mercredi 26 août 2015

V. Biology

Part Biology

C-1. 8/56 II made to resurrect after death.
C-2. 6/31 II Human language.
C-3. 10/65 II Monkeys considered intellectually inferior to man.
C-4. 22 / 183-4 II The benefits of fasting in Ramadan.
C-5. 34/219 II There are advantages in alcohol, but adverse effects are described as heavier.
C-6. 35/223 II Sex education in the Koran.
C-7. 37/233 II Breast Milk: Withdrawal for two years.
C-8. 54/33 III Adam designed as chosen as leader; the origin of man in the Quran.
C-9. 54/36 III What would birth the woman of Amran (hermaphroditism, female XY?).
C-10. 56/46 III Jesus premature baby who speaks before you can walk?
C-11. 57 / 54-5 III Jesus would be alive on the cross for his heart beat.
C-12. 57/59 III Adam and Jesus compared in their creations.
C-13. 77/3: IV Limited polygamy person exposed to a biohazard.
C-14. 81/23 IV prohibits consanguineous marriage.
C-15. IV 83/28 The man is fragile.
C-16. 97 / 118-119 IV alteration of nature by man: bioethics.
C-17. 99/133 IV The evolution and possible future of mankind.
C-18. 103 / 157-8 IV Jesus would never really die.
C-19. V 107/3 ban on animal carcasses, blood and pork and its adverse effects.
C-20. 108/6 V Physical Benefits of ablutions.
C.20.1 113/32 V Saving a life is like saving all of humanity. Organ donation is allowed by many Muslim scholars.
C-21. 118/60 V The DNA of monkeys and pigs is close to ours - Pigs and possible future xenografts.
C-22. 127/90 V Alcohol and dopamine molecule fun & ethics.
C-23. 132/38 VI vertebrate DNA and simplistic conception of evolution.
C-24. 133/46 VI link between hearing and sight.
C-25. 140/98 VI Humanity would it end one soul (that of Adam), a male sexual organ and a female sexual organ?
C-26. 145/128, 130 & 133 VI The human race described as coming from another previous race and the mysterious jinn as also from a more ancient race.
C-27. 152 / 19-22 VII mortality of man and sexual reproduction.
C-28. 216/67 X biological or circadian rhythm and the sun.

C-29. 228/56 XI It is possible to control a human by controlling his brain.

C-30. 249/3 XIII The creation of life on Earth.
C-31. 250/8 XIII variable gestation period can be prolonged.
C-32. 258/19 to 20.24 XIV We could disappear and be replaced; geotropism of plants.
C-33. 258 / 24-5 XIV Roots variables in plants.
C-34. 259 / 25-26 XIV geotropism in plants.
C-35. 263/19 XV Balance in Plant Kingdom.
C-36. 263/22 XV Wind fertilizing.
C-37. 263 / 26-27 XV Clay (Catalyst?) And life - the jinn are of a very ancient civilization.
C-38. 265 / 53-4 XV Birth of a baby in a postmenopausal woman.
C-39. 272/50 XVI Angels and Dawâbs different - aliens.
C-40. 274/66 XVI The origin of milk in cows born of the blood and guts of the beast.
C-41. 274 / 68-9 XVI Ethology and the bee - The virtues of honey especially against diarrhea, as a cough suppressant and for healing.
C-42. 275 / 73-78-9 Food XVI in heaven - born without knowledge of Man - The flies volatile in the atmosphere.
C-43. Sens 281/120 XVI of the word 'Ummah.
C-44. 285/31 XVII Abortion described as a murder.
C-45. 286/70 XVII Man become earth, stone and iron and if the resurrection was slow.
C-46. 290/85 XVII What is the soul?
C-47. 292/99 XVII Similar rights and the immense universe.
C-48. 304/99 XVIII Gog and Magog, another humanity.
C-49. 306 / 24-6 Magnesium XIX when the woman is pregnant.
C-50. 306-7 / 20-2 XIX Birth of Jesus without a father: would it be an abnormal meiosis.
C-51. 310/67 XIX Man described as being created when he was nothing.
C-52. 324/30 XXI The aquatic origin of all living things.
C-53. 327/69 XXI The fire that does not burn (Physics).
C-54. 330/91 XXI Jesus is born without a father.
C-55. 332/5 XXII Embryology: Creation of Adam earth and descent possible in the belly of a mother in the form of a droplet - Security of gestation in mammals (more than in oviparous, reptiles and marsupials.) - senile memory loss.
C-56. 341/73 XXII The difficulty of creating a fly.
C-57. 342 / 12-5 XXIII Adam to be sent to Earth in the sale of a female? - Embryology.
58. C- 353/31 XXIV The brain of a man reacts to the sight of a woman as when he saw a good dish or appetite.
C-59. 356/45 XXIV Every living thing is made with water.
C-60. 357/58 XXIV Sleep noon.
C-61. 364/54 XXV The human species as being created water (semen).
C-62. 436/12 XXXV Marine animals freshwater and saltwater.
C-63. 378 / 16.18 Language XXVII birds and fourm (currently studied).
C-64. 379 / 20-24 XXVII Hoopoe and other migratory birds? The intellectual potential of birds.
C-65. 397/14 XXIX Longevity some older?
C-66. 398/20 XXIX Evolution, early life and development of the human race as an ultimate creature.
C-67. 401/41 XXIX The spider web is not the home of the spider.
C-68. 403/57 XXIX cell death and life cycle: programmed death.
C-69. 406 / 19-22 XXX dispersion of the human race - male Attraction / female and mental balance.
C-70. Human nature 407/30 XXX penchant for religiosity.
C-71. 415 / 7-9 XXXII God as having made the best of everything.
C-72. 415 / 7-8 XXXII The human species as created from clay - The seed is a liquid base which the essence is for procreation.
C-73. 430/21 XXXIV God as ensuring the preservation of all things.
C-74. 436 / 16-7 XXXV If God wanted it should make us disappear and reform another creature.
C-75. 437 / 27-8 XXXV Colors and rocks where the water carry them into living organisms.
C-76. 442 / 33-6 XXXVI The plant groups, and other animals that are unknown.
C-77. 444 / 66-7 XXXVI babies without eyes and amorphous (and genetic mutations), or monsters.
C-78. 445 / 71-2 XXXVI The horse designed as having evolved to serve mount?
C-79. 445 / 80-2 XXXVI Chlorophyll and fire - The simplicity of the man in the immensity of the cosmos.
C-80. 449 / 77-8 XXXVII All men conceived as descendants of a single male among others.
C-81. 459/6 XXXIX Baby development in three darkness.
C-82. XL 473/57 The creation of the universe conceived as being larger than ours.
C-83. XL 474/64 The shape of Man so interesting: bipedalism, head high, skilled hands, face eyes, ears close brain etc.
C-84. 476 / 79-80 XL Pets.
C-85. 482/53 XLI You will see signs of the end times in yourselves.
C-86. 484/11 XLII Both women and men from men of them.
C-87. 486/29 XLII life in the cosmos and interplanetary meeting possible.
C-88. 488 / 49-50 Girls XLII designed as unfinished males?
C-89. 490/11 XLIII The biosphere and ecosystems.
C-90. 490 / 12-13 XLIII mount the beasts as shaped to that man can draw them and mount them.
C-91. 499 / 3-5 XLV The wonders of zoosphere.
C-92. 501/24 XLV It's not time that makes live or die.
C-93. 504/15 XLVI The difficulties of carrying a human baby - ideal weaning takes two full years.
C-94. 509 / 30-31 XLVII The features liars.
C-95. 517/13 XLIX The richness of the human species and sexual reproduction.
C-96. 521 / 20-1 LI There would be signs in ourselves.
C-97. 522/49 LI plants and animals to have evolved into sexual reproduction?
C-98. 531/6 LV geotropism in the reign Vegetal.
C-99. 531/7 LV Ecology and balance in nature and the universe.
C-100. LVI What 534/7 "means zawdj".
C-101. 536 / 71-2 LVI tree which we get the fire by friction.
C-102. 536 / 57-61 LVI Who created the seed and predetermines death?
C-103. 559/12 LXV September planets inhabited by humanoid races (over the hadith of Bayhaqî quoted in the exegesis i bn Kathir -XIIè S.) - heavenly organic origin of animals?
C-104. 563/19 LXVII Ethology and preprogrammed flight of birds.
C-105. 566/51 LXVIII The evil eye and blind vision.
C-106. 571/13 to 4.17 LXXI Creation of man and other living beings inhabiting the planet phases - Both men created such plants (roots).
C-107. 577 / 3-4 LXXV Genoa fingers and sex.
C-108. 578 / 36-9 LXXV Adam and Eve created from a drop of seed?
C-109. 578/2 LXXVI The seed as a mixture.
C-110. 580/28 LXXVI Man's constitution would have been strengthened.
C-111. 584 / 27-33 LXXIX Man as more fragile and easy to be created as the universe - Older plants that animals?
C-112. 585 / 17-9 LXXX Man as created seed.
C-113. 586.1 / 29 LXXXI Free will in man.
C-114. 591 / 6-7 LXXXVI The biological role of the mother in reproduction.
C-115. 592/17 LXXXVIII The creature amazing what a camel.
C-116. 594/4 XC Life lasts for man on Earth.
C-117. 597 / 4-5 XCV The anatomical shape station or standing of the human being is the best in creation.
C-118. 597/5 XCVI Man has learned what he knew not.


This part deals with descriptions of nature and living beings in the Qur'an. The approach of our philological and historical-critical rereading of the Koran led to the conclusion that the Koran has an approach of some evolutionary way of life by default, after recontextualized and systematic reading of the Koran.

The Qur'an not only does not violate the theory of evolution through these various explanations, but actually seems to describe well or at least strongly suggest it somehow as a philological reading of verses evoking living beings . This is actually not so étonant knowing that a century ago, St. Augustine already kept a fairly close approach to that of the Qur'an. This allowed us to take this step is the intellectual description of the creation of all living things from reproductive fluid, which is actually a clear formulation of the principle of emergence. Thus, the principle of the Qur'an to be restricted almost exclusively to a direct description of the facts observed empirically concure led to the formation of crawling animals of various shapes by emergence exclusively by means of reproduction. With astonishment, we see just as the original couple itself is described as the product of a breeding liquid as it exists in the Quran two creation stories of the primordial couple.

"The human being think that he will leave no obligation to observe? Was he not a drop of ejaculated semen?
Then grip; then God created and formed harmoniously;
then shall then two pairs of elements:
the male and the female.
"(p.578 Cor / 36-9 LXXV.)

The total absence in the Qur'an what description than anything on how the animals were trained, leads us to conclude that the origin of all strictly creeping animal form or having tabs exclusively from reproductive fluid, and that it must not seek another form of creation of animals: what is therefore an evolutionary approach by default, the only description of their genesis in the Qur'an.

The Qur'an leads us to the source of life in aquatic funds, it evokes the transformation of species and the possibility that humans, who would have supplemented other creatures might be in turn replaced by other creatures. It evokes sexuality in plants, describes the animal and human reproduction, growth highlights the mechanisms of our members -probably as miscarriages allowed to have this type of knowledge at the time, we reviendrons- are budding and the trees that soar into the sky.

Human body

(§ Page / verse. - Sura)
C-1. 8/56 II The fact resurrected after death:
"Then we réanimâmes you life after death, that ye may be grateful. "

This verse speaks here of the death and the fact of having been revived by a group of children of Israel. This is now recognized as possible after a shock causing a heart fibrillation. Many people who are clinically dead have returned to life, sometimes after doctors have given up efforts to revive them. Of these clinically dead would have been many witnesses strange events as having left their bodies to rise to the sky, to a light of a particular splendor. It should be noted that the Qur'an considers death as a kind of deep sleep, and Semitic materialism in all its archaism that the whole body should still be able to return to life.

Elsewhere, the Koran compares the sleep of death; (Cor. 463/42 XXXIX): "God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. He retains the souls which He has decreed death, and sends the others for a specified term. There are certainly there are signs for people who reflect. ". We see similarities with the testimonies of people who have almost died. Also in this book Dr. Moor who collected dozens of testimonies of those people who died and resurrected, entitled Life After Life.

Regarding the concept of reincarnation, scientists have discovered an interesting history. They did an experiment on how memory works on several people. They faked the photo album of them, so to show them in situations they had not experienced. For example, they showed one of them being small and fitted with his parents in a hot air balloon (Wade & Gary experiment led by specialist Elizabeth Loftus memory in 2009). After a brief hesitation, began to tell the person to remember the flame of the balloon, and the panoramic view from the balloon. In fact, the brain filled the gaps in order to recover these memories "erased" from memory. One such process in people who have regressions under hypnosis probably explain in this case they are found to have been Napoleon or Marilyn Monroe. The near-death phenomenon is still very little studied for obvious ethical reasons. But can be probably the origin of the belief in life after death.

C-2. 6/31 II Human language:
"And He taught Adam the names of all things. "

In this passage, the Qur'an confers the power of the spoken language in the first man. Since when spoken language is in fact? Linguists have made ​​significant inroads in this area and it is recognized that the human species is the most advanced in language.

Modern man is also recognized by anthropologists as the species that has been the most innovative in the history of man. Neanderthal man, has been shown to be of a different genetic lineage from ours by PCR tests. But hybridized with us to extinction by hybridization. Muhammad reportedly called the man, according to a hadith, as a "talking animal". We will deal more broadly the verse in the section Timeline considerations and have it a little more specifically the functioning of language in humans.

The language change speed does not allow them to go back to a single common origin currently, but the appearance of the organization of hunts, rituals requiring a level of abstraction, etc. allow us to consider how language could be born and grow in humans.

Since when modern man exist? According dating, based on the decay of argon, two Homo sapiens skulls found in Ethiopia Kibish, by John Fleagle -University of Stony Brookfield and his team appeared this man would be 190,000 to 200,000 years. In this case, it may be that the genetic Adam geneticists was not the first Homo sapiens. Funeral rites appear with two of his direct children of the mythical Adam, or they are known for around 100,000 years. Now, scientists would have chosen one of nine different samples of volcanic rocks in the area dated to between 98,000 years and 319,000 years according to Bruno Maureille, an anthropologist from the University of Bordeaux 1. One of two skulls even more archaic. This claim is therefore taken with caution. Nevertheless, our sire lines and direct maternal up towards 150,000 years, based on fossil and genetic studies of the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA.

C-3. 10/65 II Monkeys considered intellectually inferior to man:
"You have certainly known those of you who broke the Sabbath. Well, We said to them: 'Be apes vile!'. "

According to paleontological and genetic discoveries, the man could be from primates simply enjoying a certain intellectual superiority. The Qur'an speaks here like a big punishment to an Israelite community, their transformation into "vile" monkeys. These would have cheated to get around the Sabbath by putting their nets at sea on Friday and Sunday, picking up the fish. Allah would have them so, that way, lowered the simian condition; whereas they would have been elected among humans. Elsewhere we read that God created man standing stature as the best and was reduced to the lowest level (XCV Cor. 4-6) - similar to cattle - except those who have believed.

God punishes Adam-it by sending it to Earth: (Cor P.342 / 12-5 XXIII.), Similarly to that of the Jewish community, to be born of a primate and said he would send prophets and those who follow them would be saved? The others being considered -we are just like ordinary cattle citer- not understanding the language of men (Cor p.364 / 44 XXV.). And when Muhammad asked what we were created, it would have spat in the palm of his hand and said: "From a water like this. ". Muhammad had he asked the question about the origin of Adam before to rub shoulders with Jews and Christians? Adam was not it like a man from everyone from parents. The Qur'an refers to two theses: man from a kind of development on the one hand, archaic conception in Muhammad perhaps, and Adam created from clay to Paradise and sent to Earth - perhaps antitheses made somehow complementary, we will return. Beliefs among other Persian and Turkish speaking man with wild origins.

Assuming this story metamorphosis monkeys in an ancient community has any historical reality. Could it be, on the scientific aspect of this alleged transformation of the Jewish community in monkeys, the bones of them will be weakened to cause rickets.

Concerning the identity of these persons and punished, it is permissible to imagine whether some of the lost tribes of Israel which the Bible loses track of which some seem to have migrated to Kashmir as well as in Yemen and the Hijaz. According Barnabas Israelites were transformed into animals in Egypt itself.

Note that various diseases exist, making that we looked like animals, such as elephantiasis; there are other diseases that we were like a pig, or a wolf etc. Ignorance and old superstitions may well have been exaggerating a real event. We will remember probably as the first fossils of Neanderthal man were considered intermediate between Homo sapiens and apes, yet these men were almost identical to us, but those of Europe discovered while suffering from rickets, so their anatomy made them look like a kind of ape-men. In addition, genetic engineering advances already allow today to make changes by injecting viruses carrying genes selected from the different living tissues like muscles for example and transform structures and colors of someone already living born. Such transformations were conducted on laboratory mice to now. If such an event has occurred in history, think certainly in the case of the Israelite people referred to an unusual phenomenon and shocking for the time. The man is so close to a monkey that its loss of the notion of language and spine disease by literally remake an animal, a monkey.

C-4. 22 / 183-4 II The benefits of fasting in Ramadan:
"O believers! You have been prescribed fasting as it was prescribed for those before you, so you will you protect; for a specified number of days. Whoever of you is sick or traveling should the prescribed number of days. But for those who could withstand there is a ransom, the feeding poor. And if someone does benefit voluntarily, it is for his benefit; but it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew "

The Islamic fasting should be done with the intent to meet the religious commandments. The fact refrain from eating from sunrise to sunset during a full lunar month also benefits our organization according to current clinical data. The fact of not eating can eliminate stockpiles of excessive fat by burning them by not eating. In addition, almost all diseases we reached the mouth, the skin is not very permeable, and diseases that contaminate our bodies through the air are rarer than those who reach us through diet.

The body eliminates excess fat works more slowly, and the digestive and cardiovascular system also benefit from this. The stomach shrinks and fasters are full with less food at the end of the month. It should not be overlooked either us the advantage that fasting is to put the counter to zero for mealtimes, and some tend to snack all day long. It is reported Muhammad a recommendation to fast to get healthy and another to resist sexual temptations. Already Hippocrates and Galen advised to fast for health. It is true that hunger can focus attention and appetite on food and neglect is partly carnal desire.

Fasting also brings a series of still other, more indirect benefits. The use of the time available to food and other things more diversified than eating, opportunity to better understand the people who probably do not have enough to eat etc. In short, fasting is very interesting, even without this being done to perfect faith.

C-5. 34/219 II There are advantages in alcohol, but adverse effects are described as heavier:
"They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say: 'In both there is a great evil and what a benefit for people; But in both the damage is greater than the utility. "

The Koran does not reject that there is any vantage point in alcohol, but the ban because the dangerous sides are considered to have greater weight. Alcohol can for example be used to disinfect and according contrasting studies could be consumed in moderation promote good health. But its negative aspects are in fact multiple such as: dependency, drunkenness, bad odor of the breath, various cancers, liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, destruction of nerve cells etc. Scholars now describe alcoholism as a complex disease. And announce that a person who drinks a glass of alcohol a day is alcohol-dependent. Muhammad, it seems, said that alcohol was not a cure, but a disease. Alcohol is really a scourge comparable to a world war, the number of deaths due to alcohol -cancers.- either directly or by way of consequences-violence, murder, accident route- not counting those living infirm cause of alcoholism.

Regarding the use of alcohol and drugs in medicine according to sharia, many Muslim scholars have made ​​very extensive discussions, their use for therapeutic purposes is known in particular from the Canon of Ibn Sina. Meanwhile noted that Muslims surgeons like abu al-Qasim (H. 314-391) were in use and were felt in the towel soaked in different drugs and opiate anesthesia was known since antiquity. We suggest also note the verses (II Cor. 173): "Surely He has forbidden you the flesh of a dead animal, blood, pork and that on which hath been invoked other than Allah (when we kill the beast). There is no sin on him who is forced by necessity without willful disobedience nor transgressing, for God is Forgiving, Merciful. "& (V Cor. 3):". If someone is forced by hunger, with no inclination to sin, then God is Forgiving, Merciful. "& (Cor VI. 145) & (XVI: 115).

Emphasize as well that the funds gains on gambling can be used among other things for poor people, and a person of modest level of life that would earn a lot of money could live better. Now it is true that the damage to such attractions on many homes beyond repair and this is true on a large scale. It is noteworthy that those who organize gambling (casinos etc.) calculate their shot to win overall, otherwise they would themselves be dependent on chance.

C-6. 35/223 II Sex education in the Qur'an:

"Your wives are for you a tilth; go to your fields as you want and Act according to your own in advance. Fear God and know that you will encounter. "

Here, the Qur'an leaves some sexual freedom between spouses and abolished pagan fears and taboos about different sexual positions during the carnal act. According to al-Bukhari, companions asked their prophet if they could have marital affairs behind him, and it would have told them that yes outside the menstrual period, and would have cited for their argument that following verse. Tabari reports that the Meccans sodomisaient their wives during menstruation not to copulate with their vagina, their wives Madinan reffusèrent clearly being influenced by their Jewish neighbors. Tradition says that the Israelites of Yathrib the learner scoffed ... The various positions and all the sensual aspect when the act of love between married and were left to the pleasure of couples. Emphasize here that Muhammad said he seems to men of "play" with their wives and not directly start copulation; it would have also taught that "the best of men are those who act best towards their wives." So we see that if the comparison of women to plow fields in the Koran may seem reduce this is not the purpose of the verse. The idea of considering a field as a detestable thing is typical of our modern culture concept. The Qur'an also compares a woman to a suit for man and man in a suit for Women: (II Cor. 187). The light of God is similarly compared to that of a lamp in another verse; again it'sa picture and it obviously did not nothing pejorative (XXIV Cor. 35), but this passage has had some disturbing translators translated the word by torch light. In fact, the design of a field as evil typically holds the European urban culture. Compare a woman at a flower is not so different. However comparing the woman to a tilth for sure give him a reproductive function first. As compared to a coat is the protector role of sexual debauchery.

However, the verse is not to be understood not as if the carnal act was limited to reproduction. A man and asks Muhammad according to tradition if he could practice continence with his wife so that she does not get pregnant and the prophet the reads allowed him, saying, "If God has determined for him that a child would anyway not bypassed "-Muslim: 1439. The hadeeth is quoted in ibn al-Qayyam in his Zad el-Ma'ad. Also the hadith in Muslim, in the chapter on menstruation: 293 and 294. In Another famous hadith, Muhammad said even practice continence to relieve a companion who requests the authorization. Aicha, she also said that her husband was able to contain more than any man (should we understand including not to ejaculate too quickly). Note that it has discussed this with his brothers, it shows how the Arabs were more open-minded than many of today's Muslims. But when Muhammad encouraged him to found large families, without ever imposing and he contracted many marriages and has 8 children with Khadija and with Maria, according to the most accepted sources.

Ibn Ishaq reports as well as the followers of Muhammad practiced the enjoyment of marriage when taking Khaybar, some having copulated with the same woman consecutively (Tabari), Muhammad will appear he says do not ejaculate the semen of 'another man. Some companions interpreted this as a repeal of the enjoyment of marriage, while others considered that this did not mean that but condemned orgies. Muhammad himself had carnal intercourse with Safiyyah who described him as her husband had slapped her in bed the night before.

Abortion, he is however forbidden in the Koran especially when it'sa fear that the child suffers from hunger; (. Cor. P 285/31 XVII): "Do not kill your children for fear of poverty; What We shall provide their subsistence. Killing them is really a great sin! ".

Should we insist that the food the mother strictly enough to breastfeed the baby for six months, and that this food has the same fantastic reality virtues? Besides specialists prohibit modern moms to eat for two. In fact, a baby can continue to breastfeed two years with a modest accompaniment. It is not forbidden in the Qur'an to practice birth control means, but it is forbidden to abort. Muhammad taught that he seems sufficiency in food for one, enough for two, and that which is sufficient enough for two to four -ibn Maja: 3254. Turbocharging is today, for sure, a problem better well understood. Elsewhere the Quran addresses the housing problem due to urbanization recalling like Earth is vast (IV Cor. 97) & (horn XXIX. 10). This is in brief the design of abortion in Islam and the Qur'an.

C-7. 37/233 II Breast Milk: Withdrawal for two years.
"Mothers who want to give suck to their babies for two whole years. "

Of course, the baby weaning is very important. It is essential that the baby takes the breast long. Pediatricians encourage breastfeeding at least six months, but it is not at all advised to continue breastfeeding for two whole years, provided of course add other foods after six months of exclusive breastfeeding. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding six months and partial breastfeeding two years (UCL-RESO Technical Dossier 06-41). Analyses showed in breast milk antibodies to diseases contracted by the infant that the mother has never contracted. Breastfeeding is also beneficial for the child psychology, at least provided they do so by weaning too late.

C-8. 54/33 III Adam designed as chosen as leader; the origin of man in the Quran:
"Indeed God chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham above the worlds. "

To compare this passage with the parallel verses of the following passage: (Cor p.6 / II 30-39.): "When He said to the angels: 'I will create a Vicar on Earth'. They said: 'Are you going there to appoint one who will make mischief therein and shed blood, when we are there in Te sanctify and glorify You?' - He said, 'Verily, I know what you do not know!' And he taught Adam the names of all things and said, '. Tell me those names if you are truthful' And they say: 'Glory be to You, we have science that what You have taught us.' ". The paleontological discoveries have shown the existence of primitive men that existed before us. Anthropologists have even claimed the idea of cannibalism practice among them. It is likely that the first modern humans have passed the memory of coexistence with primitive men, for language existed it seems at the time. And the discovery of fossils of the man of Flores helps to support such a thesis, because the captions on the existence of wild men are everywhere around the world. Under the direct reading of the Koran, we must understand that the mythical character of Adam is described as from a more primitive community from which he became the vicar; a population already having shed blood as mentioned by the Qur'anic account of the Angels, in which he had to be born to become a chef. The belief among ancient tribes of the coexistence of wild men with early humans also helps support that. We have seen elsewhere on the Quran Adam seems to establish that the descent of Adam on earth was as follows; (Cor. P.342 / 12-16 XXIII): "Surely, We created man from the origins of the earth; Then We restored him droplet in a safe place (a womb). We then formâmes into a new creation. Glory to God in the Best Shaper! And then after that you will die. And on the Day of Resurrection you tighten resurrected. ". The design of Adam in Paradise and its arrival on Earth seem to be the most accurate way in the verse quoted above. The descent of Paradise she would be designed this way there: '' in the safe womb of a mother who bear ''? Muhammad would he reconciled in his mind's rational design with the statements of the Bible? We must also note the parallel with the following verse; (Cor XCV: 4 -6.) "We created man according to the best standing position (Ahsan Taqwim-i); We then rabaissâmes at the lowest level. Except those who believe and do good works. ". Are we to understand here that those who believe in the prophets were to remain at the stage elected men. What was the belief of human origin among the Bedouins?
Note that God would change men elected among humans vile apes because of their bad faith: (Cor p.10 / 65 II.). We also find in the Koran compares the polytheists to ordinary cattle including no language (Cor p.364 / 44 XXV.). The terms Khalqan Akhar (new creation) of the cited verse (. Cor p.332 / 5 XXII) are of the same parallel under Nach'at al Akhirah (latest design) used in verse: (Cor p.398 / 20 XXIX. ). We also read that we would have been created: "a series of forms of transitions (A t Wara)" (p.571 Cor / 13-4,16-7 LXXI.); suggesting a kind of evolution. Moreover this goes the verse (XXI Cor. 30) said: "From water We have created all living things. ". Animal life she began in aquatic funds? However, it should be understood by this passage it that water is life and stop at this conclusion. Man he is not among the things endowed with life?
All these things meet that in the Qur'anic approach, Adam has had to descend to Earth from Heaven as mentioned above, being born of a mother logically. Direct reading without alteration actually allows such an approach.

However, it seems to be understood that Adam and Ave were sent to Earth via a common ancestor. (P.578 Cor / 36-9 LXXV.): "Does man think that he will leave without the obligation to observe? Was he not a drop of ejaculated semen? And then a grip; then God created and formed harmoniously; then shall then the two couples, the male and the female. . "Every man has no children, let alone children of both sexes who are also likely to form couples. We can understand as a literal reading of this passage that Ave also could have come to Earth from the parents, as Adam: the female and the male. Perhaps a common ancestor?

There are even an indirect sign that allows us to support that Adam could have arrived on Earth from other humans is the name of Mount Arafat in Mecca where Adam and Ave met. Arafat has ta'ârafah is between-know or identify. The Bedouin say that Adam and beliefs Ave would have ended there. Muslim tradition says anyway that Ave and Adam would have sought to Earth on a long journey, and would have ended up at Mount Arafat where Muslims still make pilgrimages to implore forgiveness for their own sins. It is impossible to distinguish between précoranique Arabian mythology and the influence of Muhammad. As anthropologists describe, old men traveled by nomadic groups of women and groups of men. The word find is completely different and is based on the root "yadjidu". See the use of the word 'Arafah to the following passage: (Cor p.517 / 13 XLIX.): "O mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and have made ​​you nations and tribes that ye may know each other. ".

C-9. 54/36 III What would birth the woman of Amran (hermaphroditism, female XY?):
"Then, when she had given birth to, she said, 'Lord, here I gave birth to a girl.' ; but God knew better what she had given birth! The boy is not like the girl. ' 'I have named her Mary, "she said. "

Are we to understand that this should be conceived as a kind of discreet especially intersexuality, which could have a generation later Mary to conceive a baby without a father. From a scientific perspective, Mary had the more 'fortunate' to have a genome containing such an anomaly 'that his father was old and sterile mother at conception; as it is now known that errors' occur during meiosis in advanced age people. According to the writings describing the nativity of Mary's father Joachim and his mother Anne was old when designing the mother of Jesus. While Mary was pregnant in puberty, but we know that meiosis stops in women at birth and again at puberty. In fact, we believe that if the myth of Jesus would be born without a father because of the exceptional birth without a biological father who impressed people at the point of making a character outside the norm, it is necessary to consider a scientific and rational explanation.

While ascribing of this kind, to Mary, exceptional biological peculiarity seems -to priority excessive approach, it is undeniable that Mary was to be a very special person. From a biological point of view, Mary would it be an exceptional person; was it different from a man of course, but also different from an ordinary woman? Mary would it led without a man? The Quran he would consider Mary as a particular kind of hermaphrodite as can be understand the passage studied here? In any case, one thing is now firmly established that there is fertile women XY karyotype and normal male phenotype.

We now know fertile women with the genome of a man: XY with the inactive gene Sry. This could be the first event that prepared the birth of the Messiah of a young girl like the ancient scriptures prophesy according to biblical version of the Septuagint. We also know if many XYY men with two Y chromosomes, some of which have two chromosomes are different reflecting a legacy of Y chromosome from the mother. In yet another scenario may have transmitted Mary to Jesus two X chromosomes, one of which would have contained two sequences -inhibé a Y chromosome in itself - as is the case in some women XY. One in 20,000 we have a male XX: some of these are fertile, another part suffering from other abnormalities and are hermaphroditic. This follows from this that a sequence of a Y chromosome is inserted in one of the sex chromosomes X by crossing-over. We will look later how Jesus would have really been biologically born without father, without having to resort to a miracle.

A study on the platypus showed that it possessed 5 5 X and Y chromosomes if male chromosomes X and 10 in the case of a female. In addition, one of its pair of sex chromosomes (X5, Y5) resemble that of a bird, while the other (X1, Y1) pair resemble those of mammals. In addition to chromosome 10 in humans is very similar to one of the sex chromosomes of birds. These findings seem to lean in favor of the theory rather than saltationniste gradualist theory.

C-10. 56/46 III Jesus premature baby who speaks before you can walk?
"He will speak to people in the cradle and in maturity shall be of the righteous. "

Does it mean that Jesus would have been particularly early, to the point of speaking in the cradle before you can walk for this reason. Let us remember that a girl born in France spoke at the age of six months, so that she could not even walk. Some children do not walk until their two years. Geniuses and gifted are now known throughout the world thanks to media and computer resources. So we can intellectually accept the Quranic assertion more easily in our time, whether historically or unfounded. Jesus it would be extremely precocious and brilliant? Just as it was perhaps quite heavy as a baby, which could explain it did not work when he started to speak. According to Christian writings that tell the childhood of Mary, Mary also was a great genius to the point that the rabbis would compete to see who would take care until they feel overwhelmed by his intelligence and respect of the people to its teachings when she was only a girl.

We can also highlight the Gospels as evoke the genius of Jesus through the Rabbis of Jesus avoids pitfalls with undeniable intelligence, through the admiration of Jesus and Pilate face as Jesus says that his words can only be understood by his disciples, whom he calls "son of light," as among its instructors Essenes. Unfortunately, we do not have too reliable documentation on these aspects of Jesus' life and it is difficult to establish a more accurate critical analysis.

C-11. 57 / 54-5 III Jesus would be alive on the cross for his heart beat.
"And they began to plot. God foiled their plot. When God said, 'O Jesus! I will carry you and raise you to Myself '. "

According to the Qur'an, Jesus is not really dead but it seemed to be and people watching. To understand this passage we must know that in the design of the Koran, real death is when the body has become dust. Sleep is a different kind of death according to the Koran. In fact, according to the gospels when the soldiers pierced the body of the crucified, blood and water flowed. And it has not been buried by the evangelists and say missing. According to this, it is necessary that Jesus was alive and well and not death as envisaged evangelists. As for the blood flows would require Jesus' heart continues to beat. See also: (Cor p.103 / IV 157-8.), Where we read clearly ".or they did not kill him with certainty. ". We read much in the passage studied here -in arabe- Inni mutewweffîka and this is the same root as the word die. But the Koran (VI Cor. 60), also compares death to a sleep: yetewwaffâkum bil'leyl. Jesus has lived a kind of death is not final, perhaps a kind of coma? According to Muhammad Jesus would be alive and expected to return to finish his mission.

The famous Turin Shroud can not be easily dismissed as a fake, because it seems very unlikely that this shroud was abandoned by the disciples of Jesus. Medical-surgical analyzes show that the right side of the face was bloodied as swollen, broken nose, blood flowed in the hair and on the front, one hundred to one hundred-twenty wounds suggestive of flogging cover the body, knees are skinned , a wound on the right side located at the fifth intercostal space, 4 cm by 1.5 corresponding with the tip of a Roman spear of the time of Jesus, thick blood flowed in the form of vertically serratus anterior muscle which evokes water and blood, according to experts may come from either pleural effusion or post-traumatic hydropericardium may pre-agonal, coulees become horizontal suggesting the descent from the cross. Other conclusions are made about the shroud suggesting in itself that it must be a real and not a fake relic. However, dating does not have to go back to the time of Jesus. And, experts found the relic traces of molecules used for paintings of the era in which the relic is estimated there are 800 years. In addition to zététiciens, Joe Nickell and Henri Broch, and then Jacques di Costanzo fabricated false shrouds with medieval techniques, the latter covering a ferric oxide statue mixed with collagen-rich gelatin. Two substances found in the shroud. The carbon-14 dating is questionable, since the shroud was manipulated since there frequently, so it is contaminated with fragments of skins of those who touch it. It is amazing as this is not clearly pointed out by scientists who know that in principle any dating a contaminated sample can not be strictly sustained. The carbon-14 dating is reliable for isolated bodies found without their being polluted organically. We have made no certainty about it. In any case if the shroud is a fake is really a funny fake. We will deal with the hypothesis of the replacement by a double Jesus on the cross elsewhere, and show that this is far from a reliable source.

C-12. 57/59 III Adam and Jesus compared in their creations:
"For God, Jesus' example is like the example of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him: 'Be!' and he was. The truth is from your Lord, so be not of those who doubt. "

This passage is related to the Christians of Najran who would have come in the mosque of Medina and announcing that Jesus is God or son of god, arguing that it would self that Jesus was born without a biological father.

The Quran commanded the prophet to make a mutual appeal to God for God's curse falls on the liars. This passage means that Jesus is human, just as Adam. We should not be looking to advantage probably philosophical depth.
In addition, it is very likely that this verse evokes here the creation of Adam in Paradise and not its arrival on Earth. This is what the Muslim scholars cite naturally, in the explanation of this comparison of the creation of Adam to Jesus. Although a strange pass: (cor VII. 189-191), seems to evoke the deification of Adam by parents who put it to the world. See explanations about this other passage from the Koran. The idea to deify ancestors lasted since the origin of man. And mentioned verse is perhaps indicative of the archaic conception in the mind of Muhammad in respect of Adam.

Comparing the creation father of Jesus without the creation of Adam, although it must be understood that God would have created dust, commanding him to live. And this does not necessarily mean that Adam could not have come to Earth from human parents, a rational synthesis of the two versions might. The purpose of this passage is to show that God must be omnipotent, and support the birth of Jesus without a father, without making an idol.

C-13. 77/3: IV Limited polygamy exposed person to biohazardous:
"And if you are afraid of not being fair to orphans, it is permissible to marry two, three or four women you like, but if you are afraid of not being fair to them, then only one, and then (marry her?) the 'captives of war.' ' "

This question is considered upside down with the modern western perspective. In fact, the Qur'an has not introduced polygamy, polygamy was practiced at the time of revelation and the book was limited to a maximum of four wives under certain conditions. In fact, if the verse was strictly applied, it would allow polygamy up to four wives but only one orphan. But Muhammad commanded his followers to separate from their wives beyond four women. Do not believe however that polygamy was widespread and very common in Arabia before the Koran, it existed and was not regulated, that's all. By allowing polygamy and may not polyandry (nothing forbidden in the Koran but according ibn Ishaq, Prophet prohibited ejaculating semen on another man) and by limiting to a maximum of four wives The Qur'an is probably wise, because it has been proven that uterine cancer is more common in women with multiple sex partners, but a people practicing polygamy was noticeable over time. This was in any case checked by Rosemonde Mandeville, oncologist and professor at the University of Quebec and a professor at the University of Montreal. She noted that in the case of the profile of women suffering from cervical cancer, there were young women who had many sexual partners or whose spouse had an irregular and dangerous sexuality. -whose Papillomavirus vaccine was developed but seems to raise new problems-virus and human papillomavirus (genital warts) caused a great mortality in women, exceptionally in men. Far from being the intellectual heresies, this is recent and solid scientific findings. Polyandry is a biological risk to a woman, or the restricted polygamy does not expose him to a biological risk.

Furthermore, a recent theory based on the movements of the first men and women from the analysis of selected genes: the men of the Paleolithic also be polygamous, probably because males die in the hunt. This means that we are actually biologically facts and genetically shaped in polygamy for already millennia, if not millions of years -see sexuality in other primates. We do not discuss here the human moral rules which are the fruits of human revolutions, but the nature of man and our countenance as we establish a study which is not intended explanatory, but experimental.

The study of robust Australopithecus skulls suggests that males continue to grow as adults, which means that there must be struggles between males for females. This would signal according to experts existence of harems already in these primates. The same deduction was made ​​for hominoids.

For ethical and legal side, note that Muhammad gave his daughter Fatima to Ali that in imposing the condition that it does not have another wife in the lifetime of her daughter legalizing this way in the eyes of modern jurists influenced by our Western culture the right of the woman to her husband to impose monogamy during marriage. It is from there that, according to Morocco's laws, this is the man who must stipulate at the wedding to his future wife if he wants to be polygamous.

C-14. 81/23 IV prohibits consanguineous marriage:
"Forbidden to you are your mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal aunts and maternal aunts, daughters of a brother and sister girl etc. "

The transmission of diseases from parents to children is more difficult in mixed marriages that even recessive defective genes enough to the child is present in both parents otherwise. Cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, are two illnesses recessive genetic. These diseases are in a family, it is highly risky to marriages between close relatives. At a very long time scale, genetic drift should eliminate DNA genes of those who wear them. While the transmission of a genetic disability at a wedding with strangers makes the risk smaller.

In addition, the imposition of the marriage before the carnal act, (p.77 Cor. 1: IV) is positive because it allows to control outbreaks caused by sexually transmitted diseases. The Qur'an also requires periods of non marriage to divorced women who assures them that they are not pregnant and are entitled to benefits from the husband, but also allows them to leave their bodies readapt for marriage.

So by allowing polygamy by limiting to a maximum of four wives without also authorize the Koran rest polyandry probably in biological logic and proven human experience: (Cor IV. 3). Particularly because it has been proven that the risk of uterine cancer is more common in women with multiple sexual partners -see above. Testicular cancer is a very rare disease even if there also.

Note that the Koran is not limited pleasures unnecessarily, but establishes full rules wisdoms. Muhammad gave he seems much importance to carnal. See also verse: (. Cor 35/223 II) above, and feedback concerning the marital sexual freedom in Islam.

The children of Ave and Adam would have married between those two (IV Cor. 1), that before being allowed then. And would have been banned later according to Muslim tradition. The Qur'an states that each people have even had specific laws until the arrival of Muhammad (XXII Cor. 67), (III Cor. 50), (III Cor. 93) etc. It may be that the legendary peoples of Gog and Magog have actually existed and whether a human line connected to modern men, but that will be crossbred with Homo erectus in Asia. We will return later in this critical study of the Koran.

C-15. IV 83/28 The man is fragile:
"God wants to lighten your (bonds), for man was created weak. "

We do not have exoskeleton, not reinforced skull of a horn, no big claws. The man is truly one of the most fragile creatures on Earth. This weakness is also psychological, since the high capacity cerebralization among humans because many mental disorders. Bipedalism which elevates man to the stage of being endowed with intelligence technologies producing also caused premature birth and therefore are born without the brain development is completed and must learn everything in this case by the experience. In addition to the standing position of the man that he suffers from various back pain. So it is well done fragile. A point made brilliantly in this passage from the Koran. Men without education would be very vulnerable in the wild.

C-16. 97 / 118-119 IV alteration of nature by man: bioethics.
"God cursed him (the devil) and the latter said: 'Certainly I will take of thy servants a specific portion. Certainly I will certainly mislead them, I will give them false hope, I will command them and they slit the ears of cattle; I will command them and they will alter God's creation. "

This passage refers to a practice of the pagan Arab superstition that cleft ears of some animals sacralized. But after the passage of this book is more interesting. There we read that Satan said he also will command men to alter the creation of God. Point deserving meditation, since the cloning of the first cloned and transgenic calves, born 27 July 1998 in France, called Lucifer -the name of Satan, Venus or the mythical king of Babylon (Isaiah, 14: 12) -, was conducted precisely from cells taken from the ear of a cow. The threats of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered into the wrong hands recall the inspiring humility full realism of this passage from the Koran.

In 2006, the billion and a half hectares of cultivated land, 102 million related to the cultivation of genetically modified plants. Currently, GMOs have passed the 7% of cultivated land. This according to a report from the International Service for the Acquisition Golden Agri-biotech Applications.

C-17. 99/133 IV The evolution and possible future of mankind:
"If He will, He can remove you, O people, and bring others. For God is Able. "

It is not impossible according to the Qur'an we évoluions in some ways to form a new species different from ourselves. Or that we disappeared and another species from perhaps another line we replace. See also the following verses (Cor p.. 145/128, 130 & 133 VI): "O community of jinn and humans, is there not come to you messengers, chosen from you (.)? Your Lord is Sufficient for Oneself, The Lord of Mercy, if He so will, He would destroy you and for you who he wants as He created you -the jinn or human-progeny another people. ". The Koran mentions it in several places on the principle that the end time is not defined by our species.

These verses seem to suggest a surprising way the species changing over time and thus emphasizes the continuity of creation.

Extinctions of species

The graphical representation of mass extinctions of species and restocking since 600 million years.

Yet even though the standard theory, the modern evolutionary synthesis is not complete without a doubt, the succession of different species through geological time since the appearance of life on Earth until today was founded by the paleontological discoveries. The embryonic development of a kind of evolution in the Qur'anic concept recalls the theory of punctuated equilibrium, founded by scientists as SJ Gould. Modern theory suggests quite sudden and rapid changes in the evolution of living beings, based on the scientific analysis of fossils, the laws of biochemistry functional proteins, and embryology. According to this theory, evolution would have been done by transformations, quick as radical, species at both the genotype phenotype. Since strings slow and gradual transformations that are necessary to consolidate the neo-Darwinists are missing, and that the systematic review homologies (and their genetic and embryological origins) shows that these apparent homologies between sister species are found not always during embryonic development or their traces in the corresponding genes.

The functioning of a cell and protein structures may have guided the evolution of quite rigorously. Pleiotropy and the rules of protein folding specialized in a specific order -with very low battements- mean that species tend to produce similar forms clearly stabilization orders, genera, families and species. A separate internal pressure of the pressure of the environment probably guides the evolution of species. The number of our fingers is thus stabilized to five and the number of our members to the fact that the four genes involved respectively in the formation of digestive and genital structures require; as well as the structure of pentadactyl members of terrestrial vertebrates in general, including the legs and arms of the structures that correspond bone by bone whereas these two types of members are supposed to have evolved from different fish fins and independently. The number of fingers stabilized at 5 there from 260 to 210 million years, so they could go to eight before Carboniferous. Tetrapods like the horse that does not have five have suffered a minor reduction. Each group will have developed sexual reproduction separately. The sex chromosomes X and Y have a common origin. They have begun to differentiate and, in mammals, there are between 240 million and 300 million years. Chromosome 10 men thus has similarities with the sex chromosome of birds. A relatively recent study has shown that the platypus thereof had Y chromosomes 5 and 5 X chromosomes if male chromosomes X and 10 in the case of a female. In addition, one of its pair of sex chromosomes (X5, Y5) resemble that of a bird, while the other (X1, Y1) pair resemble those of mammals. The specialization towards sexual reproduction in various animal or plant kingdoms occurred so independently and according to strict rules.

Some stability to note even the neutrality of the species and the fossil record: a species does not change shape gradually and remains as it is since it emerged -the representative fossils of the species most formerly up its demise fossil -Last retrouvé-; for example, a type of Australopithecus appeared there are 1.5 million years ago and disappeared 600,000 years ago has not undergone progressive change. The horse appeared there 60 million years has probably undergone the changes that can occur in reverse and reprocess a horse under his appearance he lost over time: the number of fingers and size by paedomorphosis. Of the birth of dwarf horses and pentadactyl is proof. Undoubtedly, convergence, paedomorphosis, mimicry etc. as proof of evolution, must be well channeled maze of surprising and amazing way. An octopus uses its tentacles even by bending at three points as if he had one shoulder elbow and wrist. According to the explanation of Laurence Chèze, Lyon-1 Biomechanics of the university, the degree of freedom of the tentacles complicate movement management, and this approach would facilitate the work necessary to brain when the animal brings food its mouth. The eye of the cephalopods and vertebrates are another striking example that proves that evolution, if the result of the transformation of species into new forms, is de facto oriented biochemically.

The idea of ​​evolution by a series of selected small errors probably can not explain all these convergences or flashbacks etc. The eye, the legs, the overall body shape among species are predetermined by the cell function. It is not easy for the uninitiated to see a whale is not a fish but a mammal. She has the body of a fish, his teeth were missing, ears and genitals were buried in the body, its members have turned into wings and tail of fish.

Similarly, the study of the percentage of differences in protein sequence between the different biological lines, shows that the groups of species of typologiste stabilize same way; so that the members of the same group have proteins on a stable genetic distance protein species from all other groups. To the point that we can store cash on a table with columns and rows for the table-as of Mendeleïev- according to the study sequences of cytochrome C. For those interested in even one example of this table, it is can see on page 287 of the book titled Evolution a theory in crisis, the publishing house Flammarion Champs, No. 228. Published in 1988 in the version in French, and whose author is Michael Denton. Each species remains at a genetic distance of species other lineages, and other species of its own group are located precisely in the same genetic distance from the same species groups taken one by one. Thus, it was determined, based on the systematic comparison of the percentage of genetic difference proteins, a clear typological table, comparable wholes points table of elements Mendeleyev, capable of placing each species in one box. For example compare the difference in percentages of cytochrome C sequences between species. The bacterial cytochrome Rhubrum Spirulum C2, 64% to 66% of difference with animals and with such plants, since it is of a single category. Insects have between 20% and 30% difference compared to animals whether fish or mammals. The Lamprey has between 75% and 81% difference as with fish, with amphibians, birds, marsupials and placental. The carp is 13% or 14% difference compared to the horse, the turtle, the frog, rabbit or chicken. If the gradualist theory was accurate, carp should be closer frogs as turtles or placental, gold has 13% difference with each species, and 14% with the chickens. Note here how variations in DNA sequences for each individual maintain a certain distance depending on each level of the typological model are even harder than we are talking about one and the same genetic basis. Should be modified regions of DNA such that the species remains viable already, but also so that its percentage difference with each different species varies with the degree of typological relationship. This is all the more intriguing that this is true for each sequence proteins studied so far.

Another no less curious when we look on it with a critical eye is the analysis of the development of homologous organs in different species, which has shown us that they are different segments of the embryo training and different genes are training our counterparts organs. The structures are very similar, but the genes and pathways for their formations are radically different. The same structures are in other words obtained by separate biochemical pathways, confirming once again the types of structures are predetermined by the laws of biochemistry. Failing to accept this evidence, we should accept that any protein can give any form, equivalent to accept the absurdity of genetics and the need to better understand the genes. Noted although the exact role of chromosomes in the formation of organs is highly questioned the project's progress since the human genome.

Do you only have almost no think there would be only 1-2% of genetic difference between a man and a chimpanzee; to produce around 40 million to differences in phenotype to easily understand that the functional proteins are rare molecules. The largest part of the genome in determining the phenotype being primarily based on the length of the production of proteins and enzymes.

Note So that the modern evolutionary synthesis that speaks of natural selection and external pressure should not be compared to the application of a mold on a kind of modeling clay. What kind of external pressure it take so that the skeleton of a dog placental and marsupial that of a dog bone for bone almost match? The choice of female placental they would be identical to those of the female marsupial? Therefore stress that there is primarily an internal pressure of biogenetic order, which channels by relations of pleiotropy, by paedomorphosis, epigenetics and other more subtle ways of biological evolution. We know now that a single gene may be regulated by many different signals, a gene may allow the manufacture of various RNA, RNA alone can give various proteins, most proteins are pleiotropic, RNA and protein on the retroactive DNA, genes interact with each-other, non-coding regions of DNA are active in regulating intracellular processes. Any changes she was tiny on such a mechanism can have significant effects on the phenotype. Each mutation of a protein is thus made on a small amount of information on very few genes, each genome is balanced and gives living species highly ordered structures and variables. And finally, through mutations, each species has isolated proteins following a typological diagram of a pretty amazing rigor. It appears even that the silent mutations contribute, despite whether the same amino acid, to small variations in the folding of proteins that influence the functioning of the protein. Alternative splicing not simplifying biological processes.

Conclude by adding that the Qur'an describes a kind of evolution without philosophical depth that we can identify, but very clearly corresponds to a general philosophical realism of the book.

C-18. 103 / 157-8 IV Jesus would never really died:
"And because of their words: '' We have really killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of God '! But they killed him not, they have not crucified; However, we have made ​​them seem so! And those who argue about him are in doubt; They have no certain knowledge and are only following conjecture. They did not kill him with certainty. "

According to the Qur'an, Jesus is not really dead but it seemed to be and people watching. As we have already raised above, according to the gospels when the soldiers pierced the body of the crucified, blood and water flowed. And it has not been buried and would have disappeared. According to this, it is necessary that the man was alive and well and not death as envisaged evangelists. As for the blood and water coulassent, it was necessary that the heart continues to beat the condemned.

Jesus is not dead and risen in Islam. The oldest known is the Gospel of Mark, gold in the oldest manuscripts, the story ends with the disappearance of Jesus' body hidden in the cave. It is not forbidden to think that Jews who wanted to kill Jesus by crucifying the down did so before the Sabbath believer killing him, and that he is not really dead. Reading the passage may actually be designed so because the Koran says he was not crucified but tempers, wa Lakin, which in Arabic means a restriction of the previous proposal: that Jesus has not been crucified, but that they seemed to be well. Following precise wa ma qatalûhu yaqîna. The word yaqîna is more accurate because it suggests that there is a similar thing was done.

Social psychologists have developed an even more categorical theory about the crucifixion of Jesus; according to their thesis Jesus and Barrabas would be described as criminal the product of popular emotion that would have divided the personality of Jesus in two individuals, releasing Barabbas with Jewish accusations made against Jesus conceived as evil and making a martyr of Jesus crucified while n 'There would not have occurred historically crucifixion scene at all. It would therefore be superstition, a legend that Jews and Christians have developed according to psycho-sociological processes since studied meticulously.

There is still another completely opposite version thereof. Writings found at Nag Hammadi evoke the death of Jesus fleeing Palestine, old, at the foot of a mountain. Jesus and Mary would flee from country to country, this in the words of the apocryphal Gospel of Philip.

Muslim scholars have unanimously taken on this passage from the book interpretation of Ibn Abbas that he took a mysterious Christian saying that it is Judas who was transfigured instead of Jesus and was crucified. This figure thus in the Gospel of Barnabas, a Gospel written subsequent to the current Christian canon, but which is influenced by the old and by the apostle Peter in Cyprus. In fact the Gospel of Barnabas speaks of the patriarch Abraham and Muhammad very close how the teachings of the Koran. But strangely similar concepts contains some scholastic beliefs Mu'tazilite close to the movement in its current form. Here is an excerpt of Chapter 17: "To these words of Jesus, Philip said: '' We are glad to serve God, but we want to know God, as the prophet Isaiah said," Truly you are a hidden God! ". And God said to Moses his servant: "I am who am ''. Jesus said: 'Philip, God is the One without whom no good. God is a being without which nothing exists. God is life, without which nothing lives. It is so large that it fills everything and is everywhere. It is the only one without equal. It has no beginning and will never end, but it gave beginning to everything and it will end. He has neither father nor mother, he has no children, no brothers or companions. And as he has no body, he does not eat, he does not sleep, he dies no, it does not work, it does not move, but remains eternally without human likeness, as it is intangible, without composition, immaterial, a perfectly simple substance. It is so good that he loves only the kindness . It is so true that when punish or forgive, we can not take it back. In short, I tell you, Philippe, down here you can neither see nor know him perfectly, but in his kingdom, thou shalt see forever. In him is all our happiness and our glory! '". Also Chapter 29 presents Abraham really seeking God in the stars before resigning to believe in God. We also read a passage recalling the ideas of Sufi mystics: "Rising to his feet, Adam lives in the air, brilliant as the sun enrollment. She said: "There is only one God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God" Then Adam opened his mouth and said, "I thank thee, O Lord my God, have deigned to create me, but say -moi, I beg you, that these words mean: Muhammad Messenger of God? Are there been other men before me? ". Then God said, "Welcome, O my servant Adam! I tell you, you're the first man that I created. The one you saw your son, to be held ready for years to come in the world. It will be my messenger. It is for him that I created everything, He will give light to the world when he comes. His soul is in a celestial splendor; she was put sixty thousand years before I do anything. Adam prayed to God saying, "Lord, write this on my nails." ". This last passage joins the idea of Nur-u Muhammadi so dear to the Sufi. The Gospel of Barnabas is quoted from the third century, but the manuscripts that we possess are translated versions dating back less far, so it is difficult to determine the original version.
Multiple translations have played an important role in this respect, what was the original language? Otherwise the gospel of Barnabas existed very early according to historians and was even adopted as cannon ancient times. The Islamic principle about the Judeo-Christian scriptures is not categorically rule either against or in outright. The Quran has not been altered, but the ancient scriptures is considered to have undergone transformations vocal recitation, with only Aramaic and Hebrew at the time neither vowels nor punctuation). The canonical Gospels, what they are handled are of course also archaeologically speaking more reliable than Barnabas. Although the Gospel of Barnabas is also a good source, since it is one of the few Jewish Christians gospels. Since the Gospels opposed to those of Hellenistic movement were systematically destroyed so that none of Jesus' apostles wrote has survived the destruction.

Conclude by stressing that the Koran says about him that we only zero science sure about the crucifixion, but only assumptions.

C-19. V 107/3 ban on animal carcasses, blood and pork and its adverse effects.
"And you are prohibited animal found dead, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which invoked a name other than God, the beast choked, knocked the beast, or died of a fall or died of gored, and that a fierce beast devoured; Only those you slaughtered before it is dead. "

This passage from the book prohibits certain ancient practices explained by extreme poverty, that enrichment by the raids and battles quite quickly abolishes he seems.

Forbidden foods in this way were well carriers of various diseases. And it is very wise of not eating those things. A corpse from decaying and can cause serious diseases and epidemics, as well as blood. Herbivorous animals are allowed, and these are those that are least common diseases with humans and the less bad cholesterol. While carnivorous beasts may eat sick animals easier to hunt and so cause epidemics.

Also, be aware that solar energy converted into organic energy by photosynthesis is distributed, but with some loss during each transition from one level of the food chain to another. Because the animals are unable to use all the energy at 100% and the rest is destroyed by bacteria, to be transformed back again using energy. In this sense too, it is in any case more ecological and economical to source animals lower down the food chain, without depriving essential to our healthy proteins. It costs less to produce nature herbivores that animals higher up the food chain. Similar reasoning can be done on water, it is expensive to irrigate fields of crops and water the animals. This explains in particular that rearing carnivorous animals to eat has never been undertaken except rearing pigs.

If we banned the animals to eat them, we condemn our planet's ecological loss. But we must respect the animals we kill to eat.

C-20. 108/6 V Physical Benefits ablutions:
"O you who believe! When you get up, wash your hands up to your elbows, place your wet hands over your heads; and wash your feet to the ankles. -if yourself and find no water, recourrez to pure earth, spend your faces and your hands. "

Ablution described thus promote blood circulation by widening the veins by evapotranspiration and reduce stress by allowing reject static electricity which is formed at the tips of the nose, fingers, ears, etc., which is a source of stress. The hygiene side is not negligible either, as raised by many doctors.

In absence of water, the pure and clean soil can also remove static electricity, also being a good driver -lustration pulvérale. Similarly, the earth own contains bacteria that clean the body, the same bacteria that purify the water at great depths, but their effectiveness is negligible.

C.20.1 113/32 V Saving a life is like saving all of humanity. Organ donation is allowed by many Muslim scholars.
"Therefore We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a person not guilty of murder, it is as if he killed all mankind. Whoever donates a life, it is as if he gave life to all mankind. "

The issue of organ donation and blood is widely tolerated in Islam, primarily based on the moving passage of the Koran. Indeed, it is important not to mutilate the bodies according to tradition, it is generally allowed to donate his organs to save lives. Since a deceased person longer needed and that this can prolong the life of a dying person, it is an honorable act.

C-21. 118/60 V The DNA of monkeys and pigs is close to ours - Pigs and possible xenografts of the future:
"Say: 'Shall I inform you of what is worse, actually reward with God? He whom God has cursed the one who has incurred His wrath, and those He made ​​monkeys, pigs, and likewise, the one who loved the Taghut. "

The Qur'an mentions as a great punishment to a certain community of Jews, their mysterious transformation into apes and others in pigs. According to Muslim tradition, they wanted to deceive God about the Sabbath by plunging their sea fishing nets on Friday and fetching fish on Sunday and selling in fat prohibited by the Mosaic law to buy food so to circumvent prohibited. We have already discussed above.

People who ate human flesh testified that the taste of human flesh resemble the taste swine's flesh. In fact man is biologically quite close to the Pig. Transgenic pigs have been analyzed by two laboratories PPL Therapeutics Therapeutics and immersed in the goals t'font size = 4rsquo; justifyransplantations organ to humans. They have modified the gene for the enzyme alpha 1-3 galactosyl transferase to reduce the risk of rejection. The monkeys and pigs are anatomically close to men.

C-22. 127/90 V Alcohol and dopamine molecule fun & Ethics:
"O you who believe! Alcohol, gambling, and idols and divining arrows are only qu'abominations, works of the devil. Move away in order that you succeed! "

We'll look elsewhere than in believers 5HT1A receptor quantity of regulating serotonin would be lower and that serotonin levels would be higher. That would promote the faith and the fight against depression, and increased self-confidence and the Divine confirming a curious way a passage of the Koran; (XII Cor. 87): ". and do not despair, because only the disbelieving people despair of God's mercy! ". We will also mention infra approaching AND Rolls on human cognitive functioning based on the basic research principles of reward and punishment avoidance - el-Khawf and. Ar-raja The research materials gods or talismans are available directly manufacturable and give an illusion of executions of vows expeditiously and with greater proximity, an argument that the Koran rejects furiously (II Cor. 186), (X Cor. 106), (Cor XLVI.: 5), etc.

The study many thrill seekers revealed that they share a particular form of a dopamine receptor, a precursor of adrenaline, D4, they are pushed in search of fun and love free of risk including alcoholism. This makes the amateur thrill people are more likely to get into drugs, gambling, etc., and take pleasure in upsetting the social and religious laws etc. The Quran cites psychological strength, and many times, the bad deeds are like and embellished (dopamine) to unbelievers (II Cor. 212), (III Cor. 14).

Dopamine drives in search of intense pleasures promotes the search for alcohol that inhibits reason and also hinders the proper functioning of the rules of life imposed by community life (II Cor. 216): "It may be répugniez you of something that is good for you. And it may be that you love a thing which is bad for you. God knows, but you ignore it. ". (Cor. II: 219): "They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say: 'In both there is a great evil and what a benefit for people; But in both the damage is greater than the utility. ". The Qur'an therefore qualifies alcohol contractor diabolical. In Islam, the concepts of good and evil are not linked to pleasure, but to the well-being and relative advantages / disadvantages which sometimes surpass us. Otherwise the notions of good and evil are not demonstrable, each nation sets its own taboos against its real-time requirements, just as described in the Qur'an: (Cor: XXII: 67) & (VI: 108 ).

C-23. 132/38 VI The DNA of vertebrates and simplistic view of evolution:
"No beast walking on earth, nor a bird flying in the sky, which do not be such a community to you. "

The Qur'an mentions here the resemblance between the crawling animals, bipeds and quadrupeds animals with us. They form groups similar to men. The genes that make that we have four members are the same as those who determine our digestive system and those that determine our fingers are the ones that determine our reproductive system. Thus, changes may have made in colonizing land, tetrapods have evolved in this way so imposed through genetics; masters the same genes determine our mode of travel, our general form and our mode of reproduction. What makes the life of these species is highly dependent on the dispersion of individuals in the ecosystems where they live. Their ability to move - number of legs - sexual reproduction and are very close to those of the Man and the communities they form more or less condensed in the living area and we indeed resemble anatomically. Is not it disturbing that our forelimbs and hind limbs following our same level, bone to bone; Or forelegs come good of our flippers and hindquarters pelvic fins. We have already mentioned elsewhere that even the octopus which has many tentacles bent at three points each tentacle recalling the movements of a human arm -épaule, elbow and wrist to bring food to her mouth. Our fingers also fold in three points, like our arms and legs. An ergonomic mechanics.

C-24. 133/46 VI link between hearing and sight:
"Say: 'You see, if God took away your hearing and your sight, and sealed up your hearts, what god but God could restore them?'. "

It was verified that the hearing and sight are interdependent, like a vigilant person can be seen spontaneously. The visual and auditory acuity are intimately intertwined. If we want, we can connect at this time an artificial retina on the ear and see more or less the obstacles in our way. The loss of the two directions would be catastrophic for a baby.

Advances in genetic engineering have enabled scientists to produce eye to the legs of flies genetically manipulated, we do not know if the insects are able to use to see.

This passage from the Koran does not say be impossible to cure a deaf or blind, but he explains as sight and hearing are two special meaning if they were to disappear, no one but God could be the recreate with same power. It is therefore quite original that this verse refers to the loss of the two directions to get to this result. Since one of the two directions could compensate for each other if it were not so, figuratively but also literally given current technical progress. In addition, it should be noted that the total hearing loss is irreversible and that the faculty of hearing can not be restored, only relieved, at least according to the techniques acquired to date.

The Qur'an also mentions that God could create men with eyes cleared, that is to say non-existent; (Cor XXXVI, 66-7.) "? And if We will, We effacerions their eyes and they ran to their way, but then how would they see.", And babies are born without eye sockets because of some fertilizers chemicals in recent years. Malformation may already be known at the time of Muhammad?

C-25. 140/98 VI Humanity would it end one soul (that of Adam), a male sexual organ and a female sexual organ?
"And He it is Who created you from a single person (Adam) and a paternal womb and kidneys. "

This passage allows us to think that in the Quranic conception, men would be from a person after itself two parents. The words "mustaqar" and "mustawda '' mean equality of both parents begat the person we are the progeny, as well as where you are - on Earth - and where one ends - underground. The word translated person is the word nafs from the same root as the word tanaffus breathing. He noted the vital breath, without necessarily include the body. We will draw a parallel with the Nafash and infra reincarnations.

C-26. 145/128, 130 & 133 VI The human race described as coming from another previous race and the mysterious jinn as also from a more ancient race: s
"Oh communities of jinn and humans, is there not come to you messengers, chosen from you (.)? Your Lord is Sufficient for Oneself, The Lord of Mercy, if He willed, He would destroy you and put in your place that He wants you just as He created jinn or human--the progeny another people. "

On several occasions, the Qur'an allows us to think that humans would come from another species. This verse is one example. Indeed, we note in verse (Cor. III, 33): Adam is designed as chosen as leader: "Indeed God chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham above the worlds. "See also: (Cor p.150 / 165 VI.)" It is He who has made ​​you vicars on earth and has raised you in ranks, some above others, that you may prove that He gave you. "

The word jinn is in the same root as the word Djannah meaning Paradise (gardens) and indicates that they are and hidden. The origin of the belief in jinn is a great mystery. According to the hadith, it would be the males -this pondraient the eggs are in some animals- they reproduce by coupling with the nose -notons be some sailors have similar characteristics, such as having the anus to the front in oursins-, would possess two horns. The imagination has no limits. They could still fly -there are different beings anciens- current or flying, be hiding in unhealthy places or abandoned -as many animals- strangely and could access extrasensory dimension and become invisible or traverse obstacles -on this point apart from mimicry and some forms of camouflage we know of no case of total blackout known among forms of discovery lives. Still, that belief in invisible beings exist in many civilizations and longstanding.

In reality, it would seem possible to consider that they are of extraterrestrial origin and that they have inhabited other planets between Earth. Without claiming that this approach is scientific. Indeed, the description of the jinn through the Qur'an and Muhammad's teachings urge us to such an approach. Especially since these beings clearly not too much correspond to known living organisms on Earth. They are described as having been created strange fire, while animals were created water and soil. And they are expected to travel in space. Without going into too much detail, we note that the word 'fire' is broad in the Islamic concept. According to Muhammad, there would seventies shapes lights, abu Hurayrah narrated by al-Bukhari in, in chapter named: the beginning of creation. The waves and radiation can be counted as the fire in that light. It's funny that one could almost imagine that the Koran was not such an old book that they might have been created since the sub-oceanic washing for example. Since according to the Koran, every living thing was created of water (XXI Cor. 30); or the jinn are alive too. Iblis, Satan, would have established his throne triangular on water and jinn have been chained by Solomon in the deep seabed in a certain hadith quoted in some books in the signs of the end times. Elsewhere, the Koran evokes the voyages of jinn to the stars, so they would have perhaps been able to populate the Earth in this way in distant time in the spirit of Muhammad.

Aliens have really colonized the planet in the past? Would they gradually developed into the ability to become invisible, where have they changed their genes to do so, this is yet another matter. See verse (Cor. IV: 118-119) supra: "God cursed him (the devil) and the latter said: 'Certainly I will take of thy servants a specific portion. Certainly I will certainly mislead them, I will give them false hope, I will command them and they slit the ears of cattle; I will command them and they will alter God's creation. . "Many scientists think well transform man into a more sophisticated race, endowed with all new capabilities including making use of bionics. Our modern imagination leads us to consider about whether jinn ancient alien civilization may be much more advanced, perhaps would possess certain biological faculties of a parallel world (II Cor. 30 ), (Cor XV: 26-27). it could also explore the heavens: (LXXII Cor. 7-9), become invisible (VII Cor. 27): influence of man by telepathy: (CXIV Cor. 1-6), teleport: (XXVII Cor. 39-40). But we swim in gnosis and away from the paths of positive science. It should perhaps be simply see common ancestral beliefs to several civilizations, without absolutely seek scientific evidence on their real existence.

Diverse forms of known life probably allowed to speculate on the faculties of these invisible beings coexisting alongside Arabic, the Koran evokes an old creation and space travel etc. : (II Cor. 30) & (XV Cor. 26-27). Nevertheless, compared with the theory of evolution, it seems reasonable to believe that it probably exists in the universe even perhaps several civilizations more advanced than us, humans. Without this reinforces the theory of extraterrestrial origin jinn as truly existent.

The lack of known and material traces of highly advanced technologies would still be a mystery; unless these technologies are equally hidden from our eyes that the jinn who fabriqueraient them. Or we could push the imagination further and imagine that it could be that the Terran colony has forgotten its history but retained their physiognomy more ancient and complex. The Koran mentions that the devil only who their ancestors as having been sent to Earth as penance. The ability of the jinn to invent technologies, speak two verses of the Qur'an very clearly: when the Koran evokes the impossible attempt to develop an imitation of the Qur'an proposes to ally with jinn (Cor XVII.: 88) even when he says that the inhabitants of the Earth will attempt to cross the space-time to escape the Apocalypse (Cor. LV: 33-8). We have already quoted the transporter the throne of the Queen of Sheba by jinn above: (XXVII Cor. 39-40). It is possible to design a more advanced civilization we have a radically different technology and concentrated in their own organization.

Note that this comparison has for sole purpose of establishing a modern rational analysis on aspects of the Koran, and that the comparison of the jinn with aliens is purely theoretical. No scientific explanation demonstrates the existence of the jinn to the present time and what we know. However the Koran supports in places although they exist and there is even a chapter entitled "jinn". Now science tend to certify that there must be space to other forms of living beings, many of whom are probably more advanced than us. Of extraterrestrial life, we spoke extensively elsewhere.

C-27. VI 150/165 We are the successors on Earth and sum favored over other species:
"It is He Who has made you successors on the earth and has raised you in ranks, some above others, that you may prove what he has given you. "

The current human species is the dominant species on Earth. She replaced in prehistory and succeeded Neandertal Man, Homo heidelbergensis and Homo floresiensis after a few decades. Elsewhere the Quran we teach Khalaqnal INSANA fî ahsan-i Taqwim. This means that man was created according to the best standing position and it is the most durable, its obvious state just now. Here we read that we succeeded to other species. This move also consolidates our Koranic reading over a simplified evolutionary approach to life.

C-27. 152 / 19-22 VII mortality of man and sexual reproduction:
"O Adam, live in paradise you and your wife; ! and eat both of you are on your own, and do not approach this tree, otherwise you will be of the unjust Then the Devil in order to make them visible what was hidden them -their nudité-, suggested to them: Your Lord only forbade you this tree only to prevent you become angels or become immortal. And he swore: I'm really a good counselor for you both! So he made ​​them stumble through his deception. And they had tasted the tree, their nakedness became visible to them and they began to sew together the leaves of Paradise. "

Man dies and left of him that offspring carrying his blood. The scientific questioning about death led scientists to study what happens in the body during death and to question the reasons for this reality. Even without accident and without any external aggression being endowed with life eventually grow old and die. But this would not be so logical that, since protozoa and bacteria hardly undergo any form of senescence. Multicellular organisms had to develop processes of senescence during the evolution of life on Earth. But by what mechanism?

John Haldane, a British geneticist, developed in 1941 an interesting theory, studying Huntington's chorea. How this disease that affects one in 10,000 has she not been eliminated by natural selection over generations? He deduced the ingenious hypothesis that as the disease manifests itself mainly in patients aged between 35 and 45, a later age of human breeding, genes involved could not be eliminated by natural selection. However hypothesis somewhat dubious because in nature, rarely are people reaching old age, being killed much younger. According to Peter Medawar -a British doctor who received a prize Nobel- senescence is caused by an accumulation of deleterious mutations after the breeding season. But the most sophisticated theory is that an American biologist George Williams elaborated in 1957 suggests that the genes of senescence, appointed gérontogènes would pleiotropic and precisely would provide a biological advantage favoring fertility and the fertility level in youth but promote senescence in return after the breeding season. And testing confirmed his thesis. By modifying the gérontogène pit 1 in the mouse geneticists have prolonged the lives of mice which is normally 2 years in captivity: 4 years -Laboratoire Jackson, United States. However, the mutation has reduced the fertility of animals, making them sometimes dwarf or sterile. The Qur'an emphasizes poignant intuition, parallel, in this passage, the subtle link between reproduction and mortality.

C-28. 216/67 X biological or circadian rhythm and the sun:
"It is He Who has named you the night that you may rest, and the day for you to see. These are indeed signs for people who listen. "

The role of the sun in our metabolism is one of the most beautiful explorations of the last century. It was found that the light produced by our star alters our metabolism by acting on our retina. The perception of light and heat from the sun play a role in our hormonal and metabolic functioning in general. A man who lives in a lighted environment all the time or absolutely no light yet sleeps like a person living in average conditions, because its metabolism is programmed to a cycle of almost exactly 24 hours.

C-29. 228/56 XI It is possible to control a human by controlling his brain:
"I places my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature He does not 'hold by the forelock'. "

This verse speaks as God would control the minds of people citing as there is no person who would be required by its forelock. This Arabic expression means holding someone under his command and control. Very advanced studies would think it would be possible to control a part of a human person even as she incoming frequency beta waves an individual can make or intercept by his brain. We may even be influenced by subliminal messages and give some orders to execute. Experiments were carried out at the airport of London, the person entering at the airport heard a voice calling him where he was, while others placed elsewhere heard nothing. This passage Muslim scriptures so much has once paradoxically nothing unrealistic, even to our own scale and with the limited means we have. We will deal later with the question of free will and the role of emotions that are beyond our control in our decision making.

C-30. 249/3 XIII The creation of life on Earth:
"And He it is Who spread out the earth, placed there mountains and rivers; and all products - from the earth - There are formed two separate groups. "

This passage speaks well, as we pointed out, the beginnings of the emergence of life on Earth. So we must understand by this verse that the earth's products were originally form two groups - Thamarat means both products results; the word fruit is said fâkiha and is also used elsewhere in the Qur'an. So we have been led to translate this verse and for many good reasons.

According to modern research, originally existed as forms of lives as single-celled organisms. We distinguish mainly two types of organizations: first photo autotrophic - who made ​​the organic matter through photosynthesis - and secondly, that depended heterotrophic precedents. (Cor 477-8 / 9-12 XLI.): "Say: 'Do you disbelieve Him Who created the earth in two periods, and He will give you equal? That is the Lord of the Universe. It is He who has firmly established the mountains above it, blessed it, and measured therein its sustenance in four periods, for those who ask. ". See also in this verse; (. Cor p.263 / 19 XV): "And as for the earth, We have spread and there anchored the mountains; and We have caused to grow-all things harmoniously. ".

One hypothesis, plants, fungi and multicellular animals have developed symbiotic unicellular organisms from these products in the oceans. Unicellular organisms are then organized to gradually train the plants, animals and all other multicellular organisms.

Clay would have actually played a big role: "The same cold clay could play a particularly important substrate for essential polymerization reactions to the appearance of life. A cites some links, the metal atoms, for example zinc or iron, act as catalysts and grow monomers merge this dehydrating them. The large number of binding sites of this kind of the clay has been such a trellis to approximate the bacteria to each other, to merge into the polymers. "(This is a quote from Campbell Biology, ed. De Boek University (1995)).

The role of bacteria in the plant kingdom is vital; those are the Monera that break down organic matter for plant and regulate nitrogen. If the bacteria were to disappear, plants as animals disappear for sure. All of life is based on manufacturing and destruction; this is the main characteristic of all life. This results in a balance-term ingeniously imagined like this Qur'anic way.

C-31. 250/8 XIII variable gestation period may be extended:
"God knows what every female bears, and by how much the gestation period is shortened or extended. And everything with him his measure. "

The Qur'an mentions here the extension and curtailment of pregnancy, this is a real and known fact. In camels and pregnancy is very variable for example. A human baby can be viable after probably five months, according to a hadith narrated by Muslim, the gift of the soul to four months -Muslim: 2643, ibn Maja 76, abu Dawud: 4708. But it must be very difficult to determine the early pregnancy at the time. Currently babies five months may be kept alive without early mortality. The duration of pregnancy is fundamental. Biologically, the fact that a baby is born sooner or later in its development is crucial for the level of sociability. Even better. The fact that the human race is born very late should have a primary role in our brain structure by eminent anthropologists.

If a woman gave birth to a viable baby directly, it would be a single cell. If she gave birth to a viable baby in ten days, he would be a multicellular organism such as a nematode; likewise, if it gave birth to a viable baby later, it would look like: a leech, a quadruped body having a tail. If a chimp gave birth earlier a viable baby, the baby would have a flat face like us etc. The evolution can be explained if it is based, in large part by this process. The rate of reproduction and adult and mature state of the living organism are two major keys to the theory of evolution. The difference between the various realms can fit roughly into that. Elsewhere the Quran says that all animals were created seed: (Cor p.. 356/45 XXIV): "Allah created all seed animal. There are some who walks on his stomach, others walk on two feet, and others walk on four. God creates what He wills, God is Omnipotent! ".

C-32. 258/19 to 20.24 XIV We could disappear and be replaced; geotropism of plants.
"Do not you see that God created the heavens and the earth really? If He please He will take you off and bring a new creation, and it is not difficult for God. (.) Have you not seen how God sets forth a parable a good word like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches soars in the sky? "

We could be replaced by another species according to the Qur'an? The word translated "if" is the word "in", which indicates that this is possible. In Arabic there are three forms to suggest the hypothesis: the use of "law" when it will not be the case, "in" when it is possible and "izhâ" when it will indeed take place. Elsewhere we read that we would have replaced other beings. And in reality, according to paleontological discoveries we actually supplanted Homo neanderthalensis and Homo heidelbergensis -a human species of very large Europe (over 2 meters.) Found especially in Spain- to become the dominant race . This verse shows a view of life evolves and is not static goshawks of man. The fossil research shows that in the past the flora and fauna have undergone such changes. The ancestors of elephants -the mammouths- had long hairs on their bodies for example; the fact to track the fossils of ancient species clearly shows that species have changed more or less quickly or slowly over time.
Many times in the history of the Earth, species were destroyed in masses and new forms replaced them. This ties this passage teaches us in all its simplicity.

C-33. 258 / 24-5 XIV Roots variables in plants:
"Have you not seen how God sets forth a parable a good word like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches soars in the sky? Giving fruit at any time, by the grace of thy Lord. And a bad word is like a bad tree, uprooted from the surface of the earth and has no stability. "

There are many different forms of roots and it also constitutes one of the great explorations of botany. The roots of tall trees usually sinking depth, while the roots rather small shrubs rather may extend horizontally.

A University team of scientists Blaise-Pascal and the National Agricultural Research Institute revealed in 2002 that trees have the ability to correct their posture despite external influences such as landslides or high winds. Without this amazing stability, photosynthesis of these trees which gradually incline eventually become impossible and cause their death. These biomechanics have shown that when the tree has been an inclination, identifies each new cambium cells that will form will marry the deformation so as to allow the tree to recover. The tensile force is such that a portion of the timber from these trees curve after the loggers were board, causing the loss of a large amount of wood.

Built-physiology laboratory of Fruit and Forest Trees, Bruno and his team Moulia artificially reproduces the situation of mountain trees tilting shafts at 40 °. They studied the growth of trees and 3D charts identified that correct posture with a voltage of wood cellulose which will stiffen the shaft of the cells aligned along the longitudinal axis of the shaft allowing it to rectify its growth. Margaret Ahmad, a CNRS researcher studied thale cress, Arabidopsis thaliana and verified that the plants are sensitive to the magnetic field. An enzyme called photolyase molecule generates a substantial magnetic field also sensitive to blue: the cryprochrome. In addition, sunlight also influence plant growth. Sometimes tension wood grows even outside of the tree trunk as a buttress, as is the case at the Guyanese forest whose floor is wet.

C-34. 259 / 25-26 XIV geotropism in plants:
"Have you not seen how God sets forth a parable a good word like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches soars in the sky? Giving fruit at any time, by the grace of thy Lord. And a bad word is like a bad tree, uprooted from the surface of the earth and has no stability. "

It was determined that the development of stems and roots up and down was orchestrated to extremely confusing mechanisms. Botanists have cultivated plants in aquatic living environments and tipped them during their development and observed that the stems and roots twisted to move respectively upwards and downwards. Again the sun was used as a benchmark. A vital substance to plants, called auxin, would move the light areas to dark areas so as to influence the stem thrust. Researchers are still unaware of how auxin is thus influenced by the other light and still finer process. Botanists have called this phenomenon geotropism and phototropism.

C-35. 263/19 XV Balance in Plant Kingdom:
"And as for the earth, We have spread and there anchored the mountains; and We have caused to grow-all things harmoniously. "

The Koran stops here momentarily on harmony in the vegetation. It'sa again a meditation on one of the most important explorations of botany, namely plant balance. In fact, through a large variety of different species of flora hides a beautiful harmony. The homogeneous environments where there is a small variation of species are threatened by desertification for many reasons. Farmers know the disadvantages of monoculture now. Muhammad would he learned of such knowledge in its business travel? It probably simply see an aesthetic harmony, nothing more.

C-36. 263/22 XV Wind fertilizing:
"And We send the winds fertilizing and We then descend from the sky water with you to drink and we is not you who keep it. "

The role of fertilizing wind is actually a rather belated discovery in any case in the West. The Medina knew in any case that it was necessary to fertilize the female date palms. Maybe we to understand this verse rather the earth sowing seed by the wind? Without the wind lots of plants would disappear from the face of the Earth. Bees and other insects also play a role in this field. Not to mention the fertile wind also providing water and nitrogen during storms. As for the clay, it contains calcium and is a good catalyst. He is omnipresent over the entire surface of the planet, and to discuss the creation of man should therefore not surprise us more than that.

As for water conservation, the Qur'an speaks on several occasions what it estb' # 333333'nbsp; font size = preserved in basements without sinking into inaccessible depths (Cor LXVII;. 30 ), it does not escape into space (Cor XXIII. 18), and subject it rotates between heaven and earth (II Cor., 164). According to a Japanese researcher of water is lost slowly in subduction zones, and could go completely the heart of the planet in a billion years. Tabari explains that the sky brought back the rain in the exegesis of the verse: (Cor p.591 / 11 LXXXVI.). We analyzed it above rational and detail, and are not back here.

C-37. 263 / 26-27 XV Clay (Catalyst?) And life - the jinn are of a very old civilization jinn
"We created man of sounding clay of black mud extracted. And the jinn We created earlier a fire of a scorching wind. "

Clay fundamental principle of the earth's crust would have served the creation of Adam in Paradise (XV Cor. 28-35). We developed this extensively elsewhere, we are back not here.

The alleged creation of the jinn of a blazing fire recalls as we raised elsewhere without this recess may be the idea of the Qur'anic concept of the jinn hydrothermal source close to magma beneath the oceans, perhaps on a another planet than Earth. This verse finally announced that the jinn are an older case, this could explain their technical and physical progress compared to humans, including the Koranic spirit. We treated the addition of rational reasoning and phislosophique that the jinn could be anatomically more evolved than us, so as to be obscure, space travel and teleport. Here, the Qur'an announces that they RESULTING THEREFROM older than man.

C-38. 265 / 53-4 XV Birth of a baby in a postmenopausal woman
"They said: 'We proclaim to you good news of a boy full knowledge'; He said: 'Me-you announce this news, when old age touched me?' "

Whether it would be according to the text of a miracle, there is at least also an inspiration on such a possibility. Let us remember as an Italian gynecologist Severino Antinori, has managed to make menopausal women, respectively 62 and 63 speakers to enable them to enjoy this grace of being mom even at that age. Similarly, the mother of Yahya (John the Baptist) was sterile and Zechariah was advanced in age when it would have conceived her baby (III Cor. 40). But the age of the wife of Zechariah perhaps was not far advanced and she was able to beget a son to her husband after years of marriage? This still happens today. We do not know what form of sterility these ladies were minted. If we consider that a lifetime of sixty years was a good time at the time, a woman aged fifty years that can still give birth may explain this verse of the Qur'an, and the original version of the Bible.

HRT or hormone replacement therapy to help women live healthier menopause is a significant advance. Menopause is a hormonal disorder inducing hormone deficiency that goes along with aging women.

C-39. 272/50 XVI Angels and Dawâbs different - aliens:
"And it is to God prostrates every living - dawâb - in heaven and on earth; and the angels who did not arrogant. "

Here we see that living beings populating cited as the heavens and the Earth, Dawâbs are not designed as the Angels but many forms of animal life. See:; (Cor XLII, 29). and notes.

The Angels are property them in the Koranic concept, described as being of heavenly beings made ​​of light that can take any shape. Do we need strong stress here that the Universe must be populated with various more or less evolved organisms? However the idea of designing living beings in space is not unique to the Qur'an, and is the same in Indian writings.

C-40. 274/66 XVI The origin of milk in cows born of the blood and guts of the beast:
"There is certainly a lesson for you in the cattle; We abreuvons you what is in their bellies; a product extracted from the mixture of excrement and blood-pure milk, delicious for the drinkers. "

Milk is in effect between the intestines and blood of the cow, so who is this an accurate description of the Koran on the biology plan. All living tissues of animals fed on transformed nutrients from feces in our bellies, they are transmitted from there to the blood a very important and lymphatic vascular network. The superior mesenteric artery, the ileocecal artery, coecal arcade and terminal branches of the arteries that vascularize intestines intercept food materials from the intestines. The branches of the internal mammary artery, and branches of intercostal arteries and axillary bring this precious blood to the mammary glands where milk is produced. Blood is precisely the agent who used to feed our organs and our tissues. That was it ignored at the time when the Koran was written? The production is a mandatory blood physiological characteristic of the higher multicellular organisms. Otherwise the transition of nutrients to the center of the body would be too slow for single cell contact. In humans and other animals the heart and vascular system are formed for this in the first place.

Populations that have domesticated cows for more than 5,000 years have in their advantage of enzymes called lactase gene pool to digest milk of cattle. This gene is much less frequent or absent in populations that have not adopted this tradition. This is a human adaptation for the digestion of milk from another species which is the product of a favorable mutation.

C-41. 274 / 68-9 XVI Ethology and the bee - The virtues of honey especially against diarrhea, as a cough suppressant and for healing:
"This -Voilà- your Lord revealed to the bees:" Build dwellings in the mountains, trees and trellises that men make. Then eat of all fruits, follow the ways of your Lord made easy for you. '. Their interior comes a drink of varying colors, in which there is healing for men. "

The Qur'an speaks of an inspiration in bees foraging from flower to flower. We have no scientific explanation to date of the physical mechanisms that cause this jeopardizes described as innate in ethology and which we therefore have no positive answer.

The book also notes that there is a cure in the outgoing honey bee inside, their ruffles that are in fact pockets of their digestive system -a cavity of their esophagus. Or this healing quality also is recognized as true particularly in the case of diarrhea. Sugar honey requires to drink large quantities of gold it helps balance the digestive system as in case of diarrhea than constipation. Honey has antibacterial as well since a virtue contains inhibin. Like honey which is supersaturated with various sugars (glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, and another ten different sugars) provides only a small amount of sugar directly assimilable, it is useful for endurance necessary for a patient.

According to studies on honey, scientific results prove that honey promotes healing. It is interesting that the verse speaks for bees eat of all fruits, because of the bee is also feeds also including what it will produce honey so, also transforming the elements it will digested to produce honey from pollen. Another very perceptive intuition.

Without bees, the reproduction of perhaps 80% of plants could disappear. The bee is so intimately related to plants flowering orchid species that imitates a bee fantastically. The flower of this orchid has a shape of female bee also with fake wings and even secrete a scent imitating the scent of a female bee. The male bee that arises above believer breed takes its pollen and carries it to another orchid to actually fertilize so. The study of flower colors in the visible spectrum to the human eye revealed reasons we were invisible, but which allow the bees to detect a distance. The link between bees and flowers mentioned in this verse, is a point that should not be excluded as part of a systematic scientific study of the Koran.

C-42. 275 / 73-78-9 Food XVI in heaven - born without knowledge of Man - The flies volatile in the atmosphere.
"And they implore, besides God, which can give them no food of heaven or earth. (.) God brought you out of your mothers' wombs devoid of all knowledge, and gave you hearing, sight and hearts, that ye may be grateful. Have they not seen the birds in the sky covered with nothing to retain the outside of God? "

Meat and other foods we eat are mainly made of water (80-90%) and solar energy. The iron is a vital element in our body comes from space continuously. So we're really nourished by heaven and earth.

The birth of man almost without science is one of the largest in the species specific. Because almost everything is acquired by the company and virtually nothing is innate. Regarding human ability to learn, this precisely from it without knowing precisely born before all learn. In other words, it is his innate ability to learn and design that allows it to be born and without any knowledge that was innate.

At the time of Muhammad the flight of birds was a real mystery. Birds are animals well adapted for flight. They have no bladder, lungs specialist to provide oxygen continuously metabolizes a very active and a lighter skeleton. Birds adopt basically three types of flights: flapping flight when the bird flies by flapping its wings (Cor P.563 / 19 LXVII.), Gliding the bird having gained speed lets carried by wind and veiled theft of large raptors and marabouts who are raised by the warm currents. But the birds are still being held in the gravitational environment of Earth and are forced to stay there for oxygen. Their flight is almost impulsive and they do nothing but beat their wings, coordination and following preprogrammed a fantastic way. Their flight speed is stable directly related to their weight. These animals then flying one way programmed to perfection since their famous anatomy, and to the laws of aerodynamics and brain program, innate.

C-43. Sens 281/120 XVI of the word 'Ummah:
"Abraham was a guide - 'ummah - perfect. "

If some thinkers translate the word '' ummah 'not consolidation, it is clear from this verse that the word' 'ummah' is another fact reach. This word derived from the word '' um 'which means' mother' or the word "marketing authorization" means the entity actually means a cultural entity, or having a common origin rites. The Abrahamic would form into a face on its own, and it would be the patriarch of the Arabs and Jews.

According to a hadith contained in al-Bukhari, Muhammad asked the companions to kill the dogs, but he returns to his judgment and gives as an explanation: "I had said to kill dogs. But I remembered that they form a 'ummah. ". However, it is clear that the dogs do not live in community but in separate human homes. In addition, this hadith is an argument to say that we must avoid to exterminate a species since verse describes animals crawling, walking and driving 'ummamun -the plural ummah - like us (Cor 132/38. VI): "No beast walking on earth, nor a bird flying in the sky, which do not be such a community to you. ". Muhammad however allowed in any case to kill vermin. Some species are so harmful that we would protect entire ecosystems at risk.

C-44. 285/31 XVII Abortion described as murder:
"Do not kill your children for fear of poverty; What We shall provide their subsistence. Killing them is really a great sin! "

Abortion is considered bad in the Qur'an. The child is considered alive and has 120 days, abortion is considered murder following Hadith considered the more reliable of the two by Muslim jurists. According to scientists it is now technically possible to feed more than twice all human beings living on the planet. Maldistribution of wealth is attributed to the same man. Should we insist that the food the mother strictly enough to breastfeed the baby for six months, and that this food has the same fantastic reality virtues? Besides specialists prohibit modern moms to eat for two. In addition, a baby can continue to breastfeed two years with a small food accompaniment. The air of nothing, this is 1/40 th of a man's life on average. It is not prohibited under Sharia to practice birth control means, but it is forbidden to abort once the baby is here. Muhammad said, he would appear that this is sufficient food for one, enough for two, and that which is sufficient enough for two to four -ibn Maja: 3254. Overfeeding is a problem nowadays increasingly well understood. Obesity is the bane of the beginning of the third millennium. Muhammad cited among signs of the end times obesity and sudden death, and the fact of living in buildings more and higher -el Bukhari: 204. A vision reinforced over time, reflecting the power of intuition of the prophet in his genius.

Note that the Koran prohibits abortion when this is done by financial fear. If a couple realizes that the baby suffers from a major defect as being anencephalic, abortions done before 120 days of pregnancy will not be as serious an abortion done after this period, because the child does is not provided with soul before 120 days according to Muhammad, an argument in use by some jurists humanitarian bent.

C-45. 286/70 XVII Man become earth, stone and iron and if the resurrection was slow:
"They say: - Is it that once we become dust and bones that we would really created anew - Tell them: -Devenez stone or iron. Or what grows in your breasts (which you design on the other). "

The ashes of our bodies, like all other substances grainy sediment and earth are transformed over time by rocks. A curious person can deduce this by simply personal experience. But what should we understand the ashes iron transformation? Should we believe that the stone would turn into compressed iron? In any case, if the theory of nucleosynthesis is recognized, would have our ashes, if they were not brought back to life, end up in the heart of other stars for processing iron and other elements. This would be a problem with the Koranic eschatology which means that men are resurrected on Earth and judged it. According to the quantum theory, along one of its deductions, all atoms should become the iron atoms after an extremely long time lapse in much more distant: after 10 exposing 1500 years. See also: (Cor p.. 338/47 XXII): "And they ask you to hasten the punishment. God never fail in His Word. However, one day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you count. ".

C-46. 290/85 XVII What is the soul?
"And they ask you about what the soul. Say: 'The soul comes under the Order of My Lord. And one gave you that little knowledge! ' "

It should be noted first of all that the soul is not intelligence in Islam. According to tradition the vécrnbsp ;: 4 / bgétaux have no soul, but have a sensitivity. The date that Muhammad had left in his prayers would have cried and according to a report from al-Bukhari, which would be a form of intelligence, if that was possible of course. But we are dealing here with the design of what a soul in Islam. We now know that plants botany feel touch and are influenced in their growth. We thus see that the plants have a form of sensitivity and a form of intelligence. Are we not talking pen or even smart portfolios? In Islam, all infertile debates regarding the brain seat of intelligence and material senses and the soul are therefore excluded in this way. Intelligence does not take the soul according to Muhammad.

According to the children of Israel questioned the Moses about the soul, the soul was in the blood. This is probably the little science they received that probably suggests this passage from the Koran. Here is the relevant biblical passage (Leviticus, 17: 11): "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have put it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. ". This was their reasoning linking them to God. Which would have procreated - by blood relationship. The Qur'an clearly rejects this approach in this passage.

Several renowned physicists of quantum physics specialists have tried to revisit the design of the mind with newer ways but it is still in its infancy. These include the theory defended by JH Hagelin in his book written in English, entitled Is Consciousness the Unified Field? (Printed in 1987): "And if the unified field of modern physics was identical to the field of pure consciousness." We mentioned elsewhere in the Qur'an comparison of the stars of mathematical realities of how Pythagoras (LV Cor. 5.7 to 8): "And the sun and moon as calculations. And the Firmament has He raised high. And He set the balance. "; As the creation of a single Divine Will of everything (Cor LIV: 49-50.):" We have created all things with measurement and Our order should be only as a blinking eyelid. ". The theoretical physics shows that down the heart of the matter, we fall into a world of waves respecting the rules of the pure mathematics of time or even disappears from our formulas. This approach seems already probably pretty close to Oriental concepts and descriptions among others those of the Qur'an about the soul, or at least the spirit and without really making a philosophical consideration. Selleri evokes in his book The Great Debate of quantum theory questions the reality of the waves. Do they exist independently of the observer? The vacuum of space compared to an ocean in the Quran - (XI Cor. 7) & Muslim - can it be conceived as the place shaken by the eternal power of God as suggested by a Muslim thinker? Nothing in the Koran prohibits suppose.

Is it possible to conceive the soul as a result animal metaphysical type of living system? The soul would emerge as the biological and neurological processes. It is dependent on the body which it is the initial product, except perhaps at the death she succeed in the brain to emancipate time by a still unknown process, as some people claim the disembodied according to their own corroborating testimonies . How many clinically dead people testified that they believed to have left their bodies and traveled to a tunnel? But this goes beyond science, at least currently. But this kind of experience may explain the belief in life after death by mystical consolidated accounts over millennia.

C-47. 292/99 XVII Similar rights and the immense universe:
"Have they not seen that God who created the heavens and the earth, is able to create their like? "

The vastness of the universe pushes scientists to believe that life has also flowered elsewhere. That is why they have developed several programs such as the program called SETI to try to listen to extraterrestrial messages.

Indeed, we are the physico-chemical laws governing the physics of our universe on a planet among many others. In this case, it is not excluded that even other forms of humans are formed in the vastness of the universe by programming laws of physics even when the big bang, according to marginal approach Boghdanov brothers. See also the explanation of the verse: (Cor p.. About other inhabited planets in the Muslim tradition already in the Middle Ages 559/12 LXII).

If existing proteins on Earth are almost all possible molecules and viable from the laws of biochemistry - what is possible and even likely depending on what brilliantly defends Michael Denton in his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, in this case, there may be other forms of life very similar to those known to exist on our planet in the vastness of the Universe. But the twenty amino acids that make up all living organisms proteins on Earth are not necessarily the only ones that would allow life to form. Indeed, the study of a meteorite found in Australia in Murchison in 1969 revealed the presence of seventy amino acids of which only 8 were of the type known on Earth. François Raulin Créteil Interuniversity laboratory research director thinks that if the mechanisms for the formation of living organisms throughout the universe is based on the principles inherent in a similar physical laws, there may be other forms of life elsewhere. This gives credibility to the claims of another passage in the Koran: (XXXVI Cor. 33-36).

C-48. 304/99 XVIII Gog and Magog, another humanity:
"We will leave that day surging over each other.

The Qur'an mentions these tribes often considered mythical solid hardware faults. Belief in wild men is pervasive in many civilizations around the world. Would it be a population living in caves archaic way that would have continued to exist somewhere so endemic in the world until recently? The tradition describes them as hunting with spears and dressed in animal hair. Having a similar deal with hammered shields.

It is interesting that, methodically, former scholars are those beings in Asia. Since the discovery of Homo floresiensis of Flores Man, discovered in Indonesia have joined local legends about dwarfs beings, black and hairy living in forests and down the mountains, causing damage to men and that they have appointed the Ebu Gogo, in the local language meaning "ancestor who eats anything." A paleontologist at the point of the Netherlands, working at the University of Leiden, Gert van den Bergh, embarked on a crossover study of beliefs around Boawae and recent discoveries and continue to guide new digs. These tiny beings of about 1.40 m hunting with spears as paleontological discoveries could they be related to Gogs or Magogs? Note that the term used in the Koran are: Yagog and Magog -according Bedouin pronunciation or letter Djim which decides gim. Which is close phonetically gog.

According to local beliefs, Ebu Gogo took refuge in caves were hairy and down mountains as Gogs and Magogs described in the Qur'an: (Cor XXI. 96), to eat everything that is in the fields of a similarly also to the descriptions of the Qur'an relating to Gogs and Magogs (XVIII Cor. 94). They have even removed and ate at least one child. They would fear the fire and their wives have breasts so long that they would launch them over their shoulders behind their backs as they fled. These descriptions joining passages from the Koran and weak hadiths and sound hadiths cited by Qurtubi, al-Râzhî Fahraddîn etc. The origin of Yagog and Magog terms are said to be non-Arab scholars as though linguists have sought their senses in Arabic mixture.

Unless the Gogs and Magogs are connecting more with the famous Tchoutchounas, existing beliefs in Yakutia, around Lake Baikal, which have lived in the chains of Verkhoyansk and Poloustnaya, perhaps the two barriers between which the precise Quran they were imprisoned (XVIII Cor. 93) along the Siberian river Lena? The Tchoutchounas would over two meters and sometimes vêtiraient of animal skins -not tannées- as Gog and Majûjs cited by the prophet at al-Bukhari and Muslim. Their heads would be small and would have long hair and prominent brow ridges, like beards. Their forehead is small. They have black face making indistinct features of their faces -el-Bukhari and Muslim. They would use bows to hunt -el-Bukhârî-, and they would know the fire. The Tchoutchounas would cry and talk rudely, and they emit a hissing sound that frighten the reindeer herders and their flocks. Finally, Loren Coleman would gladly see a Homo heidelbergensis survivor. So Tchoucuounas descriptions reminiscent of Gog and Majuj dressed in animals with hair, like the faces erased and hunting with spears and arrows. The region is populated by Turkic-speaking, it is surprising that the former often equated these mythical beings to Turkish.

In the Universal Encyclopedia Gallimard entitled Human Being, on page 23 we read that our species is the only survivor of the genus homo, and we are lucky to still exist: "And the evidence suggests that our species has experienced several times a demographic decline that could be fatal. Perhaps it is only a matter of chance that we are still on the planet. Fossils reveal that our cousins ​​have lived up to 30,000 years (12,000 with actually floresiensis). Population pockets have persisted even longer, giving rise to various myths ape-man's - Sasquatch in North America, Central America Alux, Yeti in the Himalayas or in Sumatra Orang Pendek.

Finally, commentators often equate them to Turkish. As the face as flat and beasts of hairs in clothes reminiscent of the Turks. But the word gog may come from the Turkish. Gök who pronounced by a Turkish Siberia can agree Gog. Gök means in Turkish blue sky and the word is also close Kök which means root. It may be that the Turks saw in the Gogs distant ancestors or divine or sacred beings. In Turkish mythology, the first man was hairy, that's when he ate from the forbidden tree he would have lost his hair.

Another thesis is that the Gogs and Magogs would be in the North of Europe, moreover, according to the two brothers Johannes and Olaf Magnus (1488-1544 and 1490-1557): in the Historia omnibus Gothorum Suenonumque regibus (1557), and the Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus (1555) the Swedish history even dates back to Gog and Magog? We will come back in the chronology section on this point.

Could it therefore really be it a human line sister to ours? A hadith Gogs and Magogs qualifies as children of Adam: "Ya'jooj and Ma'juj are the offspring of Adam and when they are sent to people, they saccageront property. None of them dies without leaving 1,000 men or more. "According to al-Mustadrak defined as reliable by Hakim and Dhahabî, an authentic tradition anyway. This suggests that these differ according to the popular beliefs of Muhammad's time the rest of us by their faces. Maybe their female line would cross in an individual Homo erectus or Homo heidelberghensis? Anthropologists have identified the belief in the existence of wild men around the world. The discovery of Neanderthals dating back 27,000 years and men of Flores only 12,000 years old allows us to believe in the existence of wild men who have existed more recently.

When the Beast Land mentioned in another verse, marking men at the front, (Cor XXVII: 82.) "And when the Word falls on them, We will leave earth a beast that shall speak to them; people were not convinced of the truthfulness of Our Signs! ". Tradition says that the beast should be seen twice before finally arise. It seems to be designed according to the direct read other verses like extraterrestrial: (Cor. 486/29 XLII): "And among His Signs ago the creation of the heavens and the earth and what it disseminated as beasts in those two. He is Able to gather them together when He wills. ", the use here of the formula izhâ means it has or will take place, it is not impossible for species to meet occasionally through the vastness of the Universe. The meeting referred to in the verse: (Cor. 486/29 XLII) may be the prophetic announcement of the speaking beast mentioned in verse (XXVII Cor. 82) .

C-49. 306 / 24-6 Magnesium XIX when the woman is pregnant:
"So he called from below to her: 'Do not afflict you, your Lord has placed a rivulet beneath thee. And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm, it will drop on you fresh ripe dates. So eat and drink and invigorates your eye '"

The energy requirement of pregnant women need muscles made an important contribution magnesium in effect that invigorates them as says this passage. Dates are very rich in magnesium and sugar, two very energizing components. The Madinan should have discovered this under their main fruit.

C-50. 306-7 / 20-2 XIX Birth of Jesus without a father: would it be an abnormal meiosis:
"She said, 'How shall I have a son when no man has touched me -épousée- and I am not prostitute?' Thus he will, and We will make a sign to the people. So she conceived the child. "

Some animal species reproduce without sex - by parthenogenesis -, some reptiles: spiny-tailed lizards (Cnemidophorus Uniparens) that have only female and reproduce without male gametes.

In a normal meiosis, chromosomes separate by two healthy and give 2 groups of 23 chromosomes. However, regular sharing of chromosomes is disturbed. One, two, three or more chromosomes are found in the same gamete.

In fact the sexual species must mate to give an egg with 2n chromosomes, however this is not the case with Cnemidophorus Uniparens; that during meiosis transformed haploid egg by diploid cell by splitting its chromosomes; and this without fertilization. At the platypus we found 10 sex chromosomes X and Y, apparently differentiated from two sex chromosomes XY base.

Natural cloning
In a case of aneuploidy, one or more chromosomes are in one daughter cell. If all chromosomes were in one of the two daughter cells we would have a natural cloning. Were it the case with Jesus?

We will mention here that geneticists have discovered that in humans, the designs are 2.8 times the 10,000 special result of the union of a monosomic gamete with a gamete nullosmique second. In fact, we all know the case of trisomy 21 where the baby has three chromosomes in its genome 21. Now this is that sometimes, during oogenesis or spermatogenesis the chromosome pair 21 passes in the same daughter cell. There are also other forms of trisomy which called Trisomy 18, which is lethal and thus already less well known: those concerned are not viable. This applies also for the sex cells and for all other chromosomes of the human genome.

This disorder of cell division is called aneuploidy: the pair of a type of chromosomes happens in one of two cells during meiosis, leaving the other cell without this chromosome then - nullosomie. This happens often enough so that 2.8 people in 10,000 are from a gamete or ovule- -spermatozoïde nullosomique with another gamete monosomique. The baby becomes healthier: the missing chromosomes in a gamete contained in a double in the other gamete. However, the number of gametes with a re pai4 one type of chromosome have a certain probability of finding a genetic complement devoid of this chromosome and then make viable zygote. While the probability of hitting a combination of two gametes of which has more than one chromosome in a double and the other being devoid of excessive then precisely these chromosomes. 2.8 10,000 designs cited above are only the visible part of the iceberg regarding gamete malformed. Indeed, all the same chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of 50% of miscarriages in the first three months of pregnancy, various forms of genetic abnormalities than cases of aneuploidy and covering the damaged chromosomes in general.

We estimate 20% embryos with an abnormal number of chromosomes. Almost all of them die in miscarriages. But if an egg had passed this same way the whole, that is to say all, of its chromosomes in one egg twins, we would give a loan to a viable zygote individual. That Jesus could seriously be a "natural clone" of his mother, but male; the possibility of being a woman or a man genome XY to XX genome, we have treated elsewhere.

This may happen even more often than we would believe. The Vatican has acknowledged several times that women have conceived being blank, but it's always baby girls he would. Similar stories are known in the Muslim world, particularly in Morocco, or women were pregnant without a husband, while their religion was known to all. Perhaps is it girls, because a woman does not usually have famous Y chromosome needed for a male baby? We have mentioned the existence of several chromosomes are in some people, which in rare cases known there is coexistence in the same zygote two chromosomes are different, proving that a woman can carry a Y chromosome and have offspring. Cases of women XY karyotype and fertile female phenotype have been discovered in several centers obsétriques and Genetics in Germany, Croatia, etc. Similarly, we discussed also the fact that humans have 46 chromosomes and explained how this demonstrates that sometimes chromosomal aberrations are the basis of evolution. The Y chromosome in mammals is unstable and undergoes frequent changes, explaining many sexual chromosomal abnormalities. In addition, the Y chromosome has developed the ability to repair that also causes certain consequential effects upon reproduction.

We saw that natural cloning through aneuploidy is potentially likely a woman without physical contact with a man. Furthermore it is remarkable that in many cultures it is alluded to virgins who have given birth of son without copulation. Horus was born of the virgin Isis, Buddha of the virgin Maya, Mithras in Persian civilization is also born of a virgin. Maybe the phenomenon is simply experienced in history? But no cases of natural clone was confirmed in official scientific centers.

In the laboratory, scientists introduce the donor cell into the oocyte in metaphase II with an electric net and ensure the stability of the caryocinèse down into the MPF chemically playing the Cdc2 gene. The goal is actually synchronize the donor nucleus replication cycle with different reproduction cycle of the oocyte. It is likely that the caryocinèse is disturbed during cloning that wholes organelles donor cytoplasm are introduced into the oocyte disrupting rate of cell division. However, in case of total aneuploidy, the nucleus and the oocyte is already synchronized, the caryocinèse should naturally keep stable. If such cases exist in nature, it must be very exceptional, or DNA should be compared with that of natural clone of his parents to see the phenomenon.

Mary was able to give life to a biologically male child without a husband; this is probably exceptional and statistically very unlikely, but it is now well established that this probability clearly is in any case not zero. The Koreans have now cloned humans, which validates our approach as probable.
Besides the instability of chromosome are usually rule and repair school, we still raise a family history of Mary's family. Cases of fertility, delayed delivery, etc. It therefore seems likely that Mary could inherit a particular chromosome there and that it will be repaired in Jesus. If what history brought us is true, it seems that this would be a probable case extremely rare, highly unlikely, but theoretically probable.

As for the male Jesus if he has the same genes as Marie, supra analysis of this field. In short, remind here that there are men and women XX normal XY which can bring forth and pass the Y chromosome to a son. Sometimes a woman XY has inhibited genes that makes a woman, these genes can occur in a single generation.

C-51. 310/67 XIX Man described as being created when he was nothing at all:
"The man he recalls that We created it, it is We who have created while he was nothing. "

This verse above philosophically those who speak of the creation of man in Paradise from clay and his descent to Earth-in the womb of a mother - to go to the material origin of the man who should be nothing at all in the beginning. This shows that the universal matter has not always existed in the Quran.

From a hardware standpoint, the atoms that make up our bodies are from the mathematical laws that govern subatomic physics. When we descend to the depths of matter we finish our course with purely mathematical information where even the time dimension disappears formulas. Compared with Eastern philosophy in the transformation of the divine order, the logos, in terms of which we had become witnesses so. And physically, vacuum equipment given way to waves, emptied of matter and time, made ​​purely mathematically that can join the descriptions of the Qur'an: (Cor II. 117), (Cor III. 47), (Cor . III: 59), (LIV: 49-50), etc.

The complexity of these physical laws need to use several hidden dimensions. And physicists are trying to find explanations for the homogeneity of the universe resulting paradoxically a kind of explosion, and to avoid the infinite under the laws of modern physics probably imperfect. Whatever the mechanisms that allowed this perfection the result is amazing and full of surprises.

C-52. 324/30 XXI The aquatic origin of all living things:
"Those who disbelieve have they not seen that the heavens and the earth were an all welded, and We separated them right away? From the water we trained every living thing. "

The fantastic properties of water make any living organism is made of water. By this verse must simply understand that water is life. Water is an excellent solvent, it expands cooling, the ability to bind by hydrogen bridges etc. And each of these features gives her the lead role in the development and biochemistry of life. This verse is very interesting because it binds heaven and earth into a whole, and binds all living organisms to a single source, water. So he teaches the origin of the universe and the origin of life.

Chronologically, the appearance of primordial life began almost simultaneously with the appearance of water on Earth, dated to 3.85 billion years cyanobacteria may have existed. Earth is dated 4.5 billion years. Water is emerged from the depths of the Earth when the Earth was formed, which leaves a very small margin of time between the occurrence of liquid water on the surface and the appearance of life forms. Cambrian -440,000,000 to 510,000,000-years multicellular animals were also water. Hydrothermal vents are according to experts of the places where life could sprout very early on Earth. Fish are considered the ancestors of tetrapods. Birds and snakes have evolved since tetrapods. So life had to begin in the aquatic funds in the proper sense of this passage from the Koran, even if it probably was not the intent.

C-53. 327/69 XXI The fire that does not burn (Physics):
"We said: 'O fire! Be unto Abraham coolness! ' "

Beyond a certain temperature, fire paradoxically begins to give a feeling of coldness. But whatever the temperature of the famous fire pyre where Abraham has been placed, it is not death, by a miracle? The historicity of Abraham is generally accepted as unfounded. We will show the worship of the sun, the moon and the constructions of houses Ka'ba type of stones in which Hittite Abraham would come according to some midrashim.

C-54. 330/91 XXI Jesus is born without a father:
"And she who guarded her chastity! We breathed into it the breath of life from Us and We with her and her son a sign for the Universe! "

The issue was extensively discussed above.

C-55. 332/5 XXII Embryology: Creation of Adam earth and descent possible in the belly of a mother in the form of a droplet - Security of gestation in mammals (more than in oviparous, reptiles and marsupials.) - senile memory loss.
"O mankind! If you doubt about the Resurrection, it is We Who have created you from dust, then of a drop, then from a clot, then from a small bite formed both formless. There are some among you who die -jeune-, while others reach the vilest of age so that they no longer know anything about what they knew at the screen. "

It is said that Muhammad would one day say: "Certainly, each of you, when it is created in the womb of his mother for forty days a droplet, then it becomes a bond for a similar length of time, then it becomes a small morsel of flesh for a similar period of time; on it is sent to the Angel who breathes the soul. "-el Bukhari: 430. This hadith is one whose modern Muslim thinkers are based to allow abortion in extreme cases well defined, if the Baby has not yet 120 days - gift of the soul. Adam was created from earth to heaven, he was subsequently sent to Earth to have committed a sin. Would it be according to Koranic conception of Adam, and according to our verse transformed into a droplet in the belly (a safe place) a female; the droplet could be transformed into a grip resembling a leech and a blood clot?

It is not out of disrespect for the Moor professor who wrote about embryology in the Qur'an nor against Mr. Bucaille who consider stages' alaq, mudgha and idhâmah regardless of what we sound hadiths chose to base ourselves on this timeline. Neither doubting objectivity. Moreover, it must be emphasized that miscarriages have always existed, and that the Embryo 'alaq (40 days), mudgha (80 days) and idhâmah (120 days) could be observed at the time the writing of the Qur'an. This is not in itself supernatural. Already the egg is visible to the naked eye if you focus a little.

We can not leave this point without having explained the meaning of the words used in Arabic across the Koran on embryonic development in humans. Since these eminent scholars have different explanations on the chronology of embryology by this passage. Because there is a hadith in Muslim gives the conceptual timing of these transformations -Muslim: 2643, ibn Maja 76, abu Dawud: 4708. We have quoted above.

Photo of ovulation

Ovulation was photographed by Jacques gynecologist Give the Brussels University Hospital Saint-Luc 11 June 2008. Contrary to what was believed, ovulation was not violent but lasted 15 minutes. The specialist has expanded the organ with a gas to make the event more visible. The yellow--the follicular fluid droplet containing the egg out of the apex of the follicle is -in red- yellow as according to the hadith.

The word naked t fa mean droplet. Note that a drop of rain can not measure more than 3 millimeters for physical reasons. However, the latter is condensed from 100,000 to 1,000,000 droplets. When the fertilized egg enters the uterus, it measures 1 mm. Here we must understand the quintessence of semen and vaginal secretions of women. The bulk of the seed emerging after the end of copulation, through the vagina. But the cytoplasm that surrounds the cell organelles is liquid and is similar to the idea of droplet. This droplet is described as mixed elsewhere: (Cor 578/2 LXXVI.): "We created man of a droplet made ​​of a mixture for the test. ". Visible in the appearance of the seed. That is to say, it shows the way a tiny amount of fluid made ​​from a mixture: which corresponds to a single cell from the body and yellow seed. The seed is actually the mixture of substances secreted in a variety of organs such as the testes, the prostate, seminal vesicles, glands Mery, Cooper and Littre.

Thawban transmitted by Muhammad explained that he would one day that the mother is also a kind of seed, and that this explains that sometimes the baby also looks like the mother in relation to the speed of competition between the two liquids seminal -Muslim: 315. We read this: "The man is white liquid and liquid of women is yellow. These two liquids meet. If so fluid father who top the child becomes a boy according to the will of God, if the liquid of the mother who has the upper hand the child becomes a girl according to the will of God. ". During ovulation, the estrogen secreted by the ovarian follicles and synthesized by granulosa cells, interacts with the hormones of the anterior pituitary and brain--at cause ovulation. Then the follicle becomes corpus luteum.

Then, if no fertilization of the corpus luteum regresses and menstruation begins, but the yellow body is maintained in the event of fertilization and nidation when there, progesterone luteum even then maintains pregnancy. The white color of the seed comes from the color of the liquid coming from the prostate. After fertilization, the few 25,000 genes from both paternal and maternal genomes enter a complex gene regulatory proteins cause game where the manufacture or stop production of other proteins, until at the end the child more or less similar to each parent, including the sex of the unborn baby.

The word comes alaq him to 'hang aliqa meaning. This corresponds to the fact that the baby hangs necessarily on the wall of the uterus. The fertilized egg implantation did his very fast, but it's not really hooked. The transformation of the liquid mixture to the bonding stage is done during the first weeks. Indeed, it is fed by the endometrium during the first two months, the implantation is progressive, the baby clings gradually. It is remarkable that after the first month, only the still very wide umbilical cord connects our embryo embryonic annexes; It was only after three months he firmly resource of the mother's blood system. So the 40-day embryo is hung in the words of the prophet.

'Alaq also suggests' blood clot'. In fact, this sense is also a very beautiful image, like the embryonic cells are the baby of forty days (length of stage 'alaq, in our above hadith) is 4 small centimeter tall and looks like a clot blood filled yellowish pus hooked to the uterus. At this stage, fibrin actually imprisons even so the red blood cells to clog the vessels as the heart has formed -it is the first of all the organs to former- and will beat more quickly wearing down the veins so fragile baby training. Coagulation and does play an important role in the development of vascularization, first stage of embryonic development. In addition, by surrounding the blood vessels, clot guide cells in their migration to the specialization lowercase organs and living tissue.

The word mudgha just madagha which means chew. Muhammad used in another tradition that word mudgha to evoke the small bite of meat that is the heart from the body in 40 Hadith Nawawi, saying: "Truly, there is in the human body a small bite (mudgha) that if it is healthy, allows the body to prosper and if it is wrong to completely corrupt: it is the heart! ". In addition, the stage of Mudgha is very interesting in this passage one, for we read that the baby is at this stage partly formed and partly unformed. And as the baby 80 days -Stade mudgha according Muhammad- made ​​a small bite in which the various organs are still disproportionate and unfit to live, this is a very ingenious precision power. The baby of 80 days is 5-6 centimeters, is precisely a bite.

Note that a baby 120 days -Stade idhâmâ by our famous hadith of Muhammad written more speaker can theoretically live and that proportio4ns perfect, his bones harden leaving the stage to the stage of cartilage ossification, as well as muscles strengthen to resemble a fine garment on the small skeletal body lean to the extreme. The word idhâmâ is used by Muhammad by words "I was ordered to prostrate myself seven idhâmâ: forehead, both hands, both knees and both ends of feet" -Muslim: 490. The word idhâmâ therefore includes bone, cartilage and the envelope. It is clear that the bones do not really touch the ground during prostration. If we consider the meaning of the word mentioned here idhâmâ, we can note that the envelope of bébé- idhâmâ which is made ​​of muscle and skin forms previously well until the 120 th day and as described in our verse: indeed The muscles are not from the same bud that gives bones, they come from the mesoderm and somites are just faithfully follow the skeletal structure; and we do not know how to bind the muscles to the skeleton. Thus we read fa kasawnâ'l idhâmah Lahman either and vêtîmes alongside the bones with flesh. The letter fa testifies that this must be quick.

So stadiums are well; 1) Droplet: fertilized egg, sperm and follicular fluid liquid; 2) Adhesion bloody, so leech clinging -to 40 days; 3) A small bite of about 5 cm in part created and proportionate -to 80 days; 4) A skeletal frame clothed with a garment of flesh -to 120 days. These stages are particularly cited verse (Cor. P.342 / 12-5 XXIII): "We created man from an extract of clay, Then We made ​​him a drop in a safe place -matrice. Then We made ​​the drop a clot, that clot We made ​​a small bite and have transformed into small bite bones that we VETIS a flesh suit. Then We made ​​him a new creature. ". Currently scientists fabricate objects of various materials on which they grafted the cells that line perfectly.

This passage also speaks a little further, senile memory loss. Older people may indeed come to remember their names, but even what used glasses or shoes. Therefore they can literally forget everything they knew as stipulated ingeniously verse. We will not dwell here in the biological and neurological explanations of this known phenomenon with some people in their old age. In short, at around 10% estimated the proportion of people aged over 65 suffering from senile dementia. The number of neurons decreased, the thickness of the cerebral cortex atrophies and protein clusters formed by regions of senile plaques. Various mental disorders are born then, including memory loss.

C-56. 341/73 XXII The difficulty of creating a fly:
"O mankind! An example has been made listen here: 'Those whom you worship besides God can not create even a fly, if they all met together for the purpose. And if the fly steals whatever thing they do not get it back. ' "

While it is easy to mock the appearance of a fly, a thorough analysis of its anatomy and physiological functioning can only leave us open-mouthed at the complexity of his faculties. Imagine that you were trying to make such a small robot, capable of flying zigzag, poking a tip and avoid being hit. This robot will moreover self-load energy in making do in a completely autonomous and can reproduce. He can see, hear and smell fragrances and tastes etc. and also have a memory of smells and pain. In fact, it is not easy to replicate such technology prodigy that even in our time here. Also, if a fly eats food, it has a digestive system as the food is digested immediately as underlined by some concordistes, again something obviously impossible for a man to know by the time of the Qur'an and whose verse also says nothing.

Scientists have studied extensively Drosophila, have subjected them to uncountable mutations. They thus caused the birth of millions of disabled flies, and very little if any positive transformation. The verse speaks well to create a fly from nothing, not turn them into monsters. It is further understood that the verse refers to the manufacture of a fly from the stone or wooden idols, the idea that men make a fly being probably unthinkable at the time, but the verse is not talking.

C-57. 342 / 12-5 XXIII Adam to be sent to Earth in the sale of a female? - Embryology:
"Surely, We created man from the origins of the earth; Then We restored a droplet in a safe place (a womb). We then transformâmes the droplet adhesion. And transformâmes grip with a small bite. And transformâmes the small bite in a skeleton that we revêtissions a flesh dress. We then transformâmes into a new creation. Glory to God in the Best Shaper! And then after that you will die. And on the Day of Resurrection, you tighten resurrected. ".

The mythical character of Adam is described as a literal reading of this passage from the Koran as having been formed of land in Paradise and then he was sent to Earth in the safe womb of a mother penance, as he committed a sin Paradis. In this own original hypothesis Qur'an it is described as having been transformed into a droplet in the belly of a female; the droplet having been transformed into a grip resembling a leech and a blood clot. In fact, as already explained above, the embryo 40 days clearly visible at a miscarriage, is similar to a leech of the same age and microscopic analysis of the interior of the embryo at this stage revealed Curiously even the presence of small numbers of blood clots that play a guiding role in speciation and specialization of cells of different tissue types. Also according to the Qur'anic version of Adam is described as having then turned into a small bite after 80 days, the embryo at this stage is about 5 centimeters, and its organs continued to grow. After 120 days, he saw his bones harden and grow quickly, muscle coating follows the same growth process. A four-month fetus is made ​​so thin that the image of the Qur'an is very perceptive comparing the muscles and skin to clothes on the skeleton. According to this passage from the Koran Adam finally described as a new creature, we must perhaps understand other than the original human form of paradise. Following this passage can explain that Adam would become mortal after this second creation imagined as khalqan Akhar. The same terms are used in verse: (Cor. P.398, v.20 Sura: XXIX).

58. C- 353/31 XXIV The brain of a man reacts to the sight of a woman as when he saw a good dish or appetite:
"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not display their forms that what remains apparent; they clamp their kerchiefs over their indents. And they display their beauty except to their husbands, or their brothers, or their son, or the son of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers son, or the son of their sisters, or Muslim women or maids or domestic impotent males or prepubescent boys who know nothing of the secret parts of women. And let them not stamp with the feet on the ground so we guess what they hide of their adornment. "

Scientists have studied the brains of men at the sight of beautiful women and discovered, then, the nucleus accumbens region which is involved in drugs or lack of appetite was having, so this state generates a certain dependency. The study in women would have given anything like that. There would therefore indeed a biological difference between the reactions of both sexes, as we have the intuition in our relationships with the other sex. Similarly, a man can get in orgasm naturally sometimes even before penetration or sexual touching. While this is not the case in women. So from a physiological point of view and considered an experimental point of view, the Qur'anic command to Muslim to cover, whatever that faces our customs and traditions in the West, probably quite understandable profound moral and psychological basis at least in hot countries, especially extramarital affairs are considered immoral and prohibited. We do not discuss here the ethical and philosophical aspects of the issue.

The change allows women to cover a bearable way -not in caisses-, although some of their female forms are showy in part: such as the shape of the hips or chest. Nothing Quran does not mention the hair, arms, or legs. According Raghib (in its Mufradat), the word means any Khimar dress utensil used to cover and took the meaning by the use of sailing, and after Luxenberg, the word Khimar meant to enable the belt to close slot jallabah and differentiate women of good character. The Koran commands the Muslim to decrease their look, not keep your eyes fixed to the ground. The black color is not mentioned in the Koran.

In addition, although the verse addresses only Muslim believers, not to non-Muslim. The other women were, however, avoid ostentation and excessive Stripping in Islamic countries, their shoulders, their torsos and legs may not be hidden in a Islamized region traditionally Muslim women following the use of which Ansar had decided to cover sharply, including hair, and for some even the face as a result of this verse.

C-59. 356/45 XXIV Every living thing is made with water:
"And God created every animal seminal liquid. There are some who walks on his stomach, others walk on two legs and still others walk on four. God creates what He pleases God is Omnipotent! "

This passage remark that all animals that move on Earth originate from the seminal fluid, depending on what the eminent exegete, Qurtubi reported from al-Naqqash. The animals come from a semen, transmitted from generation to generation. The fish walking on their bellies, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, since every breed of seminal fluid. Water is quoted to describe the seminal fluid in several places in the Qur'an (XXV Cor. 54), (Cor LXXXVI, 6-7.). And actually, more than 90% of the seminal liquid is water. Here we can also draw a parallel with the principle of emergence, every living being is born of a living being. This since the appearance of animal life on Earth. This verse is one that clearly show a simplified evolutionary design can be largely subconscious part: "God creates what He is Omnipotent God! ". One is led to think in a critical analysis of the Koran and tradition says that the teaching of Muhammad own belief that the man was an archaic kind of very simplified evolutionary type. Several passages of the Koran mix and clearly lead to the merger of the original approach of Adam descended from parents on Earth itself, and the ancient belief of creation by a god from clay.

The exceptional properties of water are that a living organism is made of water. Fish from the waters to mammals and primates would come up all the waters of the funds from the Cambrian. Retail obviously ignored in the time of Muhammad, the verse can not be understood this way.

C-60. 357/58 XXIV Sleep lunch:
". salat before dawn, at noon when you take off your clothes, and after the salat of night, three opportunities to undress. "

It is advisable to sleep at the time of solar noon, the fact that our body looks like at night, require a little nap in this time slot. The body is cooled slightly and the concentration decreases. Nap midday reduce work accidents and road. It has been shown by Sara Mednick at Harvard, the midday nap increases the visual concentration for the rest of the day, including in Europe where not a tropical climate reigns.

C-61. 364/54 XXV The human species as being created water (seed):
"And it is He who created the water a human race that He unites by ties of kinship. "

The Qur'an uses the word "ma" for seminal fluid too. Here, we would say that it is the seminal fluid that is referred. In modern biology we speak of emergence; and that means that all species come from the one from the other. In this case we can also compare the seminal fluid to water as a conductive base of living beings. A snake is it not a living? And a hen? And amphibians? So the use of the word "ma" in this way is original. Thus reading "He created every living water" we can also understand that the Qur'an conceives life as a continuum linking the species by breeding them, a simplified form of evolution so. Here the human species is said to be created of seminal fluid. This goes a hadith in which Muhammad is said to have responded to someone who asked him what was created man, spitting in the palm of his hand: "From a water like this. ".

C-62. 436/12 XXXV Marine animals freshwater and saltwater:
"The seas are not identical: -water de- it is clean, soft and pleasant to drink; and this one is salty and bitter. However each you eat fresh flesh. "

There are very varied animal forms in freshwater and salt waters. And these are also different from each other, as their backgrounds are different. The rivers have different fauna of the seas and oceans.

C-63. 378 / 16.18 Language XXVII birds and fourm (currently studied):
"And Solomon inherited David, and said: 'O mankind! We have been taught the language of birds. " When they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said, 'O ants! Enter your dwellings, that Sulayman and his troops do not crush you without realizing it! ' "

According to these verses, Solomon inherited his father David in the science of language of birds and ants. Namely, the Koran and the Islamic tradition attributed to a language even rocks to Paradise or to Hell. But it turns out that ants do have a language. Experts have been trying for some time to decipher the language of these beings indeed. They have their way of communicating which we do not yet know much. Several discoveries about chickens and other avian revealed that bird intelligence was much higher than we thought. The hens are capable of abstraction, for example. A hen that observes the legs of a photo chick chick recognizes an adult by his legs. Birds can perform a dance to seduce, or learn dozens of words. A bird can mimic the action of a person and what he does testify etc.

The ant has a language too, which is made mainly of defined movements and odor molecules. One of the molecules of the ant signals, as the Qur'an says, a threat to return to the nest, there are still molecules to guide congeners to crop areas etc.

C-64. 379 / 20-24 XXVII Hoopoe and other migratory birds? The intellectual potential of birds.
"Then he went to the birds and said: 'Why do not I see the hoopoe, or is he among the absentees?' . But she was not absent remained little time and said: 'I learned that you have not learned; and I will relate a new Saba sour '. 'I found her and her people worshiping the sun.' "

The migratebrsquo birds atrophy and prot'4urs clusters are oriented especially by means of the sun. Solomon would see it in this case, in the summer, various migratory birds that had come on its territory? Hoopoe could indeed discover the kingdom of Sabah following its migration to the sun during a possible change of climate which will have to fail with his fellow perhaps there; perhaps the crest would have discovered the African part of the kingdom that might have existed, according to some testimonies on the neighboring continent.

The birds have a language made of shouting and gestural Solomon and David maîtriseraient according to the teachings of the Qur'an: (XXVII Cor. 16). Modern discoveries about the cognitive abilities of birds are also truly amazing. Indeed, since Ludwig Edinger had established nineteenth end its classification of brains of vertebrates based on the pallium (reserved for sophisticated skills) and subpallium (reserved for innate and primitive skills) with the mistaken belief that the birds received only d an archaic brain very inauspicious advanced faculties: the birds were considered intellectually unsophisticated. Until Georg Striedter proves that in birds the pallium structure is actually Nuclear manner in clusters of neurons, unlike the cerebral cortex of vertebrates therefore have 70% of their brain as pallium. In addition, experiments have shown that birds are capable of stunning intellectual faculties. Irene Pepperberg The psychologist leaned on this and managed to memorize and employ at least 100 words English to communicate a gray parrot named Alex. Alex manages to add and recognize cube groups and different colored objects. The parrot: psychologist who gave in 2005 at Brandeis University (USA), a telling test - Alex is now 28 years old. With Alex to a number n1 cubic c1 a color, a number of cubic n2 c2 a color and a number of n3 c3 colored objects and calling to the bird what is the color of objects in number n4 ; and the bird answered no (none). He had discovered the number zero. Notice that the Church in time rejected the zero considered a satanic tool. Similarly, scientists testèrent chickens showing them pictures of chicks. When volatile recognized chicks they received a reward seeds. The animals showed themselves capable of recognizing a live chicken from a picture of their state of chicks demonstrating geometric abstraction. A British Oxford University, it is a crow named Betty, which has been tested by an ethologist (A. Kacelnik). This placed before Betty -l'oiseau- a small basket of grain placed at the bottom of a glass container, deep. The scientist also put at the disposal of the animal a wire. The bird folded the end of the hook-shaped wire and pulled the cart for food (2002). Pigeons tested between 1970 and 1990 by scientists from different countries managed to differentiate 725 visual symbols, to deceive their friends to eat more, and differentiate what is natural from what man builds.

If the bird Egyptian Egyptologists interpret as the gray heron is this kind of crest, the verse becomes more interesting -we will come back later. Since the return of the bird was a continuation of promise. And indeed, this is probably the case. The representation of images ancient Egypt probably reinforces this.

C-65. 397/14 XXIX Longevity some older?
"And indeed, We sent Noah to his people. He remained among them a thousand years less fifty. Then the flood took them while they were unjust. "

The mythical Noah is said to have lived here 1,000 years under 50 years. Alarmed by their own rationality, many Muslim scholars have said that this should be clean Noah. According geophysics thesis Flood Mümin Köksoy (Dr. Mümin Köksoy, "Yerbilimlerinin Katk s yla Nuh Tufan ve Sümerlerin Kökeni???", Ed Berikan 222P ISBN:... 9752673823.2011), this passage would echo a Sumerian or related version of Noah's story. Indeed, in the latter, the former are described as having experienced extremely long. In fact, as pointed out the specialist, they calculated the number of lunar months prior to the development of solar and lunar-solar calendars. As with living Amazonian Amerindian gathering and hunting; see: Jean Lefort, "The Saga of calendars", Library Science, [[1998]]; p.48. (ISBN: 978-2-84245-003-8). What gives Noah the age of 79 years. 1000 years (sanatin) within 50 years (Amin) would be an adjustment of the approximate age of an older version. The Sumerians counted based on a sexagesimal numeration. Such adjustment is also made to the verse (Surah XXVIII: 25): "And they remained in their cave three hundred years and add nine (years)," as it is referred to a solar calendar this time The added nine being the adjustment to the lunar calendar.

According to paleontological discoveries, mankind has never had such an important longevity, longevity is among other things related to certain genes. A genetically modified mouse at a single gene has experienced 100% more than its congeners. The death of a species is predetermined in its genes and influenced by the lifestyle of this species. A breeding mice can live twice as long as a wild mouse.

The age of the men of the first fossilized Estimated time from their teeth and joints, and from tooth enamel allocates around thirty years to early fossilized humans. Although men who lived in Africa have been discovered that would have lived at the same period to 50 years. The longevity of an individual is visible in the wear of the teeth and joints and can be defined so normally very reliable from teeth. However, it was established that the former helped the oldest chewing for them when they had no teeth. This from the skull of an old man dating from the Paleolithic, toothless, found by palaeontologists. As we discovered the skeleton of a female Homo erectus (!) Whose joints strong worn knees already reflected a social supports to it even then. We must not forget that we are not talking here of antiquity but the top Paleolithic primitive. Some intellectuals believe that the age of the biblical patriarchs would be measured as among the Sumerians, according to a lunar calendar. Not knowing the solar years - this is not going there no self at the bottom - it is also possible that men from prehistory included cycles equivalent to our years by successive moons. Indeed, in this case it should be noted that as 950 months are 79, it seems relevant. Night al Power is similarly comparable to 1000 months. It tells us here that Muhammad's companions have asked specifically how to compete in good work with elders who have experienced "1000 years" and that it would have recited their smiling Surah al Qadr. The Koran spoke then of 1000 months and not 1000 years. The Sumerians also tombs dated in years equivalent to the lunar month. But even so, the life of the first men would be exceptional anyway. The most known age is estimated at fifty, except perhaps of individuals supported by the company having lost their teeth?

C-66. 398/20 XXIX Evolution, early life and development of the human race as an ultimate creature:
"Say: 'Travel in the land and observe how He began creation. Then how God formed the ultimate generation. "

This verse suggests searching the whole Earth by how life appeared to finally reach the ultimate creature that is the human species. Some Muslim commentators saw it as creating the first on Earth, and the second on the Day of Resurrection. In both cases, the transition recommend to travel from the Earth and try to understand how God would have started the creation. This is perhaps the first historical concept of paleontology and biology. Life would undeniably and appeared almost inevitable from protobiontes, may have arrived on Earth from space, we even found traces unicellular fruit -cyanobactéries- Australia dated to 3.8 billion years ago in the past.

C-67. 401/41 XXIX The spider web is not the home of the spider.
"Those who have taken protectors besides God are like the spider who is given notice. But the most fragile remains is that of the spider. "

Many Muslim scholars have understood in this verse that would be the spider web would be the frailest of the houses. Actually the remains of a spider is a simple hole and the canvas is not and has never been a residence. As with all other biomechanical functions, the fabrication of the spider has a certain origin. Could it be that this may be the deformation of the cocoons of the ancestors of spiders to an effective hunting tool, after 400 million years of evolution. So we understand by the word "bayt" of this verse, the house (meaning of the word in French) and the fragility and simplicity of small holes shelters used by many arachnid species. But it is possible that this is the fabric that was originally referred. In fact, the first spiders even manufactured, not cloth according to experts, as it was no time to flying insect of the first spiders. They were simply to strengthen their underground homes - simple, more or less near-surface holes - with silk they could already make at that time. Also, be aware that silk fabric which is made ​​is harder than steel and it is even very elastic. And intelligently, soldiers have even considered making body armor based on the amazing properties of spider web.

Compare, for example, the hole where a spider is hiding the hives of bees, the ants burrowing, etc. We will see the real meaning of this passage from the Koran. It will be interesting to study the Arabian Cebrenus Intermedius spiders like to better understand what Muhammad had to observe in their own environment reciting the Quran.

C-68. 403/57 XXIX cell death and life cycle: programmed death.
"Every soul shall taste death. "

Every living thing must die, that's a philosophical conclusions old as the world. Death is actually programmed in the same cell function. Again, there is now a scientific finding that deserved to be highlighted here. Shrinking -extrémités telomere chromosomes- that our cells live and die in programmed ways. Even the stars and atoms, have an unavoidable end thermodynamics. See notes above about immortality (VII Cor. 19-22).

Specifically, the cells die in several ways: either they become necrotic, lysosomes -the cytologiques- cleaners explode in the cell and of smuggling large quantities of water in the pushing popping cell. Either the cell receives more nutrients and lysosomes digest the organelles of the cell. Or an order is made by the body that activates the cell mitochondria that become porous producing apoptosome will cut neatly and meticulously DNA and other organelles and store. This would be the operation of mitochondria producing ATP (adenosine triphosphate, an energy source of the cell) at the same time fabriqueraient very aggressive free radicals to cells. Immune reactions also produce free radicals. So death is innate and intrinsic to organic life on Earth.

C-69. 406 / 19-22 XXX dispersion of the human race - male Attraction / female and mental balance.
"Among His signs is that He created you from dust, then you were beings who disperse. And among his signs is that He created for you wives from you so that you may dwell in tranquility through them. And He has made between you affection and mercy. "

This verse is evocative of nomadic movements of the first men, and can probably be seen as a projection on all humanity provided the Bedouin of Arabia. However, both genetic paleontological data prove that our ancestors were nomadic hunter-gatherers. These are probably born in Africa and crossed the Red Sea to Asia there are around one hundred thousand years, from Yemen and from the present Egypt, they conquered the heart of Asia to 70,000 years , visited Europe to 30,000 years to set foot in Australia 60,000 years on the trail of Homo erectus that had made this trip millennia before him, perhaps mounted on animals or have passed through the waters the swimming. They crossed the North of Africa and the Atlantic Ocean via Polynesia to make landfall in the South American continent 12,000 years to cross the Bering Strait on foot during the Ice Age from 30,000 years until just a few thousand years only.

It is also interesting that the Koran binds in this passage, sexuality mental balance. To believe Freudian psychoanalysis, sex is one of the vital objectives of man. Similarly the Qur'an chronologically is the commitment of couples after marriage. This very natural conclusion, was also studied. According to that described neurobiologist Lucy Vincent, in his book Terms with love: when marital relations, and orgasm couples abundantly secrete oxytocin activates brain circuits link. Oxytocin is mainly in the nucleus accumbens and cortex in the prelimbic rich in dopamine-related reward. Then, once reached orgasm, the brain secretes endorphins to consolidate that we made ​​the right choice. Muslim Tradition says that Muhammad would encourage not copulate directly with brides but prepare before, joining another passage of the Qur'an (II Cor. 223); it probably favor the link to long-term couples. In fact, if Islam prohibits sexual activity before marriage, it requires that the announcement of the union during the engagement and parental consent for young women at the first marriage. Divorce is not taboo in Islam and not the means to control either births. We analyzed this in more detail at other places. Sexuality is crucial to the longevity of couples. It can strengthen the links between lovers or drive a couple to divorce.

C-70. Human nature 407/30 XXX penchant for religiosity:
"Direct your face only to God, such is the nature that God originally given to men - point alteration in the work of God. "

Muslim related a hadith in this regard; Book of Fate, c. . VI The man born religious. Hadith narrated by abu Hurayrah: "On any of your children born by natural religiosity. These parents judaïsent the Christianized, make the Mazdean. As the cattle that are born complete. Are you feeling so regardless of fault? ", Abu Hurayrah said, if you want to read: The fitrah that God created man.". So it must be concluded that by Muhammad men of all times have had a penchant for religiosity. This is apparently deeply engraved in man and is one of its most striking features of the entire animal kingdom. Spirituality back as far as the origins of modern man according to anthropologists. This note in the rituals of burial, the fact of the funeral of the deceased with utensils that could serve them even buried. Moreover, the discovery of proprietary bifacial near the dead body of a Homo heidelgergensis to Atapuerka in Spain 350,000 years old shows that these religious feelings were even able preexisting modern man. The scientists therefore looked at what our species and grows in search of spiritual and God.

What about the discovery of a religious rite to Botswana in Africa where a cult was devoted to a Python shaped rock? Professor Sheila Coulson, from the University of Oslo and three of his students studied the beliefs of the San people of the region and this has resulted in the discovery of traces of sacred rites in a cave discovered in 1990, located North side of Tsolido Hills, which was difficult to access. This is an area considered sacred to the San, who is appointed for this reason "mountain of the gods" or "murmuring rock," where religious rituals continue to be exercised even now. According to the San people, the python would have created the world in the quest flowing water. In the cave, a rock six meters long and two meters high shaped python that 300-400 painted traces of shamans make it look like snakeskin to sunlight and seems to move with the movement a night flame. Colored arrows spikes and burned dating back to 70,000 years in the past testify to sacred rites dedicated to the python. Professor Coulson also discovered a secret chamber behind the python giving access where a shaman could give the illusion of voices from the python. Experts consider that to burn the tips of red arrows would be a ritual destruction of ritual.

Several neuropsychiatrists have even developed a new branch they called neurotheology. They thus developed poignant theories to explain exactly how it is that man naturally believes in God. Let us quote some recent approaches.

The human brain spontaneously retain all that is somewhat supernatural and all that is striking for its spirit according to tests made on volunteers -according Pascal Boyer, CNRS anthropologist. Thus, memory work better in the face of extraordinary events of the ordinary. This would facilitate natural consequence of the formation of supernatural beliefs.

The study of the brains of Buddhist monks in meditation, PET (positron emission tomography), revealed that the superior parietal cortex goes to sleep during transcendental meditation; or that region of the brain allows us to differentiate our own body size = Lfont outside -according Andrew Newberg, neurobiologist and Director of Clinical Nuclear Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Its inactivation would result in misleading feeling of fusion with the universe. Electromagnetic stimulation of the temporal lobes also cause according to other findings, feeling an invisible presence at his side. These experiences have shown what kind of neurobiological mechanisms gave the mystics of various religions misleading illusion of a merger with the divine or with the cosmos. Islam In the Divine is different from matter and God could even do away with Jesus or Mary and any thing if he wanted to: (V Cor. 17). There is no question of describing this phenomenon as a merger in the majority Muslim doctrine, and this is considered the only unforgivable sin by (IV Cor. 48). However, we have the right to ask ourselves a passage Quran -which explains the battle against the faithful oppresseurs- about it; (Cor VIII: 17.): "It was not you who threw, but God who threw and it pou'rsquo; they could d / fontr test the believers with this excellent trial from Him! God is Hearing, Knowing. ". A Hadith attributed to Muhammad quoted by al-Bukhari, reported by abu Hureyrah, also joined this clearly: "God the Most High said: '' To him that night in one of My spokesmen, I will give battle. Nothing that is pleasing me only as I close my servant, that the fulfillment of the obligations I imposed. My servant will continue to draw near to Me with supererogatory practices until I love him, and when I will love, I will be his hearing with which he hears, his eyes with which he sees, the hand with which empoignera the foot with which he will work. If he asks me, certainly, I will give him my favor, he implores My protection, certainly, I will give him. '". Hadith interpreted in different ways not to fall against the doctrine commonly accepted by the majority of Muslim thinkers.

In another group of researchers (including Jacqueline Borg, neurobiologist at the Karolinska University in Stockholm, Sweden), the pulses of our limbic system that make us fear - al khawf - and hope - ar -radjâ -:,: etc., which are the basis of the protective instinct - (XXI Cor 48-49.) (XXXII Cor. 16) al taqwa (. Cor II: 2-7) would be explained to biochemically. (P. Cor. 250/12 XIII): "He it is Who shows you the lightning -you inspiring fear and espoir-; and He created the heavy clouds. ". This power would be the basis of any religious belief. But this would be engraved into our physiological functioning. These scientists discovered that in believers: 5HT1A receptor quantity of regulating serotonin was less and that serotonin levels were higher. However, this molecule is close to psychedelic drugs and would play an important role in the belief in things not seen, up to the feeling of merging with the world and can cause hallucinations. This is a neurotransmitter in the synapse and acting on the central nervous system, vegetative. It is linked to sleep, hunger and depression -the antidepressants favor increasing the amount of serotonin which is essential to avoid depression. This molecule exists in larger quantities in those who said they believed in God during the experiment and had confidence in the Divine; (XII Cor. 87): ". and do not despair, because only the disbelieving people despair of God's mercy! "Annulling the depression.

While in case of "despair" and therefore linked to serotonin concentration, the body of people experiencing intense emotional shocks, secrete more adrenaline and steroids, due to an excess of anxiety and stress , which in the long run produce inertia and increased heart rate and increased blood pressure which would become -in finely handicapping; compare (P. Cor. 144/125 VII): "And whomsoever God wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam. And whomever He wills astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he were climbing to heaven. ". All religions are based on these innate reactions back very far in our genes and very deeply rooted in our brain.

According to the findings of another group of some of these neurothéologiens -see, S. Gazzaniga, The Social Brain, ed. O. Jacob - our brains is made ​​so that all the drives we are interpreted by the conscious spontaneously module language. The neuropsychiatrist checked that, for example, with a young man who had been lobotomized: asking her out smoking in the left ear linked to the right hemisphere of the brain-brain region that is separated from the conscious language module; module which is located him in the left hemisphere. But the young man being lobotomized, had the two hemispheres of his brain separated, so that language module not know what the neuropsychiatrist had asked him to do. According to the testimony of the scientist, the young man stood up on that doctor's order and the neurologist asked where he was going. The young man consciously ignoring that it was the scientist who had told him to do it would have replied that he felt ill and had to go out for a cigarette. He would invent a reason, as consistently as possible in his left cerebral hemisphere in language related module, to explain why he does so. This would be the basic principle beliefs in general, and by extension religious. Thus we would find reasons and explanations for all that we are driven to do. Which naturally would progress towards the development of myths, theories, unified models of the Universe. The most consistent mental organization ultimately going to the belief in a God Unique manager while. If the man is done to organize ideas in a comprehensive and unified way, it might come his brain organization goshawks centered conscious language module. This operation enabled us to reconstruct the history of the creation of scientifically and pushed civilization to the religiosity and beliefs, as well as to the monotheistic religions. Indeed, the Greeks did Antiques apparently evolved to monotheism with the great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Ancient Egyptians also evolved towards a form of unifying henotheism deities: "Three are all gods, Amun Ra and Ptah who lack similar. His name is hidden as Amun; Re it is by the face; his body is Ptah. When a message is sent from heaven is heard in Heliopolis, is repeated in Memphis etc. "- Ramses II, Sovereign of sovereigns, Discovery Gallimard No. 344 (2000). And among Hindus, different deities are seen as different manifestations of the same essence. This comes from our natural function, as stated in the passage we are studying here.

Scientists do not claim to have proved that God exists, they study why we spontaneously believe in its existence. Their conclusion is that our physiology is made ​​to believe in God. The mechanisms that lead us to the search for God are innate and intrinsic to our biological functioning. Faith in God is a spontaneous nature in man, whose operation is set in this way from its genes to its neurological functioning. Just as we are made ​​to be hungry, thirsty, or sleep, we are made ​​to believe in the supernatural and evolve to a perfect consistency in the pursuit of God. Imagine placing a mouse in a cage with a wheel falling activating a grain if it is operated in one of two directions, which will activate the mouse wheel and the grain will fall believe that this is the action of the wheel that produces grain, obviously unaware of the hidden mechanism. Similarly, the man believes in the attraction of gravity objects as a law without necessarily asking how two objects can reach without attracting string composed entirely of matter ... The discovery of a stone venus cut in the old woman's body of over 150,000 years shaped pendant, which is probably a trace of an archaic belief in a protective mother goddess of fertility and life. What kind of belief could have a man with perhaps a vocabulary of extreme poverty? Probably even the notion of god was nonexistent. Polytheism is born later to the Neolithic, and monotheism will be necessary gradually to the purified form of monotheism in Islam. (Qur'an, 5: 3): "Today I have perfected your religion, I completed my favor upon you, and I approved Islam as a religion for you. "
Similarly, the man would have according to recent studies an innate program for morality. Aversion to cause another's suffering would be a specific brain function. Antonio Damasio, Michael Koenigs and other neurobiologists and psychologists have subjected people to moral tests and noticed that when the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPC) of subjects suffering from an injury that moral judgment was impaired. They suggested for example to a specific situation volunteers to study their reaction and analyzed the brain regions that are excited. One scenario is the following: you browse a large boat and suddenly the ship is sinking, and only one boat is at your disposal. The boat can carry a load of 40 people and you are the number of 41 people. One person is ill and will die soon, would you throw overboard to ensure the rescue of the 40 other passengers? The normal response of healthy people in general was not to kill this person, but those who suffered from injury VMPC opted to throw the dying person. Similarly, the area of ​​the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is involved in the sense of fairness. The ultimatum game has been played at the University of Zurich, the Institute for Research in Economics, with volunteers and their brain was observed by magnetic resonance imaging. People whose DLPFC was neutralized by magnetic stimulation accepted the unequal transaction. The ultimatum game involves exposing two people to the following situation: a third person has 1000 euros, it wishes to distribute these 1000 euros between you and your employee. But his condition is this, if you accept this condition, it is your collaborator who will decide on the part of each of you two. Normal people naturally refuse this condition. But people whose DLPFC asleep more readily accept this unfair condition.

C-71. 415 / 7-9 XXXII God as having made the best of everything:
"He created the best of everything. And began the creation of the human from clay. Then He made his offspring from the quintessence of a vile liquid. Then He fashioned him in shape, and whispered in his Spirit. And He has assigned you hearing and sight and hearts. What little thanks you! "

According to Tabari, the exegetes Qatadah and Mujaahid would have said about the words: "He created the best of all things" that God would have given the best form and the most appropriate for each of his creatures. It is also curious that as Qurtubi reported: Ibn Abbas, Qatadah and Ikrima have interpreted the verse "He created the best of all things" of this passage, saying that the back of a monkey is perhaps not pretty but is stable and farm, compared with the terms "Then He made ​​a droplet in a safe place," the verse: (Cor P.342 / 12-16 XXIII.), which describes the matrix as a solid and firm place. Why companions were able to speak of a monkey behind in this passage speaking of their own creation. Qurtubi also specifies that the terms of the passage: (. Then He made ​​his offspring from the quintessence of a vile liquid) "Then He fashioned him in shape, and whispered in his Spirit. ", Alluding to Adam.

Homo ergaster and Homo rudolphensis

Homo Homo ergaster Rudolphensis and may be the ancestors of modern man therefore own ancestors originate from clay ocean floor. Several passages of the Quran is quoted seed before the creation of Adam and gender: (Cor p.. (Cor p.. 415 / 7-9 XXXII) 578 / 36-9 LXXV), (XXXV Cor. : 11).

We read in fact "Wa Ahsana Kulli Shay'in khalaqah", "And He formed the best of all things". According to modern studies in biology, species have evolved by adapting perfectly to changes in their environment. No species is superior to another, each adapted to its own environment, just as included Sahâbahs, direct disciples of the prophet. Thus, a species can theoretically disappear when big changes in its environment, while species with preexisting repopulate his middle after her. This verse also clearly demonstrates a simplistic evolutionary concept in the Koran.

This verse is in any case possible to design a temporary improvement in the biosphere, since grammatically evokes a superlative - ahsana - and the whole creation in its complete form. And, "Khalaqah" also means giving shape to, or an existing material already materially. However, the species were created by successive phases, from one form to another; (Cor. P.571 / 13 to 4.17 LXXI): "What did you not worship God as they should? While He has created you in successive phases. And It is God, the earth, you did grow like plants. ". We will note the evocation of a creation by a gradual evolution of living beings and in time. These passages studied here are those who lead us to conclude that the teachings of the Koran develop a simplified evolutionary approach.

Anatomy studies and a recent theory -a combination of thermodynamics and engineering named engineering constructale- seem to prove that, in fact, living organisms would benefit an organization aimed at the most ergonomic possible after the constraints of laws fundamental physics.

For example, the outline of a feather is optimal, is a rigid, lightweight tube, distributing the mechanical stresses on the entire structure by minimizing the amount of required material, and having the same performance that a cylinder but with half the material. The shape of the pen is governed by Constructal equation: "H (x) = (x PR / t S ft max.) Exp 1/3"! Where: H is its outline, x horizontal variable force P exercised, S max. the maximum mechanical stress at each point, radius R of the tube and "t" thickness "; According to H. Poirier, in the magazine Science & Vie No. 1034. It also described in the section << >> decoding of this issue of the scientific journal, showing that constructales formulas; the roots and branches of the trees have a geometry enabling them to tap the resources in the air and in the ground optimally; respiration rate which is approximately the same within the same species at an optimum efficiency; the tree of the lungs which minimizes friction while maximizing the contact surface; the speed of flight of birds which is nearly identical within each species in isolation, whereas in driving too fast or too slow they would lose the perfect stability in good altitude no longer undergoing minimal friction.

C-72. 415 / 7-8 XXXII The human species as created from clay - The seed is a liquid base which the essence is for procreation.
"He created the best of everything. And began the creation of the human from clay. Then he drew his descent from the quintessence of a vile liquid. Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of his Espr' / font / fontit. And he gave you hearing, eyes and hearts. "

The style of this passage is very beautiful. Life that began in clay ocean floor -Compare with the thesis: (XXI Cor. 30) -, including via the food chain. Man is created on earth being removed from earth as a plant (LXXI Cor. 17): "It is God on earth made ​​you grow like plants. ". This passage studied here also joined the following passages; (XXXV Cor. 11): "God has created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then He made ​​you into pairs. "-the Couples are cited after the stage of training since the semence-; (XXXVII Cor. 11): "And ask them if they are more difficult to establish where those We created. Because We created them from sticky clay. ".

In addition, each man taken in isolation is also made ​​of earth: (Cor XL: 67.) "It is He who created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot; then He brings you out children; so that later you reach your maturity. "; (LIII Cor. 32): ". It is he who knows you best when He produced you from the earth, and also when you beings embryos in the wombs of your mothers. ".

If the Koran is really state of an evolutionary approach to life, you have probably imagined that just as the creation of Adam in Paradise was clay, it could be clay on Earth too, but by a process different and it should probably be understood as also designed as longer. This passage explains in this case the beginning of the creation of man on Earth. Then will exist a variety of shapes of transitions: (Cor p.571 / 13 to 4.17 LXXI.). After which we would be emerged as a new creature: (Cor 398/20 XXIX.): "Say: 'Browse through the earth and see how God began the creation. Then -voyez- as God produced the ultimate generation (man). ".

In addition, as also teaches this passage, all the seed is not used for procreation, a large amount of semen flowing out of the vagina after copulation. In fact, we now know that only one sperm among millions coming from enough. Finally, the seed is composed of multiple fluids from multiple regions of this inside. The seed that enters the uterus must survive the movements of the matrix of the female orgasm and must also survive the phagocytes that will attack them as foreign elements. Only a tiny fraction will be able to reach the egg and benefit from biological protection. The seminal fluid will feed during the first days the zygote. The smell of semen and gooey and sticky appearance upset and it seems amazing that we are a priori from such a substance when we study human anatomy.

C-73. 430/21 XXXIV God as ensuring the preservation of all things:
". Your Lord the Preserver of all things. "

Nature is designed so that everything is saved and protected. Immune systems of animals and plants, defense modes as camouflage, mimicry, are fantastic examples of this truth underlined in the Qur'an. In reality, the universe is also protected in a similar manner. Earth asteroids is protected by the large planets - Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune - attracting gravity larger objects, another part is destroyed by crossing the atmosphere. Cosmic radiation is countered by solar winds whose power would amount to millions of atomic bombs. The solar wind is stopped by the magnetic field of the Earth, and the sun's harmful rays by the atmosphere. The defense systems are so powerful that it even exists means for correcting errors mutations in DNA from specific biochemical processes according to the findings of the end of the last millennium. There are some very general verses astonishingly intuitive ingenuity in the Qur'an like this; we can still quote verses; (Cor p.396 / 88 XXVIII.): "Everything will perish except His Divine Face. ": - Who actually evokes the scientific principle of entropy, and (XXXII 415/7 Cor p..):" He created the best of everything. ": Who joined the general principle of evolution - that we developed earlier. Muhammad probably could not conceive this amazing side of these verses he formulated in all their simplicity.

C-74. 436 / 16-7 XXXV If God wanted it should make us disappear and reform another creature:
"If He would do it from you, and would give rise to a new creation! And it is not difficult for God. "

"It is not difficult for God"; ourselves according to the Koran had replaced the other races of men in the long course of the succession of living beings on Earth. Which coincides in fact our true history, since we have displaced the Neanderthals, the Homo heidelbergensis and Homo floresiensis, we may also very likely to disappear, giving way to another species. It is indeed surprising to find that kind of belief in a book dating back to the sixth century.

C-75. 437 / 27-8 XXXV Colors and rocks where the water carry them in living organisms:
"Hast thou not seen that from heaven, God sends down water? Then bring forth fruits of different colors. And in the mountains there are white and red, of various colors, and intensely black. "

The Qur'an clearly distinguishes black color here. Indeed, black is the absence of color, it absorbs the light and heat and emits more light or very little. While the colors of the planet's geological history tell its scientists. Black is the original form of the mineral world before the appearance of the water and of life that developed there: "Hast thou not seen that from heaven, God sends down water? ". While the red color appeared late, with the increase of the oxygen content in the atmosphere. This is the oxidation of iron which gives these shades ranging from red to ocher to Earth. The varied color range that starts with water and vegetation continues to grow in living beings and also in men. Green is a color even on our little blue planet which is characteristic of photosynthesis and chlorophyll. We have already discussed this point in the game geology.

C-76. 442 / 33-6 XXXVI The plant groups, and other animals that are unknown:
". Praise be to Him Who created all the groups of species; what the earth grows, of themselves and what they ignore. "

This is a design on the enormous wealth of the variety of living species around the world and also he appears through space. The verse mentions many groups of plants and others. It do not mean the mode of reproduction sexual or otherwise. The word azwâdj means "groups" in the plural, the singular is zawdj. The verse includes plants and others in their entity, whether sexed and asexual beings. It is remarkable that this verse likens humans to land animals, as animals are described as being part of ourselves: ". Praise be to Him Who created all the groups of species; what the earth grows, of themselves and what they ignore. . "What we do not, it must be living beings described as scattered across the heavens. See (Cor p.. 486/29 XLII): "And among His Signs ago the creation of the heavens and the earth and what is disseminated as marching beasts in those two. It is Able to gather them together when He wills. ".

C-77. 444 / 66-7 XXXVI babies without eyes and amorphous (and genetic mutations), or monsters:
"And if We will, We effacerions their eyes and they ran to their way, but then how would they see? And if we wanted, we transform them and their places they can not move forward or back. "

In recent years, children are born without eyes. This is due to the production of chemical waste. Perhaps similar cases were already known at the time? Genetic defects have virtually no limit.

Cases of "surgical" cattle mutilation whose eyes genders and anus disappeared completely still have not found response among scientists, is it possible that a carnivore eats these bacteria selectively organs?

It is also called the disease of the stone man. People with this disease have their muscles and tendons that ossify so that they are unable metamorphosed bone movements as described here in the Koran. Scientists from the American University of Pen State have discovered how a mutation of a gene that encodes the receptor ACVR1 protein caused the transformation of muscles and bones by tendons, in people suffering from fibrodisplasie ossificans progressiva. The verse probably refers to this type of disease.

Radiography, FLOP disease

People with FOP have their muscles and tendons that turn into bone.

C-78. 445 / 71-2 XXXVI The horse designed as having evolved to serve mount?
"Do they not see that, of what Our hands have made, we obey them; some serve their mount, other food. "

The ancestors of the horse were small as a German Shepherd and hunchbacks that there are millions of years. But the size and shape of a modern horse give it and its "domptabilité" the famous faculty serve as a mount. The hollow in the back, and the thickness of the back of the horse, its height, his neck that goes back, though his elegant legs and flattened and broad nails are an excellent frame for men. Leah Lansade who works as ethologist at the Tours INRA has developed a prediction model used to determine the character of a horse, its tenderness etc. The horse is tested in different ways and according to the specialist determines the peculiarities of the horse is made for competition, recreation etc.

C-79. 445 / 80-2 XXXVI Chlorophyll and fire - The simplicity of the man in the immensity of the cosmos:
"It is He who from the green tree, made a fire for you, and now you turn to it. He who created the heavens and the earth is He not able to create the like? "

Green trees are the main source of energy on Earth. These are the stocks made ​​through them who used to make coal, oil and natural gas. Chlorophyll is a wonderful tool that can thus transform the mineral into organic matter. And it is this which gives the green color to plants discussed here. Fossil fuels are all dependent chlorophyll and photosynthesis.

The verse then mentioned the simplicity of the man in relation to the universe and explains that it would be difficult for God to create beings like us or bring back the dead by recreating their bodies. This passage is great, because in fact the Semitic conception of carnal life stripped of advanced abstraction, led the Qur'an to consider death as the individual's body. And it is puzzling that if we could reconstruct the body lost atom by atom, the person resurgirait with his memory, personality, etc. It is interesting that the Qur'an describes Allah as Khallâq'ul 'alim who actually means roughly "creator of detail and very learned."

C-80. 449 / 77-8 XXXVII All men conceived as descendants of a single male among others:
"And We made his descendants who continue to exist; We have perpetuated his memory to posterity. Noah peace throughout the universe! "

Here the Koran stands out compared to the Bible and imagine other men with Noah in the Ark myth. According to geneticists, our direct patriarchal lineage goes back to one man who has crossed all ages without interruption for it single male is the common ancestor of all men -by both the son and daughters. Indeed genes are mixed when chromosomes exchange genes by stepping through crossovers. Thus, we all have a common ancestor dating back to 142.000ans in the past. This is the findings of genetic studies on sequences of the Y chromosome Some experts try to find a genetic Adam, common ancestor of all men. River Cruciani has calculated that our first common male ancestor would have lived 140,000 years ago. The African genetic Eve was still assessed as having lived 150,000 years into the past.

C-81. 459/6 XXXIX Baby development in three darkness.
"He created you from one person (nafs) one (Adam) and created its mate. And He sent to you eight cattle in pairs. He creates you in your mothers womb, transformation after transformation, in three darkness. This is God! Your Lord. "

Ave is imagined to have been created for Adam, before they had been sent to Earth as punishment and ordeal. We would then all come from a single soul, nafs: Adam. And in general, females and males are the result of a progressive differentiation that would have given couples over millions of years, the animals and us. The origin of man in Adam in the Qur'anic concept has been widely analyzed elsewhere.

Belly of a pregnant woman sectional

The belly, the womb and placenta form three shields to prevent light from reaching the developing fetus.

We emphasized that Muhammad seems to consider it as it is revealed that Adam created from clay to Paradise would have been sent to Earth in a second birth. In fact, that this verse leads us to ask whether such an argument was not already put forward by some scholars Jews of Yathrib. What makes us think so is the use of the word nafth "breath" for Adam and Ave. However, as the milking Sha'a Ha'Gilgulim the Nafash (blow) would play a special role in reincarnations according to Kabbalistic. Rabbi Moses Gaster recalls in Encilopaedia of Religion and Ethics in the article entitled Transmigrations that Adam's soul would be reincarnated as Seth, Noah, Abraham and Moses finally home. This type of belief was not foreign to Judaism.

"In Shaar HaGilgulim, explained that Adam had a universal soul, neshamah Klalit, which included all aspects of creation; each individual angel, each animal, etc., gave a part of its essence to Adam, so that as a thumbnail creation, it is connected to its entirety, and either raise or lower it. His soul also included all the souls of mankind in a higher unity. That is why action on its part could have a powerful effect. After he ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, his soul fragmenta thousands of thousands of sparks that became embodied in every human being who ever was born and alive. The main task of these souls are sparks to perform tikkun Adam had to accomplish alone. "(Online source Kabbalah v4, Gabri-el, February 10, 2007)

So Ave has been designed from one Nafash if a similar midrashic Version existed in Yathrib Jews manuscripts that the Koran confirms. In the following passage, the Qur'an designs, perhaps sending living creatures from heaven and will have had to evolve notably in eight groups (two sheep, two goats, two cattle and two camels). Which recall the hypothesis of panspermia. The hypothesis of the formation of cells from the protobiontes and the discovery of such organic molecules in meteorites reinforces this approach. Especially organic soup that no trace was discovered in the thin margin of only quejustifylques time hundreds of millions of years before the first bacteria and photosynthesis and the formation of the earth.

Development empryon

The embryo becomes gradually and eventually take the form of a baby after nine months and ten days transformations.

It is irrelevant to design a suggestion by the passage of the output tetrapod animals seabed and colonization of the land where we live as mammals. It seems unlikely that a man of that time have imagined the appearance of life in aquatic funds.

There is in this passage one last point that has not yet been treated elsewhere: human formation in the dark, behind three elements: 1) stomach, 2) the matrix and 3) the placenta . Three bodies certainly known by Muhammad, comparing our anatomy with that of animals. It really is silly to look for a miracle in this description, the only eyelids so thin condemning us to the darkness it is not at all surprising to find in the Qur'an the idea that the fetus is so immersed in darkness. Darkness is in fact essential for the smooth development of the baby because the baby would suffer mutations that could cripple the. The place is mentioned and therefore a place safe as described in the Qur'an also naturally, especially verse (Cor P.342 / 12-16 XXIII.): "Surely, We created man from the origins of Earth ; Then We restored him droplet in a safe place (a womb). ". The matrix is really sure as the baby remains close to the mother until birth, which cancels the risk of egg flights as in the previous animals . But the darkness in the matrix prevents more mutagenic rays contained in the light to act on cells of the baby ultrafast growth. Intrauterine westernbébé transformations are also checked medically: "He creates you in your mothers womb, transformation after transformation".

William Harvey (1578-1657), English is the first known scientific scientist who invented and defended the theory of epigenetics. Starting from the idea that any living organism begins from an undifferentiated cell. Modesty marked the Christian world should explain the lack of natural culture embryogenesis based on abortions. For Muhammad seems to have some very pertinent knowledge about embryonic development. The opposite theory that existed before the thesis of William Harvey was the preformationism. Indeed, scientists believed until the sixteenth century that living things were miniature creatures identical to the final shape and they were only grow. The Koran course contravenes this theory centuries before Harvey W., citing progressive transformations. In one passage the Qur'an also refers to a stage where the embryo is partly formed and partly informs: (Cor p.. 332/5 XXII).

C-82. XL 473/57 The creation of the universe conceived as being larger than ours:
"The creation of the heavens and the earth is something greater than the creation of mankind. But most people do not know it. "

Man is the spontaneous product of complex laws governing the universe. Indescribable dimensions thereof are beyond what human imagination can conceive. The creation of man is described as derisory compared to the creation of this universe. We have discussed elsewhere the hypothesis of extraterrestrial origin of the jinn, which could initially evolve in the distant past, and the passages of the Koran which openly evoke strong extraterrestrial life. According to the teachings of Muhammad, the Paradise would not be filled and God should create still other living species to fill. This testifies to the amazing design of man.

C-83. XL 474/64 The shape of Man so interesting: bipedalism, head high, skilled hands, face eyes, ears close brain etc.
"It is God Who made the earth a station and the sky as construction and He gave you form. What a great form he has given you. "

Companies to build robots that would explore space lead us to imitate our anatomy that it is really an ultimate ingenuity. Bipedalism allowed us to free our hands, which of course has the advantage of developing our brain areas Broca and Wernicke to develop our complex language. But it also had to allow the larynx down to the pharynx facilitating pronunciation sounds, the development of our brain to become bigger etc. The Quran cites our standing stature as a divine grace (p.597 Cor / 4-5 XCV.). It is our general form as result our faculties to tame nature and the laws of physics. The fact that we have two arms helps the brain work because more would require more calculations. Similarly, the octopus bends its tentacles complémentaires- -dotés nervous programs recalling three points: the shoulder, elbow and wrist. It is the same with our legs, and our fingers. The number of our fingers than enough to perform useful tasks and our facility has enabled us to develop our machines easier tasks. Having two eyes facilitates three-dimensional view without too much eye movements or head, more costs more calculations for the same performance. The fact that the ears frame the eyes, with just the nose between the eyes, improves our understanding of our environment and the fact that they are against the brain facilitates the work in calculations. The structures of our bodies follow a fractal geometry so that the surface of our gut that may be present in a small tray in reality an area the size of a football field. This allows us to process more nutrients we eat. It's the same with our other organs like the lungs etc. Fragile organs like the heart and lungs are hidden in the chest and close to arms that can protect an innate reflex due to the programming of the autonomic nervous system. The brain is hidden inside the skull. The reproductive system met the bottom of the trunk, just above the digestive system takes place near the heart and lungs that allows the heart to approach the brain is the most vital organ in the human body. We should also mention the beauty of the organization of the skeleton and muscles, their organizations, ligaments that bind the incredibly and beautifully structured. The multiple functions of the various bodies that sometimes compensate the shortcomings of each other, like the arteries harden in case of failure of the heart to help the heart pump blood, macrophages and lymph system that destroy waste that the kidneys longer able to eliminate properly. We could still develop long excessively large details of human anatomy but it would take a lot of pages. And beyond the scope of our critical study of the Koran.

We also studied the verses also finding that our physiology is fragile. Bipedalism indeed because of back pain, pregnancy is more painful in human women. Our cerebralization fact that we have psychological problems due to questions managements difficulties of life. The Koran stops on the fact that we have the best standing in nature: (XCV Cor. 4 -6): "We created man standing according to the best station (Ahsan-i Taqwim) ; We then rabaissâmes at the lowest level. Except those who believe and do good works. "(Horn and that we are fragile. (Cor p.83 / 28 IV.):" God wants to lighten your (bonds), for man was created weak. ".

C-84. 476 / 79-80 XL Pets:
"It is God who made the cattle for you that you montiez and eat; you will have a profit and so you reach through them a prerequisite to your breasts. "

The sentimental ties between man and animals can not be described in any written language. The Qur'an mentions the relationship between us and the animals that inspires deep respect and admiration full of feelings. Muhammad would have cursed even those who abuse animals and the zoophilic. Elsewhere the Quran speaks of a language in birds: (XXVII Cor. 16) and ants (XXVII Cor. 18) and even evokes revelations of God to bees (XVI Cor. 68-69) . The Quran cites admiringly anatomy camels as a wonder of nature: (LXXXVIII Cor. 17) and the anatomical miracle of a mosquito (XXII Cor. 73), (II Cor. 26) ( XXI Cor. 70).

C-85. 482/53 XLI You will see signs of the end times in yourselves.
"We will show signs in the Universe and within themselves until it becomes clear that is the truth. "

The studies on human anatomy and the Cosmos have progressed so much that it feeds the idea and the belief that there would be an architect, a programmer, a great watchmaker who could just created. And these discoveries probably join this passage from the Koran so grant this verse has an interesting range, whatever our personal conviction.

C-86. 484/11 XLII Both women and men from men of them:
"Creator of heaven and earth; He made yourselves spouses for yourselves; and animal species groups. "

In Arabic, "dja'ala lakum" not only signals the masculine plural, but includes men and women; and the word "azwâdja" is not the plural of the plural wives but the spouses, men and / or women. This passage from the Qur'an it describes the very intimate relationship between the two sexes. The Qur'an also speaks elsewhere of women in procreation biological contribution: (Cor LXXXVI, 6-7.). Babies are even first all female in maternal wombs; and if it is a male, then it changes sex for the rest of embryonic development: (XLII Cor. 49-50).

In fact, the all-male possesses in its genome -despite all possible chromosomes of the species, while the female has no Y chromosome, quite specific to males. However, every woman has the chromosomes of our ancestral fathers who have them all generated from our earthly existence. According to the Koran, like the Bible, Adam and Ave have resulted in men and women and these other men and women with all humanity would end. This is to be understood by reading this passage from the Koran.

According to Muslim tradition, before that, the ideal form of Ave in Paradise, before his arrival on Earth was designed from Adam, and all women are from the man through Adam.

C-87. 486/29 XLII life in the cosmos and interplanetary meeting possible.
"And among His Signs ago the creation of the heavens and the earth and what is disseminated as marching beasts in those two. It is Able to gather them together when He wills. "

Here the Koran says that forms of animal life exist in the heavens as on Earth. The word "Dabbah" reports every strolling with legs; See: (Cor p.272 / 50 XVI.). The Koran also describes the "Dabbah" as having been created of water (XXIV Cor. 45). ibn Kathir clearly understood the same thing, because the meaning of the verses is clear enough. The end of this verse suggests a meeting with some of these celestial beings when God wills. Literally, we can also understand that sometimes some species are found in some areas through the heavens, because the word izhâ shows that this can be done in fact but not an absolute rule. We have already mentioned above that in the Quran there would other planets inhabited by men and frequented by angels.

C-88. 488 / 49-50 Girls XLII designed as unfinished males?
"To God belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He daughters donation to whom He will and males to whom He donation; or He gives both boys and girls; and He leaves barren whom He will. "

Sexual differentiation

Sexual differentiation both fetus three months above have the same apparent structures, including the vaginal opening and clitoris. The boy on the right will differentiate when it will be a male baby pictures come to an end at the bottom.

The Quran cites many chronologically the first female and then male; if it is a boy so this is a different grace? The rules of Qur'anic exegesis count including a principle based on the use of Arabic ideas that follow to have a consistent schedule. If ideas are followed in such order when it has to have a clear explanation. This is even more evident to the Quran; Ibn Taymiyyah did a very good explanation of this principle in its Muqaddima fî-Usûl'it-Tafsir.

A statement to say the least original, since anatomically, the baby of 10 weeks has a vagina and a clitoris whether a future son or daughter a future. All embryos have a female sex apparent early in their anatomical development. But only males vo'¸nt change and become males. Sometimes having a baby of the sex chromosomes XY remains at the stage of daughter, then a baby happens with sex chromosome XX evolves and becomes a boy. A battery of a half-dozen genes orchestrated by the Sry protein determines the establishment sexual gonads.

More male embryos are more miscarriages, and evocation second is in this sense also a happy coincidence. Note then the Qur'an cites the boys before girls: "or it gives boys and girls", citing that time the boys before girls normal use Arabic as well as we say in French: " Ladies and Gentlemen. " Similarly, we would say, "John, his wife and me" in French, so that an Arab would say: "Ana wa wa zawdjatahu Yahya" or "I, Jean and his wife." Finally, note that in French the male carries the same if there is only one male among thousands of women. This is of grammatical rules; See also (IX Cor. 71-72), (XXIV Cor. 12), (XXXIII Cor. 35, 58, 73).

The problem of sterility is also raised here. Scientifically, there are different forms of infertility. Sometimes it comes from the male, sometimes female, and sometimes this arises because the couple is not compatible or hypofertile. Clinical and medical advances made in our time, few forms of infertility that you can not bypass. The absence of sperm is a particularly intractable problem yet. Although there is research to achieve spermatogenesis in some cases. However, cloning possibilities will undoubtedly in a future more or less close that only the inability of the mother to carry a baby to birth will remain as a remembrance of the inability of a couple to conceive a biological offspring . Recently two researchers managed to produce embryonic stem cells without cloning from cells of the skin. Japanese Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto and American James Thomson in Madison and their teams programmed with four genes injected into cells by intermédia'font face = ire of powerful retrovirus to cause them to become pluripotent, and managed to produce a living mouse from insemination of a female by simply reprogrammed skin cell.

C-89. 490/11 XLIII The biosphere and ecosystems:
"He who sends down water from the sky and measure with which We bring a dead land. So will you be resurrected. "

The concept of this verse -and other verses of this genre- is very close to that of modern biosphere term or ecosystem. We design the Earth as a living whole or death. Muhammad's companions said that God would put an order that if changed can upset the living environment. Ibn Kathir mentions that in the exegesis of the verse: (Cor p.531 / 7 LV.).

C-90. 490 / 12-13 XLIII mount the beasts as shaped to that man can draw them and mount them.
"He who created the animal groups in their entirety and made for you the ships and beasts, that you mount on their backs, and then you will be installed after you remember the favor of your Lord and saying: 'Glory be to Him who subjected us all while we were not able to dominate! "

The ancestors of the horse were small as a German Shepherd and hunchbacks that there are about fifty million years. But the size and shape of a modern horse give it and its "domptabilité" the famous faculty serve as a mount. The hollow in the back, and the thickness of the back of the horse, its height, his neck that goes back, though his elegant legs and flattened and broad nails are an excellent mount. In the case of an evolutionary approach we can speak of coevolution when two species evolve in reciprocal services. But the man did not begin to tame the horse that once it was as it is. See our analysis about the anatomy of the camel too.

C-91. 499 / 3-5 XLV The wonders of zoosphere:
"Certainly there are in the heavens and the earth are signs for believers. And in your creation, and in all that He spreads animals. "

Simply being with eyes to contemplate nature. Like plants, animals are a great source of inspiration for insiders in bionics and biologists in general. How many miracles and wonders in nature which, if we wanted to explore, would require billions of scientists and experts as well as millions of years of explanations. Starting with the study of cellular metabolism and embryology, genetics, biochemistry of living beings; we can not get to express our great amazement face these wonders.

C-92. 501/24 XLV It's not time that makes live or die:
"They said: 'There is life for us down here. We live and die and only time destroys us'; They have no knowledge about it, and only follow conjecture. "

The Qur'an says by those who claim that this is the time that causes an end -the Arab atheists appointed dahriyyûn - that this is wrong and that they have no knowledge about it, but only assumptions. Indeed, death is rather caused by other genetic pathways such as programming the cells to their own destruction (apoptosis) and the ends of chromosomes -the télomères- dwindling along our life probably playing a role in the programmed death, shrinking with each cell division mitotique- until we die fatally. The role of the sun and its influence on our metabolism are also involved in this complex process in which time has function only as a witness without being able to influence death. Otherwise he would have time to be accelerated to the point that our cells can live at a different pace which is actually not the case. Similarly, we have found genes (the gérontogènes) that play a role in longevity.

Life also is not the product of time. According to scientific estimates, for a molecule of cytochrome c can be formed by chance, considering that all the atoms in the visible universe freely combine in an initial soup, the time from the origins of the universe would not have been long enough for the random synthesis of this molecule, according to calculations by biologists and world-renowned mathematicians. According to the calculations of experts, the probability of obtaining a minimum of 300 amino acids cell without additional biogeochemical laws, would in fact only a probability of 1/10 40,000 to organize themselves from an inexhaustible prebiotic soup. For this, the astrophysical or "Astro-biochemical" process that would allow such a phenomenon are still being studied; what laws generated from the formation of the universe in a primordial singularity predisposed this miracle? The double helix structure of DNA would, for example probably determined by cosmic waves of identical sizes and shapes etc. Amino acids are observed in the interstellar dust. There are billions of stars like our sun and billions of habitable planets which theoretically even Mars or Venus are not yet excluded.

C-93. 504/15 XLVI The difficulties of carrying a human baby - ideal weaning takes two full years.
"And We have enjoined man kindness to his parents: his mother bore and gave birth painfully painfully; and his gestation and weaning last thirty months. "

Scientifically it is standing in our species makes it all the harder for women in pregnancy that their pool is small compared to quadrupeds and the weight on the spine is difficult to endure. Baby weaning is very important. It is essential that the baby takes the breast long. In fact, a team of specialists noticed that babies who took in two full years are protected against certain communicable diseases by the father to the child, and that breast milk may contain antibodies useful in the baby against a viral attack or bacteria that the mother would never outright contracted.

C-94. 509 / 30-31 XLVII The features liars:
"Or those who have a disease in their hearts they think that God does not reveal their hatred? And if We willed, We would show them to you and you would recognize them by their marks, and you recognize the tone of their speech. God knows your actions! "

This passage demonstrates a strong psychology handy. The deep feelings that are reflected on the face and the entire body. So that a psychologist named Paul Ekman has specialized in detecting liars observing fine. It helps for several years the American police to unmask the suspects observing the slightest variations in the features of their faces. Including the position of the eyebrows and lip muscles, eyelids and pupils. He established a work on this area he named Action Coding system, or FACS. Reference work for many psychologists now. Similarly, analysis of voice harmonics is investigated on a diagram and specialists are now attempts to detect lies and deceit.

C-95. 517/13 XLIX The richness of the human species and sexual reproduction:
"O mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know each other. "

It is precisely because we reproduce sexually us how we know such a variety of different tribes. And we can precisely distinguish the individual groups by their very significant variations, whereas for example penguins, individuals that resemble much stronger recognize their voices change. The profound coherence of the verse is relevant.

Furthermore, geneticists have argued scientifically that we would have a genetic father and a genetic mother that would have existed there are some 150,000 years on basis of independent studies of the Y chromosome for male lineage and to mitochondrial DNA the female line, as these genes are primarily transmitted directly from father to son or mother to daughter not undergoing brassage so. This ancient myth could therefore be checked by some credible modern research. There would, according to results released in scientific journals: probably Adam génétiq ue and genetic Ave. But genetic data can not truly determine a single ancestor, but rather would demonstrate one or more tightening towards genetic ancestor founders universal. However, the study also joined in paleontology that modern man would have appeared about this time whether in Africa or the Middle East. A genetic crunch has anyway there took place a little over 140,000 years seems inconsistent with the multiregional theory. But recent studies show that homo sapiens has crossed with Neanderthal man. But these crossings took place after the emergence of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. But do not conclude a truly multiregional origin of modern man, as if man would have continued to cross all over the Old World from Homo erectus so as to give the modern man would require fossil Homo erectus scattered over the continents African, Asian and European dating back there between 100,000 and 150,000 years were found. Because the genetic difference between the current human races do not go back further in time. And fossil data also reinforce the monogenetic model.

The Qur'an speaks of human procreation in many places, and returns to sexual reproduction in outline; he stresses the attraction between opposite sexes is so deeply established: (. Cor p.406 / 20-22 XXX); it also states that both sexes biologically contribute to procreation by secreting each a seminal fluid: it lets us understand that our wealth of colors and shapes is that the reproduction is sexual (Cor LXXXVI, 6-7.) (. Cor XLIX, 13), it specifies the source mixed spermatic fluid (Cor. LXXVI, he adds that only an epitome of seed that survives the phagocytes in the matrix ensures fertilization 2): (Cor XXXII, 8. ), it describes the fact that the zygote clings to the uterus by naming 'alaq (Cor XCVI, 2) he described the matrix as a safe place (Cor P.342 / 13 XXIII) and.. described as the baby passes creations creations in the dark: (. Cor p.459 / 6 XXXIX), it even seems to imply that every baby is female first before becoming a male acquiring a penis (. Cor p.488 / 49-50 XLII), it apparently implies grow as the baby sees its members and then his fingers following a precise plan: (. Cor p.577 / LXXV 3-4) - the gold induction that produces these organs follows the same rule for all other organs - it describes the muscular coating as a vesture of the skeleton: (Cor. P.342 / 12-5 XXIII) etc.

He concluded by calling the baby born as fragile, (Cor p.83 / 28 IV.) Devoid of knowledge: (Cor p.275 / 73-78-9 XVI.). Without omitting to mention the gifts of sight, hearing and especially the feelings (Cor p.275 / 73-78-9 XVI.). The Qur'an also mentions, as we have already seen, the nature of man as tending to spirituality and religion: (Cor p.407 / 30 XXX.).

C-96. 521 / 20-1 LI There would be signs in ourselves:
"There on earth are signs for those who believe with certainty; as well as yourselves. Do you not see? "

How many people have never marveled after studying in depth the anatomy of Man?

Muslims have operated autopsies before Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). Ibn al-Nafis (XIII century) had made ​​corrections on the compartments of the heart and blood circulation based on autopsies. Rhazes, Fahruddîn er-Razi, (c. 864-c. 925) was the first clinician, which already deals with infectious diseases in his book Kitab al-Hawi. Abu'l Qasim (314-391 H.) is the inventor many modern surgical instruments still used today. The famous kanun ibn Sina (370-428 H.) is still considered a standard work in modern medicine. The style of the Qur'an amazed must undoubtedly have played a significant role in this type of research.

C-97. 522/49 LI plants and animals to have evolved into sexual reproduction?
"And of everything We formed couples in order that you remember. "

This verse apparently evokes the sense of creation, the purpose. This is grammatically of an accomplished time. The evolutionary view gives so again, meaning to this passage from the Koran if we accept it as such. According to the modern theory, organisms reproducing asexually are an earlier phase of the creation or artifacts of this great work; although some species have survived over time remaining asexual. Each group will have developed -in the process of sexual reproduction évolutif- separately. The sex chromosomes X and Y have a common origin. They have begun to differentiate and, in mammals, there are between 240 million and 300 million years. Chromosome 10 men thus has similarities with the sex chromosome of birds. A study on the platypus showed that it possessed 5 Y chromosomes and chromosomes 5 X if it is male and 10 X chromosomes in the case of a female. In addition, one of his pairs of sex chromosomes (X5, Y5) resemble that of a bird, while another (X1, Y1) pair would look like'ux mammals. The specialization towards sexual reproduction in different animal or plant kingdoms occurred so independently and according to strict rules. The human chromosome 10 looks the same to a sex chromosome birds. These findings reinforce the idea of biological evolution -here to sexual differentiation, or also to the determination of the number of our members or our doigts- and replacements or saltations.

The word "khalaqa" here must mean that God would have given shape to a substance or an existing thing lead to creation new; see also: (Cor p.. 56/49 III). See also verse: (Cor p.415 / 7 XXXII.): "He created the best of everything. And began the creation of man of clay, and then created his progeny the epitome of a vile liquid. ". We discussed above the possible transformation by drawing elements from clay, majority element in the crust, gradually to give the man through the primates by comparing this with the evocation of three companions monkeys in this context. The acqiusition of sexual reproduction would actually allowed multicellular organisms extensive diversification and would have made ​​the effort made ​​to enrich genetically. This would have been the case in plants, in fungi and animals. You should know that most animals and plants are derived according to the gradualist biologists two main species of couples who received sexual reproduction, while this was not the case among the first species of which only some still continue to exist. Some species have taken a form of asexual reproduction, but the general rule is not so.

There are actually even couples from all kinds of existing things, since antimatter and matter, and the pairs of quarks, through some -Eschélia Coli is a bacteria swapping DNA and transmitting its genome sister into a bacterium, for example (parasexuarsquo, is sp / font'4 / fontlité) - she achieved with a cytoplasmic bridge and genetic exchange occurs. And this to the higher animals including humans.

C-98. 531/6 LV geotropism in the reign Vegetal:
"The grass and trees prostrate. "

It was determined that the development, stems and roots, up and down, was orchestrated by quite confusing mechanisms. Botanists have cultivated plants in aquatic living environments and gradually tilted them in their development and observed that the stems and roots twisted to move upwards and downwards respectively, this bowing. We made the above study.

C-99. 531/7 LV Ecology and balance in nature and the universe.
"He raised high heaven and established the balance; So that you may not transgress balance! Strengthen yourself about balance - Justice. "

The companions of Muhammad would explain, according to the explanation of Tabari, about this verse, that each species would be in its place and that if we moved a beast of its environment this could cause a great imbalance. This is further explored in ecology and naturalists. An African cactus that was taken in Australia has caused damage over a larger area than Britain; biologists have brought from Africa a bug that slowed the spread of the cactus in Africa. There are still a host of examples that prove the importance of balance in nature.

The magnitude of the Universe's expansion rate in the first seconds of its creation has aroused amazement among many scientists, including Stephen Hawking. A tiny difference and the Universe disappear either dissipating or by collapsing quickly. The almost perfect homogeneity of the Universe and the distribution of matter within it still exceed physicists who continue to seek the how. The wonder of the Qur'an is well established by modern discoveries.

C-100. 534/7 LVI What does "zawdj":
"Then you will be three groups - zawdj-. "

The word "zawdj" does not mean torque, as claimed by some translators that induce people into error, saying that all species were created in pairs. The word means etymologically group. If this is the dual torques. We discussed earlier how each type of organization adopted methodically to sexual reproduction evolve.

C-101. 536 / 71-2 LVI tree which we get the fire by friction:
"Have you considered the fire which you kindle? Is it you who created his tree -en- or are we the creator? "

Trees appointed markh and Afar were used to produce fire blazing very easily and that the Bedouins of the Arabian desert used, the verse does not speak here of the archaic methods used in Prefont-weight: normal; history, but the parallel n 'is not useless either.

Muhammad Hamidullah highlights like the Bedouins in the desert still use green wood trees named markh and Afar that with small stones give friction sparks.

C-102. 536 / 57-61 LVI Who created the seed and predetermines death?
"It is We Who have created you. Why do not you believe in the resurrection? Have you considered what you ejaculate; Is it you who ejaculate Where are We the creator? We have decreed death among you. We will replace the point prevented you from your fellows; and make you reborn in a state that you do not know! You have known the first creation, do you not then remember? "

According to this verse, it should be allowed to promote reproduction in test tubes, through artificial fertilization or by cloning if it is not legally prohibited or biologically speaking risky. We do actually only quibble what already exists or at best we trafiquons part; and it should not be a problem other ethically. This is just a scientific opinion without interference with the lawyers of the Muslim world. The material which is the origin of our anatomical organization, Cell and Molecular comes from the seed. Concerning the authorization of artificial fertilization of date according to Muhammad, see: (Ibn Majah: 2470).

Many times the Qur'an emphasizes that we could disappear and give way to a new species. This makes us imagine that the species could succeed as widely described in the Qur'an, from the beginning, in a simplistic evolutionary process.

C-103. 559/12 LXV September planets inhabited by humanoid races (over the hadith of Bayhaqî quoted in the exegesis i bn Kathir -XIIè S.) - heavenly organic origin of animals?
"God created seven heavens and of the earth. In between them, His command goes down, so you know that God has power over truth and that God encompasses all things in knowledge. "

The command of Allah is described as falling between the seven heavens and the seven Earths. This verse speak of seven planets inhabited by humanoid species according to what is reported by Ibn Abbas, the exegete of the Qur'an, son of the uncle of Muhammad, explained that in spite of himself at the insistence of the people he -whose feared he seems that faith is shaken by such a thing. This comes to us with a reliable source considered as Bayhaqî and takes particular ibn Kathir. Abbas ibn reffusait he seems to interpret this verse, until he received an oath that listeners do not disavow their faith. After which he would have said that there are seven Earths, with a kind on each of Abraham. According Elmal? L? Muhammed Hamdi Yaz? R, that interpretation would even that of most exegetes. Recall again that the Qur'an mentions the existence of animal species through the seven heavens (Cor.486 / 29 XLII). Substantial origin of animals is really heavenly. Since the raw material of which living things are made ​​come from clouds of interstellar dust.

C-104. 563/19 LXVII Ethology and preprogrammed flight of birds:
"Have they not seen the birds above them, spreading their wings and folding rotating? Nothing except holding the Most Merciful? Certainly it is Seer of all things. "

Even today, the flight of birds is very surprising for a careful observer. Birds are animals well adapted for flight. They have no bladder, lungs specialist to provide oxygen continuously metabolizes a very active and a lighter skeleton. Birds adopt basically three types of flights: flapping flight when the bird flies by flapping its wings, gliding the bird having gained speed is swept away by the wind and the hidden flight of birds of prey and marabouts who are raised by the warm currents. However, they are retained in the gravitational environment of Earth and are forced to stay there anyway for oxygen.

Their flight is almost impulsive and they do nothing but beat their wings, coordination and following preprogrammed a careful manner. Indeed, a baby bird is physically made ​​to fly. He just has to beat the wings and just fly itself, with a minimum of training. Their flight speed is stable and is directly related to their weight. These animals then flying a scheduled basis, from their very anatomy and to the laws of aerodynamics and cerebral and innate program. The Qur'an mentions the flight of birds twice, here he speaks of flapping flight, elsewhere he speaks of gliding flight and veiled (Cor p.275 / 79 XVI.): "Do they not seen the birds subject in heaven with nothing to retain the outside of God? ". God must retain maintaining the laws of nature, and most probably by preventing them from escaping to the atmosphere?

C-105. 566/51 LXVIII The evil eye and blind vision
"Really, almost so the disbelievers will pierce you with their eyes when they hear the Reminder, and they say: 'Truly this one is crazy! ''. "

This is an old superstition as the world. But is it the evil eye physically possible? According experience J. Whalen, of the University of Wisconsin Madison, the only subliminal projection white frightened eyes gives chills by exciting the amygdala. This would correspond to a danger signal, which can cause yellowing and unconsciously give fear (of shorter or longer duration). This vision is blind, that is to say, it does not pass through the visual cortex and directly affects the organs of emotions and the amygdala, which, according to recent neurological discoveries to concernés- -see places, regulate our decisions and influence our health. According to the psychiatrist Silla Consoli, the European Hospital Georges Pompidou -France-, emotions play a direct role on health. The specialist points out that, for example, a sudden fear can trigger a psychosomatic accident such as a myocardial infarction. The "blind vision" does not require a cross look, the fact that the eye perceives the same blotchy look can act on the thalamus and amygdala affect; and so it is now established that this can change our senses and our health and even cause psychosomatic diseases in principle even lead to death. All this frankly joined the belief in "bad oeils" even if the researcher is no such link.

We must emphasize that the vision is blind even on some blind -for it does not pass by the visually cortex, and the process is unconscious and out of control. Muhammad claimed it is said that "the evil eye" is real - El Jâmi'us-Sahih - it can cause death and that if something was to precede the destiny that would be the "eye" - el Muwatta . We also pointed to other places like the physiological determinism and our rational decisions would be guided by our unconscious emotions. It would appear to be a form of hypnotism. It is therefore possible that superstition on the bad eye has a practical foundation in some very specific cases?

C-106. 571/13 to 4.17 LXXI Creation of man and other living beings inhabiting the planet phases - Both men created such plants (roots):
"What did you not worship God as they should? Then He created you in successive stages - a t Wara. And It is God, the earth, you did grow like plants. "

The word has t Wara means 'forms'. According to this passage also must testify that according to the Koran, man and animals therefore could well have been created by successive phases just as they are supposed to have evolved according to the evolutionism: fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, for become what we are now. This would be repeated also with us during embryonic development: a fertilized egg evokes the origins of unicellular organisms, then comes a multicellular stage, the appearance of bronchioles as in fish. We look along a leech during one of these stages of embryonic development in our latest development equivalent leech. Originally, we were similar to unicellular algae.

The word has t Wara comes from the same root as that used in modern Arabic for evolution: ta t awwur - transmutation. Let us repeat once again that the Qur'an also mentions the aquatic origin of life in several places (XXI Cor. 30): "He formed all living water". Understand here the water like substance and not the oceans, a concept probably impossible to guess at the time of Muhammad. As this verse is most clear on this subject on the issue of simple and spontaneous evolution of species, we will discuss several verses on this theme in the Qur'an; 1) The origin of life by the ea # 39; stay any fau (substance): (XXI Cor. 30); 2) Progress described as perfect as and extent of creation: (Cor p.. 415/7 XXXII); 3) The man having been created transformations transformations: (Cor p.571 / 13 to 4.17 LXXI). 4) The constitution of men having been strengthened (Cor p.. 580/27 LXXVII) : "It is We who have created them and strengthened their constitution. We do want when we replace them by their fellows. "; 5) Station standing rights: (Cor p.597 / 4-5 XCV)..

C-107. 577 / 3-4 LXXV Genoa fingers and sex:
"Man Does he think that We can not assemble his bones? Yes ! We are able to level his fingers. "

Bourgeonement members

Left ; The members (A, B, C) budding from their bases to become progressively complete. / On the right ; early sprouting arm. The fingers come after, respectively, in order: the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist and palm. On the right image humerus A =, B = the progression zone, C = the apical peak, and D = a bias region. The fingers of establishment is the completion of the formation of our outer appearance.

This passage from the Qur'an is one of the most eloquent testimony of great insight. It evokes the fingers as if forming by pushing a little like plants from the palm of the hand. An elegant frankly intuition, which is supported by the study of embryonic development.

The second interesting point in this excerpt from the book is the horror suggested in the formation of malformed fingers. A phenomenon psychologically very striking fact. In fact, this is added by modern discoveries, the genes that determine the fingers of the hand and the urogenital system are the same, so that our fingers are 5 in number so that we can reproduce ourselves. If we have fingers of equal length we suffer from pronounced urogenital malformations. A baby who lack the genes that produce the finger does not lose a finger but shorter fingers; and it undergoes a urogenital malformations: anal sphincter does not.

Moreover, it is established that the fingers form after arms and legs in the same vein elongation, which is understood clearly, yet effective intuition, in this verse, as when the fingers are trained, this means that the previous members are complete. Indeed, the first shoulder is formed in the embryo, then the arm and the forearm and the wrist, and the respective lengths of the fingers. A human further has a longer than the index finger, while a woman has on the contrary greater than the index annular.

Formation of the hands of an embryo

Hand initially has a shaped muffle, the fingers are separated by cell apoptosis. The tissues that connect the fingers are destroyed by the same mechanism as the death of our body.

In addition, there are in training fingers a discreet relationship with death. The hands were originally a form of blocks, and fingers are glued to each other. The tissues that connect are destroyed by apoptosis, the famous mechanism that is the natural cell destruction that operates when we die; now this passage speaks of death, obviously not related to this discovery completely ignored at the time, but in the part of the horror of having malformed fingers.

Similarly, each individual has the fingertip impressions of its own; no two fingers have the same fingerprints among the tens of billions of fingers having existed until then and that persist. Finally, note here that the processes that determine the structure of the fingers and their numbers are still surrounded in mystery. Wrist width determine the number of fingers, but there would not be a particular finger gene.

There are many kinds of birth defects affecting the shape of the fingers: the ectrodactyly where fingers do not exist at all; the lobster claw where the hand consists of two elements like a clamp; brachydactyly where the fingers are short, the consequences are not important; symphalangism where the knuckles are welded; clinodactyly where the little finger remains curved or polydactyly where there is an extra finger. The latter case affects children with trisomy 13, deep birth defects while making unsustainable person.

Also, is not it quite interesting that the Egyptian who had a phobia of being imperfect resurrected when embalmed the dead, protected the fingertips with gold finger-shaped cartridges, perhaps knowing the decomposition facility rather these organs purposes. As has been noted for some dignitary Tutankhamun and also well preserved called "Youfa".

C-108. 578 / 36-9 LXXV Adam and Eve created from a drop of seed?
"Does man think that he will leave no obligation to observe? Was he not a drop of ejaculated semen? And then a bloody grip; then God created and formed harmoniously; and then did so in the two couples, the male and the female. "

The initial reading of this passage leads us to assume that Adam and Ave are supposed to have happened on Earth by a second birth. Bothering to reread this passage is of great importance. The two sexes, male and female, are from seed. Adam Ave and could therefore have a common ancestor. We must not think here of a deliberate philosophical approach, but probably rather the spontaneous emergence of the original version.

See also verses: (LIII Cor. 45-46) (LXXVI Cor. 1-2), (LXXX: 17 and following) (LXXXVI Cor. 5-7) & (XCV Cor. 1 5).

C-109. 578/2 LXXVI The seed as a mixture:
"We created man of a droplet made of a mixture for the test. "

The seed is a mixture of several secretions from different parts of our body and each of which has a defined function. This verse refers to the creation of all humans, taken one by one. The woman also contributes to this mixture in the process of reproduction. The seed is also in itself a mixture of substances secreted in various organs such as the testes, the prostate, seminal vesicles, glands Mery, Cooper and Littre. Muhammad is said should explain as well as the woman, would have a sort of seed-she also contributing to this mixture. See also verse: (Cor LXXXVI, 6-7.): "It was created a squirt of water from between the loins and ribs. ". This is a discrete citation and pictorially in Arabic both male and female sexes. We must not forget that even children 4 years heard the Qur'an during ritual prayers. We go back to the verse in question.

C-110. 580/28 LXXVI Man's constitution would have been enhanced:
"It is We who have created them and strengthened their constitution. We do want when we replace them by their fellows. "

It seems more likely that the verse does not speak of individuals of any fatal way, but ethnic and species, such as the disappearance of Aad and Thamud, larger than the first men; (. Cor p.159 / 69 VII) ". Remember when He made you succeeded the people of Noah, and He increased your body height. ". According to modern discoveries, we are the successors of a small mammal that survived the disaster Jurassic having exterminated the dinosaurs. We are just as great apes, primates stronger than geologic time. Homo erectus was larger than Australopithecus, he grows up to Homo neanderthalensis probably give them, thus strengthening as possibly imagine Muhammad. This verse is also one of those that allow the thesis of a kind of evolution in the Quranic conception. The book also discusses the replacement by similar. Also verse; (Cor p.571 / 13 to 4.17 LXXI.): "What do you not worship God as they should? While He has created you in successive phases. And It is God, the earth, you did grow like plants. ".


Human ancestors were the theory of evolution weak creatures, as lemur.

C-111. 584 / 27-33 LXXIX Man as more fragile and easy to be created as the universe - Older plants that animals?
"Are you more difficult to create or space? He raised the upper limits and homogenized. In a night off and made it appear the dawn. And Earth after all that He has spread. As brought out its water and its pasture; And the mountains He anchored the ace; for your enjoyment to you and your cattle. "

The indescribable dimensions of the universe are beyond what the human imagination can conceive, we have already discussed the possible dimensions of the cosmos by Muhammad above. According to this passage from the Koran, the universe would be a more grandiose phenomenon that man.

It is understandable to imagine the need of plants before animals, like the food chain begins at the plant for someone who ignores the full cycle. In any case without photosynthesis life lasted a short time on Earth perhaps? Usually algae, which are equipped with photosynthesis and autotrophic, are considered the first forms of living organisms that existed on the planet. Traces of its agencies would be in the most ancient rocks dating back to Precambrian: around 1.5 billion years to 750 million years in the past. Chlorophyll was in fact an essential organelle for the establishment of life on the Planet. The Qur'an also mentions the aquatic (water) of life (XXI Cor. 30), the transformation of our species: (LXXI Cor. 13 to 4.17), which can be seen as the evolutionary approach sowing - dispersion- of life throughout the cosmos; (Cor 486/29 XLII.): "And among His Signs ago the creation of the heavens and the earth and what it has spread like animals in these two areas. It is Able to gather them together when He wants. ". According to scientists, a cell could theoretically become embedded in a rock that would be splashed during an asteroid impact to send our cell with a meteorite light years from the place of departure. Thus many scientists believed detect traces of bacteria in a Martian meteorite failed to Earth.

C-112. 585 / 17-9 LXXX Man as created seed:
"What man despises? He is ungrateful! What was he created? In seed droplet; It creates and then determines the fate. "

This organic droplet behind human reproduction in the Koran also includes the feminine seminal fluid: -see above (Cor LXXXVI, 6-7.). The latter we know now composed of female hormones, corpus luteum, ova and -The one menstrual blood. His role was not only unknown at the time the Qur'an was taught, according to historians of science, but even its existence was ignored. Some hadiths seem to show that Arab seemingly unaware of the role of women in reproduction?

C-113. 586.1 / 29 LXXXI Free will in man:
"But you can not will unless God wills, the Lord of the Universe"

Several studies have been conducted since 1983 on brain processes that determine free will. In fact in 1983, the work of neurophysiologist Benjamin Libet, had shown for the first time, that the order to bend the finger was given 350 milliseconds before the conscious will. Which questioned the notion of free will. In 2004, Pattrick Haggard of University College London, has made similar experiences regarding free will, asking helmeted electroencephalograms volunteers to press a button when they want. He demonstrated as well as the conscious will is preceded by an average of 350 milliseconds in a preparation of the will order that begins in the frontal cortex, which gives the order you want. Order which is sent to the parietal cortex. 200 milliseconds later, the active parietal cortex cortex engine to execute the commanded movement. At 550 milliseconds the motor cortex sends a confirmation message to the parietal cortex to confirm the order, it is only then that we are aware of wanting to take action. At 750 milliseconds, the motor cortex sends the execution order of the movement. The hand presses the button finally.

If impulse precedes the conscious will order confirming the thesis of this verse, we must know that we have the ability to say no to the previous order when we get it: it does not contradict this verse -the read.

Unconscious desires are known as a variable intensity and we only have 250 milliseconds to react, and often we succumb to temptation (II Cor. 212), (III Cor. 14). The unconscious impulses from the limbic system such as hunger, thirst, etc. are already known for some time.

Indeed, the role of emotions in the rational direction of our lives and the central function of the amygdala -from its proximity to the hippocampus and interactions réciproques- in memorizing is confirmed by neurologists: emotions guide well our conscious choices throughout our lives, invisible hidden behind curtains. Edmund T. Rolls psychologist at the University of Oxford, even argues in his book The Brain and emotion that our whole life is based on two rules: "avoid punishment and seek rewards." Life emotionally charged events are stored to automate subsequent decisions. So every decision is dictated by recording our experiences in terms of emotions when we live our lives fully directing. Thus we have in memory the most significant events emotional point of view, such as the September 11 attack, and can even remind us of some things that we did that day, but the day before is already different . The Qur'an speaks repeatedly with psychology that our works are embellished us. Free will it be so in reality a kind of illusion of our brain actually functioning as a pre-programmed computer that gives the impression of wanting to us make life easier? This is certainly strong excessive. The will really exist, but it would be good in the bottom of a feeling produced by highly complex process. The man has highly sophisticated mechanisms allowing it to take responsibility, but it seems reasonable to think that we can not emancipate ourselves of causality that we operate entirely physical-chemical way. Which joined against all rational expectation the question of destiny, or rather the free will of several religions. The complexity of brain function decidedly not cease to amaze. The man is entirely determined by the physics and chemistry of nature. He obviously has no way out of the gear and to judge or act even tiny laquo; / fontqui ambit of what is determined materially. Except to believe in the existence of an immaterial soul independent of physical reality. What science is certainly not supported.

C-114. 591 / 6-7 LXXXVI The biological role of the mother in reproduction.
"It was created a squirt of water from between the loins and ribs. "

The role of the mother in the reproduction is mentioned in this verse. Arabic loins represent the male reproductive organs, and ribs female reproductive organs. According to a hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhari, e-book from the beginning of creation-Muhammad speak of ejaculation of a woman and a woman asked him if a woman has a kind of seed to the point that she would have blushed shame for this. El Bukhari relates that Muhammad told him with a smile: "Why look like a baby any different now to the mom, sometimes daddy". The famous droplet that is created man according to the Koran would be conceived as a mixture of male and female fluids. According to the same hadith, Muhammad would have explained that the baby is male or female according to the superiority of liquid from one of the parents on the second. In a second hadith also reported in al-Bukhari we read that a Bedouin came to Muhammad to complain that his wife gave birth to a black child while he is white. Muhammad asked him if he did not have red and white camels, Bedouin to acquiesce; the prophet would have enjoined then remarked: "Does not this happen in such a color camel birth in such a different color camel? ". The Bedouin recognizing this, Muhammad would have made ​​him the remarkable conclusion "It comes from one of his ancestors! ". This is now a deduction established by genetics. Indeed, the recessive genes can remain hidden for generations and reappear in specific cases.

This passage tells us that way a small amount of fluid made from a mixture enough, part of the emerging seed by the woman after opening the carnal act.

Thawban have sent Muhammad as the latter had explained that the mother also had a kind of seed, and that this explained that sometimes the baby also looks like the mother in relation to the speed of competition between the two liquids seminal -Muslim: 315. we read: "The man is white liquid and liquid of women is yellow. These two liquids meet. If so fluid father who top the child becomes a boy according to the will of God, if the liquid from the mother who has the upper hand, the child is a girl in the will of God. ". During ovulation, the estrogen secreted by the ovarian follicles and synthesized by granulosa cells, interacts with the hormones of the anterior pituitary and brain--at cause ovulation. Then the follicle becomes corpus luteum.

Finally, there is no fertilization of the corpus luteum regresses and menstruation begins, but the yellow body is maintained in the event of fertilization and nidation when there, progesterone luteum then maintains pregnancy. The white color of the seed comes from the color of the liquid coming from the prostate.

After fertilization, the few 25,000 genes from both paternal and maternal genomes enter a complex interplay of genetic regulation of domination where proteins cause the manufacture or stop production of other proteins, until at the end the child more or less similar to each parent, depending on the activated genes, including with regard to the sex of the unborn baby. When there is a Y chromosome in the sperm, the sex genome of the father who is favored otherwise it is the genome of the mother, but it is not absolute. We discussed elsewhere XY and women XX men, and the role of Sry gene.

C-115. 592/17 LXXXVIII The creature amazing what a camel:
"So do they not see the camel as he was created? "

Red camel. We observe two bumps on the back which are fats stocks which enable it to withstand the thirst very long in the harsh desert conditions.

The camel is a creature among the most extraordinary which has a very specialized metabolism and can live in such severe conditions of a desert. The internal temperature from 34 ° C to 42 ° C when it is very hot. These red blood cells may overflow water in large quantities and triple in size when the beast drink 200 liters of water. His breath is almost dry, nostrils can be closed completely to avoid loss of water vapor. The wide soles of his feet gives it an invaluable tool for not sinking into the desert sand. He can feel a water point to several tens of kilometers and 7 meters below him; and has three eyelids which protect against hot winds loaded with sand grains. His stature puts it out of reach and bumps on his back makes a wonderful frame for men.

C-116. 594/4 XC Life lasts for man on Earth:
"We have created man for a life of struggle"

Our human stature, our bipedal standing position that our women are difficult to deliver as their pelvis is narrow and as the back has to support the baby and almost put it down too early. As soon as we are born we are born without knowledge and must learn everything culturally. Having a standing position allows us to enjoy two very nimble hands; and brain and has a very advanced ability. We must assume our cerebral and the work more than any other species to satisfy our needs and answer our questions for some metaphysical.

C-117. 597 / 4-5 XCV The anatomical shape station or standing of the human being is the best in creation:
"We have created man according to the best standing position. We then rabaissâmes at the lowest level. Except those who believe and do good works. "

The word Taqwim means standing posture: QAMA, yaqûmu,. The word ahsan means "better" and is a superlative that implies or at least to suggest that there is or that there were other forms of bipedalism. Man is here described as the best standing position. This is a verified thesis; For example, Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) would have been arboreal game. The man's stature is the most advanced bipedalism in all of nature which in primates and in the missing humanoids. We're not the only ones to have benefited from bipedalism include also: Homo floresiensis, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo antecessor, Homo erectus, Homo georgicus (man Dmanisi), Homo ergaster, Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis; and also: Pananthropus boisei, Pananthropus robustus, Pananthropus aethiopicus; not to mention the same: Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus afarensis, Kenyanthropus playtops, Australopithecus ramidus, Australopithecus anamesnsis, Ardipithecus kadabba. Then Orrorin tugenensis (6 million years) and probably Toumai (7 million years). If we add the passage saying that we would have been crfont-weight: normalfont face = SEA by successive transformations and such plants from the earth (. Cor p.571 / 13-18 LXXI) was reinforced by the constitution Probate: (Cor p.580 / 27 LXXVII.): "It is We who have created them and strengthened their constitution. We do want when we replace them by their fellows. "We can see the concept of evolution in a version of the Koran.

He actually existed other primates adopting bipedalism. Our type of bipedalism is not the only form of posture on the lower limbs but it is the most advanced. We are actually designed for endurance race and our body, mainly our legs, are very specialized for the race. We are the only primates have sweat glands to remove heat from our body through perspiration.

Comparison of the foot bones, Human and Chimpanzee

The human foot is highly specialized one notes the Achilles tendon, arch, short toes. On the right image, a foot of Australopithecus (l.) And a foot Chimpanzee (d.).

The second meaning of the word Taqwim long is reinforcing the explanation of this passage of this amazing way since our species is the only one that continues to exist for over 10,000 years. Maybe the fact that we have supplanted the equivalent species? The second meaning of the word Taqwim means longevity, made ​​to last. Modern man is he who in the line of humanoid bipedal persisted. The choice of the word is prodigious. We have mentioned elsewhere that the belief in the coexistence of early man with wild man existed at the time, it is useless to seek here a miracle of the Qur'an.

C-118. 597/5 XCVI Man has learned what he did not know:
" Lily ! Your Lord is the Most Generous. Who taught by the pen. He taught man what he knew not. "

This verse is the first revelation to Muhammad and demonstrates the importance given to education from the beginning and the instructive power of the Koran.
The man born without knowledge. This applies individually: each man must learn how to live without her innate gifts, it applies to the species as a whole: the former had to learn to tame the earth, water and fire. The latter approach is probably not to be included in the critical and philosophical understanding of the passage.

Cardiovascular system in an embryo

Left human embryo stage 'alaq: forty days (about 1 cm) / Right fibrin traps red blood cells to clog veins forming clots, clots are always formed and clog the veins of the baby' alaq which the heart began to beat.

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