mardi 25 août 2015

VI. Chronology

Part Chonology

D-1. 6/31 II The plain language of Adam: names?
D-2. 7/43 II Prayers of the ancient Jews, tithes and inclinations.
D-3. 8/57 II manna and quails.
D-4. 9/60 II twelve springs that Moses would have miraculously out of a rock.
D-5. 9/61 II return to Egypt of a group of Israel's son and alleged extermination during the reign of Merneptah (= Mineptah) VI in the year of his reign.
D-6. 9 / II 67-71 red cow neither old nor too young, and which has not cast yoke and the book of Numbers.
D-7. 10 / 72-73 II resuscitation of a dead so that he speaks by hitting it with a portion of an ox and the papyrus of Ani.
D-8. 17/106 II Variants of certain verses.
D-9. 20/127 II The construction of the foundations of the Ka'bah, the origin of the Ka'ba site marked by the black stone from the time of Noah, according to Muslim beliefs.
D-10. 21/140 II Abraham and tribes were neither Jews nor Christians.
D-11. 23/146 II A prophet was expected by the priests and rabbis versed in the science of the Scriptures in the days of Muhammad.
D-12. 51/11 III Pharaonic dynasties.
D-13. 54/36 III Birth of Mary's mother dedicated the temple.
D-14. 56/49 III Golems, Jesus, the Talmud and shaouabtis in Egypt of the Pharaohs.
D-15. 103 / 157-8 IV Jesus would not really die on the cross.
D-16. 105 / 171-2 IV Trinity: the Holy Spirit and Jesus worshiping God.
D-17. 111/18 & 77 V Rejection idea of ​​God as the son of privilege.
D-18. 111/20 V evoking Moses to his people how God would have sent them prophets and made the Kings.
D-19. 112 / 26-31 V 40 years of exile for the children of Israel - Abel and Cain, the Qur'anic narrative without livestock or agriculture, but with two sacrifices. D-20. 118/60 V The transformation of Jews into monkeys, monkey god Thoth magician and the Gospel of Barnabas.

D-21. 125 / 112-115 V The Table sent from heaven to Jesus, the Passover meal and the mysteries of the pyramids.
D-22. 127/116 V According to the Qur'an Jesus and Mary are not gods.
D-23. 133/50 Muhammad VI and secularism.
D-24. 137 / 75-9 VI Abraham and worship of the heavenly bodies (sun, moon, etc.) in the times of Hittite Anatolia (Hammurabi, circa -1792 to 1750?).
D-25. 140/98 VI Adam would he have parents?
D-26. 141/105 VI The Science of unlettered Prophet, the position of the Quran regarding the reliability of ancient scriptures.
D-27. 144 / 130-1 VI Each cited a warning, even the jinn would have received the prophets themselves.
D-28. 151 / 8-9 VII Weighing works (v. Ancient Egypt and ancient beliefs, eg the Book of the Dead).
D-29. 153/26 VII habit among humans.
D-30. 158/60 VII hierarchy among the first men?
D-31. 159 / 69.73 VII The human race would grow after the deluge - the outcome camel rocks and shamanism.
D-32. 160/74 VII The prehistoric cave men and cavemen.
D-33. 161/85 VII balance existed at the time of Moses.
D-34. 163 / 103-171 VII Full Story of the Exodus of Moses with a group of Israelites.
D-35. 164 / 109-12 VII is actually appealed to magicians in all the courts at the time of Ramses II. The clergy of Sekhmet also practiced magic-medicine. (Sekhmet "sending misfortunes" if we do not respected.).
D-36. 164/120 VII We threw on his stomach on the floor at the time as a submission, see the Egyptian story of The Princess of Bakhtan.
D-37. 165/127 VII Pharaoh had gods and was revered.
D-38. 165 / 130-3 VII plagues of Egypt are probably the scarcity and flood (and what follows from these causes locusts, lice, frogs, blood and hunger) - Pharaoh and floods.
D-39. 166 / 133-135 VII When disasters reached Egypt, they asked Moses to call the god who sent punishment.
D-40. 166/137 VII Pharaonic constructions (Many giants, stelae, temples etc. The most impressive of which are the temple of abu Simbel and Ramasseum.) - The subject peoples have inherited the territory that soon lost its colonies and Egypt itself same was invaded repeatedly.
D-41. 168/145 VII Writing on tablets at the time of Moses.
D-42. 171/160 VII The staff of Moses it was comparable to an Egyptian scepter Ouas?
D-43. 175 / 189-190 VII Adam and Ave would he associated their first child to God.
D-44. 184/54 VIII The armed group of Pharaoh and part of his children whom he was so proud could perish in the floods; some who were unharmed in the back.
D-45. 191/30 IX The old concept of god and son phallicism.
D-46. 210/19 X The community of Middle Paleolithic homo sapiens or more.
D-47. XA 214/47 every nation a messenger.
D-48. 217/73 X People are saved with Noah and his family: the deluge would concern according to the account of the Koran as the disbelievers of the People of Noah.
D-49. 218 / X 83.88 Only a small group believes Moses - The constructions of Ramses II and their political role.
D-50. 219 / 90-2 X Pharaoh's soldiers (he divided them into different troops, each bearing the name of deity) - The body of Ramses II comes to his successors, he was found in the Valley of the Kings in the No. 7 falls.
D-51. 226 / 44- XI Where is al-Judi?
D-52. 227 / 48-9 XI Communities in the Ark of Noah, who survived the great flood.
D-53. 228/58 XI An Ad Group is saved with Hud.
D-54. 231 / 84-5 XI balance and Chu'ayb.
D-55. Ramses XI 232/97 does not guide people well.
D-56. 234/110 XI differences over biblical writings.
D-57. 238/30 XII Nobles and Joseph in Egypt.
D-58. 240/43 XII September cows and drought rooted in Egyptian culture.
D-59. 242 / 58-63 XII The peoples of neighboring countries came to Egypt to refuel, not just Joseph's brothers. It would not have accused of espionage more than any other people.
D-60. 244/74 XII The issue of wheat at the time of Jacob.
D-61. 244/74 XII The provisions of the transportation issue with camels.
D-62. 244/78 XII becoming a noble Joseph in Egypt.
D-63. 247 / 100-1 XII he becomes King and Jacob has he of kingship in Egypt?
D-64. 255/5 XIV Moses out of the darkness into the light (Book of the Dead).
D-65. 258/19 XIV Evolution of species and place of man in cycles.
D-66. 263/26 XV human myth is like a clay pottery.
D-67. 266/82 XV Habitats cave in prehistory (see abu Simbel temple which is dated as the oldest). The father of Ramses II, Seti had gone on his conquests to Irem, the Koran designates as inhabited city of 'Ad who lived in the cave.
D-68. 272 / 49.51 XVI Dualism Mazdean.
D-69. Lived 276/81 XVI of primitive man until the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
D-70. 282/1 XVII blessing of God to the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings.
D-71. 282/7 XVII Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.
D-72. No 283/13 XVII curse in reality.
D-73. 285 / 36-7 XVII Do not follow what you have no knowledge.
D-74. 292 / 101-102 XVII Pharaoh accused Moses of being bewitched.
D-75 295/17 XVIII Young dormant.
D-76. 300 / 60-1 Moses XVIII fish that lives again and a mysterious saint.
D-77. 301/62 XVIII Joshua son of Nun.
D-78. 302 / 79.82 XVIII Kings taking boats in Mesopotamia in the time of Ramses II - treasures forgotten in the Middle Ages, for lack of places and entrust their gift to Pharaoh. D-79. 303/86, 90, 92, 94, 96 XVIII Dh'oul Qarnayn: explorer and conqueror - The prodigious metal wall. The mystery of Gogs and Magogs.
D-80. 306/16 XIX Marie flees to the East.
D-81. Mount Sinai 309/52 XIX: where he is?
D-82. 312/12 XX sandals in Egypt in the alleged time of Moses, even Pharaoh did. Where Moses received the prophecy.
D-83. 313/24 XX Pharaoh remained within.
D-84. 314 / 38-40,49-52 XX Moses or Sargon?
D-85. 314/51 XX Religion before Egyptian civilization.
D-86. 315/56 to 9.63 XX witch magicians Confrontations during the festivities - Egyptian civilization conceived as perfect by them.
D-87. 316 / 70-71 XX Pharaoh could add deities in Egypt.
D-88. 316/71 XX Pharaoh and impalement, ancestor of the crucifixion?
D-89. 317 / 79,85,89, Pharaoh XX 94 not guided well - Samiri existed - Gold was considered in Egypt as the flesh of the gods and the bull was one of the primordial gods, originally considered the founder of the kingdom of pharaohs.
D-90. 318/88, 95 97 XX The golden calf and Hinduism; The Samiri and the untouchables. The Israelites worshiped perhaps the cow Hathor Moses at Sinai before already.
D.91. 324 / 30.32 to 3 XXI Heaven and Earth formed a whole at the beginning.
D-92. 327 / 69.72 XXI fire survivor Abraham.
D-93. 328/80 XXI and David Steel, Iron Age.
D-94. 329 / 85-7 XXI Buddha in the Quran: the man of the fig tree.
D-95. 330/91 XXI Jesus has no father.
D-96. 330/96 XXI Gog and Magog.
D-97. 343 / 23-25 ​​XXIII Oral tradition and spirituality among the first men after the Qur'anic account.
D-98. 343/27 XXIII Noah built the Ark and there care of survivors.
D-99. The Israelites worshiped 345/47 XXIII Pharaonic family that was considered caused by the gods.
D-100. 347 / 82-3 XXIII The resurrection is not a tale of ancient / Seniority of faith in life after death.
D-101. 363 / 38-40 XXV The city would have succeeded where the 'Ad, the Thamud and the Ashab ar-Rass (Petra?).
D-102. 368/27 XXVI Moses is accused of being possessed by Ramses, which was the worst thing that could happen to a man at the time.
D-103. 368/25 to 6.29 XXVI Amon Original god of the Israelites whose pen on the head recalls the heavenly origin? - Pharaoh (Ramses II) is already adore in his lifetime: The enothéisme of the time; Ramses II as Sovereign of sovereigns and other kings before him obedience.
D-104. 369 / XXVI 42-8,53-60 The Ramses II's entourage, which considered universal lord - the Israelites fleeing are few - There are gardens at the time.
D-105. 372 / 116-20 XXVI The struggles among the first humans?
D-106. 373 / 146-9 XXVI Moving Here Thamûds.
D-107. 378/20 XXVII The bird cooing and the reign of Solomon.
D-108. 379 / 23-4 XXVII The Queen of Sheba.
D-109. 380/44 XXVII The Palace of Solomon.
D-110. 383 / 65-68 The XXVII Quraïche are descendants of Abraham.
D-111. 385/4 XXVII unjust hierarchy Pharaoh scribes, priests, workers, etc.
D-112. 386/6 XXVIII Haman loyal to Ramses II and influential.
D-113. 386/9 XXVIII Moses, the child (Mesy or Mose in Egyptian).
D-114. 387 / 19-20 XXVIII The temporal power of the priests in ancient Egypt to the Ramesside period.
D-115. 388 / 23-6 XXVIII Lived in Midian in the time of Moses.
D-116. 390/36 XXVIII Khamaouesset the historian son of Ramses II sought the oldest traces of the Egyptian memory.
D-117. 390/38 XXVIII Pharaoh is god - Haman and the priest who opens the gates of heaven, Pharaoh regarded himself as mediator between God and men - the construction of the sanctuary of Amon who hears the prayers and the end of the hall site pillared temple of Amun at Karnak.
D-118. 390/42 XXVIII The end of the XIX pharaonic dynasty.
D-119. 405/9 XXX The advanced ancient civilizations before the cultural degeneration to the V th Century.
D-120. 406/20 XXX Man made of clay and mythology.
D-121. 409/42 XXX polytheism in ancient and prehistoric times.
D-122. 431/28 XXXIV A prophet Universal.
D-123. No 441/19 XXXVI bad omen.
D-124. 443 / 41-2 XXXVI The ancient boats have they served the biblical account of Noah's Ark?
D-125. 443 / 51-52 XXXVI The state of the dead in the tombs.
D-126. 449 / 77-8,95-6 XXXVII The offspring of a single male has universal widespread -The déluge- of memory that Noah loaded the Ark according to Koranic version?
D-127. 450/83, 100-2, The memory of Ismail, doomed sacrifice - God God more distant ancestors.
D-128. 452/158 XXXVII The jinn and polytheism.
D-129. 455 / 34-5 XXXVII The son of Solomon - Solomon's empire would not leave a trace.
D-130. 456/48 XXXVIII Buddha in the Quran (symbolic of the fig).
D-131. 457 / 75-6 XXXVIII Adam as being made ​​Hands of God and Satan that despises man made ​​of clay, it is made ​​of fire.
D-132. 457/76 XXXVIII The four natural elements in antiquity.
D-133. 463/42 XXXIX Life after death she was in the Paleolithic?
D-134. 469/25 XL son of Israel were massacred killed in the time of Moses.
D-135. XL 470/26 State Religion in Egypt at the time of Ramses II.
D-136. 470 / XL 26.27 Belief in life after death at the time; Ramses II had desecrated the sacred monuments and cemeteries which was serious at the time.
D-137. 470 / XL 30-1 A member of the Pharaonic family believe in Moses - Temple of abu Simbel and 'Ad troglodytes. The Egyptians knew the same Irem, visited by Seti I.
D-138. 471 / XL 36-7,39-40 The gates of heaven in Karnak and the construction of the sanctuary "Amon who hears prayers" - Haman - The balance in the Egyptian belief of the time.
D-139. 478/16 XLI 'Ad was destroyed by a wind screaming, raging that lasted 7 nights and 8 days.
D-140. 491/32 XLIII The Pareto law and economic progress.
D-141. 492-3 / 33 to 5.37 XLIII A single global community.
D-142. 493 / 51.53 to 4 XLIII The Nile canals - The gold bracelets of Ramses II, Ramses said to be the best intermediary between gods and men that Moses emphasizes its power as witness this celestial choice, mocking Moses not to come with heavenly jinn - The haunting words of Ramses II.
D-143. 493/52 XLIII Eloquence Ancient Egypt / The gold bracelets, chair of the Egyptian gods.
D-144. 494/65 XLIII Divergence about the Torah.
D-145. 497/20 XLIV Stoning existed in Ancient Egypt.
D-146. 497 / 22-31 XLIV Israel inherit Canaan abandoned by Ramses and his army.
D-147. XLIX monogenism 517/13.
D-148. L 520/38 The creation of the universe in six periods and Gentile beliefs judaïques- the issue of the Sabbath.
D-149. 527 / 36-7 LIII she was writing at the time of Abraham?
D-150. 528/50 LIII There are several 'Ad over time.
D-151. 528 / 50-1 LIII More Thamud after Sargon II (Thamudaï, remains of Thamud is finally extinguished).
D-152. 529 / 9-12 LIV The waters of the flood.
D-153. LVII 541/25 The Iron Age.
D-154. 561/11 LXVI Nefertari, would she believed in Moses? Or would it be to Isisnéfret that has been shown anywhere on the countless monuments pharaoh?
D-155. 567/12 LXIX Oral Tradition in Noah's time, because no writing yet.
D-156. 570 / 5-7 LXXI Clothing and nomadism in Noah.
D-157. 571/13 to 4.17 LXXI Origins of Man.
D-158. 584 / 17-23 LXXIX Ramses II's ways.
D-159. 584/24 LXXIX Sovereign title of sovereign or sovereign Ra Ramses (Meriamon).
D-160. 592 / 18-9 LXXXVIII The original writing and its preservation in the rollers.
D-161. 593 / 7-10 LXXXIX Pharaoh and its famous steles: he erected a very large number.
D-162. 601 / 1-5 CV The people elephant.


This fourth and final part of our study covers the historical and scientific criticism of the events that are mentioned in the Qur'an, their degrees of probability in time. We will find that encloses the Koran as knowledge of antiquity, even on prehistory and still many facts that seem to reach the historical reality, we became impossible not to fall in admiration for the book of simplicity yet almost disconcerting.

Note as well that the Quran mentions the oddly named Haman who was checked by archaeologists as an existing Egyptian name at least in the Ramesside period, we find that even as Chief quarries workers in a specialized book . Haman is written in hieroglyph as follows: Ha, ân "" (hmn-h.). Similarly the Qur'an seems incredibly openly about a rite practiced at Karnak where Pharaoh virtually boat crossed the skies to reach Amon. Ramses II mocks Moses and control to one count of making a monument so to get to heaven and meet God in response to the statements of Moses. The Quran cites Samiri which is also not mentioned in the context of the construction of the golden calf in the Bible as one who did make the idol, which the Qur'anic version can be shown in connection with the Hindus and Untouchables the sacred cow in India. The Quran cites Tuva, perhaps the one located at the Russian border where Moses received the prophecy on the run since Midian and Egypt. It is remarkable to imagine that Moses was able to mingle with caravans of traders along the Silk Road to reach Midian, and follow the most drive north for around a year before deflecting in Tuva. The Koran says Pharaoh drowned have been recovered water by his successors, he will say that deities and god and supreme sovereign emerging from writings and Judeo-Christian traditions but reaching the reconstructed history by archeology on these innovations of Ramses II. We find in the Qur'an as the Israelites (including other Canaanite tribes) had royalty in Egypt before Moses. The Qur'an restores he also seems to Gog and Magog in a context again with unexpected corneus a Trojan Achaean hero who defeated them by separating from the version of the Bible.

We would like to clarify something here. We made a historiographical and exegetical study of history in the Quran, we have not made strong appeal to the Bible or -such midrashim they currently exist. The alteration of the Bible is unfortunately checked even in the oldest manuscripts found to date, none of which ever goes back much earlier than only to the time of Jesus Christ, written evoking the life of Jesus up to them indirect sources have not actually seen Jesus. Our desire to make a scientific analysis and critique of the Koran did not allow to use unverifiable and contradictory sources, but to be content with verifiable data. Appealing to the Bible, the Talmud or other midrashic sources would require another study also full of what his other works. But our work is a critical study of the Koran. However, there are many similarities between the Quran and midrashic texts, testifying that Muhammad had contact with the Jews of Medina and have been naturally learn stories and wisdoms based in these. It is not excluded that some of the lost books of the Bible, some of which are even mentioned in the current Bible existed among the Jews of Yathrib at this early period, and it seems logical that specific midrashims scholars among them very well could reach many passages of the Koran divergent Midrashim, the Talmud and the Bible currently known. Our object of study is here, the Qur'an according to the actual story. And the Koran that length on the lives of many Israelite prophets also extends more broadly to the origins of humanity, the heart of the mythology of Adam or Noah.

We must not refute the Koran story elements that are not found in the Bible without a deeper analysis. For, it is known to specialists that a very large part of the Jewish culture was and continues to be transmitted orally. It is obviously not unreasonable historical critically admit that subsequent secular knowledge to the stories of the Bible could not be made in the sacred and untouchable corpus of biblical texts were conveyed to the sixth century, Tradition and traces of midrashim from the mouth of Yathrib Jews since the historian Tabari, and many specialists have studied the role of these Isra'iliyyat in the exegesis of the Qur'an. Experts like Christopher Luxenberg have considered an influence of Judeo-Christian Syriac writings of a wide evangelistic campaign of Arabia in the composition of the Koran. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has helped find very ancient manuscripts that provide some details on the stories of Genesis or Exodus, or the patriarchs Semitic, which seems to support the thesis that some manuscripts parabibliques noncanonical may have influenced the Koran in its composition. In any case, an analysis of the Koran allows such an assumption undoubtedly. And Jewish tradition holds that the written Torah was preserved orally since primordial times, in an oral transmission chain jealously guarded secret by the priests. The oral transmission chain of a very large part of the Jewish tradition was transmitted by a transmission chain, in order by the Assembly, the zugot, Tannaim, Amoraim, savoraim, Guenoïm, Rishonim and finally acharonim. The savoraim implanted Talmudic academies (Yeshivot) from Babylonia before Islam until Zoroastrian Sassanid territory. It is therefore possible that scholars of these regions have settled in Yathrib carrying the treasures of the Jewish tradition among the Arabs. For as we shall see, a critical study of the Koran seems to allow to sink further into the past of seemingly relevant way.

Moses and the Tables of the Law

(§. Page / Sura verse)
D-1. 6/31 II The plain language of Adam: names?
"And He taught Adam all the names. "

It is not allowed to think that spoken language was born from a single individual. This is very unlikely, and absolutely unverifiable. It seems rather archaic several languages ​​have existed before modern man, and they were mixed to give a language whose grammar is widespread. This language Adamic restricted and reduced by the disappearance of other humanities and genetic tightening will have to suit the movement of peoples, evolved in turn to the multitude of languages ​​spoken by all his descendants. A passage is interesting in this regard; (II Cor. 30-33): "When your Lord said to the angels: 'I will create a Vicar on Earth. They said: 'Are you going there to appoint one who will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we are there to sanctify you and venerate Thy Purity?'. He said: 'I know what I really do not know you.' And He taught Adam all the names. ". Thus we find the Angels fearing that God creates a being sowing disorder and shedding blood on earth. In fact, the men of the time believed that humanoid coexisted with Adam, and it can be a real prehistoric souvenir because floresiensis erectus, Neanderthals were able to coexist with the modern man endowed language for tens millennia. According to this passage, the Angels should have ignored that Adam should have access to the abstraction of language and civilize the world by his intelligence? The former would become the subjects, according to a literal reading of the Koran. The mythical Adam would have learned the names of all things. Does this mean that in the spirit of the Koran, the primitive language in modern humans was made ​​only names or words and was very archaic? Not impossible indeed. It actually is not inconceivable that the first language developed by modern man may have been a kind of pidgin composed of simple words like onomatopoeia and a rather archaic grammar; the language of Adam had to mingle with those of other men. In this sense this passage is very moving.

Scientifically we know that Chomskyan linguists think language type <topic - verb - complement> would be engraved in our deep leading us to not design another form of language. Ergative languages, however, lead us to imagine that in modern language earlier languages ​​have been a little different. Anthropologists all agree that the first Homo sapiens could talk and communicate, it is argued that according to scientific research, or on the basis of studies on rock art and social organization already developed strong among early humans.

The CT study -that a reconstruction of a brain mold from the inside of the skull and the study of the degree of vascularization of brain regions that are related to language etc. - The brains of primates evolved-see the introduction to Chapter biologie- likely to beings of the ancestors of modern humans found that they also had a well irrigated brain in areas linked to language spoken and Broca -aires Wernicke. And comparative studies have shown that Homo erectus in the laryngeal structure would not allow the pronunciation of all sounds like home-other; Homo erectus could not pronounce the vowels "A", "i" and "U" -this was challenged by other anthropologists since. Maybe it was the language, in this case, mainly composed of consonants and sign language before modern man? Standing man would according to some experts, facilitated the descent of the larynx towards the pharynx to better articulate sounds. The fact that the study of the anatomy of early hominids suggests that language was physiologically possible in them is not proof of its existence in them. However, we have the certainty with the appearance of the sacred with the funeral rites and the complex organization of the hunt. And these domains appear at the same time that Homo sapiens from néhanderthal.

Elsewhere in the Qur'an we read that people still hardly able to speak was discovered by explorer Dh'oul Qarnain; (Cor. 93 XVIII). This passage, which reveals the design evolution of the language according to the Qur'an, is also very interesting from a linguistic point of view. Given that Adam was to speak, that is why the people this legendary saint hardly include any language? This suggests that in the Koranic spirit, people can regress terms of language and mixing his language to another, thus reinventing a new language (Creole). Such a mechanism may explain some own languages ​​to small communities of men or more do not fall within the overall context of a language universal mother. We talked this way Chomsky's approach and his famous theory of generative grammar universal. If there is no consensus regarding the mother language, which dates back to a small population in which all humans descend, there is much unanimity on the fact that men before modern man had to have a suitable language to reproduce symbols and a spiritual world. The Koran says that the character would have learned Adam all the names, which should differentiate it from its predecessors by the development of the sacred.

Another very interesting figure given about language in the Koran; allowing us to identify its approach on the issue. The cattle are said to hear sounds meaningless when a man speaks to them (Cor p.364 / 44 XXV.). The language disorders in humans have led scientists to study them; Finally, a type of language disorder called aphasia is that those who suffer perceive sounds but do not understand their meaning or more, much like what is imagined in the Qur'an about the cattle. Che Guevara was suffering from amusia, that is to say, he did not hear the music but noise. This kind of data is very interesting to reconstruct the mechanisms of language, and to confront the theses of the Qur'an with modern data.

The Qur'an mentions the same senile memory loss which is of paramount importance point of view of our interest in the brain via disorders that appear there to develop this way neuropsychiatry. (. Cor p.332 / 5 XXII): ". There are some among you who die -jeune-, while others reach the vilest of age so that they no longer know anything about what they knew at the screen. ".

D-2. 7/43 II Prayers of the ancient Jews, tithes and inclinations:
"Complete salat, and pay zakat and bow with those who bow. "

Reciting excerpts from the Quran while standing, prostration, tilt and supplication while sitting gathered in a prayer cycle in Islam, such cultic movements are made separately in several other religions, at least currently. Buddhists continue to put in rows in a sitting position and to bow sets. Practicing these gestures to Japan testifies to the antiquity of these sacred rites. The manuscripts of the Bible to the Koran previous show as well as the ancient Israelites were already prostrated and bowed like Muslims today; well they paid a tithe imposed by the law of Moses. Here are some biblical passages that evoke all these things (Psalm 138: 2), (tries; 44: 14-17), (tries; 2: 8-8), (Exodus, 20: 5) (Deuteronomy, 5: 9) (2 Chronicles, 25, 14) & (Genesis 14: 20), (Leviticus 27: 30) (Deuteronomy, 14: 22). For the prostration of Jesus, see: (Matthew, 26: 36-40), (Luke, 22: 39-43). Regarding fasting (Joel; 1: 14), (Marc; 2: 18-20).

D-3. 8/57 II manna and quails:
"And We covered it you from the shadows of a cloud and sent down to you manna and quails. -'Mangez Of the good things We have provided for you ' ; This is not to us that they made the wrong but themselves. "

The Qur'an refers here, as the Bible sending a kind of bird called pheasant quail and manna to feed the Israelites in the desert. Now biologists tell us that the desert lichens that have a surface fastener can be pulled out and form the kinds of baskets likely to feed people who are in. This may be an explanation for the manna given to the Israelites in the Arabian desert next several specialists, or at least one source of the legend of the exodus.

D-4. 9/60 II twelve springs that Moses would have miraculously out of a rock:
"And when Moses asked for water for his people, that is when We said: - 'Strike the rock with your staff.' And suddenly, twelve springs gushed, and certainly each group knew where to drink. - 'Eat and drink of what God gives you; and sow not land on conditions such as abettors of disorder. '. "

The children of Israel being thirsty in the desert, Moses would just hit a rock that would have come out of the water in twelve places. You should know that there twelve tribes at the time among the Hebrews, we should say Israelites, fleeing from the land of Egypt according to the Bible. Each tribe after being one of the twelve son of Jacob with his wives and slaves: Issachar, Judah, Levi, Reuben, Simeon, and Zebulun (Lea of children); Joseph and Benjamin (Rachel's children), Gad and Asher (children of Zilpah); Dan and Naphtali (children Bilha). Only the name of Israel is mentioned on a stele dating from the reign of Pharaoh Merneptah, "Israel is swallowed, it has no more seed (male?)." Perhaps Jacob gave its name to the Jewish people, Israel Finkelstein argues that this stele preceding centuries Tel Dan stele evoking the house of David Canaan ensures that it is the oldest archaeological mention the children of Israel.

It is not impossible that water accumulated in crevices of a rock seepage could resurface if one breaks a weakened part of the rock at the bottom of the water level thus accumulated. One such event took place it had been able to become over time a miracle.

In fact, the Egyptian magicians used a ouas scepter reminds the stick of Moses, who was supposed to give them a heka. The magicians of Egypt Antique practiced according to their beliefs and powerful magic as ancient writings, were told they could open water and get to the bottom as Moses would do during the exodus. The belief that laymen can perform supernatural acts is not contrary to Islamic belief, this kind of prodigy is not specific to only prophets in Islam. Pharaoh's magicians could perform certain of these wonders by powerful magic under Muslim doctrine. Muhammad would have explained and the Antichrist will order the sky and rain down, order the desert and grow all kinds of fruits that will follow. It should even cut a boy in half and run every part of her body at distances of a start arrow and tell him to come back and it should come together and continue to deny it saying that the prophet's had warned -el-Bukhari and Muslim. In the critical study of the Koran must be taken into mind that in Islam, the miracles are not considered evidence of prophecy, rather a function that falls to the conformation to the commandments of God as One God. Nevertheless, in view of the Qur'an, Moses defeat the power of magicians who pousseras them to believe in him (Cor p.. 164/120 VII). It does not, however, we should we wonder that many of the miracles of Moses are reported as being made ​​but with less power, already before and still after him as Ancient Egypt Egyptology discoveries in the semantic perspective of the Koran or that of Muhammad in his time in Arabia. An approach that looks pretty close to some stories of the Torah. This lends credibility to the original and archaic character of this version in Egypt at that precise time without problems of semantic and anthropological anachronism, even if from a scientific point of view there is no question of maintaining that miracles have was really made. Not forgetting that the Koran does not make a case as disproportionate as in the biblical account. The wounds have been better digested disasters as already known but perhaps an unusual violence that has marked the spirits? Floods and floods were related to the quality of Pharaoh, but not least. This does not mean that these miracles have occurred, but this has been well thought to be well at this very time. Egypt was punctuated by the floods of the Nile, and the Qur'anic description matches perfectly with the reality of this given time.

D-5. 9/61 II return to Egypt of a group of Israel's son and alleged extermination during the reign of Merneptah (= Mineptah) VI in the year of his reign:
"And remember when you said to Moses: 'We can not tolerate a single food. So pray to your Lord so that we make out of what the earth grows, its vegetables, its cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils and its onions! ' - He answered you: 'Do you change the better for the worse? Go down to Egypt; there is there what you ask. ' The humiliation and misery befell them; and they incurred the Wrath of God. This because they went on rejecting God's revelations, and killed the Nabis without rights. "

According to the scriptures, the Israelites fleeing Egypt sulked eat only hampers and quail. They wanted onions, garlic, lentils, says the Koran. Moses would have told them to go back to Egypt to find these dishes.

Noted first that this passage is particularly interesting from a timing point of view, that the children of Israel are presented as asking Moses to grow vegetables in the desert where they would have been out of Egypt; this knowing that the belief of the time in Egypt was that the gods would give Pharaoh the power to bring out the fruit and vegetable soil and basements. Furthermore, comparing the foods mentioned here one by one with those mentioned in the writings of Egypt at the time -the Bible does not mention them, but pointed out the plaintes'- we see as people who served Pharaoh ate each of these food there. Garlic for example, was distributed free to the pyramids builders according to archaeological discoveries. The lenses were used as ingredient in bread making fayesh. Cucumbers and onion -the onions are often present in the book of the same morts- were grown along the Nile. The Qur'an therefore cites an event of the absent history of biblical version we have already mentioned that much of the memory of the Jewish people was transmitted orally. It may be that the Jews of Medina were talking about these things in the landscape of the Qur'an and Muhammad.

Book of the Dead of Ani, Plate VI

A Sem priest wearing a leopard skin coat (middle) presents onions to the deceased. Representation in a tomb dating from the nineteenth dynasty. Onions would claim that the Israelites of Moses in Egypt existed well as garlic, lentils and cucumbers. Moses answered them, according to the Quran; (. Cor II: 61): "'Go down to Egypt; there is there what you ask. ' "

The fact that these foods mentioned in the Qur'an were good at the time of Ramses II, supported as the pharaoh of the Exodus by most experts in Egypt, despite that travel the passage Israelites in the desert is absent in the Bible is even more impressive when we learn that the plagues of Egypt citing the Bible cites the ravages of hail on wheat and spelled. While wheat has probably been introduced earlier by the Greek mercenaries during their installation in Egypt to the seventh century BC; So five centuries too late to strengthen the biblical account. Also the Bible cites the camels as animals that died in the plague sores during that time, while the camel in Egypt appears at the sixth century BC. This passage from the Qur'an is one of the most poignant evidence that the Jews of Medina had to have an oral memory elements of their history that have not been put in writing. We will cite other examples along this chapter of our work, without systematically insist on this for obvious reasons of style.

Note that like all the Israelites were familiar Canaanite Egyptian culture and were strongly influenced many respects because they have lived in Egypt for more than half a millennium as evidenced by modern archeology. Egyptians and Israelites among many Semitic peoples have had one common turbulent past as historians discoveries; the Hyksos, heads of foreign countries once had humiliated Egypt before being rechassés Canaan by Ahmose. The Qur'an says by the mouth of Moses that God had once granted the kingship in Egypt the people of Israel (p.111 Cor / 20V.): "Remember when Moses said to his people: 'O my people! ! Remember the blessing of God upon you when He appointed among you prophets. And He made ​​you Kings. And He gave you what He had not given to any other among the. ". The Hyksos kings named Yaqub Har or Yakobaam make this passage from the Koran rather credible. It may well be that some of the Israelite ancestors have ruled Egypt at the time of the Hyksos, which he seems Canaanite. The Qur'an also reports that the Egyptian had feared to be steal, this time one, their land by the popular uprising of Jewish opposing Pharaoh, Moses after a stirrer sowing disorder. (Cor p.164 / 109- 12 VII). According to Finkelstein, it happened sometimes that Wren Canaan sowed disorder, then Pharaoh sent a small militia to resolve the conflict.

The Nabis mentioned in this passage include: Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and Joseph. But not only; the Israelites were frequently prophets (nabi) even before Moses according to the Bible, at least. The Torah cites both the lifetime of Moses, Eldad and Medad he calls. We will see later as the children of Israel came to Canaan, among the Hyksos in general have actually been able to become Kings and also perhaps Jacob according to the Qur'an and we will see as this is permissible according to archaeological findings .

Some of the children of Israel returned to Egypt so long after the exodus, according to the Qur'an in the passage studied again -in emerging Judeo-Christians-stories, and could have been exterminated by the son of Ramses II with those were only ever released (XXVI Cor. 53-60). What makes paradoxically Qur'anic account of a much more believable story than the Bible, the Koran speaks of the people of Israel, and according to what a small part considered Moses flees Egypt agitator. According to Finkelstein, the period when Israel was the stele (-1205), and from around -1150, there was a population decline that the archaeologist explained by a possible leak in the deserts to avoid high tax regime of Pharaoh. The demand of Moses as a representative of a small community to come out to the desert of Canaan is chronologically quite likely in view of these positive and archaeological discoveries at that exact time. The Hebrew word is foreign to the Qur'an. Now, it is established that a people called Israel existed at that time, and she came into contact with Merneptah who eventually eradicate males. The seed is transmitted by humans. Anyway, Merneptah had it written on a stele, possibly after six years of persecution: "The leaders fall, saying Peace, not one raises his head among the new arcs. Yenoam becomes as if it had never existed . Israel is destroyed, his seed is no more. Syria became a widow for Egypt. Canaan is defeated. ". Merneptah will therefore also waged war in this same stele annexed to Canaan where he shall cut the males of the Israelites who remained in Egypt: perhaps the words Israelite having returned to Egypt about the promised land -the Syria-Palestine, Canaan land from which Moses had fled with a small number of the faithful according to the various testimonies; (Cor. P.112 / 26-31 V). Meanwhile Egypt lost anyway its control in the region, the Israelites were able to colonize Canaan gradually half a century later, together with other tribes he seems. Archaeological excavations indicate a massive repopulation half a century after emptying the Canaan area shortly before the stele Tel Dan which evoke the Israelite royal line of David of the household.

If we were to take the biblical version that claims that all the Israelites and their animals came out of Egypt: who Merenptah he was massacred to the last -The seed is the spirit in Egyptian male seed only? The Bible was written later than the Merenptah, it should not exist makes one true male Israelite. Moreover, the Israelites were well in Canaan and not in Egypt itself, for escape from Egypt even then would have been impossible even for a smaller number of fugitives according to research Finkelstein.

In fact, under Ramses II, Egyptian controlled Palestine and Ramses II busts were discovered in Gaza. Besides archaeologists discovered that Ptah was worshiped in Jerusalem where there are temples dedicated were found there. This proves that the children of Israel could not flee Egypt to seek refuge in Palestine before the end of the reign of Ramses II, is to Canaan they fled across the parched perhaps Jordan. Reading, (Cor p.165 / 127 VII.): "And the notables of the people of Pharaoh said, 'Will you leave Moses and his people to make mischief on earth, and himself abandon thee and thy gods?' He said: 'We will kill their son and let live their women. We will have over them and will dominate. ' ". The disorder mentioned as well by priests means in own historical terminology clergy Egyptian the isfet and signifies the battle of evil against good, even a hint that the descriptions of the Qur'an are based on reliable evidence consistent with scholarly knowledge Jews of Medina. According to Finkelstein, it happened that some sow disorder in Canaan and Pharaoh sends a militia settle accounts. Israel stele confirms such a massacre of the males of Israel. Ramses was able to actually consider Moses as a wren representing the Israelites from the region who sowed disorder, as is understood in the Koran.

Semense Israel
"Israel, which has no seed. "Written on a stele dating from the sixth year of the reign of Merneptah in his tomb; who joined the verse quoted above. The photo of the entire infra stele presented elsewhere.

In addition, it should be noted that the Pharaoh, Ramses III was the last pharaoh to own land in Palestine and the children of Israel who have remained long in the desert were punished and were not allowed to enter before 40 years. We mentioned above that according to the excavations of the area that was Canaan deserted en masse until -1200 was heavily repopulated around half a century later. Making the history of flight and relevant retrours. In addition, between the end of the reign of Ramses II (-1212 vicinity) and the beginning of the reign of Ramses III (area - 1182 to -1151), it was 30 years ago. Egypt was invaded and dominated by foreign peoples for centuries just after the death of Ramses III. But Ramses III reign ended in 1151, until 61 years after the death of Ramses II. In addition, we also do not know how long the children of Israel would have remained in the desert before receiving the ban to enter Palestine before another 40 years, desert conditions had to be ruthless, how long ont- So they fled before their entry is prohibited? It would seem that other tribes have also landed in the north of the region around the same time. In any event, we know that the region was becoming less and less systematically monitored and it repeuplait according to archaeological excavations. Thus, they were able in principle to move back to Canaan under Ramses III from -1172 on some little arid regions of Palestine -a semi colony of Egypt may already released part of the yoke at the the arrival of the children of Israel, among the PRW, Apirus, or Habirus in cuneiform, maybe they were identified as a people called Hebrew, Hebrew ivri throughout history. This is a mere hypothesis but which may explain many things, Israel Finkelstein argues that this view is not completely refuted after search.

Busts of Ramesses II found in Gaza prohibit locate the exodus before Ramses II because the Bible does not speak of the Egyptian invasion of Canaan, and writes dating from the time of Merenptah prohibited to place him as the exodus after stele speaks of a total extermination of the seed of Israel in Egypt probably herself, as well as another massacre in Palestine. What makes Ramesses II the Pharaoh of the Exodus the most relevant.

All data is held so surprisingly. We therefore find, in light of solid archaeological finds, that the exodus event that may have occurred under Ramses II a request from a group of protoisraélites, overburdened with taxes, out of the annexed Canaan by Pharaoh to the deserts like other clans and tribes in the region under the authority of Moses, the rest of the people of Israel refused to go out with Moses in the desert has actually been methodically exterminated until the sixth year of the reign of Merenptah in Egypt even Canaan, as it should attack Palestine and Syria, Canaan land promised to Abraham, according to the Israelites, where perhaps Merneptah had to seek the group of Moses, gold Moses turn into the desert with a small group of believers for 40 years (a symbolic number?).

Finally, it should be emphasized that the charge against Jews -in our passage studied here- not believe the messengers and kill the prophets shows the way that the children of Israel-would apparently follow even before Moses ; it would have continued to the time of Moses. Moses, if he had really existed, was not the only nor the first prophet Israelite. This verse may be directly related to the murder of a man for whom Allah had ordered the Israelites to sacrifice a red heifer. According to a passage in the Bible, two men prophesied the lifetime of Moses. We read ; (Numbers, 11: 26): "Now two men remained in the camp. The name of one was Eldad and the name of the other was Medad. And the Spirit rested upon them, because they were the number of registered, but they had not gone out to the tent. They are So were driving prophets in the camp. And a young man ran to Moses and said: '! Eldad and Medad are behaving as prophets in the camp' So Joshua son of Nun who was minister of Moses from his youth said to Moses, "My lord Moses, forbid them ! '. But Moses said to him, are you jealous for me? No, I wish all the people of the true god or prophet; because He Who Is put His Spirit on them. ". The rest of the biblical story talks about sending the quail, which shows the credibility of the Qur'anic story about the existence of prophets even then outside of Aron and Moses, as well as the hostility of Israel's son to them.

God would be well known to the women before Moses as Hagar etc. as religious beliefs. Once the Divine manifests itself to a kind of oracle, you must make a connection with a prophecy. It was the primitive conception of the prophecy among the Israelites. The nabi and kohens were a little to the Israelites what a shaman to other nations. However, according to the Qur'an, the founders messengers were all men. The concept of prophet changed with Christianity, a verse from the Koran holds that existed of very varying importance Nabis (II Cor. 253) & (XVII Cor. 55). The Qur'an also keeps sending Gabriel to Mary or Agar but the role of Messenger sustained revelations attributed exclusively to men in Islam, an absent concept in Judaism.

D-6. 9 / II 67-71 red cow neither old nor too young, and which has not cast yoke and the Book of Numbers:
"And remember when Moses said to his people: 'Surely God commands you to sacrifice a cow'. They said, 'We think you are in mockery?' ; 'God keep me from being one of the ignorant' he said. They said, 'Ask your Lord says to us its color. " He says, God says it's a red colored cow, bright and pleasant color to see '. They said: Ask your Lord says to us what she is to us cows look alike. But certainly we would be rightly guided, God willing. " He says, God says it's a cow not trained to till the soil or water the fields, free from disability and whose color is united '. They said, 'You finally here, you brought us the truth.' And they sacrificed but it had little to do so they would not. "

A purification ritual where a similar cow is used in Numbers XIX of the Pentateuch. He is a priest who uses it in the manufacture of a holy water used to purge itself of defilement. The Bible does not say why the specifics of this cow are thus; we can think that if courrouçant Elohim sacrifices the golden calf through this red heifer. And legislate this type of sacrifice in Numbers: (V Cor. 101-102). It is also necessary to link the red heifer to sacrifice the goddess Hathor and the Egyptian cow whose flesh is golden, also recalling the golden calf, we return there.

Hathor was a protective deity also linked to the resurrection and development in the world in Ancient Egypt, including in Israel. We will see more closely the next point, that this religious practice based on the opening of the mouth of a dead man with a portion of an ox, was well established at that time in ancient Egypt. So retain here that according to the Qur'anic account, at the insistence of the Israelite God describes the indeterminate cow as resembling the golden calf built earlier at the foot of Mount Sinai. That recalled the goddess Hathor probably, symbol of fertility and protection, precisely what the Israelites complained to Moses that had made them flee into the desert. According to Leviticus, the sacrifice will have become a law for the Israelites. But the result is even more interesting.

D-7. 10 / 72-73 II resuscitation of a dead so that he speaks by hitting it with a portion of an ox and the papyrus of Ani:
"And when you killed a person and that each of you trying to exonerate himself. Now God unmasks what you voiliez! We said: 'Smite him with part of the cow'. So God raises the dead and shows you signs of his power to you to think. "

D years the famous Papyrus of Ani also known by the interested parties as the Book of the Dead of Ani, we see the number nine on board the Sem priest wearing a leopard skin strangely uses the right foreleg of a bovid -the KHOPESH - at the ceremony of the opening of the mouth of Ani so as to enable the scribe death to talk to testify. We can see as the passage of the Koran or if it does not exist anymore in the Bible for certain origins sinking probably to the time of Moses in Egypt itself. The ritual with a cow in the book of Numbers (IX) has, he, apparently unrelated to the rite for the dead and speak to the purification with the ashes of the cow. Indeed, Ani would have lived under Seti I and Ramses II or under this written testimony proves the reality and seniority similar practices at that time. It is not excluded that this is a rite inherited by the Israelites that were dominated and were in close contact with the Egyptians for centuries.

Apparently, according to the Qur'anic context of this story, that the death in question is regarded as one of the prophets killed unjustly mentioned in verse, in the same style that Bible describes at length the persecutions many prophets (II Cor. 61 ). Similarly, according to verse (V Cor. 24-25), it should no longer exist Eldad and Medad, nor another prophet Moses and Aaron when the tribes of Israel were the borders of Palestine, at least if we must seek such depth reflection in the Qur'anic corpus on it. Joshua become prophet and king only after the entry into Palestine. We have many parallels between the Jewish rites and Egyptian rites, as the two peoples have a very important common past.

D-8. 17/106 II Variants of some verses:
"If we abrogate any verse or which We the forgotten, We bring a better or similar. Do not you know that God is Omnipotent? "

Verses abrogated or that were no longer recited by Muhammad would not have been written in the Uthman format -so that new converts do not practice the abrogées- laws, unless the abrogated verses continue to be of force in certain circumstances. Thus, alcohol is prohibited: (V Cor. 90), but the person who consumed must refrain from praying until it is drunk (IV Cor. 43).

Similarly, it happened that Muhammad forgets a passage from the Quran and be inspired again, they say, and with another verse even better, so that several recitations of passages from the Koran are known and substantiated; (II Cor. 106): "If we abrogate any verse or which We the forgotten, We bring a better or similar. Do not you know that God is Omnipotent? ". The Qur'an is the current version that made ​​consensus seems he well in the majority of companions, but many passages variants are also based. For example, the word Malik (owner) of the first Sura may also rule Melik (King). These variants are widely cited in the specialized literature of exegesis. Several companions of Muhammad ibn Mes'ud have seemed like he protested when many variations of the Quran were burned and destroyed. It is not clear that too many unfounded versions have pus be placed in writing given the scarcity of scholars at the time. But the current version is apparently reliable. No doubt several variants founded by Muhammad himself were destroyed by Uthman, but it is difficult to say how much. As we have already mentioned above, a large part consisted of verses (perhaps quite numerous) believed to be repealed by the majority of the companions of Muhammad, some of which have apparently been preserved in tradition like home al-Bukhari. It seems that the lack of punctuation, and diacritical points and traits when compiling the Qur'an has produced many variations. Those who do not stray far from the release of Uthman were all accepted.

D-9. 20/127 II Construction of the foundations of the Ka'ba Hittite type, origin of the Ka'ba site marked by the black stone from the time of Noah, according to Muslim beliefs:
"When Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the house: - 'Oh! Our Lord, accept this from us! Because, You the Hearing, the Knowing! "

The Qur'an describes Mecca as the first sanctuary built for humans (III Cor. 96). We believe that Abraham lived if he really existed to -1850 or even later. This is interesting when we know that the ancient practicing their religious rites in caverns and caves and temple construction was rather late. Furthermore Abraham believed to have originated in Mesopotamia, gold, cubic and rectangular constructions of the type of the Ka'ba are identified among the Hittites. Nevertheless, it seems that the Ka'bah was built after heavy flooding and several fires by the tribe of Qoraïche, while Abraham would have strengthened the site foundation to preserve the black stone of the sinking.

The hypothetical original common ancestor Abraham as Jews and Quraish was studied genetics. Arabs and Jews in general have a certain genetic kinship. Arabs and Jews would be closer between them-that of other peoples. An Arab and a Jew at random are in fact genetically so close that it is impossible to say whether it is two individuals from two different populations, according to Michael Hammer who carried out this research. However, be aware that the margins of error in this type of dating without further archaeological landmark is very important.

The Koran, however, makes the sanctuary of Mecca the first dedicated to men. However, the first temples appear in the Middle East in IV th millennium BC. The oldest known sanctuaries dating from the Neolithic period. The tomb of Alaca Höyük, dates it to the III th millennium BC. Sanctuaries Ç atal Höyük in Konya in Anatolia, present two gods: a wife and a bull. It is a civilization that lived in the region VIII th millennium BC.

According to Muslim beliefs, it would be the mythical Noah person who established the first website of Bacca, the current Mecca as sacred. Why would Abraham was instructed to purify it before the erection of Bethel (XXII Cor. 26). According to the Semitic religions, sacred sites by prophets, were made ​​sacred by a sacred stone, black stone by the name Mee Hajar aswad it. Or a similar case with Jacob according to the Bible that sets a similar Bethel; (Genesis XXVIII: 10-22): "And Jacob was following his path from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. Eventually he arrived at a place of adventure and proceeded to spend the night. He took one of the stones of the place and put it under his head as a support and slept. Then he dreamed, and behold a ladder was there. And now the Lord was posted above her. Jacob then rose early and took the stone that was there as support-his head and set it up in a column, and poured oil on top of her summit. In addition, it called that place Bethel name. . "This rite may resemble what was perhaps the site in ancient times with the Hajar aswad it instead of the Ka'ba. Note that Jacob would have called the place where he sanctifies the stone Bethel, that means House of God. Similar to Beytullah name of the Ka'ba site in Arabic and which also means House of God. Abraham built the Ka'ba would according to tradition, by purifying the place maybe with oil, etc. Moving stones from one region to another dates back to long before modern man, since man used stones as ballistic objects or carve them into objects. It is not surprising that stones were used in the past to locate a sacred place.

D-10. 21/140 II Abraham and the tribes were Jews or Christians neither:
"Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob and the tributes were Jews or Christians? Say: - 'Is it you who are more learned or God.'. Who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from God. God is not unmindful of what you do! "

Moses is the founder of Judaism, or it comes from himself among the tribes of Israel; and Jesus is the founder of Christianity which in fact was perfect the law of Moses as the Messiah, who is also a descendant of the children of Israel. The Qur'an says here that God can grant clemency to non-Jews and non-Christians, the important thing is the Noahide faith. The belief in all the messengers, what ethnicity they are.

The testimony mentioned here is the testimony of Jews who in the Bible as follows: (Genesis 48: 15-17): "The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac; The God who has been my shepherd throughout my life to this day; The Almighty that I recovered from any misfortune, bless these boys! And that are invoked upon them my name and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and they grow and become a multitude midst of the earth! "; See also (III Cor. 84).

D-11. 23/146 II A prophet was expected by the priests and rabbis versed in the science of the Scriptures in the days of Muhammad:
"Those to whom We gave the Bible, recognize him as they recognize their children. But some of them conceal the truth while they know. "

The Quran says that Muhammad's arrival was foretold in the ancient scriptures. See also verses (III Cor. 81-82), (Cor VII. 157) and (LXI Cor. 6).

Present the interpretation of Muslim exegetes of this in the previous scriptures the Qur'an.

In fact, the Bible predicted a prophet from among their brethren in terms; (Deuteronomy, 18: 18-20): "I will raise them from among their brethren a prophet like you, and I really put my words in his mouth, and certainly he will tell them everything I command him. And it shall be no fault that the man who will not listen to my words which he shall speak in my name, I shall claim him accountable! But the prophet who presumes to speak in my name - Eloah (see Deuteronomy, XXXII, 15) - a word that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die . "Their brothers actually encompass here by Muslim commentators their brothers Ishmael (Genesis XVI: 12); (Deuteronomy; II: 2-8); (Numbers; XX: 14). See also verses of the Koran; (LIII Cor. 3-4): "He's not talking under the influence of passion, it's just a revelation inspired. "(XLIX Cor. 44-46):" If you uttered in Our Name words that we could not say we would kill you. "And (V Cor. 71):" God will make you invulnerable against attacks by men. "To establish parallelism.

That it should come to Prophet Ishmael was even suggested later in Deuteronomy; (Deuteronomy; XXXIII: 2): "Then he said: Yahweh came from Sinai, and from Seir he began to shine upon them. He began to radiate from the mountainous region of Paran. . "Now Paran is the city where Abraham left Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis XXI: 20-21). Note that Moses would have received the law at Sinai and Jesus as a prophet would come around Seir -another Montagne-in Bethlehem; Paran about it is another-it seems that the Paran mountainous region in Mecca. The expected prophet would come of Kedar, a descendant of Ishmael, the ancestor of Muhammad Arab genealogists say; (Tries; XLII: 9-12): "The first prophecies have come true, but I am announcing new things. Before they sprout I do hear you. Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the end of the earth, you who go down to the sea, you islands, and ye that dwell in them. Let the wilderness and its cities raise their voices, the villages inhabited by Kedar ! That the inhabitants of the rock sing for joy! . That the tops of the mountains they cry forcefully "Kedar is mentioned as son of Ishmael elsewhere; (Genesis XXV: 13). Kedar is known as an ancestor of Muhammad in the works of Sira Islamic.

See also (Habakkuk; III: 3): "God came from Teman, the Holy One comes from the mountainous region of Paran. ". Teman is around Medina. We saw where geographically Paran is where the legendary Ismael would have lived.

That Prophet will be a descendent of Hagar and Sarah is not suggested as elsewhere he seems. (Tries; LIV: 1-17): "Rejoice, O barren, thou who has not given birth, erupted in joy and gladness cries. For the son of the desolate outnumber son from that is married, says the Lord! "See: (Genesis XV: 1-12). Forsaken who did not would it be birth of Prophet the wilderness of Paran were abandoned when Hagar and his son Ishmael -which had more offspring than Sarah-, compared with Jerusalem which is described as a wife of Yahweh or prostitute to other gods through the Old Testament. These prophecies predate Muhammad but no doubt post-time of Moses, if he actually presided over the exodus.

Similarly the introduction of a second home as the Temple of Jerusalem more it is cited in Haggai; (Haggai; II: 7-9): "And I will shake all nations, and HIMDA of all nations will come. And I will fill this house with glory, says Yahweh of hosts to. The silver is mine, the gold is mine, says the Lord of hosts. The glory of this latter remains will become greater than that of the former, says Yahweh of hosts. And in this place I will give Hi (Islam), that is the declaration of the Lord of hosts. ". This passage called the prophet of the Alliance HIMDA which means "He who is ardently desired" throwing the Jews as we know the supposed prophecy of Muhammad - Ahmad according to a verse of the Qur'an: (Cor: LXI: 6).

Again we read elsewhere in Deuteronomy that it would be a nation that is ignorant; (Deuteronomy; XXII: 21): "They made ​​me jealous of a non-divinity, they made ​​me jealous by their idolatry; and I will make them jealous by a non-people, I will provoke them by an ignorant nation! "The Arabs were a nation of nomads in perpetual wars, and uneducated, never united, since they exist, and illiterate, we read in the Koran; (LXII Cor. 2): "It is He who has sent among the unlettered, as chosen prophet in their midst, to tell their progress, to purify them, to teach them the Book and Wisdom, while that before they were in manifest error. ". It seems that the Arabs have proclaimed themselves to be that ignorant people.

John the Baptist and Jesus have also predicted the arrival of the Prophet several times according to the Gospels (Matthew, III, XIII: 31-32; XX: 1-16; XXI: 33-45); (Apocalypse, II: 26-29); (John, XIV: 15-30).

All these prophecies found in the Bible after current errors that were introduced and losses -we will treat this theme further.

There are specialized books on Muslim belief the announcement of Muhammad in simple scripts whose book of the Indian Muslim thinker Rahmatullah el Hindi, titled in his translation and adaptation in French: Manifestation of Truth. Any interested parties who wish to deepen this research will have recourse.

The advent of the covenant of the Prophet would have been so great that it was also planned outside the Judeo-Christian writings. In (Zendavesta, Yahcht 13, XXVIII, 129), in Puranas and Vedas Hindus alike called "Worthy of Praise" in the Kalkni Purana. Even Buddha Maitreya predicted Metteya or (= mercy), which was to finish his work. We will see throughout our analysis of the Koran instead of these religions in the Qur'an. We analyzed the subject according to Muslim reading, but the text rendering is faithful to the original, even if this may put a priori.

D-12. 51/11 III Pharaonic dynasties:
"As people of the house of Pharaoh and those before them. They denied Our signs. "

The Qur'an mentions Pharaoh and those who preceded him. Would that include other pharaohs like other peoples destroyed? We will see later that e when he speaks of Jacob, the Qur'an does not mention the title of pharaoh, and it seems quite correct that at that time the Hyksos kings had just invaded eastern Egypt and had not resumed as the Egyptian Pharaoh; we will see as the Koran evokes more of the successors of Pharaoh (Cor p.219 / X 90-2.).

It seems also that Moses was born under Seti I, while Ramses II was himself strong fasting, at least if it proves true that Moses had 80 years when he received the prophecy and the order to come to Pharaoh to urge the good or for the release of the Israelites. In this case it is possible to imagine that it was the wife of Seti I who adopted Moses. It is likely that Ramses II was already in power when Moses they would have arrived by the river, and that he had no child is young. But it is impossible to verify these certainly plausible interpretations, especially since even the formal existence of Moses is unprovable.

Etymologically, "Pharaoh" reported the royal house, and in Coptic meant 'big house'. People Pharaoh therefore means much the royal family of Egypt at the time. This is the equivalent of ahl al Bayt because Fir'awn is the name of the royal house of the Egyptian kings.

D-13. 54/36 III Birth of Mary's mother dedicated the temple:
"Then, when she had given birth to, she said, 'Lord, here I gave birth to a girl.' ; or 'Allah knew best what she had given birth. The boy is not like the girl. 'I have named her Mary.' "

At the time of Mary's young children hermitage is doomed to become priests. Mary's mother would have saddened by the Qur'an in the verse, seeing that she had a daughter and not a son. It existed in Palestine several Essene groups, some married and some not. Zechariah would be those who were married. The grandmother of Jesus has placed Mary in a temple where Essene did not marry, and Jesus may have followed that rule then not marrying despite his advanced age for Jewish customs of the time. This may explain in large part why the Israelites criticized viciously Mary when she fell pregnant with Jesus, as she had no husband.

D-14. 56/49 III Golems, Jesus, the Talmud and shaouabtis in Egypt of the Pharaohs:
"It will be the messenger to the Israelites and say, 'Truly, I come to you with a sign from your Lord. For you I forms of clay, as the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and by the permission of God, it becomes a bird. I heal the blind and the leper. "

According to the Talmud, Jesus is accused of stealing papyri in the Temple of Jerusalem to fool people and make magic. It would only be allowed to seek some papyri from under the dust to read excerpts from trying. What was already a crime for many Rabbis. Several gospels including a version of the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of childhood, Jesus would like also claims the Koran formed a clay bird and it would miraculously come to life and fly.


Egyptian shaouabti who must wake up to serve in the Pharaoh beyond, it is possible to establish a link between the Hebrew golem (statues coming to life to serve the magician) the shaouabtis and servants created by God paradise that must serve people in heaven mentioned in the Qur'an: (LXVI Cor. 19).

The Jews claimed to have formulas and incantations to bring statues (Golem) to life according to the Talmud. The seniority of such a belief is permitted, although it is obviously not possible scientifically.

Such beliefs existed in the Egyptian Pharaonic times, which possessed of shaouabtis -small statuettes of serviteurs- in the tombs of Pharaohs that they come back to life to serve in the afterlife. The Israelites placed their golems in the water to work their magic and Jesus would have done that in the desert. So, according to Jewish cabalistic, magic formula gave life to a picture or statue. Thus, Rabbi Judah Löwi (circa 1525-1609) would have made ​​a golem to serve him and should have been destroyed because it would become disobedient. The servants of Paradise mentioned in the Qur'an (LXXVI Cor. 19) recall as the pharaohs were building these shaouabtis named statuettes that were supposed to life and serve at their resurrection.

God could similarly initially formed Adam from clay to Paradise and would have breathed a soul to give it life, Golam are not the children of Adam but creatures of Paradise.
An amusing detail, the Tin - mud, argile- which would have been created Adam recalls the name of tholins -the Greek Tholos: boueux- by Carl Sagan (1934-1996 M.). It named this organic matter produced in the lab and that resembles the complex organic matter found in large quantities on Titan, Saturn's satellite as well. Or it could be that living organisms are organized in such organic matter. The Qur'an, however, speaks clearly of Adam statue coming to life, we will come back. What stands in the way any attempt concordist on this point.

D-15. 103 / 157-8 IV Jesus would not really die on the cross:
"And because of their words: '' We certainly have killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of God. '' But they killed him not, they have not crucified; nevertheless it appeared to them as well. And those who argue about him are in doubt; They have no certain knowledge and are only following conjecture. They did not kill him with certainty. "

According to the Qur'an, Jesus had not died and would not really been crucified but that would have seemed to be so "people watching". In fact, this passage contains a particularly ambiguous term "chubbihalahum" which has no equivalent in French language. The schema fu'ila [lahum] is an objective or subjective diathesis. The root "" trial is also polysemic, which leads to a dilemma about the semantic role in relation to the actant and trial, sows the indefinite trilitaire root "" is not defined : can also be a state, a result or another function. This triple ambiguity is clearly sought since it is doubly supported by "they are in limbo" and "they have no knowledge." While the end of the passage allows some grip stressing "they did not kill him for sure," allowing some semantic saturation on the nature of the actant and trial. This last sentence thus showing that there was indeed a thing about Jesus, but he is not really dead. In fact, according to the Gospels canonical when the soldiers pierced Jesus' body blood and water flowed. And he has not been buried and would have disappeared. According to this, it is necessary that Jesus was alive and well and not considering death as the evangelists. As for the blood and water coulassent would require Jesus' heart continues to beat, and death can not flee.

According to the anatomist or medical analysis of the narratives of the Gospels on the crucifixion as Jesus fell asleep very quickly, like blood and water would come out of his body when he was injured with a spear, as he would have disappeared the cave where he was put to decompose before being hidden in a small coffin stone -the Jews expected this time imminent resurrection is perhaps why they have adopted such nouveauté- Jesus Does it would therefore not really die on the cross? Apart from the comments of the evangelists to these events, the Qur'anic approach seems in perfect harmony with the historical reality of these events, and is furthermore strengthened by the scientific nature of his approach. Since Jesus gets up and leaves the cave, gold is widely known these days as people considered dead even so sophisticated technologies inaccessible by the time of Jesus to reanimate spontaneously. Nevertheless, according to the Qur'an the disappearance of the body was conducted by elevating Jesus in heaven, he is obviously not scientifically defensible. However, it seems that the Koran on this point join an archaic Christian approach wishing that Jesus had not died on the cross, perhaps less scientific and ideological reasons. The humiliation of the Messiah was not to allow this scene according to several evangelists currents. Controversies about this show that no man can say with certainty where the body of Jesus exactly right now.

The Jewish version is different again. According to the Talmud we read "On the eve of the Passover, Jesus was hanged. A herald went before him forty days saying he shall be stoned because he has practiced magic and deceived and led astray Israel. Let those who have the means to defend come and testify in his favor. But we found no one who témoignât in its favor and therefore we hanged on the eve of Passover. ". This ties the Qur'anic verse about the assertion of the Jews, it would be them who have sponsored the condemnation of Jesus to death. The Qur'an speaks of their divergent assumptions also: stoning or hanging, on the eve of Easter. And indeed, as the body of Jesus would have disappeared from some cave have accused the apostles of Jesus of stealing the body of their master. Some have claimed that another would have made ​​him look like and was crucified in his place, others said he was really killed, others that he lived old at the foot of a mountain. The Koran says that none would have a certain knowledge but only assumptions.

The fact that Jesus did not die really raises primarily two major problems: first as the Messiah, the disappearance of Jesus' body was a crucial problem in the Jewish world and had to find an urgent explanation; then the death and resurrection of Jesus of Christianity have become basic tools from Saint Paul. Since the fact to challenge the resurrection challenges redemption, raising the Original Sin and the proof of the resurrection in Christ's example. The Qur'an, however, maintains that Jesus would not actually dead, but it would be an error of judgment. The primary idea of this passage from the Koran is to say that Jesus was not really dead; the event is meant to be precisely strengthened by the Jewish and Christian assertions.

The unanimous explanations Muslim exegetes are based in fact on a word, which is at best more or less reliable, a number of assertions which are rather dubious and historically unfounded; a saying attributed to Ibn Abbas, that he himself would take an unknown Christian. Probably a Christian of a Gnostic sect, perhaps a moderate docetist.

Textually, we read this passage from the Koran: "wa ma salabûhu walâkin shubbihalahum", which means: "They have not crucified: it was made ​​to seem". In his work on the rules of exegesis of the Koran, Ibn Taymiyya (661-728 H.) specifies that when a verse refutes a thing or several things that precede the priority is to retain as a priority the last thing above refutation views of the Arabic language: here the crucifixion rather than killing. The words "wa ma qatalûhu yaqînan" appear to be inconsistent with that however strange assertion. Why say "they do not kill him with certainty", if Jesus was not even put on the cross, or even seemed to be put to death?

Our opinion joined the reality that the oldest known Gospel according to several experts, namely the Gospel of Mark, ends in its most primitive form in verse 8 of chapter 16 we read it word for word (Mark, 16: 1 8): "And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jacques, and Salome bought spices to coat Jesus. (). Or watching they saw that the stone was rolled away, yet it was very great. Entering the memorial tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right, wearing a white robe, and they were seized with amazement. He told them, 'Do not be seized with amazement. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was tied to a post. It was noted, it is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He goes before you into Galilee; it is only there that you will see as he told you '. '' And when they went out, they fled from the memorial tomb, because a tremor and strong emotion were amazed. And they said nothing to anyone because they were afraid. ". The result of this gospel recognized as the oldest was added later, the scribes were there a long conclusion and another short later. The Koran does not specifically he joined the oldest known version. It also holds the miraculous elevation of Jesus to heaven, without stopping on the protests.

There are, according to Pierre-Marie Beaude -in his book "Jesus of Nazareth" - Gnostic texts that go in the same direction and say that Jesus is not really dead. We have found at Nag Hammadi in writing stating that Jesus would have continued to live near a place between mountains and died of old age, particularly in the Apocalypse of Peter (NH 7, 3, 81). Our present approach is that assumptions about this, but it is based on a strict reading of the Koran without using an external source. Maybe he should not seek advantage in depth elsewhere?

It would have to be crucified was Judas not Jesus according to the French translation of the Gospel of Barnabas. This gospel raises many debates, not its authenticity, but rather on the date it was written.

Muslim scholars have unanimously taken on this passage from the Book interpretation of Ibn Abbas that he took a mysterious Christian saying that it is Judas who was transfigured in Jesus and was crucified. This figure thus in the Gospel of Barnabas, a Gospel written subsequent to the current Christian canon, but which is influenced by the old and by the apostle Peter in Cyprus. In fact the Gospel of Barnabas speaks of Abraham and even a Muhammad very close how the teachings of the Koran. But it also contains serious anachronisms which diminish its credibility. It contains strangely close conceptions of certain scholastic beliefs Mu'tazilite close to the movement in its current form. Here is an excerpt of Chapter 17: ". With these words of Jesus, Philip said: '' We are glad to serve God, but we want to know God, as the prophet Isaiah said:" Truly you are a hidden God " . And God said to Moses his servant: "I am who I am '.' ' Jesus said: 'Philip, God is a good without which no good. God is a being without which nothing exists. God is life, without which nothing lives. It is so large that it fills everything and is everywhere. It is the only one without equal. It has no beginning and will never end, but it gave beginning to everything and it will end. He has neither father nor mother, he has no children, no brothers or companions. And as he has no body, he does not eat, he does not sleep, he dies no, it does not work, it does not move, but remains eternally without human likeness, as it is intangible, without composition, immaterial, a perfectly simple substance. It is so good that he loves only goodness. It is so true that when punish or forgive, we can not take it back. In short, I tell you, Philippe, down here you can neither see nor know him perfectly, but in his kingdom, thou shalt see forever. In him is all our happiness and our glory! '". Similarly, Chapter 29 presents Abraham really seeking God in the stars before resigning to believe in God. We also read a passage recalling the ideas of Sufi mystics: "Rising to his feet, Adam lives in the air, brilliant as the sun enrollment. She said: "There is only one God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God" Then Adam opened his mouth and said, "I thank thee, O Lord my God, have deigned to create me, but say -moi, I beg you, that these words mean: Muhammad Messenger of God? Are there been other men before me? ". Then God said, "Welcome, O my servant Adam! I tell you, you're the first man that I created. The one you saw your son, to be held ready for years to come in the world. It will be my messenger. It is for him that I created everything, He will give light to the world when he comes. His soul is in a celestial splendor; she was put sixty thousand years before I do anything. Adam prayed to God saying, "Lord, write this on my nails." ". Traditionally Muslims considered to be genuine, that is fifty thousand years cited for Lahw Mahfudh al.

Multiple translations have played an important role in this respect. Otherwise the gospel of Barnabas existed very early according to historians and was even adopted as cannon ancient times.

The notoriety of Ibn Abbas that the only interpretation of this Qur'anic passage based on the Gnostic versions. The Qur'an says Nevertheless, meanwhile, there is no science sour about the crucifixion, but only assumptions. Historical criticism allows a more rational reading from the same items available.

The Qur'an mentions the approach of moderate docétistes, who accepted that Jesus was able to have a material body but refused his suffering on the cross. Some have written that it is another person who was crucified in his place, or that his body was not material but spiritual. It should perhaps consider the version of the Qur'an as a moderate reading this docetist version wanting Jesus had a physical body, but that the crucifixion had been an illusion. However, it is very difficult to trace the exact origin of the theoretical basis which allowed such an approach docetist. If we take into account that the Gospel of Mark in its original form was no story after the disappearance of the body of Jesus, it is conceivable that this approach can go up very early in the early church fathers. If we consider the Gnostic version found at Nag Hammadi, which killed old Jesus at the foot of a mountain, it is arguably the belief that he had physically escaped crucifixion, suggests that the Gospel of Mark has been interpreted in different ways, close to the version of the Koran, Christian versions that the destruction of the gospels considered heretics could simply disappear. Still, the official Christian version is closer to the earliest version of Mark that the Gnostic interpretations. And in ignorance of the esoteric details of the docetist gnosis, the version of the Koran literally quite accurately corresponds to the original version of Mark, the most rational.

D-16. 105 / 171-2 IV Trinity: the Holy Spirit and Jesus worshiping God:
"O People of the Book, do not exaggerate and tell the truth of God. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was only a messenger of God. So believe in God and His messengers and do not tell 'three'. The Messiah would never disdain to be a servant of God or the Angels close. "

There were two versions of the trinity among primitive Christians; One deified Mary and the other the Holy Spirit and more of Jesus and his Father. Trinity makes <God - Mary - Jesus> is much less known among laymen however. The Qur'an treats each version separately in two different passages. Here reference is made ​​to the Trinity Church in the present using the "Holy Spirit", which in Islam is none other than the Archangel Gabriel the near Angel mentioned in the verse above. See in this regard:,:,: and: (110 V Cor.) (LVIII Cor. 22) (LXXVIII Cor. 38) (XCVII Cor 4.). Gabriel is responsible for reporting the Divine messages to saints and prophets in Islam. See also verse (V Cor. 116).

D-17. 111/18 & 77 V Rejecting idea of ​​God as son of privilege:
"The Jews and the Christians say: 'We are the son of God and his favorite.' Say: 'Why then does He punish you for your sins? In fact you are human beings of those He has created. ' "

The Koran rejects the idea of privilege by God's son and forbids this symbolic concept by final divine decree to Muslims. The meaning of these words in ancient languages ​​have evolved into a form of polytheism that was out of the question in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic languages. This even led to flagrant contradictions in the Bible about it? (Crime were accused for having made ​​Jesus son of god which was a slander and that is an anachronism of the Gospels (John, 19: 7): "The Jews answered him -to Pilate-: - 'We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die, because he said he was son of God. "; yet the Koran seems to hold that Jesus would have witnessed this in his lifetime but would have discouraged: (Cor p.. 127 / 116-117 V): "I was witness against them as long as I was among them.."; Jesus would have sent the gospels according to the demons that would have been sacrilege to say god son in pigs and could even made ​​rush into a ravine: (Mathieu; 8: 28-34). Probably another sign of this struggle, known by experts on the use of the term son of God, between the two approaches in primary judéochristianisme . In Egypt already, we used the term "father" in a very special way; we find in the writings of the time ramesside '' Come with me, becoming a father to me. '' That meant taking care of that person as a father in the authority and protection. It was adopted in Semitic, including the ancient religion was in practice phallicism and the Egyptian concept, strange, son of god, that wants to abolish the Koran. The semantic modification of these concepts, due to the evolution of Hebrew and Aramaic languages ​​probably allowed their existence in the Bible, without this Génat priests, but they had to have a different understanding of the Christian approach time Jesus.

D-18. 111/20 V evoking Moses to his people how God would have sent them prophets and made the Kings:
"- Remember - when Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Remember the blessing of God upon you when he appointed prophets among you. And He made ​​you Kings. And He gave you what he had given to any other among the. "

Indeed, Jacob was a king according to the archives of the time which ruled the Hebrews (the Hyksos, who came princes of Palestine) in Egypt and is named Yaqub 'Har. We shall return to the question of the specific royalty of Jacob, the famous Jewish patriarch, Egypt. In this regard the Bible not only says nothing, but even said they were enslaved as slaves-then it is contrary to the historical realities discovered by Egyptologists. While it is true that prisoners were used in forced labor and that the Israelites were well used, but more peacefully in quarries. Perhaps so must understand here that Moses spoke of the way the reign of their ancestors among the Hyksos, who were kings in Egypt, if the story would have a reliable oral origin and a historical reality. The Koran says that the ancestors of the Jews were the Kings in Egypt, which is true to the extent that the Canaanite which the Israelites are descendants of the Hyksos by Ahmose pushed into Canaan. The Qur'an also refers on several occasions, Egyptian fears of new -to - ousted by foreign peoples: (Cor. VII: 109-112). The Qur'an therefore describes the situation thus: certain Israelite ancestors have ruled Egypt before the installation of the Israelites in Palestine after -1200, they were enslaved by the Egyptians being defeated, and Egyptian revolts seeing the Israelites feared likely a mass uprising at the time of Ramses II. Poems by the time we read the fears of losing their territory and a fresco of the separate Canaan Egypt which is flanked him a fortress that prevents Canaan to enter Egypt, show that Egyptian were probably reluctant to any uprising in Canaan.

The version of the Bible is this wrong item, it not only says nothing about the possible royalty of some ancestors of isralélites in Egypt, which is a historical fact quite reasonable, but it is a description that is far from the historical reality; (Exodus, 1: 6-11): "Eventually Joseph died, and also his brothers and that generation, and the children of Israel began to multiply so that the country is found in full (.). And a new king finally got up in Egypt, which did not know Joseph. And he began to say to his people: 'Behold, the people of Israel son became numerous and mightier than we. Come, let us use wisdom vis-à-vis them, lest they multiply and that in case of confrontation it happens without fail they are added to the list of those who have hatred towards us so to fight against us and go up the country. Then set over them chiefs of forced labor, to oppress them. And they began to build warehouses cities for Pharaoh, that is to say (?) Pithom and Ramses. "We see that this passage contains several deficiencies. It does not mention at all the rule of the Hyksos in Egypt, he suggests the slavery of the Hebrews, and it is the beginning of the enslavement of the Hebrews an unknown people archeologist and clean-without doubt the Bible should we understand the israélites-, in Ramesside times a anachronistically. They are the Hyksos who have reigned before and after Joseph in Egypt, and the Egyptian priests of Thebes chased them only then to Syria and Canaan. It seems possible to speculate about Jacob and Joseph, since the name of Israel (Jacob) was found on a stele dating from the reign of Merneptah. The people were in the area like that of Israel as written. The Koran does not allow us to date Jacob Israel.

The reality is that some of the ancestors of the tribes of Canaan including those of Israelites indeed been in power in Egypt before the Egyptian led by the clergy of Amun of Thebes drove them out into Canaan and obviously kept the children of Israel and other tribes defeated, paid for construction of monuments of the pharaohs including Apirus, Habiru in Akkadian cuneiform which he seems able to give Hebrew in the Bible identifier may be the only ancestors of the Israelite princes having defeated the Egyptian foreign and dominated Egypt. They had to pay heavy taxes as evidenced by archaeological research in Canaan for this particular time. And it's not Ramses II, built by the city of Per-Ramesses which enslaves the first as the Bible says in the passage quoted above. Ahmose I e (King 1570 BC. BC to 1546 BC. BC), expelled the Hyksos in Syria and Palestine and founded the XVIII th dynasty long before the construction of the city of Per-Ramesses which was undertaken several centuries later. So the Qur'an is clearly consistent with the history and clear from this erroneous version of the Bible. The Koran even suggest that the Egyptian feared being re-expelled from power by foreigners as in the XV th and XVI th dynasties (Cor VII. 109-112), this version of the Koran is consistent with the historical reality. This fear is mentioned in the writings of the time. We'll get to below. This passage also reminds us that some educated Jews of Medina had to have knowledge maybe spoken of these stories, they have not injected in their scriptures, considered too sacred to be reworked. In any event, the Koranic version seems perfectly possible to rewrite the true history of the Israelites in Egypt since the reign of Canaan until the leak in the deserts and back strength to found a kingdom.

D-19. 112 / 26-31 V 40 years of exile for the children of Israel - Abel and Cain, the Qur'anic narrative without livestock or agriculture, but with two sacrifices:
"He said, 'Well that their country will be prohibited 40 years, during which they will wander in the earth. Do not grieve for this wicked people. ' "; "And tell them in all truth the story of the two son of Adam. Both offered sacrifices; that of the one was accepted and that of the other was not do. This one says, 'I will surely kill you', God accepts, the other says that by pious'. (.) His soul prompted him to kill his brother. He murdered him and was among the losers. Then God sent a crow who scratched the ground, to show him how to bury his brother's corpse. He said: 'Woe is me, am I unable to be like this crow and to bury my brother's corpse?' And he became among those who regret. "

According to archeology, Palestine may well have begun to be colonized about 40 years after the death of Ramses II. -1300 Before the Israelites are absent, and it was not until a date after -1200 to begin to find traces. This region was already a semi colony under the Egyptian Pharaoh was emancipated and liberated gradually. We have amply covered elsewhere.

Following the teachings even more original, because the Koran says report the true story of Abel and Cain, and said they both made ​​a sacrifice - Qurban - and evokes neither livestock nor land cultivation as the Bible claimed. (Genesis 4: 2): "And Abel was a sheep farmer, but Cain devin farmer soil. ".

In all its simplicity, this passage describes the few things we know about the first homo sapiens, ie: they talked, they could kill each other, why not for religious rites -the sacrifice must consist of rites sacred adopted at hunting as it is still present in some peuplades- as they buried their dead showing spirituality. We even found during excavations traces of cannibalism after the famous anthropologists, testifying in this sense among men of the Paleolithic. But cannibalism holds religious in one form or another. The practice of cannibalism was practiced : either the person who eats a man appropriates the qualities that he eats. Either he did it to completely destroy the soul of that is eaten, so he no longer where to go. Among the Aztecs who made ​​human sacrifices to their gods also the priests and the people ate the body, hoping the grace of the gods. The practice of cannibalism in the Paleolithic hominids reinforces the idea that the sacrifices also existed under an archaic form at the time.

The trackers were to follow the footsteps of the game and guide the clans so that a relationship existed between the first men and reindeer. Nomadic men followed the herds, but there was no breeding, where perhaps a nomadic herding. Everything about the reindeer used to men of flesh, skin and to the bone. In this sense, this simplistic version of the Koran is original terms of the context in which the story is given, namely that the first Homo sapiens.

D- 118/60 V 20. The metamorphosis of Jews into monkeys, monkey god Thoth magician and the Gospel of Barnabas:
"Say: 'Shall I inform you of what is worse, actually reward with God? He whom God has cursed the one who has incurred His wrath, and those He made ​​apes and swine, and likewise, the one who loved the Taghut. "

Thoth and Egyptian scribe
The magician god Thoth, a baboon and a scribe who takes his lessons at his feet.

The Qur'an mentions as a terrible punishment to a Jewish community, their transformation into apes. They wanted to deceive God about the Sabbath by plunging their sea fishing nets on Friday and fetching fish on Sunday; and selling pork fat forbidden by Mosaic law to buy food so to circumvent prohibited. A similar legend is quoted by the mouth of Jesus in the Gospel of Barnabas, which is similar is already affecting the people of Israel in Egypt. The passage in chapter 27 of the Gospel of Barnabas: "Jesus said," Do you not know that in the time of Moses, God changed stupid animals in many men who were in Egypt because they had they laughed and made ​​fun of others? Take heed! Do not laugh at anything because you weep. " The disciples said: "We laugh at the madness of the old man." Then Jesus said: "Truly I tell you, everyone loves that resembles it and it delights. So if you were not crazy, you would not laugh crazy. " They said, "God have mercy on us." Jesus said, "So be it." Philippe intervened: "Master, how it happened that the father of Abraham wished to burn his son? '".

The famous Leyden papyrus discovered at Thebes in the nineteenth century reflects the syncretism of Jewish magic with Egyptian and other magic. But we think the Taghut mentioned in the Qur'an, which in Arabic means 'Rebel' is an Arabisation of Thoth, the ancient Egyptian deity-a baboon. Indeed, Thoth was like Taghut (IV Cor. 51) related to the magic of the fact that he was considered the inventor of writing and the law and judgment after death where man could lie in order to avoid hell (V Cor. 60). Initially it was the 'patron god of scribes' and he also noted acts during the Judgment of the dead before Osiris. It is considered closely related to the Act, and all that is intellectual operation. He is represented sometimes as a baboon, sometimes with an ibis head. The Israelites have taken a lot of Egyptian magicians in the practice of Jewish magic, which we find examples in the Talmud. Such as the manufacture of typical triangular talismans, or golems -shaouabtis manufacturing.

Taghut approached through the Quran Devil like other idols and becomes a very specific generic term in the Koran. We see in tradition, willingly, a manifestation of Satan.

Thus, the transformation of Jews into apes present a very sharp rapprochement on this point: they were supposed to protect and propagate the writing and the law, but cheating by altering texts, and had hidden the law as protectors of false writings -accusation found in the Bible also. Now, Thoth, patron god of scribes and linked to the law, was a baboon, a monkey.

In addition, a verse from the Qur'an (XXXIX Cor. 17) even quotes Taghut plural and verse (XVI Cor. 36) says that God commanded each community to believe in God and reject Taghut. You should know, finally, that Thoth has grown from Heliopolis, but was actually worshiped as moon god of Egypt at several points since the beginning of the appearance of writing. The worship of the moon is also known as a widespread cult indeed, and is often related to magic and the supernatural -éclipses, etc .. The veneration of a moon god was a lunaire- -Thot god is widespread and indeed we find it to America before Christopher Columbus. The two angels sent to test people and teach them magic and named in the Quran: "Harut" and "Marut" would mean the sun and moon in an African language. The account would he appointed them as well in connection with the magic they had to teach, and these names they were included in the Koran?

Similarly, several verses are very close to our present approach that would Taghut Arabization of Thoth in the Egyptian version of the moon god, spent in the Koranic version of by Jewish oral traditions. (. Cor II: 256-7) The verse says that the rebels are out of Light ténèbres- to an existing concept in Ancient Egypt specifically concerning life after death-; (. Cor IV: 51) binds the verse Taghut magic -or Thoth was a formidable magician -;? (. Cor IV: 60) verse binds the judgment -or Thoth was intimately linked to the Loison; verse (V Cor. 60) cites a link to Jews who manipulated the texts of laws -as Thot manipulated hieroglyphics and joints to see what his birth plaisait- and they were turned into monkeys for cheating -or Thoth was a baboon?

The critical Quran Jews saying they distort the meaning of words and hidden writings (II Cor. 75, 174); ; (IV Cor. 46) (V Cor. 13, 41-43). As many critics who could very well reflect internal criticism among the various Jewish tribes of Medina, the Qur'an emphasizes the differences about the scriptures. And the relationship between Jews and the magic is mentioned in, also, the verse (II Cor. 102-103). Finally, be aware that Thoth is written and also rule Tat, Teut or all in the books of magic. There would be written by Thoth secret crypts found in the scrolls of the Library of Hermopolis. In the Arabized form unique to the Qur'an, Taghut just Taghâ meaning "rebel". Transforming a name is a common practice among Semitic peoples whose languages ​​are very similar. For example the word Gog related to surfs is certainly not of Arab origin, and pronounced Gog including in the languages ​​of Arab desert nomads.

The rabbis claimed, finally, in the Talmud, Jesus stole written rollers in the Temple in Jerusalem to perform miracles. This metamorphosis somewhat magical Jews into apes in Yemen, where Christians and Jews were in conflict, sees the Koran even position and take a simple and spontaneous, by instead putting in Jesus' camp, which emphasize it in Incidentally, had, meanwhile, repealed the Sabbath. Unless in reality Jesus did not seek to abrogate the Sabbath but to humanize. The Sabbath was an order for the Israelites, the Koran wants to abolish it including those of the children of Israel after the new Act. We will return elsewhere about the pagan origin of the Sabbath and its practical significance.

Sceptre ouas
Sethien an animal from the top of a scepter ouas providing power to the Egyptian magician.

Similarly, it is possible to see a link between a group of pigs in transforming those who sold pork fat and the Egyptian god Seth, who is represented as a black pig -sometimes red- devouring the moon where the soul of Osiris would refugee. This was seen as the personification of evil, and was a danger to the dead in the afterlife because he could take their soul. In this case, this metamorphosis approaches a reproach that Jesus made the gospels according to the rabbis, not to perform themselves the law and to prevent others to access. Also (tries; 24: 5). Another disturbing fact, the same Egyptian who persecuted the Israelites in Egypt were avoiding pork, and Seth god who was worshiped in the Nineteenth Dynasty (Sethi, name of the father of Ramses II) means beloved of Seth was abandoned in the pantheon and became the god unclean later. Y would he finally link the djibt and Seth? But this may just be a coincidence. And philology does not demonstrate such assertion.

D-21. 125 / 112-115 V The Table sent from heaven to Jesus, the Passover meal and the mysteries of the pyramids.
"- Remember - when the Apostles said:" O Jesus, son of Mary, can it be that your Lord send down to us from heaven a table spread? ' He told them: 'Fear God rather if you have faith.' They said, we want to eat, so not reassure hearts, we know that you have really told the truth and be among the witnesses. ' 'O God! Our Lord said Jesus son of Mary, send down on us from heaven a table spread that is a feast for us, for the first of us like the last, and a sign from You. Fed us: You are the best feeders'. Yes, God says, I will bring them down on you. But whoever of you refuse to believe, I will chasten him with a punishment that I do not punish anyone else in the Universe! ' "

According to this passage that is not so in the present Bible or any Christian writing that is known, the apostles ask Jesus to bring down a table spread to celebrate the Passover they can eat to believe in the fact that Jesus should return to complete his mission as the rabbis rejected. Jesus asks in the Quran 'Lord our God.' (Expression used by Jesus in many judéochrétiens stories) and God replied that he would send such a sign, but that those who deny would be punished like this has never been done since Adam. Passover was different from the Passover of Jesus. For the Passover of Jesus remembered before the release of the slavery with the unleavened bread etc. Jesus instaurait the Kingdom. Before explaining this point out that in fact there is a draft reported by Paul (Acts; X: 9) about a tray down from heaven to Peter, which legitimizes it impure and contaminated food by mouth Jesus manifested to Peter; but these are not the apostles who ask this board depending on the version of Paul. Now we know as the writings of the Apostles completely disappeared and only that Paul stopped us succeeded. Pierre is a direct competitor of Paul on the island of Cyprus whose followers relate another Jesus and another gospel in the words of Paul. Paul is also said to Peter that his ancestors were not circumcised foreigners and old, while the Torah testifies to the contrary and that Peter was one of the best position to know that old. Paul Saul was a friend he mastered Greek theodicy. These conflicts between Paul and Peter are discussed in more detail in the references cited in the bibliography. Citing this conflict we wish to emphasize that a version of Peter from a similar but different account may have existed in fact.

Nefertari offers wine to Hathor. The wine and bread are intimately linked with life after death and royalty in Ancient Egypt.

We establish personal capacity more easily link this Qur'anic passage and the paschal meal -the verse talks about the establishment of a Corpus Jesus carries among his apostles. We must indeed probably understand that this miracle was achieved during the Easter meal. If the Gospels are the Passover meal before the crucifixion John makes no allusion. While according to the Talmud we read "On the eve of the Passover, Jesus was hanged. A herald went before him forty days saying he shall be stoned because he has practiced magic and deceived and led astray Israel. Let those who have the means to defend come and testify in his favor. But we found no one who témoignât in its favor and therefore we hanged on the eve of Passover. ". It was during the Last Supper is supposed that Judas betrayed Jesus Christ.
This allows us to say this is that the breaking of the bread and wine that Jesus gave to the Apostles in a cup saying 'this is my body, this is my blood' verbatim joined the writings played on the pyramids and sarcophagi in ancient Egypt. There is a subtle connection between these two points. The broken bread is already a sign at the time of Moses in Egypt, that "the new King establishes a link between this world and the Hereafter" - which is precisely what Jesus is supposed have proven to be King and Messiah. While wine symbolizes the struggle against the enemies of Light. Jesus calls the Apostles "Light of the son" in several places in the Gospels. They also have a link with symbolic wine in Egypt closer to the knowledge and beyond. It is possible that contemporary Christians of Muhammad who reported this story are similar to those rejecting the crucifixion. As the Quran says that Jesus is not really dead, and also reports that the table would come down from heaven on Earth-even in a Great Sign to measuring the promise of the Messiah. Since the writings of the pyramids this ritual breaking of bread was supposed to happen after the dead king and therefore in the and there. By doing washing feet, we would see that even Jesus was about to return, because the feet symbolize the forward and backward in the same vein of Egyptian thought. Essenes who attended his cousins, Jesus has been introduced to all these strong symbolic and mystical secret that they themselves have inherited Moses heard may have been elevated to the royal courts as supported by Bernadette Menu.

There seems he is also a link between the fall of the Jerusalem Temple and the celebration of the Paschal Jesus outside the Temple. Jesus established a Royal and Celeste Easter already bringing to Earth a piece of Paradise. So Jesus established a very strong link between the world of here and that of life after death by lowering the bread and wine directly from the sky. He spoke many times of the celestial kingdom is happening and the heavenly Jerusalem is mentioned in many places in the Bible. The symbolism of the Passover ignored by the current clergy makes sense in this mystical perspective as the link between the two worlds is strengthened by bringing the bread and wine from above. This Qur'anic account can not therefore be an invention of Muhammad or improvisation, because it would know the profound symbolism of the Passover instituted by Jesus to establish such a consistent practice. Muslims claim the ancient writings refer to similar Christian beliefs in the Arabian Peninsula VI th century, but we have found no trace? But we lost a lot of gospels meantime and as we have already pointed out above, the writings of the true apostles are totally eradicated from the first Council of Nicea which took place under Constantine the Great. Like almost all Muslim manuscripts from this period.

Finally, we must emphasize that the real mystical significance of the Egyptian symbolism about wine, bread is a certain fact: the same ritual breaking of bread and wine were in the mortuary rituals in Ancient Egypt and was written the pyramids and sarcophagi. And the Koran binds the ritual around the bread and wine, also mentioned in the Gospels as part of the Last Supper, Jesus to the survival and the relationship between life and death, between the world here below and 'to and fro; ie the beginning of the establishment of the heavenly kingdom on earth. The Bible refers to this scene but as a dream of Peter. But the Egyptian ritual is supposed to happen in heaven for the dead, Jesus was to be alive. It is conceivable that such a belief was part of Jesus' miracles among the first Christians see in John chapter 20, where we read that Jesus even being realized income other signs; (John Cor, 20:. 30): "Yes! Jesus realized yet other signs that are not written in this scroll. ".

D-22. 127/116 V According to the Qur'an Jesus and Mary are not gods.
"And when God will say: 'O Jesus, son of Mary, are you the one who tell people,' Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah? He will say: 'Glory be to You, it is not for me to pretend that I do not have the right to say!'. "

According to an early Christian group there was a trinity "God -Jesus - Marie". This belief has been verified as having existed in the past even if it has disappeared. The Qur'an also rejects this form of trinity there. See also verse: (Cor IV. 171-172) concerning the Holy Spirit, Gabriel in Islam.

D-23. 133/50 Muhammad VI and secularism:
"Say: 'I do not tell you that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know the unseen; and I did not tell you I am an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me. "The Qur'an seem almost teach secularism by criticizing the priests who stand between man and God (Cor IX. 34-5), several centuries before the revolution and the overthrow of the Church, after the Crusaders out from France have known the Quranic civilization more closely.

It brings back the prophets at fatal and in fact only simple messengers whose realization of miracles is not even their own jurisdiction. In Islam there is no clergy or Ecclesiastes. Even Muhammad -see supra verse is given the same commands as the other faithful and it is not a middleman who comes between God and the faithful. Several verses criticized priests who crushed the faithful; Here is an example: (Cor IX. 34-5): "O you who believe! Many rabbis and monks devour people's property illegally and obstruct their path of God. Those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend them in the path of God, announces a painful punishment. The day when they will be brought to the fire of Hell and be cauterized, forehead and back sides! Here is what you hoarded for yourselves. Taste what you used to hoard! ". The Qur'an also forbids forcing anyone to Religion: (II Cor. 256):" There is no compulsion in religion. "And forbidden to destroy churches, synagogues and mosques (XXII Cor. 40):". If God had not driven some people back by others, monasteries were demolished and churches, synagogues and mosques, where God's name is mentioned much. Certainly, God supports those who support it. ". The Quran also prohibits insulting the idols of the polytheists in these terms; (Cor VI. 108): "Do not revile those whom they implore besides God because by they wrongfully revile God in their ignorance. Similarly, we have embellished each community its own action. Then it is up to the Lord is their return; and inform them of what they did. ". Thus, Muhammad unintentionally preparing the beginnings of secularism, in the sense of the absence of a clergy and tolerance of the plurality of cults dedicated to God, the Last Judgement is not the responsibility of men but of God. Muhammad says even once he appears: "This I command you by religion, stick to it firmly. If I told you something about the lower world, you ones most knowledgeable than me about it. "-Muslim; Fadail, No. 5831 (rapporteur Rafi 'b Khadij..)

Is it not remarkable that Muhammad's companions who conquered the continents and countries such as Egypt, Afghanistan and India did not destroy the monuments like the Buddhas and the Colossi of abu Simbel even if they have demolished the Arab idols they have eradicated throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Maybe did they leave the role of indigenous empowerment of idolatry themselves not to offend pride in their history? The Koran forbids insulting the idols of the people: (VI Cor. 40) -see above quote. These communities were not forced to Islamize and the proof is that there are still currently people of various religions: Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Shinto, Jews, Hindus, Orthodox Christians or Catholics etc. where Muslims had a political and military power for centuries. On the other hand, where the Christians dominated, until very recently, the religious and cultic diversity is almost nil. The case of the American continent where Islam was not strong in history is almost entirely Christian. So that one can almost say that multiple crops continued where Islam was a bulwark against the Europeans.

D-24. 137 / 75-9 VI Abraham and worship of the heavenly bodies (sun, moon, etc.) in the times of Hittite Anatolia (Hammurabi, toward - 1792-1750?):
". When the night covered -Abraham-, he saw a star and said, 'This is my Lord!' Then when it set, he said: 'If my Lord does not guide me, I will be among those astray.' When he saw the moon rising, he said: 'This is my Lord.' Then when it set he said: 'If my Lord does not guide me, I shall be of the erring people.' Then when he saw the sun rising, he said: 'This is my Lord, the same is greatest'. Then when the sun set, he said: 'O my people, I continue to disavow what you associate with God! I turned my face to Him who created from nothing the heavens and the earth; and I am in no way one of those that give associates. ' "

The people of Ur worshiped the gods of the sun, moon and stars. We read in this passage from the Quran that Abraham would have destroyed the small idols and he mocked the faithful saying it is the largest that had broken the other (XXI Cor. 52-68). This moment of Abraham's life that does not exist in the Bible, but appears in the Talmud (Midrash Bereishit Rabba 38: 16). Likewise a similar story is found in the Gospel of Barnabas in Chapter 29, even if it is passing strange -we return later. Would there also a similar story in the writings found at Qumran Essenes still under study now? Perhaps Akhenaten was inspired by it elsewhere to establish its monotheism worship of Aten sun disc -the that Egyptian often considered the greatest of the gods who created everything. Note that Akhenaten lived around 1330 before he appears a certain Jacob, perhaps the one considered the Abraham-Isaac small son, reigned in Egypt under the Hyksos and in the archives in the name of Har Merussere Ya'qub. The historian Haim Hillel does not preclude Yaqob Har can be an ancestor of the Israelites in his "A History of the Jewish People", page 40 (1976, 1170 pages, Harvard University Press ISBN 0674397312) .From monotheistic worship of Abraham in its Arabic version, we also discussed later.

D-25. 140/98 VI Adam would he have parents?
"And He it is Who created you from a single person (Adam) and a paternal womb and kidneys. "

A direct literal reading of the Koran allows us to think that Adam arrived on Earth in a second birth and within families. See also verse: (Cor XXIII, 12-14.). Some Muslim thinkers have brought the sacred writings of Adam to neotenic theory -a form of saltationiste evolutionary transition (by sudden leaps) - the appearance of modern man from a rapidly changing. An attempt concordist once again. But the idea that humanity would be a real universal patriarch is not completely foreign to science. Gene discovery accelerating the growth of the skull in men seems to have given more realism to this theory. The discovery that Homo erectus had rapid growth and did not go through the stage of adolescence to adulthood, could be a second argument about the appearance of modern man by neoteny. That is to say, the human growth rate in the womb would be changed, making it born in a viable state earlier than their ancestors. Maintaining a different form as adults. Thus, it is remarkable that the skull of a chimpanzee has a flat face and a rounded head shape to an embryo, which is actually similar to that of an adult man. The change allometry, that is to say, the bodies of the growth rate, that the skull of a man retains that shape like this embryonic stage. A recent study based on the study of a skull of Homo erectus child type show faster growth than in modern humans, similar to that of the chimpanzee -Hélène Coqueugniot (CNRS Bordeaux and Max Planck Institute) & Antoine Balezeau National Museum of Natural History in France.

D-26. 141/105 VI The Science of unlettered Prophet, the position of the Quran regarding the reliability of ancient scriptures:
"Thus We explain the verses. And so they say: 'You have studied.'. And in order to clear for people who know. "

We have seen so far that the Qur'an mentions also written versions of the Bible, oral judéochrétiennes beliefs that the first Muslim exegetes cited even entirely clear in their comments.

Our goal in this chronological analysis of the Koran does not lead to religious conflict, but stressed that the Koran is not a failed copy of the Bible partly invented by Muhammad. Modern analyzes of the Bible exist or similar work on the Koran is largely lacking. The Qur'an claims that it refers to things that have been forgotten by the Jews and Christians (V Cor. 13), (V Cor. 41-43). Does it mean that some oral narratives were judéochrétiens as some appear in the Bible? That false books were added to the Bible (II Cor. 79); other books were hidden:, (Cor 91-92 VI.) (II Cor. 174); that former diverged about the Bible (XXVII Cor. 76); or altered sense writings (II Cor. 75). Jeremiah did he not say; (Jeremiah 8: 8): "How can you say, we are wise and the Torah of God is with us? While the chisel lying scribes has made ​​it a lie? ". So stressing that the Bible was corrupted, the Koran does not say a thing which in itself is in conflict with the Bible. Jeremiah noted that not even talking about the other prophecies, but downright of the Torah, the most vital text. Historians tell us that the Israelites were divided into sects, the subjects were divided writings and have in fact removed texts when translated the scriptures - targums - for foreign peoples: the stoning of adulterous as in the Greek version. All these explanations we build from reliable sources we aim to demonstrate the historical credibility of the stories of the Qur'an.

Regarding the forgotten books mentioned by the Quran we find references in the Bible-even books that are not there; Here are the places where the Bible mentions the sacred books that we found are: (Numbers, 21: 14): "For it is written in the Book of Yahweh wars: Vaheb near Red sea and the torrent Arnon and the slope the ravine etc. ". But the Book of Yahweh wars is not found as this quoted passage. We find references to other books. The Book of Jaschar: (Joshua 10: 13) &. (2 Samuel, 1: 18) The Fifteen and Proverbs of Solomon songs on creatures etc. (1 Kings; 4: 32-33). The words of Nathan (2 Chronicles, 9: 29). The history of Uzziah: 2 Chronicles; 26: 22). The history of Hezekiah & The Acts of Hezekiah (2 Chronicles, 32: 32). Songs for Josiah (2 Chronicles, 35: 25). The Book of the signs of the times: (Nehemiah; 12: 23). The New Testament mentions things in reference to ancient writings that are not found, the following are examples: (Epistle of St. Jude: 9, 14); (Hebrews 12: 21); (2 Timothy 3: 8); (Acts; 7: 22-28) etc. The Bible confirms that some of the scriptures was knowingly hidden is lost or forgotten. This shows that Muhammad did not invent this criticism, but criticism of scholars joined them Jews.

In terms of words whose meaning is hijacked, we have plenty of examples like the translation of words Red Sea sea reeds reflecting Suph by red rather than reeds - see also: (II Cor: 59.). Priesthood of the scribes saying that the reeds do not grow near the salty waters of a sea passage will be transformed to make it credible in their opinion. Modern critics evoke thousands of contradictions in the Bible that they attribute to the faults of the copyists due to the difficulty of writing Hebrew letters. We have three versions of the Bible, the Hebrew version of the Samaritan version and the version Greek. And each version has itself thousands of contradictions. But Jeremiah said in his time that the Book was manipulated knowingly: (Jeremiah 8: 8) -see above. Examples of contradictions in the Bible (2 Samuel VIII: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17) & (1 Chronicles; XVIII: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16); (1 Kings, XV: 33) & (2 Chronicles; XVI: 1); (1 Kings; IV: 26) & (2 Chronicles, IX: 25).

The hidden books are part qualified apocryphal books, word that comes from the Greek apokryphos, "hidden". Judith, Tobit, Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, and the two books of Maccabees, the books of Ezra, Song of three young men, Suzanne, Bel and the Dragon, and the Prayer of Manasseh, the Letter of Eugnostos ; and of the Gospels the Gospel of the Hebrews, The Gospel of Barnabas, the Gospel of Christ, the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Childhood, the Gospel of Mary and others are required apocryphal, that is to say 'texts to hide'. For some, it comes to books which Christians still have memories from tradition: like Jesus in a stable scene contained at Barnabé and nowhere in the current Bible. However, nurseries are universally known and this scene is even represented on the walls of some churches. See also verses: (V Cor. 13) & (II Cor. 40-42). The Koran states that false books were also forged: (II Cor. 79). Several books are disowned by the Jews and Christians as inventions.
How to accept an Arab uneducated guesses of himself unwittingly Jews themselves about such knowledge, as millions of literate persons versed in the knowledge of the Bible and endowed with the ability to read and write ignore all these things ? Muhammad claims not to be the author of the Qur'an and be inspired, and we agree with Maxime Rodinson really believed that Muhammad received revelations like other mystics. He was bathed in a medium and it is not irrational to compare the Quran to the beliefs of the Jews of his environment.

D-27. 144 / 130-1 VI Each cited a warning, even the jinn would have received the prophets themselves:
"Oh communities of jinns and humans, is it not come to you messengers, chosen from you? "

In the Quranic doctrine, all peoples have received revelations, and laws that are their own: (XXII Cor. 67), according to need and the need of the moment. The Qur'an wants be, to him, a universal message which completes the ancient prophecies: (Cor P.431 / 28 XXXIV.): "And We have not sent you but as an advertiser and a warner to all the humanity. ".

We have seen above that according to Ibn Abbas, Muhammad would have explained that there would be other lands like ours where prophets have been sent. See the comments of Ibn Abbas about the verse; (Cor.p.559 / 12 LXV): "God created seven heavens and of the earth. In between them, the revelation comes down, so you know that God has power over truth and that God encompasses all things in knowledge. ". This verse implies that all peoples have received Muhammad as messengers, and innovates in relation to the idea of a popular god forget the other people at risk to cause them all to Hell. Note that Judaism has developed another explanation for the fact that only the people of Israel received the prophets. Non-Jews who respect the law nohachique (do not kill or commit suicide, do not blaspheme, do not steal, do not practice adultery, do not idolize follow the court laws governing the city, do not consume live animals) will eventually enter Gan Eden. Abraham intercedes for the souls of Hades from Abraham's bosom (VII Cor. 41-50). If everyone can not be saved will be down the road (Rosh Hashanah 17a, 21b Erubin, etc.) the fair will have a chance to return to earth from Sheol for another chance, but the general opinion is that unjust remain indefinitely in Sheol (II Cor. 111).

The Quran cites perhaps Buddha (Cor. XXI: 85-7) & (XXXVIII Cor. 48) as a wise and few things mentioned in the Koran join the old beliefs, as among others: the establishment of a bridge to the Paradise (XXVI Cor. 90-1) which is found in the Avesta among Zoroastrians: Cinvat the bridge was placed into the sky, it was wide or thin like a needle, and those who managed to pass arrived country songs where a young radiant maiden drove them to Ahura Mazda. People falling failed hell more or less deeply according to their sins. The dead were judged every man according to his merits, before three juges-; as yet, the establishment of a tribunal with books and scales to assess our earthly life on the day of Judgement recalling relatives beliefs in Ancient Egypt (XXI Cor. 47); the beliefs of the servants in the afterlife located in Coptic (LII Cor. 24); the belief that the soul leaving the body during sleep to return for a second life, as in Eskimo and probably -according to anthropologists who perform the funeral rites of paléolithique- among the very first men to Middle Palaeolithic (Cor. VI: 60), (XXXIX Cor. 42); the belief in the existence of a garden located elsewhere where we reach our ancestors believed as American Indians and the Dogon of Mali etc. :; (II Cor. 25) that thieves will suffer in the seven underground underworld before the day of Judgment as among the Jains (hadith). The meanders of the human spirit come together, but Muhammad had probably know many of these beliefs and perhaps even he assimilated to Judaism or Christianity?

D-28. 151 / 8-9 VII Weighing works (v Ancient Egypt and ancient beliefs, eg. Book of the Dead):
"And the weighing -Of œuvres- that day will be fair. So those whose scales are heavy. it is they who will succeed! And those whose scales are light. Here those who have caused the loss of their souls because they were unjust to Our signs. "

This Islamic belief if it no longer exists in the Pentateuch existed in Ancient Egypt. The works of the dead and their hearts were weighed on the day of their death to go either to Heaven or in Hell. Several Egyptian writings even mention the punishment by fire-in the book of the dead, four baboons ensure the lake of fire to cleanse the dead of their sins. See also (XXI Cor. 47). We talked to other places that the book of Abraham was recognized by the Sadducees or Essenes Qumran and that this book was like the famous book of the dead of Ani, whose exact title is precisely Book to exit from darkness to light. It is quite possible that the Jews of Medina had two books attributed to Abraham among their rolls and they considered les' as canonical. The Qur'an also speaks of Abraham leaves (XIV Cor. 5), (Cor P.592 / 18-9 LXXXVIII.). The output from darkness to light appears in many places in the Qur'an: (Cor. II: 257), (Cor V. 16), (Cor XIV. 1), (Cor XXXIII. 43), (Cor. LVII: 9) & (Cor. LXV: 11). Weighing works is also mentioned in several places: (VII Cor. 8), (XXIII Cor. 102-103) & (CXI Cor. 6: 8). The Qur'an mentions the witnesses at the trial: (Cor IV. 41) & scribes who write our actions: (Cor IX. 19), the servants in Paradise (Cor LXXVI. 19) that join the beliefs of time in Egypt incredibly. Probably just a coincidence, unless some Jews had such beliefs.

Weighing of the Heart, Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead
The weighing of the heart according to an extract from the book of the Egyptian dead. This does exists in the Torah, but the Egyptians are already believed. Perhaps the book of the dead is a link with one of Abraham's books.

D-29. 153/26 VII habit among the human species:
"O children of Adam! We have sent down to you clothing to cover your shame, as well as ornaments. - But the best garment is that of piety. "

The Qur'an addresses here the issue logically the first clothes in humans. Even gays heidelbergensis may already be dressed in skins. The human race has developed clothes from various materials to fight against the elements, for cultic rites and to hide body parts of other men. It is difficult to ascertain when the man began to cover as only bones or stones oldest objects could reach us. Below the equator where modern man appeared it was hot, while in the north it was cold. The Qur'an claims to the first men used clothing against heat. (.. Cor p 276/81 XVI): "And what He Created, God has given you shadows. And He has given you shelter in the mountains. And He has given you garments to protect you from heat, and -cuirasses armures- and clothes that protect you from your own violence. ". It seems that the first Homo Sapiens have appeared in warm regions of the planet in the Middle East or Africa.

D-30. 158/60 VII hierarchy among the first men?
"The chiefs of his people said Noé- -to: 'We see you in clear error.' "

Anthropologists believe early modern humans had developed a strong social constitution, with beads manufacturers, shamans etc. There were likely clan chiefs as among the most advanced primates. According to genetics, there must have been several thousand modern humans only time of the first Homo sapiens, one male will dominate in our direct patrilineal line (Cor p.. 227 / 48-9 XI: "It was said, 'O Noah, descend with Security and Our Blessing on you and on -issues communities - those who are with you among its communities which there will We will give temporary enjoyment;. and then a painful punishment from Us That the touch. some news of the unseen which We reveal to you. You do not know, nor your people before. ".

According to the Qur'an Noah preached all the clans of nomads and sometimes he was chasing, sometimes they fled and stopped their ears (Cor P.372 / 116-20 XXVI.): "They said, 'If you does not stop, Noah, you will surely be of the stoned! ' He said: 'My Lord, my people call me a liar. Tranche therefore clearly between them and me; and save me and the believers who are with me. 'So We saved him and those who were with him in the ark, fully charged. Then We drowned the remaining. "& (Cor p.. 570 / 5-7 LXXI):" He says -Noé- 'Lord! I called my people night and day. But my call only only increase their flight. And every time I called for you to forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears, covered themselves up with their garments. ". Stones stoning earlier to 130,000 years, found in Africa and dated more than half a million years, just used to accept that the first men were actually able to chase and threaten to be stoned. And this leak imagined in the Koran is perhaps in the spirit of Muhammad nomadism, for the first part without men?

D-31. 159 / 69.73 VII The human race would grow after the deluge - the outcome camel rocks and shamanism:
" What ! You, you wonder that a reminder come to you from your Lord through a man from among you, to warn you? Remember when He made you succeed dersquo people; Ez Noah, and that increased body height and strength. ! "" And Thamûds came to their brother Salih: 'O my people he said, worship God. Certainly a proof has come to you from your Lord; here is the camel of God, a sign for you. "

It may be that this statement comes from what we believed in what the ancients were giants, very large, as evidenced by some Arab traditions. But it may well be that this belief is based on the discovery of towering skeletons in the Middle East. The idea that there existed giant man has been born of such finds.

The -Cro-Magnons- humans were great at the beginning of their appearance. Fossils found humans to 100,000 years on average and measured 1m90 could measure up to 2.10m, an average well above the current global average. Probably a very impressive size at times of the Middle Ages where poverty was to make men rarely measured above 1m60. But Homo erectus measured around 1.80m before his death, that began to 1m50 according to the most ancient specimens. The Aad and Thamud have probably grown in size since they had benefited from the livestock and incipient agriculture. In the first homo sapiens, modern methods was organized hunting. In Homo erectus was the invention of fire that produced this prodigious evolution.

As for the camel that Salih miraculously given rise cliffs, this is probably a kind of shamanistic rites of belief of the time. Moses also clashed in Pharaoh's magicians so as judéochrétiennes and Muslim religious scriptures. The ancients believed to bring out the spirits in the walls of caves and other rock carving rock. The caverns and caves served as places of shamanic cults already before Aad (which have existed in the past as ancient writings). The Egyptians also were always convinced that images or statues could live if a soul enveloped them. This type of belief is not an invention of the Koran, he really existed in the distant past in the Afro-Asian peoples. And persists in some primitive tribes in a more vague form, the statues are supposed to have a soul, but do not move necessarily. We have already addressed the issue of shaouabtis and golems supra. There is also an intimate connection with certain animist beliefs.

D-32. 160/74 VII The prehistoric cave men and cave men:
"And remember when He made ​​you successors to 'Ad and settled you on Earth. You have built palaces in the plains and the mountains have carved houses. So remember the blessings of God and do not spread corruption on earth 'as troublemakers'. "Again, the Quran shown great ingenuity and interrode how should shelter and survive . the first men

it was customary to take shelter in caves in prehistory; and the Egyptians of Pharaonic times
dug into the cliffs to bring the bodies of the deceased who were waking up from predators. The city of Ubar, where lived the 'Ad was discovered under meters of sand in the end of last century (XX e S) and was named Atlantis of the Sands by the amateur archaeologist named Nicolas Clapp, who rediscovered this civilization. The Bedouins of the desert alone had kept the oral memory, and the ancient Greeks spoke of a civilization named Eudaimon Arabia and Arabs called Al-Yaman Have Saida or "Saudi happy" in French. This amateur archaeologist asked NASA satellite images of some parts of Yemen where Bedouin claimed that the 'Ad would have lived. Thus we redécouvrîmes the legendary lost civilization. However, be aware that have clearly existed more Ad, probably a dispersed population progressively throughout Arabia and beyond.

D-33. 161/85 VII balance existed at the time of Moses.
"And to Midian, their brother Chu'ayb. So give good measure and weight and do not give people less than what is owed. "

Indeed, we found wooden scales dating from the time of Chu'ayb (Jethro in the Bible) and his son, Moses. It was wrong of course. Furthermore, the concern of the fair weighing is frequently mentioned in the writings of Egyptian neighbors at this very time. Trade was largely interconnected by trade routes, and it is silly to compare approaches of trade between two relatively nearby areas at that time. Israel Finkelstein said that the daily use were very similar throughout the region at that time, because of the enormous influence of Egypt.

D-34. 163 / 103-171 VII Full Story of the Exodus of Moses with a group of Israelites:
View full bore in the Qur'an, because it is very long.

It is interesting to compare these with the versions-including the Koran is different in several égards- which is reported by the Judeo-Christian tradition as a whole. Despite different approaches that the Qur'an describes the bird's facts and without any depth. We will deal with this theme as the rest of our study passages.

D-35. 164 / 109-12 VII is actually appealed to magicians in all the courts at the time of Ramses II. The clergy of Sekhmet also practiced magic-medicine. (Sekhmet "sending misfortunes" if we do not respected.):
"The chiefs of Pharaoh's people said: 'This is certainly an accomplished magician. He wants to expel you from your land. ' - 'So what do you order?' They said: 'Let them wait he and his brother, and returns gatherers in the cities, which will bring you all wizard-scholar.' And the magicians came to Pharaoh, saying: 'Will it really for us a reward if we win?' "

Wizards and magicians of the kingdom clashed at parties. Pharaoh could take Moses made signs for such a challenge, and it is not impossible to think that Moses would be a magician of his time. Maybe the difference was not clear at the time between miracle and magic. Since according to beliefs, magic had real power. A recess opposite approach to religious beliefs. The magician was called the "one who knows things," the Koran says "magician-scholar".

We also find in the writings of the time this phrase cited in this verse '' we would leave their land to the Egyptian '. Especially in the poetry of the time. In fact, it would be the supreme god of the state, Amon, who would once have driven the Hyksos from Egypt. These Hyksos including counting the Israelite descendants of Israel. We read also that Moses would also make them abandon their state religion, linked to Amon (XL Cor. 26). The power of priests had just political role of this ancient Thebes where Amun was worshiped to hunt foreign invaders . The Koran concludes that foreign peoples inherited much of Egypt anyway (XLIV Cor. 22-31). This was indeed the case, we will return. We have tried to understand the sources of such information at the time of Muhammad, we will not return consistently to not make our critical study unreadable.

D-36. 164/120 VII We threw on his stomach on the floor at the time as a submission, see the Egyptian story of The Princess of Bakhtan:
"And the magicians fell down prostrate. "

According to the account of the Koran, the hen Moses stick turns soudaienement snake and eat snakes that magicians have made ​​launching their ropes and sticks, wizards believe in Moses and his god and prostrate. Call a god at a magic was customary, sometimes the name of the pharaoh was actually called as evidenced by the Qur'an and had some power; (XXVI Cor. 44): "They threw their ropes and staffs saying," By the power of Pharaoh. It is we who have the upper hand. ' ". The word sadjda etymologically in Arabic means to humiliate, to throw down. There is no doubt, this is the equivalent of the word so translated by Egyptologists. We also note in the famous Egyptian-Hittite treaty prostration messengers of Hatti before Pharaoh. Prostration existed in Egypt at that time. Similarly, the prostration is based would be said to exist also much earlier in children of Israel (Genesis 33: 1-7).

D-37. 165/127 VII Pharaoh had gods and was revered:
"And the notables of the people of Pharaoh said, 'Will you leave Moses and his people to make mischief on earth, and himself abandon thee and thy gods?' He said: 'We will kill their son and let live their women. We will have over them and will dominate. ' "

The disorder evoked here by priests corresponds to what is called isfet in Egypt, it is the struggle of good against evil. The Egyptians put in the order for non-Egyptians barbarians. Pharaoh rightly fight against isfet and maketh the Maat. This is a religious concept of the time, as suggested by this passage from the Koran.

The Bible does not cite one jot about the gods of Pharaoh in the days of Moses or his god status; and yet Pharaoh had many gods. It is possible to assign it to a clean amalgam Muhammad transposing his situation facing the Arab polytheists than Moses face to the Egyptian, but as we have already pointed out several times, the Jews outside the written texts have long maintained a oral memory of their history, part of which was compiled in the Talmud. On one side the Pharaoh fight so that people do not deny its -supra- gods, on the other it says supreme god (XXVIII Cor. 38). We can mention: Amon Anubis, Aten, Bastet, Hathor, Horus, Imhotep, Isis, Maat, Mut, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Sekhmet, Seth, Thoth, among the gods of Pharaoh. Pharaoh himself was deified during his lifetime like the other pharaohs (except also Ahmose III). Is not it amazing that the Qur'an mentions this apparent contradiction as is, despite the apparent ambiguity of these ancestral memories? Egyptian religion allowed precisely this paradox own to Egypt. Each god was worshiped in turn as the set of all the gods. Ramses II had been deified and represented in the form of Amun, Ptah and Ra and Osiris in the form of the temple of abu Simbel. A case of this type is not counted in more than a few leaders, and clearly corresponds to the Pharaoh of the Exodus: Ramses II.

Stele of Merenptah

"Israel is destroying his seed is no more. "This stele 3.18 meters high and 1.60 meters wide was discovered by Flinders Petrie in 1895, in the necropolis of Thebes and dates back to VI of Merenptah, the son and successor of Ramesses II: Pharaoh of the Exodus.

As for the massacre of the Jews in Egypt, we have found a paper trail that could date from after the departure of some of the children of Israel in the desert -photo supra. As we have already discussed above, the Israelites remained in Egypt during the exodus may have explained to Merneptah, perhaps under torture, as memb / fontres group of Moses had returned to Syria-Palestine, because Merneptah went rampage Palestine and Syria and continued in parallel or implemented the first massacre of Jewish males began perhaps in the reign of his father. Why else attacking Palestine is then an Egyptian semi-colony? This question, Finkelstein also laying in 'The Bible unveiled'. A territory that Ramesside pharaohs not lose that at the time of Ramses III. Pharaoh carries the male children shows that he saw the Israelites as a hostile people, men or hostile people are killed in wars, no execution of woman is represented in this context, however. The massacre is considered a task he completed in the sixth year of his reign and did write, among other conquests and widespread massacres of various peoples of the region, on a stele that was carefully placed in his funerary temple <Israel who has no seed. Palestine was conquered.> (Pierre Gazio, pg.76 Small Dictionary of the Pharaohs Ed. Zulma, storm Grain). Other massacres are quoted on the stele. As highlighted William G. Dever, who studied the monument: the word Israel is not designated by the same key as the names Ashkelon, Gezer and Yanoam -signalés by the sign of the three hills reflecting what s' These are places. The name of Israel is determined by the sign "male and female traits plus three" which refers rather a people. They clearly do not yet formed a unified political authority.

D-38. 165 / 130-3 VII plagues of Egypt are probably the scarcity and flood (and what follows from these causes locusts, lice, frogs, blood and hunger) - Pharaoh and floods:
"We have experienced people of Pharaoh with years of famine and a fruit reduction so that they remember. And when good befell them, they said: 'This is our due,' and if evil afflicted them, they saw Moses and those who were with him, a bad omen. They said: 'Whatever sign you bring us, we will not believe in you.' And We sent on them the flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood, clear signs. But they swelled with pride and remained a criminal people. "

The Koranic version of the punishment is much more credible and rational than that of the Bible (Exodus, Chapter 7-13.). Where, Moses and Pharaoh's magicians bring healing and which is supposed to Pharaoh ask Moses to repel them. (We'll get further down the strange theory of the explosion of Santorini in the time of Moses.) This difference may not be due to the fact of not wanting to seem ridiculous at a time when divine punishment was widely accepted.

Ramses II reigned 67 years, and it is not illogical that the Nile has had jumps of moods causing shortages and floods in that period. There was a seven-year cycle of flooding and flood seven years -qu'évoque indirectly the Koran. The cycle of floods and flood would be 7 years according to specialists; or it means that during the 67 years of reign of Ramses II, Egypt has experienced more than 5 5 flooding and droughts. Sometimes floods were evil. The Qur'an speaks many years of famine and floods. Soldiers of Hatti at the Battle of Hatti are compared to locusts as they cover valleys and hills. This shows as the one who wrote this had been a witness of such an event in Egypt precisely during the reign of Ramses II. The Nile through the Soudd had a green color and a red color took when he crossed the Atbara and its ferruginous waters. Moses would however have really transformed the Nile water into blood, a sign of God according to Muslim tradition. One can think of the bloodshed by street fights according to the literal text of the Koran, perhaps not coincidentally compared to the Quranic rationalism.

The Bible cites 10 plagues: water turned to blood, frogs, mosquitoes, horseflies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and death of the firstborn (still alive).

The wounds mentioned in the Qur'an is not in itself an extraordinary lot in Egypt: "And We sent on them the flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood, clear signs. ". The locusts, lice and frogs are very common in Egypt in fact, sometimes more psychological violence. Traces of lice have been found in ancient Egyptian wigs, frogs and grasshoppers are not uncommon in the region are still. The Koran is healing, is a different analysis. The Koran quotes instead of years of scarcity and declining harvests, "so that they remember." Similarly he cites the flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood. And explains that when the welfare came to them, they argued in effect, "This is due to us '' and continue as if evil afflicted them, they saw Moses and those who were with him, a bad omen.

Thus, the Koran evokes scarcity and flooding as proofs to Pharaoh that was actually supposed to ensure its role as Ancient Egypt Nile floods good attracting the favor of the gods by all cults dedicated to the gods in all temples. Thus, if they were good they claimed that it was of Pharaoh -Next their belief that it is he who provides good raw maintaining a relationship with-gods and otherwise they accused Moses to the gods angry. Ramses II would he sold partly by building one of its monuments -probably the temple of Amon who hears the prayers which extends the Temple of Amun at Karnak, or the god of Moses Ramasseum- not satisfied for virtually cross boat heavens and make offerings to meet Moses and his god? He would have ordered the construction of this monument saying; (.. Cor p 390/38 XXVIII): "And Pharaoh said, 'Ye chiefs, I do not know of any god for you other than myself. Haman, kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a high residence; I reach to the god of Moses. I really think he is a liar. ' ". It should be stressed a particular function of many buildings which Pharaoh Temple of Amun at issue here, which was a role in improving the floods and make the fertile territory. The Pharaoh's order to the pillared hall constuire to cross the heavens is probably to be read as a response directly related to disorders in the Nile floods attributed to Moses sowed the isfet.

According to the Quranic version some begged Moses to pray to his god does not punish them according to their beliefs as always certain gods chastised men. A critical objective study clearly serves to highlight the clarification of the Qur'an that of the biblical version of spring. Perhaps a more naked oral version of the historical facts have continued to pass down through the generations, while the Biblical text was undergoing exaggerations and extrapolations. In any case, the Qur'an is closer to the facts of the critical history that the Bible even though the Bible texts are obviously oldest VI centuries.

It is anachronistic to seek the wounds at the time of the explosion of Santorini, where the Hyksos ruled Egypt. The Hyksos ruled Egypt during the fifteenth and sixteenth dynasties between - 1730 and -1580. But the explosion of Santorini has occurred in -1600. There was no leakage of the Hebrews from Egypt at that time therefore. This period of time before Moses, and perhaps takes us back to the times of Jacob. One Jacob was even king in Egypt between -1700 and -1622 according to archaeological findings corroborate perhaps the Qur'an on this subject (Cor XII. 100-101) and (V Cor. 20). It is certainly curious that Jacob back to the days of the Biblical Jacob and it is virtually the very beginning of the reign of the Hyksos. It could be that the descendants of this King who emigrated perhaps in Egypt for Palestine formed the Israelites. We'll come back later. Perhaps Jacob he even named Israel in a win against the Egyptian pharaoh and considered a god, because Israel means "one who has fought against God."

The Quran is the most exodus as a struggle against the Egyptian Jews whose ancestors lreligion DQUANT israeur the massacre have already stolen the territory in the past as a mere escape -we have treated above. Which significantly shifts the story of the exodus from the point of view of realism in the real past of Ancient Egypt. For anyone who has understood the enormous differences between the Biblical and Koranic release version of the exodus and the historical relationship discovered by archeology, the Koran appear as a valuable source of information on oral traditions of contemporary Jews of Muhammad .

Another remarkable point in this passage from the Koran quote the plagues of Egypt is the Egyptian consider wounds as prodigies of Moses: "And they said: 'Whatever sign you bringest us, we will not believe in you '. And We sent on them the flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood, clear signs. ". In fact ibn Abbas and other companions of Muhammad relate that Moses was a man hard enough in fact invoked God and the punishments fell. But in the spirit of an Egyptian god called to punish people is simply a magic or a wonder. The magicians likewise called gods when performing wonders. In addition, there is an old Egyptian tale, or some Satni-Khamois faces of fellow magicians in Nubia. According S. Aufrère -a French Egyptologist already mentioned elsewhere in this study- present, the plagues of Egypt would borrow some thematic diagrams in this Egyptian tale. The version of the Koran in yet away.

D-39. 166 / 133-135 VII When disasters reached Egypt, they asked Moses to call the god who sent punishment:
"And as punishment struck them, they said: 'O Moses, invoke your Lord for us that He gave you the commitment. If you take away from us the punishment we will believe in you and send away the children of Israel. ' And when We removed from them the punishment they broke their engagement. "

Indeed, the gods punished according to their beliefs people they did not do what was required of them. It is not illogical that Egyptian had asked Moses to call his god no longer anger against men, among them there had to be many gods including non-Egyptian gods. According to a letter to the court of Osiris gods of Heliopolis, his underground kingdom would be full of messengers fearing neither gods nor goddesses and threatened to send them to the surface this time.

Remember that Moses would have transformed the Nile blood as a mythical symbol of bloodshed Osiris in primordial times and the terrifying threats of Moses to collapse heaven on Earth etc. What the magicians of Egypt sometimes threatening people. Moses also eat the magicians snakes, we will see further historical aspect of this confrontation. The signs of the transformation of inert stick moving snake, and hand haloed light joined the symbol of the creation of life by invisible sky god of distant ancestors. The signs so require, with archaeological and historical-critical of a forgotten sense, the creation and the demiurge. The wounds mentioned in the Qur'an are undeniable in Egypt, especially during the reign of Ramses II that lasted 67 years. It may be that this has gradually been exaggerated in the Bible and adapted to Egyptian beliefs are exaggerations have contributed their grain of salt.

D-40. 166/137 VII Pharaonic constructions (Many giants, stelae, temples etc. The most impressive of which are the temple of abu Simbel and Ramasseum.) - The subject peoples have inherited the territory that soon lost its colonies and Egypt itself same was invaded repeatedly.
"And the people who were oppressed, We did inherit the eastern and western regions of the earth which We have blessed (the land of the Canaanites). And the beautiful word of thy Lord the children of Israel is doing to the price of their endurance. And We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people were and what they were building. "

This passage speaks of the heritage of Palestine and indeed Palestine was then under the control of Pharaoh, and the Sinai, Ramses II was downright arrived borders and the Hittites at Kadesh battled. Traces of Ramses II in Palestine prove that it was indeed an inheritance. This too is not in the Bible, which is in Palestine long before -already Moïse- peoples who came there for many after Ramses II, alongside the children of Israel when Egypt was losing it ground.

The constructions of Ramses II were the most grandiose of the history of the pharaohs. We can cite the Ramasseum the Temple of Amun at Karnak, completed under Ramses II, Abu Simbel Temple of Hathor and that etc. Even in Canaan there were temples dedicated to Egyptian gods and Ramses II bust. After the children of Rameses by his sisters and daughters have died, the Empire remained in the hands of son <Foreign> Ramses II or his children by blood not their lineage considered generated by the gods. Merenptah and his son was Isisnéfret, twelve other "noble" brothers may gain power died before their father Ramses II. Egypt lost its territories in Asia and even the current Egypt (territory) was invaded over the decades with the end of the XIX th dynasty.

The Ramses II grandiose constructions would slowly disappear over the ages and lose their splendor in Canaan. In Egypt, the city of Pi Ramses was discovered buried under the desert sand; experts believe that one of the arms of the Nile would irrigate this city during a certain period, but that his disappearance was the desert. Archaeologists have found the buried and abandoned city, and have studied it since.

The Israelites finally succeeded in Palestine who was promised to Abraham, before Jacob and his son-there are apparently installed and have left for Egypt among the Hyksos invaders. This would be according to the Bible Ismael children allegedly taken once -abandonné Joseph by his brothers in a well by jalousie- in Egypt for sale, perhaps drawing really the way to the glory of Palestinian princes in Egypt as kings?

D-41. 168/145 VII Writing on tablets at the time of Moses.
"And We wrote for him on tablets, an exhortation for all, and a statement in detail of everything. "

This is mentioned in the Bible is confirmed by archaeologists, we wrote at the time on stone tablets. The papyrus was also use of force at the time, and it is possible that the first manuscript of the Torah -in addition to the tables of the law- was written on papyrus scrolls. Regarding the language in which it was drafted, Pr. Abdulahad Dawud stressed that the Hebrew version of the first words of the Bible are like the Arab North Arabian Peninsula, to the point that an Arab in this region may include what is said paying good ear. In fact, Moses lived many years in Midian, where he even had to also learn ancient Arabic, Aramaic also nearby.

You have to imagine that if Abraham really existed and was talking to the wife of Ishmael it had to be understood, because at the time the Syriac, Aramaic etc. probably resembled very strong. The woman also learned Akkadian by Ishmael. Arabic was even at the time of Aramaic as the language of Jesus. It is very likely that Moses really existed and has chaired the flight of his people from Egypt, probably Joseph and his father Israel, whose name is found on a stele as the name of his people (his descendants) existed. For Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, it is more difficult and delicate to say they really existed historically. The Torah had, it seems, probably be written originally in ancient Hebrew. And the Hebrew is derived from the Phoenician, possibly from when Jacob lived in Palestine with the Canaanites.

Some assume that the Torah has been revealed originally in Coptic, it is possible, but unlikely as written in Hebrew from the time of Moses in Egypt show that the Jewish property already existed at the time. We will deal later with the question of the language had to be written the leaves of Abraham, and see if it is possible writings as far back as the Israelite genealogists date their patriarch, or placing writing of certain oral teachings by Jews.

D-42. 171/160 VII The staff of Moses it was comparable to an Egyptian scepter Ouas?
"We divided -the children of Israel-twelve tribes. We revealed to Musa when his people asked him for water: "Strike the rock with your staff! ' ; and here there gushed forth twelve springs. "

There was at that time a kind of scepter called Ouas, having at its upper end a bird and bottom ends meet a fork. The scepter Ouas (= power) attracted, according to Egyptian beliefs of the time, strength during the journey full of trials after death. It also gave to the living, the power to perform magic and superhuman actions. We may think that Moses had also opened the sea with one of those famous Sceptres Ouas. Anyway, Moses would have a stick that would leave them powerless Pharaoh's magicians. Moreover Pharaoh accused Moses would have learned magic magicians and be a seasoned magician (Cor. VII) he faced when they turned their rods into snakes.

Moses tells opened the Koran, as in the Bible, twelve springs with a stick like this. It is also with this stick that opened the sea to go on the flight, and this stick that will look like a snake crawling in the confrontation with Pharaoh's magicians. As magic was powerful in his time, Moses could have Deiser perform miracles above them. Moses picks up his stick, according to the Koran, on the orders of God in Tuva, and we do not know what was the aspect of his stick. The Bible makes this revelation to Moses at Sinai, under Egyptian control at that time. Why Moses had fled Egypt to Midian would venture into Egyptian territory to Sinai with his family, since the region is Egyptian and he fled Egypt?

D-43. 175 / 189-190 VII Adam and Ave would he associated their first child to God?
"It is He who voufont color = westerns created a unique being that he shot his wife, that he finds peace with her; and when it had cohabited with her, she conceived a light burden, with which she moved easily. Then when it became heavy, they both pray to their Lord: 'If You give us a healthy child, we will certainly be among the grateful.' ' Then when she had given him a healthy child, they ascribe to God a partner in what He had given them! Now, God is well above what is with Him. "

The Qur'an mentions in this passage the birth of a child who has been deified by his parents. According to a hadith weak, Satan influences Ave to name his son Worshipper Harris -Tirmizhî 3272. The hadith reaches us so low as Qurtubi said. In fact this passage perhaps corroborates the idea that Adam was in the original spirit of Muhammad, preceded by humans that could possibly marry between father and daughter -what we can understand in this . Passage-, and be born to parents Adam would have repented of his sin in Heaven and according to reliable hadiths he will go to Paradise -el-Bukhârî-; In Muslim beliefs, Noah has also not associated with God's divinity. Who is this common ancestor imagined in this passage that would have teamed up to God a Harris? Direct reading of this passage can be argued that it would be Adam who was deified by even older parents, just as Jesus was deified by the Nazarenes; (Cor p.57 / 59 III.): "For God, Jesus' example is like the example of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him: 'Be!' and he was. The truth is from your Lord, so be not of those who doubt. ".

-a Talisman Venus discovery Berekhat Ram- from before modern man reflects a form of association with the Divine before homo sapiens. The Koran mentions, let us remember, that beings have shed blood on Earth before that Adam will be appointed as Chief (II Cor. 30). Other passages make us to think so. Here's an example: (Cor p.578 / 36-9 LXXV.): "The man he think we will leave no obligation to observe? Was it not (one) drop of ejaculated semen? And then (a) adhesion; then God created and formed harmoniously; then shall then the two couples, the male and the female. ". The direct reading of this passage also without distortion suggests our creating an individual born seed including a male and a female were created.

This passage is somewhat obscure and our approach is only a hypothesis seeking a coherent explanation.

D-44. 184/54 VIII The armed group of Pharaoh and part of his children whom he was so proud could perish in the floods; some who were unharmed in the back.
"It was the same for the people of Pharaoh and those before them belied the signs of their Lord. We destroyed them for their sins. And We have overwhelmed the people of Pharaoh. For they were all unjust! "

This verse refers to the group that was with Pharaoh at the output to the children of Israel. It is established that the son of Ramses II also came out with their father on expeditions. According to the Qur'anic version of some of these which are not out in the shipping or were further back would have survived, however; see the verse (X Cor. 90-92). Ramses II would have had more than a hundred children, most of his son some 50 -évoqués some égyptologues- went out with him during his military expeditions. Some Egyptologists were to believe that Ramses II son could have 111 and 59 girls. After the children of Rameses by his sisters and daughters have died, the Empire remained in the hands of foreign son, not being of royal bloodline, Rameses or her children by blood who are not their lineage considered divine. His successor, Merneptah was indeed his son Isisnéfret. Egypt lost its territories in Asia and even Egypt was invaded over the decades, less than half a century later when the son of Israel began to slowly take root in Palestine.

Talking about the extermination of the group surrounding Pharaoh against Moses in the Qur'an falls like an irony to the Egyptian claims. We read earlier that peoples Merneptah claimed to have exterminated. In Stories of Ramses II -for example the battle of Qadesh- too, we read that Pharaoh exterminated enemies and none has not escaped: "I have conquered every country so that I was alone, while my foot and my tanks had abandoned me. Not one of them turned around, I swear also true that Ra loves me and my father Atum favors me, all my majesty said it, I did it in truth, in the presence of my infantry my tanks. ". (Ramses II. Ed Rock). And his son Merneptah, "Chiefs fall saying Peace, not one raises his head among the new arcs. Yenoam becomes as if it had never existed. Israel is destroyed, his seed is no more. Syria became a widow for Egypt. Palestine is defeated. "(Pierre Gazio, pg.76 Small Dictionary of the Pharaohs Ed. Zulma, storm Grain). This style of exaggeration are also in Arabic literature and is named moubâlagha. Identical stories may appear in the Bible (Joshua 10: 1-43). The style of the Quran can therefore objectively reflect a strong archaic Jewish version.

Similarly, all the pharaohs who were hidden in the Valley of Kings, as a whole, were eventually overwhelmed and drowned by millions of tons of water during a flood. The bodies were damaged tombs and writings heavily studied erased -the verse he speaks so this flood there? Highly unlikely, because even if the information circulating such information could not contain himself centuries faithfully. The priests of Amun in evacuated elsewhere thereafter. It is probably unusual for son of Ramses II have been found in the same burial cave (No. 7). The Koran claims that they were followed by a curse on Earth; (. Cor p.390 / 42 XXVIII): "We made ​​them follow in this life here on earth with a curse. And on the Day of Resurrection they will be among the despised. ".

The idea of open water and dry start to appear in the ancient Egyptian writings. Thus, in the Westcar Papyrus, we read that the Djadjaemânkh magician says a few magic words and deposit half of the lake on which he walks the king and twenty young and pretty ladies to find a jewel that girls lost in the water. The king gives him, impressed many present. In another story, another mage named Naneferkaptah takes a boat and began Coptos sea in search of a magic book written by the hand of Thoth. It manufactures clay rowers and rowing done. He throws sand in the water and a vacuum occurs allowing access to the famous book. According to Islamic beliefs, the powers of this kind should sometimes be obtained even really with unclean beings. Muhammad would apparently explained and the Antichrist will order the sky to rain, order the desert and grow all kinds of fruits that should follow. It should mêm`e a young man cut in two and run every part of her body at distances of a start arrow and tell him to come back and it should come together and continue to deny it saying that the Prophet 's had warned -el-Bukhari and Muslim. In Islam, miracles are not proof of prophecy but confirmation commandments of God in pious acts. Strangely this belief is very similar to that in Egypt at the time, and lends credibility to the biblical account.

D-45. 191/30 IX The old concept of god and son phallicism:
"The Jews say: - 'Hosea is the son of God', and the Christians say: - 'The Messiah is the son of god.' ; This is their word that comes from their mouths. They imitate the sayings of the disbelievers before them. May God curse be on them! As they deviate from the truth. "

According to specialized historians of Eastern culture, it has existed in a group of Jews from the Arabian Peninsula a local belief in the divinity of Hosea similar to that of Christians towards Jesus, also resurrected as Hosea (II Cor. 259) .

The idea of God's children is rejected in the Qur'an. But this is in many books in the Bible. In fact, you should know that in this ancient religion practiced the Hebrew and Arab peoples sémites- -as is known among anthropologists as the phallicism: the worship of the Phallus, as worship of procreative power. The Arabs believed that the angels were the daughters of God when the Quran came the ban them in the same way: (Cor. IV: 117) (Cor VI. 100), (XVI Cor. 57-62) ( XVII Cor. 40), (XXXIV Cor. 40), (Cor XXXVII. 149 etc.), (Cor. XLIII: 16) (LII Cor. 39) and (LIII Cor. 21). God criticism in many verses that the Arabs choose to have son for themselves and bury the girls while they attribute to God these girls. The Koran abolishes the burial of girls practiced at the time: (XVI Cor. 57-61) (LXXXI Cor. 8-10). The Israelites, too, as Semitic people have traces of phallicism in their beliefs, as well as Arabs and the ancient Egyptians as stated in this passage one.

The imitation of the idea of ​​God's children by elders discussed here is founded by archeology. The Egyptians also had beliefs of this nature, and represented Amon with a long rod. He is believed to have created the world while masturbating. They too believed in the idea of ​​God's children, as well as the Ancient Greeks. It was built in the Bible to the time of Jesus. The Essenes themselves were saying son of Light to avoid this type of polytheistic formulation.

The ancient Hebrew was apparently possible to use these terms symbolically, the idea of Abba or Father is used in the Bible very early, at least in the form of existing damaged manuscripts. A passage from Deuteronomy makes a strange use; (Deuteronomy, 32: 3-6): "For I will claim the name Yahu. Ascribe greatness to our God. The rock ! Perfect is his action. For all his ways his justice. God's faithfulness in whom there is no injustice. It is fair and right. As for them they acted disastrously! They are not his children is their tare. Generation perverse and crooked! Is it to Yahu you continue to do so. O! Foolish people and unwise. Is he not your father who gave you procreated? He who made ​​you and gave you your stability. ".

D-46. 210/19 X The community of homo sapiens Middle Paleolithic or more:
"People originally formed a single community. Then they differed. And if it was a prior decision of your Lord, who opposed the disputes were settled. "

Paleontologists and geneticists generally agree on the single genetic model for several years in the early twenty-first century. Early modern humans -Homo sapiens- sapiens were neighbors and were on the side of the Red Sea, Palestine, Yemen and Africa. Neanderthal human DNA studies have shown that it is a distinct lineage of ours. In 1997, Svante Pääblo and Matthia Kringsa extracted humerus of the mitochondrial DNA of a Neanderthal and compared it with the DNA of 2051 people across five continents. This was repeated starting from the DNA of a Neanderthal child and the result then argues that it is a different species who was not reproduced with the Homo sapiens of his time. This does not preclude that it was a hominid with the sacred beliefs and so on. While all modern humans come from a small group of men who lived about 100,000 years, including a man and a woman are the universal spawners each existing humans, which they would have given their genes. We gave more details about it in other places. It has the humans coexist together this original couple, which gave other genes to humans.

D-47. XA 214/47 every nation a messenger:
"To every nation a messenger. And when their messenger came to them, everything is decided between them with justice, and they were not harmed. "

This verse implies that all peoples have received the messengers, and removes the idea of a God of Israel who forgets other people at risk to lead them all in Hell. The testimony of a famous Indian chief of America, about the mysteries of the sacred pipe, he finally revealed to the white men fear that this knowledge hitherto kept secret is lost forever, is a form of monotheism. Smoking the sacred pipe they venerated Wakan Tanka above the firmament that was his 12th floor and had everything given to men. And the smoke rising toward him outweighed their prayers and merchants beings with two legs and four legs, and the winged creatures of heaven, symbolically represented by the feathers placed on the pipe of peace, all involved with one voice to this prayer. The Indians believed in life after death in gardens where they would find their ancestors. We can cite here an invocation of the Prophet reported that it implores God, saying, "For Your Names that You have revealed to us, those whom You have revealed that some of Your chosen ones and you hide in You . ". The Quran cites a hundred names for the Divine. God is the primary name and mean perhaps "The God", this is in any case a proper name.

D-48. 217/73 X People are saved with Noah and his family: the deluge would concern according to the account of the Koran as the disbelievers of the People of Noah.
"They rejected him. We saved him and those who were with him in the ark, and We made them successors on Earth. We drowned those who rejected Our treated. "

The Koranic version of the great flood of biblical diverges release. Depending on the version of the legendary flood, there was particular in the Ark of people outside of the family of Noah unlike the biblical account: (see: Genesis 6: 18). The waters have not reached all the mountains and were referred to as "miscreants" among the people of Noah. Waves like mountains ka'l Jibal, that is to say evoking mountains are portrayed, but no idea of planetary destruction.

The story of the Flood in the Koranic version if it is not defensible as a solid historical event, contains no improbability or anachronism prohibiting such a possibility that a major disaster dating back perhaps as far away as Paleolithic has nevertheless been able to remain very strong in the memories of many civilization, with many exaggerations.

Geneticists believe -d'après an extensive study of the Y sex chromosome that all modern humans are descended from a common ancestor that has until now dominated genetically. Geneticists are agreements that humanity has indeed had some sort of population genetics tightening in this period dating back to 140,000 years. The fact that men participated in all genetically modern humans, says the Quran that talks about what the descendants of Noah would have remained until this day; (Cor. 77-8,95-6 XXXVII).

Since mitochondrial DNA does not undergo genetic mixing Rebecca Cann defended the existence of a genetic Ave has probably existed before 60000-100000 years. This means that the female origin of time the first male spawners is itself fused to the point that only the genomes of lines later women from several ten thousand years withstood the vicissitudes of human history. That said, the study of the Y chromosome passed from father to son shows a multiple source, in fact the Y chromosome undergoes mixing with the remaining DNA and is sometimes transmitted by the girl or in duplicate. Data on "genetic Adam" tighten still a common Y chromosome which is common to all current humans.

D-49. 218 / X 83.88 Only a small group believes Moses - The constructions of Ramses II and their political role.
"No one believed in Moses except a group of young people from his people, for fear of reprisals from Pharaoh and their leaders. Verily, Pharaoh was great on earth and he was of the extravagant. ";" And Moses said, 'O our Lord, You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the present life, and now, O our Lord, they mislead people from Your path. O our Lord, clears their riches and harden their hearts until they see the painful punishment. "

According to the Qur'an, the Israelite who lent credence to Moses were very few, including when they left for the desert: (XXVI Cor. 53-60). This largely explains the writing of the stele found in the tomb of Merneptah which says that the Israelites were wiped out to the last, after the death of Ramses II. Would it be so that the Israelites would have remained in Egypt and perhaps there are those who returned from the desert, they ate more sulking as in Egypt as proposed by the Koran?

Egyptologists agree that the monuments of the Pharaohs existed and were even supposed to actually get to the Pharaohs spiritual and temporal power, so they are better obeyed, as suggested in the passage from the Koran. The splendor of the pharaohs is now known through archaeological excavations. The Qur'an describes the same situation in the region inhabited by Israelites, speaking of wells and pastures: "So We made ​​them out of gardens and springs, treasures and a pleasant place to stay. ". Some Canaan regions were quite green, but actually their livelihood depended on springs and rain, according to archaeological research at that time.

Another interesting point in this passage is the clear choice of the word of Moses: "erases their property". In fact, erase is a term that in the spirit of the time has a very large weight. We have said elsewhere that the Egyptian erased even the names of the criminals in order to make their later life impossible. Moreover the term "erase" appears in the Bible as well, with the same connotation. Many of the details mentioned in this chapter in our study of the Koran are worth quite to the Bible. But the greater part is absolutely not for the latter. The life of Moses, eg the events around which was organized the escape from Egypt, are the poorest in the Bible: Moses will request permission from Pharaoh out of Egypt for the Egyptian Palestine. They are slaves (?) In Egypt. All the Israelites and their livestock flee, while Merneptah executed many of the son of Israel in Egypt. Note that the life of Moses is described only in the books of the Pentateuch and that no significant additional element of the life of Moses -ni of Abraham - not found in the rest of the Bible. Check it is easy now, just do a search on the name of Moses in the digitized and computerized form of the Bible. There are more many details in the Bible that do not match the archaeological discoveries in this area, including some part is different in the Koran.

Some examples of differences of the Quran over the Bible, Pharaoh was worshiped as god himself had of God, a gold bracelet in a male was a sign of religious power, he believed the messengers of the gods, he feared that expel foreigners to their new land, a dead evidenced when struck with a piece of an ox; garlic - onion - lentils - -that the cucumbers Pharaoh was supposed to grow from the earth are claimed to Moses by his god who brought them out to DESERT-, Samiri said Hathor may see that others see not as a privileged elect of this deity still a belief at the time. Pharaoh was drafted water and his body is preserved by his successors etc. But rather continue our study. We clearly see as the descriptions of the Qur'an, far from presenting blatant inconsistencies in separating from the Biblical version are consistent with scientific knowledge about Ancient Egypt just before the establishment in Palestine of Jewish post - 1200.

Where the Israelites would he fled Egypt? For the North, past the Egyptian forces that are placed in fortresses extending Delta in Gaza? The desert or the South? A large group of children women and men would be unable to get out alive. But not if it is a small group of people led by Moses and Aaron, as submitted by the Koran as we étduié.

D-50. 219 / 90-2 X Pharaoh's soldiers (he divided them into different troops, each bearing the name of deity) - The body of Ramses II comes to his successors, he was found in the Valley of the Kings in the No. 7 falls.
"We opened the sea And the children of Israel. Pharaoh and his hosts followed them fiercely and enmity. Then, when drowning overtook him, he said: 'I believe that there is no deity except that in whom the Children of Israel believed. And I am of the Muslims. ' Now ? While you disobeyed and were of the corrupters? We'll spare you today in your body, that thou mayest be a sign to those after (those behind you). However many people are heedless of Our signs. "

Mummy of Ramses II

Above the mummified body of Ramses II. The Pharaoh of the Exodus who persecuted Moses and the faithful.

One of the features that the pharaoh chose as Horus protocol and the names of the two goddesses, announced his desire to military conquests. Ramses II was the first pharaoh to have established professional soldiers in Egypt and is known for his battle against the Hittites at Kadesh. The Qur'an mentions on several occasions the end of this army which was the pride of Pharaoh.

None of the bodies of the pharaohs of the time before the implementation of a group of Jews who survived the massacre of Merneptah in Canaan lacks done. Neither Ramses II or Merneptah. Ie or even Seti, who had disappeared, but was found in a museum in the United States with pomp and repatriated to Egypt. The body of each of these Pharaohs well actually been found mummified in the Valley of the Kings.

This passage from the Koran mentions like the son of Pharaoh that succeed it would have recovered water. However, the verse does not say if the pharaoh was dead or not when it was found; we read well Nunajjîka bibadanika, which means "We deliver you with your body" which suggests that the body of the pharaoh was rescued alive or dead. Pharaoh. According to expert studies on the body of Ramses II, we found on the mummy traces of arteriosclerosis, spondylosis and traces of different types of cryptogams (fungi), however, will Ramses II died apparently not directly, but after a long agony. He was suffering from osteitis Advanced -according to the radiological study of its mâchoire- which will greatly weakens when he lay dying at length on the deathbed. The preservation of the body was very difficult for these reasons. The presence of cryptogams on the body of Ramses II could lead to think that it could be fished waters, because fungi love moisture. But it is not the only pharaoh whose fungi took possession of the body. The Koran says nothing about the fact that after the alleged drowning Pharaoh would still conscious or not. However, it is possible that remained in a coma until his death in -1212. According to Egyptologists, Merneptah reign together with him for a long time before the end of the declaration of the reign of his father. The Koran does not speculate either to design if it is released behind the children of Israel being sick or just before. Could he have died after being reported in the royal palace, following written in Hebrew evokes the agonizing death of Ramses II in a dark tone and saddened mentioned by some specialists. Remembering that all the Israelites did not go with Moses (Cor p.369 / 42-8,53-60 XXVI.) & (Cor p.218 / 83 X.): "No one believed in Moses except some young men of his people, for fear of reprisals from Pharaoh and their leaders. Verily, Pharaoh was great on earth and he was of the extravagant. ". And a group complaining of not eating even went up according to the Koran in Egypt; (Cor p.9 / 61 II.): "And remember when you said to Moses: 'We can not tolerate a single food. So pray to your Lord so that we make out of what the earth grows, its vegetables, its cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils and its onions! ' - He answered you: 'Do you change the better for the worse? Go down to Egypt; there is there what you ask. ' The humiliation and misery befell them; and they incurred the Wrath of God. This because they went on rejecting God's revelations, and killed the Nabis without rights. ".

The writing in Hebrew describing the agony of Ramses II therefore shows that the Israelites were still in Egypt until the death of Ramses II. While the stele dating from the middle of the reign of Merneptah -the son of Ramses II, who had to plan funérailles- mentions that the son of Israel were exterminated to the last. It demonstrates that we must accept that the Qur'anic version of the trailing only a small group of Israelites seem as permitted verifiable modern discoveries (Cor. P.369 / 42-8,53-60 XXVI). Likewise, it requires the exodus before the reign of Merneptah. Otherwise it would no longer exist any Israelite after the sixth year of the reign of Merneptah, or we begin to find traces on the borders of Canaan to later periods to the stele of Merneptah mentioning the massacre.

Moreover, Ramses II was already quite low towards the end of his life, and assailed Egypt enemies on all fronts, while it is Merneptah who undertook to repel, since his father being less powerful than of yesteryear. We can imagine the confusion of Merneptah in sharing power with his sick father, leaving him out with a foot in pursuit of the small group of Moses, as we would please the whims of a child. Our Merneptah was perhaps expedition on another front at this time présie? The twelve other heirs son of royalty supposed to inherit the throne had died before their father, as the two main wives, Isisnéfret and Nefertari. However some of his son that he had in his harem theoretically have been involved in hunting the small group that fled Egypt in the company of Moses in the Koran release. It is conceivable that this is because the people who would be with Moses would form a small group that does not Merneptah should participate in the expedition, he then had himself 60 years and may also he was sick during the shipping; where was he on another front. We could almost think that even when Ramses II sends people to gather an infantry behind the Israelites fled, he must convince as is Merneptah who organized expeditions for ten years: (Cor p.369 /. 53-66 XXVI).

We have already established the parallel between Moses' staff that would rammassé in Tuva at Ouas Egyptian scepter.

Our opinion is that Ramses II could be in a vegetative state, mentally dead, but physically alive if the story of the exodus of part of Jewish reliable. Doctors consider a clinically dead person whose brain stem is dead. If the brain is inactive and active brain stem, the person is dead reality. Ramses II had to lose much of his brain in the drowning but its biological functions could persist for some time. But nothing can definitively rule on the reality of the exodus in the Koranic release.

D-51. 226 / 44- XI Where is al-Judi?
"And it was said: '' O Earth, absorbs your water, and you, sky, constantly rain down. The water abated, the order was executed, and the ark rested on the Judi, and it was said: 'Away with the unjust people.' ' "

It is possible that the Judi mentioned here, is to identify the region of the Judean Hills. The area was still under Roman occupation time of revelation, so that the word Jew, from the name of the Jaffa region is said in Arabic Jifa. The name of Jesus is the romanization of the name Yeshua. Youssaf gave Joseph etc. Similarly, the Roman Judea - yûdiyya- (yahudiyya in Hebrew) may have been mentioned in the Qur'an Jûdîyya. The Judean Hills also better correspond to the historical credibility that the thesis of Mount Ararat located in Turkey. Hebrew could have a look sacral region in Palestine.

The discovery of many of the most ancient human burials are located in Palestine, in this region, and joined this strange idea. The oldest graves updates are at Kebara at Qafzeh and Skhull and date from 100,000 years. Autr comic point how Noah could have loaded all kinds of species such as elephants, crocodiles etcetera and makes mountaineering to descend from the heights of a mountain peak at 4,300 meters as the peaks of Ararat Turkey? The Judi may well indicate Judea, but in an Arabized form since the Latin preserved orally by some scholars Jews of Medina. For some Jews, Noah could he land in Judea, on the low hills of the Judean Hills, holy ground? The survivors will then have it extend from the region, as evidenced by the current data? On the inhabitants of the Ark we have discussed elsewhere as an approach to the semantics of possible time.

D-52. 227 / 48-9 XI Communities in the Ark of Noah, who survived the great flood:
"It was said: 'O Noah, descend with Security and Our Blessing on you and on -issues communities - those who are with you. Among his community there will be that We will pay for enjoyment; then a painful punishment from Us the touch. Here are some news from the unseen which We reveal. You did not know them, nor your people before that. "

We have already said above, the Koranic version of the flood diverges from the biblical account. There would be in the Ark of people outside of the family of Noah, the waters would not have covered all the mountains, and will be referred as the worshipers of rocks of the people of Noah and not animals. As mentioned above, Fulvio Cruciani has demonstrated that our genetically pls recent common male ancestor lived there would be 142,000 years in the past; his descendants would have dominated the other lines until today. Compare with: (Cor. 77-8, 95-6 XXXVII / p. 449). The Qur'an supports the idea that Noah and his children were the only survivors, this is consistent as genetics. Noah can it be identified with the common genetic ancestor of all current men and women by its genes from male and female lines? And other men and women would they contributed as suggested by this passage from the book?

D-53. 228/58 XI An Ad Group is saved with Hud:
"And when Our command came, We saved a mercy from Us, Hud and those who believed. And We épargnâmes a terrible punishment. "
There existed several 'Ad, including those who have been saved with a prophet named Hud. It would also have existed before and after Hud (XV Cor. 80-82), (Cor XXVI. 123), (XLVI Cor. 21), (LIII Cor. 50). According to the Qur'an, the Aad disappeared before Thamud (VII Cor. 74). They would have lived in southern Yemen to Jordan and he seems to Irem (LXXXIX Cor. 6-8). Irem that the father of Ramses II, Seti I knew for having made a peaceful campaign -in the year VIII of its règne- to control water points. The country was at Irem and there Nubia, west of Dongola -Bernadette Menu: Ramses II, Sovereign of sovereigns, Discovery Gallimard No. 344, p.42 (2000).
The tombs of the Kings Valée are deposited in the cliffs that Egyptian perhaps digging in the manner of Thamûds (-1580 to -1085; from the XVIII e to the XX th Dynasty). In addition, Ramses II built the fabulous temple of Abu Simbel and the Hathor for his wife; in the cliffs, perhaps imitating what did the former Ad: (LIII Cor. 50)? Or the Aad imitated the idea of the Egyptian -Vallée Rois- to their homes in the cliffs? The existence of the ad is a mystery to archeology, Thamuds are mentioned in some writings in neighboring peoples. Petra is a special case difficult to date. Where have several tribes that have changed the site and architecture that became heterogeneous? We know Petra since the time of the Edomites, identified Bedouin Shasous mentioned among Egyptian from - 1500, implanted there seems to Petra from the first millennium BCE, the Nabateans succeeded to VII centuries before Christian era, and then the Romans. The Edomites are said to live in the cracks of rocks in the Bible. Only 1% of the city has been studied by archaeologists as being on the surface, much remains to study further at the beginning of the third millennium. We know well the neighboring city named Palmyra, or Tadmor "the City of palms" she dated the III th millennium BC. The Nabataeans in Petra have placed the tombs of the pharaohs to the way in the valley of kings. The tombs which are dated to the first century were placed in monuments. Some of the buildings in which there are graves have locks inside systems, strange for graves? Thus, Petra is considered much more recent as it could be historically. Dating cites have undergone transformations is a daunting task in archeology. Dating a monument is the study of how it worked and its type of architecture. Dating field does nothing to date the buildings, here the houses carved into the cliffs. Sometimes utensils found in these regions during the excavations can be dated periods when this area was inhabited by men. But the traces are often looted and used by people who repopulated the area. It was unlikely that such monuments were abandoned without one reinstalls them successively. Finally the city of Ubar
discovery under meters of sand in the end of last century (XX e S) and named Atlantis Sables by an amateur archaeologist named Nicolas Clapp, definitely confirmed the credibility of the existence of these tribes of Aad and Thamud. And then
there are still Hegra named yet, Salih Madâin by archaeologists making the connection with the writings of the Koran. Hegra constructs are already more sober than those of Petra, as it may have suffered fewer changes being situated so far from the Roman world. Irem, Palmyra, Ubar and Hegra are among the many cities that could go up to the people of Aad and Thamud. Saudi has never been studied on a large scale by archaeologists and these findings are perhaps only an emerging part of the iceberg.

D-54. 231 / 84-5 XI balance and Chu'ayb:
"And to Madyan We sent their brother Chu'ayb, He said: 'O my people! Worship God; you have no god besides Him. And give not short measure and weight. "

As already mentioned, we found wooden scales dating from the time of Moses likely including Egypt. It was wrong of course. Furthermore, the concern of the fair weighing is frequently mentioned in the writings of Egyptian neighbors at that time.

D-55. Ramses XI 232/97 does not guide people well:
". But they followed the command of Pharaoh and the command of Pharaoh was not fair nor intended. "

Ramses II had vowed during his ascension to power to do this and was awarded among others the title of Ousermâatrê at ma'at service, cosmic balance and ethics. One of the big worries of Egypt was to recognize the rights of the rich and the poor without committing injustice. Ramses II had violated vandalizing monuments on its behalf. This accusation Pharaoh not guide the well can it be a distant echo of a real historical criticism?

We read much just the opposite in Egyptian writings: "Effective Ramses II are the plans, orders are perfect and his word is always the best" (according to the Scribe Pentaour). See verse (Cor 470 / 27.29. XL): ". Pharaoh said: 'I will tell you that what I consider good. I will guide you to the well. ".

D-56. 234/110 XI differences over biblical scriptures:
"And We gave Moses the Book. There were disagreements about her. If there was no prior decree from your Lord, it would have been decided before them. And they remain about her in grave doubt. "

The comparative study of biblical texts reveals indeed internal contradictions of the Bible and several different current texts (Yahwist, Elohist and Priestly) and the choice of guns according sects and contradictions of a Bible in other. Again, Muhammad could not invent this, it was necessary that the scholars of his time to make display at certain occasions? Also in Jeremiah in the Bible; (Jeremiah 8: 8): "How can you say, we are wise and the Torah of God is with us? While the chisel lying scribes has made ​​it a lie? ".

It is possible that the Koran mentions here the Ark of the Covenant that Moses's writings will find that could decide between the people of ancient scriptures.

In The Bible unveiled 'Finkelstein writes that the current version of the Bible was written precisely to the time of Jeremiah and was still working in his time scribes, as a political tool of Judea against the kingdom of Israel .

D-57. 238/30 XII Nobles and Joseph in Egypt:
"And in the city, the women said: 'The wife of the Noble trying to seduce her servant. He really went crazy with love! "

There was, it is an established fact at the time, in Egypt, very important people outside the royal family, like the scribes, priests and great architects. This story about women who are hurt by seeing Joseph is not in the Bible. However, there is an inconsistency in the text of Genesis (Genesis 14). The master's wife would say: "Look! He brought us a man, a Hebrew, to make us a laughing stock. He came to me to lie with me. "; Yet some of the Hyksos kings have names evoking names in Hebrew and the Hebrew word is completely absent in archeology. This denigration is impossible and should be a much later interpretation of the event if it really took place historically. The Koran does not speak of Pharaoh but a King, or if the biblical chronology is followed, it is necessary that the event coincides with the second Hyksos King, who has not yet under Pharaoh.

D-58. 240/43 XII September cows and drought rooted in Egyptian culture:
"And the king said, 'Really! I saw seven fat cows eaten by seven lean ones; and seven green ears and many other dry. O council of notables, give me an explanation of my vision, if ye can interpret dreams. "

The seven thin cows and seven fat cows is a myth that existed at the time of Djoser (v. - 2737 to -2 717) and continued to exist until the likely time of Moses. This myth was before Jacob, if he really existed, and had included the pace of the Nile floods: seven years of floods and droughts seven years. Cows are represented in Egyptian frescoes and seven fat and seven lean; because the period of flooding and drought cycles was Seven, but at the time the Hyksos were just beginning to reign in Egypt (- 1730 to -1580). Jacob actually have happened in Egypt after Joseph Hyksos, and reign in Egypt perhaps between -1700 and -1622 under the title of Yaqoub Har. It is acceptable that Jacob has lived nearly 120 years, this is not so rare in reality. Written in proto-Sinaitic in a language related to Hebrew and Canaan were found in Egypt, which suggest that the people of Israel destroyed by Merneptah has actually been able to work in quarries after Jacob. (241 / 46-9 XII ibid.)

D-59. 242 / 58-63 XII The peoples of neighboring countries came to Egypt to refuel, not just Joseph's brothers. It would not have accused of espionage more than any other people.

"And Joseph's brothers came and went with him. He recognized them, but they did not recognize him. And when he provided them with their provision, he said: 'Bring me a (another) brother of yours from your father. Do not you see that I give full measure and that I am the best of hosts? And if you do not take him there will me more for you to provision and you will approach me. ' They said: 'We will try to persuade his father. Of course we will. ' And he said to his servants, 'Put their merchandise in their saddlebags perhaps they recognize when they return to their families and they will come back.' "

In the biblical account, Joseph accuses his brothers of spying. While elsewhere in the Bible we read (Genesis 57): "In addition, of all the earth they came to Egypt to buy from Joseph. ". Joseph he therefore took advantage of this in Canaan there is also hunger to force his brothers return with Benjamin, he multiplied the artifices asking them to return more to receive benefit provisions and gives them back their goods to encourage them? We read in the version of the Qur'an: '' Put their merchandise in their saddlebags perhaps they recognize when they return to their families and they will come back. ' ". For the type of goods that have been made ​​are not gold coins, but the types of spices, and other in line with historical reality. Perhaps explained by the state of affairs in the clean environment of Muhammad? According to Finkelstein, there was no reason at the time of the Hyksos to accuse a person of espionage at that time.

D-60. 243/67 9 XII doors Misr at the time of Jacob:
"And it -Jacob- said, 'O my son did not enter by one gate, but rather enter through separate doors.' "

As Joseph had asked his son to come more, a fear that had seized Jacob would have recommended them to enter through separate doors. There were actually up 9 gates to the city of Misr on the date given by the Bible. It is therefore quite likely that the son of Jacob be thus separated to go Misr. Egypt was protected by nine gates symbolized by new arcs on which royal power was built. We can therefore anticipate there domination in Egypt interpreting Joseph's dream about the stars, moon and stars bowed down. The sun is the same in dreams, also a King according ibn Sirin (H. 34-110). We will return to this particular version of the Koran.

D-60. 244/74 XII The question of transpor t of wheat to the Time of Jacob:

"They (the servants of Joseph) said: 'We seek the great King Cup. Charging a workhorse who will bring it and I am responsible. "

The Qur'an mentions indeed no wheat in this context, contrary to the Bible. But wheat will be introduced to Egypt than to the lives BCE.

D-61. 244/78 XII becoming a noble Joseph in Egypt:
"They said, O noble, it has a very old father; so take one of us in his place. "

This would be an important first rank in Egypt for son Jacob. The rhythm of floods and flooding was Seven, but the king Hyksos (hékha Khawset, foreign princes in ancient Egyptian) perhaps unaware as he was not a pharaoh. By interpreting the dream as usual, Joseph was he appreciated the Hyksos king who gave him great power over all Egypt?

D-62. 247 / 100-1 XII he becomes King and Jacob has he of kingship in Egypt?
"And he raised his parents upon the throne and they fell prostrate before him. And he said: 'O my father! This is the interpretation of my dream of old. God has indeed achieved. ";" O my Lord! You have given me the kingdom and taught me the interpretation of dreams. "

According to the interpretation of dreams, the sun must be interpreted in the culture Semitic by royalty. The prostration of the sun is perhaps a sign of what Jacob would become King and bow down before Joseph and his -lune- mom and his brothers, the stars; read (Genesis 22: 17). Moreover, a similar passage appears in the biblical version, but the ascent to the throne there is a climb on a throne other than royalty. In the Koran, it seems clear that it is the throne of the kingship. And history as well as the rest of the Koran should attest he seems. According to the Bible, Jacob settles on a throne and then "Pharaoh" (we are perhaps in the reign of the first Hyksos kings who have not yet adopted the title of their newly evicted enemies) dies and another "pharaoh" replaces. The Qur'an says elsewhere, more specifically, that God would have granted the kingship of Israel son; (. Cor p.111 / 20 V): "Remember when Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Remember the blessing of God upon you when he appointed prophets among you. And He made ​​you kings. And He gave you what He had not given to any other among the. ". The title of Har Ya'qub was found among the writings of this particular period, still an interesting coincidence. Clearly, Jacob may have existed historically and become king in Egypt between -1700 and -1622 in the XV th dynasty as King Hyksos. (see about Har Ya'qub, Jean-Michel Thibaux, to understand Ancient Egypt, ed. 1997. Pocket No. 10188). Jacob could probably have been already aged about fifty years old when he arrived in Egypt after his twelve son. There would have reigned 68 years and had to die at a great age, but not unique to him nearly 128 years. One approach compared to the version of the Qur'an and modern archeology.

D-63. 255/5 XIV Moses out of the darkness into the light (Book of the Dead).
"We have certainly sent Moses with Our signs, 'Bring out your people from darkness to light!'. "

The Egyptians used these terms for passage through hell to paradise; the name of the Book of the Dead of Ani was called "Book out of darkness into the Light."

D-64. 258/19 XIV Evolution of species and place of man in cycles:
"Do not you see that God created the heavens and the earth with truth? If He please He will take you off and bring a new creation. "

Several times along the slow evolution, there were families and whole realms of animals that have been destroyed and replaced by others. Man is a simple element in all these cycles. This passage is one of those who seem to show an evolutionary design with Muhammad, similar to that of St. Augustine a century earlier. (See, Augustin and evolution, a study in the Saintos Genesi Ad Litteram and De Trinitate, Henry Woods, S. J University of Santa Clara (California).

D-65. 263/26 XV human myth made clay pottery as:
"We formed the man from sounding clay, of black mud extracted. "

The myth of the first couple made of clay by God is universal. We find from the Indians to China and even among the Sumerians. The Dogon of Mali also has an ancestral version of orally transmitted. The Qur'an maintains this biblical version, but seems to have a more rational version reviving Adam sent to Earth from human parents, see in the chapter on biologie- Adam was created under his celestial form in Paradise. It also reminds a bit some Gnostic beliefs about the descent of heavenly beings born on earth. In a hymn to Viraccocha, the Incas were saying "You who created man, saying: Be the woman saying, 'Be!" This is similar to other Qur'anic verses (III Cor. 59).

D-66. 266/82 XV Habitats cave in prehistory (see abu Simbel temple which is dated as the oldest). The father of Ramses II, Seti had gone on his conquests to Irem, the Koran designates as inhabited city of 'Ad who lived in the cave:
"Certainly the people of Hegra have belied the Messengers. We showed them our miracles but they were diverted. And they hewed houses in the mountains, and lived safely. "

The verse speaks of messengers. It would in the Qur'an existed several 'Ad and Thamud several, including those that would have been saved with the prophets Hud and Salih. The Koran does not formally enter if the first Aad - (Cor LIII. 56) - would have existed in the time of Hud, because the Qur'an mentions several messengers to Aad - (Cor XLVI. 21) - as it evokes here Several messengers to Thamud. They had settled in southern Yemen until Irem. 'font-Weight: normal'' Irem that the father of Ramses II, Seti I knew for having made ​​a peaceful campaign to control water points. The country of Irem was as already mentioned here and there in Nubia, west of Dongola, we have already cited references elsewhere.

Petra is a particluier case in archeology, and is a city where are many tribes that have changed the site and architecture, and for this reason, and also according to Biblical chronology, considered relatively quite recent. Note that if the façade columns and other decorations are typical of newer architectural models, traces of coarse taillades interior walls bear witness to a way of working less fine or coarser to dig these habitats. The Qur'an mentions just the fact of digging in the cliffs for shelter and not quoting the latest outdoor settings, regarding Ad and Thamud.


One of the monuments of Hegra (el - Hijr?) At the top, overlooking the city of 'Ubar down.

Another city that was Hegra these tribes, the presumed city of Salih who was found last century and as Petra was inhabited recently to the first century, the construction of Hegra are more sober while those of Petra and suffered less transformations. 'Ubar who has suffered much less subsequent influence is more sober and archaic.

D-67. 272 / 49.51 XVI Dualism Mazdean:
"God said, 'Do not take two gods. It is only One God. So do I fear that. "

This verse is not to fall into the bondage of Satan, who is described as the director of the idols he occupies with his troops to deceive people. Zoroastrians converted to Islam had to find later great interest when many were converted to the new religion. We have seen above certain similarities with the teachings of the Qur'an Zoroastrian beliefs, as Cinvat bridge, with a balance fair trial. Muhammad would in Muslim beliefs predicted in the Avesta. In the (Zendavesta, Yahcht 13, XXVIII, 129) we read that a destructive icons are calling "The heaped praise" and also "Soeshyant" "Mercy for All" (Avesta and Dasatir) is expected. The name Muhammad etymologically means "Worthy of Praise" and it is said in the Qur'an (Cor XXII. 107) 'to be sent as a mercy to the Worlds!' '. In Kalkni Purana (which is a warlike event, considered by the faithful as the latest incarnation of God) the father of a prophesied holy is his name as Vishnuyasa, "god slave," and his mother SOMTI, "worthy of confidence ". Now the names of the parents of Muhammad Abdullah (God's servant) and Amina (trustworthy). It should be born in a country of sands "Sambla Dib" and take refuge in the north of his native city (Medina is located north of Mecca where the Prophet took refuge). Even Buddha would have predicted Metteya or Maitreya (= Mercy, see verse quoted above) that was to finish his work. Some legitimacy to the religions in question when Islam was spreading, so to enjoy a status little is reasonable to assume that these texts have been adapted after Muhammad to establish People of the Book (ahl al kitab).

D-68. Lived 276/81 XVI of primitive man until the Bronze Age and the Iron Age:
"And what He Created, God has given you shadows. And He has given you shelter in the mountains. And He has given you garments to protect you from heat, and -cuirasses armures- and clothes that protect you from your own violence. "

This passage does he seem décrir cultural evolution of man through the ages since the occupation of the caves by early man, until the invention of clothes and manufacture of metal tools of war .

The use of clothes for the cold is well known in Europe where the climate is not so hot. However, in hot countries, the fact of dressing able to keep you from being burned. But during the Middle Paleolithic, cold prevailed in Europe while that below the tropics it was hot; now modern man would have appeared in these hot areas. Before leaving the shady habitats and to hunt in the heat. It seems that the clothes allowed our ancestors to protect themselves from the sun, before being used to protect us from the cold.

Metals have been more recently discovered, first copper and then bronze and wrought iron. What has fueled wars between men. The Qur'an mentions just iron.

D-69. 282/1 XVII God's blessing for the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings:
"Glory be to Him Who made His servant from the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem temple which We had blessed around, so show him some of Our signs. "

Elsewhere the Quran reminds Allah had promised Palestine to Abraham: (Cor p.166 / 137 VI.): "And the people who were oppressed, We did inherit the eastern and western regions of the earth which We have blessed (Palestine). And the beautiful word of thy Lord the children of Israel is doing to the price of their endurance. And We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people were and what they were building. ". Archaeological excavations have shown that agriculture and livestock existed before the arrival of the Israelites in the land "blessed" to the Jordanian border in ancient times. In fact, it is precisely the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia region in full; even the place of the invention of agriculture and livestock. Invented in the Near East in the Neolithic, about 10,000 years. The fact that the Bible mentions this region in this way is also consistent with historical reality. He had sagir a region hardly desired at the time allocated in the Bible to Abraham. However, archaeological discoveries testify that the alleged time of Solomon according to biblical chronology and the stele Tel Dan, Jerusalem was a small discreet village, far from the idyllic image that we are actually reading mythical stories about Solomon's reign.

D-70 282/7 XVII Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem:
".Then Came when the last word, it was for them to afflict your faces and enter the Temple as they entered it the first time, and they completely destroy what they have seized. "

This passage shows that the Temple of Jerusalem was no longer on foot already in the time of the revelation of the Qur'an. A palace was built by Solomon (Cor. P. 380/44 XXVII) and transformed into the Temple by Herod before his second destruction as specified in this verse. How it is surprising to read that in the Koran, given that the current Jews revere the wall built by Herod, believing them that they are the ruins of the palace of Solomon ". and enter the Temple as they entered it the first time, and they completely destroy what they have seized. "?

The children of Israel were able to deliver some battles against the Philistines and the Moabites to settle in the southern regions of Palestine. Israel Finkelstein has systematically analyzed the ancient dwellings sites in several parts of Palestine and found that the lack of pigs leftover starts from -1200. The nomadic Israelites were gradually settled in the area according to his archeological research. The historian Haim Hillel already proposed in the 1970s that if the Exodus narrative is based, it could be that of the Israelites (Hebrews) began to gradually settle in groups, because even then, the question of the warlike conquest of Palestine by the Israelites was questioned by modern archeology.

The Israelites were later allied with the Philistines to form their monarchy. David was beating them later by the war, after -1000, and they gradually assimilated to the Canaanites. The discovery of the Tel Dan Stele dated around the ninth or the thirteenth century BCE mentions a king of David's house, testifying reliably the existence of King David scientifically. Here is what the Koran says about this second alleged battle against the Philistines; (II Cor. 243-253): "Have you seen those who go forth from their homes by the thousands for fear of dying? Then God say to them: Die! Then He restored them to life. Fight in the cause of God. Know that God is Hearing, Knowing. Hast thou not know the history of notable among the children of Israel, when after the death of Moses, they said to a prophet of them: Appoint for us a king so we will fight in the path . God Which said: And if you do not fight once commanded combat? They answered: What would we not fight in the cause of Allah when we have expelled us from our homes and our children captured ? And then when fighting was prescribed, they turned back, except a few among them. Their Prophet enjoined them: Behold, God sent you Talut as king. God has truly chosen you, and has superior in knowledge and physical strength. And when they met Goliath and his forces they said: Lord! Pour out upon us patience, firm our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people. They routed them by the grace of God. And David slew Goliath. ". Historically, it would seem that David's reign was rather archaic, it seems that it was armed corpuscles pillaging villages and raising the spoils. Which theoretically corresponds with the most désertement said in this passage from the Koran.

Before Solomon to -931 according to biblical chronology, the empire would be divided in two: Israel to the north and Judea in the south. This division also mentioned in the Qur'an: (II Cor. 84-87), weaken and fall into the hand of the Assyrians to -722 to -721. No archaeological trace of an architectural revolution was found for the period corresponding to the supposed reign of Solomon according to biblical chronology. Nothing can be argued that the two kingdoms were never unified according Finkelstein. Judea will be conquered by Nebuchadnezzar II to -586 (Chaldean king of -605 to -562) which will destroy Jerusalem -a again as outlined in Coran- and the Israelites into exile in Babylonia. The Qur'an mentions the dialogue of Elijah the Israelites encouraging them to not worship Baal (generic name indicating the idols in general): (XXXVII Cor. 123-132). It seems likely that the Israelites had worshiped idols after their exile in Babylon. In fact, archaeological excavations, he clearly never completely abandoned the idols. Statuettes of Asherah, the wife of Yahweh and found throughout all Judea so quite extensive. The temple was so devastated by what the Koran says. The manuscripts of the Torah will be completely destroyed and reconstructed memory that precise time. It was then that Jeremiah critical scribes transform the Torah. And in fact, multiple anachronisms are the current Torah dating to this time. It is highly unlikely that the written Torah, if it already existed in the time of Moses was as elaborate than it is currently. But it is not excluded that there existed a very condensed way already in the time of Moses. Written in proto-Sinaitic in protohébreu near Canaan languages ​​were found in the ruins of the Sinai sites occupied by laborers working for Pharaonic Egypt.

It is remarkable that the Qur'an does not mention giant, but without physically imposing. Which Goliath but Talut in the ranks of the Israelites. The Philistines shared the monarchy with the Israelites, but they attacked them, the Israelites have fled their homes in the thousands, their children are successful. God would have killed and reanimated for their direct combat. Then the Israelites have designated an Israelite king to fight the Philistines that they had declared war.

D-71. No 283/13 XVII curse in reality:
"And the neck of each man, we attached his work. And on the Day of Resurrection, We will leave a written he will find wide open. "

This statement is surprising for the time. Since it rejects the bad omens. While Zarathustra Akhenaten and Buddha also rejected the worship of ancestors and Akhenaten was destroyed talismans. But the Koran is to abolish the enslavement of man before superstitions from her own mind and have no rational basis, although it remains religious, he is very rational. The man's penchant for superstitions still has not completely disappeared. Even a very objective person who hurts a door can inflict as punishment for wearing a hard kick for example.

D-72. 285 / 36-7 XVII Do not follow what you have no knowledge:
"And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge. The hearing, sight and heart; all this, truly will be questioned.

This also is a notable wisdom, concerning in particular the rejection of the Qur'an based on other unsubstantiated assertions. This verse requires the faithful relevance and pragmatism. A Muslim can not run blindly into anything without analyzing it beforehand. Elsewhere, the Qur'an back saying that we should not reject the verses of the Qur'an without identifying its not science; (Cor p.. 213/39 X): "On the contrary, they have denied that they embrace the point of their knowledge, while their explanation is not reached them. ". The emphasis on critical thinking is one of the most original aspects of the book.

D-73. 292 / 101-102 XVII Pharaoh accused Moses of being bewitched:
"And certainly We gave Moses nine clear miracles. Therefore asks the children of Israel, when he came to them and Pharaoh said to him: 'O Moses, I think you are bewitched.' "

This belief existed at the time, although we will not talk if ever about the Egypt of the pharaohs. Jewish Kabbalistic magic also derives largely from that of the Egyptians. They manipulated people by destroying their statues were manufactured golems, were engraved incantations which were kept in lead that is flowed over etc. The case of the legendary curse of Tutankhamun is a famous example.

A man could get some powers -pharaon alludes to the nine miracles of Moïse- being possessed by an evil spirit. We can see here that Pharaoh said to him that made him lose his senses by magic. Pharaoh was also quoted as saying that he believed Moses the possessed (XXVI Cor. 27). Possession granted according to Egyptian beliefs of the time considered to be that of Moses to be possessed.

D-74 295/17 XVIII Young dormant:
"You should have seen the sun when it rises, away from their cave to the right, and when it goes down approach their left, while they themselves are there, in the open space of the cave. "
It seems that the cave in question must be on a sphere, so that the sun moves away, rising and comes close by lying. It may indeed be that as the opposite of Medina on the globe. The verse speaks directly to Muhammad which is inspired by God, and located in Arabia: "You have seen the sun. when it rises. depart from their cave ". Should The event therefore proceed to a place where the sun retires by lying to Medina, and where it departs, rising to Medina?
The fact that a form of currency to be mentioned in this context (XVIII Cor. 19) is perhaps not impossible, because the ancients used various objects such as currency on the American continent for a long time: the Maya used for example for a certain period of Native American history cocoa beans and copper bells as currency. Indian Papagos utifont face = justify. Llisaient salt as a bargaining chip with their neighbors, the Pima.
Similarly, the existence of dogs among Inuit in Siberia for over 10,000 years and throughout the North American usually before the conquistadors shows that the domestic dog was not unknown either on the other side of the globe from millennia: (XVIII Cor. 22).
The account must have it and place on a region of the Earth where the sun disappears from the horizon appears Medina rising (XVIII Cor. 17)? So on land may still be known by some traders, and located on the opposite side of the planet, on the American continent? And this, even if the old exegetes generally fall event in the Roman territory of the Christian era. These are the events under the Roman emperor Diocletian (245-313), Emperor of 284-305 who persecuted the Church for ten years, when the reign of Emperor Decius (c. 201-251), Emperor Roman 249-251, following Christian affirmations noted in De gloria martyr, according to the bishop, St. Gregory towers, written in 528 so around two centuries after the Emperor Decius (307 years) and Diocletian (215 years). The bishop, who was unable to witness the legend of young dormant, dormant claims that the youth came out of the cave in the year 418 (actually under the Christian Emperor Theodosius) -or a century before writing his "gloria martyr" - and assumes that young people have not been able to sleep 377 years as we told him, since between the reign of Emperor Decius and the year there are only 418 196 years. Note that the Qur'an claims that youth would sleep 300 + 9 years. 9 more years to complete without doubt the time offset between the solar calendar and the lunar calendar spread over three hundred years. The emperor who have reigned 309 years before the Emperor Theodosius I st -Cité in the Episcopal and writing which was named Theodosius the Great (c. 346-c. 395), Roman emperor of the East (379- 395) and West (394-395) - is the Roman emperor Trajan (53-117) who reigned from 98 to 117. Note that if a date is older than the canonical gospels are dated about this time around. Moreover, Trajan not at all persecuted Christians. All this makes us think that the narrative of the Koran is a different version than that of Christians and can be communicated to an Asian legend of Muhammad Arab time.
In addition, many places are considered sanctified in relation to this Christian church tradition including France and Spain. Ibn Kathir in his famous exegesis speculates on the fact that the events mentioned in Sura XVIII should have taken place long before the Christians, like the Jews of Medina asking questions about it to Muhammad. Why should they be of interest to a Christian miracle? Besides the Koran claims that the witnesses of the awakening young people have not built a synagogue or a church but a place of worship (masjid). The Essenes used this word to mean places of worship. Indeed, the Jews of Medina addressed according to Muslim tradition Muhammad three questions: the essence of the soul, the person of corneus and young sleepers of the cave. In addition, a belief in a person who has slept for years is found elsewhere than among Christians, especially among Indians in the Bhagvad Gita (written there around 2000 years) and Ramayana (III th century BC to III th century after it); as Mr. Hamidullah in the notes to its translation into French of the Holy Quran.
Similarly, in the New World, pre-Columbian Native Americans tell a similar story, according to Serge Bramly, in his book "Sacred Earth" (Open Space, Albifont size = In addition, many places are considn Michel: 1992), entitled "Wakan Earth" in its first edition published in 1974 (ed. Robert Laffont). The author, avid Native American cultures, reported on page 199 of his book, on a religious rite of Papagos Indians living in the arid desert of Arizona, this: "A story tells formerly a rider (a pilgrim salt) heard a voice saying to him: - 'The shaman of the sea wants to see you!'. He entered a cave where magical songs were revealed to him. Upon leaving, he noticed that four years had passed, and was considered by all as dead. He was received in triumph in his village because he had become a powerful shaman. ". Note that the story speaks only of a young man and four years in all. The Qur'an mentions an unspecified group with a dog and a three hundred and nine years., The number four is symbolic that said among Indians, the rite is preceded by four days of preparation, is done every four years etc. In addition, this story is reported following a single source, but is known as the Indian mythical events -like the origin myth of maize vary widely etc.- surprisingly, as was the case in the Arab time of revelation: (XVIII Cor. 12, 22, 25-26). Since the writing of absence requires insiders to transmit beliefs orally thus modifying them according to their sensibilities. This is not so surprising, since the religious rites of American Indians in the caves is obvious tolerating no dissent as -read: (XVIII Cor. 16). Following the Papagos rites, a group of pilgrims fasts should separate the people for a long pilgrimage salt, although this particular story deals with one man. And besides, in Papagos Indians, it is well sometimes erected an altar, caves were sacralized if we had a vision (Cor XVIII. 21), and even salt that pilgrims sought was actually a currency exchange according to the above mentioned specialist (XVIII Cor. 19). It seems possible that the story of the Koran is a story other than the Christian story, spread by traders who know the American continent, because such a legend in Figure Amerindian and Indian manuscripts -see above. Furthermore it suggests some very old shamanistic beliefs.
The legend has been born on the other side of the planet. To that Muhammad sees the sun rise away from the cave to the right and to bed by in approaching from the left, it would be necessary. Geographically, the entrance of the cave should be oriented in north-south direction. As the right of the cave would be oriented towards the West. The Qur'an speaks well of the two Easts and two Wests: (LV Cor. 17), and this interpretation is permitted in a literal reading of the story.

Cardinal points have a very powerful role in Indian beliefs and religions, in the sense of dormant cave which is oriented in North-South direction and that the sun from east to west visiting pourait have a sacred function. In India, the West is the realm of the dead, the South direction which come life and spring, the direction in which the East came the light that issued the Indians from ignorance and the direction of the North 'Where are the winged beings. Note that the darkness of the cave joins the idea of ​​putting in the dark just to receive a sign-a religious practice known in North America before Christopher Colomb-, vision, support may: ( XVIII Cor. 16). But this interpretation is only speculative. We tried to find the origin of the legend repeated in the Qur'an.

D-75. 300 / 60-1 Moses XVIII fish that lives again and a mysterious saint.
"And when Moses said to his servant: 'I do not stop until you reach the junction of the two seas, even if I spend years and years. Then when they had reached the Junction, they forgot their fish, and it took its way into the sea. "

Muhammad would have told, about this passage from the Koran, according to al-Bukhari, Moses asked God if there was a man more learned than himself, and God told him to go find a man at the confluence of two seas. He lost in the water at the confluence of the two seas a fish with Jonah son of Nun, his valet; a fish that came back to life. And when he was in the boat with al-Khadr in the boat a bird came and took a sip of water waters, and that al-Khadr said: "Our science between us is comparable to the knowledge of God such that small amount of water has made ​​this bird this large body of water "-el Bukhari: 3202.

Fish embalmed

The fish symbolizes death in Egyptian mind, it must come back to life through the primordial ocean. Here it is embalmed by Anubis.

Some found close earlier accounts, whose journey of Gilgamesh, or travel Yochua ben Rabbi Levy Elijah company. But these stories have little resemblance to the story of the Koran. That said, this passage from the Koran strongly evokes the midrashic methods. It is very likely that similar midrashims existed among the Jews of Medina in the time of Muhammad.

Modern archeology allows us to situate and locate possible courses of Moses that produced this story that is not in the Bible. We allonslaquo; font size = p align = font size = 'Lucida Sans, sans-serif to a triple analysis of these events in the symbolic aspect, moral and socio-geographical and then demonstrate that this passage emerges from the current Bible can dive into the reality of the time of Moses who was able to join an Egyptian prophet in Egyptian Nubia where the boats were actually stolen at that time: (Cor. XVIII: 79.82) and where gender indicators gave an explanation of the misfortunes that Amun gave to men, as explained in this passage from the Koran: (XVIII Cor. 79-82).

Before continuing this analysis let us remember that the Egyptian culture extended to the likely time of Moses, Egypt until Nubia, Kush, and even in the south, and in the Sinai and Gaza with Jerusalem and the Israelites fleeing Pharaoh turned into a hostile area even at the heart of the Sinai desert and the Israelites were able to leave Egyptian territory if they took over in the south in the Arabian desert. Gold and treasures were brought to Egypt from Nubia, with boats stolen there, and exorcists and indicators of Kush were famous. First analyze this passage from the Koran in light of symbolic beliefs in Egypt. But before beginning, we repeat again that at the time, Egypt extended even to Sinai where the Israelites were. Not so surprising that Moses adventure with the mysterious prophet in Nubia and probably evolves towards Kush. Besides, constructions of Seti I and Ramses II were even discovered in Palestine.

In a highly original ancient representation -see supra fish is shown being mummified in bandages. In fact, you should know that fish meant precisely the body without soul and the soul bird. The fish was more swimming in the primordial ocean to reach Paradise. While the color green, al-Khadr, the name of the wise man as the prophet -sahîh el-Bukhârî- represents in ancient Egyptian symbol of the era: youth and health. And the word Very green is also precisely synonymous with the sea in ancient Egypt. And Moses located at the confluence of the two seas. According to J. Michael Thibaux, Egyptians equated waves and waves moving in the vegetation that comes back relentlessly. The presence of water is supposed to revive the fish as discussed in this Qur'anic way. All this shows the symbolic side of these issues in the region and the supposed time of Moses.

We may doubt us, before dealing with the question of the location of it in Nubia -what we will do more distant, that man was an Egyptian green and that we should not eat fish that Moses by going to find it. Because it was considered an abomination to eat fish that was considered and badly smelling putrescible. Find ourselves well in the name of al-Khadr (green) which hosts Moses in the dead fish signifying death and in the sea (very green, full of life) links with the Egyptian symbolism that are absolutely incontestable (fish-saw body in contact with the very green). abu Hurayrah reported that the al-Khadr name of this individual comes from what is installed on the parched grass became green - Tirmizi: 3358. Similarly for the bird who just take a sip water into the sea as explained Muhammad on this journey of Moses al-Bukhari according -see above. If we push the thinking a little further, we can nevertheless note that life emerged from Nun, inert primordial ocean. All this is consistent with the quest for hidden Moses sciences. And seems to reflect a clearly stronger primitive Jewish narrative. Also in this first symbolic approach these teachings to Moses, that together take the boat Moses and the man in green may be closer to one of the rites "Pound for out of darkness into light" or "Book of the Dead" which wants the deceased got into a boat to go to the Light. But it must first ensure that the pieces and boards the boat together. We may think that al-Khadr was a reprieve for Moses in his statement because Amon -Celui who hide and prolong the life of him he loved according to the beliefs of the time. We find in another Islamic tradition, God sends the angel of death to Moses to complete his mission, Moses gave him a slap that made ​​him the eye out of its socket; the angel is said to be returned to God who told him to tell Moses that if he wants, God will increase his life span of as many years as there are hairs on the surface of on one hand it would pose a hairy beast. But Moses chose then to die. This passage also has a moral side.

From a moral point of view, too, this passage from the Koran joined the concerns of the time. So include those discussed: boat subtilization, the death of the young child, and the wall and treasure dead parents to their children become orphans -read this entire passage in the Koran. The Maat was for Egyptian disadvantaged as a protection for the balance between wealth and poverty. We can read on many tombs dating from shortly before Moses, saying, "I gave bread to the hungry who was, water to that was thirsty, clothes to the naked, to a boat one that did not. ". We can note the similarity with the boat that man in green was broken but to leave his poor owner, and the fact that Moses asked him to demand advance payments in exchange for repairing the ruined wall. The relationship with death is again marking. Even regarding the concern about the wall that collapsed (XVIII Cor. 77 & 82), we find a Antef to chant the passage dating from the Amarna period this: "Their homes, where are they? Their walls have fallen into ruin, their very location is not as if they had never been. No one returns from there etc. ". By breaking the boards of the Human boat stayed in the green accords to his poor owner, repairing the wall commemorates the dead they are, where they are even though they do not come back - the trend at the time was to deny the afterlife as evidenced by the poems. More generally, the time of morality corresponds point by point with this story as recorded in the Koran. The Koran critical Pharaoh many times to have favored a group of the inhabitants of Egypt and others to reduce poverty. It does not respect the tradition of the elders on the attention to the poor and would even kill the son of Israel. The right of the heir, and what happens to the walls of people who died also joined the feelings and fears of the time. All these things actually come back frequently as a leitmotiv for this precise time in Egypt. And the Koran treats at several locations before concluding with examples from the life of Moses and wisdoms.

The Nile was likened to green when he had crossed the swamps of Soudd and red color if it had just passed through the blood-red ferruginous waters of Atbara (Nile Red). The Nile was even some times represented by two men contained both aspects of the river. Al-Khadr would it be a trace of this symbolic figure in green? We will cover these topics also in the aspect historicity, which is so expensive now. To complete our study on the historicity of this passage on the basis of archaeological discoveries.

This passage from the Qur'an has many similarities with some old legends. He recalls the journey of Gilgamesh with Enkidu to discover immortality, travel YESHUAH with Elijah ben Levi, and fish resuming life in the pseudo-Callisthenes. In fact, the resemblance with the story of the Qur'an that of Gilgamesh is very distant. Some intellectuals are a logical bridge from the pseudo-Callisthenes narrative in which Andreas accompanying Alexander dropped a fish in the water of life related to the desire for immortality. The story of Yoshuah ben Levi is itself closer to the narrative of the Koran. Rabbi asks Elijah to teach him wisdom. It should be quiet and not to ask questions. The companions arrive at a generous torque and Elijah asks the Lord the death of their only property, their cow. Then they arrive at people reffusant their hospitality and Elijah repaired an old wall. They then arrive in a synagogue where they are unwelcome and Elijah wish them guides. But for another synagogue where they are well received he asks them to have a single guide. Then Moses eventually be discouraged Elijah who explains the wisdom and leaves. The cow was killed in exchange for the life of the dying woman, under the wall appeared a treasure for others, only one guide is better because several guide is the division. Some mystics have developed a very different interpretation of the Qur'anic account. We believe that a similar story would exist among some scholars Jews of Yathrib, perhaps there should see Moses but in reincarnation? We analyzed the coincidences of the story in the context of alleged Moses in Egypt even. This is a new approach, but the story seems possible in principle in this historical context. While it is irrational to argue that he has a genuine historical reality of the fact that it has similarities with the story in the pseudo-Callisthenes and in Yoshuah ben Levi, although both stories are after Moses (estimated with lived in XIII BCE) writing the Talmud writing the story of Yeshua ben Levi is later than the Koran. The travel Giglamesh with Enkidu is also subsequent to the alleged time of Moses, but do not present a clear parallel with the Koran. The story of Alexander the Great has clearly influenced the Muslim tradition, but do not present a clear parallel with the Koran, which says that the fish will follow its way into the water, but does not link with immortality and the fish episode, which is the key point in the argument Wensinck Friedlander and that the Koran (18.60 to 65) is derived from the Alexander stories, is not in the Syriac version. The Syriac version is, however a source of most non-Koranic traditions of Alexander Islamic history and legends.

D-76. 301/62 XVIII Joshua son of Nun:
"And when they had gone there, he said to his attendant -Moïse-: Bring us our breakfast. "

This young man who has been designated in the Bible as the head of Israel's son Moses in his lifetime the prophet really seems close to the end of his life according to Deuteronomy. Al-Bukhari reported that Muhammad would have said that his name was Joshua son of Nun -el Bukhari: 279, and Muslim: XLIII 2380. We can note the strange bond between the death of Moses and the fish that merges into the sea . It may be that Jews have priests with a story like this one wanted to translate the last moments of the life of the great Moses. The last wrote about the death of Moses the Torah is regarded as a later addition to Moses that was not included in the Pentateuch in the time of Moses and the passage of the Koran is clearly more credible enough about the last days of Moses all the reasons discussed here.

D-77. 302 / 79.82 XVIII Kings taking boats in Mesopotamia in the time of Ramses II - treasures forgotten in the Middle Ages, for lack of places and entrust their donations to Pharaoh
"As for the boat, it belonged to poor people working at sea. I wanted to render it unserviceable, for there was behind a king who seized every boat force. "; "And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a righteous man. So your Lord wanted them reach maturity and extract their treasure. "

"The boats could be requisitioned by the Viceroy of Nubia, the royal domain controllers, heads of mercenary or any messenger sent to the country of Kush. This allowed to control the cargo that used to export gold, ivory and other valuable assets. "Bernadette Menu: Ramses II, Sovereign of sovereigns, Discovery Gallimard No. 344 (2000). This practice discussed here therefore existed at that time in those areas. Similarly, it is not at all illogical for the time to hide somewhere material goods because they can entrust them to a place safe enough. It is remarkable that Nubia where you subtilisait boats is the region where the Nile has its source and is bordered by the Red Sea: (see above 300 / 60-1 XVIII). It may be that the journey of Moses has really occurred towards the end of his life and has happened on several stages. In the north, the Red Sea splits into two arms on either side of the Sinai Peninsula (Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba). Moses could have met al-Khadr precisely these coasts of Sinai desert to cross the Red Sea to Nubia. Finally, we should probably see a connection between the king subtilisait ships and treasure to hide for children. Indeed, the boats used also to transport precious goods for the kingdom of Egypt who fell taxes.

Nubians delivering the gold to Pharaoh Kush

Nubian treasures and delivering the gold to Pharaoh Kush since the time of Tutankhamun. Tomb of Huy.

After developing these arguments, it should be noted that the famous Suez Canal would have started to be dug under Seti I and Ramses II under; and it is possible to understand the verse that Moses went just over the canal that connected the two very green: the Egyptians used to that registered as the Red Sea for the Mediterranean Sea. The words of the Holy Book "madjma'al Bahrayni" may perhaps precisely indicate the Suez Canal under construction at the precise time of Moses to link the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. Moses in this case would have extended the channel to the south in company green man to dock somewhere in Nubia after the Gulf; where a king - the king of Nubia - subtilisait boats.

When to knowledge through el-khadr these events in advance, as it is known at the time in Egypt. Divination was also well in Egypt at that time, and judges sometimes appealed to the oracles for a judgment and that of Amon was most frequently called in help. Even better. According to Annie Gasse, it sometimes happened "under very rare documents, which appealed to the lights of a kind of psychic who interpreted the supernatural manifestations of gender illness, accident etc. which were inexplicable signs of the divine will "(Science & Life, Special Issue 209, December 1999). The Koran does he not say: "As for the boat, it belonged to poor people working at sea I wanted to render it unserviceable, for there was behind a king who seized every boat force.. "; "And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a righteous man. So your Lord wanted them reach maturity and extract their treasure. ". So this is the specific subject of this passage from the Koran. It may be that this story is not to be taken literally, and whether it is an ancient midrash on the role of Moses and Jossué in Israel's history. We noted earlier that this story was written after Muhammad.

Alternate pathway of Moses to Tuva

Here are possible paths of Moses and his journey with the Egyptian prophet named al-Khadr, Nubia perhaps towards Kush.

D-78. 303/86, 90, 92, 94, 96 XVIII Dh'oul Qarnayn: explorer and conqueror - The prodigious metal wall. The mystery of Gogs and Magogs.
"Until he arrives at sunset, and he found the sun setting in a muddy spring, and found with her ​​a tribe. ";" And when he reached the rising sun, he found the sun rising on a people for whom We had not given something to hide behind. ";?" And when he came to the spot located between the Deux-Montagnes barriers - he found behind a people who scarcely understood a word. ";" They said: "O Dh'oul Qarnayn! Ya'jooj Ma'juj and commit mischief on earth. ";" 'Bring me blocks of iron' Then when he had filled up the space between two barriers, he said: 'Blow!' Then when he had made ​​a fire, he said. 'Bring me molten copper that I spilled the above' "

The Gogs and Magogs apparently locked in underground galleries whose entrance, located in a valley or a mountain pass has been blocked. Who is he? In fact, according to British ancestral memories, a Trojan hero named corneus -Dh'oul Qarnayn- have driven Gog and Magog as géants- -décrits in an escarpment in Brittany. This appears to be a distant memory of the story told in the Qur'an: (XVIII Cor. 93). Dh'oul Qarnayn in this case could be the story of the legendary corneus, a Trojan? The conquests in the East and West of corneus the trojan, and recounted among the British: the battle in Anatolia to the destruction of Troy and the Hittite Empire and the conquest of Celtic Brittany, as well as extending the conquests Britain and Scotland to Hungary join this description of the Koran.


Dolmen Photos Neolithic in Britain perhaps a monument Gogs and Magogs.

In fact, we must emphasize a crucial point here; at the time of the legendary Advanced corneus, writing existed in the Middle East and Greece, but for Europe it was always of prehistory. However, the Romans considered at the onset of writing as their foundation made by the Trojan. Homer (ninth century BC) tells the oral history of Achaean. This is so far in the past that the popular imagination has magnified the facts to the point that it became impossible to distinguish these memories of myths and legends. Religion is an integral part of customary life in Europe in those early times mingling kings and gods. But the fact is that the Qur'an seems surprisingly restore the origins of Europe in the Trojan civilization that civilized the whole of Europe as apparently describes the book.

This ancestral memory of the indigenous green Decou named Gog and Magog, already populating the UK arrival of the Celts is a possibility, which is more by the fact that the authors of the famous megaliths dating back to the Neolithic until the fourth Millennium BC remains a mystery to historians.

The Koran speaks of the same people are almost a second language includes no complaining of Gog and Magog (XVIII Cor. 93-95), it must be the Picts in Scotland, Picts who were appointed because they were painted the body, like the Australian Aborigines or archaic peoples of Africa. The Picts whose origin is also partly a mystery would have landed on the island to -1000 and were able to be there for the arrival of corneus if he really existed. The Picts were the same as Gogs Magogs blocked and much later, by a huge stone wall of the time of Hadrian Hadrian remembered that suggests maybe the corneus barrier that had freed them from Gog and Magog? But that wall did not last as long, crossed the Picts in 197, in 296 and 367 and the wall was finally abandoned in 383. It is fortunate that the belief that has Gogs and Magogs was told by writing centuries later into Latin by Geoffrey of Monmouth (c. 1100 to 1154) and adapted novel, the former French by Robert Wace (c. 1100-c. 1174) as well as is found in the Koran. Corneus name means "hard as horn" or "horn-shaped" Dh'oul Qarnain the character does not appear in the Bible and even Muslim scholars did not know how to explain it and no Western has not refers in this context since?

The first written the talking describe him as a warlord Trojan, the fourth generation of the Trojan diaspora, which is described for one of his conquests in the Tyrrhenian Sea, near Italy, with a formidable force who owed him probably his name as a corne- corneus -dur, it is described as "an honest man, excellent advice, a man of great value and great boldness" (ch 17;.. trad L. Mathey -Maille, 1992). The name of Dh'oul Qarnain -celui both cornes- may recall that it has also received horn Cornwall in Britain from the King Brutus when he had defeated the fammeux Gog and Magog.

People sea

Here a representation of the soldiers of the Sea Peoples who fought against the Hittite, against Troy and against Egypt in the time of Merneptah and Ramses III. This representation soldiers with two horns is Medinet Habu. Corneus was also an Achaean like those who attacked Egypt, and may have worn this type of headset. We can see the precursors of the Viking.

British memories do not put date on these events considered a legend by many for the circumstances explained above, and taking into account popular exaggerations about it, but they are supported by the dating of megaliths in Britain and the existence the Picts, their most recent, probably of Celtic origin. What would have happened to the Gogs and Magogs, isolated behind the barrier corneus? The Quran cites another important point, the use of iron and copper melted blocks to enclose Gog and Magog in a cave. Now, this is a very interesting point in several respects. First, because it allows to put an approximate date on the potential use of such a technique, then because it is known that to reduce the iron by copper makes it more resistant to corrosion rampart. The story suggests at least some learned origin.
Iron blocks are not called fused beings, in this case it is possible to date this event as being able to take place from the beginning of the Bronze Age to -2000. The iron work was then known by hammering and copper was brought into the merger. If the Picts were there when corneus got there, it could be a date between -2000 and -800, designing the legend is that some real historical origin. The city of Troy -where corneus aaurait also comes bataille- existed a dozen times between -3000 and -500, that according to archaeological excavations. Ezekiel (597-571 BC.), Thus speaks a few centuries later in a very different way. Date of Troy which probably corresponds to the time of corneus can go back (1280-1240 BC.), Shortly after Troy was transformed into mere villages like several times in its history. Ezekiel speaks of a king named Gog and Magog countries. What seems unique to him. But the memories of the British, it is referred to as one giant Gogmagog, or Gog and Magog Giants two distinct but not a kingdom of Magog. Other writings evoke an entire group of giants living in caves in the area at the arrival of the Celts and Trojans. Maybe the idea of Gogs and Magogs giants is that megaliths are huge? Some accounts report that they were burning their dead which may well explain the total absence of the bodies of those who built the dolmens. The Cornwall area was given to corneus reward after ending the aggressions of Gog and Magog. The Koran is therefore closer to the memories of the Bible. But he says that would have locked the corneus Gogs and Magogs and did not destroy them and claimed that they should re-emerge in the future, they would be locked in a valley whose unique arpentable outcome would have been blocked. In De moribus and actis primorum Normanniae ducum (circa 1020), Dudo of Saint-Quentin reports that the Normans descended ultimately from the Trojans led by Antenor. (Ed. Jules Lair, Caen, 1865, p. 130 [Memoirs of the Company Antiques of Normandy, 23]): "Thus the Dacians (Daci) are called themselves Danaans (Danai) or Danish (Dani) and boast of descent from Antenor. Once, after the devastation of the Trojan countries, it had evaded the Achaeans and his companions had penetrated into the territory of the Illyrians. ". The word Viking comes from elsewhere old Danish and means "bay" or "jack".
According to the Indian scientist did Syohârwî would exist in the Darial passage of Caucasian massif, also a wall of iron and copper from the reign of Cyrus II (which was to prevent access Scythians beyond the massif of the Caucasus. Unfortunately , we have neither picture nor most tangible element. (See, Qassas ul-Qur'an, vol 3 pp. 205-207.) Finally the old commentators often equated Dh'oul Qarnain to Alexander the Great (356- 323 BC.).
Muslim historians place the Gogs and Magogs in the East, and support this thesis by saying that the Qur'an speaks travel Dh'oul Qarnayn mentioned in the Koran, noting only two trips. A first trip into the sunset (Cor XVIII :) and a second trip to the rising sun. (Cor XVIII :) and noticed that Gogs and Magogs are quoted after the second pass.. Read poorly but the Qur'an, because the Qur'an says that God would open for Qh'oul Qarnain number of lanes, (XVIII Cor. 84): "Verily, We established him in the earth, and we have a path to it all things. "; and are mentioned (XVIII Cor. 85): "There followed a route. And when he reached the West. "It continues, (XVIII Cor. 92):" He followed a path. And when he came to the rising. "And continues by quoting a third trip," He followed a path. And when he reached a location between two barriers (rock). ". It is during this troisème journey to the East or to the West mysterious corneus discover hitherto unknown tribes whose Gogs and Magogs. We treated more fully the possible identity of these wild men elsewhere. In Part biology.

D-79. 306/16 XIX Marie fled to East:
"And mention in the Book Mary when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East. "

Zechariah who was apparently an Essene lived in East Palestine near the temples located near the Jordan. The Koran rejects the Flight into Egypt, making it was prohibited by the scriptures:. Do not you shall return to Egypt the famous temple of Qumran is precisely located east of Palestine as it is mentioned in this passage from the Koran. The teachings of the Essenes are comparable to those of Jesus on many levels.
It is us as unreliable and unfounded to claim that Jesus was in Kashmir, or Tokyo as claimed by some writers. It is true that the apostles Thomas and Bartholomew as were preaching Christianity in these regions, however. Written texts that serve as an argument for this thesis are very late and is never convincing.

D-80. Mount Sinai 309/52 XIX: where he is?
"On the right side of Mount -the Sinaï- We called him. "

Here, the Qur'an mentions a Mount location that corresponds to the Mount of Moses discovered d / fontrsquo; bernièrement by archaeologists following the words of Bedouin Sinai desert. We have found representations of the tables of the law and an altar like the early Israelites were in the right side of the mountain, dating back thousands of years by archaeologists.

D-81. 312/12 XX sandals in Egypt in the alleged time of Moses, even Pharaoh did. Where Moses received the prophecy.
"Take off your sandals, for you are in the sacred valley, Tuwa. "

Sandals are also mentioned in the Bible; these were the shoes of the time. They wore sandals in sign of purity. Their shoes was actually detach from the world and purify font size = text-align: justify; Egypt too. The pilgrims who make the rounds around the Ka'ba should not wear shoes either.

However, where that called Tuwa Valley? It is established that there were several sacred valleys according to the beliefs of the era and long before. But strangely, it is indeed a sacred Buddhist area and named to the shamanistic Tuva Russian border, some 2500 kilometers of borders of present Egypt in a straight line, not far from Lake Baikal. It is a large region, a mountainous plain, wooded meadows and forests. Moses have fled there, along the northernmost route of the roads of silk, from Midian before returning to Pharaoh; it does not seem impossible. Emphasize that Moses fled from his past, having killed an Egyptian, being young, and that Egypt extended its borders far in its most resplendent period. However, it should be a good age when he returned to Egypt. This part of his life is very little we reported. Note that Moses could go, if we believe the Qur'anic stories, and great distances towards the end of his life through the Sinai into the heart of Nubia across the Gulf from southern Sinai likely -see supra. The Hebrew and Arab nomads were great. Arabic comes from the ancient Semitic word meaning ereb desert dweller; Hebrew has ibhri meaning one that moves a lot, is precisely nomad. The Hebrew probably went out into the desert to offer sacrifices to God even in the reign of the pharaohs because lists of Deir el-Medina testify that the days of unemployment were granted to foreigners to specific days. Maybe the word Apirous, "dusty" Egyptian side of nomads reported that some workers careers, who have given and then in Akkadian Habiru Hebrews in the Bible?

Pharaoh treading the nine arches

Pharaoh treading the Nine-foot arcs symbolizing foreign peoples conquered. Note that Pharaoh also wore sandals utensil of the time.

D-82. 313/24 Pharaoh XX overstepping the boundaries:
"Give yourself to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed all bounds. "

He profaned the sacred monuments and was already venerated in his lifetime. He represented his own statue with those of the three main deities of the temple of Abu Simbel, as has been represented in the image of Osiris in the lobby. He did not hesitate for example to destroy the pyramid of Senusret III. He had engraved his name on an impressive number of buildings of their ancestors. He is the pharaoh to have adored his lifetime as had never been seen before -d'avantage qu'Ahmosis III, to the point he was making sacrifices before his own effigies.

Fashionable in his day was to deny the life after death, we note that especially in singing at Antef "those who leave do not come back." Ramses II was contrary to Egyptian customs and even in several respects and innovated.

D-83. 314 / 38-40,49-52 XX Moses or Sargon?
"When We revealed to your mother what was revealed. Put it in a box and throw it into the sea. For then the river launches on the shore; an enemy to Me and him take it, that you may be brought up under My Eye. And now your sister you went on and said, 'Can I show you one who will nurse him?' So We restored you to your mother. "

A similar story is reported about the leader Semitic Sargon the Great (Mr. -2335 to -2279), reminiscent of the biblical and Qur'anic account; and adoption of Moses in the royal courses from other children, which was practiced well in Ramses II era according to which Egyptologists Bernadette Menu, PhD in Egyptology. They were educating children, in fact according to Egyptian custom, but they were princes and others ranks. Trash is sometimes linked to life in the ancient Egyptian symbolism, that have inspired the mother of Moses who may know the story of Sargon.

Note that the Koran does not mention the use of oil for the construction of the pram as in Biblical release. Oil is quoted in the story of Sargon and is in the King's region, but what would he do in the hands of a Jew in Ancient Egypt? The Hebrew scribes scholars have had to learn over time of the Babylonian writings telling the story of Sargon launched similarly, but in the Euphrates, to rethink the adventure of Moses that relate the scriptures. We dealt with the dating of the Torah and the date of its memory redial time of the prophet Jeremiah.

D-84. 314/51 XX Religion before Egyptian civilization.
"'What about the older generations hence?' Pharaoh said. "; Moses said: 'The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a Book. My Lord commits no error or oversight. "

The Koran ingeniously pin this thorny problem in this passage. We denote the "everything must be written", typical of Egyptian thought, once again demonstrating a rather primitive source unwritten or lost but probably known by the Jews of the time of Muhammad. The names of the former are written in a book. But according to the beliefs of the era "whose name is pronounced lives." This name survives even to monuments and headstones. As if the name is not written somewhere, the person was doomed to disappear forever. This is also why the names of agitators were never written in the courts, so that they disappear forever. They even erased names for this reason that Akhenaten had done to deities other than Aton, and they even erased his name into his grave. Moses may well have be erased from the pages of Egyptian history. In the spirit of the Egyptians at the time revealed by Egyptology, if the stories of the Qur'an are reliable, it had to be seen as an agitator against the magician acting Ma'at. The wounds were common items in their Quranic version and the confrontation with magicians has probably been melted in this type of confrontation frequent at that time. Sometimes magicians were threatening to bring down the stars, a Egyptian horror at that time. Furthermore, the Qur'an describes the fleeing Israelites with Moses as a small group, so the event anything outrageous rebellion could be went almost unnoticed in the political turmoil and wars of Ramses II era. As for the name of Moses has been deliberately erased from history.

Historic Venus

Left: Venus at Çatalhöyük, -Turquie- dated 12,000 years before Christ, contained the original mother goddess. / Middle: Galgenberg Venus dating from 30,000. / Right, Talisman anthropomorphic pendant found at Berekhat Ram dated to more than 150,000 years.

The earliest written records are valuable as they provide explanations of sacred rites before that were not completely intelligible. As the funeral rites that appeared at the same time that modern man, the use of figurative statues of animals and men etc. in magical purposes. It is important to emphasize this here because before writing the idea of ​​the Divine becomes indecipherable paleontological perspective. According to the Qur'an each nation should receive its own rituals (XXII Cor. 67), (III Cor. 50, 93), man would be designed to evolve towards spirituality (XXX Cor. 30). Muhammad forbade according to tradition musumane make representations contained men or animals -Muslim: 969. Recalling that the first representations of animals showed no face as evidenced statues and images of animals and men dating back to the Paleolithic. The Paleolithic Venus may also reflect a form of monotheism to ancient matriarchal men, as witnessed perhaps the Venus found in Turkey, which is considered a mother goddess. The sacred was just beginning to become more organized and that we appeared, like Çatalhöyük. The woman symbolizes procreation, into the world and its rounded shape are an indicator of fertility. The idea of ​​representing the goddess who created everything by Venus at a time when writing does not exist is defended by some anthropologists.

D-85. 315/56 to 9.63 XX witch magicians Confrontations during the festivities - Egyptian civilization conceived as perfect by them.
"Surely We showed him all Our Signs; but denials them and refused to believe. He said, 'Have you come to O Moses us out of our land by your magic? We surely bring you magic like it. Fixed between us and you an appointment which neither we nor you shall not fail in a suitable place, 'Moses said. "Your appointment is the day of the party. And people gather in the morning. ";" They said, 'Here are two magicians who with their magic, want you to give up your land and take away your best traditions. "

It was the tradition to compete sorcerers of the kingdom magicians-physicians during the festivities. It seems logical that Ramses had wanted to use those against the miracles of Moses.

Lev Koran also describes in this passage as the Egyptians might be considered the ultimate civilization. How could it be otherwise if they are governed by their myths of gods and the son of Ra? The Egyptians were so proud that they even despised the great Greek thinkers who came to learn from their priests. The word tarîqa also recalls the mystical side of the Egyptian religion was hidden little people. Unless tarîqatukum'ul muthlâ rather means "strategic passage for trade"?

According to our opinion it should be here on the feast of the OPE, linked to the rebirth after death. The largest festival of Ancient Egypt; Moses during this festival would have transformed a dragon stick. The fear of being driven off their land was not foreign to the time in Egypt, we find traces in the dated poems then. Remember that the ancestors of the Israelites had dominated Egypt in the time of Jacob.

D-86. 316 / 70-71 XX Pharaoh could add deities in Egypt
"The magicians fell down prostrate saying. 'We have faith in the Lord of Aaron and Moses' Pharaoh said, 'Have you believed in him before I give you permission? This is your chief who taught you magic. "

Ramses II added including Hittite gods when treated with Hatti. He could not tolerate or actually foreign deities. Pharaoh was angry by what they believe without her consent, without more, perhaps. Let us remember the contrary, how Akhenaten had meanwhile removed the deities except Aton and made ​​clear the name Amon for replacement by Aton, and was treated as a heretic and his name was erased from the pages of history. Ramses II had indeed the power to adopt foreign gods and to be deified in his lifetime. But it did not have the authority to reject all gods: (Cor p.165 / 127 VII.), Who made ​​Akhénathon condemn. That was wrong of course.

Written Deir el-Medina testify that the careers of workers could have free days to make offerings to their god, Canaanite deities were even adopted in Egypt as the beautiful and well suggest this very interesting passage in the Koran. We're pretty far from a Moses to Pharaoh asking permission to go out into the desert to worship their god; Passover and slaughter lambs has not been established, and will be released once Egypt. Therefore no risk of shocking the Egyptians by sacrificing the sacred ram whose Egyptian would not eat and they would love only.

D-87. 316/71 XX Pharaoh and impalement, ancestor of the crucifixion?
"Then Pharaoh said, 'Have you believed in him before I give you permission? This is your chief who taught you magic. I will surely cut your hands and legs opposite, and you'll impale the palm trunks, and you will know with certainty which of us is more severe in punishment and that is the most durable. "

The impalement was practiced in Egypt according to archaeological discoveries. The trunks of palms were sharpened (bottom right) and the criminals were forced to sit on it.

Whatever the translators translate this passage by crucifixion, you have no-doubt understand impalement; "Usallibukum" comes from "as-Sulb" therefore "kidneys" in relation to impalement. The Arabs at the time were still practicing impalement and so called well they used the same term to designate the actual crucifixion is also a more "modern" form of impalement or softened. According to the Bible, crucifixion is established very early in the Israelites (Deuteronomy 21: 22). But this is probably an anachronism of the Bible. In fact, it seems that hanging impalement existed before the reign Hyksos in Egypt even (XII Cor. 41). According representations dating from the Egyptian prehistory, the rebels were sometimes hacked to death, sometimes brought to the gallows.

Hands trenches enemies in Ancient Egypt

The hands of Pharaoh enemies are recognized by priests. Representation of this in the temple of Amun at Medinet Habu. Penis representations testify that men are killed rather than women (Cor p.. 385/4 XXVII). Right, the text hyérogliphes where Merenptah describes the impalement of Libyans in Memphis.

In a disturbing way, it turns out that the impalement was well practiced in the Ramesside period. Indeed, Merenptah boasted on a stele having impaled and cut off the Libyan yards 1300 males (KA Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions: Historical And Biographical 1982, Volume IV, BH Blackwell Ltd .: Oxford (UK), No . 1, 13. The picture was taken from here; KA Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions: Translated & Annotated (Translations), 2003, Volume IV (Merenptah & The Late Nineteenth Dynasty), Blackwell Publishing Ltd .: Oxford (UK), p. 1.). "O n beating their hands and feet with a thick stick and torturing them with sharp instruments until they confessed their crimes, then they are as empalais evokes the Quran on trunks sharpened. "Let us read the passage:" I will surely cut your hands and legs opposite, and you'll impale the trunks of palm trees ". This appears in the writings of tombs at Thebes dating from the time, according to Nicole Douek of the University of London . Again, we are led to conclude that some Jewish scholars of the environment had to know Muhammad historical accounts not reduced in writing or simply lost. We av ons already given the biblical books of names mentioned in the Bible and lost. Ramses II has used the impalement and torture mentioned in the Qur'an as the Qur'an says, emerging from the biblical version, and once again joining Archaeological evidence in Egypt at the time of Ramses II. The impalement being also already mentioned in previous writings in Papyrus Bulaq 18, or on the stele of Akhenaten.

D-88. 317 / 79,85,89, Pharaoh XX 94 not guided well - Samiri existed - Gold was considered in Egypt as the flesh of the gods and the bull was one of the primordial gods, originally considered the founder of the kingdom of Pharaohs:
"Pharaoh and his people astray and are not guided them well. ";" God said: 'We have put your people to the test after you left. Et al Samiri has led them astray. ";" They said, 'This is not our own will that we have failed in our promise to you. But we were in charge of Pharaoh's people of the burdens of ornaments; We have therefore discarded as -at fire- al Samiri cast them. ";" Certainly Aaron had told them before: O my people, you fell into temptation. Now it is the Beneficent Who really is your Lord. ";" (Aaron) said, O son of my mother takes me neither beard nor by my head. I feared lest thou shouldst say: 'You have divided the Children of Israel and did not observe my commandments. "

Ramses not he was guiding people to ma'at? While he had vowed during his rise to power to do this and he was awarded among others the title of Ousermâatrê at ma'at service, cosmic balance and ethics, as evidenced by modern Egyptology.

As for the name of Samiri, it is indeed an Israelite patriarch named Shamir in the Bible (1Ch; 24: 24) and whose descendants may have been found among Indian castes 'Shahmiri'.

As for the golden calf, it must be inspired by Egyptian beliefs still firmly rooted in Jewish then. The gold was the flesh of the gods and the cow as bull deities were venerated in Egypt before fleeing into the desert of the faithful group.

Long hair should distribute the force of the people around. While beard symbolized dignity. Moses takes Aaron's beard and hair, as Pharaoh did it against his enemies vainquait and is often depicted in the images of the time left a little throughout Egypt. And that from the time of Narmer. This is almost like a precursor to what Israel would form two enemy clans to kill because of this great sin later, but this story is perhaps not esoteric at the base. It is not surprising that so many similarities exist between key events of the Israelites and the Egyptian pharaonic times. Easter and the Jewish practices as mosaics are a permanent reminder of bondage in the land of Egypt. To believe the story told by the Quran, Moses comes to root out a small group of faithful from under the nose of Ramses II, and he is angry that his brother Aaron do not know them away from mistakes during his absence.

Pharaoh takes enemies by the hair as a sign of dominance

Ramses II holding his enemies by the hair as evidence of its domination over them and as proof that they owe him obedience. Aaron Moses held by the hair, according to the account of the Koran, when he sees that the Israelites worshiped the golden calf during his absence, despite the presence of Aaron.

D-89. 318/88, 95 97 XX The golden calf and Hinduism; The Samiri and the untouchables. The Israelites worshiped perhaps the cow Hathor at Sinai before Moses already.
"Then he brought forth for them a calf, a body to roar. And they said: 'This is your god and the god of Moses, he has forgotten. ';'? What was your purpose O Samiri '"Then Moses said, He said: 'I saw what they did not see: so I took a handful of the track of the messenger. Then I started. That is what my soul suggest to me. ' Will it, says Moses. In life you have to say: 'Do not touch me! And there will be for you an appointment that you can not fail. Look at your god that you worshiped assiduously. We will certainly burn, and then we scatter -cela- in the waves. ' "

Hindu sacred cow would she was taken to India by the Samiri become cursed and untouchable according to this passage; in terms of the name of Samiri, it is indeed an Israelite patriarch named Shamir in the Bible (1 Chronicles, 24: 24) and whose progeny was found among Indian castes 'Shahmiri'. Shamir was according to biblical genealogy the son of Uzziel son of Micah, the son of Kohath, son of Levi, son of Jacob, the ancestor of Moses -see also the book of Exodus of Moses (Exodus 6: 16 & 18 & 22) & (Genesis 29: 21-34). The disappearance of the tribe of Levites through the Bible is also known. Like Moses fled Egypt, Samiri had to borrow the Silk Road to fail Hinde where he established perhaps the untouchable caste -the lepers and infirmes- and the taboo of the cow. In fact, traveling alone it was signing his death warrant at the time: "Will it, says Moses. In life you have to say: 'Do not touch me! And there will be for you an appointment that you can not fail. Viewing your divinity that you worshiped assiduously. We will certainly burn, and then we scatter -cela- in the waves. ' ".

Hathor Semitic Sinai

This sphinx representing Hathor includes Egyptian hieroglyphics and strange: protosinaïtiques of inscriptions (Semitic) related to ancient Hebrew. Specialists believe that the drafters could originate in Canaan around 1500 BCE, as would Jacob from the Bible. Hathor evidence was in fact venerated by Semitic peoples other than Egyptian with Egyptian in a temple dedicated to him being Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai desert, the Middle and New Kingdoms. The Israelites said to the golden calf: "And they said: 'This is your god and the god of Moses, he has forgotten.".

We can not hold us to see the connection between this golden calf and Hathor which was the golden cow that nurturing the only initiates could see: "Then Moses said: 'What was your purpose O Samiri?" He said: 'I have seen what they have not seen.' "And that was related as the master regions of Sinai, Byblos and Punt" Greater Palestine ", two mining region of Sinai; where the Hebrews used the Egyptian empire. Thebes and Memphis, Hathor was even the patron saint of the mountain of dead. A Serabit el-Khadim Egyptian and Semitic probably worshiped Hathor. Samiri said ironically so that Moses who brought them out into the desert and disappeared into a mountain in Arabia several days "has forgotten his god - the cow in gold - down". This is not in the Bible but is credible.

Here now what the Bible says; (Exodus, 32: 1-2): "Meanwhile, the people saw that Moses was slow to get off the mountain. The people then gathered around Aaron and said, 'Get up, make us gods who will go ahead of us because, when it comes to this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the country of Egypt, we certainly do not know what happened to him, "Aaron says, 'Pull the gold earrings which are in the ears of your wives, your son and your daughters and bring them to me!' So he took them from their hands and fashioned chisel and made ​​a point of making a molten golden calf '. ". However, the Bible contradicts itself because that would Aaron built the golden calf and would set about making what is more being an altar dedicated to him would have been spared, while those who worshiped were each run by its brother (Exodus, 32: 19-29). Aaron was the brother of Moses and if he personally built the calf is Moses should have killed him, or this was not the case according to the same story. The Israelites killed expiated perhaps their crime (II Cor. 54), but Samiri had to wear it until the Day of Judgment: "Will it, says Moses. In life you have to say: 'Do not touch me! And there will be for you an appointment that you can not fail. Look at your god that you worshiped assiduously. We will certainly burn, and then we scatter -cela- in the waves. ' ".

D.90. 324 / 30.32 to 3 XXI Heaven and Earth formed a whole at the beginning:
"Those who disbelieve have they not seen that heaven and earth were welded into a single whole and that we have separated them right on; And from water We made every living thing. And We made the sky a protected roof. It is He who created night and day and the sun and the moon, each swimming in a curved trajectory. "

The big bang theory confirms this Koranic passing placing the original universe in a small space, which we have already discussed in the section of astronomy. In fact, before the big bang, the universe was contained in a "singularity" smaller spatiotemporal a single electron and containing the time, space and energy. Former translated the word ratq as "glued together", "crammed against each other" -see ibn Kathir and Qurtubi related that: Ibn Abbas el-Hasen, Ata-ed Dahhak and Katada-five disciples of Muhammad - have explained that heaven and earth were one whole. The material currently is the Earth and everything that exists in the cosmic space were united in this core. But this cosmogony existed before Muhammad and not indicative of an innovation.

The belief that heaven and earth were a whole is found in several cosmogonies. In many cosmogonic myths, we often find mention of a primordial egg. This is especially mentioned China, among the Dogon in Mali, in Egyptian myths of Hindu beliefs. According to Maori beliefs, the primordial couple is formed of Heaven and Earth constantly entwined, that would create gods who are separated so that the light may shine between-them. Men to be created next. According to Japanese beliefs, Heaven and Earth were one which all come from several generations of gods Izanagi and Izanami which then create that all parts of the world. Cosmogonies vary geographically and in time. There are other myths that do not correspond to reality, as the world was created by the dismemberment of a god by another god etc.

D-91. 327 / 69.72 XXI fire survivor Abraham:
"We said: 'O fire! to be Abraham coolness. ";" And We rescued him and Lot to the land which We have blessed for the Universe. "

Shamans still struggling to tame the fire through the whole world, according to multiple processes. This is not unique to the Qur'an and some Judeo-Christian writings as the Gospel of Barnabas. Belief can have a real historical origin.

Similarly, there Muhammed Hamidullah as pointed out by, undeniable similarities between the story of Abraham Prince Rama Hindu. Indeed, it was driven out of her home by her father as her mother came up against him, he went to live in a wooded area with his wife, Sita, with a king fell in love and made off. But who came out clean. So Rama went with fireproof without success die. He managed to get his wife. According to scripture, Abraham was called Ab-Ram. He was chased by his father for rejecting idols. His wife was chosen by a Pharaoh in Egypt, but was restored to him. And likewise, Abraham survived the fire in which a tyrant king had him thrown. Maybe is it a confusion of the two stories? Or is the Hindu story of Israelite inspiration?

In the Midrash Genesis Rabbah (S Ve Life in S), the story of Abraham is identical to that of the Qur'an.

D-92. 328/80 XXI and David Steel, Iron Age:
"We learned it -David- making coats of mail so that they protect you against your -guerre mutual violence. Are you then be grateful? "

The steel industry existed David's time estimated from Bible chronology, but David is described in the Qur'an as having the divine gift of being able to form the iron in his hands without melting it. It must be said that iron was not as pure in our time unable to make it to temperatures as high as we do to make steel. But even so, work iron of his hands is scientifically implausible.

D-93. 329 / 85-7 XXI Buddha in the Quran: the man of the fig tree.
"Ishmael, and Ezra and Man of the fig tree; who were all steadfast. We admitted them into our mercy and who were really good people. And the man fish -Jonas- when he left irritated. "

The awakening of Prince Gautama has been under a fig tree and this is how many commentators have recognized in this verse Sidératta the person of Gautama Buddha, as it received the revelation of a fig tree at the foot of when the Koran speaks of a "man of the fig tree" among the prophets. Also the second verse evoking perhaps the Buddha: (XCV Cor. 1-3). Again, we see the mention of the fig tree as sacred; as well as Olivier: symbol of Christianity in reference to the Mount of Olives and Jesus, of Mount Sinai symbol of the law of Moses and finally Mecca. Buddhist monks dress and shave their head dune very close so pilgrims to Mecca. They prostrate themselves as Muslims lined up in rows and moral conceptions have kept traces that still resemble the Muslims today.

D-94. 330/91 XXI Jesus has no father:
"And she who guarded her chastity! We breathed into it the breath of life from Us and We with her and her son a sign for the Universe! "

We have given biological explanations of such earlier event; we will now analyze the issue historically.

Several Jewish-Christian beliefs Jesus would have had brothers and sisters. In 2002 was discovered a stone coffin with a top inscriptionb "Jacob son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." Experts have authenticated this inscription in Aramaic and this discovery is undoubtedly a very powerful evidence of the historicity of Jesus. However, how to interpret the inscription; Jacob is the son of Joseph, and he is the half brother of Jesus and son point '/ Bde Mary. They were like brothers Ishmael and Isaac were in their time, one was born of Hagar the other Sarah. The Bible literally said this: "As for him -Ismael- it will become an indomitable man. His hand will be against everyone's hand and the hand of everyone will be against him; and he lived before the face of all his brothers (in Isaac). " ; (Genesis 16: 12).

According to the Qur'an, Zechariah said to Mary, "O sister of Aaron, your father was not a despicable man nor your mother a suspicious woman. "(XIX Cor. 29). In Arabic and Hebrew languages ​​should understand that Mary is the sister of Aaron the Jewish connection. This entry therefore not bound to Mary Jacob, nor Jesus to Joseph. As experts point out, there had to be many Jacob at that time, and many of them had to have a name of the father of Joseph (about 3000 possible candidates according to one estimate) and distinguish the biblical Jacob others may oblige be the precision of kinship link between Jacob and Jesus. And indeed, only important people were cited in this way on the stone box, that is to say in connection with a brother.

According to the Catholic Church, Mary remained a virgin all her life, and "brothers and sisters" of the Bible are actually cousins; according to the Orthodox Church, Joseph had a first marriage before Mary, and had had at least six sons and a daughter of his former wife.

D-95. 330/96 XXI Gog and Magog:
"Until Gog and Magog are released and they are rushing to each height. "

It stands to reason, if they could actually be remained locked in a valley which they could not escape.

The discovery of galleries stretching for kilometers, sometimes with water currents and animals and own mushroom caves confirms this possibility. Gog and Magog are stuck somewhere in Britain may be on the side of Cambridge, not far from London, the new legendary Trojan Brutus?

Researchers at the University of Jerusalem investigated eight unknown species of animals found in a remote cave in the world for 5 million years. These species have been updated during a drill. All devoid of eyes, it is invertebrates.

Animal troglodyte

One of the beasts of the remote cave for 5 million years. Is it scientifically likely that human population survive millennia being confined in a valley?

D-96. 343 / 23-25 ​​XXIII Oral tradition and spirituality among the first men after the Qur'anic account.
"We sent Noah to his people. He said: 'O my people! Worship God. You have no other god but Him. Fear you nothing. So therefore the chiefs of his people who disbelieve say: '' This is a man like you, wanting to distinguish themselves from you at your expense. If God had wanted these are Ma'lak He would have sent down. We never heard of this among our earliest ancestors. This really is a man touched debility, so watch him for a while. "

This passage suggests several points for analysis in the field of chronology: 1) the people of Noah all humanity would form at the time, 2) the language exist, 3) faith in the Creator is mentioned, 4) the idea of ​​polytheism is underlined, 5) there would be heads of influential clans, 6) there were struggles to become chieftains, 7) is alluded to heavenly messengers, 8) we note that n ' There was no writing, 9) Noah is accused of weakness.

All these things deserve further analysis to understand the mental representation of the condition of the first men in the Qur'anic approach and compare this story to historical reality scientifically. According to modern scientific estimates, men made up only a few thousand individuals living in a relatively small area and endowed with language, they formed groups of nomads and this created according anthropologists struggles to become chieftain along than all the less evolved primates than we are. Elsewhere the Quran speaks for the time of the first men to stoning, clothes and nomadic murders are all facts framing with the reality of the time.

As to the question of religiosity, we do not trace because the icons and writing have appeared much later, in the Upper Paleolithic. We have made the connection between the prehistoric Venus and faith in an original mother goddess supra. Funeral rites at the first appearance of modern man seems to prove there the existence of spiritual beliefs.

D-97. 343/27 XXIII Noah built the Ark and there care of survivors:
"We revealed to him: 'Build the Ark under Our eyes and according to Our revelation. And when Our command comes and the oven (? Stone?) Will bubble, conveys in there a couple of each animal group and your family. ' "

The Qur'an makes this the first ship of humanity. Did the first men could sail at a time so early?

Heidi Toelle a reconciliation of Tannur made ​​by oven with the Earth in relation to the Talmud Rosh Hashanah 16.2, Sanhedrin 108 and Genesis Rabbah 28.9, saying that the waters were gushing boiling Earth. In fact, 130,000 years ago, volcanism was very agitated, with volcanoes as Garrinada, El Golfo, Karthala, and also in Montpezat seulawah agam. Which could play a role in Riss- Würm interglacial period?

Quote here the hypothesis of crossing the sea by boat for the first men who populated Australia there are 50,000 to 75,000 years. This event dates back to before the appearance of modern man. But navigation or swimming Does it have existed before homo sapiens? In fact, archaeologists tell us that cabotage already existed in the Middle Paleolithic. The discovery of carved stone dating back at least 130,000 years have shown that man was sailing to the Middle Paleolithic. Scientists do not know how Homo erectus arrived on the island of Flores soon. He reached the current Java island on foot while she was still connected to the Asian continent and have landed on the island of Flores there are around 800,000 years ago, when there was deep water between the Indonesia and the island of Flores at the time, but how? Here we support the thesis that rising sea levels globally to 130,000 years in the past may be the deluge that is evoked through many great civilizations. The wooden utensils spears and axes have disappeared being made ​​of wood, or the first few boats or canoes as old may have disappeared forever, and were made ​​of wood, can be secured with lianas.

Some translators of the Quran evoke nails in the construction of the Ark, but do not specify the material in which they are designed. Technically, it is possible to design wooden nails made ​​as follows. We should drill holes with a stick by turning it with the inside of her palms, as perhaps we did it at the time to light a fire. We should have taken care not to leave flaming planks when drilling. After drilling the hole, would carve sticks and then nail them through the boards and possibly strengthen with ropes or vines. Given the length of time of the first men who left the coasts traces of cabotage, it would be obvious that traces of such wood working techniques have not survived to this day. In the Bible, we find an interesting version, in fact, Noah is said to have used the softwood; tree resin could help as a binder to make his gigantic boat, and the Bible refers to as tar coating, having just said that all life would be exterminated from the face of the Earth. In fact the Bible describes perhaps the boat building technology in ancient Egypt, but nonetheless it is interesting from a historical point of view and practice.

Note that the oldest ship found so far dates from the time of Nefertiti (old 3,400 years by front) and his super elaborately constructed, which rejects the idea that it was not preceded by a less elaborate boat or complicated-she was conceived without clou- but absolutely no ties with ropes tightened among the concave made ​​boards to take the shape of the boat etc. The Qur'an mentions the gift of a similar boat only to Noah descendants of survivors: (Cor P.443 / 41-2 XXXVI.). Prehistoric men have already sailed well to 100,000 years in the past, and found Australia by sea there are from 60,000 to 75,000 years hence. Similarly Homo erectus crossed the ocean 800,000 years ago to land on the island of Flores, perhaps on tree trunks?

Efin the word that the translators translate methodically by 'nail' is the word dusur, the plural of disâr; it does not specifically means "nail" (Mismar) but also tow or any object used to hold together wooden boards according to the Jami'ul Ahkam al Qur'ân of Qurtubi.

He seems the Koran evokes an oven in the time of Noah. The fire was known even before the appearance of modern man. We must, he seems to understand that the Qur'an is that the survivors had made ​​provisions for their long journey. Time to load the inhabitants of the Ark food must be cooked and ready. So maybe the flood would not last very long.

We have already pointed out several times, the Qur'an is not a cataclysm of the flood to destroy all life on Earth; instead he connection with the punishment of other ancient peoples who disobey. Here is one of the passages in the Koran that bear witness: (XXV Cor. 35-39): "Indeed, We sent Moses The Book, and appointed his brother Aaron as an assistant. Then We said: 'Go you both to the people who rejected Our evidence!'. We then destroyed completely. And the people of Noah when they had belied the Messengers, We drowned them, and We made ​​for the people a warning sign. And We have prepared for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment! And Ad and Thamud, the people of Ar-Rass and many generations! In all though, We had words and we all had a brutally annihilated. ". Also (VII Cor. 59-93).

Noah was loading his boat in all kinds of beasts "min kulli zawjayni ithnayn" (XXIII Cor. 27). Semantic analysis of this passage is useful for understanding the Qur'anic version of the flood. We have already seen that the flood did not cover animals according to the Koran. It should perhaps understood by then that Noah should take two of every kind of beasts. The translation of the word zawj by species is in any case inappropriate semantic distortion at the time of Muhammad -we have even cited the counting age in months in Sumerian to frame the calendar with the days of Noah would have have lived fifty one thousand months according to the Qur'an. The term is very different species, plants and even fungi species form. We will agree on the fact that the verse is not talking about that. The word zawj in Arabic means a group, and the Battle: a couple that is representative of this group. It probably should not imagine reading the Qur'an, Noah did genetic analyzes to determine what species is distinct from the other. An ant is an ant, either red, black, large or small. There are for example three species of elephants whose third was only discovered through genetic analysis. It is conceivable that insects and sea creatures were excluded from it. Just as some wildlife should perhaps be hunted because they were harmful or even dangerous to humans, such as the species of scorpion or snake; or perhaps the big cats? Maybe should we understand by that that Noah had to gather the animals that served him food, save in his own region, those he showed on his path in his entourage as he noted, and that in it then managed to capture, as he continued to build the ark?

Regarding the word Zawj, The Quran also speaks (XXXIX Cor. 6): eight azwâj (plural zawj) animals and evokes camels, sheep, goats and cattle. This may be of such couples -in a largely define the meaning to be couples that Noah charge should have loaded the Ark. This was probably help overcome the loss of useful species of men around when the rising waters. Muslim commentators have understood this and sometimes, perhaps by rationalism, but perhaps because the semantics of the time induced this type of reasoning?

D-98. The Israelites worshiped 345/47 XXIII Pharaonic family that was considered caused by the gods:
"Shall we believe in two men like ourselves we love their people? "

The Koran makes no mention of slavery in Egypt and the Hebrew are unknown to him. In this passage one, some translators have believed he spoke of slavery. But the original text is quite clear, and clearly speaks of what a people love. In Egypt, the royal family was treated like a divine lineage that people vowed a true religious worship for generations when they died. On the other hand they were considered as humans, do not have divine powers. Pharaonic family she refused to believe in the message of two men a people who worshiped them as gods? This verse can also be translated as the slavery of the Israelites by the pharaohs. Anyway, Egyptologists have discovered that this is wrong from a historical perspective. While the literal version of sustained here is consistent with the actual story. The Israelites in Egypt certainly worked in various positions and as workforce after 1500, among Apirous, but they were not as slaves in Egypt and lived as they were working with and the remuneration slaves did not exist at that time in Egypt. The word rendered adoration has a secondary meaning signifying slavery, it also means etymologically enslavement. The Israelites were paying heavy taxes to Pharaoh in Canaan before their exodus.

D-99. 347 / 82-3 XXIII The resurrection is not a tale of ancient / Seniority of faith in life after death:
"They said: 'When we are dead and we are dust and bones, shall we be resurrected? We were promised this, we and our ancestors; these are just tales of the ancients. ' "


The burial of a woman and a child dating back 100,000 years. Qafzeh, Middle East. Reflecting perhaps the belief in life after the death of the first humans.

We denote as even people of antiquity already argued this rationally. But in fact the very first humans clearly believed in life after death. That is apparently why they buried their dead with their weapons and practiced cannibalism, on occasion. S The shamans for thousands of years preached belief in the sacred and most of the doctrine of life after death.

We discussed also the studies of Professor Moor on the testimonies considered clinically dead and resuscitated patients; and his book Life After Life.

D-100. 363 / 38-40 XXV The city would have succeeded where the 'Ad, the Thamud and the Ashab ar-Rass (Petra?):
"And the 'Ad, and Thamud, and the people of ar-Rass and many generations! To all, however, we did parables and we destroyed them all abruptly. They passed the town on which was expired evil rain. Do they not then see? But they do not hope of resurrection. ' "

It may be that the eruption of the Santorini cataclysm corresponds to the ancient 'Ad and Thamud causing the famous black cloud and strong winds. The Santorini exploded to -1600 (that is to say, probably several centuries before Moses) and volcanic ash were pushed by a wind blowing to the southeast. According to experts, the eruption lasted up to two days and would have propelled thirty square kilometers of ash and lava. They then would have formed the largest volcanic cloud of the entire second millennium BCE region that would pl Onge this region of the world in the dark for several days. The strong wind mentioned would have been produced by the influence of the volcano on the sea that would not have failed to shake on its way throughout Egypt. No wonder that the Qur'an mentions this exceptional cataclysm that would probably tell the Bedouin of the desert. The Egyptians were now in the south and west of Egypt Hyksos.

The Tsunami that touc`hé areas as vast as that of the end of 2004, stretching from Indonesia to Thailand, Australia, India, and even in Yemen has demonstrated that disasters such as eruption of Santorini may well have cause damage on a scale such as that mentioned in this verse.

This verse evokes a city inhabited successively and repeatedly destroyed, would it be Petra (?, Edomites, Nabataeans, Romans.).

D-101. 368/27 XXVI Moses is accused of being possessed by Ramses, which was the worst thing that could happen to a man at the time.
".I Am buried myself from you when I feared you. Then my Lord granted me wisdom and made ​​me one of His messengers. Is this a blessing from you that you quote reproachfully while you make yourself venerate the children of Israel? '' And what does the Lord of the Universe? 'Pharaoh said. '' The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them-says Moses, if only you could be convinced. '' Pharaoh said to those around him: 'Do you hear ? not '' Moses said, 'Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors'' '' Really.! Pharaoh said, your messenger who has been sent is possessed '' Moses said, '.' The Lord of the east and the west and what is between them-if only you understand! 'Pharaoh said:' 'If you adopt a god other than me, I will put you among the prisoners''..

Here, Moses is mocked by Pharaoh, for he cites "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them", titles that Pharaoh attributes to himself in fact. He plays in replicating the crowd ironically: "Do you not hear? ".

Moses said, 'Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors.' 'Amon is native of Kush. The python rock of Gebel Barkal would be the site of his cult founder. The rocky peak shaped halo cobra is a symbol of protection. The snake symbolizing life, sexual desire and the creation of life. The worship of the python has been identified by the team of Sheila Coulson Botswana to 70,000 years BC. Moses to Pharaoh propose a sign:. The transformation of a snake stick (recalling the genesis of the World by the fertilization of the egg by cosmic Amon in the guise of a serpent and he will present a haloed hand, which was to suggest it is protected by Amun himself.

In fact Ramses II fun and then get angry: "If you adopt a god other than me, I will put you among the prisoners. ", For Moses cites exact attributes that Pharaoh attributes to himself." You rudders as King of the Two Lands, the nine arcs being at your command The limit is your border to the ends of the sky, all it covers is under your authority and this solar disk encircled is under your gaze. That bathes the subject you're very green. While you're on Earth, the brighter the Horus throne as king of the living. "-the Great dignitaries Ramses II during the inauguration of the High Priest of Amun. Is not it amazing to compare these two texts?

Possession of an individual by the soul of a wandering death was a horror for the time. You could wait months for an exorcist -a god come fix it. Let us remember the famous case of the Princess of Bakhtan. It is amazing that such superstitions did exist at that time, contrary to what we commonly conceive about it on Ancient Egypt.

The Egyptians believed that the souls of the dead could come and go in a living to give him supernatural powers -as in Moses. Such a person was considered undergoing the worst thing that can happen to a human: to be possessed by a death. Pharaoh was supposed to be himself messenger of the gods in Egypt at the time. So mocks Moses speaks of dead ancestors by saying that this messenger, Moses performing supernatural acts, is possessed by the ancient dead. Pharaoh might as well try to scare people about Moses: "Really! Pharaoh said, your messenger who was sent is possessed you. ".

D-102. 368/25 to 6.29 XXVI Amon Original god of the Israelites whose pen on the head recalls the heavenly origin? - Pharaoh (Ramses II) is already adore in his lifetime: The enothéisme of the time; Ramses II as Sovereign of sovereigns and other kings before him obedience.
'' And what does the Lord of the Universe? ', Asked Pharaoh. 'The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, if you were convinced!' Moses replied. Pharaoh said to those around him: 'Do you not hear?' -Moïse- Said, 'Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors!' ";" If you adopt, Pharaoh said, a god other than myself, I will put you into prison! "

Attached prisoners

Representations of prisoners of war committed by the pharaoh's soldiers.

If Moses really said "Your god and the god of your most distant ancestors," he did not know that the feathers on the head of Amun symbolized his heavenly origin? Amon means one that is not seen in the Egyptian language. Scholars trace the priests in Thebes as a local god. We are not fixed; his cult was he born at Hermopolis and Thebes? Amon appears to have been initially without much weight, considered related to reproductive forces or creative forces.

The Qur'an says here that Pharaoh says the ultimate god. In fact, the Egyptian religion was enothéiste, each god represented in turn all the Egyptian gods. And Ramses was already venerated in his lifetime. He represented his statue among the three main deities of the time at Abu Simbel temple and did replace the head of Osiris by his in the lobby. Ramses II declared as frequently sovereign sovereign or sovereign Ra etc. Other kings owed him obedience.

Finally, prisoners did exist in Egypt at that time and has been probably for centuries. Pharaoh was tying foreign prisoners and fought on behalf of the Egyptian gods. Ramses would he considered magicians who believe in Moses as enemies of war.

D-103. 369 / XXVI 42-8,53-60 The Ramses II's entourage, which considered universal lord - the Israelites fleeing are few - There are gardens at the time:
"-Pharaon- Said, 'Yes, of course, you will be among my closest. ";" Then Pharaoh sent gatherers in the cities, 'This is actually a small band, but they irritate us, while we are all vigilant.' Thus, we Fimes-out of gardens and springs, treasures and a pleasant place to stay. So it was, and We bestowed the inheritance to the children of Israel. At sunrise, they followed them. "

Ramses was surrounded by very high dignitaries. He chose his entourage bravery according to him. Scribes hierarchy were raised and others including military ranks. Pharaoh said the lord of all on which the sun rises and sets. The idea that magicians asked the grace of Pharaoh to be higher in hierarchy if they defeat Moses and tower seems credible.

Pharaoh in the Quran would have found the group of Jewish few leaks compared to his army, one of the most imposing of these times and in which also relied on foreign mercenaries. But without doubt he had just assembled a group of several hundreds or thousands of soldiers to hunt Moses? But we see that Ramses, instead of drawing up a ready infantry against a small group sends people gather men in cities. We studied the question above, and explained the role of Merneptah towards the end of the reign of Ramses II. This is suddenly happening at night.

The Qur'an mentions the location of the landscape of the area that the Jews are said to have left, but it says they were then inherited: "So We made ​​them out of gardens and springs, treasures and a place pleasant stay. ". Archaeological studies show that in any case the Canaan area consisted of large pastures, and also wells. And depended on rain, failing to dispose of rivers and irrigation systems, unless so little.

The legacy of Egypt by the Israelites is finally true in many aspects -the least for a few years-; that came out of Egypt with Moses were few and the rest of the Jewish population remained in Egypt after Ramesses II, verse explained as Pharaoh said that a small band was with Moses. And agonizing death of King on his return from drowning: (. Cor p.219 / X 90-2) is mentioned in a letter in Hebrew. The majority of the Israelites would have remained in Egypt for fear of reprisals Pharaoh: (Cor p.218 / X 83.88.). Another verse says like other peoples of Egypt also took advantage of this heritage: (166/137 Cor VII.).

D-104. 372 / 116-20 XXVI The struggles among the first humans?
"They said, 'If thou does not stop, Noah, you will surely be among those stoned' He said: 'My Lord, my people call me a liar. Tranche therefore clearly between them and me; and save me and the believers who are with me. 'So We saved him and those who were with him in the ark, fully charged. Then We drowned the rest. "

Men Paleolithic skulls bashed in, or being downright cannibalized, were found which confirmed that stoning could be this way at this early period. This did not seem to go without saying. Rising sea levels also occurred naturally following the glaciation cycles precisely at the time when modern humans appeared, around 130,000 years in the past. The cycle of glaciation around 100,000 years for over a million years, or modern man appeared there from 100,000 to 150,000 years. The memory of the flood would have been perpetuated as a beautiful story being exaggerated and amplified for millennia.

The discovery of spherical stones near Homo erectus bones in a region in Africa proves that even Homo erectus already using stones that probably launched to protect wildlife. Experts have demonstrated that and explained why these stones were transported by human hands from one region to another, very distant from each other. But it is absolutely unlikely that such detail could be stored for more than 100,000 years, so obviously this is a coincidence.

D-105. 373 / 146-9 XXVI Moving Here Thamûds:
"'I will leave you safe in your present condition? In gardens, sources, cultures and palm-digestible fruit? Dig yourself skillfully houses in the mountains? Fear God and obey me. Do not obey the order of the transgressors who make mischief in land and do nothing. ' They said: 'You're a bewitched. You're just a man like us. So bring a sign if you are of the truthful. ' "

We see that agriculture must exist at the time of Thamud according to the Qur'an. It is in any case established that men have invented agriculture several thousand years before Jesus Christ in the Fertile Crescent, where Thamud left traces . The discovery of agriculture and the transition to a sedentary lifestyle could actually make them grow significantly (Cor p.. 159 / 69.73 VII). In his Muqaddima, Ibn Khaldun claims to have discovered in Petra men of immense skeletons. As support the Koran. We have seen elsewhere that the Koran imagine the dwelling caves, shading in animal skins and nomadism just as it does not cite livestock or farming citing the children of Adam whose one would have killed the second, speaking of two sacrifices. Agriculture appeared very early in the Fertile Crescent.

Geologists agree that the Arabian Peninsula was green in the past, and that the last ice age caused the desert settled there. Muhammad would have said the same, according to some famous hadith, that the Arabian peninsula "again become a green day in the past." He had to take it from somewhere, unless the have imagined? The extent of the desert should be different to the early period of Thamud. Perhaps there were vast oasis?

The buildings in the cliffs also exist elsewhere at this early period -the Qur'an traced to before Moïse-; Hittite have cave dwellings and Ramses II, and the pharaohs before him, were digging graves in the valleys of the Kings and Queens.

As for the issue of possession at that time, it should be noted that trepanation was noted in the Neolithic, which seems to support this belief at this early period. We specify this without thinking that this detail is necessarily historically founded in Thamud. However, agriculture and trepanation are signs that appear in the Neolithic, as suggested by this passage from the Koran. This is an essential item chronologically. We have seen in other places that the Qur'an mentions stoning and burial rituals from the time the first humans. Note that here the people who accuse him of being bewitched demanderaint a miracle, we had mentioned above that Ramses II instead accused Moses of being possessed because he realized miracles and tried to do to defeat by magicians. Traditionally, the madness was in places considered a supernatural sign. Rarely, demented were outcasts.

D-106. 378/20 XXVII The bird cooing and the reign of Solomon:
"Then he reviewed the birds and said: 'Why do not I see the bird cooing -el hudhud-? Is he among the absentees? "

Solomon would he have been angry at Benben (hudhud) that does not return as well; because he represented in Egyptian culture, the symbol of eternity; in this Egyptian culture he knew well and whose culture is a Jewish girl growing in many ways, as we have given many examples. According to the myths of the pharaohs of Egypt must know that Solomon, the seasonal return of Benben of the first morning of the World aurora was a promise of eternity. Note that according to the Koran would Solomon asked unrivaled kingdom and that his death would have been steeped in mystery (Cor XXXVIII. 35): (Cor XXXIV. 14). This story that does not exist or more in the Bible should be accepted as possible by the profound coherence that characterizes so. The Benben is regarded by Egyptologists as the gray heron but it is not clear according to several experts whether this bird. The drawings of Benben and existing birds in Egypt at that time must be seen to join us on this. The word hudhud in Arabic means the hoopoe, and every bird cooing.


A representation of the Benben symbol of renewal. Solomon called he hudhud this bird.

No wonder that the people of Israel was so steeped in Egyptian culture having remained in Egypt half a millennium. Solomon he sent birds to Cardinals points for access to announce his kingdom, as did the kings of Egypt?

D-108. 379 / 23-4 XXVII The Queen of Sheba:
"I found a woman ruling over them, as everything has been filled and has a magnificent throne. I found her and her people worshiping the sun. "

This queen would have existed in the powerful kingdom of Saba, whose legendary name in Ethiopia would Makeda. Various Jewish beliefs existed at the revelation of the Koran, including one saying that Menelik was the son of Solomon with the Queen of Sheba. To believe a legend is to check if asserted by the spirits about the legs of the Queen of Sheba who would be hairy 008000 # / font # 000000es that Solomon would have made crystal drop on the floor of the Temple, so that she lifted her skirt and revealed her legs and for that reason there: (XXVII Cor. 44). But this sort of fantastical interpretations was abundant at that time which also saying that the fish species had been placed under the crystal floor that would give the palace a fantastic appearance. It is difficult to say whether all of these beliefs were invented after the revelation of the Qur'an or whether they existed before the revelation, as it does not seem there is no written record about it.

The Quran also states that some ignorant people invented stories and others wrote stories -it should probably understand the biblical books Non canoniques- they said revealed by God to make money (78 Cor. -9 II). Unfortunately we do not know more or the side of the Muslims or the Jewish side over the time these stories were affirmed. Finally, it is known that when Pharaoh came to power, he sent birds the four cardinal points to warn people of the change. Perhaps Solomon similarly sent birds when he became king, to declare his kingship (XXVII Cor. 20). The Qur'an mentions the gathering of several birds. A bird would he discovered the Queen of Sheba and Solomon would he have sent a new letter. He knew the Egyptian practices that his ancestors had reigned in Egypt. Another possibility is that it was the season and the migratory birds that orient precisely thanks to the sun during the day have made a hoopoe has failed the kingdom of Saba. The story of the bird of speech is an interesting subject which is however not credible intellectually.

D-109. 380/44 XXVII The palace of Solomon:
"We Saba- him -the queen said; 'Enter the palace!' Then, when she saw him, she took him for a deep water, and bared her legs. Then Solomon said: 'This is a crystal pavé palace.' - She said, 'Lord, I made the wrong myself: I submit with Solomon to God, Lord of the Universe.' "

There are many beliefs about the palace with no trace no longer seems to exist on Earth. The Qur'an supports a sumptuous palace here has actually existed, but does not support the tales that take into legends.

There is a Temple built by Herod the Great to its location and part of the Western Wall is revered by Jews being called Wailing Wall. According to Jewish legend, a second temple made ​​of gold and silver down from heaven to the end of time to replace the old temple. Does this mean that the Palace of Solomon, there is nothing left in Israel? In Islam this wall is selected as the rest of the Temple - masdjid Aqsa - Herod where Muhammad would have stopped for a prayer before his Ascension into heaven (al mi'râdj). The Qur'an seems to emphasize that Herod had rebuilt the palace destroyed once before it is again destroyed: (XVII Cor. 7): ". Then came the last word when it was that they afflict your faces and enter the Temple as they entered it the first time, and they completely destroy what they have seized. ".

According to Muslim tradition, when the Israelites would have come to question Muhammad who said he was taken to the temple of Jerusalem, it would have explained them the existence of columns of the temple of Herod and dénombrerait. Perplexed they would be back on their feet. In fact, the columns of the temple of Herod located at the site of Solomon's palace is revered Wailing Wall by Jews and corresponded to descriptions of Muhammad. We have already quoted the verse evoking the destruction of the Temple above.

D-110. 383 / 65-68 The XXVII Quraïche are descendants of Abraham:
"And those who disbelieve say: 'Shall we raised when we are dust, we and our fathers, do we really are will re-emerge? Certainly we have been promised to us and to our fathers before. These are but tales of the ancients. ' "

This passage pencer it could be because the Quraïches descended from Abraham and Hagar they believe in God "by the ancient" and it seems they had the ancestral memory of the belief by their ancestors in the life after death. Such a hypothesis is permitted but again, what is possible is not necessarily a historical fact. The books of ancient history we learn that there were still before the revelation of the Qur'an a man who seems to be on the monotheistic faith of Abraham named Zayd bin 'Amr bin Noufeyl idolaters who said: "By Him who holds the soul 'Amru, all that remains of you on the path of Abraham more than me. ". The Arabic literary relate many of these poems before Islam; and Mohammad bin Ishaaq reported that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab and Zayd-which was actually the son of our famous' Amrou- even asked if they could implore God for' Amru bin Noufayl, Muhammad seems he made ​​the praise 'Amru and authorized. The first to introduce the idols of Sham in Hijaz, was also known yet he seems alive and her name was Muhammad 'Amr bin Lohey and was of the tribe of Khoza'a. This brought the chroniclers named Hubal a statue which was the first statue in entering Ismailis. These they perpetuated by the before Abrahamic rite was to carry stones of the Holy Land leaving on a trip to remember the Ka'ba; see in the Bible (Genesis XXVIII: 10-22): "And Jacob was following his path from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. Eventually he arrived at a place of adventure and proceeded to spend the night. He took one of the stones of the place and put it under his head as a support and slept. Then he dreamed, and behold a ladder was there. And now the Lord was posted above her. So Jacob rose early and took the stone that was there as support-his head and set it up in a column, and poured oil on top of the top. In addition, it called that place Bethel name. . "Bethel means house of God and the name Abraham would have given the Ka'ba and that Muslims know as the Beytullah. Also; (Genesis XXXI: 45-55).

Likewise Jesus appointed Simon Cephas, meaning stone, for he would have chosen to establish His Church. Pierre was the greatest preacher of the Judeo-Christian movement that spread from Cyprus; where the author of the Gospel of Barnabas drew to witness to the faith of the time.

'Amr bin Lohey, who was unaware of the ancestral symbolic, he was inclined to adopt Foreign statues and so introduced idolatry among the children of Ishmael? Hubal was similar in appearance to the stone erected by Jacob. Finally, the Bible records how the children of Israel would also have similarly introduced Baal idols which they swore in whose name the temple. Thomas Maria Weber wrote in The Archéo Tema No. 9 (review), July-August 2010, page 50. Archeodenum SAS. (ISSN 1969 - 1815), that it probably has been able to introduce the unknown anthropomorphic idols in the Hijaz before him. The adoption of the main idols of the Arabian Peninsula should promote the prestige of Mecca among Arab tribes.

There is still one last point to clarify here, regarding the historical credibility of the existence of Abraham in the past. This is the dating of the era in which Abraham lived according to the Bible and according to Muhammad. According to the Bible, it would be possible to date the time of Abraham according to the data on the life of the descendants of Abraham until David who lived about 1,000 years before Jesus. These and date Abraham to 1800-1850 BC. Some passages of the Old Testament give the lifespan of individuals of that genealogy, and the age at which they have begotten a particular child, which is used to date and Abraham, an arithmetically. Muhammad would add that traces its genealogy to clearly Adnan would descendant of Ishmael and said, "Do not make up my genealogy beyond Adnan because really, genealogists confused -between brothers! "; See also: (XXII Cor. 78). This because the Arabs cited the genealogy back to Abraham but cited some different ancestors from one source to another. In fact, geneticists have analyzed the genes of Arabs, Jews etc. and traced them to a common origin, but dating back further expected that such data and sweat a wider geography than the one mentioned in the Bible. This was very embarrassing, even if the genetic data either are not quite safe. Note that unlike the Muslims who have abandoned trying to quote their genealogies by order of Muhammad, the Jews and Christians who also have different versions and continue to lend credence to all these contradictory genealogies. Comparing versions in Matthew and in Luke, we note that where Mathieu cites as successor Esrom: Aram, Marc says: Admin and Arni, citing Salomon where Luke says Sala. After David, Matthew and Luke mention ancestors of Jesus totally different. Luke adds as son of Arphaxad a Kaïnam not contained in the Old Testament; from Abraham to David we find 14 to 16 handwritten names (read The Bible, the Qur'an and Science Professor. Maurice Bucaille, including published by Pocket editions). This shows that dating from the Bible is not solid. In the Old Testament genealogy also confusions of this kind include, sometimes in a single book. For example, (II Samuel 6: 23) & (II Samuel 21: 8) and (1 Chronicles, 24: 24) & (Exodus; 6: 22 & 30); we will not mention the advantage because it is beyond our intention.

D-111. 385/4 XXVII unjust hierarchy Pharaoh scribes, priests, workers, etc.
"Pharaoh exalted himself in the land; it divided into clans its people, oppressing the weak one of them. Slaughtering their son and letting their women live. He was one of the instigators of disorder. "

Devastated people of Israel

On a stele contained in the tomb of Merenptah we read that the people of Israel was destroyed and has no seed -here a representation of an extract. The seed comes as Egyptian male. On the right, we see mutilated penis drawings -d'hommes- enemies of Pharaoh in the temple of Amun at Medinet Habu. The idea that only males were killed and not the female is coherent as that.

The Qur'an does not say that the Israelite children were drowned in the Nile, but that men would be slaughtered. This is more consistent as a function of history. Because the Nile is a sacred river, drowning someone in the Nile was one way to deify and honor the Nile as a favorite by naming Hesy. The Israelites wanted to be exterminated as an enemy people has been verified by the stele contained in the tomb of Merenptah. The Egyptians did not kill women at war, but slaughtered men as evidenced by the representations of Egyptian wars on many monuments of the time. The Qur'an mentions as Egyptians feared a new uprising of hostile peoples who confiscate their land to them again (p.315 Cor / 63 XX.).

According Midant Beatrice-Reynes, a specialist in pre-dynastic Egypt at the Toulouse center anthropology, forensic studies of human remains have revealed traces of slaughter of men already before the reign of the Pharaohs in Egypt. Let Pharaoh do kill the children of Israel is historically possible, given that the practice of killing in the territory already existed millennia before Ramses II. We highlighted elsewhere as stoning and impalement, which are also cited in the Qur'an have indeed been practiced in Ancient Egypt.

Anti having beheaded his mother Hathor. Extract from papyrus Jumilhac. This legend is very ancient as Egyptologists.

In the papyrus Jumilhac, Anti god is depicted having beheaded his mother Hathor. Holding a knife in one hand and a cow's head in the other. The Egyptians who practiced mummification feared actually strong decapitation and dismemberment for fear of not being able to live again in heaven.

There was indeed a very thorough hierarchy where some were deified and other reporting to the extreme-those caught in guerres-: the worship of the royal family as gods and work life to their service in yards . Egyptians boasted of ma'at that respects the balance between rich and poor. The workers were paid, they had rights etc. but the Israelite people was perhaps specially abused because of Moses to let them out of Egypt, it can cause loss of labor.

According to Professor Dr. Bucaille and references, it is possible that the Hebrews were part of cApiru mentioned in ancient Egyptian records from Tutmès III as a people and as Amenhotep II as prisoners. Seti I even went into Canaan to make war on them, or it is true that prisoners were used for the construction of monuments or Ramses II used the cApiru in construction and to transport the steles. In this case, it appears that as under Ramses II, Palestine was an Egyptian territory, the latter then enslaved in fact part of his own people.

D-112. 386/6 XXVIII Haman loyal to Ramses II and influential:
". and establish them in the earth, and to show Pharaoh and Haman to, and their soldiers, what they feared. "

A chief could have several functions in Egypt, such as managing projects and command of a troop on an expedition, look after the cattle etc. Scholars have long debated on the character of Haman.

The name of Haman is thus written on a stele dating from the New Kingdom (c. 1580-1085 BC. BC) found in a museum in Vienna (Austria) and the name of Haman is in the famous Dictionary of specialized characters of the New Kingdom Ranke, as it were written at the Vienna Museum in the Ägyptische Inschriften, I34, p. 130, as "der Steinbrucharbeiter of Vorsteher" means in German "head of stone quarry workers." We will deal more broadly below. Haman is mentioned six times in the Quran.

A Haman is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Esther Chapter 7, for some other time. During the exile of the Israelites in Babylonia. He was serving a king named Ahasuerus who reigned over a territory stretching from India to Ethiopia, from Persia, they would have persecuted the Jews, and Haman was hanged, then to massacre the Jews hostile people of India to Ethiopia with permission of Ahasuerus. This is obviously not based on the history of Persia there was a conquest of Indian districts in Ethiopia or king named Ahasuerus. The origin is not Jewish, it is a . adaptation of a Babylonian god Marduk's triumph (Madochée) and Ishtar (Esther) above the Elamite god Hamman (Haman) and Mashti (Vashti) Daniel refers to this as the son of Ahasuerus Darius (Daniel, 9: 1 ). But the son of King Darius who was not called either Ahasuerus, his name was Xerxes I st - which is pronounced Khohayaroha - (v. 519-465 BC. AD). The father of Darius (c. 558 BC. J.-C.-486 BC. BC) is also known, it'sa Hystape the Persian satrap. The Darius era of his father and his children is very well known and the conquest of India in Ethiopia is an invention of the author of the book of Esther. The nearest name phonetically Ahasuerus is among Persian kings Cyrus II, the Great (-600 to -529) -the father of the mother of Xerxes Ie, his son who reigned until Darius- of Greece, and Lydie -in Egée- Sea but not in Ethiopia or India. It has not existed Haman persecuting the Jews in Babylon. It's also not the only biblical character who is not known at all in reality.

We explained above that an Egyptian Haman himself has existed at the time of Moses who was chief in buildings, as the Qur'an suggests: (Cor. XL: 36-7,39-40). The story reconstituted in Babylonia may be considered that way by mistake, Persian god Hamman seconding a King tyrannizing the Israelites, Egyptian Haman mentioned in the Quran that actually very well have existed in the past, thanks to Egyptology and perhaps known under a different name at the time of Ramses II.

Haman, Ranke dictionary of Middle Kingdom characters Hamann
Haman's name appears in two places in the dictionary of famous people from the New Kingdom Ranke. Left No. 26.? Hemen: mn - (perhaps an abbreviation of hmn -h: m NR Wien, Wreszinski, S. 130; right, No. 16. hmnn (epithet of a nn t): D 18 m Sethe, Urk 4, 1007, 3..

D-113. 386/9 XXVIII Moses, the child (Mesy or Mose in Egyptian):
"And the wife of Pharaoh said: 'shall cheer my eye and holds it! Do not kill him. It might be useful to us or take us for children -. Mesy ' And they perceived not. "

Mose or Mesy was a common name at the time of Ramses II and the child means in the language of that time. It may be that the verse mentions the time when the wife of Pharaoh (or Nefertari Tuya, mother of Ramses II and Tiya) gives the name of Mose Moses. So we have called the "child" in the Egyptian language after it was recovered from the waters of the Nile. Moses was called Mose well and not mosche such as the great Egyptologist JH Brested. This would be bold and bizarre as the wife of Pharaoh appoints the baby a name Hebrew as her husband would have to kill all newborn children of Israel, -according to the Bible, but the Koran does not speak throw newborns in the Nile but to kill the males by decapitation or sticking. The Bible says it is talking with her ​​husband on the adoption of Moses that it put the name of Moshe in this context, the discussion of the wife of Pharaoh with the latter named Moses "Mose" in Coptic says -it: "The take us for Mose? "(XXVIII Cor. 9).

Another possible interpretation of Moses' name is that it does not come from the idea to remove the child from the water but rather to the idea that it would have been thrown into the water. Note that the Egyptians call water Soft and those who drowned in the water are appointed Hesy, meaning "favorite of the Nile" and are deified. In the late period Hesy mean "drowned" and also wrecked, but certainly not "I drew him out of the water" or "meshîtu min-ham-Mayim 'giving Moshe in Hebrew. Hesy will decide later Asies or Esiês joining perhaps the form of Mousa used in the Koran.

The Qur'an talks about what Pharaoh kill male -that confirms the writing of the stele discovered in the burial tomb of Merneptah we analyzed ailleurs- but does not say that newborns were thrown into the water Nile. In fact, according to the Qur'an Allah had revealed to Moses 'mother to throw it in the waters of the Nile in these words: "And we revealed to Moses' mother: Suckle him and, when you fear for him, cast the in the flood. And do not be afraid, do not grieve; We will make it and you will do a Messenger. ". Sydney Aufrère, Egyptologist at the center in February Albert of the University of Provence in France, precisely like the Nile swarming with crocodiles and the writings of the time show how the servants had to observe the surroundings before approaching the Nile, fear getting eaten. The story reports that the Koran says God would have well to the mother not to fear, the baby will be returned to him, and told him to throw it when already fear for his life. Then the Qur'an states that Moses' sister followed him along the river (XX Cor. 40), probably to avoid it the worst? The cabinet is quoted in verse: (XX Cor. 39), which states that the cabinet would be launched to the shore, in the swamp.

Furthermore, the Qur'an does not say that newborns were drowned in the Nile and in the Bible. Egyptologist says that anyone drowned in the river was glorified and that the author was unaware of the biblical passage of the day Egypt completely.

D-114. 387 / 19-20 XXVIII The temporal power of the priests in ancient Egypt at the time ramesside:
"When he wanted to deal a blow to their common enemy, -the juif- said, 'O Moses, would you kill me as you killed a man yesterday? You want to be a tyrant on earth; and you do not want to be among the good. ' And then a man came from the side of town Current in and said, 'O Moses, notables are going to consult about you to kill you. Flee! That's the only advice I give you. "

Increasingly during the reign of Seti I and then even under Ramses II and Merenptah in the power of the priests was growing to the point that the High Priest of Amun was responsible for the gold and his son inherited his title . Indeed, Pharaoh should seek the advice of priests in some situations. And they had a power like that is mentioned in this passage from the Koran. Besides their power during the New Kingdom would come largely from their war against the Hyksos they drove in Palestine.

D-115. 388 / 23-6 XXVIII Lived in Midian in the time of Moses
"And when he arrived at the water of Midian he found a group of men watering their animals and he found two women standing on the sidelines and holding the animals. He said, 'What do you want?' They said: 'We do abreuvons until the shepherds are gone; and our father is old. 'He gave them drink for them and then back to the shade and said (.). One of them said, 'O my father, commits it for wages. "

The description herein is also in the Bible and is in any case with the people lived at Deir el-Medina; We quote here the famous city of Deir el Medina which we know every detail to that time, precisely because we know very well, the date of that particular time and is not so far from Midian.

The Midianite Arabs worshiped the idol named Yahu some Biblical passages adopted as the God of Israel. It is called Yah through the Bible, or Yahweh. Knowing that we did not write Hebrew vowels, the name Yahu transcribed so as Yah is the exact written form of Yahu. Yah is the transcription upside of Hayy, Khayy Aramaic and means Living. We may think that the ancient priests have wanted to hide the name that was perhaps intended as a magic formula. Jehovah transcribed YHWH. There seems to be a transformation of the name Yahu who transcribed YHW.

D-116. 390/36 XXVIII Khamaouesset the historian son of Ramses II sought the oldest traces of the Egyptian memory.
"But when Moses came to them with Our clear signs, they said: 'It is only then magically conceived. We never heard of this among our ancestors. "

We do not know what prompted Pharaoh to load Khamaousset his son to seek and restore the ancient writings, but believe this verse the royal family seemed intrigued by the warning of Moses on the god of their earliest ancestors. The priests did not write but were transmitted orally (we have heard anything like it in our most distant ancestors) the most important mystical secrets. Khamaousset is why considered by specialists as the first archaeologist. He took care to collect ancient writings and was interested in old architecture.

Moreover, the clergy of the nineteenth dynasty was over, the less specialized since the age of the pharaohs, even the high priest was appointed by Ramses II to his taste -Next a sacred inspiration as written at the time.

D-117. 390/38 XXVIII Pharaoh is god - Haman and the priest who opens the gates of heaven, Pharaoh regarded himself as mediator between God and men - the construction of the sanctuary of Amon who hears the prayers and the end of the hall site pillared temple of Amun at Karnak.
"And Pharaoh said, 'Ye chiefs, I do not know of any god for you other than myself. Haman, kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a high residence; I reach to the god of Moses. I really think he is a liar. ' "

Rameses II had himself actually deify and worship in his lifetime -then the pharaohs were deified after death before himself as the Quran says very clearly in this passage. Before Ramses II alone Ahmose III did the same, but not as much as Ramses II. The last building was already in his lifetime statues in his image and vowed to sacrifice his own effigies. That makes Ramses replace heads of Osiris and Amun, Ptah and Ra - the three main gods of Abu Simbel époque- to the temple of Karnak shows this impressively. Representing a god in the guise of another merger was a symbol of the gods in Egypt at the time. We see the credibility of the story of the Koran, showing once again that the Jews of that time had to have lost books or a seemingly lost oral tradition.

There was in Egypt a belief in the arrival of messages from heaven that Pharaoh received to personally convey to men and the Egyptian religion was enothéiste, which means that each god was worshiped in turn as the set of deities. Here we read that Pharaoh ordered to build a monument, the word sarh originally means "something frank, apparent," the tower said exactly word burj qal'a. Jalalayn explain in their exegesis of the word S arhan as Qa s ran Aliya: high residence. The translation of the word as a tower in the award of translators is a pictorial sense arising from the rest of the sentence which speaks of "achieving the god of Moses by the ways of heaven." This is -its crossing the seven heavens to reach the Celestial god of a ritual that also existed at that time. Pharaoh he speaks of Amon is hidden in heaven, Moses placing God in heaven and described it as the common god of all men who created everything (XXVI Cor. 25-6, 29): "Pharaoh said to those around him: 'Do you not hear? -Moïse- Said, 'Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors!' ".

The great monuments like the pyramids, towers etc. are supposed to touch the sky in Egyptian belief. But Pharaoh said here want to achieve through the heavens and the God of Moses. This is actually a more specific rite is practiced by Ramses II at Karnak and the High Priest of Amun. So that order and Ramses II at Haman: "Haman, kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a high residence; I reach to the god of Moses. I really think he is a liar. ".

The elders who were ignorant of Egypt is believed at the time to read the manufacture of clay bricks, while the Qur'an does not speak at all bricks. Although clay bricks dating from the era have been found in ruins and Nebesheh Defenneh. The burnt brick was known in Egypt in all periods according to the architecture of Brick A. J. Spencer's in ancient Egypt (and Aris Ltd, UK, 1979, p. 140). But the Egyptians were rarely built in this material also see in the Manual of Egyptian Archaeology, by G. Maspero, H. Grevel, p. 4 .. The bricks were placed on the fire to be manufactured, and not fire on the brick -read verses. While the fire was put in the ovens made ​​mainly clay bricks to launch a site and feed the workers of -préparés loaves in such furnaces in argile- and beer made ​​in carafes prepared -also in these clay ovens . Cutters and other copper utensils were even melted down and recycled on site. Moreover, the secondary order of turning on the oven to start a construction site in Haman is not cited in a second passage of the Qur'an relating the same event (XL Cor. 36-7,39-40).

On the left, Osiris wears the head of Ramses II, the representation of a god with the head of another god's symbol of fusion between these deities. At right top, Ramses II Figure four times including three times to figure Amon, Re and Ptah. Below, a view of the temple of Nefertari. The temple was completed in 21 of the reign of Ramses II.

In any case, Ramses II was complete the pillared hall erected by series of high columns where the virtual rite of crossing the heavens to reach Amon was practiced and made ​​even add a revolutionary shrine in the far east of the Temple of Amun Karnak he named "Amon who hears prayers" where it is supposed to bring petitions to Amon people crossing the heavens: "Haman, kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a high residence; I reach to the god of Moses. I really think he is a liar. ".

Already during the nagadien (to end 3000 BC.) Developed a set of terracotta pots placed in staggered rows and inserted in a brick oven roasting was found at Abydos. Supra representation.

We explained largely above the name of Haman existed at that time in Egypt. A Haman was found inscribed on a stele dating from the New Kingdom which is currently at the famous museum of Vienna, Austria. Moreover, Haman described in Ägyptische Inschriften Museum of Natural histories of Vienna, the reference, (I34, p. 130) as follows: <Haman, chief of stone quarries workers>.

We can not spend the next point without specifying a few points concerning the alleged order of Ramses II at Haman. Pharaoh could not ignore the pyramid of Amenemhat made ​​bricks to make as great as that of Senefru which has collapsed miserably. Although Ramses II necessarily knew the baked bricks as they were at least known in Mesopotamia between -4000 and - 600, in the consolidation of Ziggurats built of mud bricks covered with baked bricks. The ziggurats were built in tiers like the ancient pyramids. We cited above references demonstrating that the Egyptians used the terracotta brick in all ages -see supra, but the Koran does not speak any of bricks but of fire lit on clay, which means rather an order to light in clay ovens to launch a project, one can think that in principle could be the construction of the pillared hall and divine residence "Amon who listens to prayers." Where Pharaoh crossed the skies to reach the Creator and make it accessible to people as a messenger. Finally, we really made ​​the original text by "That I reached the god of Moses' words to Alli that translators render erroneously by perhaps as in another verse:" Lord make me go back - the earth-so that I may accomplish the good which I have left. "(Cor XXIII. 99-100).

Clay brick Lunch break of workers in Egypt

Left: clay brick manufacturing really on fire in Egypt, this was the case also in the time of Moses in Egypt. / Right: bread distribution prepared clay oven and beer -both food critical of the time in Egypt- provided in earthenware jugs clay brick oven -tombe of Rekhmire (Eighteenth Dynasty).

Egyptian manufacture clay bricks on the walls of the tomb of Rekhmire at the time of Moses, unless both of reconstituted stones as suggested by the white bricks.

Moreover, the life that revolved goshawks of the Nile floods in Egypt and years of scarcity and flooding -évoqués elsewhere in the Koran are directly linked with Karnak and the clergy of Amon. The journey of Pharaoh with the statue of Amun in Karnak and Luxor between boat and crossing the pillared hall was specifically promote good raw. Even Ramasseum -where Ramses II had just add a royal palace next to the principal-sanctuary was supposed to be the place of meeting of Ramses II and Amon. In this sense, this passage is even more breathtaking than it to air. Since the typical gigantic constructions of Ramses II had just reinforce the favor of Amon towards him despite the wounds of the Nile, which the Qur'anic version of the wounds would actually be bad floods and floods. Life was articulated goshawks Niles without which Egypt would be a rather hostile territory. We have already fl / font'udié supra wounds and their relationship to the Nile floods.

A recent theory of the construction of Egyptian monuments in rhinestones is also intriguing. The ancient Egyptians could have obtained lime by heating in ovens - to between 800 and 1000 ° C - sand or crushed stone they sifted. Mixed with uncooked stone powder or sand, and then to water as well as the soda would have be tailored stones. Representations of artisans on the walls of the tomb of Rekhmire, New Kingdom, could testify manufacturing reconstituted stones instead of bricks, as suggested in the white limestone rocks, instead of a dark color reminding the sand Nile background. The use of fire to burn the palm to get Natron or stone powder to obtain lime could thus have been referred to by Ramses II, for the construction of a monument to cross the heavens.

D-118. 390/42 XXVIII The end of the pharaonic dynasty XIX:
"We made them follow in this life here on earth with a curse. And the Day of Resurrection they will be among the despised. "

The royal family who had arrived at the peak of glory under Ramses II veered badly after the death of Pharaoh; and the glory they veered towards their enslavement and their loss of the Kingdom. Taousert the 8th Pharaoh of the dynasty would be a woman of Berber origin and would have been hit by a Syrian named Iarsou who tyrannized Egypt of the Pharaohs until the coming of Sekhnacht was going and found the XX th Dynasty. When Ramses III died in 1151, Egypt was turning in the invasion of foreign peoples and Palestine was lost long ago. Only a son, of his dozens of son, survived Ramses II; and they are foreigners who completed his own dynasty, while they were at the peak of glory in his lifetime. Some of Ramses II by his Harem descendants continued to live in Egypt until quite late, but the children of the royal house perished before him during his lifetime.

D-119. 405/9 XXX The advanced ancient civilizations before the cultural degeneration to the V th Century:
"Have they not traveled in the land and seen what was the end of those before them? Those were better in power and they tilled the soil and populated much more than they did themselves. "

Traces of Ancient Egypt technologies and incredible architectural monuments around the world are used to extend credit on this verse. Include the Sphinx, the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, or China the wall, erected in cities that involved a high agricultural development. Arab traders were to be marveled at the grandeur of some ancient sites.

D-120. 406/20 XXX Man made of clay and mythology.
"Among His signs is that He created you from dust, and you're the men scattered. "

The creation of the man of clay is a universal belief that is found on all continents. The belief that the first man was made from the hand of a god from the clay found in Sumer in Egypt to China and among the Dogon of Mali, and even in some Indian tribes of America.

In ancient Greece it was Prometheus who uses clay he wets his tears to form deadly to sensitive feelings. Another source Hephaestus Zeus load form a clay statue and give it a voice and appoints the daughter Pandora. In Egypt Khnum forms the first clay men. Mordecai forma Sumer the first man in the service of the gods from clay he kneaded with blood with the help of Ea. In China it is Pen-gu air that separated earth and sky and died - His breath became the wind, his voice rumbling from the sky, his eyes the sun and moon, his body the mountains, his blood rivers and seas, his hair the stars, his sweat rain. And the interior of the insect's body became men. But part of the sky fell to the seas and destroyed men (flood). So Nguho intervened pushing up the sky and the seas pushing their boundaries, and he formed the clay men. In America the Great Manitou waters separated into twelve heavens and earth, he formed the clay man and gave all in the service of men. Among the Dogon in Mali, the creator god Amma formed the primordial couple of clay. This is a universal myth of the creation of the man of clay. In Polynesia, it's Tane god of vegetation, which formed the first red clay woman named Hine-ahuone.

In a hymn to Viraccocha -God of vivants- we read a different version, we read: "Viraccocha root of being, always near God, who creates saying: - That man is! That the woman is! Viraccocha luminous lord, God who makes and be killed. You who renews creation. Keep thy creature long days so that she could complete on the right road. ". This hymn also looks like several passages of the Qur'an: (III Cor. 59).

Khnum forming the first human couple Dogon mythical couple

Left: Khnum manufacturing a man and a woman of clay. Right: torque mythical Dogon, the first man and the first woman. Sculpture hidden in a sanctuary or at the hogon spiritual leader Dogon.

This passage seems to once again design of nomadism among early humans. Other passages of the Qur'an leave even imagine that in the time of Noah. According to paleontologists, the first humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers; (Cor p.570 / 5-7 LXXI.): "He says -Noé- 'Lord! I called my people night and day. But my call only only increase their flight. "& (Cor p.. 276/81 XVI):" And what He Created, God has given you shadows. And He has given you shelter in the mountains. And He has given you garments to protect you from heat, and -cuirasses armures- and clothes that protect you from your own violence. ". The Qur'an mentions elsewhere only with the invention of farming and agriculture (Cor p.373 / 146-9 XXVI.), Men grew in size after the flood: (Cor p.159 / 69. 73 VII).

D-121. 409/42 XXX polytheism in ancient times and in prehistory:
"Say: 'Travel in the land and see what was the end of those who were before you. Most of them were idolaters. ' "

Archaeologists do not say otherwise about polytheism in prehistory to the present day. One of the greatest discoveries of the archaeologists is that the main characteristic traces of these past peoples is polytheism. The Qur'an considers that polytheism would be more important in times past: ". most of them were polytheists. ". A hunch based largely through archeology. The widespread monotheism of our time is also very recent.

The word associationism is more accurate because it includes talismans, the veneration of saints etcetera that are associated with God in hope and supports in this sense it seems that this verse is strongly in the right.

We do find, trace of polytheism from the emergence of homo sapiens, gradually and slowly. It is difficult to understand the spiritual men in the absence of writing. We note that the first men did not represent the faces of men whose statues they formed in the early days. Note that tens of thousands of years later this is prohibited in the Bible and by the mouth of Muhammad? You have to think that the idea of ​​a representation of a face would shock the religious spirit. Talismans were however found the going back very far in the Paleolithic: 150,000 years until he appears.

A pendant depicting a human form dated to 150,000 years is probably the first form of a talisman. The worship of the feminine symbol of fertility and procreation is an ancient form of religion back at least to Born class = / FontFont size = olithique in Anatolia. The phallicism is an ancient form of religion which is the male sexual organ which is revered as a symbol of procreation. The Israelites, as a Semitic people originally have phallicism practicing a religion. Of which we find seems he traces in the Bible (Deuteronomy, 32: 6). Just as the ancient Egyptians imagined that creation as an ejaculation of Amon having masturbated. The Star of David represents copulation: the triangle pointing down represents the female, the other male.

D-122. 431/28 XXXIV A prophet Universal:
"And We have not sent you but as an advertiser and a warner to all mankind. "

According to the Qur'an, Muhammad is a prophet come to all mankind, according to the Qur'an all people would have had prophets and Islam would come unify humanity in a seulwesterne religion (Cor XXII. 107).

D-123. No 441/19 XXXVI bad omen:
"They said:" Your ill omen is in yourselves. Do you act well when we call you? But you are transgressing people. ' "

This statement is surprising for the time. This feature is also fairly marked the rejection of obscurantism in Islam. Muhammad said, refers to Muslim tradition, the superstitious that there is no bad omen, and that all evil befalls men, the spine touching their feet to the vein hardening their throats, nothing the atteidrait that is the fruit of their own works -Muslim: 2876 abu Dawud: 3093. Muhammad reportedly said tearfully when people would have said that his son Ibrahim died because of the lunar eclipse: "The new births and dead people have nothing to do with the lunar eclipse; This is qunbsp;'e Amon who inspires fear God to His creatures in this way. `''. It would have even said again: "There is no épieuse disease. . "A Bedouin then asked," Why in this case if I put a healthy animal with a sick animal, it also gets sick? "To which Muhammad would have answered:" What is it that touched first? It therefore reaches the other of same. ". He says even one day a Bedouin who implored God to find his camel that had escaped: "Man! First attaches firmly a paw your horse after that pull yourself to God and ask Him for the beast does not escape. ".

However, it seems paradoxically according to tradition, Muhammad prayed as his feet swelled and they were bleeding and he was fasting as it lasted several days without interruption. Then he would tie a stone on his stomach to decrease the sensation of hunger, a Bedouin method of the time. He implored God at every opportunity: if he was wearing a new garment, if the sky rumbled, if it rained, and any occasion. This information is particularly in Muslim and in al-Bukhari, and testify that if Muhammad was against superstitions, he widely believed in irrational things. He also believed the Angels, Demons in Paradise, witchcraft, the evil eye. Wanting to make a positivist is absurd. The Arab mindset was largely free of abstraction, but it must be said these things to better understand the man.

D-124. 443 / 41-2 XXXVI The ancient boats have they served the biblical account of Noah's Ark?
"And a sign for them is that We bear their offspring in a boat load; and We créâmes similar on which they ride. ' "

This verse seems to suggest that boats would cease to exist due between the Noah's Ark myth and the first canoes? We believe that Egyptian boats have been used to the Biblical and Koranic writing on the legendary boat Noah. Also read the explanations on the boat from the reign of Nefertiti and other forms of prehistoric navigation from 100,000 years earlier. We talked about this in more detail elsewhere.

D-125. 443 / 51-52 XXXVI The state of the dead in the tombs.
"And the Trumpet will be blown, and now, tombs, they will flock to their Lord, saying: 'Woe to us! Who has raised us from our diapers? This is what the Merciful promised us; and the messengers spoke truth. '"

This passage from the Koran exclude that the dead can help the living. They actually would not be aware of life outside the tombs. It is only when aroused they should believe in the resurrection. For them, the tomb seems to be a bed where they are a nightmare when they do not live but like sleeping?

Other passages of the Qur'an are even more explicit on this point. (XXVII Cor. 80): "You can not make the dead hear nor make the deaf hear the call when they flee, turning his back. ". (XXXV Cor. 22): "Likewise, do not like the living and the dead. God does hear whom He wills, while you, you do not hear those in the graves. ". We read that the dead do not hear the living. In the Muslim mind, if the prophet can make us hear how other agreement is reached? Comparison of unbelievers to the dead in the tombs demonstrates what they do not hear us, as well as the disbelievers would not hear the warnings. Otherwise the comparison would be a logical error. This ties the verse studied here, the dead would be convinced of the resurrection once resurrected, the torments of the grave does so live that as a terrifying nightmare.

God, however, could make the dead hear exceptionally according to the same passage in the Koran: (XXXV Cor. 22)? According to Muhammad's teachings according to Muslim tradition, the dead would hear in fact living at specific times: a) When people presiding over the funeral prayer are moving away from the grave, the dead hear their footsteps - Muslim: 2870; b) When the believers greet Muhammad, God gives him the soul so that it responds to them, Al-Bukhari; c) Muhammad had spoken once with the dead and God urging them would have heard his words to the amazement of the companions: Al-Bukhari. See also: (Cor. 30: 52).

In Islam, believers can visit the graves of believers as non-believers to remember the death -Muslim: 977, 976-, and may prayers for believers -El-Bukhari. Even the best of Muhammad companions can suffer the torments of the grave and we must pray to Allah to lighten their -El-Bukhari. The Qur'an mentions the torments of the grave as (XL Cor. 45-46): ". while the worst punishment cerna Pharaoh's people: the fire which they are exposed morning and evening. And when the hour shall come it will be said: - '' Bring people of Pharaoh into the severest punishment. '".

D-126. 449 / 77-8,95-6 XXXVII The offspring of a single male has universal widespread -The déluge- of memory that Noah loaded the Ark according to Koranic version?
"And We made his offspring -Noé- those who remain. We have perpetuated his memory to posterity. "

According to genetic studies on chromosome Y men from across the whole world, scholars have proposed that the progeny of a single man, the most recent common ancestor common male to 140,000 years. That is to say that this chromosome Adam passed his genes will to all men, but others contributed later to give us the genes.

The memory of the Flood was preserved orally - not having yet found a form of writing - by the descendants of the first sapiens so amplified and embellished remained until today through many civilizations of America and the old world? Among the Sumerians, the biblical Noah is named Outanapishtim, in Greek: Deucalion, in Hindu Manu. The story also exists among the Chinese and the Aztecs. These people were known to us as a common flood before separating the memory of which would have persisted in the minds of sages as imagined in the Qur'an. We also explained that the date of rising sea levels could produce significant flooding on the men of the time living in sea fishing.

D-127. 450/83, 100-2, 107-113 XXVII Ismail, doomed sacrifice - God God more distant ancestors.
"From many of his fellow Jews, of course, was Abraham. ";" Indeed We called him Abraham. ";" "Lord! Make me which one offspring of the righteous. ' So We gave him the good news of a boy - he did not! - Forbearing. Then when he came of age the escort, he said, 'O my son, I see myself in a dream about to sacrifice you. ";" And We ransomed him with a generous immolation. And we for him among the later generations. Peace to Abraham in the worlds. Thus do We reward the doers, for he was of Our believing servants. We gave him the glad tidings of Isaac, a prophet of the righteous. And We blessed him and Isaac. Among their descendants, there is a good man and that which is clearly unjust to himself. "

The Bible gives he seems more contradictory information regarding the devoted son for sacrifice by Abraham. It talks of an only son and then to sacrifice Isaac for sacrifice while Ishmael is cited as the elder Isaac elsewhere. That, while she affirms that Ishmael would have lived many more years after the event with Isaac and would have had descendants across the Arabian desert.

But what is most interesting in this passage, it is the vision of Abraham which was to be realized. We also discussed the possibility of a Vedic origin of Abraham. In fact Veda vision and means to do with the fact of hearing and sacred revelations in the language of the Vedas.

D-128. 452/158 XXXVII The jinn and polytheism:
"And they have established between Him and the jinn a kinship whereas the jinn know well that they will be taken away! "

In many civilizations, spirits were worshiped together with the deities. We note that even among the Indians of pre-Columbian America and numbers shamanistic religions around the world. In the case of American Indians they spoke of a Great Spirit or Great Spirit and other manitowaks (spirits). The Great Spirit had created and given to all men and manitowaks ascended and returned to the men as spirits. Some called Wakhan Tanka. The word jinn is found among Chinese as the Chin. The Qur'an uses this fact to fight against polytheism.

D-129. 455 / 34-5 XXXVII The son of Solomon - Solomon's empire would not leave a trace.
"And certainly We tried Solomon by placing upon his throne a monster. Then he repented. He said, 'Lord! Forgive me, and let me with a kingdom as none other after me will like it. Thou art the Giver Grand. "

Solomon had so according to this fantastic tale of the Koran joining some midrashim a malformed son and implored God to grant him a kingdom unequaled; God subjects him to the jinn of the seas and taught him the language of ants and birds. His empire that would be an exception because he would have disappeared without trace since we found - so that no one else can get in. Archaeology has shown that following the biblical dating, it did not exist resplendent kingdom in the days of Solomon. The Qur'an describes Solomon's kingdom as fantastic, but speaks neither its location nor its extent or date. In any case, Palestine, as a kingdom was not found. The Qur'anic stories on the language of animals, demons etc. contained in the Talmud, but are ignored in the Bible. Biblical chronology was not supported by archaeological discoveries.

The descriptions of the Qur'an on this rule are the fantastic genre: teleportation, travel in the air, fantastic monuments, and others. Much orally narrated -in outside Coran- as tales exist of which it is difficult to find the source. If there is mention of David on the stele from Tell Dan, found in Palestine and containing a text dated to the ninth century BC, the name of Solomon is totally absent.

D-130. 456/48 XXXVIII Buddha in the Quran (symbolic of the fig).
"And remember Ishmael and Elisha, and the fig tree, all of them among the best. "

The awakening of the famous prince Siddhartha Gautama (c. -563 To v. -486), Then aged 35, was done according to Buddhist tradition under a fig tree in Bodh Gaya -état of Bihar and is currently and many commentators have recognized this verse in the person of Buddha. One of the main teachings of Siddhartha Gautama was the middle way -to compare Qur'an (XXV Cor. 67): (II Cor. 143) - it was a discipline that was to guide the faithful towards ideal path located just between the extreme positions of renunciation and self-surrender to temptation. Unfortunately, Buddha has left no written and teachings were assimilated to various beliefs. As is the case for the Avesta, the Bible and many other precious teachings of Hindu sages.

D-131. 457 / 75-6 XXXVIII Adam as being made ​​Hands of God and Satan that despises man made ​​of clay, it is made ​​of fire.
"God said, 'O Satan. What prevents you from prostrating before what I have in My Hands created. You swollen with pride you or you consider yourself among the top-placed? ' ; 'I am better than him, he said, You created me from fire, and You have created from clay.' "

Belief in the first men of clay by a Demiurge is a myth he seems very old. We find from the Indians to China and even among the Sumerians. The Dogon of Mali have also kept an oral memories of generations in generations-see notes above.

The Qur'an keeps this myth, before possibly imagine as we have seen above his arrival on Earth of a mother (Cor.332 / 5 XXII), Adam was created originally in its heavenly form in Paradise.

D-132. 457/76 XXXVIII The four natural elements in antiquity:
"'I am better than him, he said, You created me from fire, and You have created from clay.' "

The Bible does not explain why or when Satan must have been cursed from paradise. The Qur'an explains well the reason for this curse. It seems that this concept did not exist among the Arabs before Islam, but the ancient civilizations already graduaient items like evokes the Quran. This passage, again absent from the Bible nor in the Talmud, but his style is typical of midrashim.

D-133. 463/42 XXXIX Life after death she was in the Paleolithic?
"God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. He retains the souls which He has decreed death, and sends the others for a specified term. There are certainly there are signs for people who reflect. "

The first homos sapiens buried their dead according elaborate rituals reflecting perhaps according to some anthropologists of a belief in life after death. The graves dating back some 100,000 years Skhul Qafzeh show and perhaps a belief in life after the death of the first modern men. They buried the dead with their objects and weapons and possessed precisely the grave just as in antiquity, and we know that from the appearance of writing we could read the writing supernatural symbolism all these rites.

Professor Moor has collected several testimonies in his book Life After Life. Another expert who has seriously examined in this field is the Dutch physician, Pin Van Lommel, who highlighted in 2001 in the journal of good repute The Lancet, that among 344 patients who underwent a violent heart attack hospitalized in 10 hospitals throughout the country, 12% said they had experienced this. The patient would leave his body during this experiment at the border between life and death, then he would position horizontally above his own body so as to be seen from above. Then he would turn and go up slowly then see a white light at the end of a tunnel and would penetrate it. Some have seen beings died in the tunnel. The divergent narratives seem to overlap on those points mentioned here. This phenomenon reminds us that 'man buries its dead since the Paleolithic times with household utensils, and upon the appearance of writing written on this trip to the Paradise where the hell are described precisely as in the Book of the Dead. It is not incongruous to imagine that such experiences are at the origin of the belief in a life after death.

Faced with this reality, scientists have applied it to give a rational explanation. The feeling of disembodiment would be due to the surgical shock panic attack, a hallucination, the tunnel would be the view of this powerful projector in resuscitation rooms beautifully through the eyes of patients. According to others, the tunnel would be a nascent sensation because the retina poorly irrigated focuses light in its center so as to give an illusion of traveling through a tunnel. Or is it the visual cortex, which cut the retina, work in closed loop, half of the neurons in the visual cortex devoted to central vision would produce a clear bright spot in a dark environment, and the increasing activity of the remainder of cortex would generate other items goshawks that center giving the impression of progress in a tunnel with a shining light basically described as wonderful.

Olaf Blanque, a neurobiologist at the University of Lausanne conducted an interesting experiment in this field. By stimulating areas of the brain of a patient with epilepsy by electrical discharges, they produced it in a disembodiment and she cried out! I see myself from above They then stimulated in the area between the temporal lobe parietal lobe. It stood horizontally and even believed his own body from outside.

It is very difficult to understand what produces these impressions in people who in fact are actually alive, but are interpreted as being dead.

D-134. 469/25 XL son of Israel were massacred killed in the time of Moses
"Then when he brought them the truth from Us, they said: 'Kill the son of those who believe with him and keep their women.' And the wiles of the disbelievers are only in vain. "

Merneptah had engraved on a stele "Israel has no seed. Palestine was conquered. ". This says nothing about the fate of the Israelites in Egypt, who were in the Quran to be few in number among the Semitic workers, perhaps in the Sinai, according to some written in proto-Hebrew found in the area, testifying that the Israelites were worshiping the Egyptian pantheon (XXIII Cor. 47) and especially Hathor (XX Cor. 95-97). We have extensively developed this theme to other relevant places. Moses asked Ramses II release hoping to conquer the land promised to Abraham, Palestine. The text of the stele engraved Israel is longer, but other victories are mentioned with that of Palestine. Where was the people of Israel before appearing gradually in Palestine after the stele of Merneptah? The Israelites massacred in Canaan by Merneptah, where were they before -1207? Palestine was under Egyptian control under Merneptah, why was it necessary to "overcome" Palestine and include it along with an extermination of the Israelites? According to the Qur'an the children of Israel would be returned to Egypt the desert after the exodus complaining not to eat their fill and how they were exterminated. Except to cross the Red Sea, the Israelites retrournèrent in Palestine and they could they be massacred by Merneptah with those who remained there. According to this hypothesis the Israelites that are mentioned on the stele of Merenptah would be none other than those mentioned in verse (Cor Baqara II. 61). The absence of Jews by Israel Finkelstein noted that date in Palestine can support such a thesis. The rest of the Israelites settled in Palestine later, but not on a massive scale as proposed in the biblical version of the exodus. Archaeologist sees a non massive settlement of a group of semi-nomadic, studying systematically the remains of bones of animals eaten because the Israelites not eating pork does not totaled. The date of their progressive installation in Palestine corresponds quite closely with the hypothesis of a leak of a group of Jews in Arabia. The Galatians (4: 25) are the first time the famous Mount citing a geographical coordinate in Saudi. Jewish and Christian scholars offer over twenty sites in the Sinai desert, because there is no archaeological certainty about the exact location of the legendary Mount. Kyle Lawrence, a British archaeologist also offers a mountain located in Saudi.

D-135. XL 470/26 State Religion in Egypt in the time of Ramesses II:
"Pharaoh said: 'Let me kill Moses. And he called his lord! I fear that he will change your religion or that do appear Corruption (isfet) on earth. "

The cult of Amun is the official religion according to Egyptologists. There was an official religion whose pantheon was well defined. It seems as if this scene was authentic it has to take place in the closed circle between the people of Pharaoh and priests Moses on one side and the other. Increasingly during the reign of Seti I and then even under Ramses II and Merenptah in the power of the priests was growing to the point that the High Priest of Amun was responsible for the gold and his son inherited his title .

Akhenaton who denied the Egyptian pantheon, with the title of Pharaoh was externalised and stuck somewhere in Egypt, and then he was murdered seems. We see elsewhere in the Koran that one of the members of the family of Ramses II, intercede for Moses, for it is not executed, an interesting passage that is supposed to explain why Pharaoh did not execute Moses (Cor. p.471 / 39-40 XL). This present passage also deals with the mysterious reason keeps the life of Moses and discourse within the royal family. One detail that has no equivalent in the Bible, but a member of the family of Ramses II would he really could intercede? It is impossible to say that this scene could have actually occurred. If the thesis supported by Bernadette Menu Moses may have been high in the royal court among foreign children, this also could play a role in the continued life of Moses.

D-136. 470 / XL 26.27 Belief in life after death at the time; Ramses II had desecrated the sacred monuments and cemeteries which was serious at the time:
"Pharaoh said: 'Let me kill Moses. And he called his Lord! I fear that he will change your religion or sow disorder on Earth! '. Moses said: 'I seek refuge in my Lord and Yours, protection against every arrogant with no certainty the day of reckoning.' "

In this Qur'anic passage, Moses recalls the judgment of the end times. If this is absent from the current Torah, this belief existed at the time among the pharaohs. However, Ramses II profaned the sacred places of his ancestors. Shortly after Ramses II profane writings reflect a belief in "the absurdity" of life after death "from which no one returns." Moses does well here referring to such people. This may again have an original source but lost since the days of Muhammad.

According to this passage from the Koran, Moses said facing the people before whom Pharaoh wants to run it, it leaves it to God to every arrogant who can kill anyone he pleases without fear of being judged.

We also read several times throughout the Qur'an that Pharaoh did not guide the people well. The balance between rich and poor was an obsession in Egypt, and he who does not respect this was frowned upon and criticized. Written dating around 1470 BC. JC. said that whoever is feared and dreaded million times is bad. The replica of the Egyptian Moses face and Ramses II can be designed with this in mind if it would have lost a source of information.

For this same obsession with justice towards the people we read that "Effective Ramses II are the plans that his orders are perfect and that his word is always the best" (according to the Scribe Pentaour). See verse ( Cor 470 / XL 27.29). ". Pharaoh said: 'I will tell you that what I consider good. I will guide you to the well. ".

D-138. 470 / XL 30-1 A member of the Pharaonic family believe in Moses - Temple of abu Simbel and 'Ad troglodytes. The Egyptians knew well Irem, visited by Seti I.
"And he who believed said, 'O my people, I fear for you something like the Day of the coalition! A similar fate to that of Noah, and 'Ad and Thamud, and those that preceded them.'. God does not want to inflict any injustice to the servants. "

We do not know the details about the dozens of children qu'engendra Pharaoh, and even though we have unfortunately no written record about this family member who lent faith Moses, we're not really surprised, knowing that Ramses II had more than a hundred son and that if one of them believed, we had to delete his name from the pages of history: what was the rule in Ancient Egypt. Not impossible that the name of Moses may have been deleted from the writings of the time. Clear someone's name meant back then to make it impossible to later life. In fact it is the opposite that would be weird in thinking of the time.

According to the Qur'anic account there would have been more 'Ad, including those that would have been saved with Hud. It would also have existed before Hud (XV Cor. 80-82), (Cor XXVI. 123), (XLVI Cor. 21), (LIII Cor. 50). The Aad were the first to disappear (VII Cor. 74). They had settled in southern Yemen until Irem (LXXXIX Cor. 6-8). Irem that the father of Ramses II, Seti I knew for having made ​​a peaceful campaign -in the year VIII of its règne- to control water points. The country was at Irem and there Nubia, west of Dongola - Bernadette Menu: Ramses II, Sovereign of sovereigns, Discovery Gallimard No. 344, p.42 (2000).

It is permissible to ask whether it would be pride Ramses have built monuments carved into the cliffs in Nubia at Abu Simbel. Note that oddly Egyptian who believed in Moses recall the fate of the flood and the people of 'Ad and Thamud. Is this possible, given that the Egyptians may know a story of a flood and were familiar with the country of Irem. Egyptian he would cite the Aad of Irem? There are many cities and Thamud attributed to southern Yemen to Irem. Those who have survived with Aad Hud to Irem would they have moved elsewhere? The Egyptian who would be converted to the faith of Moses cite the Thamud, but we do not understand what cites former Thamud occupy before Irem located in Nubia. The Egyptian who believed in Moses if he had existed should talk Ad old: (.. Cor p 28/58 XI) whose descendants continued perhaps to exist until the time of ar-Rass Ashab according to the Qur'an: (Cor p.363 / 38-40 XXV.) Ashab ar-Rass who have lived in these devastated places. Some commentators have seen this famous city in southern Yemen, specifically the side of Hegra. The Thamud that evoke mysterious character are perhaps the ancestors Thamudaï - a group of these too would have been saved with Salih in the Quran: (Cor p.229 / 66 XI.) & (P.381 Cor. / 45-53 XXVII) & (Cor 478 / 17-8 XLI). while the descendants of the lost tribes he seems all been exterminated under Sargon II (. Cor P.528 / 50-1 LIII) Ending Aad and Thamud -the final destruction of Thamûdaï is written in cuneiform the reign of Sargon II by Philip K. Hatti.

In short, the Egyptian who would be converted to the faith of Moses chronologically speaking pourait speak of ancient people of Ad and Thamud, but perhaps not specifically cite the cave monuments of Hegra and Petra have been carved into the cliffs by groups of 'Ad and Thamud, and which were later inhabited by peoples Ashab ar-Rass and by the Nabataeans and al Aykah, al Raqim and "intermediate generations." According to the Quran, the people of Aad and Thamud have préexistés to Salih and Hud, and each received many messengers (XV Cor. 80). The city of Irem was in any case known to the Egyptians in the time of Moses, we gave the above references. It is difficult to understand where these two Koranic characters that have no equivalent in the Bible, and are absolutely ignored by archeology. This is a neologism of the Koran. Salih recalls Selah, Petra in Hebrew. The historicity of these two characters has no verifiable basis. The story however is not unlikely, but again, it seems that some midrash have contained these accounts or similar stories that could explain the points of the story chronologically seem likely.

Regarding Petra dating, it must be stressed that there Petra a huge difference between the coarse slashing inside the cliffs and the fine work of Nabataean facade and columns etc. It is neither the same time or the same technique; the inside walls of tombs in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt are worked millimeter nearly 2,000 years before the dating of the fictitious city of Petra yet. How and why a nomadic Nabataean would like suddenly decided to dig in the cliffs habitat to settle and immediately develop an architecture so advanced? Perhaps they were familiar with the quotes are old and it may be installed and may have imported architectures are several more recent civilizations. We know the history of Petra (Selah) from the Edomites. Apart from the Koran, we have very little data on Thamud and 'Ad and having cut these rocks. And only 1% of Petra has been studied by archaeologists. The Bible speaks of Edom digging in the cliffs, and is linked to Petra. It is possible that the people of Edom may be of the same origin of the Koran Ad. Some experts have suggested a kabbalistic origin story of Thamud from the Sodom story. Thamud be obtained by permutation of the letters from the word Sodom etc.

The Qur'an does not describe the graves but houses about Aad and Thamud. Some of the monuments which were placed in the graves bear locks inside. The Quran says that people have resettled in the cities of these peoples; (XIV Cor. 45): "And you lived in the homes of those who had wronged themselves. It appeared you clearly how we had treated and We have cited examples. ". This can be addressed among others to the Roman, Nabatean and Edomites who populated these cities supposed to be founded by Aad and Thamud.
Cataclysms mentioned on the Arab peoples' Ad and Thamud old -not necessarily located in Petra or Hegra found. Petra could it up until about 1600 BC -jc; at which time a cataclysm like the one cited in the Koran as having reached the first Ad and Thamud, has taken place. The Quran echoes the climate engendered violence while in several verses: (Cor p.478 / 16 XLI.): "And We sent against them a cold wind in unlucky days to make them taste the punishment disgrace in this life. "; (LI Cor. 43-44): "Just for Thamud, when it was said to them, 'Enjoy up some time." They defied the command of their Lord. Lightning then captures they watched. They could neither stand up nor be rescued. "(XLVI Cor. 21, 24):" And remember the brother of 'Ad, when he warned his people in al Ahqaf, while before him and after her alarm went saying: 'Worship none but God. I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day. Then, seeing a cloud heading into their valley, they said: 'This is a cloud bringing us rain.' On the contrary ! That is it that you sought to hasten: it is a wind containing painful punishment, destroying everything by the command of his Lord;"(p.566 Cor / 4-8 LXIX.)" The Thamud and Ad lie had treated the cataclysm. As for Thamud they were destroyed by the (noise) extremely loud. And as to Ad they were destroyed by a roaring and furious wind, God unleashed against them for seven nights and eight days; then you saw people overturned on the ground like palm stem / cored fonts. As you see vestige? ". The violence of a storm can be phenomenal. Let us remember one that struck France in December 1999, over Christmas. It ravaged France and it destroyed almost all forests.

It is possible that the eruption of Santorini has touched and the 'Ad causing the famous black cloud and the strong winds. The Santorini exploded towards -1600 and volcanic ash were pushed by a justifyH'western to do their govent blowing to the southeast. We can estimate that the event has been selected by the Qur'an as a major cataclysm. And the Egyptians will they learned the fate of 'Ad and Thamud because the punishment is passed over Egypt Hyksos. The Qur'an mentions this black cloud that Thamud really have thought bringing rain, but that would have left their city in darkness for eight days and seven nights; (Cor. P.566 / 4-8 LXIX). Someone who has experienced or witnessed wrath it can know that people s'affalent down due to electric shock as described in the Koran.

The passage suggesting that lasted several days and nights shows that the phenomenon is at least designed similarly to the explosion of a volcano. Muhammad al-Bukhari according explained that the cloud was dark, so we can think to volcanic ash.

It is also interesting to note that Egyptian who believed in Moses recall the fate of the people of the flood, as the Egyptians could know the story of the flood is mentioned already including the Sumerians around 2000 in the region in the epic Gilgamesh, this belief is very rependue actually.

It is permissible to ask whether Moses had no other religious influence in Egypt. Ramses II became venerated as a god in his lifetime, he was represented in statues which he vowed sacrifices himself; we find writings might suggest monotheism: "Three are all gods, Amun Ra and Ptah who lack similar. His name is hidden as Amun; Re it is by the face; his body is Ptah. When a message is sent from heaven is heard in Heliopolis, is repeated in Memphis etc. "- Ramses II, Sovereign of sovereigns, Discovery Gallimard No. 344 (2000); Furthermore we discussed how Abraham could have inspired Akhenaton. The archaeological record of Abraham and his descendants in Egypt is absent until the time of Moses. In return, we have often heard since the beginning of our present study, it is also quite legitimate to examine how the Egyptian civilization has influenced the culture of the children of Israel. Since the incense and the attire of the priests to the cosmogony.

D-139. 471 / XL 36-7,39-40 The gates of heaven in Karnak and the construction of the sanctuary "Amon who hears prayers" - Haman - The balance in the Egyptian belief of the time.
"Pharaoh said:" O Haman! Build me a high Residence: I raise myself through the channels? The ways of heaven, to raise myself god of Moses? But I really think it is a liar. Thus the wrong action of Pharaoh seemed embellished it; and was diverted from the right path; The plot of Pharaoh is doomed as the destruction! ";" O my people, said the one who had believed, this life is only temporary enjoyment, whereas beyond is truly the home of stability. Whoever does an evil deed will not be recompensed but by the like; and whoever does a good deed having believed, then these will enter the gardens to receive their subsistence uncountable. "

The male clergy of Ancient Egypt was represented by the priest named "He who opens the gates of heaven." This was one of the four highest prophets of the Theban clergy. Several times a day, it opened the doors of heaven -représentés at Karnak Temple by pairs of columns of the pillared hall that successively crossed the priest or Pharaon- until arriving at Amon: "The one who hides". Pharaoh was also the symbolic procession crossing the heavens like talking about what the Koran. This passage from the Koran evokes this symbolic rite by the mouth of a pharaoh plausibly. While until the discovery of Ancient Egypt people believed that Pharaoh really wanted to climb to the heavens. In fact, Ramses II was complete the pillared hall and built a sanctuary in the far east of this enormous temple of Karnak and erected at the base of the second tower just after the pillared hall or pharaoh or priest symbolically crossed the skies , a colossus in his image. The pylons were supposed to bind Amun and Pharaoh in the bond of divinity. So he founded and, in this way: "Amon who hears prayers" became available on popular petitions through it. For the construction of this sanctuary completing the temple dedicated to Amun and by building an obelisk to its image after the pillared hall he wanted to show people he was closest to Amon and made ​​available on petitions. Perhaps an answer to Moses? The Koran says that its action would be embellished with these eyes, which has a specific meaning in the semantics of the Qur'an: (Cor VI. 108): "We have adorned each community its own action. Then they will return to their lords. He will inform them of what playing away and taking were working. ". The Koran says that finally the construction was destroyed, which is also the case.

Efigie of Ramses II, Temple of Amun who answers prayers Columns of the Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Amun who answers prayers

Left: Ramses II at the end of the pillared hall. Right: a view of the pillared hall that Pharaoh crossed for "cross the heavens" and achieve Amon.

The name of Haman was also found among the writings from the era Ramesside in the Valley of the Kings. It appears on a monument located in Vienna, in the Hof Museum. In a book there Egyptology is quoted as follows: "Haman. Head of stone quarry workers. "-in The" Ägyptische Inschriften "Natural history museum of Vienna (I34, p. 130). And is also cited in the famous characters specialized dictionary of the New Empire -the dictionary Ranke, published in 1952 - with the Qur'anic equal phonetic character in its Egyptian pronunciation reconstituted from time Egyptologists.

The function of Chief Haman stone quarries joined actually remarkably the function mentioned in the Qur'an about this character: a high rise residence -see tafsir of Jalalayn. The word "sarh" means something obvious franc. The translation by the word 'tour' in translators arises from the following speaker to reach the heavens. But we explained the Egyptian rite supra, which was actually symbolic, and said that a famous monument was actually built of stone, the specialty of Haman. Note that this passage does not cite high command of Pharaoh to turn the ovens to feed -in argile- construction workers. The yards were huge at the time and were all over the territory. The men were fed bread and beer and clay brick kilns were used for this purpose.

The Egyptians believed that their works and their hearts are weighed on scales before forty-two witnesses. This is again shown in the drawings of the time. They also believed in heaven and in hell, some texts evoke the same punishment with fire. Is it not moving to read this in the Qur'an?

D-140. 478/16 XLI 'Ad was destroyed by a wind screaming, raging that lasted 7 nights and 8 days:
"And We sent against them a cold wind in unlucky days to make them taste the punishment of humiliation in this life. "

It may be that the eruption of Santorini has caused the destruction of 'Ad, causing the famous black cloud and strong winds for 8 days and 7 night. The Santorini exploded towards -1600 and volcanic ash were pushed by a wind blowing to the southeast. According to experts, the eruption lasted up to two days and would have propelled thirty square kilometers of ash and lava. They would then have formed the largest volcanic cloud of the entire second millennium BCE region , which would thus have plunged this region of the world in the dark for several days. We have more widely spoken above.

If the Egyptian described as having believed in Moses and recalling Irem could really say what the Koran tells the story, he should probably understand that high winds produced by the explosion produced a cataclysm in Nubia, and that a very strong wind could exterminate Ad.

D-141. 491/32 XLIII The Pareto law and economic progress:

"Is it they who départagent the Mercy of thy Lord? It is We Who portion out between them their livelihoods in this life and have high grades by the one above the other so that each take others to their services. The Mercy of thy Lord, however, is better than what they amass. "


Wealth distribution follows a law that can be represented on a diagram by Pareto curve. The extremes are accentuated on the Pareto curve -besides foncé- relative to the Gaussian curve -en clearer.

The study of tax data from various countries ranging from Prussia, Russia, France and England showed a very stringent law on the distribution of wealth. The percentage of individuals whose taxable income exceeds a value x follows a law of progression which can be formulated as follows: 1 / x E, the coefficient E of between 2 and 3; as demonstrated and Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), economist and sociologist, famous for the discovery. Asset distribution is therefore a rigorous stability, and follows if we represent in a diagram, a Pareto curve different from a Gaussian curve in that it is accentuated at the ends.

Two econophysicists -A branch combining modern physics at contemporaine- economy Mézard Marc and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud have shown that taxes taken richest to the majority of the population reduces inequality; (II Cor. 256): "God destroys usury and parlayed Zakat. God loves the fisherman disbeliever. ". The credit loan system still plays a central role in inflation and the influx of wealth from the wealthy to the needy to the point that the poor are the largest majority in the long term. The credits granted by the World Bank did not allow any country to improve its economy, demonstrating that usurious interests do not profit. As a career trader, Muhammad had to be made ​​very aware of this kind of subjects.

D-142. 492-3 / 33 to 5.37 XLIII A single global community:
"If men were not to be one -mécréante- community, we would have filled the houses of those who do not believe in the Merciful silver roofs with stairs going up to it; their houses would be doors and couches where they could recline! And ornaments. And all this would be temporary enjoyment of life here below. While the hereafter is with your Lord for piles. ";" Devils certainly distract men from the right path, while they feel well guided! "

Men have historically been polytheists, at least mostly, excluding atheists. Here, the Koran suggests that if humans do not fall into the infidelity unanimously, Allah grant to the unbelievers all the wealth of the World and would live in unimaginable luxury, because it does not diminish and that in require accounts.

Should we interpret this as the fact that religiosity would set back progress? The philosophies were invented by Greek thinkers believed in the Divine as Socrates or Plato and reinvented by ibn-Sina, Kant or Spinoza. The sciences were developed by Muslims, Jews and Christians. Al-Battani, Al-Khwarizmi and other revolutionized astronomy. Newton was a Christian, Einstein believed in God in his own way. In fact almost all major revolutions are the work of people believing in God in one way or another. In this sense, the pre-made idea that religion impedes progress is not very well founded.

D-143. 493 / 51.53 to 4 XLIII The Nile canals - The gold bracelets of Ramses II, Ramses said to be the best intermediary between gods and men that Moses emphasizes its power as witness this celestial choice, mocking Moses not to come with heavenly jinn - The haunting words of Ramses II.
"And Pharaoh proclaimed to his people: 'O my people, the Kingdom of Egypt not belong to me? And its canals flowing at my feet? Do you not see? "; "Why did not we threw gold bracelets? Why Messengers - (Aghathodaimon, Aha and Akh)? - He did not accompany? "

The Nile canals were the main core of life in Egypt goshawks which everything else revolved. In fact, Ramses did well build his town Pi-Ramesses in the Delta, and was no longer in Thebes as his ancestors. It was Pharaoh who was supposed to determine the flood of the Nile according to its devotion to the gods of Egypt. Pharaoh had to determine the Nile floods. This witness to what he is messenger of the gods.

The gold bracelets of Ramses II, Ramses II evoked here to believe the Qur'anic account, saying be better intermediary between gods and men that Moses emphasized its power as witness this celestial choice, not mocking Moses / do come with demons or jinn heavenly. He had a solid gold bracelet, but not Moses. According to their beliefs the demons Sekhmet called Aghathodaimon, Aha or Akh -lumière- sometimes descended from heaven to punish men for their remoteness of the gods of Egypt -the wounds troubled the Egyptians. The Qur'an cites the bouchrsquo; a fa / pe Pharaoh as malak; but we read in Hebrew ma'lak and that meant messenger, as in the Koran. That is, even Pharaoh who received the messages that came from the sky in Heliopolis i'''selon beliefs of the time: this is perhaps why Pharaoh wonder why the gods do not reinforce rather Moses. A letter of Osiris in Egyptian court states that there is in the underworld messengers who fear neither God nor goddess, and threatens to send them on Earth. Should we think that Ramses II thought Moses had been sent by the Underworld, where "also exists" a heaven backwards?

As for how to express Pharaoh home and abroad compare it to this. For not too long explanations included here relate one of the texts relating how to talk of Ramesses II:

'' Oh! Chosen and hard-working, I know your hands for me carve my many monuments. O! You who love cutting precious stones of all kinds, which penetrate into the granite and quartzite to join you [men] brave and powerful when building monuments, thanks to you I can decorate every temple I high throughout their duration. I Meriamon Ramses, one that allows the younger generation to grow by making them live. I will provide for your needs in every way; Thus, you will work for me from a loving heart. '' (Stele dating from Year VIII located in Heliopolis.)

D-144. 493/52 XLIII Eloquence Ancient Egypt / The gold bracelets, chair of the Egyptian gods:
"Why did not we threw gold bracelets? Why the messengers did not accompany it? "

Ramses II bracelet in gold

Here the gold bracelet of Pharaoh, a symbol of his power. On the right we see Ramses II fighting against the Hittites at Kadesh, note its splendor: (Cor p.218 / X 83.88.) "No one believed in Moses except a group of young people from his people, for fear Pharaoh reprisals and their leaders. Verily, Pharaoh was great on earth and he was of the extravagant. "

In this passage from the Koran, we still see that Moses seems to consider Ramses II at the head of the Israelites as a local kinglet and addresses the people saying it is the Sovereign of sovereigns, and he is better than Moses n has no power.

Careers scribe and architect were very important because the instruction men stood in rows. The writings of the scribes often extolled the gift of eloquence that makes a respectable man. The gold bracelets of Ramses II, Ramses evoked here claiming to be the best intermediary between gods and men that Moses perhaps emphasizes its power as witness this celestial choice, mocking Moses not to come with the messengers (ma'lak): demons or jinn celestial who chastised them according to their fears wounds. Gold was in Egypt considered the flesh of the gods.

D-145. 494/65 XLIII Divergence about the Torah:
"But the factions among they. Woe to the unjust punishment of a painful day! "

The comparative study of biblical texts revealed internal contradictions of the Bible and several different current texts (Yahwist, Elohist and Priestly) and the choice of guns according sects and contradictions of a Bible in the other . The book of Jeremiah (Jr.; 8: 8), verbatim remark that truth which we have given the exact references and words elsewhere.

D-146. 497/20 XLIV Stoning existed in Ancient Egypt:
"Moses said, 'I looking for protection from my Lord that you do not stone me.' "

Redheads were stoned eg, very early in Egypt, as the royal family only had to keep this specificity. Pharaoh saw Moses as a rival to himself between gods and men. The stoning was actually in Egypt. Long before Ramses II. See above explanation.

D-147. 497 / 22-31 XLIV Israel inherit Canaan abandoned by Ramses and his army:
"He then invoked his Lord '! These are a guilty people' 'Night with My servants; you will be pursued. Let the calm sea, they are armed doomed to drowning! ' As gardens and springs they left, that fields and stunning residences, that delights in which they rejoiced; And We made another people inherit. "

Indeed, we can mention particularly peoples freed themselves from the control of the pharaohs and the Libyans who attacked Egypt very soon, by the end of the XIX th dynasty. The Qur'an says clearly here that although the Israelites fled from Canaan, and that is where they returned to found their kingdom.

Also the verse (XX Cor. 63) about the passage of the sea, perhaps the Jordan and the Dead Sea. We have even studied also the splendor of the city of Pi Ramses as ancient writings and compared it to that of the Qur'an.

D-148. 517/13 monogenism XLIX:
"O mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know. "

Crossover studies in paleontology, genetics and geology agree to locate the appearance of Homo sapiens sapiens around the Red Sea at a time when it was verified that the waters of seas and oceans amounted strong enough because of cycles of ice ages: about 130,000 years, which had to flood the edge of the Red Sea where apparently whereabouts humans. This memory may have really been preserved orally by number of civilization through the whole world, from Africa and China even among the Indians.

Several DNA tests on Neanderthals have shown that they are of a different genetic line than us. Hobbits in Indonesia discovered by the team of Mike Morwood, Homo erectus confirmed virtually evolved -see biologie- part of men to multiple lines. Moreover, the advance of modern humans precisely corresponds with the decline of Neanderthals, the monogenetic model of modern man has been widely shown to be relevant. Although Neanderthals were a rival species that may have crossbreed with our ancestors, perhaps by giving children, perhaps Gogs and Magogs legendary?

The modern man named Omo 1 skull found in southern Ethiopia has been dated to 195,000 years. Which reinforces the theory forcefully 'Out of Africa' at the expense of the multiregional model. Questioning some fossils that appear to gather characteristics of Homo erectus and the modern man to several other places on Earth, such as in Georgia, a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge measured the variation 37 characters whose distance between the eye sockets and the length of achievement skull, skulls 4666 distributed among 105 people living around the world. In conclusion, scholars have definitively shown that this variation margin is found widely represented in sub-Saharan Africa. And checked and more we move away from this prehistoric cradle of humanity, more diversification lessens. This further corroborates once genetic and paleontological data.

Expose here some advanced theory about it by Jerome Lejeune, Professor of Genetics Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris. A leading geneticist who first found the genetic abnormality trisomy 21. This theory he has shown in a paper published February 2, 1968 in New theological journal. According to his hypothesis, it is possible that Adam and Ave have really have existed and have been created (this is also a religious theologian ) of a particular mutation on chromosome fusion numbers 2 and 3 from a common ancestor with apes in human single chromosome 2. An embryo from a gamete of this kind would have had no chance to survive according to his theory, as there would be in the genetic makeup of the embryo resulting from the union with the second gamete chromosomes 2 or 3 duplicate in the embryo. Unless he says if the other does not have gamete chromosome 2 or 3. In this case we would have a child with a full 46 DNA chromosomes. But he could not be repeated for lack of a viable joint with 46 chromosomes. What the professor adds that sometimes there are male and female births twins have the same DNA, however, it is the case of twins acquired by monozygotism heterokaryotic. So Adam and Ave have the same DNA would be born with 46 chromosomes. They would not fruitful between them. Note that if his theory was validated, it would correspond quite closely to several passages of the Koran: (XXXV Cor: 11.) "God created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then He made ​​you into pairs . "; and (Cor p.578 / 36-9 LXXV.): "The man he think we will let no obligation to observe? Was it not (one) drop of ejaculated semen? And then (a) adhesion; then God created and formed harmoniously; then shall then the two couples, the male and the female. ". Being formed from seed and gave couples elements, male and female in this case would be the father of Adam. In any case, this theory has the merit to conceive a plausible scientific explanation as to how the man fell from 48 chromosomes to 46 chromosomes.

D-149. L 520/38 The creation of the universe in six periods and Gentile beliefs judaïques- the issue of the Sabbath.
"Indeed, We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods, without any sense of weariness. "

The Koran is opposed to pagan beliefs that God wanted oozes out of the World after creation. Many civilizations have developed myths about the withdrawal of the Demiurge who sleeps like a turtle, which goes into a hidden world etc. The Bible is that God is tired of creating and having a nap on the seventh day, and so joined the ancient mythologies of the withdrawal of God after creation. This belief is an artifact of desire away God of World Affairs, which was incompatible with the concept of God in Muhammad.

In fact, the Sabbath; reinterpreted in this passage from the Koran, must go back to a symbolic midrashic explaining the famous forgetfulness of Israel in Egypt for centuries. It would have the legend of the victory of Lord Jacob, also in a melee fight symbolize that oversight of the Israelites in Egypt and the remoteness of the divine principle of the Israelites. The word "Israel" may have been interpreted in this way by midrachisation, while it is possible to understand it in other ways according to the different philological approaches. This will be in this case a trace of archaic pagan religion in biblical Hebrew scriptures. The biblical account of Genesis has two intertwined versions, the first version would be a Midrashic explain to the faithful the Sabbath, not a story revealed in this exact version. This pagan belief of the Demiurge detached from the world to spread the Creator of human life has been introduced in the Bible in this form. So we see the same idea in the idea that Jacob overcomes Yahweh in a melee fight, which is supposed to depart Yahweh and the Israelites in the idea that the Demiurge having finished creation falls asleep forgetting Israel.

We have already explained elsewhere as phallicism -vénération also the phallus, symbol of male creationism as religion of ancient Semitic peoples, slipped in the Bible as God's son idea, which also existed in Arabs before Islam. And that left the contradictions within the Judeo-Christian interpretations, such an important passage of the famous Song of Moses in Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy, 32: 3-6): "For I will claim the name Yahu. Ascribe greatness to our God. The Rock! Perfect is his action. For all his ways his justice. God's faithfulness in whom there is no injustice. It is fair and right. As for them they acted disastrously! They are not his children is their tare. Generation perverse and crooked! Is it to Yahu you continue to do so. O! Foolish people and unwise. Is he not your father who gave you procreated? He who made ​​you and gave you your stability. ". The Bible sometimes resembles an electronic mailing as this takes place on the internet, the scribes will add comments produce certain passages like this one, it was more difficult to remove a passage that displeases to add a comment 's who 'imposes'. A belief of the ancient Israelites involved the descent of Elohim -divinités- from heaven to lead the grandfather of Noah, Methuselah. Gnostic writings rejected indeed by newer more orthodox Jews and Christians have such beliefs. However, we note that these ideas are from time to time through the Bible current in a process known intrusion notes scribes in the corpus of scriptures or interpretation of words in translations from one language to another, the difficulties arising from own graphics to the Hebrew writing etc. The Semitic cultures, Babylonian and Greek writings have influenced this way all along their slow writing. The Essenes who were purists in matters of religion avoided up the idea of child god and said light preferably son.

Also a Bible passage that deserves consideration: (John, 19: 7): "The Jews answered him -to Pilate-: - 'We have a law, and according to this'il law must die, because he s 'says son of god!' ". Unless you are completely anachronistic, this is certainly a misunderstanding. For it is he seems the demons that drove Jesus called him to mislead the believers and if we are not attentive to the comments of evangelists (Matthew, 4: 3-7) (Mathieu; 8: 28- 32) (Matthew, 27: 41-43), (Mark 5: 1-17), (Luke, 8: 26-34). While the demons called Jesus thus: (Luke, 4: 41): "From a large number also came demons, shouting and said, - 'You are the son of God!" But rebuking them, he allowed them not to speak. As they knew he was the Messiah. ". See also (Mark, 1: 34). The use of the terms son of god and god of children is symbolically in the four Gospels, the proof is that the same events where we read God's son to an evangelist, we read right, or messiah or son of man in another gospel. In fact none of the evangelists has seen firsthand the facts related. The use of the term son of God is according to a study supported arbitrary and symbolic to époaque of writing of the gospels.

It is remarkable that by selecting all the scenes times by each of the four Gospels we can remove all of the terms 'son of god' of the Gospel. Behold, now three examples: compare: (Matthew, 16: 16-17) & (Mark, 8: 27-30) & (Luke, 9: 18-22). Or: (Matthew, 27: 39-44) & (Luke, 23: 35-37) & (Marc; 15: 29-32). Or: (Matthew, 27: 54) & (Luke, 23: 47) & (Mark, 15: 39). We can observe the complete disappearance of the idea of son of God of the Gospels by choosing for each scene of the Gospels one or other of the four gospels, which proves that this formulation was chosen by the authors of the Gospels personal and do not reflect the actual historical facts. It is the same with the word Father used for God. The only rule to follow to get a version without the use of symbolic terms of the son of God and Father, to proceed by descriptions recounted scenes of Jesus' life by choosing each time through one of the four Gospels. We need the scenes of the life of Jesus cited in a unified and gospel contained at least in two or evangelists are not do-if only in one of the four evangelists who did not return so reliable.

This is all the more remarkable that in reality the four Gospels were selected under Constantine the Great (M. 274-337) at the Council of Nicaea (M. 325) to establish a Canon. So before that there were dozens of different gospels having virtually each his own church. The curse placed upon the council caused the methodical destruction of Judeo-Christian writings contradict the canons imposed by then the majority of the Pauline priests present at the Council. It is striking that suddenly no longer true apostles are written survived, because there is no written attributable to a direct witness. Only 318 bishops attended the council between 1 800 bishops, the only Roman Empire. The trinity was conceived around 180 AD by a certain Theophilus of Antioch became a doctrine imposed by the Church. Judeo-Christians reject the idea of god son did not have the opportunity to be influential, while this approach can not go back to a Jewish idea of the time of Jesus, even if it joined the Roman beliefs Similar having actually preferred the version canonical heretic. Several councils were held to establish the divinity of Christ and his mother since. The fight against the icons also lasted for several centuries, monarchianistes were not represented at the first council at Nicea, nor in subsequent councils so that the Orthodox heresy of the trinity was canonized by most churches Christian.

There are currently still Judeo-Christian gospels that survived the destruction that rejètent the idea of ​​god son whose gospel of Barnabas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the Proto-evangelium of Jacques and still many others.

D-150. 527 / 36-7 LIII she was writing at the time of Abraham?
"Do we did not announce him what is in the leaves of Moses; and those of Abraham who fulfilled his promise. "

The first written forms of writing are found in areas where past would Abraham. If Abraham really existed, chronologically speaking it is likely that he indeed drafted written in hieroglyphics or cuneiform because the earliest writings found date back to well before its time -1800 (?). An Egyptologist named Günter Dreyer found 150 tablets and over 200 vessels engraved with hieroglyphics in the tomb of King Scorpion in Abidos, which date from -3400 to, for there are more than 5,400 years. Which is older than the Sumerian cuneiform writings dated to 5000 years. Moreover, these texts speak of taxes and inventories are, it is unlikely that such writing could be developed at once. It is not incongruous to imagine that Genesis itself may have been largely originally written by Abraham, or prior to Sumer. Perhaps according to some biblical scholars that Psalm CIV is Abraham; A hymn to Aton Akhenaton was found which corresponds point by point to this Psalm CIV. Unless this psalm is a plagiarism of an Egyptian author in the Bible. It is therefore possible to see the influence of Abraham whose son-small, Jacob Israel -serait it Yaqub-Har, became King of Egypt in the XV th dynasty? At the time when the Qur'an was revealed, there was still so-called apocryphal rolls attributed to Abraham in person, respectively named Abraham Testament and Apocalypse of Abraham and the latter actually -according to many common points with the spécialistes- Book of the Dead Egyptian (called actually book out of darkness into light, (widely used formulas in the Qur'an), the Ancient Egyptians. We found the two books originally attributed to Abraham in the writings of the Dead Sea in Essene archives. It is not therefore, it seems, well after the time of Jesus that these texts have lost their status as canonical books in both Pharisees Hellenized Jews than among Christians.

D-151. 528/50 LIII There are several 'Ad over time:
"And it is He Who destroyed the former 'Ad. "

According to the Qur'an would have existed several 'Ad, including those who have been saved with the Prophet Hud. We have treated more fully elsewhere.

D-152. 528 / 50-1 LIII More Thamud after Sargon II (Thamudaï, remains of Thamud is finally extinguished):
"And it is He Who destroyed the former Ad. Thus the Thamud and he did nothing to subsist. "

According to the Qur'an, some of Thamud were spared with Salih, who were able to continue living as nomads for decades until, as the assertions of the Quran in this passage one, they were finally exterminated by Sargon II who had them deported and exterminated. Are mentioned in the writings in cuneiform as the Thamudaï. The use of camels has been preserved by the people of Thamud even after the disaster and until Sargon II (- 722 to -705) face exterminate the last Thamudaïs nomadic hanging with camels in the desert - "L History of Islam "; Pr., Dr. Philip K. Hatti. Maybe we can even in a group of Edomites Thamûdites in a foreign pronunciation?

D-153. 529 / 9-12 LIV The waters of the flood:
"Before them the people of Noah belied. They treated our servant a liar and said: '! Here is one possessed' and he was repulsed. So he called upon his Lord: 'I am overcome I, am overcome Thy Cause.' We opened the gates of heaven with water pouring, and We forth the earth sources. The waters met in an order that was already decreed in a thing done. And We carried him on a thing of planks and vines - linking. "

The waters of the world have increased so dramatically - by geologists to be the least 130000-135000 years, while humans appeared. According to the Laboratory of Glaciology and Geophysics of the Environment (France) last largest peak of ice ages dating back to 130,000 years. That is to say towards the end of the Riss glaciation (300,000 to 120,000 BP). It would be a consequence of the lack of rain at the poles during this period which is classified by geologists from periods of melting glaciers.

Vostok Origin of modern man

Well above the peaks of the ice ages, down the family tree of men. The appearance of man coincides with rising water levels.

The water level has increased at the time of the appearance of homo sapiens dramatically devastating logically areas in lower altitudes Middle East inhabited at this early period the first Homo sapiens sapiens as many discoveries as d 'genetic order, and archaeological, paleontological or. Similarly, the Koran suggests as the waters basements and those of heaven would have found themselves. Perhaps this is due to vapor explosions. But that being ignored at the time in the region, it must seem even in this description intellectual ingenuity. He has at least produced significant phenomena of volcanic activity around 130,000 years.

The Qur'an wants to make this boat of Noah the first of mankind. It is normal to question the credibility of this construction at a time so early. The oldest real ship found so far dates from the time of Nefertiti (old 3,400 years by front) and his super elaborate construction, which clearly rejected that it was preceded by a less elaborate and complicated -it boat was designed with absolutely no nail but with fasteners - with cords clamped among the concave boards made to take the shape of the boat etc. The Koran sees the gift of a similar boat of Noah only to the descendants of the survivors: (Cor P.443 / 41-2 XXXVI.). According to indigenous peoples skulls studies in Latin America compared to Australian individuals skulls, scientists established that men had to cross the Atlantic Ocean to land in America 17,000 years ago.

Similarly, cabotage is already recognized by experts as having existed only 35,000 years after the genetic Noah, the Middle Paleolithic, and finally the arrival of Homo erectus on the island of Flores proves that it could cross the deep waters separating the Asian continent from the time -there 800,000 years- this island. A study in Crete seem to testify to the presence of archaic tools demonstrating navigation to 130,000 years. Therefore the Ark Noah becomes intelligible only in the light of these scientific discoveries. But wood is not keeping on such periods of time, it is impossible to describe the characteristics of these boats and canoes prehistoric.

In fact, the use of wood for the construction of ships makes it very difficult crossing their long millennia, while the old flint tools of millions of years have survived, we possess almost nothing wooden tools of this era remote. How many axes or spears which only the stone part has survived. Anyway Homo erectus that landed on the island of Flores could not have such great superiority of brain capacity front of Noé 700,000 years ago. The descendants of Noah practiced cabotage after him, probably imitating: according to the Koran they transmetraient the story of the great flood of word of mouth; (Cor p.. 567/12 LXIX): "To make -du Déluge- a reminder that every faithful ear canned. ". (Cor P.443 / 41-2 XXXVI.): "And a sign for them is that We bear their offspring in a boat load; and We créâmes of similar on which they ride. ' ".

The translation of the word dusur verse (Cor LIV. 12) highlight among translators is actually an error due to a lack of mastery of the Arabic language because the word means according Qurtubi ropes linking the boards to one another, in his exegesis of the Qur'an. He cites as sources: al-Lays and did Sihah. It states that some have seen it nails. According to E. Hamdi Yazir it is the same definition that is to remember. Dûsûr is the plural of dîsâr which designates the ropes or vines that connect the boards together. The idea of wooden nails driven into holes drilled by rotating a stick with the palms, as with a modern drilling rig, is not theoretically inconceivable either. Maurice Glotton makes the fact of Caulk and by the word gland. The idea of a boat at the time of the appearance of homo sapiens is not impossible, but probably impossible to verify archaeologically.

D-154. LVII 541/25 The Iron Age:
"We have sent down iron in which there is a formidable force, as well as benefits for mankind. "

The Qur'an mentions several times the iron force that was still in the strongest metal era that is manufactured.

D-155. 561/11 LXVI Nefertari, would she believed in Moses? Or would it be to Isisnéfret that has been shown anywhere on the countless monuments pharaoh?
"God sets forth an example for those who believe, the wife of Pharaoh when she said: 'Lord build me a home with You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his work; save me from unjust people. ' "

Whatever Pharaoh had a large harem and several wives (two Hittite women, a sister, three daughters, and Isisnéfret Nefertari.) His principal wife and her favorite was Nefertari. We find little information about the royal wives but it is recognized that Pharaoh was representing his favorite wife more willingly and he built a temple to Hathor Nefertari. This temple was the equivalent of Abu Simbel temple he built according to their tradition. Nefertari died 10 years before Isisnéfret, it would have died in the year 24, and Isisnéfret in the year 34 of the reign of Pharaoh. Isisnéfret spawned three son Ramses, Khâmouaset and Merneptah who succeeded his father dead. Nefertari spawned several children that we know and Amenhirepshef Khamaouset.

Note also that the Qur'an uses the formula imraata Fir'awn literally "female pharaoh" meaning that it was a woman belonging to Pharaoh, but does not mean it was the only one. If we wanted to clarify that it was one we would rather el-imraata firawn which would mean "the wife of Pharaoh." So we preferred to translate 'the woman pharaoh' to signal him that it "belongs" among other things to remain faithful to the original text.

Ring of Nefertari

Left ring: Ramses II and his wife Nefertari.

Note that it is possible that this woman described as believing could be the last wife of King then nonagenarian, or we ignore too the biography of women harem of Rameses II. We finally mentioned elsewhere that Moses may have been caught in waters not by Ramses II's wife, but the wife of his father Seti I - named Tuya.

When we say the wife of Ramses II, Nefertari is rather that immediately comes to mind. The maiden name of Nefertari is unknown, the name of Nefertari was given as a title by Ramses II and means "the most beautiful of all." Meritamun means "beloved of Amun" and another title. The name of Asiya is attributed to the wife of Pharaoh in the Islamic tradition. However, the origin of Nefertari is also unknown and controversial that the origin of the name. Nefertari can it be Asian or even Hebrew? It could be that the name comes from Egyptian Asiya Hesy, which will also decide Asies which called people drowned or shipwrecked. This mysterious royal wife would she have been among the Israelites fled so we gave her name as Asias stressing as she, unbeknownst to the Pharaoh and his army, would have been saved from drowning. Asiya in Greek also means "east" and in Arabic "The one who heals and comforts," perhaps a title priesthood because major royal wives were often priestesses and well practiced magic and medicine. It is very likely that he refers to as Nefertari. In this case, it must he seems to understand that she would have hidden his faith throughout his life: (LXVI Cor. 11).

This interpretation, we owe it to the study of the tomb of Nefertari, whose tomb has disappeared. The Koran reports that the wife of Pharaoh said: "Lord build me a home with You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his work; save me from unjust people. ". And in the fall we read a passage eerily Quranic verse that; Osiris, the presiding country of the dead: "I gave you, to you, a sacred place in the country for eternity." Behind Osiris, we read: "Great God, Lord of the Necropolis. Protection, life, stability, power, surround it like Ra. ". Nefertari has not succumbed to the temptation of the famous tomb of Ramses made ​​him definitely visit during its construction. We do not claim that this promise of eternal residence is specific to Nefertari in its formulation, but had to be sensitive to the magnificence of this luxury -a monument dug in falaises- when she invoke God.

But it may also qu'Asiya is not a known wife of Pharaoh, for according to ancient scholars, it will have been killed and tortured by quartering. If this is established, it may be that like other offenders, his name be erased from memory by the Egyptian well known method. Egyptologists ignore specify the names of all the women of the harem of Rameses II.

D-156. 567/12 LXIX Oral Tradition in Noah's time, because no writing again:
"To make -du Déluge- a reminder that every faithful ear canned. "

We will note that the Quran speaks many faithful ears and no written as alleged Jewish beliefs and traditions. Indeed, writing was invented much later, probably in the Middle East; before that it was the oral tradition which perpetuated the memory of ancestors (XXIII Cor. 23-25). The Greeks speak of Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha, Sumerian evoke a flood survivor named Ut-Napishtim, so the flood story is existing in the memories in China, Japan, Polynesia and also among American Indians. The men of the time (around 130,000 years) who can speak to that memory may have been retained on a massive scale as an unforgettable cataclysm. The presence of very close myths around the world can support such a hypothesis. The fact is now accepted that the end of the Riss glaciation had to follow climatic changes with the rise in sea levels that lasted for many generations. Traces of cabotage and navigation show that certain human populations lived a quiet fishing along the beaches, such an upheaval had amazing Paleolithic men, perhaps to the point of founding one of the most universal myths.

The Qur'anic story of the flood contains several archaisms, which suggest the possibility of an ancestral memory. Thus, the age of Noah is given as 1000 years (sanatin) within 50 years (Amin). But the Sumerian tomb stones dating show birth and death of this magnitude, as 900 years or 1000 years from the appearance of writing. It seems that before the development of writing and arithmetic, old age by counting lunar cycles and the age of Noah would actually given lunar months. Other moving index, the number 50 appears to reflect a computation based on 50 pentagésimal. The Sumerians counted on base 60, Old French there were 20 on base ... And the boat is described as made ​​of wood and oakum (alwâhin dusur wa), referring to a raft tied liana and not a very elaborate building . Similarly, the Qur'an mentions loading a pair of each zawj. Now the word zawj means the opposition idea of union. Make the word species is anachronistic. It should be understood vaguely "a pair of each couple" in a very broad and imprecise sense. Hence the probability that this story is indeed a record of a very archaic version of a real memory?

D-157. 570 / 5-7 LXXI Clothing and nomadism in Noah:
"He says -Noé- 'Lord! I called my people night and day. But my call only q u'accroître their flight. And every time I called for you to forgive them, they put their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments. "

There were probably already in animal skins clothes at the first men perhaps even before modern man. The leak reminds people that they were nomadic movements outside. The genetic study of lice tissue showed that clothing fabrics were invented later, about 30,000 years! The skins of beasts must have preceded the fabrics from the late Lower Paleolithic. But tissue could last longer than the same well tanned skins who have disappeared just like the skin of the men of those whose bones have survived only with stone tools they carved.

D-158. 571/13 to 4.17 LXXI Origins of Man:
"What did you not worship God as they should, so that He has created a succession of forms. ";" It is God that Earth has made ​​you grow like plants! "

As we discussed in the biology part, the Koran can be read entirely from the perspective of the theory of evolution which it seems to take part, as St. Augustine a century earlier. The word "a t Wara" exactly means 'forms' and the theory of evolution is translated as "ta t awwur", this same root in modern Arabic. The man appeared after a succession of forms of living organisms, scientists discovered: fish, amphibians, reptiles etc. For us to be as we are now. Originally, life would be made ​​up of unicellular protozoa, like algae or cyanobacteria. Compare with; (LXXVII Cor: 27). "It is We who have created and strengthened their constitution. We do want when we replace them by their fellows. "; (Cor p.. 356/45 XXIV):" Allah has formed seed any animal. There are some who walks on his stomach, others walk on two feet, and others walk on four. God creates what He wills, God is Omnipotent! "; (XCV Cor. 4 -6):" We created man according to the best standing position (Ahsan Taqwim-i); We then rabaissâmes at the lowest level. Except those who believe and do good works. ". The famous old exegete of the Koran, the second Hijri century named Jahiz is considered by some experts as one of the pioneers of evolutionary theory; The same ibn Khaldun who invented the even-change assumption.

The ancient scholars have seen in this passage phases of development of the embryo in the womb.

D-159. 584 / 17-23 LXXIX Ramses II Ways:
"Go to Pharaoh, really he rebelled! Then he said: 'Would you purify yourself? And that I guide you to your Lord so that you should fear? He showed him the great miracle. But he described the lies and disobeys; Then he turned his back and walked away hurriedly gathered the people and made them a proclamation and said, 'That's me Lord Most High!' "

Ramses II was said the Sovereign of sovereigns, the King of sovereign or sovereign Re. He became venerated as a god during his lifetime. It's in the texts of the time and in the literature of this period. See notes in the bibliography.

D-160. 584/24 LXXIX Sovereign title of sovereign or sovereign Ra Ramses (Meriamon):
"Pharaon- said, 'I am the Lord Most High.' "

Ramses was so well already venerated in his lifetime. We note that he was making sacrifices in its own effigies. Ramses II is also frequently declared sovereign of sovereigns or Re sovereign. The other kings owed ​​him obedience. Rab The word can also be understood in this second sense. He even desecrated the works of other pharaohs. All the things that pass the sun, to the sky and it was supposed to be at Ramses II as the High Priest of Amun.

For not too long explanation included here again an excerpt from one of the few texts relating how to talk of Ramses II: '' Oh! Chosen and hard-working, I know your hands for me carve my many monuments. (.) I am Ramses Meriamon, one that allows the younger generation to grow by making them live. I will provide for your needs in every way; Thus, you will work for me from a loving heart. '' Stele dating from Year 8 of his reign, located in Heliopolis. According to the beliefs of the time it is Pharaoh who was pushing things desert gift given by gods.

D-161. 592 / 18-9 LXXXVIII The original writing and its preservation in rolls:
"This is certainly found in the older leaves, the leaves of Abraham and Moses. "

Jews have long continued to use the rollers and until the time of the revelation of the Qur'an, and yet now this is how the Tanakh and the scriptures are kept. We have even found two books of Abraham in the writings of the Dead Sea in the Essene archives, and they go back.

The earliest written forms of writing are found in regions where is Abraham. It can therefore indeed that Abraham may have written in simplified written hieroglyphs. Maybe Genesis is largely originally written by Abraham, or prior to it. Apparently Psalm CIV may be the legendary Abraham. A hymn to Aton Akhenaton was found which corresponds point by point to this Psalm CIV. At the time when the Quran was revealed there were still these so-called apocryphal rolls attributed to the patriarch Abraham in person and were named respectively: Testament of Abraham and. Apocalypse of Abraham This actually has many points of -according spécialistes- common with the Book of the Dead called actually book out of darkness into the light widely used formulas in the Qur'an.

D-162. 593 / 7-10 LXXXIX Pharaoh and its famous steles: he erected a very large number.
"Hast thou not how thy Lord dealt with Aad? Irem with the remarkable column, which was only ever built in cities like? And with Thamud who cut out rocks in the valley? Pharaoh and the man with steles. "

The country was at Irem and there Nubia, west of Dongola. It would then according to the Koran, a city older of Aad. We have seen throughout this chapter as many have existed Aad and Thamud, which other cities have been found by numerous archaeological excavations . Many cities have considered suffered successive transformations before being definitively abandoned. Thus, Petra is known from the Edomites, then have followed the Nabataeans and Romans. The city of origin can be traced back much further to the example of Palmyra, a neighboring city of Petra multimillennial. But only about 1% of the city was ransacked, and everything else is still searching. The way buildings are within't slashed crudely compared to the outside, proves that it is certainly two different periods. We find in fact up to Petra Roman amphitheatres. Hegra has been transformed least as Petra and Ubar even less. Irem is known as pre-dating even Seti Ie, the father of Ramses II.

As suggested by this passage from the Koran, Ramses II erected many steles across Egypt as a whole. Their number is mentioned in the works of Egyptology.

601 / 1-5 CV The people elephant.
"Have you not seen how your Lord did to the people elephant? Hast thou not seen as He made vain their craftiness; and sent against them birds in flocks? Who threw stones at them on clay and he made them as a chewed straw! "

According to reports the Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah in his book The Prophet of Islam, we discovered written records of the time on the military expedition of the Abyssinian Abraha who found that the Ka'ba was beginning to take too big and sabotaging his plans. Muhammad's grandfather had seen this amazing event, and there were still eyewitnesses of that at the revelation of this sura; which has never been challenged as well. According Ikrima ibn Abi Jahl, a companion of Muhammad, the birds had their heads like those voracious birds, and no one has observed birds of this species in the region, before or after the event. Columnists always refer according to the account of Ikrima, these birds have caused minor injuries to the soldiers and would have been completed by smallpox. (Muhammed bin Salih ed-Dimeskî (m.1537) peygamber Külliyâti; editing: Ocak Yayincilik (12 volumes + Index) (ISBN 975-97992-6-X; bar code: 9789759799267) Translation: Yusuf Özbek, Hüseyin Kaya.. Istanbul, 2004. Volume I, p4.)

It is known that many birds use this technique launch stones great heights to kill some prey. The acceleration of gravity changes into effect these stones into genuine cartridges.

Al-Kindi (H. 179- 251) studied body drop before Isaac Newton (1642-1727 M.), even if he has not had success at the time.

Chinese Dragon
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