion. ". However the massacres of Hindus by the Turkish conquerors was one of the bloodiest in history.

B-67. 564/30 LXVII And if the water sank into the depths of the earth.
"Say: 'Have you considered if your water was absorbed deep within the Earth, which then can supply you source of water?'. "

This fear was probably haunt many Arab nomads in search of a single drop of water. This actually happened on Mars and could have happened on Earth too. According to a discovery of Japanese geologists, water is constantly submerged in the subduction zones. The amount of water absorbed in subduction zones would still be higher than the amount recovered by other geophysical mechanisms: volcanism, geysers etc. Indeed, Shigenori Maruyama, a Japanese scientist working at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, has addressed the issue of loss of water in the direction of magma in subduction zones. In fact, the amount of water absorbed along these areas by minerals like lawsonite fact that dipping in another tectonic plate, a certain amount of water is gradually lost. According to the Japanese researcher, the amount of water that resurfaces from the depths and the contribution of meteorites would be less than the amount that is lost. According to estimates, the oceans would yield 1.12 billion tons of water per year to the mantle. While the quantity of water arising from the depths of the coat was 0.23 billion tons. According to these calculations, it would take 1 billion years for all surface water is lost in the mantle, as suggested in fear this passage from the Koran. Date far enough away that we are not threatened.

B-68. 566/44 LXVIII The end of time:
"Let me therefore with those who treat My signs of lies; We will gradually lead them where they do not know! "

Regardless of any eschatology, the end of the world is waiting now based on scientific data. The man will probably be one of the elements will begin the end of his own species. Climatic disturbances are for example the result of our own greed and recklessness. We studied elsewhere verses and hadiths that announce that falls asteroid would cause to the chain and gradually cataclysmic disturbances, earthquakes, smoke covering the whole sky, land subsidence, desertification, etc. That really likely to happen, and which are threats that the Koran is true surprising. However, even if these threats could actually take place, it is not certain that man has managed & `cause its own end well before.

B-69. 580 / 8-11 LXXVII sprayed Mountains end of the sun:
"When will the stars be erased; and the sky will split, and though the mountains are blown away. "

The stars that are located far into space let in spacetime a bright trace of their existence that continues to spread even after they come to an end. The image of the Qur'an is very beautiful and mysteriously suggests this phenomenon. This extinction is due to the fact that the light produced by the stars continues its long way in space at a speed of 300,000 km per second - the speed of light. So when a star dies, its image continues to exist in space until the light reaches us it has clear: after which it disappears -a bit like what is suggested in this verse. Contrary to old beliefs, the Qur'an does not describe the fall of the stars on Earth but their extinction, their transformation into dust. Which corresponds in fact to modern expectations.

The groups of galaxies move away from each other to form separate spaces, and the Universe "to tear" of the sort. Later in time, black hole fall apart and disperse of matter in space-time of our universe. We have already said elsewhere that although the description of the Qur'an seems evoke this gravitational tear, it is probably necessary to understand the extinction of the stars in the sky which present the kinds of cracks. Because the regions of the universe beyond the Milky Way were simply ignored in the time of Muhammad.

The mountains should probably undergo violent shaking during earthquakes that are mentioned in other verses, which would cause their destruction dust. What is far from scientific forecasts made in the late mountains. According to scientific data, in the future, the sun will come closer to Earth by magnifying to become a red giant and solar winds will attack the mountains of the planet. They will later literally melt under the intense heat from the sun that will raise the temperature on Earth as to cause the molten rock and evaporating seas, that over millions of years. By gravity, the surface of the planet will be smooth and look like a vast ocean without lava mound and without recesses. After that, the sun will begin to shrink and allow the Earth to cool. We developed fracking theory of tectonic plates at the above subduction zones. We are back more.

B-70. 582 / 6-7 LXXVIII The mountains have roots planted in the ground:
"Have We not made the earth a bed, and the mountains as pegs. "

The mountains have a good root, according to geologists. The fact to find such information in the Qur'an is yet again so shocking in itself. A man of average culture can very well imagine that this huge mass sinks into the earth in depth, such as large rocks torn by farmers to plow their land. The root of a mountain nevertheless about 20 times the size of the visible portion and makes stable mountain. Remarkably nonetheless, the Qur'an establishes a relationship between the mountains and earthquakes that do not in other beliefs according to our research. Professor F. Press is surely one of the most prominent geologists to scientifically confirm that the mountains act as stability of the earth's crust. See also verses: and (Cor LXXIX / 32.) And the explanations given to their subjects (Cor LXXVII / 27.) (Cor LXXVIII / 7.).

The land forms a bed of various sediments and rocks at foot of the mountains. It spreads by erosion of rocks on the surface of the tectonic plates and forms a crust layer named by geologists. In deserts, the movements of the earth as a bed in the foothills enable us to picture the design Muhammad on reading the Koran.

B-71. 584/31 LXXIX The water emerged from the depths of the Earth:
"And on Earth, after that He spread; He made it out of its water and its pasture. "

In fact, the earlier arrival water on Earth from space would be surfacing in the form of hydrogen and oxygen & `not to resume the form of liquid water at room temperature. It was to play a role in the tectonics plates. Meeting all matter on Earth by meteor and asteroid collisions melted and the elements have suffered a d &'cantation, heavier down the heart of the planet (iron and nickel) and the lighter back surface. And water came out of the depths of the Earth in the form of hydrogen and oxygen before plate tectonics, it has played a role in cooling the Earth's surface and plays a key role, now studied in geophysics, in tectonics. The Quran says in this passage so that the water would be sprung from the depths of the Earth. Yet we read that plants also came out of the Earth.

The organic material discovered in mass on Titan and is composed of tholins (= mud), contains extremely complex molecules diluted in water yield amino acids. They would be produced from methane rising from volcanoes. If true, the earth vegetation and its predecessors, the old cyanobacteria over 3.5 billion years capable of photosynthesis would have arisen from the depths of the earth as water rises in the form of hydrogen and Oxygen: "And on Earth, after that He spread; He made ​​it out of its water and its pasture. ". The water arrived on Earth from space has been removed from the depths of the Earth as well as the material of living creatures that populate the Earth. It is remarkable that life appeared on Earth during that powerful volcanic phenomena are acted according to geologists.

B-72. 584 / 31-2 LXXIX Water preceded the mountains:
"He made out of it -the New- its water and its pasture; And the mountains (current), they anchored them. "

The Quran suggests the water before the mountains in this passage. This is yet intuitive coincidence wonders in the Qur'an. Indeed, it is necessary that water exists on Earth to generate tectonics and then mountains can form and then slow down and anchor. The underground magma surface needs lots of water to form graphite in the crust, for without water it is unlikely. Earth was even a quasi-sphere (almost) entirely covered with water there is this several billion years. By studying zircons we checked that water existed on Earth at a very early time, to only 100 million years after its formation. John Valley, the University of Wisconsin of the United States has regained the old zircons from 4.3 billion years to Jack mountains north of Perth, Australia. The ancestors of unicellular plants were the oldest found is an algae (cyanobacteria) dated to more than 2.8 billion years. In fact in the southwest of Greenland, and Isua Akilia, sedimentary rocks whose study revealed that the proportions of 12C and 13C have been found that suggest photosynthetic activity credibly already to 3.85 billion d years.

Much of the earth's crust could be formed from the collision of the planet that now form the moon, there is this 4.53 billion years. Continents due form from 4.40 billion years. We studied supra how mountains are formed. Next Hervé Martin, a geochemist at the University of Clermont-Ferrant, we have rocks as old as 4 billion years but before that we have nothing, that zircons.

B-73. 591/11 LXXXVI The sky which returns?

"By the sky which returns! And by the earth which splits (germination). "

We read many dhat er-radj 'with the word radj' derived from the word rudjû 'meaning return, return. Tabari interprets this passage from aprrsquo; water rises in altitude `` font-weight: normal Abd Allah ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and Dahhak like training tirelessly clouds and rain in the sky. The atmosphere under the influence of a field of attraction that makes the objects that are in a close perimeter of the land do not escape from it. The clouds, birds and many things fail to go this way. The water evaporates and rises on earth comes to this kind of water the earth as precipitation, as stipulated in this passage. A significant phenomenon that is mentioned by ancient scholars, heaven is described as bringing back the rain to men according Tabari.

B-74. 599 / 1-5 XCIX Earthquake: Earth geological and biological telling his story by revealing its contents:
"When the earth will shake with a violent earthquake, and the earth will come out of her his burden, and that man will say 'she has.', That day she will tell her story. "

It probably understand that the dead arise from Earth. In fact, this is almost surreal because it would in fact that the movements of the Earth that make resurface gapes rocks and dust and gases are escaping from great depths that would indeed specialists to better understand the geological history of the planet; and who in resurrecting fossils, allow paleontologists to better understand its history as a geomorphological point of view of a paleontological point of view. Basements hide traces of the history of the Earth.

B-75. 601 / 3-4 CV Gravitational acceleration:
"... And sent them birds in flocks, which pelted them with stones of baked clay. "

If you launch an object very high, it becomes so heavy it by touching the Earth could even pierce the carapace of a turtle. Vultures chasing this way had to be known in the time of Muhammad. Some raptor species use this physical law to kill their prey.

Al-Kindi (H. 179- 251) studied body drop before Isaac Newton (1642-1727 M.), even if he has not had success at the time.

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