samedi 22 août 2015

IX. The Qur'an as Premassoreratical Source

A. The Qur'an As Premassoretical Source of Information

In this article, we will support the stories of the Qur'an contains many archaisms prémassorétiques Israelites [1] that reinforce the historical-critical and archaeological credibility of these stories, where the Hebrew Bible stories Masoretic reorganized so erudite moved away stories primitive. We will show that the Qur'an differs from the version of the biblical stories of the ancients, by anchoring unexpectedly in the reconstructed history through historical-critical and archaeological resources.

A-1. The Qur'an Criticism Scrolls Bible:

The Qur'an contains many historical allusions about the contemporary work of standardizing Masoretes Torah scrolls and rearranging texts by segmenting and sorting, and is clearly echo the Cohanim of Yathrib. Holders, according to the study of Jewish stories reported by medieval chroniclers Muslims, an own version that escaped scholarly replay-apparently first written in proto-Canaanite written, from exile Babylon [2]. According to Henrich Graetz [3], the Jews of Arabia claimed to have heard about their fathers that during the destruction of the first temple by Nebuchadnezzar II, Jewish fugitives had taken refuge in the north of Arabia. The historian maintains that it may, during the reign of the Judean kings, the Israelites have browsers may have been attracted by Ophin, gold country, and have established trading posts in southern Arabia (Yemen, Himyar, Saba) at Mariba and Sanaa, to trade with the Indies, and that they have founded colonies.Graëtz maintains that it is beyond doubt that the Jews fleeing the Romans sank into the peninsula 'Arabian island, to form three tribes: the banu Nadir, the banu banu Qoraida and Nakdal, the first two were descended from Aaron and were called Cohanim (Alkahinani). The apparent ambiguity of the position of the screws Quran -to-vis the Torah RECOGNIZING his divine authority and commander the children of Israel to comply, while accusing some of distorting the meaning of the verses to keep away from their original meaning, can be explained perfectly when we know that the Masoretes were the canonization of work at the time of writing the Koran, on the existing consonantal support. Thus, in the Qur'an, we own versions of stories of endemic Cohanim of Yathrib prémassorétiques it's interesting to submit to historical criticism and modern method based on archeology, anthropology and other new ways.

Above a representation of the Gezer calendar, dates back to around the XES BC, written in proto-Canaanite, a language related to Biblical Hebrew. Without doubt the oldest written version of the Torah must have been lying in this writing from the ninth or the VIII.

A-2. The Words Are Moved Their Limits:

ي حرف ون الكلم عن مواضعه ونسوا حظا مما ذكروا به
(Cor. 5:13)
"They broke the words of their location and forget a part of which was sent to them."

The above verse states very explicitly misappropriation of the meaning of words and the reorganization of entries made ​​at the time of the Prophet in the writings of Masoretes, standardization already started by soferim and amoraim in the past for triage of canonical texts. The term يحرفو derives the harp root meaning the idea of edge corner. We find this word in the verse (22.11) as follows: "ومن الناس من الله على يعبد حرف" which means "some adoren t Allah at the margin (the edge)". Allowing us to understand the meaning of the verse (5.13) supra. It is understood that the verses are segmented into words in different ways. To emphasize that added the old signs |. The primary text to signal segmentation letters separate words by moving the terminal words to obteAnir other plausible meaning [4]

It is unlikely that this statement comes from the mind Muhammad, but it is rather an echo of the Israelites of Yathrib who held midrashim and rollers having escaped the Babylonian scholars rereading close as consonantal text (by modulating the segmentations and reorganizing paragraphs) to Mesopotamian myths leading to many anachronisms not beyond historical criticism. The coincidence anachronisms and historical-critical dating drafting the current text with exile reflects the importance reinterpretations after the exile of work on the canonical version Alexandrian Hebrew and used the point of grip Masoretes and targums from the paleographic investigations.

Above the scheme of filiation palaeographic biblical codex.
LXX Septuagint / Mt: Massorah

A-3. The Forgotten Rollers:

(Cor 5.13.): "They change words from their meaning and forget a part of what was sent them."

Similarly, the forgotten texts mentioned in verse (5.13) is not a simple idea without merit, but is verified during a rigorous paleographic reading the Bible. Regarding these forgotten books evoked the Quran we find references in the Bible-even books that are not there; Here are the places where the Bible mentions the sacred books that we found are: (Numbers, 21: 14): "As it is written in the Book of Yahweh wars: Vaheb near Red sea and the torrent Arnon and the slope the ravine etc. ". But the Book of Yahweh wars is not found as this quoted passage. We find references to other books. The Book of Jaschar: (Joshua 10: 13) &. (2 Samuel, 1: 18) The Fifteen and Proverbs of Solomon songs on creatures etc. (1 Kings, 4: 32-33). The words of Nathan (2 Chronicles, 9: 29). The history of Uzziah: 2 Chronicles; 26: 22). The history of Hezekiah & The Acts of Hezekiah (2 Chronicles, 32: 32). Songs for Josiah (2 Chronicles, 35: 25). The Book of the signs of the times: (Nehemiah; 12: 23).

The New Testament mentions things in reference to ancient writings that are still not found, the following are examples: (Epistle of St. Jude: 9, 14); (Hebrews 12: 21); (2 Timothy 3: 8); (Acts; 7: 22-28) etc. The Bible confirms that some of the scriptures was knowingly hidden is lost or forgotten. This shows that Muhammad did not invent this criticism, but criticism of scholars joined them Jews.

A-4. Some Forgent Faux Writings:

(Cor 3.78.): "And there are among them who distort their languages ​​by reading the book to make you think it is from the Book, whereas it is not the Book , and they say, "This is from God" when he does not come from God, they knowingly tell lies against God. ".
This shows that the Prophet Muhammad did not recognize all rolls up like the prophets. As supported by Marie Thérèse Urvoy, it seems that the Prophet wanted to establish a clean Canon [5].

(Cor 2.75.): "Well, do you expect [Muslims] that such people (the Jews) you share the faith? While a group of them, having heard and understood God's word, the knowingly falsified.

"A-5. A Prosecution Contained in the Bible:

Jeremiah himself would have written long before Muhammad: "How can you say, we are wise and the Torah of God is with us? While the chisel lying scribes has made ​​it a lie? "(Jeremiah 8: 8). While the lost tribes of Israel whose track is lost over the books of the Old Testament, the Israelites asserting descendants of Aaron in Arabia, in Yathrib would escape the Babylonian exile fleeing their land time of the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar, even at the time of Jeremiah. They hold an archaic canon prémassorétique whose Koran echoes therefore an historical-critical track very interesting.

B. The Story of Abraham

Read the article here: Abraham, Minimalist Thesis.

C. The Qur'anic story of Jacob:

C-1. A Different Story of Jacob:

As for the rest, the Koran is a very distant story of the installation of the Israelites in Egypt. Jacob making a King, and depicting events parabibliques comforted by archeology as for the rest of the points of divergence.

Egyptian Cartouche scarrabée mentioning the Canaanite King Ya'qob Har.

C-2. Nine Doors Misr at the Time of Jacob:

(Cor 12.67.): "And he -Jacob- said, 'O my son did not enter by one gate, but rather enter through separate doors."

As Joseph had asked his son to come more, a fear that had seized Jacob would have recommended them to enter through separate doors. There were actually up 9 gates to the city of Misr on the date given by the Bible. It is therefore quite likely that the son of Jacob be thus separated to go Misr. Egypt was protected by nine gates symbolized by new arcs on which royal power was built. We can therefore anticipate there domination in Egypt interpreting Joseph's dream about the stars, moon and stars bowed down. The sun is the same in dreams, also a King according ibn Sirin (H. 34-110). We will return to this particular version of the Koran.

C-3. Question of the Period of Wheat Jacob

(Cor 12.74.): "They (the servants of Joseph) said: 'We seek the great King Cup Charging a workhorse who will bring it and I am responsible.."

The Qur'an mentions indeed no wheat in this context, contrary to the Bible. But wheat will be introduced to Egypt than to the lives BCE.

C-3. 1. Becoming a Noble Joseph in Egypt:

(Cor 12.78.): "They said, O noble, it has a very aged father, so take one of us in his place."

This would be an important first rank in Egypt for son Jacob. The rhythm of floods and flooding was Seven, but the king Hyksos (hékha Khawset, foreign princes in ancient Egyptian) perhaps unaware as he was not a pharaoh. By interpreting the dream as usual, Joseph was he appreciated the Hyksos king who gave him great power over all Egypt?

C-4. Jacob Does he become King and he Dispose of royalty in Egypt?

(12.100 to 1 Cor.): "And he raised his parents upon the throne and they fell prostrate before him and said,.. 'O my father! This is the interpretation of my dream of old God has indeed well done. ";" O My Lord, You have given me the kingdom and taught me the interpretation of dreams. "

Bust of Ya'qub Har, Canaanite king of Egypt.

According to the interpretation of dreams, the sun must be interpreted in the culture Semitic by royalty. The prostration of the sun is perhaps a sign of what Jacob would become King and bow down before Joseph and his -lune- mom and his brothers, the stars; read (Genesis 22: 17). Moreover, a similar passage appears in the biblical version, but the ascent to the throne there is a climb on a throne other than royalty. In the Koran, it seems clear that it is the throne of the kingship. And history as well as the rest of the Koran should attest he seems. According to the Bible, Jacob settles on a throne and then "Pharaoh" (we are perhaps in the reign of the first Hyksos kings who have not yet adopted the title of their newly evicted enemies) dies and another "pharaoh" replaces. The Qur'an says elsewhere, more specifically, that God would have granted the kingship of Israel son; (. Cor p.111 / 20 V): "Remember when Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Remember the blessing of God upon you when he appointed prophets among you. And He made ​​you Kings. And He gave you what He had not given to any other among the. ". The title of Har Ya'qub was found among the writings of this particular period, still an interesting coincidence. Clearly, Jacob may have existed historically and become king in Egypt between -1700 and -1622 in the fifteenth Hyksos dynasty as King [6]. Jacob could probably have been already aged about fifty years old when he arrived in Egypt after his twelve son. There would have reigned 68 years and had to die at a great age, but not unique to him nearly 128 years. One approach compared to the version of the Qur'an and modern archeology.

C-5. Neurosis Jacob to the loss of Joseph Hysterical Blindness Causing her and her hyperosmia:

(Cor. 12: 93-97): "'Take my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father: he will recover sight And bring me all your family.' And when the caravan crosses the. limit, their father said: 'I detected, of course, the smell of Joseph, even if you say that I delirium they said to him.' By Allah there you well in your perpetual delirium 'Then when the good news came bearer. he applied it [the shirt] on the face of Jacob It recovered [immediately] view, and said. 'Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you know not? 'They said: "O our father, implore for us the remission of our sins we were truly at fault.'".

We have already discussed the issue of eye of Jacob to the disappearance of Joseph. And stressed that cases of hysterical blindness occurred following great emotional shocks are real. As also the description of Jacob as delusional by his family reinforces this thesis. Furthermore, the fact that Jacob feels the smell of Joseph before other family members shows that he suffered from hyperosmia. Another clinical signs related to his painful emotional state.

C-6. Covering the View Jacob hearing that Joseph is alive.

The recovery of sight Jacob heard that Joseph is alive is like the signature of authenticity of this story, confirming that it is obviously not a development of the mind, but the memory of a real historical event. Thus, it is a priori improbable story to actually remember an authentic brand, consolidating the authenticity of the story of Jacob, premise miraculous reign in Egypt.

D. The Story of The Flight of the Children of Israel in the Wilderness

The whole life and all religious rites of ancient Egypt revolved around Niles literally constituted the backbone of this civilization.

D-2. Pharaoh Supposed to Ensure Good Floods:

In fact, it was the Pharaohs who were supposed to promote the mercy of the gods (ancestors actually, the pharaohs were held divine descendants). To this end, a variety of highly sophisticated rituals were organized, such as processions symbolizing the journey of Pharaoh to the gods to favor their clemency.
"O! Chosen and valiant workers, I know your hands for me carve my many monuments. Oh! You who love cutting precious stones of all kinds, which penetrate into the granite and attach to the quartzite, [men] brave and powerful when building monuments, thanks to you I can decorate all the temples I will lift throughout their duration. I Meriamon Ramses, one that allows the younger generation to grow by making them live. I pourvoirai your needs in every way, so you will work for me from a loving heart.

"(Stele dating back to VIII of Ramses II located in Heliopolis.)

D-3. The Ten Plagues As Bad Floods Denying Pharaoh:

This is beyond the Bible, which made ​​bad flood miraculous wounds ... But the Qur'an which contains prémassorétiques versions of the story of the Israelites does mention these say these wounds words ...

(7-130-133 Cor.): "We have experienced Pharaoh's people with years of drought and shortness of fruits so that they remember and. When good befell them, they said:" This is due to us "; and if evil afflicted them, they saw Moses and those who were with him an ominous Truly their fate depends only from Allah but most of them do not know and they said.?. "Whatever sign you bring us to bewitch us, we will not believe in you." We sent on them the flood, locusts, lice (or grill), frogs and blood as clear signs, but they swelled with pride and remained a criminal people. "

Thus, the Quran states that good flood were called by members of the royal Pharaoh as the consequence of their intercession with the gods. While the wounds become a test of Pharaoh's authority by floods and famines casting doubt on its capacity to attract the mercy of the gods.

Here is the post-canonical version Masoretic:

(Exodus 7: 15-25). "Go to Pharaoh in the morning; he goes out to the water, and you present yourself in front of him on the river thou take in your hand the rod which was turned to a serpent, and say to Pharaoh, The LORD God of the Hebrews hath sent me unto you, to tell you: Let my people go, that they may serve me in . And this is the desert, until now you have not listened Thus saith the Lord: In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD.. I will strike the waters of the river with the rod that is in my hand; . and they shall be turned to blood And the fish that are in the river shall die, the river shall stink, and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink water from the river. The LORD said to Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy staff and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt. upon their rivers, over their streams, over their ponds, and all their water clusters They become blood: and there shall be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone. Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded. Aaron lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh and under sight of his servants; and all the river waters were turned to blood. And the fish that were in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink the river water, and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt . And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments. Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said. Pharaoh turned and went into his house; and he did not even take this to heart. All the Egyptians dug around the river for water to drink; for they could not drink water from the river. He passed seven days after that Jehovah had smitten the river. "(Exodus 8: 2-3; 6-7; 12-15):"

Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. And the magicians did so with their enchantments. They brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt. (...) He said, To morrow. And he said, This will be so, that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the LORD our God. The frogs shall depart from you and your houses and your servants and your people; They shall remain in the river. (...) And the Lord said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust of the earth. It may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And they did so. Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth; and it became lice on man and on animals. All the dust of the earth became lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And the magicians with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not. Lice were on men and animals. And the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.

"-> As about the alleged slavery to build huge monuments interpreted by biblical scholars and scribes, the mastery of the magic of Pharaoh's priests are taken into credible comptepour the ten plagues. But the original version of the Koran binds the wounds tell the bad floods and binds to the contrary with good raw Pharaoh's claim to ensure and provide food and servants of the tribes temples.

D-4. Everything was going to Canaan under Ramses II:

The members of the royal family that still prevailed in Canaan feared a setback as at the time of the Hyksos who came out of Canaan had dominated the empire:

(. Cor 7.109 to 112): "The chiefs of Pharaoh's people said," This is indeed an accomplished magician. He wants to expel you from your land "-" So what you order.? "They said," Let him wait, he and his brother, and send gatherers in the cities, which will bring you all warned magician ".

-> Canaan was then part of Egypt. The uprisings in the eastern region of Egypt were a historic strategic location. The Qur'an differs from the version of the Biblical slavery and addresses the issue of uprisings as a claim of autonomy that many verses endorse.

On the map to the left, the borders of the Egyptian empire to the Ramesside period. We see that Canaan and the Sinai is under Egyptian control and domination. Confirming the Koranic version of the exodus, and overturning the theory of the leak in the Sinai desert. On the right, the body of Ramses II, the pharaoh of the Exodus.

(Cor 7.107.): "And the notables of the people of Pharaoh said," Will you leave Moses and his people to make mischief in the land, and himself abandon thee and thy gods? "He said," We will kill their son and let live their women. We will have over them and will dominate. "

-> This massacre to dominate the land of Canaan is mentioned on the stele of Merenptah. The désertement the region found by archaeological excavations coincides with the writing.

D-5. Moses Request Leaving the Territory of surcharges due to Cause Flooding In Bad:

But Moses came to ask Pharaoh to let them go into the wilderness.

(Cor 7.104 to 105.) And Moses said: "O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the Universe, I have to say about Allah except the truth I have come to you with a proof of. from your Lord. Let me therefore from the Children of Israel."-> This leak is a desperate resort facing the massacres.

As reported in Israel Finkelstein in The Bible Unearthed, the inhabitants of the region lived in part of argiculture (mentioned in the Koran) and other parts of sheep and goat farming in the Bedouin way. The archaeologist points out that the Ottoman period, the inhabitants of the region overtaxed came to the desert to resettle them once the situation became favorable. Thus, the period of the massacres mentioned on the stele of Merenptah coincides with the end of the Canaan depopulation, while in Iron I highlands are reoccupied by the same people that protoisraélites Finkelstein highlights culturally as identical as their pottery and material traces except that during the relocation pigs have lost their occupations websites [4].

. D-6 Clashes Magicians A Festive Occasion of the Parties:

At festivals, magicians clashed in front of the crowd to impress, and Moses offered signs and was invited to such a confrontation with Pharaoh's magicians-scholars. But Moses was over.

(Cor 20, 57-60.) "He said, 'Have you come to us, O Moses, to make us leave our land by your magic We surely bring you magic like Fixed between us and you a?. appointment which neither we nor you shall not fail in a suitable place 'Moses said.'. Your appointment is the day of the party and let the people gather in the morning 'So Pharaoh. , retired. Then he gathered his plan then came (to visit). "

D-7. Supporting Moses Pharaoh Raille not Have Crossed the God of Moses in the Naos

Angered by bad flood, Pharaoh would have mocked Moses, saying, ignored in the post-Masoretic Bible:

(Cor 28.38.): "Pharaoh said:" O notables, I do not know of any god for you besides myself Haman, kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a great monument might. be then I go up to the God of Moses. I rather think that it is of the liars. "

-> Ramses II made complete the pillared hall of the temple of Amun at Karnak. To make a symbolic procession in the sky and visit the gods to arrive at Amon implore good raw. This celestial journey really existed at the time, and was well connected to the intercession of the gods for good raw. It is noteworthy that the pharaohs were a long procession symbolizing the boat trip to the shrine and meet the gods to cross the road and beg them for good raw. Thus, Ramses would in the Koran taunted Moses, saying that despite its monuments allowing access to heaven, he never crossed the god of Moses is supposed cause of bad floods.

D-8. The Massacre of the Israelites in Canaan Dogs:

The Koran holds the same, the killing of male Israelites by Pharaoh, drain land they had inherited. [4]

(Cor 2.49.): "And [remember] when We delivered you from Pharaoh's people, who subjected you to severe torment, slaying your son and sparing your women.

"(Cor 7.141.):" (Remember) when We rescued you from Pharaoh's people who were afflicting you with dreadful torment, killing your son and sparing your women This was a great trial from your Lord "...

(Cor 28.4.):" Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and divided into clans its people, oppressing the weakness of one of them, slaughtering their son and letting their women live he was one of the corrupters. ".

Earliest mention of Israel founded by archeology, dating from Year VI of the reign of Merenptah.
A line 7 below desssus, raised in the list of people destroyed and submitted it says Israel is destroyed, it n has more seed (male).

D-9. Flee the Israelites Canaan Whose Will they Inherit Forty Years Late addition:

Similarly, when the children of Israel crossing Canaan fuyèrent he seems to get to the Jordan desert of Arabia. They fled over-exploitation and over-taxes.

(Cor 7.137.): "And the people who were oppressed, We did inherit the eastern and western regions of the earth which We have blessed."

(Cor 26.59.): "This is how we made ​​them out of their treasures and their magnificent stay Yes, it was so, and we them. We gave an inheritance to the Israelites."

-> This is as clear as the page footnote refers to Kazimirski this erroneous comment: (Voy Chapter II, 58, note...) When we consult this reference we read the same; "This passage and verse 59, chap. XXVI, where the Israelites are supposed to return to Egypt, is one of those anachronism whose Koran is full, and perfectly set the extreme ignorance of the Arab prophet."

-> The certainty that the Qur'an can only be wrong here still leading to a judgment error implausible. Since Canaan was indeed an Egyptian region and that it has been left under the massacres reported in the Merenptah stele in his name and returned to Canaan once the territory lost by the pharaohs (under Ramses III) [3] .

The diagram above shows the deep consistency that emerges in the background of the Qur'anic version of
the flight from Egypt of the Israelites, which corresponds chronologically with the facts established in the region
Canaan between the end of the reign of Ramses II and reimplantation proto-Israelites in the highlands from around -1150 BCE.

D-10. Manna, Quails and twelve Sources Providential In the Desert:

(Cor 2.57. & 60): "And We covered it you from the shadows of a cloud and sent down to you manna and quails: -'Mangez of the good things We have provided for you. ' . Not to us that they made ​​the wrong but themselves (...) And when Moses asked for water for his people, that is when We said: - 'Strike the rock with your staff. 'And suddenly, twelve springs gushed, and certainly each group knew which drink is -.' Eat and drink of what God gives you, and sow not land on disorders such abettors of disorder. '.

"The story of the manna and quail are also exaggerated in the popular imagination, but is consistent with the context. Indeed, the fact that the bad floods have destabilized Egypt with what will become the ten plagues of Judaism later, the memory of the manna and quail in the desert, and the providence of twelve springs testifies the joy of the Israelites fled to discover that food. This is even more likely that the Israelites lived in the desert for forty years pastors.

The existence of the manna in the desert is indeed founded as quail, and the story that becomes a supernatural event in the Bible is simply a providence as mentioned in the Qur'an in the verse above. The scene of the stick and rock, anything presented as a revelation seems to evoke a coïcidence, which may reflect the idea of the mysterious power of the stick of Moses which evokes the supernatural powers scepters ouas in Ancient Egypt.

D-11. Complaints To The Food Of Children of Israel:

(Cor 2.61.): "And remember when you said to Moses. 'We can not tolerate a single food so beseech thy Lord for it to do us out of the land what it does push, its vegetables, its cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils and its onions! ' - He answered you: 'Do you change the better for the worse? Go down to Egypt; there are out there that you ask.' The humiliation and misery fell upon them, and they incurred the Wrath of God because they disbelieved That God's revelations, and killed the Nabis without rights. ".

The unfamiliar with the Bible story see this complaint nothing extraordinary. Yet the Koranic version of fundamentally differs from the biblical account as the rest of the story of the escape of the Israelites in the desert during the massacres in Canaan. Before proceeding, also include the version complaints following the Bible.

You can see drawings of onions on this Egytpte Old drawing.

(Exodus 16: 3): "The son of Israel said to them:" Oh, it would have been better die at the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh-pots, when we ate bread to the full! You have brought out into this desert to starve this entire assembly of the people! "

Foods (vegetables, cucumbers, garlic, lentils and onions) are not mentioned in the Bible, yet it turns out that they are all grown in Egypt at the relevant time. This may seem like a coincidence, or, on the contrary, the Bible contains anachronisms mentioning at this time horses, wheat and spelled that are introduced into Egypt from the VII BCE and are anachronistic for time of the flight from Egypt.

Indeed, cucumbers and vegetables are in Egyte existing at the time of Merenptah. Garlic was used for making bread fayesh Pharaoh offered to workers and onion was used in rituals as evidenced by the writings of the time.

D-12. Small Number of fugitives:

(Cor 10.83.): "No one believed in Moses except a group of young men of his people., Fearing that Pharaoh and their notable Verily, Pharaoh was beautiful on earth and he was of the extravagant.

"(Cor 26,60.)" Then Pharaoh sent gatherers in cities: 'It is actually a small band, but they irritate us, while we are all vigilant.' Thus, we Fimes-out of gardens and springs, treasures and a pleasant place to stay. It was so, and We bestowed the inheritance to the children of Israel. At sunrise, they followed them. "

This may seem trivial, but as for the rest can not come from the imagination of the Arab prophet. Since the biblical narrative is clearly inconsistent. Since the Bible gives the following account:

(Exodus 12: 37-38): "The children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth numbering about six hundred thousand men on foot, beside children. A multitude of people went up also with them; they also had huge herds of sheep and oxen.

"Such people can not be in many ways, starting with the horse in the desert and slowing the leak, but also the difficulty to feed such crowd in the desert. Not to mention the fact that the Bible is the leak in the Sinai that intensive excavations have absolutely categorically overturned. But in addition, the number of sites before Canaan -1150 is much too low and joined the Qur'anic version as the rest of the exodus story.

D-13. Desrcirption Canaan Flee who Va Be Inherited by the Israelites

(Cor 26,60.) "Then Pharaoh sent gatherers in cities: 'These are actually a small band, but they irritate us, while we are all vigilant. 'Thus, we Fimes-out of gardens and springs, treasures and a pleasant place to stay. It was so, and We bestowed the inheritance to the children of Israel. At sunrise, they the continued. "

The Qur'an describes the area as an agricultural area, with wells. And especially states that it is the promised and blessed area is the site of the leak because of the violence of Pharaoh. Similarly, the ease Pharaoh subdue the uprisings corresponds with the writings of the time. . Since according to the contemporary accounts, a small group was enough to quell uprisings supported as in this passage from the Koran

Moreover, the Qur'an is another description of the biblical account for cities around the Nile:

(Cor. 53, 51 & 53-54): "And Pharaoh proclaimed to his people: 'O my people, the Kingdom of Egypt not belong to me? As its canals flowing at my feet? Do observez- you not? ' "Indeed, the Nile countries was organized with a rich network of canals.
While Canaan was an agricultural place with wells where it was necessary to draw water mechanically.

D-14. Pharaoh's power and bracelet Gold:

(Cor 53, 53-54.) "Why did he do we not launched gold bracelets? Why powers (ma'lak) did not accompany it?

This passage from the Koran, also absent from the Bible also consistent with the symbolism of gold in Ancient Egypt and Pharaoh bracelets symbolizing his earthly power and divine .

Above gold bracelet of Ramses II, confirming the verse above and the remark of it to Moses.

D-15. The Haman and Heavenly Processional Monument at Karnak:

(. Cor 28,38): "Pharaoh said:" Ye chiefs, I do not know of any god for you other than myself. Haman, kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a monument to I reach the god of Moses. I really think he is a liar. "

(Cor 40.36.): "Pharaoh said:" O Haman, Build me a high residence: as I climb through the channels The channels of heaven, to raise myself god of Moses? But I think that it really is a liar "

As mentioned above, this missing story of the Bible is in connection with the processional ritual in Ancient Egypt when Pharaoh was a symbolic procession through the Naos to meet the gods, virtually crossing the thresholds of the sky and meet the gods. Better, Ramses II was completed at the time the pillared hall of the temple of Amun at Karnak answers prayers. In the ritual in this temple, Ramses had to pass between pairs of columns symbolizing the thresholds of the sky to reach the holy of holies and find the statue of Amon to implore good flooding: a function that Moses put into question due to poor floods. As for the rest, it is unlikely that this story comes from the imagination of Muhammad and context very clearly with the time of a moving way.

Temple of Amon who accepts prayers at Karnak. Ramses II was complete the pillared hall, to make its virtual celestial procession to meet the celestial gods.

Another detail, the command to Haman to fire on the clay to launch a site that evokes the use of time to burn palm trees on the clay soil used in the manufacture of cement. It is question of fire on the clay and not clay on fire as often misunderstood by some commentators.

The name of Haman is the same as recorded at the time in Egypt at the relevant time with a period as written inscription: "head stones quarries of workers" [8].

Another amazing fact, that the Quran attributes the character of Haman various functions such as the management of the works or the directions of military troops, a feature at the relevant time in Egypt, reported as such.

D-16. Henotheism Egyptian and Ramses Doing God:

(Cor 7.120.): "And the notables of the people of Pharaoh said, 'Will you leave Moses and his people to make mischief on earth, and himself abandon thee and thy gods?' He said: "'We will kill their son and spare their women, we will have over them and will dominate..'

(Cor 28.38.): "Pharaoh said:" Ye chiefs, I do not know of any god for you other than myself.

"(Cor 23.47.):" Shall we believe in two men like ourselves congeners love us? "

This shift is also evident from the Bible that does not mention the cults of the time in Egypt. Indeed, whatever seemingly contradictory, Pharaoh was both god and worshiper of the gods. Since the Egyptian religion was henotheistic. Similarly, the Qur'an mentions as is the fact that Pharaoh had the authority to allow the worship of foreign gods in verse: (Cor.20,71).

On the left temple abu Simbel in Nubia. You can see the triad Amon, Mut and their son Khonsu represented with the face of Ramses II, and a fourth effigy of Ramses II reflecting the extravagance of the pharaoh. On the right, Osiris (creator of writing, agriculture and master of souls) in the form of Ramses II at the entrance to the pillared hall of Amun at Karnak.

D-17. Impale and punishing opponents in Ancient Egypt:

(Cor 20.71.): "And Pharaoh said, 'Have you believed in him before I give you permission This is your chief who taught you magic?. I will surely break your hands and feet crossed and you'll impale the palm trunks, and you will know with certainty which of us is more severe in punishment and is more sustainable. "

Merenptah boasted on a stele having impaled and cut off the Libyan yards 1300 males [7.9].

Egypt ramesside, criminals were tortured and impaled on palm trunks sharpened (representation of a scene left). Right, severed hands found at Tell al-Daba (1,600 BC). Ghent temple of Ramses III, Medinet Habu, scribes of Ramses III have hands cut and reported trophy opponents.

According antique testimony, they beat their hands and feet with a thick stick and torturing them with sharp instruments until they confessed their crime, after which the empalais as well evokes the Quran on palm trunks sharpened.

D-18. The Taversée River (Jordan):

(Cor 26.63.): "Then We revealed to Moses:" Strike the sea with thy staff "She exploded, and each separate part became like the huge mountain.."

We mentioned above that the Qur'an is the flight of the Israelites from the land of Canaan which they will inherit forty years later. This reminds Ramses II during his long royal career 67 years organized five campaigns in Syria from the fourth to the tenth year of his reign and two years of sixth and seventh year of his reign in Libya, and even made an appearance Canaan during those two years. Or was his royal residence at Thebes. This left time for the Israelites to take the path on foot time that Pharaoh learns flight and starts chasing them (perhaps by informers?). But Jordan would bar their way to the desert. Which would have required an extraordinary phenomenon if the militias joined too early or if the borders in the North were too well protected to being Hittite front.

Above a recent photo of dried Jordan River. One can see both sides of the river resembling mountain ranges as described in the Qur'anic account of the crossing of the river (23,63).

However, the Qur'an mentions a unique detail in this context by mentioning an explosion (fanfalaqa) when Moses strikes the stick of the river or next. Now the Jordan is indeed on Asian-African fault that can justify a rupture of the fault may draw water from the river to ensure stripping and revealing the two sides of the mountains such as mentioned in the Qur'an Version the opening of the river. Ensure that once filled the fault, the level rises blocking as described in the memory of the Jews that perpetuated with wonder, the transition to millices Ramses II who was chasing them.

D-19. Background consistency and Duality Virtual / Real:

D-19.1. Lord of Heaven and Earth:

(Cor 26,27.) "So I buried you when I feared you. Then my Lord granted me wisdom and made ​​me one of His messengers. Is this a blessing from you that you quote reproachfully while you make yourself venerate the children of Israel? '' And what does the Lord of the Universe? 'Pharaoh said. '' The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them-says Moses, if only you could be convinced. '' Pharaoh said to those around him: 'Do you hear ? not '' Moses said, 'Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors'' '' Really.! Pharaoh said, your messenger who has been sent is possessed '' Moses said, '.' The Lord of the east and the west and what is between them-if only you understand! 'Pharaoh said:' 'If you adopt a god other than me, I will put you among the prisoners.' ''.

"You rudders as King of the Two Lands, the nine arcs being at your command. The limit is your border to the ends of heaven, all it covers is under your authority and this solar disk encircled is under your gaze. That bathes the subject you're very green. While you're on Earth, the brighter the Horus throne as king of the living [8]. "
(Hymn to Ramses II.)

* Again, Pharaoh mocks Moses saying that his god is Lord of heaven and earth, which is, as stated in this hymn to Ramses II above, the attributes in that it is attributed to himself same, and the words "Pharaoh said: '' If you adopt a god other than me, I will put you among the prisoners. '' 'in becoming otherwise intriguing.

D-19.2. Am Best or The Wretched:

(43, 51-53): And Pharaoh proclaimed among his people, said:? "My people the Kingdom of Misr [Egypt] does not belong to me and these streams flowing underneath my feet Do watch -you then understand? Am I better than this wretch who can barely express himself? Why does one launched him bracelets of gold? Why the Angels did they not together? "

* What astonishing, these statements attributed by the Koran to Pharaoh prove to be a real address as is transmitted in several ways. First, because the reference channel, gold bracelets and celestial contacts with the Egyptian landscape is characteristic of the period and the Pharaoh missions, and second because as we will see him again infra, watermark to the accounts of the Exodus, we find this background confrontation more or less marked Pharaoh and Moses. * The Quran seems identified Moses as a Canaanite wren sowing disorder.

D-19.3. Bracelets Gold and Heavenly Powers:

(Cor 43.52.): "Why did not we threw gold bracelets? Why the heavenly powers do not have it with him?

"* Moses saying hold a heavenly fame, it appears plausible that the Pharaoh was supposed to hold such authority, but virtual one, seems to have criticized Moses claiming to hold power real and not symbolic celestial asking him to show the heavenly powers who accompany or gold bracelets symbolizing such a heavenly body, a custom of the time was that gold was the flesh of the gods and the temporal power bracelets .

D-19.4. Heavenly Travel:

(Cor 28.38.): "And Pharaoh said, 'Ye chiefs, I do not know of any god for you other than myself. Haman, kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a high residence so that I reach the god of Moses. I really think he is a liar. ' .

"(Cor 36.37.):" Pharaoh said: "O Haman! Build me a high Residence: I raise myself through the channels? The ways of heaven, to raise myself to the god of Moses? But I really think it is a liar. So the bad action of Pharaoh seemed embellished it; and was diverted from the right path; The plot of Pharaoh is doomed as the destruction! "* Here again we find this real and virtual duality on the detention of a heavenly power.

Pharaoh made ​​the boat processions in the Naos to access virtually gods in the thresholds of heaven mocks Moses, arguing not meet his god across the sky.

D-19.5. Floods bad, Manna and quails:

(7.130 to 133 Cor.): "We have experienced people of Pharaoh with years of famine and a fruit reduction so that they remember. And when good befell them, they said: 'This is due to us', and if evil afflicted them, they saw Moses and those who were with him, a bad omen. They said: 'Whatever sign thou bringest us, we will not believe in you.' And We sent on them the flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood, clear signs. But they swelled with pride and remained a criminal people. "(Cor

2.57.):" And We covered it you from the shadows of a cloud and sent down to you manna and quails: -'Mangez We delights that you assigned. '; This is not to us that they made ​​the wrong but themselves. "(Cor

2.61.):" And remember when you said to Moses: 'We can not tolerate a single food. So pray to your Lord so that we make out of what the earth grows, its vegetables, its cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils and its onions! ' - He answered you: 'Do you change the better for the worse? Go down to Egypt; there is there what you ask. ' The humiliation and misery befell them; and they incurred the Wrath of God. This because they went on rejecting God's revelations, and killed the Nabis without rights.

"* As already mentioned, the Koran binds the wounds to bad floods, mentioning the good raw as seen as a Pharaoh donation" And when good befell them, they said: 'This is due to us... " Thus, we find the virtual or real duality in the food supply. Who returns to the scene of the golden calf, symbolizing fertility in Egypt at the time.

D-19.6. Magicians confrontation:

(7.109 to 112 Cor.): "The leaders of the people of Pharaoh said: 'This is certainly an accomplished magician. He wants to expel you from your land. '-' So what do you order? They said: 'Let them wait he and his brother, and returns gatherers in the cities, which will bring you all wizard-scholar.' And the magicians came to Pharaoh, saying: 'Will there be really a reward for us if we win?'

"* Here again we find the duality between Pharaoh and Moses, through the act of folding magicians face Moses .

D-19.7. : Opening of water:

(Cor 10.90 to 102.): "And We opened the sea to the children of Israel. Pharaoh and his hosts followed them fiercely and enmity. Then, when drowning overtook him, he said: 'I believe that there is no deity except that in whom the Children of Israel believed. And I am of the Muslims. ' Now ? While you disobeyed and were of the corrupters? We'll spare you today in your body, that thou mayest be a sign to those after (those behind you). However many people are heedless of Our signs. "

  1. "Then Who Was one woman at the stroke oar got entangled in her braids and a fish-pendant of new turquoise fell into the water.Then est devenu she still, without rowing, Then His Majesty said:?" Can not you row And They said: "Our stroke HAS Become still, without rowing." Then His Majesty Said to her: "Why are not you rowing?" And she said: ". This fish-over of new turquoise HAS fallen into the water" Then [ ...] to her: "[...] Replaced." And she said: "I prefer my own thing to icts substitute." Then His Majesty said: "Go and bring me the chief lector priest Djadjaemankh." And he Was Brought to _him_ time immediately Then His Majesty said:. "Djadjaemankh, my brother, I have done what you did-have Said, and the heart of His Majesty Was gladdened by seeing em row. Then a fish-pendant of new turquoise of one of the strokes fell into the water, and she est devenu still, without rowing. And so it Happened That She disrupted her side. Then I Said to her: 'Why is it That You're not rowing?' And she Said to me: 'This fish-over of new turquoise HAS fallen into the water.' Then I Said to her: 'Row! Look, I myself Will replace And she Said to me: '. I prefer my own thing to icts substitute' "Then the chief lector priest Djadjaemankh Said his magic spell and put one side of the water of the lake on top of the other, and found the fish-while lying on a shard. Then He fetched it and gave it to icts owner. Now, as for the water, It was twelve cubits in icts middle, and it ended up being white Twenty- cubits after-itsfolding up. Then Said he returned his magic spell and the share of water of the lake to Their positions (...). "

(Papyrus Wetscar.)

Papyrus Wetscar (Fifth Dynasty): we read the story of a magician who opens the waters to dry entering.

* It is to emphasize that the stories of magicians supposed to open the waters to go down to dry thoroughly existed centuries before the time of the exodus, so the crossing of the Jordan echoes another duality real / virtual. The drop in water level and the renewed time of the arrival of Pharaoh troops had to make an impression among the Israelite familiar with these stories.

D-19.8. Ritual of the Opening of the Mouth:

(Cor 2.72 to 73.): "And when you killed a person and that each of you trying to exonerate himself. Now God unmasks what you voiliez! We said: "Smite him with part of the cow '. So God raises the dead and shows you signs of his power to you to think. "

Plate IX of the papyrus of Ani, the Sem priest uses a leg of an ox to mention the mouth of the deceased.

* We mentioned in the "Timeline" the Book of the Dead ritual consisting in the opening of the mouth of the deceased to do the show here a real / virtual duality is therefore up in a way that is rooted in the well socio-anthropological and religious landscape in Egyptian Ramesside period. The revival of a Jewish firmly told after a blow with a portion of an ox seems to have been preserved in the memories.

D-19.9. Canaan legacy as Feared by Pharaoh

(Cor 26,60.) "Then Pharaoh sent gatherers in cities: 'These are actually a small band, but they irritate us, while we are all vigilant.' Thus The Fimes Us out of gardens and springs, treasures and a pleasant place to stay. It was so, and We bestowed the inheritance to the children of Israel. At sunrise, they followed them.

"( Cor 7.137.): "And the people who were oppressed, We did inherit the eastern and western regions of the earth which We have blessed."

(Cor 20, 57-60). "He said, 'Are you came to us, O Moses, to make us leave our land by your magic? We surely bring you magic like it. Fixed between us and you an appointment which neither we nor you shall not fail in a suitable place. "So Moses said: 'Your appointment is the day of the party and the people gather in the morning.' So Pharaoh, retired Then he gathered his plan then came (to visit)...

"The children of Israel will end well, as emphasized in the Qur'an of the Pharaoh inherit power in Canaan as promised to Abraham. Thus, here again, the stories of the Koran emerge as présantant a deep and wide coherence strengthening their true historical origin.

E. The Character of Moses:
E-1. Moses Saved By Mom:
E-1.1. Bible Version:

(Exodus 2: 1-11).. "A man from the house of Levi had gone to take to wife a daughter of Levi The woman conceived and bore a son Seeing that he was beautiful, she hid him three months . As she could not keep it hidden, she took a papyrus basket and, having smeared with tar and pitch, she put the child and placed it among the reeds on the banks of the river. The sister the child was standing some distance away to see what would happen to him. The daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the river; and her maidens walked along the river. Noticing the basket among the reeds, she sent her maid to take She opened it and saw the child: he was a little boy who was crying. She took pity, and she said. "He is a child of the Hebrews" So the child's sister told Pharaoh's daughter "? Do you want me to get you a nurse of the Hebrew women to nurse the child" - "Go" said Pharaoh's daughter, and the girl went to the mother child. And Pharaoh's daughter said, "Take this child and nurse him for me, and I will pay you." The woman took the child and nursed. When he grew up, she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moshe, "because, she said, I pulled from the waters." With days, when Moses was grown, went out to his brethren, and looked on their burdens; He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. "

* This story is improbable for many reasons: the Bible claims that Pharaoh wants to eliminate male babies whose going forth a leader. While it can not accept the child found if he thinks it is a Hebrew.
* The pharaoh girl can not swim in the river, this is clear evidence of breach of the Nile, which was swarming with crocodiles. Swim is an impossible thing at the time, and sinners were thrown into the Nile to be tested by the gods for this reason.
* That the daughter of Pharaoh give a Hebrew name to the child is impossible, since it could not know that language and that Pharaoh had ordered to remove all newborn Hebrew.
* We mentioned it appears in Quranic stories events unfolded in Canaan. So must assume that either one of the many campaigns against Canaan to eradicate cananées young male rebel clans.

E-1.2. Quranic Version:

(. Cor 28.4 to 9): "Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and divided its people into clans, oppressing the weakness of one of the camps, slaughtering their son and letting their women live He was. truly among the chaos mongers. But we wanted to favor those who were oppressed in the land and make leader and make them heirs, and establish them in their territory and to show Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers , what they feared And We inspired the mother of Moses [this]. "Suckle him. And when you fear for him, cast him into the river. And do not be afraid and do not grieve: We will make it, and you make him a messenger "of Pharaoh picked him that they may be an enemy and a source of affliction Pharaoh and Haman.! and soldiers were at fault and the wife of Pharaoh said. "(The child) rejoice my eye and yours! Do not kill him. It might be useful to us or we take for children. "And they perceived not."

* This story does not specify that only people were massacred. But Canaan was checked and lost many times in history. [4]
* The Qur'an does not mention swimming unlikely, but said the mother of Moses deposited in the river when the killers arrived in the last instance. And raises the logical fear of the mother: "Do not be afraid." Indeed, a mother can not leave her infant in a river teeming with crocodiles, unless he will be killed by Pharaoh imminement killers.
* This is not the daughter of Pharaoh, but a wife who collects, no swimming, and she did not name "Moshe" in Hebrew, but "child" (take the child). However, the name Moses comes as many Egyptologists Mesy Egyptian word meaning "child" and in use in Egypt at the time ramesside.

E-1.3. Moses raised in the royal courses:

Bernadette Menu argues that Moses could receive special education among children according to Egyptian custom of the time [6.1]. Indeed, the writings of the time mention education at the Royal course of children without parents, as suggested in these stories.

F. The accounts of Aad and Thamud and the people of Israel.

There exist in the Qur'an tribes notices referred Aad and Thamud, who stand out Bible stories. The Arab-Muslim tradition sees the lost Arab tribes. Note that the term a'rab drift ereb meaning "wandering the deserts." Desert nomads of Ethiopia appear to be designated by such qualifier linguistically. The Qur'an relates their stories to those of the children of Israel, so that it appears plausible whether Israelite stories or a mixture of Jewish and Bedouin stories. Let us quote some excerpts, and comment by historical and archaeological granted. F-1. The Aad and Thamûds known in Egypt in the time of Moses (40.27 to 34): 27. Moses [it] said, 'I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord, protect against every arrogant who believes not in the Day Account ". 28. And a believing man of Pharaoh's family, who hid his faith, said: "Do you kill a man because he says:"? My Lord is Allah "Then he came to you with clear proofs . from your Lord If liar, his lie will be to its detriment; but if he is truthful, then some of that which he threatens you will fall on you. " Verily Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies! 29. "O my people, triumphant on the earth, you have royalty today but who will help us with the rigor of Allah should it befall us.?" Pharaoh said: "I tell you what I consider good . I will guide you that feeling of righteousness ". 30. And he who believed said: "O my people. I fear for you something like the Day of the coalition 31. A similar fate to that of the people of Nuh and Aad and Thamud, and those [who lived ] after them ". Allah does not want [to suffer] no injustice to the servants. 32. "O my people, I fear for you the day of the call Mutuel, 33. The day you will turn your backs and flee without protector for you against Allah." And Allah leaves to stray, no guide. 34. "Certainly, Joseph came to you before with clear proofs, but you never stopped having doubts about what you had brought. But when he died, ye said:" Allah does never send any messenger after him. "Thus Allah leads astray did He who is prodigal, the doubter.

* This passage mentions the people of Aad and Thamud by the mouth of one of the many children of Ramses II believer Moses, according to this story. It would have been more than hundred children, and such a story seems plausible. The reply "I tell you what I consider good, I will guide you that Maat" reflects the characteristic verbiage of Egypt of the time ...

Now why Pharaoh's house would know the story of foreign peoples? We note that this member of the family of Ramses II evokes Joseph and suggests the uprising against the Hyksos. The mention of the coalition in fact seems to be related to the destruction of Iram columns. As a powerful coalition was identified in Nubia by archaeological excavations in the area of Kerma [10], in the area of the country of Iram.

"Doukki Gel brings an entirely new light on the region. We see that the Egyptian pharaohs were driven out by people of Kerma with reinforcements from the south. " Egyptians return, however, and between 750 and 650 the kings of the region Kerma and Jebel Barkal, further south will take power in Nubia and Egypt. These are the famous black pharaohs. Each conquest, the victors of the vanquished destroy buildings, complicating the research of archaeologists.
A man in the street, this struggle of power between Nubians and Egyptians over the centuries does not say much. In Geneva archaeologist, it is a revelation. "Suddenly, I discovered that at Kerma created a coalition against Egypt, sufficiently organized to bring people from far away". The formidable fortifications with two speakers, whose height is estimated at eight meters, erected by the Egyptians Doukki Gel, indicate, according to Charles Bonnet, they faced a real threat Nubian.
At the political and military force is added a strong commercial activity. "The people here had to import a network of southern gold, ebony, ivory, skins and export them to the north." This new light that nourishes Charles Bonnet called "cons-story" Sudanese facing Egyptian history well known and he is a specialist. The African place identity is confirmed by the architecture [10].

F-2. How Aad and Thamud were destroyed:

F-2.1. A major regional cataclysm, the eruption of Thera:

The description of the method of destruction of these peupes reported in the Qur'an suggests a very violating remember that hit the entire region. And, such a cataclysm did take place before the exodus of proto-Israelites in the desert of Arabia: the explosion of the volcano Thera was heard as far as Australia and whose ashes were scattered on a large radius of 5000 kilometers of Thera.

(46.21 to 27): 21. And remember the brother of Aad (Hud) when he warned his people in Al-Ahqaf - whereas before and after him, warning went - [saying]: "Worship none but Allah, I fear for. you the punishment of a Great Day. " 22. They said: "Have you come to turn us away from our gods Then bring us what you threaten us, if thou art of the truthful?". 23. He said: "Science is only with Allah, however, I bring you the message with which I was sent, but I see that you are ignorant people..." 24. Then, seeing a cloud coming towards their valleys, they said; "This is a cloud bringing us rain." On the contrary! This it is that you sought to hasten: It's a wind wherein is a painful punishment, 25. Destroying everything by the Command of his Lord "Then the next day we saw only their dwellings Thus rétribuons-.. We criminal people. 26. And We had established them in positions that we have not given you. And We had assigned a hearing, eyes and hearts, but neither their hearing, nor their eyes, nor their hearts availed them in anything, because they denied the signs of Allah, and what they mocked the cerna 27. We certainly destroyed the cities around you;.. and We have diversified the signs so they come back (to their disbelief).

* The mention of a dark cloud, and a furious and destructive roaring wind is the perfect description of what has been lived several centuries before the exodus within goshawks 5000 kilometers from the island of Santorini. We will show that the peoples of Aad and Thamud are natives of Kush, a rival of Egypt in Nubia. As a place of cataracts of the Nile, in fact it seems very plausible that such memory is to be perpetuated in Egypt and Arabia through the centuries.

On the left, the old map of Kush in southern Egypt of the Pharaohs, area housing the country of Iram. Right, regions affected by the projections of Thera in centimeters.

(51.41 to 42): 41. Similarly for Aad, when We sent against them the devastating wind 42. sparing nothing in its path without reducing it to dust.

(54.18 to 32): 18. The Aad were a liar (their Messenger). How was My Penalty and My Warning? 19. We sent against them a furious wind, on a bad day, interminable; 20. Plucking out men as uprooted palm-trees. 21. How was My Penalty and My Warning? 22. Indeed, We have made ​​the Qur'an easy for mediation. Are there any that will remember? 23. The Thamud have belied the warnings? 24. They said:?. "Shall we follow a single man (Salih) of ourselves We would then be in error and madness 25. Is that the message was sent to him to except for all of us? It is rather a big liar, full of pretense and pride. " 26. Tomorrow they will know who is the great liar and pride. 27. We will send the she-camel as a trial. Monitors them alone and be patient. 28. And tell them that water will be divided between them [and camel]; drink every turn. 29. But they called their companion who took [the sword] and [the] killed. 30. How was My Penalty and My Warning? 31. We lâchâmes upon them one Shout, and they became the pens cattle state. 32. And We have indeed made ​​the Qur'an easy for mediation. Is there anyone who will mind?

* This story of a camel of the Qur'an takes its full meaning when we are looking for an implementation of the decor in the socio-anthropological original context. Whatever many legends have been developed to give an intelligible meaning to the story of Thamud the camel domestic front, it appears that if one situates this event to Kush, at the time of the awakening of the volcano. The destructive havoc with the region probably leads to desertification and abandon the large cities may justify the use of camels to move. The ultimatum thus takes its meaning: the volcano raises dust ravaging the entire region in 5,000 kilometers away, leading to a major upheaval. Townspeople survivors of the cataclysm now living as nomads in a desert landscape. What justifies the vital role of the camel now. The destruction of the dark cloud Aad and Thamud above that of survivors, which are described as devastated by a screech, a sand storm. The word rendered "a single cry," recalls indeed sandstorms that can generate metallic sounds may frighten produced by the friction of the sand grains together.

* The plausibility camel breeding by Thamud to the XIVth BC would indeed subsequent upheaval of the innovation environment, and the flight of the Egyptians. A passage in the South of the Arabian Peninsula, and the discovery of camels - the camel was domesticated there for centuries - after the cataclysm seems relevant. What may have served as a memory Arabized Jews of Yemen, and be transmitted through Arabia by camel traders. (69.4 to 9): 4. The lie of Aad had treated the cataclysm. 5. As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the [noise] excessively loud. 6. And as for Aad, they were destroyed by a roaring and furious wind 7. that [Allah] rage against them for seven nights and eight days; then you saw people overturned on the floor as palm-trees hollowed. 8. As you see vestige? 9. Pharaoh and those before him and the overturned cities committed mistakes.

* The abnormal length of a violent wind once again corroborates a regional memory of violating the most cataclysmic of the region over the last millennia. It would have been surprising that no memory has survived ...

(89.6 to 14): 6. Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with Aad 7. [with] Iram columns [or place of the founders], 8. The like of which was not built among cities? 9. and Thamud who hewed the rocks in the valley? 10. And with Pharaoh, the man with pals? 11. All were people who transgressed in [their] country, and 12. There had committed a lot of clutter. 13. So thy Lord pour on them a scourge of punishment. 14. For thy Lord is watching.

* Iram is, as already mentioned, a very prosperous and influential located in Nubia. Its link with the history of Egypt and the temple of Amun at Napata shows the relevance of the original story. A closer with the reign of the Hyksos came to Canaan, and their forced return to Canaan by the priests of Amun of Thebes ... The kingdom of Kerma dispatition around 1500 BC consolidates destruction in the region of Iram, to Kush after the Minoan eruption. The columns, still standing and only remains buried ruins of Napata in the region also seems to show that the end of the once magnificent city was preserved by the desert nomads.

Aerial view of the site Doukki Gel (inhabited since 2400 BC), demonstrating a unique architectural style made countless columns.

* The excavations in Nubia have updated plan including a monumental palace with oval shapes, 45 meters of 55, supported by 1400 columns, a palace "single to date which is not known comparable example" as stated by Charles Bonnet [10].

F-2.2. Several Aad and several Thamûds:

(11.50 to 68): And (We sent) Aad their brother Hud, who said: "O my people! Worship Allah You have no god apart from Him. . You are only forgers (of lies). O my people, I will not ask you any reward for it. My reward is only One who created me. Do you not understand? Oh my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him for He will send you from the sky abundant rain, and add strength to your strength. And do not turn away [from Him] by becoming guilty ". They said: "O Hud, you have not brought us proof and we are not prepared to abandon our gods at your word, and we do not have faith in you. We will say rather than our divinity have smitten you with evil. " He said: "I call Allah to witness - and you also bear witness - in truth, I am innocent of what you associate, besides Him Rusez so all against me and give me no respite.. I put my trust . in Allah, my Lord and your Lord There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock My Lord, of course, is on a straight path.. If you turn away: behold, I sent you [ the message] that I was responsible for sending you. And my Lord will replace you by another people, without you nuisiez him in nothing, for my Lord is Guardian over all things. "And when Our command came , We saved a mercy from Us, Hud and those who believed with him. We saved them from a terrible retribution. These are the Aad. They denied the signs (teachings) of their Lord, disobeyed His messengers and followed the command of every stubborn tyrant. And they were pursued down here, a curse, and the Day of Resurrection. In truth the Aad disbelieved in their Lord. That move away (die) the Aad, the people of Hud! (We sent) Thamud their brother Salih, who says. "My people, worship Allah; you have no god besides Him. of the earth He created you, and He made ​​you populate (and operate). So ask forgiveness of Him and then repent to Him. My Lord is Nigh, Responsive (calls). "They said, "O Salih, you before was a hope for us you forbid us to worship what our fathers worshiped However, we are really in grave doubt concerning that to which you invite us.?". He said: "O my people! What do you think, if I rely on a clear proof from my Lord and He has granted me from Him a mercy, so that protect me against Allah if I disobey Him? You will only increase my loss. O my people, this is the camel of Allah that He has sent as a sign. Let it therefore graze on Allah's earth, and do not touch her ​​with evil, punishment close cometh! "They hamstrung Then he said to them." Enjoy (your possessions) in your homes for three days (again)! That is a promise not to be belied. "Then, when Our command came, We saved Salih and those who believed with him, - a mercy from Us. - From the ignominy of that day Truly c 'your Lord is the Strong, the Mighty. And the rumbling overtook the unjust. And here they prostrate in their dwellings, as if they had never dwelt. Verily, Thamud disbelieved in their . Lord Perish the Thamud!

* These passages mention survivors among the Aad and Thamud who are therefore different communities destroyed successively to a final radical disappearance..

(53.50 to 51): 50 and that's who brought perished r ancient Aad, 51. and the Thamud, and he did nothing to subsist ..

* This passage mentions former Aad, Thamud and eradication. Indeed, the Qur'an does story of survivors and become their multigenerational [Read also: (7.65 to 72), (11.50 to 60.89) (26.123-159) (41.13 to 15) ..].
* We find a mention of nomads of the desert Thamudaï named in writings dating from the reign of Sargon II, who recount their eradication by the King, confirming their final disappearance before the revelation of the Qur'an.

F-2.3. Kush, country of Iram, Napata ...

The Quran seems locate tribes of Aad and Thamud, as founding peoples somewhere Iram. It is emphasized qu'Iram is the name of a city located Kush related to the Egyptians the Nile upstream with exchanges sometimes friend, sometimes relentless enemies. Mention of Iram place as foundations joined the belief that Kush is the common ancestor of many tribes. It is remarkable that the Nabataeans who seem to settle in Jordan may indeed be the inhabitants of Napata, a city of Kush which ruled Nubian priests of Amun. Nubian pharaohs reigned at the time of the Nabataeans in Petra installation region, which seems to overlap with the label of Wadi Fir'awn a valley of Petra.

To the left brick construction worn by time, the kingdom of Kerma 2400-1500 BC (Kush). Right, ruins explored by archaeologists at Napata, former dated IXth Kush. The pillars recall the mention Iram of the pillars or founders.

On the left, Gebel Barkal (Kush) carved out of the rock. Right, embossment camels, Sudan.

F-2.4. The Tempest Stele and Ahmose:

Line 7: [...] the gods expressed
Line 8: (?) dissatisfaction [...] the gods, heaven come with the storm (? rain), it caused the dark area West, the sky was
online 9 unleashed without [...] more than the roar of the crowd [...] was powerful [...] of the mountains above the turbulence
line 10: cataract at Elephantine. Each house [...] each unit (or each place covered) that it reaches [...]
line 11: [...] floating in the water like the papyrus boats (outdoors? ) of the Royal residence [...] day (s),
Line 12: no torch light. Then His Majesty said, "How do these (events) can surpass the power of the great god and the gods will! "And Her Majesty descended
Line 13: in his boat, his court after him. The (people were?) East and west, in silence, for they had more clothes on them (?)
Line 14: after that the power of God was manifested. Then, His Majesty arrived at Thebes [...] this statue, she got what she wanted.
Line 15: His Majesty has decided to strengthen both land due to water disposal without ( using) his (men), to give them money?
line 16: with gold, copper, oil, clothing, with all the products they wish; His Majesty then went back into the palace - life, strength, health.
Line 17: This is when His Majesty was informed that the funeral graves have been invaded (by water), the burial chambers had been damaged, the structures of the walls have been compromised, the pyramids collapsed?
Line 18: all that exists has been annihilated. Her Majesty then ordered the repair of chapels, which had fallen into ruin in all countries, restoration of
line 19: monuments of the gods, the reconstruction of their enclosures, replacement of sacred objects in the room of the apparitions, the new closure the secret place, reintroduction
line 20: in their naoi statues that were lying on the ground, reconstruction altars destroyed by fire, the restoration of offering tables on their feet, in ensuring the provision of offerings,
line 21: rising incomes of their staff, restoring the country to its former state. They did everything as the king had commanded.

On this stele found in Egypt dated from the time of Ahmose I, here are descriptions that reach the account of the destruction of Iram, first Aad and Thamud.

F-2.5. The link between the explosion of Thera and the reign of the Hyksos:

(Cor.40,26-37): And Pharaoh said. "Let me kill Moses and let him call his Lord I fear will change your religion or that he will cause corruption on earth. " Moses [it] said, 'I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord, protect against every arrogant who believes not in the Day of Reckoning. " And a believing man of Pharaoh's family, who hid his faith, said: "Do you kill a man because he says:"? My Lord is Allah "Then he came to you with clear proofs your Lord If liar, his lie will be to its detriment;. but if he is truthful, then some of that which he threatens you will fall on you. " Verily Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies! "My people, triumphant on the earth, you have royalty today but who will help us with the rigor of Allah should it befall us.?" Pharaoh said. "I can tell you that what I consider good I will guide you that feeling of righteousness. "And he who believed said:" O my people, I fear for you something like the Day of the coalition A similar fate to that of the people of Nuh and Aad and. Thamud, and those [who lived] after them. " Allah does not want [to suffer] no injustice to the servants. "O my people, I fear for you the day of the call Mutuel. The day you will turn your backs and flee without protector for you against Allah." And Allah leaves to stray, no guide. "Certainly, Joseph came to you before with clear proofs, but you never stopped having doubts about what you had brought. But when died, you say so. "Allah will never send after him" Thus Allah leads astray did He who is prodigal, the doubter. Those who dispute the signs of Allah without any authority that their has come, [their work] is greatly hateful to Allah and to those who believe Allah Thus does He seals the heart of every arrogant tyrant.. And Pharaoh said: "O Haman, build me a high residence: may I attain the Way, the ways of heaven, and shall see how I the God of Moses; but I think this one is a liar "So the bad action of Pharaoh seemed embellished him. and he was hindered from the Path;. and the plot of Pharaoh is doomed as the destruction

* It should be noted that the reign of Ahmose I began with the eruption of Thera, the priests of Thebes push the Hyksos to Canaan. The mention of Joseph-which, as we have seen above, inaugurated the reign of Canannéens in Egypt- by a member of the royal family joined all our development on the link between the fate of several tribes eradicated during this memorable cataclysm Do not omit to mention the research of Khaemwaset. (?? -? mw st) on the restoration and finding old writings.

* Drilling in the valleys to keep the remains also starts with Ahmose, suggesting that it was inspired by this practice somewhere in Sudan, noting the damage to Egypt. Knowing how conservation body integrally was sacred to them. The temple of Abu Simbel Nubian (dug into the rock) suggests that such ruins were still visible in the time of Ramses II, who loved the challenges of magnitude.

* The mention of the monument to cross the threshold of heaven Karnak in this context reinforces the confrontation of Ramses II Moses, comparing the end of the ancestors of Moses with these bad floods shaking his power in Egypt.

F-2.6. God of your most distant ancestors

(26.10 to 35): Rapelles sure that your Lord called Moses: "Go in people who transgress. "11. "The people of Pharaoh; maybe they mend. "12. He said, "My Lord, I am afraid they will not believe me." 13. "I can lose my temper. My tongue is tied; send my brother Aaron. "14. "In addition, they consider me a fugitive; I fear they will kill me. "15. He said, "No, (they do not do it). Go with My proofs. We will be with you, listening. 16. "Go to Pharaoh and say, 'We are the messengers of the Lord of the universe." 17. "Let the Children of Israel go! . "18. He said: "Did we not raise you from infancy, and you spent many years with us? 19. "Then you committed the crime you committed, you were ungrateful." 20. He said, "Really, I did that when I was astray. 21. Then I fled, when I feared you, and my Lord has given me wisdom and made ​​me one of the messengers. "22. "You boast of making me a favor, while you worship by the Children of Israel! "23. Pharaoh said:" What is the Lord of the universe? "24. He said, "The Lord of heaven and earth, and everything between them. You should be certain of this. "25. He said to those around him: "Have you heard this? "26. He said:" Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors. "27. He said, "Your messenger who is sent to you is mad. "28. He said, "The Lord of the east and the west, and everything between them, if you understand. "29. He said," If you accept a god other than me, I will throw you in prison. "30. He said, "Even if I show you something profound? "31. He said, "Then produce it, if you are truthful. "32. He then threw his staff, whereupon it became a clear serpent. 33. And he took her hand, and it was white for the observers. 34. He told the elders around him, "This is an experienced magician." 35. "He wants you out of your land with his magic. What you will suggest? "

View of rock python (appearance of a rearing cobra backed Mount), Gebel Barkal. (Kerma) & python cave of the Kalahari, a place of worship dating back to the Paleolithic (Botswana).

Amon is native of Kush, and the python rock of Gebel Barkal (supra) would be the site of his cult founder. The rocky peak shaped halo cobra is a symbol of protection. The snake symbolizing life, sexual desire and the creation of life. The worship of the python has been identified by the team of Sheila Coulson Botswana to 70,000 years BC.

The signs of the transformation of inert stick cartoon snake, and hand haloed light meet the symbol of the creation of life by the god invisible celestial distant ancestors. The signs so require, with archaeological and historical-critical of a forgotten sense, the creation and the demiurge. By showing the animation of the stick in the guise of a serpent, Moses shows him Amon really entrusted this mission as the ultimate god and demiurge who gives life.

The dessusn a representation of Ramses II, with a protective cobra on her headdress symbolizing his heavenly protection and its mission to promote life and good raw.

Ramses II and Moses replica commander to complete the pillared hall of the temple of Amun at Karnak, to implore the original god of Moses to give good raw.

We thus find yet another dimension to this scene, Moses mentions amon as demiurge, while that of the royal family who has faith in him mentions the fate of the coalition, and their rejection of Joseph, saying fear a deplorable end if they deny Amon. Amenhotep had reconquered Egypt with the priests of Amun to repel the ancestors of Moses to Canaan.
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[1] "The Origins of Muslim legends in the Koran and in the lives of the prophets," Paris, 1933, Sidersky.

[2] Standardisation developed in parallel with the drafting of the Babylonian Talmud.

[3] Geoffrey Wygoder, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Judaism, article "Masorah and Masoretic accents" in 1993, Editions du Cerf,

[4] Israel Finkelstein exposes in his book "Bible unveiled" at pages 180-181 of the désertement Canaan region between -1550 and -1150, and -1150 from restocking. This corresponds precisely with the mention of the destruction of tribes in the area mentioned on the stele of Merneptah: that "Israel is swallowed, it has no more seed (male)". Finkelstein argues that protoisraélites Canaan had deserted the Arabian desert because of surcharges, and resettle in the region once the changed political situation.

[5] Maria Theresa Urvoy, Article Falsification in MA Amir-Moezzi, Dictionary the Qur'an, ed. Robert Laffont, 2007, pp.333. [6.1] Bernadette Menu Ramses II, Sovereign of sovereigns, Discovery Gallimard No. 344, p.42 (2000). [6] see about Har Ya'qub, Jean Michel Thibaux, Understanding Ancient Egypt, ed. Pocket No. 10188 1997.

[7] Henrich Graetz, History of the Jews, THIRD PERIOD - THE RELEASE First time - after the fall Recollection Chapter XII - Jews in Arabia - (up to 650). 382p Nabu Press ISBN-10: 1142321827; ISBN-13: 978-1142321826 (January 2, 2010)

[8] "specialized dictionary of the characters of the New Kingdom of Ranke," it was written according to the Vienna Museum in the Ägyptische Inschriften, I34, p. 130, as "der Steinbrucharbeiter of Vorsteher."

[9] KA Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions: Historical And Biographical 1982, Volume IV, BH Blackwell Ltd .: Oxford (UK), No. 1, 13. The picture was taken from here ; KA Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions: Translated & Annotated (Translations), 2003, Volume IV (Merenptah & The Late Nineteenth Dynasty), Blackwell Publishing Ltd .: Oxford (UK), p. 1 ..

[10] Switzerland is the land of the black pharaohs, Michel Bührer, Kerma. (

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