jeudi 27 août 2015

IV. Genesis of Earth According to the Qur'an

Genesis of Earth According to the Qur'an

I. Introduction :

The Qur'an describes the shape of the Earth? We will see that in fact the Koran does not explicitly described form, but rather circumscribed to describe his training, as having been the site of large boulders jets, scatter over kinds of anchors. Which reminds surprisingly the formation of the planet according astrophysical models. Indeed, whatever it may seem a priori disturbing the Koran stops repeatedly falling objects from the sky and explicitly evokes the foundation of the Earth by the kinds of anchors, from the sky [1].

(Cor 3:19 p.m..): "And as for the earth, we have expanded and there have thrown anchors, and made ​​it grow everything balanced. "
(Cor 52:44.): "And if they see fragments falling from the sky, they say:" These are bunk clouds. " "[2].

(Cor 57:25.):" And We have sent down iron in which there is a formidable force, but also many benefits for mankind. "

* * *

وجعلنا في الأرض رواسي أن تميد بهم
"He made ​​the earth anchors so that you suportent."
By digging, it falls on the rocky depths of the lithosphere.

The Qur'an describes secondly the recovery of the mountains in the other direction:

(Quran 88: 17-20): "Do they not look at the Camels, how they were created, and how the sky is high and the mountains how they are fixed and the earth how it was pressed [surfaced ]? "
* * *
We will see that the Koran, contrary to what is erroneously claimed quite regularly, do not imagine the Earth as flat. However certain terms have clearly raised conceptual difficulties for former exegetes still post Muhammad more than two centuries, designing the meaning of the verses in a two dimensional space, where we shall see, very conceived Muhammad obviously expansion or expansion in three dimensions by seeding the Earth from the sky.
But the most surprising side of the Koran, this is not design and planting anchors jets from the air, since the Quran clearly mentions the movement of the Earth in space. The most explicit verse about it being thereof; (Cor 41:11.): "He then raised to heaven when it was smoke and said to him, and to the earth:" Come both of you willingly or unwillingly. "They said" We have just obedient "". This means that the sky described as having emerged in one compact object (Cor. 9:30 p.m.), expanded with power (I Cor. 51:27) extends toward the divine throne (Cor. 79:21) describes as outside in heaven.

It may seem unlikely that the Koran actually says the Earth as if moving in space, or this is explicitly formulated, between-other in the verse quoted above. It must however emphasize the mastery of the stars of the positions was a proper science in this vital mortally hostile environment and constant change that seems literally slip under the feet of the Bedouin of the desert, against which only exposed themselves as stable as the stars heavenly. While even a person over-equipped with modern high-tech measuring instruments reaches them astray at the risk of disappearing forever in the sands. It is quite reasonable to conceive they understood before the time that the Earth itself was moving in space in the middle and with the stars. Anyway the Qur'an is very explicit on this point, even if it seems really confusing when we know that the geocentric model seemed to dominate in the world until a much later time.

II. Genesis of Earth:

1. مدد:
والأرض مددناها وألقينا فيها رواسي وأنبتنا فيها من كل شيء موزون
(Cor. 3:19 p.m.)

'' And as for the earth, we have expanded and there have thrown anchors, and have caused to grow in all things balanced. "

والأرض مددناها وألقينا فيها رواسي وأنبتنا فيها من كل زوج بهيج
(Cor. 50: 7) '' And as for the earth, we have expanded and there have thrown anchors, and have caused to grow therein of all radiant things. "

The heavy iron and nickel contained in the asteroids falling on the
training Wet Earth dropping in the heart of the planet.

مدد = = maded stretch, reach, expand, spread, spread, stretch to an extension, enter, extend, lengthen, pull. رواسي = often visited by big mountains, ensemensement evokes the Earth from space with masses aui are anchored.

The Qur'an describes the formation of the Earth as having been formed by penetrating it rocks or kinds of great mountains ... Description surprisingly reminiscent genesis of the planet according to modern models.

2. مهاد:
الذي جعل لكم الأرض مهدا
(Cor 8:53 p.m.). '' He who has made ​​the earth a cradle [/ or guided thing], and you are routed paths; and that heaven sends down water. Then, through her, we brought out by different plants couples. "

= = مهدا mahdan cradle: flatten, soften, cement, classify, push, guide, smooth, level, rolling.

الذي جعل لكم الأرض مهدا وجعل لكم فيها سبلا لعلكم تهتدون
(Cor. 43:10) '' Which has done for you on earth guided something, and you are assigned paths, -maybe guideriez are you? "

ألم نجعل الأرض مهادا
(Cor 78: 6.) "Do we not made ​​the earth guided."

The term مهادا evokes a crib that is swung, and also the place of humanity in the vastness of celestial space.

The term مهادا also means by its variation and its root one thing that is directed driven in a certain direction joining the verse (Cor. 3:19 p.m.).

3. فرش:
والأرض فرشناها فنعم الماهدون
(Cor. 51:48) "And the earth, We the are circulating (have dotted). And what an excellent soothing [/ or guider] We are!"

فرش = = ameubler faracha, flatten, spread, crush, flow, cement, classify, fan, stretch, reach, screwed, expand, extend, unfold, sprinkle, roll, spin.
فرشناها from: 1 / فرش = dustpan equipped with a handle used to collect and dispose of waste collected. While 2 / فراش said of a butterfly that turns around a point of light.

"The earth strewn and raised ..."

The term also refers to the butterfly that flies and circulates around a luminous point.

This verse also reminds the genesis of the Earth by the collision of large rock masses already mentioned above. The term means فرش the idea to collect, assemble and also the idea of circulating goshawks something ... Double amazing sense is also strangely joined in the process of the genesis of the planet, who amassed the asteroids traveling and pursuing the sun in its path.

4. بسط:
والله جعل لكم الأرض بساطا
(Cor. 71:19) "And Allah has made ​​for you the earth compressed / squashed / simplified [smoothed / rolled] for you to go about therein, in spacious roads."

بسط = layer coating, easy = from the verb "يبسط" = flatten, cement, evening, crush, extend, facilitate, smooth, upgrade, paving, press, make attainable, rolling, simplify. * Again, the The idea of pressure, crushing gives no idea of form but physical exercise on Earth training. In fact, the Earth is a rocky planet. If its mass is not sufficient, it would diffuse and gas. But the idea of simplifying travel fits perfectly with arondie shape of the planet with access from one point to another is reduced strict minimum, and since 2000 many air travel intercontinantaux pass through the north pole reducing the distance considerably.

Earth asteroid suddenly crushed, pressed, rolled and smoothed ..

The simplified Earth to travel easily over: the round shape connects the "tips" so to facilitate travel. Thus, the passage over the North Pole considerably reduced the journey from Alaska to Spitzbergen. A geoid shape smooth surface is the simplest possible for human movement indeed.

5. دحاها:
والأرض بعد ذلك دحاها
(Cor. 79:30) "As to the Earth after that we have filled [stone-throwing] (or momentum)"

* The term of this verse is still very explicit about the idea of ​​throwing stones at a target. Or throw the Earth into space, with the resulting distortion of the space goshawks its own mass and goshawks sun ... Idea and joined the phylologique étymlogique مهدا meaning of words and verses below الماهدون usités it evokes the idea of ​​rocking, orientation. The term means the same time the idea of ​​launching the Earth like a stone ...


"والأرض بعد ذلك دحاها"

Analysis of the term Ia دحاها:

"Then he formed the Earth as we put a pebble in a hole ..." strangely design very similar to the formation of the planet by the accretion of objects falling in the space-time folds formed by its own weight.

"And a torrent we say "dhaha bilbat'hai" It starts (on the soft earth and pebbles in its course, or circulated with him) "

The key word in the above verse is "دحاها". In Arabic, there is an expression: "izha dahaha" meaning "when sending the stones to a hole." The hole is called "Udhiyatun". "Almadahi" refers to round stones by size of hole in the ground where the stones are sent, in this game. "Almadahi" also means something round through work a group of people. According to several etymologists, the word means "ostrich egg" has the same root as "دحاها".

Ib and Daha Duhiya:
In Lisan Al 'Arab section دح is expanded here an overview about the meaning of the Qur'anic term.
Ib-1. DAHW: 1. Daha first person. Dahout, yad'hoo inf. N. DAHOO He extended; extend outward or away; expand or extend one thing; and when you mention God and the earth; daha also reads. At first it gives dahaitu. yaad'hae inf. . n Dahae: and He (God) made ​​the wide Earth, or large; as explained by an Arab of the desert also mentions an ostrich when it is understood that it extends or expands with his paw or leg, the place where it lays its eggs ... yad'hoo, RN. n. dahwu and also daja; under the authority of 1Abr. (You say, dahaha He compressa, as you also said, dhajaha.) Also he gave or threw and pushed, pushed, remove from its place-a stone, with his hand. It is also said to the one who plays with nuts, "abidil maddha adhhuhu wa", meaning "Take a great distance, and) [the] start". (See also midh'hat in two places. And a torrent we say "dhaha bilbat'hai" It starts (on the soft earth and pebbles in its course; or circulates with it.) And the rain, they say, "Al dhaha hoisted year waj'hil Ardhi": "She circulated the pebbles on the earth's surface", or made ​​them move "(See also daha, in the following article.). And "aldhahwu bilhijarathi" also means the rival, [against its rival], to throw stones, trying to surpass it (by doing so), and also al-Midahath (n- inf. Dahee) ("TA marra yad '. hoo "inf.n. dahow said of a horse: He came rushing with its front legs without much raise the ground hooves." daha'l beats h year "The belly was, or became, wide, and during ; and Indahae (belly) was, or wide soothsayer, or distended: the two mean (belly) swelled and swelled, or bigger, and hung because fat or illness; as also Dhau and Indah (see art dooh..) Ib-2 Mad'han see ud'hiyy. Mid'hat: A wooden thing with which a child walks (yudu'ha) and which, in the past ground sweeps everything that comes against it. A auqeul game Meccans were playing "El-Asadi describe this: Almadahiyy and Almasadiyy signify stones like (small round bread cake called) qursath, depending on the size of the hole is punctured, and expanded a little bit They then throw the stones (yad'hoona biha) to the hole, and if the stone falls on it, the person wins, but otherwise she is overcome: it is said yad'hu and yasdu when it launches the stones ( Iza dhahaha) from the soil to the hole: and the hole is called ud'hiyyath (According to Freytag, the authority of. Diwan El-Hudhaliyin a round thing made ​​of lead, the launch of which people work together to achieve a hole .) .. For Almadhuwwath and almad'hiyyath see Article Dahin.

6. سطحت:
وإلى الأرض كيف سطحت
(Cor. 88:20)
"... And the Earth how it was pressed [and surfaced]?"

The central term here is كيف which draws attention to the status or the way the surface of the Earth comes to looks. سطحت is derived in turn from the root سطح which means the area or the surface of the geometric objects, but not a precise shape.
سطح = Surface, verb: stretch, flatten, reach, move, unfold, unroll, equalize, spread, spread outwards, smooth, level, pave, pressing, rolling., Spread This verse evokes the perfection of form Earth, reminiscent of the approach in Ancient Greece, wishing that the most perfect form is a sphere. Pythagoras and the sphere considered as the most perfect object. Earth he saw as a creation of God, which can only have a perfect shape, so spherical.

"The pressed and leveled earth." The sphere was in antiquity considered the ideal shape. Earth can only be a sphere.

7. طحاها:
والأرض وما طحاها
(Cor 91: 6.)
"And the earth and that which covers it (the landscape)!"

The verse also mentions other asteroids projection to the surface of the Earth equipping and landscaping gradually.

* What has formed the Earth by projecting on its surface is another formulation of the ensemensement Earth by asteroids, the kinds of big mountains falling on its surface to provide it.

7. كفاتا:
ألم نجعل الأرض كفاتا
(Cor. 77:25) "Do we not made ​​the earth a place of assemblement."


* "كفاتا" kifâta [n] means instead of assemblement, suggesting the geoid ball up the Earth.

III. Other related verses:
III.a. Earth, cradle lost in the heavens:

(Cor 2:22.): "He who made ​​you the earth as a cradle [guided] and the sky as a building,

and that heaven sends down water; then she brought out There fruit, your portion. So do not give rivals to God, then you know "The word translated" construction "is" Binaa "or" binan ". This term means "Construction". The skies are great construction above the earth. * The Earth is described as a small cradle to milieur a huge construction ...

III.b. Dh'oul Qarnain explores the limits accessible from the west:

(Cor 18:86.): "And when he reached the Couchant, he found him lying on a tumultuous water point and, with her, he found a People We said." O Dhou'l -Qarnaïn or you discipline, you adopt or benevolence towards them. '"

* This verse about Dhul-Qarnayn on turbulent waters from the west side, means that Dh'oul Qarnain falls on these rough waters when the sun goes down there. That is to say that the sun sets in the area, on the turbulent waters where Dh'oul Qarnayn is on the side of the West. One can also understand that this is the Sunset himself on that curve rough waters and Dh'oul Qarnayn is a people in these remote regions.

Interpreting the verse here like diving in the waters of the sun is a misinterpretation:
1. وجدها تغرب في عين حمئة --- he found him lying on rough waters 2. تغرب الشمس في باريس --- the sun sets in Paris * The verse says that the sun is in this place, as it would sleep in Paris or anywhere else.

III.c. The surface of the Earth denuded of objects and mountains:

(Cor 6:47 p.m..): "And the day when We will remove the mountains and you will see the land become denuded And We shall gather them without giving up any!"

* The mountains will be eroded to the point of reaching the ground level and the floor to be stripped at the sight of men on Judgment Day.

III.d. Prostration towards Mecca:

(Cor. 2: 144): "Yes, we saw your face turned to the sky Well, We will certainly turn to a direction that complaira you Turn.. Your face, so to Holy Mosque. Wherever you are, turn your faces. Yes, and those to whom the Book was given know that this is indeed the truth from their Lord. And God is not unmindful of that they do."

* Muhammad seeking the direction of Mecca nostalgia is described as turning his face to the sky. Indeed, due to the curvature of the surface of the Earth, it is so. The Koran well turn control "faces" towards Mecca. However, bowing and prostrating face scans the direction from top to bottom. The term made ​​pa "orienation" is "Tarafa" which means the idea of cutting the horizon in half vertically and aim vertically in the middle.

III.e. Fasting at the poles:

(Cor. 2: 187). "For a certain number of days if any of you is ill or on a journey, the prescribed number of other days. But for those who could not stand it, there is a ransom, the feeding poor. And if anyone does more of its own accord, it is for him, but it is better for you that ye fast, if you knew! "

* The passage states that "those who do not have the ability" are exempt. Notemment what is the case in which the light poles may take up to six months.

IV. Imcompatibilité Quran Concept With Earth Plate:

IV.a. (Cor.31: 29):

"Have you not seen how God makes the night to enter into the day, and the day to enter into the night? And He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running to a named term? And God is really knowledgeable of what you do?

"IV.a '. (. Cor 22:61)

"It is truth that God makes the night to enter into the day, and the day to enter into the night. God, however, hears, He observes, really!"

* The area of the light-penetration and darkness is called twilight.

Abdallah ibn abi Awfa reports: "We accompagnions the Messenger on a journey while he was fasting. At sunset, the Prophet said to a man: - 'O so ​​and so, come down from your horse and prepare us Sawiiq.' - 'O Messenger', said the man, 'waiting for nightfall.' - 'Get off your horse and prepares us Sawiiq', replied the Prophet. - 'O Messenger', said the man, it is still clear '. - 'Get off your horse and prepares us Sawiiq', replied the Prophet. The man then dismounted and prepared the Sawiiq. Then he served the Messenger that goal, then said, 'If you see the darkness to rise in that direction, reaching out towards the east, then it is time for the faithful to break his fast' " (Bukhari and Muslim). * In this hadith, Muhammad explicitly mentions the rise of the shadow to the sky at sunset. Consolidating our reading of the verse shared more above.

IV.b. (Cor. 39: 5):

"With truth He created the heavens and the earth. He wraps the night the day, and wraps the day to night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running to a named term. Do is- not He powerful, the great forgiving?

"* Wrap is only possible sun a curved object. Impossible if the Earth was flat. What is the formal proof for Muhammad that the Earth was not flat. Geometrically, the night and day intertwine and succeed in passing one above the other according to the rotation of the Earth.

IV.c. Suggested Form of the Earth:

1. "Two Easts and two Wests:

رب المشرقين ورب المغربين
(Cor.55: 17) "Lord of the two Easts, the Lord of the two Wests."

حتى إذا جاءنا قال يا ليت بيني وبينك بعد المشرقين فبئس القرين
(Cor 43:38). "And when he arrived he said." What is there between me and you the distance between the two Easts, an evil companion there "

* Two Easts and two Wests are not possible on a flat Earth. In the time of Muhammad, we do not know the Nopuveau World. Le Levant ended in the Pacific and West; in the turbulent waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Evoking the two Easts and two Wests, Muhammad suggests the existence of places where the sun rises and sets after getting up and lying on the lands known in his time on this side of the world. Not impossible that the Indians or Chinese traders Ayent been talking about lands beyond the Pacific to Muhammad, wherever it is heard in during its multiple shopping trips.

Muhammad time the sun rose in the Pacific and was setting over the Atlantic, Muhammad imagined other mysterious land where the sun rises and sets after lying on the known lands, to rise again from the side Pacific.

2. "Lord of the Easts"

رب السماوات والأرض وما بينهما ورب المشارق
(Cor. 37: 5), "Lord of heaven and earth, what lies at the interstices, the Lord of the Easts."

* Lord of the Easts without mentioning the Wests and plural shows that in the mind of Muhammad Earth could not be flat, and the sun rose in absolutely any place around.

3. "It reverses the night and day"

يقلب الله الليل والنهار إن في ذلك لعبرة لأولي الأبصار
(Cor.24: 44) "It is Allah that reverses the night and day, there is certainly a lesson in it for the observers."

* "Yuqallibu" قلب does it mean to turn the night and day, possible thing if it's respectivent day and night on two opposite regions geographically.

Revolution Earth

The change of position in the solar reference of the Earth that night and day (the illuminated area or not) of the planet is reversed annually in addition to the effects of the rotation of the Earth with a periodicity of 24:00.

4. "A sign in opposition of the night and day"

إن في خلق السماوات والأرض واختلاف الليل والنهار لآيات لأولي الألباب
(Cor. 3: 190) "Surely there is in the genesis of the heavens and the Earth and the opposition of the night and the day are signs for sensible people."

* The day-night opposition joined again the idea of ​​a face opposite the land known to the ancient world of the time of Muhammad.

5. "He wraps the day over the night, and wraps the night over the day":
خلق السماوات والأرض بالحق يكور الليل على النهار ويكور النهار على الليل وسخر الشمس والقمر كل يجري لأجل مسمى ألا هو العزيز الغفار
(Cor. 39: 5) "He formed the heavens and the Earth really, it wraps the night over the day, and wraps the day over the night, has subjected the sun and the moon, each running to a defined term, n 'Is not it powerful and merciful. "

* Yukevviru, "كرة" This term also categorically excludes the idea of a flat Earth, like night and day are described as wrapping: hence the need of terrestrial curvature in the spirit of Muhammad.

6 . "The shadow grows gradually and is called to Allah to the sky"

تر إلى ربك ألم كيف مد الظل ولو شاء لجعله ساكنا ثم جعلنا
Wa دليلا الشمس ثم قبضناه إلينا قبضا يسيرا
(Cor. 25:45) "Do not you observe as your Lord lengthens the shadows, if he wanted he would make peaceful, and he made ​​the sun are witness. Then he gradually returns to him."

* The shadow is said to be denounced by the sun, lengthening as the sun approaches the horizon up to project the sky (to the Lord). Remember that the first state of nature is dark, and so Muhammad understood the shadow whose outline is drawn by sunlight as a demonstration of the initial state of the shadow zone .

7. "The expanded spatially Earth":
أرض الله تكن ألم واسعة
(Cor.4: 97) "is it not made ​​vast Earth."

Earth that did not exist was formed and expanded to be able to allimentée various materials by many asteroids that were falling on by gravitational attraction.

إن أرضي واسعة
(Cor. 29:56)
"My earth is vast."

8. "The sun runs to the throne, and do not fork over the moon, each vogue to the Throne"

والشمس تجري لمستقر لها ذلك تقدير العزيز العليم والقمر قدرناه منازل حتى عاد كالعرجون القديم لا الشمس ينبغي لها أن تدرك القمر ولا الليل سابق النهار وكل في فلك يسبحون
(Cor. 36: 38-40)
"The sun runs the place that was decreed him, this is the sentense the powerful scholar, and the moon thins following positions to evoke a rod désechée palm it is not appropriate to deflect the sun and reach the moon, and the night can not outstrip the day. All swimming along a certain orbit. "

9. "God Appella heaven and earth to Him [the throne]":
ثم استوى إلى السماء وهي دخان فقال لها وللأرض ائتيا طوعا أو كرها قالتا أتينا طائعين
(. Cor 41:11) "He then rose to heaven in smoke and ordered him and the Earth. 'Come willingly or unwillingly,' and they obeyed 'we come in perfect obedience"

* According to Bukhari, Muhammad said that the sun runs to the throne. Taking into account the terms discussed above. With all our astonishment, we see that Muhamma considering the motion of the Earth with the sun in its journey towards the Throne during the expansion of the heavens also mentioned explicitly in (Cor. 51:47).

----- ------------------------------- [1] The word translated "earth" is "أرض". The literal translation of this term leads to a semantic alienation leading to a fairly typical anachronism of our time. According philology, the term was well understood as the ground under their feet and stopped for this purpose. The root of the word means the idea of what is presented to us, and the word is usual to discuss the part of the soil which is in our eyes. The semantic extension of this term to the idea of world is a linguistic anachronism. A medieval Arabic did not understand by that to something else Viies that the ground with his eyes, without any form of geometrical or astronomical concept. [2] The word translated "sky" or "heaven" or "universe" is "سماء" semantically suggesting what is "up" and "away". As for the term "أرض" which in medieval semantics suggested a remote idea from what we hear in our contemporary times, an Arab of the VII is simply represented by the term "all that is on top when he looks up ".

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