A-1. 67/133 Paradise III (= seventh heaven) is composed of other skies and Contains.
A-2. 75 / 190-2 Ponder III heaven.
A-3. VI 128/1 The dark and black materials.
A-4. Dimension 153/27 VII to us invisible and dematerialization, an attribute of the jinn.
A-5. 155/40 VII The gates of heaven and the hypothesis (?) Wormholes.
A-6. 174/187 / VII Time weighs heavily in Heaven and Earth, and the expectation of the gravitational collapse of clusters and supercluster.
A-7. 192/36 IX solar system evolved before stabilizing.
A-8. 208/5 X = Sun light Moon = clarity.
A-9. X 213/39 They do not embrace the verses of their science.
A-10. X 215/61 The weight of a nothing (zarrah) and lighter.
A-10.2 221/5 XI limited vision in humans and observation possible through obstacles in the infrared or ultrasound.
A-11. XI 222/7 Quantum Ocean or micro cords with which the Universe was formed - before the big bang or just after.
A-12. 249/2 XIII vacuum energy and the expansion of the Universe - A term in time for the sun and the moon.
A-13. 262 / 14-5 XV If they could pass through the gates of heaven, they do not believe their eyes.
A-14. 263 / XV 16-7 in a sky Constellations described in depth, we can not cross.
A-15. 266/85 XV link between the Cosmos and its contents.
A-16. 272/45 XVI Meteor and asteroids.
A-17. 275/77 XVI time - his debut - will be brief in its realization.
A-18. 283/12 XVIII The moon no longer flickers.
A-19. 286-7 / 49-51 XVII Our atoms will they become finally iron.
A-20. 324 / 30.32 to 3 XXI Singularity sky protected - immediate dilation of the primordial singularity - The orbits.
A-21. 331/104 XXI folded sky like a papyrus scroll: clash of galaxies that wrap - the end of the Cosmos.
A-22. 333/15 XXII Tie a rope to heaven to climb it.
A-23. 338/47 XXII One day for God is like a thousand years, astronomical time.
A-24. 340/65 XXII God holds the sky to fall except in fragments.
A.25. 342/17 XXIII September lanes on our heads, the orbits of the other planets?
A-26. 363/33 XXV The best examples.
A-27. 365/61 XXV Constellations are arranged inside the sky, not the "firmament".
A-28. 367/4 XXVI A sky of the wonder that would leave our necks bent: giant asteroid or comet?
A-29. 380 / 39-40 XXVII teleport a human dream.
A-30. 384/84 XXVII Kissing verses of our knowledge described as impossible in the absolute.
A-31. 394 / 71-2 XXVIII night or day for long: and if the rotation speed of the Earth would change?
A-32. 396/88 XXVIII Entropy.
A-33. 403/55 XXIX Heavenly Punishment.
A-34. 405/8 XXX Ponder heaven.
A-35. 407/25 XXX The universe exists in time. Why: analysis of subatomic matter (virtual particle> real <). Fallacy of solipsism.
A-36. 411/10 XXXI The vacuum energy - The water comes from the sky.
A-37. 414/34 XXXI The physical part of the Cosmos unpredictable fate.
A-38. 428/3 XXXIX End of the World and content of the cosmos are linked.
A-39. 415 / 4-5 XXXII The creation of the Universe in the days very long.
A-40. 427/63 XXXIII Hour may be very close.
A-41. 428 / 2-3 XXXIV exchanges between heaven and Earth to cosmic objects - the end of time and the weight of atoms.
A-42. 429 / 9-10 XXXIV drop pieces of heaven on Earth.
A-43. 436/13 XXXV Twilight - End of the stars.
A-44. 439/41 XXXV Space does not dissipate.
A-45. 442 / 38-40 XXXVI Rapid movement of the sun; the positions of the moon and their separate trajectories.
A-46. 446/6 XXXVII The stars visible from Earth are not stuck in a firmament, they are closer to the Earth.
A-47. 453 / 10-1 XXXVIII A heavenly host would stop our appropriation of goods heavenly.
A-48. 458/5 XXXIX Earth is spherical - geodesic.
A-49. 459/6 XXXIX Heavenly Origin of organic matter and atomic elements, panspermia.
A-50. 465/67 XXXIX The Earth and the sky ployees as paper rolls.
A-51. 474/64 XL Man is created in the Cosmos.
A-52. 477-8 / 9-12 XLI The sky was smoke and nebulae - The order in creation in the Qur'an.
A-53. 478/12 XLI The sky has depth.
A-54. 482/53 XLI They will see the signs in themselves and in the Universe.
A-55. 483/5 XLII The sky split befits the cosmological principle or homogeneity.
A-56. 489/10 XLIII The Earth, the cradle of humanity.
A-57. 486/29 XLII Animal life throughout the Universe and the encounter with other life forms, possible.
A-58. 496/10 XLIV The sky will bring a visible smoke.
A-59. 501/24 XLV It's not time that makes live or die.
A-60. 502/3 XLVI The sky really exist and for some time.
A-61. L 518/6 The sky is without cracks.
A-62. LI 521/7 The Galaxy, the first Quranic heaven?
A-63. 522 / 47-9 LI The expansion of the universe and life.
A-64. 523 / 5-10 LII The sky whirl a gravitational effect.
A-65. 525/35 to 6.44 LII Have they created the Universe? - Fragments of the sky falling.
A-66. 526/1 LIII The leak of a star.
A-67. 527/28 LIII What is a hypothesis.
A-68. 528 / 1-2 LIV The splitting of the moon.
A-69. 530-1 / 49-50 LIV Everything created by measure; And creation achieved in less than a blink of an eye (near cosmogony idea of the big bang).
A-70. 531 / 5.7 to 8 LV The sun and the moon exist following a calculation; cosmic and biological balance (varieties.).
A-71 532/17 LV There is one opposed to the old world on the globe.
A-72. 532 / 33-8 LV Fleeing the Cosmos: Fire jet - The sky becomes red as scarlet leather (evoking strangely late galaxies cycles, red giant stars).
A-73. 536/75 LVI The relative positions of stars in the universe immeasurably vast.
A-74. 541/25 LVII The iron comes from the space.
A-75. 562 / 3-5 LXVII No disproportion or cracks in the sky - Projectiles made of stars.
A-76. 563 / 15.16 LXVII Hurricane stone from the sky and the solar wind (meteor shower?).
A-77. 568 / 3-4 LXIII The cosmic ways: Universe topology.
A-78. 577 / 7-9 LXXV dazzling sky - the moon should position itself in front of the sun in the middle of the solar disc, without covering it.
A-79. 579 / 15-6 LXXVI silver crystals?
A-80. 580 / 8-10 LXXVII Stars fading (fossil star that fades!) - Heaven split - sprayed Mountains.
A-81. 581 / 32-3 LXXVII Solar Eruption?
A-82. 582 / 18-19 LXXVIII doors will form in the sky.
A-83. 584 / 27-33 LXXIX The sky was created before the Earth - Homogeneity of the Universe - Light - Plate tectonics and evolving life.
A-84. 586/1 LXXXI The sun will swell or moon fall into it - or white dwarf red giant (star) - Sky skinned (black hole?).
A-85. 586/1 LXXXI The formation of the solar system planets.
A-86. 587 / 1-2 LXXXII The sky rompra- The stars will disperse into dust.
A-87. 589/1 LXXXIV The sky will tear: the clusters and super-clusters will separate.
A-88. 591 / 1-3 LXXXVI Pulsar?
A-89. 591/11 LXXXVI The gravity field?
A-90. Sky high above 592/18 LXXXVIII: cosmic dimensions.
A-91. 598/3 XCVII The symbolic relativity of time.
This part of our scientific study of the Koran addresses the Quranic cosmogony and consists of a critical analysis of the themes mentioned in the verses, faced with the spirit of a modern man knowing the discoveries about the Universe: its origin, past, its composition, structure and now with objective data on its fate and possible end. Since most of the history of the Universe is restored in modern astrophysics now until the first second after the primordial singularity, such criticism has become possible. The Quranic cosmogony can therefore be evaluated in terms of plausibility.
Existential topics and themes related to nature or cosmogony (like those mentioned throughout the book) have been studied since the time of the writing of the Qur'an with the positive data, such as experimental, by having specialized current scientific in these areas, which benefited from very advanced techniques for such a confrontation. The agile style and surprisingly simple emphasized the Quran by some Muslim thinkers drew our attention to this astonishing aspect of the book, to get us to write this book dedicated to this aspect of the sacred book of Muslims.
The fact that the Qur'an speaks as stars and planets pushes the curious reader to compare statements necessarily with the achievements of his time. No doubt, the Qur'an is an old book of over a thousand years, yet it speaks of smoke in the sky (astrophysicists do not they named Andromeda nebula?) -that Muslims have been ingeniously compared to nébuleuses- (Cor. XLI: 9-12), gates of heaven - a belief already present in ancient shamanic religions and again in ancient Egypt and which evokes in our minds quite a fun way of theoretical interpretations about black holes - (Cor p.. 155/40 VII), expansion of space (Cor LI: 47) and its origin in a single mass. - still a belief that joins some intuitive beliefs found in the cosmologies of Mali or in Japan, with the myth of primitive egg - (XXI Cor. 30), it was created in a single moment that a shorter blinking eyelid - eerily reminiscent of the big bang, in fact omnipotent god would he struggled to create? - (. Cor LIV: 49-50), he described the late star in a rather original way, while the Babylonian and Egyptian myths speak instead of falling stars, the Qur'an describes the late star dust ( Cor. p.587 / 1-2 LXXXII) in extinguishing (Cor. p.580 / 8-10 LXXVII), losing their luster (Cor. p.586 / 1-11 LXXXI). It evokes the winding of the starry heavens as papyrus scrolls (Cor. P.331 / 104 XXI). And more items we deal along our work.
We must, before entering the subject, clarify many things concerning this fundamental chapter of our present research. We have established several parallels in our study between certain verses and the big bang theory, as we spoke of hidden black holes and dimensions as possible Stargates of certain scientific theories. But this is strictly superficial comparison based on a philological and historical-critical reading of the Koran. Obviously it would be unscientific to say that the original meaning of the verses was precisely to announce a similar approach to these theories in the future. In fact, we took the semantic meaning of the verses and noted the current scientific approach in the fields considered. Could it be, however, that the verse (LI Cor. 47), which refers to the expansion of heaven rather concerned the visible world in the semantic conception of the time? And the gates of heaven mentioned in the Qur'an can they be designed rather strictly esoteric way without having to seek a physical reality? The original mystery of the Qur'an really shows that human inventiveness joined by the meanderings of the mind; the labyrinths of the Koran, and the extraordinary simplicity of the sacred book easily allows this transition of ideas, which raises so much debate sparkling in modern times.

(§ Page / verse. - Sura)
A-1. 67/133 Paradise III (= seventh heaven) is composed of other skies and Contains:
"And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose land is heaven and earth, prepared for the righteous. "(Translated as vast as the heavens and the earth, the verse says much verbatim what we pay here in the original text)
Sama word of the Qur'an indicates that is the top, outer space to Earth or organize various objects -planètes, stars etc.-that by translators render sky. The Qur'an mentions seven "heavens" bunk. This belief is prior to the Qur'an, and is also among Egyptian (7 thresholds of Heaven) as among the Sioux Indians (12 skies). The Quran makes mention heaven by mouth even Noah (LXXI Cor. 15): "Have you not seen how God created seven heavens? ". This makes particular note of shamanistic rituals in which shamans virtually across the heavens in a boat and enter through the doors. A rite that is still found in Ancient Egypt when we will return to it in the section of the history and chronology.
Islamic tradition relates that during his miraculous ascent (XVII Cor. 1, 60) & (LIII Cor. 13-18), Muhammad would have passed through seven heavens and seven gates guarded by angels el-Bukhari, Muslim etc. So what would these seven heavens mentioned in the holy book? Elsewhere the Quran teaches us that the first heaven, the earthly heaven is decorated with stars: (XLI Cor. 9-12). The visible stars decorating our skies are those of the Milky Way, so the first heaven would the sky visible to the naked eye, our galaxy that hosts the solar system? Muhammad who was bound to ignore the Ptolemaic theory could not conceive that he could see the sky in his time in the community, in Arabia, this trail of stars we call the Milky Way. Strangely, tool discoveries to observe the regions more remote from heaven showed us that there is not only beyond the Milky Way, but also other galaxies and galaxy groups organized across the observable universe. The Persian astronomer Al-Sufi would be the first to be considered low task as the "nebula" in a galaxy Andromeda like ours. Not until the eighteenth century astronomer Charles Messier (1730, 1837) to map the various celestial objects including 32 galaxies. Since we know thousands of galaxies of varying shapes and ages, and believe that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies throughout the Universe which are organized in a very homogeneous manner.
Our friends apologists will no doubt be happy that we can organize the universe according to modern astrophysics seven structures, concentric, oddly compatible with this verse. Now we know that according to astronomical data, we could mention seven concentric seriously astronomical structures contained into each other from Earth considered benchmark included in the order 1 - the Milky Way, 10exp5 light years; 2 - the local group of galaxies, 10exp6 light years; 3 - the Amas, 10exp7 light years; 4 ° - Super Cluster -Laniakea-, 10exp8 light years; 5 ° - large structures, 10exp9 light years -with the intergalactiques- empty; 6 ° - the visible universe as a whole, 10exp10 light years and 7 - beyond the Planck time barrier limiting the observable space to 13 billion light years, date of creation whole Universe.
Seventh heaven thus extending beyond the confines of the visible universe must exist where the physical extension of our present visible universe whose light fails us. We might even consider extending our seventh heaven in distant regions of the Universe remain invisible, also contains more beyond -l'intérieur- black holes where others will extend parallel universes.
The visible universe has an estimated diameter of 10exp26 meters, or some astrophysicists believe that the entire universe which measured 33 cm before 20exp-inflation, would have reached 12 meters 10exp10 exp. Ie 1 followed by a trillion zeros (meters) which would reinforce undoubtedly Muhammad in his intuition on the design of the Universe: (Cor P.453 / 10-1 XXXVIII.) & (Cor p.155 / 40 VII. )? Seventh heaven Quran is in this case incomparably larger than all of the visible universe -compare by it abu Dawud according to a lost ring in the middle of DESERT- and probably populated by creatures of all kinds: ( Cor. p.486 / 29 XLII) & (Cor. p.442 / 36 XXXVI)? There exist even according to the Qur'an, other planets inhabited by humans genres with their own revelations (Cor p.559 / 12 LXV.). Designs may be more spiritual than material, many sacred texts like the Brahmin also speculate on other planets inhabited by other creatures.
But the original meaning of this passage was to be any different. The number seven also means in Arabic "completeness". Now if we can now consider seven overlapping regions of the Universe in the order of magnitude mentioned above, it must be stressed that there are in each area of the Cosmos planets, above which extend seven heavens. And the Earth would be located to the seventh heaven higher compared to the most distant planets. If we consider that our Milky Way is hosting the first heaven the earth is a galaxy among a hundred billion galaxies distributed throughout the observable universe, and still probably a uncountable number of galaxies currently located beyond the confines of the visible universe, the spiritual concept of the Koran will probably be closer to this conception there. It is inconceivable that a human conceive the physical structures of the Universe, by simple intuition and we noted above that belief in the existence of seven heavens are long, before the Qur'an in such beliefs Ancient shamanic and Egypt, among others.
Seventh Heaven is the Koran as pointed our verse in the Koran cosmogony, the scope of the whole universe, including planet Earth. In this case can be included, thereby, the entire universe including the regions beyond our physically observable universe could extend further as we have pointed out here. In this sense the verse studied here is an interesting inspiration, because Paradise is said to be the extent of the heavens and the Earth.
A-2. 75 / 190-2 III Ponder the heavens:
"Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day, there really are signs for those gifted with intelligence, standing, sitting and lying on their sides reflect on the creation of the heavens and the Earth saying - Lord, You have not created this in vain. "
Many Muslim scholars were inspired by these passages of the Koran to scan the Universe. Besides the need to move towards Mecca during prayers forced the development of astronomy in believers. These include Al-Battani (Albategnius) (H. 236-307), which under the Abbasid reign enjoyed various observatories located Tadmour and Damascus, and whose work entitled Al zidj translated into Latin -in which rectifies including constant precession of Ptolemy and accurately measure the plane of the ecliptic. His work would have served to Copernicus, Brahe and Riccioli. The ancient philosophers whose ibn Sina -Avicenne- (H. 370-428) also translated and summarized the subsequently famous work entitled Almagest of Ptolemy (almadjestî). Let us remember as well as number of stars still bear Arabic names as Sigrid Hunke evokes, in his famous book The Sun of Allah rises on the West: Alde Baran, Algol or Vega; as well as Zenith words, Azimut, Nadir, etc., bear witness to the place of the Koran and the Muslim world that deeply inspires in the evolution of Astronomy. Al-Biruni (351-428 H) even discovered the rotation of the Earth by the same author. But dismissed the argument against a too rapid movement should be sensitive.
The influence of the Koran on the Arab World was the same at the origin of the birth of algebra - al djabr- and probably -from algorithms inventor's name al-Khwarizmi (H. towards 158-228) astronomer at Baghdad observatory in the reign of the Abbasid Caliph al-Ma'mun. These mathematical sciences were essential to study the movements of the stars.
A-3. VI 128/1 The dark and black materials:
"Praise be to Him Who created the heavens and the Earth and Who appointed darkness and light. "
The quote of heaven before the Earth is interesting because terrestrial matter, atoms of iron, silver and other heavy elements were produced in stars that exploded. Similarly, the citation of darkness before the light is logical, but checked fairly recently, because light could not break free until well after the big bang, after 300,000 years. The Bible is still intuitively darkness before light.
From the perspective of the Arabic language, it is possible to understand the word darkness as a material reality, and the Koran compares dark clouds covering the disbelievers a shadow. The concept of abstraction is almost unthinkable for an Arab in the Middle Ages, we will return below. And strangely, the material in the Universe has two aspects well. Ordinary matter and an unknown material. The darkness is born physically or occultation of light beyond a barrier or by the fact that an object does not emit the light it receives. In this case it is permissible to include the darkness mentioned in this verse, technically, everything invisible element fulfilling our universe that remains in darkness. According astrophysicists the overwhelming part of this material -95% - would be dark or black and unobservable directly as we do with ordinary matter. What drives them to design astrophysicists dark matter they are events observed in space, which effectively require invisible mass: such as excessive speed of the galaxy based on their observable mass, coherent organization in clusters of galaxies that would otherwise disperse. The verse speaks of is the darkness in the plural, it evokes the golden light in the singular. Many high sophisticated investigations were made and complex means implemented to detect any unknown particle of matter in the Universe to better understand the creation of the universe (= space-time) at the time of the big bang and designing its future. But beware, this intuition, if it is involved is not necessarily something supernatural. The visible night sky from a desert in the Middle Ages would probably give the same impression, with a myriad of stars on a huge background of a terrifying dark.
According Yannik Mellier, head of Terapix -a study center of the powerful telescope data in Hawaii-altitude of 4,200 meters, the data obtained with Megacam allowed to quantitatively measure still confirming the data obtained by the US with the WMAP satellite, and recently refined by the Planck satellite that the visible universe is constituted for 68.3% of dark energy, dark matter 26.8% and 4.9% in current terms. Observations made by a team of American astrophysicists from the University of Arizona led by Doug Clowe have supported strongly that dark matter actually exists. In study 1 E 0657-56 with the space telescope named Chandra, they have established that the position of the center of mass of 1 E 0657-56 does not coincide with the position of the gas cloud emitting X-rays that surrounds the clusters, which nevertheless contain the overwhelming part of ordinary matter. Which could be explained by an ignored property of large scale gravity according to other researchers. The object thus contain dark matter that would maintain the gravitational unit of it, that would be the product of the collision of two galaxies.
The existence of the dark confirms somehow the first affirmations of our transition -that the universe is created, which in any event that has a material beginning in the physical universe significantly, according to the paradox Olbers; The universe has indeed necessarily an origin in time. This because the fact that the universe is eternal light would require an infinity of stars through space-time from eternity literally fills the universe so as to not leave a shadow gap.
A-4. Dimension 153/27 VII to us invisible and dematerialization, an attribute of the jinn: djinns
"Let not Satan tempt you. They see you he and his henchmen from where you do not see? "
Several trails lead us to believe that the universe around us is a universe of more than three dimensions. Some experts even speak of a universe with 10 dimensions. Thus the material will consist of ten exponent vibrating strings twenty times smaller than the diameter of a photon traveling in a space of 10 dimensions. This kind of statement is very difficult to bear by lay and is the advanced and theoretical physics leads us to appeal to a complex geometry. A geometry that becomes practical to better model the acting laws in the universe. So there would be outside the three dimensions that we can address sensory -height, width and profondeur- other dimensions. According to this verse, beings diabolical obviously hiding in the "sides" which men, these invisible beings are more gifted than men -those one can also explore the heavens (LXXII Cor. 7-9) and even realize the teleportation (XXVII Cor. P.380 / 39-40) -and who are appointed jinn word meaning they are hidden to our senses. Physically, he may well be the hidden dimensions of the universe are not naturally likely to allow the material to hide it, but this technique possibility is not scientifically excluded. The literal meaning of the passage allows a real parallel with modern physics.
The concept of parallel worlds and can transition from one world to the other through "wormholes" is a modern concept also defended by scientists. Several scientists have studied the issue and considered the use of "wormholes" for time travel or perform teleportation.
Now physicists as high-renowned mathematicians powerfully defend the concept of hidden dimensions of space-time: Hermann Minkowski, Theodor Kaluza, Oscar Klein, Schrödinger, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Andrei Linde and many others. Almost no physicist of the late XX th or beginning of the XXI th Century rejects the concept of de facto hidden dimensions.
Hidden dimensions of the universe are now integral parts of the same physical books and more serious astrophysics. Scientists are also currently on the tracks to try and verify the existence experimentally. For example by studying the effects of gravity over very short distances which could range from small hidden dimensions -Blayne Heckel and Eric Adelberger at the University of Washington. Gravitation could connect a parallel world to ours, which could theoretically explain that gravity is apparently less intense than other forces in its action on the dimensions to which we are sensitive. Assuming that these tiny dimensions are real, we can ask this: dark matter, is the missing mass of the Universe hidden in these dimensions?
Some intriguing quantum discoveries have also demonstrated the technical ability to dematerialize matter as waves to cross a barrier and then materializing again. Two Austrian physicists, Lucia Hacker Müller and Markus Arndt, managed to dematerialize two huge molécules- The TTP and fluorofullerène, respectively 78 and 108 carbon atoms - in the laboratory at the University of Vienna. To achieve this feat, they transformed those molecules in gas and propelled by heating them under vacuum in an interferometer which was made of fine gold grids. Molecules first penetrate the first grating which concentrates the beams and the second gate forces them to computerize as waves and interfere. A third gate for counting molecules. Another team of the same Austrian university hopes to succeed to dematerialize objects the size of a protein to medical purposes.
The Qur'an also confers the power to teleport objects to jinn (Cor XXVII. 380 / 38-40). Again, the imagination of its author typed in the credible. Let us therefore as certain quantum experiments allowed to manufacture twin particles are in phase agreement; a modification formed on one of them also on its double observing remotely and instantaneously - entanglement quatique. Which questioned Bell's inequality by violating the law and consistent with quantum predictions about outcomes multiple formulas. However, this quantum property of the material being demonstrated and, scientists have since teleported laboratory. The team of Anton Zeilinger was able in 1997 to teleport the properties of a photon over a meter away from the University of Innsbruck in Austria and other advances have followed this prodigy. This is already almost in itself a clear proof that the four-dimensional space between the said particles in phase concordance does have one or more hidden dimensions connecting the twin particles "remote"; that, in addition to its practical application for teleportation. In fact, the time dimension disappears formulas to that scale.
All these things, it follows that if science has obviously not shown that jinn exist, nevertheless started demolishing certain prejudices by before considered obvious. Prejudices put forward to explain why the jinn could not exist scientifically. Here we have highlighted: the issue of dematerialisation and additional dimensions invisible to our five senses, and the ability of teleportation. We will also further deepen the parallels with extraterrestrial life and purely philosophical possibility that it is an older and therefore intelligent civilization more advanced than us. (P.263 Cor / 26-27 XV.): "We created man of sounding clay of black mud extracted. And the jinn We created earlier a fire of a scorching wind. ".
A-5. 155/40 VII The gates of heaven and the assumption of wormholes (?):
"The doors of heaven will not open their, and they enter Paradise until the camel-or do cable- should enter the eye of a needle. "
Many astrophysicists design black holes as possible passages to independent world of ours. Andrei Linde imagine even before the big bang, which our big bang is the result of a black hole in a previous universe. BIG BANG original, the source of all the universes have spawned the Multiverse.
In the Bible too, Jesus quotes the image of a camel that would be easier to enter Heaven than for a rich man in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew, 19: 23-24), reminiscent of heavenly gate. In fact, the belief that there heavenly gates already existed in Ancient Egypt. The concept of the seven heavens, the Koran evokes the same at the time of the first human beings, through the mouth of the figure Noahide (LXXI Cor. 15), and yet in many of shamanistic religions where civilizations Shamans were supposed to go through narrow doors to the dead to recall - compare with the words of Jesus (Matthew, 7: 14), or of Job (Job, 38: 17). (The deep shade evoked by job is Sheol, hell which is located in the Greek and Hebrew Hellenized in the depths of the earth (Genesis 42: 38)). This joins many shamanic ideas. As for the Quran, it evokes doors in heaven (Cor VII. 40). Muhammad would have evoked doors after his ascension: Ebu Davud, Sunan; Ahmad, Musnad; Hakim, al-Mustadrak. It's funny and even surprising that such a coincidence is really possible, but in fact, it does this is only a formalist hypothesis from theoretical calculations.
According to a realistic approach black holes as part of the theory of general relativity and quantum theory, they would open to other dimensions and to other worlds. Either these objects would connect two separate regions of our present universe without ever expand into a separate parallel universe to ours. A formalistic approach of the theory actually allows such a possibility. How did we get to this reasoning? In singles, this theoretical deduction from the fact that the mass of an object warps space around her. This can be represented by a ball placed on a taut sheet -representing sensitive three dimensions only two dimensions to simplify the reasoning. The sheet thus deformed so that the ball takes place in the center of the sheet. Lighter balls that are placed on the sheet will slide towards the big ball, this is the phenomenon of gravitation according to the theory of relativity. Assuming our ball reaches extreme ground cloth may tear and a hole forming. Well that is what is theoretically supposed to happen with the black hole but in our four-dimensional universe. Black holes swallow all the objects which reach and even light does not escape. This is Schwarzschild Karl (1873-1916), who was the first to predict the existence of black holes in 1916. Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) obtained at the end of last century, direct evidence of the existence of a "horizon" around black holes which nothing escapes. Since many black holes were found in the universe and the center of the Milky Way because X-rays are emitted from the field just before falling into the black hole. The idea that black holes can be opened to independent universe was defended by Stephen Hawking the last century. The theoretical path followed by the material that escapes from our world is called wormhole and shape resulting in a solution is called "white hole" (as opposed to "black hole").
According to the words of Muhammad, doors are supposed to actually exist and be watched by Angels -see the sources cited above. What arouses in our minds a strange similarity to the theory of black holes connecting according to some scientists, a region of the Universe to another. Of course, this has not been confirmed nor denied by the observations. White holes have never been observed so far in the observable portion of our universe. According to A. Linde they would project the universe thus formed at distances much greater. Distances that could be put in writing his -according Theory- that by aligning one kilometer figures. Currently it is still impossible to speak definitively about this.
Schematic representation of a black hole, a white hole and a wormhole.
Christian Böhmer and Kevin Vandersloot simulated what happens inside a black hole, according to the theory of quantum gravity loop of bouclistes. They resulted, according to the approaches methods, two different solutions. Either two black holes bind together by a kind of wormhole. Is the particle that falls into the black hole indefinitely following his trajectory in a strange universe that extends in one direction. A world of Nariai, also known as general relativity. Note that the theory of loop quantum gravity is one of the theories that attempts to reconcile quantum physics with the theory of relativity, and that it is not currently confirmed.
However, in recent years Stephen Hawking and Christopher Galfard attempt to demonstrate that the information on the objects falling into a black hole does not disappear. What should prohibit time travel, where to independent universe. This is not something acquired in early 2007. Neither Boghdanov in 2010 with the brothers in "The origin of time."
We found interesting in the context of a scientific criticism of the sacred book, to make such a reconciliation of these assertions studied, which are evoked through the verses with concrete theories of advanced physics. In reality the term door is pasted into the body of scientists and we have just taken in the evocation of the doors mentioned in the Koran. The future perhaps we will complete these theories. And this Qur'an evocation Could oddly comforted by science. In any case, a human who would cross a black hole would be crushed in any way and the idea of crossing the cosmic doors if they exist is physically impossible.
Maybe futuristic technologies however will consider a visit in the black-hole? Finally, note that the idea of heaven door is also great in itself, since it suggests space travel. Indeed, space is so immense and the difficulties of travel are inherent in its structure so colossal that the very idea of heaven is already wearing brilliant and idealistic in itself.
A-6. 174/187 / VII Time weighs heavily in Heaven and Earth, and the expectation of the gravitational collapse of clusters and supercluster:
"They ask you about the Hour: - When will arrive? -; Say: - Only my Lord has knowledge. It is heavy in the heavens and Earth. It will come to you suddenly. "
By the time we need to understand the end of the Universe. It is the end of the universe hanging in space and on Earth. The idea that the sky would eventually fall on the Earth already haunted civilizations of antiquity. This strong intuition is probably among other natural experience of gravity. Indeed, why the stars they toment not on Earth?
In fact, scientific point of view a clear link has been established for nearly a century between the density of the Universe, its cohesion, its topology and its future. According to the organization of matter in it, it will come to an end sooner or later. That the fact that the energy of the expansion -to compare: (LI Cor. 47), we are reviendrons- will have more difficulty in counter gravitation that the universe contains more matter in its within - so that gravity tends to gather each region of the sky in one united body, crushed under its own weight. In 1922 Alexander Friedmann and George Lemaître separately established the standard big bang theory, determining the topology of the Universe according to its density; this theory has evolved to new tracks in a world that is both dense and open or hyperbolic pretending show that the Friedmann-Lamâitre models were inadequate, but the basic principle remains correct: the organization of matter in the Universe will determine its future. Gravitation tends to gather each portion of space to crush under its own weight.
An inextricable relationship between gravitation and expansion actually pushes the material to clump together by separate regions. The end weighs so much literally on heaven and earth whose matter logically eventually clump together in separate areas to collapse. This would be comparable to the end of the Universe mentioned by the Koran in these verses -see (Cor p.. 331/104 XXI): "And the day We shall roll up the sky, as we fold the roll books. As We created We the surrender. "; The galaxies are crashing in from close relatives and curl into each other in spirals such as paper rolls and-see comments below illustration. At the scale of the Earth, the fall of an asteroid can be considered a part of this cosmic end whose separate regions are collapsing; (.. Cor p 525/35 to 6.44 LFL): "If they see fragments falling from the sky they say - 'Clouds hardened'; So leave them, until they shall swoon. ". On the scale of astronomical time, the phenomenon of the fall of an asteroid on Earth can actually be considered a detail of the gravitational collapse by regions.
The force that drives the universe to expand is such that the rate of expansion accelerated. Galaxies and other structures must counter this super strength to continue to exist. The magnitude of the big bang was amazingly accurate, so that the universe exists in time; Compare with (. Cor p.266 / 85 XV) & (. Cor p.407 / 25 XXX), a balance has been struck (LV Cor. 7), (XXII Cor. 65) & (Cor XXXV. : 41). and the universe is fairly homogeneous (Cor p.584 / 28 LXXIX). & (Cor p.5 / 29 II). The remote regions of space with unified structures similar to the Milky Way, suffer ultimately what we can reasonably call a gravitational tear -Compare with (. Cor p.532 / 33-8 LV) - since the clusters and super clusters of galaxies are too far from each other to maintain their cohesion in a united whole -, the stars and their lights through space and time to the speed of light will fade -Compare with (Cor p.580 / 8-10 LXXVII.) - and finally it will be partly flayed of any material: ( Cor p.586 / 1-11 LXXXI) because all its terms will vanish in an infinity of tiny black holes -. according to quantum predictions.
We will discuss all these phases planned astrophysical during our work. We compared quickly supra certain extracts from the Koran with these scientific findings, we will specify the time comes that there either, there is no mystery to seek, in fact quite rational explanations can lead to quite spontaneously Similar reasoning. And several points are again not specific to the Quranic cosmogony and existed before him.
A-7. 192/36 IX solar system evolved before stabilizing:
"The number of months with God is twelve in the prescription of God the day He created the heavens and the Earth. "
It is difficult to imagine how an Arab of the desert Arabian Peninsula in the Middle Ages could see how the stars are organized relative to the Earth. ? So when the solar system was stabilized today as a Muhammad hadith is reported by abu Bakra, according to this hadith the Prophet would have said: "The time has come full cycle to become again as it was originally when God created the heavens and Earth. The year is twelve months, of which four are sacred. "-Book Of the beginning of the creation of al-Bukhari.
Perhaps this passage from the Qur'an and hadith allude to the fact that Arab added or withdrew a lunar months to adapt to the lunar calendar with the sun and the seasons. But there really was an upset in the solar system before it stabilizes as currently.
Four researchers conducted a consistent pattern on the history of the formation of the solar system. Alessandro Morbidelli, Kleomenis Tsiganis, Harold Levison and Rodney Gomez. They made a computer simulation in summer 2004 that manages to explain in clear way the infancy of the solar system, at least from the time the nebula, which is at the origin of our solar system dissipated in good part -we speak the verse: (XLI Cor. 9-12) and another possible parallel further. Traces of this nebula continue to exist in part in the vicinity of the sun - also in the Milky Way. They established that large planets, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter would be closer to the sun and have circular trajectories in order to remain in their orbits more than 600 million years ago, since when Earth existed for some 540,000 .000 years. He deduced a belt that we can appoint, "planetesimals" would have formed in the outer solar system, objects made of sizes ranging from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter, unable to form planets. She would be at the current location of Neptune. And it had to happen that Neptune disturbs its environment so that to make objects fall toward the sun or expelling the further the solar system.
(The moon could have been ejected towards Earth at that time.) And, simulations have shown that when Saturn was a falconer revolution of the sun as Jupiter was two, a 2: 1 resonance caused severe gravitational perturbations, so they were able to make elliptical orbits in 100,000 years as to cause changes in position between Neptune and Uranus. The Kuiper Belt is made of remnants of this primordial planetesimal belts. The planets will be so remote suddenly twice before their distance from the sun. The solar system has started to stabilize from 750 million years. Their model requires confirmation about the Trojans lurking in Jupiter's orbit that revolution should be possible in 2015.
On the lunar month, modern discoveries were also made. The moon would be old of more than 4.5 billion years, which means that it actually competes with the Earth also dated to 4.5 billion years in age. The study of rocks collected in the lunar maria that been reported during expeditions astronauts show that they were formed while the molten rock was solidified, there are 3.16 billion years to 3.96 billion years ago. The Qur'an is strangely from a sparkle shimmering of the moon; see: (Cor p.. 283/12 XVIII). These moon rocks show similarities with our planet resulting basalt volcanism. And lunar mountains indicate that they could be made of extrusive igneous rocks, mainly composed of plagioclase anorthoclase. Supporting the thesis of training by collision.
William Ward and Robin Canup, two American researchers published at the end of the last century in Nature (vol. 403), explanations about the formation of the moon. They studied the question, starting from the theory developed above for the formation of the moon by the collision of a planet with Earth. But the moon has an inclination of 10 ° of the moon revolution plane relative to the equator of the Earth, while the moons of other planets are in plane with the equator of their parent planets. Scientists have theorized that gravitational waves from the moon have entered into resonance with the dust disk due to the collision so as to oscillate the moon until this angle by the time the dust clears. Forms of old cell life of 3.5 billion years have been identified that are already cells possessing the characteristics of existing cells and even capable of photosynthesis, to 2.7 billion, which suggests even simpler forms of life on Earth even well before. Planets tend to stabilize depending on the tides effect and the Earth must have been upset at the fall of this huge planet tangent on it before stabilizing gradually since.
The Earth and Moon were thus formed in parallel. The time has therefore made a revolution for a year that currently make 12 lunar months, as God decreed before the establishment by the mouth of Muhammad. It is amazing that the spontaneous intuition of a simple but thoughtful man, probably ignoring all the great cosmological theories that haunted the great Greek thinkers of antiquity could apparently reach of reasoning so original, and so close to reality.
A-8. 208/5 X = Sun light Moon = clarity:
"It is He who made the sun a (hot) light and the moon a light. "
This may seem surprising before reasoning and Muslims were quick to detect a miracle of the Qur'an. But who better than an Arab desert could feel the depths of his soul the difference between the burning sunlight and fresh, cold light of the moon? The sun emits light and the moon reflects without producing. The albedo of the moon is low, however, since it is 0.083, which means that it reflects 8.3% of the light it receives from the sun. The terms "Ziya" and "nur" the sacred book used respectively for the sun and the moon is in this sense of great evidence. Because the word "Ziya" includes heat produced to provide this light while the word "nur", no.
The sun is the place of thermonuclear reactions of extreme power. The fusion of helium, hydrogen, deuterium and lithium, as well as heavier elements from the explosion of the first star generation produces light and heat we feel on Earth. The moon was formed from gas and dust from the explosion of the star, but its small mass that only the heart of our satellite continues to produce heat. We have already mentioned above that the moon was also glowing in the past and will return. While the desert sun burn, why the moon is almost as big as himself from the Earth it is cold, would she cools?
If convection earthlings basements did not generate a strong magnetic field which forces the violent solar winds, the earth would probably even unlivable. The relatively rapid rotation of the Earth of about 24 hours also allows the Earth to cool. Period that forced the circadian cycle is also part of this cycle of time very faithfully.
A-9. X 213/39 They do not embrace the verses of their science:
"On the contrary, they have denied that they embrace the point of their knowledge, while their explanation is not reached them. "
This Koranic reflection joined accurately, one of the largest science findings is that all laws, all theories and models developed by men are always limited and never absolute checked into physical reality. Each new model law or theory is more "global" than previous ones. This is actually an even larger critical arguments in philosophy of science.
In Encarta Encyclopedia 2006 we read about it in the "Philosophy of Science": '' One of the central problems of the philosophy of science is how it is possible to draw general laws from observation phenomena, which, as carefully and repeatedly it is, never offers more than special knowledge. In fact, philosophers of science wonder how induction, that is to say, the inference from the particular to the general, is possible. Any empirical generalization, for example one that says that water always boils at the same temperature, already exceeds that which can be inferred from the facts strictly. But if scientific theories did not go beyond the facts underpinning them, they would have little utility. They could not meet one of their primary vocation, which is to predict the course of nature, and would have no explanatory power. ''
Science is divided into various categories, depending on the reliability of the acquired knowledge. For example, direct observation is a momentary reality. If it is non-repetitive, or more precisely its reality, accepting the testimony of his reality will depend on the reliability of the person who brings the observation and description of conditions in which the observation was noted. If an event is repetitive, it is possible to project into the future repetition. But this law is not empirical, because in order to prove that the event will be repeated in reality we will have to understand and above all be able to explain in detail the chain of causality that leads ultimately to the realization of the event considered. Indeed, a failure or a change to any level of the chain of cause and effect will prevent the event from happening again. And paradoxically, the first category of laws and theories is almost absolute in the exact sciences. Since we have not as extensive empirical knowledge of events in the fields of chemistry: - no absolute theory exists that is able to explain what finally an atom with a complete theory; as in embryogenesis: - mechanisms that allow the single cell into a complex organism escape us in a very large extent; in the field of biology - the precise mechanisms that allowed the emergence of life, the mechanisms that allowed its adaptation seen in its variable environment, end innate mechanism making gestures etc. we still escape scientifically; and it is the same in the fields of geology and astronomy - where the theories are based on fragmentary knowledge logical leaps to fill gaps in knowledge acquired and observational still missing once cruelly. For example dating from the most distant objects in the universe depends on the stability of supernovas. A discovery that shows that the less massive supernovas by playing the mass of a twin star can be varied number of astrophysics related findings. As was the case after the observation of supernova SN 2003 fg by the Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT); scientists have studied the issue. It seems that in this case, the mass of the star have been fueled by her neighbor slowed its end and allowed its mass to 2.2 solar masses, instead of 1.43 solar masses as suggested the critical mass of Chandrasekhar.
By studying almost all scientific laws and theories, we will see that contemporary science is still empirical and incomplete. So wisdom is that a scientific mind knows the field and credibility of the reliability of current theories following the universal principle of scientific doubt. This passage from the Koran is therefore an absolute reality. Similarly, the four principles of the method of Rene Descartes (1596-1650) appear identically in the famous ulûmud-din ihyâ'i the learned philosopher Ghazali (1058-1111) four century before the French philosopher, that this passage from the Koran may have inspired the Muslim philosopher.
A-10. X 215/61 The weight of a nothing (zarrah) and lighter:
"You find yourself in any situation you will recite any of the Qur'an, you will perform no act, but We are Witness when you undertake. It does not escape your Lord the weight of anything on Earth or in heaven or a smaller or bigger weight which is in the Record Book explanatory. "
The word "zarrah" reports in Arabic that are more remote. Besides the Arab thinkers who translated the Greek atomistic chose this word to translate the idea of atom. In H. 378, a doctor from Cairo named 'Ali ibn Sulaiman already wrote in his Risala: "The possibility of fragmentation of material bodies has not yet been completed. If we still do not fragmented advantage either be because we lack a way to achieve it. ". Quoted by S. Hunke in the sun of Allah rises on the West. This term zarrah is even more precise than the currently used word atom physics, which represents him, a particular element such as iron, gold, etc. ., which comes from the Greek word atomos, indivisible. For the atom was split into particles called neutrons, positrons (and electrons), which are themselves made up of smaller components called quarks. So the idea of indivisible material entities already imagined in Ancient Greece centuries before Muhammad, although the use of the word zarrah in the Quran is not at all a neologism, an original aspect of this passage is the assigning a weight to the smallest possible amount. What has been demonstrated after the development of highly sophisticated techniques. Reasoning that intuitively we could consider but that science confirmed relatively late. The weight is a measure of the force of attraction of the Earth on an object based on its mass. But even a neutrino, which is so far the smallest physical element designed and demonstrated to exist, has a mass. The shape change of demonstrated neutrinos, stunned the scientific body, as if its mass is small, the countless number of these leptons attributed to the Universe a large mass. This was not granted.
Recall, according to the electroweak theory, which was developed in the 1960s by three physicists, US -two (Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Lee Glashow) and Pakistani (Abdus Salam) and his mathematical demonstration by two Dutch scholars (Martinus Veltman and Gerard't Hooft) at the University of Utrecht in 1970, there would still not found a type of particle called Higgs bosons that are supposed to determine the mass of particles as a function of time they have been in contact in space -time. The theory predicted the W and Z bosons that véhiculeraient the weak force that we detected at CERN in 1983.
We hesitate about the form of particles of carbon which are sometimes represented as being made of waves but their weight is an observed fact directly. So far, even the smallest known particles "neutrinos" have mass. Pushing the reasoning can we then extrapolate the existence of the smallest part of any existing thing having no weight gain or weight with zero (or even negative) such as waves or strings?
According neurobiology, even the thoughts and feelings produce physical reactions or they are simply produced in hardware; electric or molecular flow, hormones, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, gamma-amino butyric acid (or GABA), glutamate, enkephalins etc. betray our deepest intimacy and even our thoughts and intentions intimate join this description of the Koran. Which is a characteristic of Semitic beliefs of a carnal soul, the idea of a disembodied soul different from the Egyptian concept, old ancient Jewish or Arab is particularly ancient Greece and among some Hindus. In this sense, the Qur'an there is not really something so surprising that the Qur'an describes the feelings as measurable objects. Abstraction in Arabic was fairly rudimentary. Thus the Qur'an he evokes a weight to the idea of our deep and intimate thoughts. As well as atoms.
In addition, the discovery -by a scientific body gathered in bold efforts to revolutionize the study of human-brain astrocytes present in the role of glia in the brain -cellules gliales- in the functioning of the brain, proved that our brain function is not restricted to any neural. Imposing the part of the organ of thought therefore operates chemically rather than electrically as is the case with the neurons. See the studies not directed Andrea Volterra.
A-10.2 XI 221/5 The limited vision in humans and observation through obstacles as possible in the infrared or ultrasound:
" Is not it . They fold up their breasts that they may hide from Him. Is not it ? When they cover themselves with their garments, IT knows what they hide as they reveal. It really informed what their breasts conceal. "
The human fantasy of view behind walls or hedges is again not unique to the Qur'an. Especially since this passage speaks of God omnipotent. Humans can not see the world in a very narrow margin of wave emissions. While in reality the universe consists mainly of vacuum. All matter in the universe as a whole can be condensed into a single point. Atoms are constituted by voids which are widely separated particles from each other in their scales.
This verse however, suggests that it is possible to see behind the covers, which is made possible in part to the human with the observation in the infrared or ultrasound. This verse also has this surprising for a person who ignores the lack of abstraction typical among Arab desert that feelings have a physical effect behind the clothes. See explanations of the above verse.
Now we have the means to guess some of those feelings through encephalograms and hormonal study denouncing emotions.
A-11. XI 222/7 Quantum Ocean or micro cords with which the Universe was formed - before the big bang or just after:
"It is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods when His Throne was on the water. "
Left, boat procession symbolizing Ramses II through the heavens to reach Amon. In Ancient Egypt the sky is made of water and runs through the boat. (Temple of Abydos). A picture of a straight astronaut "floating" in space.
The Qur'an mentions an origin of the universe where there would be a sea of ma; this term is translated as "water" in reference to his common sense and once again joined the Egyptian cosmogony of antiquity and encompasses a much broader concept into reality. The Koran uses the same word "ma" elsewhere for the seed: (LXXXVI Cor. 6-7), Muhammad uses the same word for saliva according to the ancient writings. From a semantic point of view, it is of utmost importance. The Koran does he not say that the stars "swim" (Cor 32-3. XXI)? In Ancient Egypt too, we imagined our heavenly elevation boat, as was shown in the tombs of people representing embalmed their departure to Paradise. But the space is composed of quantum vacuum and is oddly very similar to the original substance that possibly preceded the universe and is here called "water" very clear metaphorically.
In the absence of gravity, astronauts float in the quantum vacuum as in water. The quantum vacuum is deformed, such as water, depending on the mass of the objects located therein. It has a density, which physicists are still struggling to define. In short, in many ways the space is really like water. In fact, a string of ocean or a quantum false vacuum could have existed before the universe and be sensitive substance used. When asked the Prophet - according to tradition - on what was created everything, he would have responded spontaneously: - D "water".
From the first minute after the big bang, the density of the space birth would have even been close to that of water. The light was stuck and darkness was everywhere throughout the universe until 380,000 years later; there was light finally released according to observations.
In short, it is so difficult to describe this world of vibrating strings or the false vacuum, astrophysicists themselves sometimes speak of ocean, pool or sea, comparing waves to waves on the water and talking about fluctification . Specifically, we float in like in water, it is transparent as well as water.
And we must believe according to the speculations of several specialists that our universe is the result of a comparable space quantum vacuum of space. This suggests that more recent theories about the big bang before. Now include some of the assumptions -no confirmée- is still the issue forward big bang, because the Quran speaks in this passage.
* Hypothesis 1: Some physicists had imagined a universe that expands and hits himself (big crunch) indefinitely. This hypothesis was abandoned as it was shown that the expansion of the universe was increasing and exponential rate? In other words, gravity will probably never get to everything together as the expansion force is too large. Some do however still not completely abandoned this possibility.
* Assumption 2: We have also spoken of exotic theory of Andrei Linde assumes that the universe was born of an initial big bang and is multiplied by black holes that have given rise to a universe of infinity which ours would be released by one of the "doors". But not all scientists argue that black holes are passages to other universes separated from ours in time and in space -see above.
* Hypothesis 3: Let us also remember the approach to string theory consisting of the assumption of the existence of a previous space big bang where small vibrating strings exist, a very dilated infinitely small universe with ten dimensions. The strings would fluctifiées to form a black hole that would have given later the big bang. Physicists have initially imagined his strings for technical imperatives that actually allow them to avoid the question of the infinitely small stopping the possibility to falsify the theory, or if the strings exist, we should observe giant strings included in the calculations this group of physicists. These gravitational waves from before the Big Bang should be observed by the Planck satellite whose launch was scheduled for 2007, if it proves that matter is made up of strings actually, we should be set in a few years. Other hypotheses more or less aesthetic or intelligible, based on the idea of floating ropes in ten dimensions are also made that experimentation could refine or reject in the future.
* Important note: All these theories formulated by distinct groups of cosmologists cited above are worth less, or none is verified to date. In fact, at the moment, before the big bang holds Always metaphysics. And most astrophysicists stop before these speculations. Moreover, the infinitesimal scale time vanishes, and gravitation that attracts objects towards each other is seen canceled; then objects begin to move away from each other by pushing. - this could explain the inflation of the early universe was very small Thus most physicists refuse even to draw speculation before the big bang and accept the appearance of the Universe to the Planck barrier: 10 exp -43 seconds, as the accessible limits. In fact, a small group of physicists this Quantum Ocean was born from an instanton; the instanton is a physical object described by the mathematical pure based on the quantum formalism. A clean tunneling quantum physics could allow quantum universe born from "! nothing at all !". After which a "fluctuation" in the quantum vacuum would have to shape our present universe with a big bang. All this according to established and described by quantum physics laws.
Carlo Rovelli, quantum gravity specialist states that the time disappears for that quantum formulas across the infinitely small. Time is created during the big bang along the space and matter. According to the approach of the aforementioned Italian scientist, space-time itself would be quantified itself being initially formed loops of gravitational fields. That is the answer to the question: "Who was he of the universe just before the big bang" would be: "Nothing at all." The most obvious approach is to stop when the physics of the universe is created in the big bang process also according to most physicists. At least until -telle indisputable observations that the expansion of the universe showing the origin of the universe over time was observed directement- are performed confirming a new, more advanced theory.
According to a Muslim philosopher, water mentioned in this passage from the Koran would in fact be the physical location agitated by the Eternal Power of God. Diving into the depths of matter has revealed to us as matter is composed of molecules, molecules of atoms, atoms particles, and these particles also have wave properties. At that time scale is canceled and only calculations exist where everything becomes pure mathematics. A boon for mystics.
A-12. 249/2 XIII vacuum energy and the expansion of the Universe - A term in time for the sun and the moon.
"God is the One Who has prepared the heavens without pillars that you would see; He established and on His Throne and subjected the sun and the moon, each running to a named term. "
The problem of universal gravitation does not date from yesterday. Newton himself had to explain why gravity is not the stars finally crashing against each other. In fact, there exists a so-called counter force diatonic 'which is also called fault to find a more intelligible meaning "vacuum energy" that would be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the Universe. This verse contradicts the ancient myths of the supports of the sky by a goddess, by -croyance bédouine- mountains or a bull. However, he joined the myths of the region on the fear that the stars fall.
Similarly, the idea of designing an end to the stars is not unique to the Qur'an. Now, of the dates on the late star types are in progress according to scientific calculations. The primitive understanding of Arabic Quran he would conceive such an important time scale, probably not. Yet, the Qur'an seems to place these events in a future more or less distant, describing events that are independent of the Last Judgement on Earth after the disappearance of all life on Earth and supposed therefore take place in a future too distant (Cor p. .286-7 / 49-51 XVII).
A-13. 262 / 14-5 XV If they could pass through the gates of heaven, they do not believe their eyes:
"And even if we were opening their door of heaven and they could go up, they say: - Our eyes were veiled. It is rather that we are people bewitched. "
We have already discussed the Egyptian myth and shamanic celestial gates. And highlighted a philosophical parallel between the two concepts. If we could cross the black holes and go into parallel worlds; Or, if we could travel, perhaps in very remote parts of our universe or borrow gravitational passages of the Universe to access to very large distances, we would be disturbed. What is it beyond the limits of the observable Universe? What we would find if we could access it? Perhaps an infinite number of living beings inhabiting the vastness of the Universe: (Cor p.486 / 29 XLII.)?
This reminds ascents and passages through narrow doors shamans around the world and similar belief in Ancient Egypt where the priest who opens the gates of heaven fell from heaven to heaven up Amon, meeting ancestors. Muhammad would have done according to Muslim beliefs ascent through the heavenly gates, and would have met Abraham, Moses, Adam, Jesus etc. -see Al-Bukhari: 447, Tirmizhî: 3563. Although according to some Muslim thinkers, including abu Bakr, this ascent was spiritual, that is to say with a spiritual body, probably the man of reason that was Abu Bakr was there regardless hardly conceive a long journey in the space of a short time? Until recently, general relativity also prohibited strictly as a crazy idea to cross the entire universe and return to Earth in a ridiculously short time. However, you should know that according to modern physics, it is theoretically possible to cross the skies at a speed greater than that of light. For this, it would distort space-time from a specific location with the help of antimatter and supercomputers to "project with the space." A bit like the dispersion of matter with spacetime at the big bang (the speed is billions of times greater than that of light.).
As we have already mentioned above, Muhammad described seven gates guarded by angels to cross space and go under the Divine Throne; this strange idea is not new again. Several biblical prophets and saints are said to have made ascents of this type? It is therefore strange that a modern physical approach devise interstellar journeys through the gates of time, centuries later. Some theorists have thought that black holes may have a way out even within the universe. The idea of passage to separate worlds formalism falls course of theoretical physics. But scientists have alluded to in the context of possible theories. It is very likely that the black hole are not spatiotemporal passages. No doubt this passage from the Koran speaks of visiting the Paradise traveling in space.
A-14. 263 / 16-7 XV Constellations in the sky described in depth, we can not cross:
"Certainly we have formed inside the sky (fo) constellations of stars and We beautified it for watching. And We protected against satan. "
According to the ancient beliefs of the Middle Ages, the sky was like a dome and the stars were stuck to the ceiling of this universe, the ultimate firmament. Yet the Koran describes the stars as obstacles that prevent the demons to flee the universe. The universe takes a deep well.
The Quran attributes the constellations own heaven, as he similarly attributes the grammatically roof sky also in heaven. The question looks like the "edge of the universe" is an enigma even today. But as the theory suggests the appearance of space and time at the big bang, the question of the limits of the universe is far from trivial. According to the Quranic conception of space, we find the idea that the constellations are between the Earth and the second heaven -we explained this at greater length in other places. The constellations are in the first heaven -the Milky Way - and there still exist six heavens in layers to it - see above explanation. We did not find a similar belief among other known civilizations.
A-15. 266/85 XV link between the Cosmos and its contents:
"And We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them really. The time really happen. "
This verse evokes the reality of the world and that it is doomed to disappear. A mystery that has haunted probably many thinkers. And this is interesting, since the material that constitutes the Universe is not virtual but persists -a perspective quantique- in time; or it should disappear with time according materially astrophysicists. Each particle will eventually disintegrate due course and physicists are already in scientific calculations of the end of protons.
As our brain and our senses have limited access to the real world, physicists difficult to demonstrate that the world really exists. For between the obvious logic and scientific proof there is a huge difference. But the new approach to quantum physics which attributes to reality an informational approach shows that the apparent inconsistency of quantum physics with the macroscopic world as quantum entanglement and the apparent contradiction wave-particle resolve spontaneously: Information obtained is limited, reality is perceived as jerkily -if we could get all the information would certainly become reality and no doubt perfectly deterministic and transparent. What is forbidden to the senses, as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which forbids us to instantly know the position and velocity of a particle without influence. Informational theory contradicts the Copenhagen School, who argues powerfully that reality is non-local, even though quantum physics nevertheless allows it to be potentially in a non-deterministic local setting.
Elsewhere the Quran says emphatically philosophy that we embrace that part of our knowledge of reality; (II Cor. 255): ". He knows their past and their future. And they embrace of His knowledge that according to His Will. ". Similarly the Qur'an says in a metaphysical concept that reality emerges from a verbal order of God before materialize immediately; (LV Cor. 49-50): "We created everything with power and decree. And Our command was but as a blinking eyelid. ". Several intellectuals have followed a parallel reasoning, the beginning would be the Logos, in the sense of John the Evangelist or Heraclitus. The laws of theoretical physics are so precise that they join virtually pure mathematics. The vacuum passage to information and waves, and then the material corresponds precisely with the principle of creation from a divine order so dear to the mystics of many different religions.
We do not claim here that theoretical physics has demonstrated the existence of a demiurge, but the physical and informational reality join Koranic descriptions -and those of large mystiques- creating original way.
A-16. 272/45 XVI Meteor and asteroids:
"Those who were plotting to bad things are they immune to what God in the earth swallow them, or there comes to them the punishment of a side that they do not understand? "
The Earth is surrounded by a world of meteorites that beg to visit. It is very difficult to predict when one of them will fall. As the Earth is spherical and surrounded on all sides, the threat is even more unpredictable than the distances have virtually no end. Sometimes a series of celestial objects gravitationally bound them have a center of gravity that flickers giving the whole a random trajectory impossible to predict. These asteroids neighbors manage to position them against each other and form one united mass composite. If we could achieve with a missile--for example, they would disperse, but by gravitation would gather again for a united mass. Not to mention the other objects in the solar system also would influence the trajectory of a supposed object approaching Earth.
The fact that the Qur'an presents us a model of spherical Earth planet (we'll discuss later) is not really so strange. The spherical shape of the Earth was already intellectually conceived in high Greek antiquity by Pythagoras by simply aesthetic reasons. While Aristotle (384-322 BC. BC) defended the idea of a disc-shaped Earth, Pythagoras (c. 570-c. 490 BC. BC) defended this thesis the spherical shape from the VI th century BC for the sake of harmony.
Indeed, the Qur'an uses the half spherical model of the Earth existing in his time he doubles speaking of the two Easts and two Wests: (Cor p LV 532/17..); some have erroneously conceived as the ultimate two points where rises and the sun sets along the horizon, knowing that the world was spherical. While on a year, the sun passes through all the points lying respectively between 'these two points'' over time, as the axis of rotation of the earth moves gradually. The only way for it to be two Easts and two Wests, as the sun does not rise against the direction is that the Levant region to become a West; another, and from one region Couchant The Levant another - see also: (Cor XVIII: 17.). A hadith in Bukhari described al-Muhammad trying to teach one of his companions as the sun that resurfaces layer rising in a continuous motion. Presumably, for a Prophet, the Earth was spherical So, comparing this hadith, whether it is really of Muhammad, with this passage from the Koran.
A-17. 275/77 XVI time - his debut - will be brief in its realization:
"It is God belongs the Unseen of the heavens and the Earth. And the order of the hour is but as a blinking eyelid or even closer "
An asteroid that would fall on Earth, a movement of the axis of rotation of the Earth, a volcano that wakes or mood of the sun start, begin and end. This verse should really motivate us to meditate on the fine thread which holds life on Earth. All other climate changes and we provoke them condemn future generations to increasing difficulties for survival. The reign of the dinosaurs and their sudden eradication of the surface of the planet not he is an eloquent example? Maybe even the acceleration of the Universe's expansion rate can be considered an indicator of the end of the Cosmos. We ignore too limits the effects of gravity and the distances over which acts thereon. What may be the time scale over which extends the destruction of the universe?
According to a report narrated by Muslim, ten great signs "should" chair before the Apocalypse that will follow like beads on a string whose string has been broken and fall to the ground one after another. It would include smoke filling the sky, regions of the Earth that affaisseraient, powerful earthquakes for years (Quran), drought (hadith) that same day to prolong until a year and then the birth of the sun Sunset -croyance priori improbable gold, a disturbance in the rotation speed of the Earth geometrically could produce such astronomical phenomenon. A fire rising from the Hijaz that would drive people to a gathering place (it must be understood for trial), Muhammad actually talking about major disasters long-known but could he know about the lava, maybe a- he heard because the coastal region of West Arabian is a volcanic area. The collapse of the wall and Gogs Magogs and release -see below. The most interesting in this description of the end of the world according to Muhammad, which is a collection of major disasters known in his time, is that all these events can be caused by a single event: the unexpected fall of an asteroid on earth. A poignant prophecy realism compared to modern scientific estimates.
A-18. 283/12 XVIII The moon no longer flickers:
"We have made the night and the day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night (moon), while we have made the sign of the day (sun) visible to you ask of God's favors, and know the number of years and accounts. "
We're not going back to the fact discourage some apologists to use our work as a miracle tool. An Arab desert with the fury of the sun can very well imagine a moon that was also flicker like the sun but who would cools. This is not in itself extraordinary. Now it is apparently established that the moon was once incandescent indeed. Its nucleus is always hot elsewhere. We believe that the moon was a small planet the size of Mars hit the Earth and flew into the sky leaving the Earth on fire even she herself became incandescent. The two stars then cooled off in parallel. We are told ibn Abbas said in interpreting this verse that, according to the prophet, the moon shone in the distant past but is off - especially in the tafsir of ibn Kathir. This is the same in other older exegeses.
According to modern discoveries, the moon would be old of more than 4.5 billion years, which means that it actually competes with the Earth dated to 4.5 billion years in age. The study of rocks recovered from lunar maria that have been reported during expeditions astronauts show that they were formed as the molten rock was solidified, there are 3.16 billion years to 3.96 billion years. These moon rocks show similarities with our planet resulting basalt volcanism. And lunar mountains indicate that they could be made of extrusive igneous rocks, mainly composed of plagioclase anorthoclase. Supporting the thesis of training by collision. Besides, William Ward and Robin Canup, two American researchers, published at the end of the last century in Nature (vol. 403), explanations about the formation of the moon. They studied the question, starting from the theory developed above for the formation of the moon by the collision of a planet with Earth.
As the moon has an inclination of 10 ° of the revolution plane relative to the equator of the Earth, while the moons of other planets are in plane with the equator of their parent planets, scientists have expressed the assumption that the gravitational waves from the moon have entered into resonance with the dust disk due to the collision so as to oscillate the moon until this angle, until the dust clears. The old forms of cellular life 3.5 billion years have been identified that are already cells with the characteristics of current cells and even capable of photosynthesis to -2.7 billion years, which suggests even the simplest forms of life on Earth even before .
A-19. 286-7 / 49-51 XVII Our atoms they finally become iron:
"They say - 'Is it that once we become dust and bones we'd really created again?' Say: -Devenez stone or iron. Or what grows in your breasts (which you design on the other). "
If the theory of nucleosynthesis is recognized, would have our ashes, which will become stone -Roche sédimentaire- if the Day of Judgment was delayed, should, if they were not brought back to life, the heart eventually other stars for processing iron and other elements. According to other scientists, iron is produced when two stars percuterainbsp; ent. According to a deduction of quantum physics, all atoms should ultimately become iron atoms after 10 exhibitors 1500 years; this, according to Valerie Greffoz in the magazine Science & Vie No. 1014. Undoubtedly, people have noticed that they exist from compacted earth like stone, maybe for a man of the Middle Ages ignoring the elements, the stone could become compacted iron? In fact, in some hadith, Muhammad is made to say that the dead descended into the depths of the Earth seven layers of land. What transform the iron stone?
A-20. 324 / 30.32 to 3 XXI Singularity sky protected - immediate dilation of the primordial singularity - The orbits.
"Those who disbelieve have they not seen that heaven and earth were welded into a single whole and that we have separated them right on; And from water We made every living thing. And We made the sky a protected roof. It is He who created night and day and the sun and the moon, each swimming in a curved trajectory. "
This passage from the Koran was the scene of incessant debates concordistes. While the idea of the creation of the universe from a definite place is not at all unique to the Qur'an. We find the idea of an original cosmic egg in Japan and Mali. According to current scientific, before the big bang, the universe was contained in a "singularity" smaller spatiotemporal a single electron. Muslim scholars have translated the word ratq as "glued together", "crammed against each other" -see ibn Kathir and Qurtubi related that: Ibn Abbas el-Hasen, Ata-ed Dahhak and Katada -the followers of the Prophet - have explained that heaven and earth were one whole. The tradition is compare this item to a mustard seed in the hand of Allah (Abu Dawud). The material currently is the Earth and everything that exists in the cosmic space were united in this core. A second interesting detail is that the verse says literally "fataqnâhumâ fa", indicating that the initial state and expansion are designed by the author of the Qur'an as very fast - it reminds the assumption of inflation, gold perhaps this is due to the mystic it is the divine omnipotence. The Quran also mentions a lapse of time for this creation which is less than a blinking eyelid (LIV Cor. 49-50).
Heaven and Earth formed a whole from the big bang until a nebula is formed by the explosion of a star with -Compare (Cor. P. 477-8 / 9-12 XLI). After that the sun and its planets were formed gradually. Also, about the planetary positions of upheaval, the explanation of the verse. (. Cor P.342 / 17 XXIII) The Quran also specifically describes this final separation of heaven and Earth in those terms, ( XLI Cor. 9-12): "Say: 'Do you disbelieve Him Who created the earth in two periods, and He will give you equal? That is the Lord of the Universe. It is He who has firmly established the mountains above her, blessed her, and assigned its sustenance in four periods, for those who ask. If it is well established in heaven which was smoke and said to it and to the earth: 'Come both of you willingly or unwillingly.' They said, 'We've obedient'. He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and revealed in every heaven its function. And We adorned the Terran sky (the first heaven) lamps (stars) and have protected. ". Earth was really formed in two periods, first star was formed that exploded forming a nebula, then the turn came for the sun and planets to form and take their places. The nebula made up transforming the solar system whose orbits, including that of the Earth have evolved from a circular shape to an elliptical shape (two periods). The stars appeared in fine dust behind the vanishing of the surrounding sky Planet Earth, decorating the sky the Solar System. It is inconsistent to try to stick these concrete findings on this passage because it is more reasonable to think of two periods in all six periods without further clarification. Exegetes of the Tanakh have seen similarly in the seventh day a link with the Sabbath.
The sky is protected: by cosmic radiation, which irradiates the objects in the sky that could disrupt the Earth by reducing and removing them to their mass, by the solar wind and Earth's magnetic field that protects us from cosmic radiation by Jupiter , Neptune and Saturn like magnets attract objects in space that could come hit the Earth, ozone, which protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun, the atmosphere that destroys the smaller objects that closer to the Earth. The point here is that the Quran speaks of protection against demons who intercept information on the fate of earthly angels. The parallel between astrophysical reality and the literal meaning of the verse, however, is a happy coincidence.
As for the end of the passage, we read them another no less important; the stars follow a curved path called "falak" which stems from the topological reality of space-time and motion of objects that populate the universe. Gravity curves space-time and that the objects turn goshawks each other. The curvature of the trajectory of the stars may, however, be made by simply observing the movements of the moon and the apparent motions of other stars. Yet another coincidence easy to untie.
A-21. 331/104 XXI folded sky like a papyrus scroll: clash of galaxies that wrap - the end of the Cosmos.
"And the day We shall roll up the sky, as we fold rollers books. As We created We the surrender. "
State of two galaxies that wrap rolls as long pages, the Universe will end in cannibalisations such -image left. To the right of representation long rolls shaped elliptical galaxy and a spiral. Each galaxy is becoming a spiral.
The Koran literally distinguishes the sky, from heaven. This verse clearly refers to the winding of the heavens (compared to rolls) -our Galaxy follows a similar move with other surrounding galaxies -with mainly the "nebula" Andromeda manner consistent with the Qur'anic image? According to the advanced research and IT, two galaxies that "cannibalize" and have an aspect comparable point per point to long rolls of papyrus -see picture supra which are wound into each other in length. The shape of the generally galaxies also pass a form which has arms to an elliptical shape. As very long pages wrapped in one roll. The oldest galaxies are elliptical for it already, like gravitation golds already wrapped their arms against their nuclei.
Thus, the Qur'an also mentions that the heavens are rolled in the Right Hand of God and the Earth will be a handful in His Hand (Cor. XXXIX: 67). The Quran cites well as a plural. The universe will be torn in fact, as apparently considering the Qur'an: (Cor p.532 / LV 33-8.). The exact fate of the entire universe is scientifically about his trip and the final state of the universe, still partly a mystery.
The universe will return again later in the quantum vacuum as in the beginning, -Compare with -, is being stripped of all its material content (XI Cor. 7): (Cor. LXXXI: 1-11). Local galaxies will turn into huge black holes, and all the particles will turn into black holes' 'evaporate' slowly - a term devised by Stephen Hawking.
It is difficult to understand what Muhammad had really imagine, accurately, dictating the verses, but the literal meaning is very close astrophysical expectations, at least in the literal reading of these passages from the Koran. It is obviously unacceptable that a man of that time could conceive such a coincidence, this type of knowledge is typically modern. The comparison made here is purely theoretical and has the sole purpose to compare the meaning of the verses with scientific data without any kind of religious action. The image of the Qur'an strongly raises some astronomical observations, regardless of its original meaning referred by its author.
A-22. 333/15 XXII Tie a rope to heaven to climb it.
"Whoever believes that God will not succor here on earth and in the hereafter, let him stretch a rope to the ceiling and then cut it, and he sees whether his plan will remove that enrages. "
This verse is also intriguing. The Qur'an mentions the idea to stretch a rope to heaven and grab them and then break that string. In fact, it is very well possible to theoretically extend a very long rope to the space so that it floats but it would be very difficult to have spontaneously and would sell under its own weight. But how can we imagine that at the time of the revelation? Does it mean attach to the roof as some commentators?
In any case we identify the philosophy of this passage, which is the following, the selection of prophets holds the Divine purpose and no one can proclaim himself as a prophet of God helped and supported. When we know that several personalities of the time refused to believe in Muhammad took this position because of arrogance that the prophet was poor and fatherless, our understanding this verse.
A-23. 338/47 XXII One day for God is like a thousand years, astronomical time.
"And they ask you to hasten the punishment. God never fail in His Word. However, one day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you count. "
For over a century, we know as geological and cosmic movements stretch for incredible time scales. The time dimension must be much less important to the Demiurge in the Quranic conception. Here, the number thousand means an extremely long time. In fact, even taken as the number thousand, number of days elapsed since the big bang gives 38,333 years (= 13,800,000,000 / 360/1000). An order of magnitude close to 50,000 years of verse; (Cor p.568 / 3-4 LXIII.): "The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day whose length is fifty thousand years. ". Presumably in the intellect of the prophet in his inspiration, God was to be immense and omnipotent. The time was insignificant for him.
In many places, the Qur'an cites the many miles in the direction: extremely long. Moreover, the fact that more than 1426 years have passed since then and the end of life on Earth has not yet arrived, reflects the insights of mystical explanations of the dimension of time on the scale of a civilization in this passage from the Koran.
A-24. 340/65 XXII God holds the sky to fall except in fragments:
"Hast thou not seen that God has subjected everything on earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His command? He withholds the sky from falling on earth except with his permission. "
The sky is maintained by a universal expansion, the cause is still a mystery. But it happens that objects in the field of attraction of the Earth really fall towards it. At the time when the Quran was saying this, people believed in fact that meteorites were amalgamated and hardened clouds. THE beyond the clouds could not be material and fall to Earth. The Koran also says that iron fall from space (.. Cor p. 541/25 LVII) It is possible that Muhammad has witnessed the fall of an asteroid, or may have been spoken to her, but tradition brings nothing in this direction.
A.25. 342/17 XXIII September lanes on our heads, the orbits of the other planets?
"We have created seven ways above your heads. And We are never unmindful of creation. "
The verse cited here differs from many others because it cites "ways" over our heads, we can understand the orbits of the planets. The number seven also means "many" among illiterate Arabs. However, planets, moons, asteroids and comets traveling goshawks sun in our system.
One might be tempted to think that this verse speaks of the other seven planets of the solar system moving faster than the stars: namely Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Venus and Mercury. Do not count Pluto is an isolated case that some astrophysicists therefore do not really consider as a planet. Pluto is after non-terrestrial planets very large, it is smaller than the moons of these planets and follows a path that emerges from the plane of the planets. This passage is certainly not to be confused with the concept of the seven heavens mentioned in many places in the Qur'an. A planet X Appointed Xéna- was captured beyond Pluto in the Oort cloud, but it can be a giant asteroid. However, the number seven, in Arabic and in several other Semitic languages, means "many," and may include the planets have moons, comets, asteroids, etc. And in this vein, the orbit of each of the stars in its own system: (Cor p.521 / LI 7: 7.): "By the sky perfectly traced routes. "(Our Galaxy). It is very unlikely that Muhammad had experienced the Ptolemaic theory of the solar system. And his time we did not know all the planets. The intended meaning of this passage will probably remain a mystery forever? In any case, the Qur'an is the stars decorating the sky, the first heaven (Cor. P.446 / 6 XXXVII): "We décorâmes the first lamp sky and protégeâmes". Masabih means "lights" and shows the brilliance of the stars. Even if we accept that these strange lights were the planets, as claimed by some commentators, so we should place anyway six other lands beyond the seven planets. The Quranic cosmogony out very clearly from Ptolemy designs. The few stars 5000 distinguishable from Earth all follow a spiral movement in our galaxy. And there are further billions of other galaxies.
We have already seen that according to astronomical observations, the Universe consists in seven regions nested into each other seen from Earth, which are respectively: 1 - the Milky Way, 10exp5 light years; 2 - the local group of galaxies, 10exp6 light years; 3 - the Amas, 10exp7 light years; 4 ° - the Virgo supercluster, 10exp8 light years; 5 ° - Large structures 10exp9 light years; 6 ° - the visible universe as a whole, 10exp10 light years and 7 (?) - The beyond the barrier of the Planck time and the visible limits of the observable universe, and possibly parallel universes emerging beyond the black holes. Each of these structures is a world unto itself. The more we see far more superior structures show the smallness of our Galaxy, the first heaven Muhammad abu Dawud according. The seventh heaven is the same reasoning as all these worlds.
A-26. 363/33 XXV The best examples.
"They bring to you any speech, but We were bringing you the truth and the best explanation. "The cosmic models and other more realistic descriptions are so close in the Quran whose profound simplicity and undeniable intuition seem confusing.
This is because the Qur'an's explanations are both simple to describe and wonderfully intuitive, because they have a deep sense very volatile. Progress theories can be considered as an asymptote -see schematic that tends towards perfection without ever reaching it. The theories evolve, approaching more and more explanations perfect here considered as those of the Qur'an becomes impossible.
According to this verse, the sciences are evolving towards perfection of the Qur'an without ever reaching.
A-27. 365/61 XXV Constellations are arranged inside the sky, not the "firmament".
"Blessed is He who has established within the sky and constellations Who established in a light (sun) and an illuminating moon. "
The Koran transgresses the idea of a universe where stars are placed at an ultimate ceiling and quotes the star as being located inside - fî - the sky as a barrier against the demons in their ascension to the top. We have already mentioned above that this approach is one of apparently own approaches to the Qur'an. The stars are potential bombs when they explode, propel into intergalactic space meteorites, as well as those falling from closer regions, which are fragments of a real star. These are the intergalactic cluster bombs in the travel perspective in space. Black holes are collapsed stars even on themselves aspiring anything that approaches and remain absolutely invisible.
A-28. 367/4 XXVI A sky of the wonder that would leave our necks bent: giant asteroid or comet?
"If We will, We send down a sign from heaven so that their necks are curved. "
By imagining a giant asteroid approaches the Earth we would impulsively pushed to observe at length during long nights. Were there any memories of such a cataclysm among Arab in the time of Muhammad? Such a cataclysm can rise and millions of years ago and it is possible that the contemporaries of Muhammad have therefore witnessed. The Koran nevertheless implies that there may be in space an object located far enough and having a size large enough to cause this effect as a smaller object would not be visible long enough to produce this effect discussed here. This verse potentially implies that the universe is quite large and very large objects that exist there. Unless this passage evokes great clouds over long enough can also be dangerous. But other passages evoke the meteorite falls (Cor p.. 525/35 to 6.44 LFL): "Were they created from nothing, or would they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? If they see fragments falling from the sky they say (.): - 'Clouds hardened'; So leave them, until they shall swoon. ". Several asteroids have hit Earth and already in geological time statistically, as imagined here the Quran: "If we want it, we send down a sign from heaven. ". This happens after a certain probability depending in particular on the amount of material and the number of objects that populate the space environment of our planet, according to a determinism very complex. In the Qur'anic concept, meteorites are used as projectiles against the devils. Larger projectiles would they be possible against bigger demons? It is difficult to establish such an extrapolation based on so few elements.
A-29. 380 / 39-40 XXVII teleport a human dream
"One jinn said (Solomon): 'I will bring it (the throne of the Queen of Sheba located in Yemen) before you get up from your place for that I am strong and trustworthy.' . Someone who had knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring before you've blinked an eye. ". Then when Solomon saw the throne installed to him, he said: 'This is a grace of my Lord.' "
We found no trace of such a legend in the Judeo-Christian writings, it may be that this is an own insight to Muhammad. It is difficult to determine whether the alleged stories of Jews by Muslim exegetes have been devised after verse or whether they existed before him in one way or another. However, now we try to acquire a realistic technology teleportation. The Qur'an mentions here two ways to teleport: the rapid movement of an object (the traveling speed of a genius) and a great science -it is difficult to imagine what kind of science is covered here, probably the magic . In the laboratory the challenge is to transmit information instantaneously from one point to another to achieve teleportation.
He existed in ancient Egypt beliefs on knowledge of certain elites on written Hidden allowing them to achieve things beyond the reach of common people. It is said that Solomon had a counselor who knew Egyptian intelligence. Let us remember that the ancient Egyptians had achieved fantastic techniques such as re-agglomeration of rocks-at least to make usuels- objects mummification -which allowed the dead to be even integers later- millennia and construction pyramids-whose stones make several tons and are still levels millennia after their construction and are moreover assembled with such precision that it is impossible to slide Ultra thin sheet of paper between two stones. But teleportation would require "magic" much more powerful Egyptian whose own apparently pretended not to be in possession, not even in their imagination. But we know that according to the beliefs of the time, speech allowed to perform superhuman acts. Note that it is amazing that the throne of Queen teleported be distorted by order of Solomon. It's funny to find this amazing detail in this Qur'anic account, as in the case of a teleportation technology, it would be well if the information transported were altered in one way or another.
It obviously was not in the era of human technological means capable of achieving teleportation; but one fact remains established: the fact that we now know that this is physically possible. However, that teleportation is not described as a miracle depends on the divine grace that no one can know in advance, but would have been realized by a knowledge disappeared, which is really interesting philosophical point of view.
In the book The Physics of Star Trek to Lawrence M. Krauss of Bayard, we see the calculations regarding the possibility to teleport a human. To dematerialize one human being and convert it into pure energy, we dégagerions Energy 1500 nuclear bombs each one megaton. To teleport only the information necessary for the reproduction of a human being by the atoms and energy levels etc. would require a memory capable of storing 10exp25 megabytes. In other words, if we had on each other modern hard disc thereof form a high stack of hard disks 100,000,000 light years. Whose deciphering would, according to current acquired 100 million centuries. But do not forget that technology is also progressing at a bewildering speed. We have already noted above that the team of Anton Zeilinger was able in 1997 to teleport the properties of a photon over a meter away from the University of Innsbruck in Austria and other progress tracking this prodigy, especially in IT.
A-30. 384/84 XXVII Kissing verses of our knowledge described as impossible in the absolute:
"Then when they will arrive, God will say, 'Have you treated My lies verses without having identified your knowledge? Or what were you doing then? "
One of the greatest discoveries of modern times is very serious that we can not establish a science unwavering and absolute. Each new theory or model is more extensive and general as the previous. Each theory raises new questions. The Qur'an therefore critical men deny the verses supposed to emanate from a divine absolute because science, without having identified their science, imperfect. This verse is indeed a powerful philosophical and intellectual element inspiring the reader a profound humility in the reading of the sacred book.
A-31. 394 / 71-2 XXVIII night or day for long: and if the rotation speed of the Earth would change?
"Say: 'How about if God were to make the night constantly until the day of resurrection. Do not you hear? ' Say: 'How about if God were to make the day continuously until the day of resurrection. Do you not see? "
No doubt he would be less difficult at the time to imagine what the hell was dramatic variation in the length of days. We find in some ancient myths legends about the suspension of the sun for a time, see his back. This inevitably brings a smile to anyone who has some modern astronomy concepts. And as unlikely as it may seem to be, the speed of rotation of the Earth changes. If the Earth revolved more slowly, it could be in keeping with its period of revolution of the sun goshawks; in this case on one of its faces it would definitely night and on the final day opposite face. We can also imagine that the Earth leaving the vicinity of the sun to cause a long night; or she goes to the center of the Milky Way bind to another star, where it never harms some strong populated places in the heart of stars in the Galaxy. Or it could be that the moon comes between the Earth and the sun by putting in phase and this would cause the night mentioned in the verse that would cause the end of life on the planet whole area. This kind of phenomenon is possible as observed in space. Such conditions probably would cause quite quickly end life on Earth mentioned in our verse.
In fact, the prophet has even announced that the days had to lie to westernla end of time, until last year. After that, the Antichrist were to arise and the sun rise from the west -Muslim: 2934 Tirmizhî: 2336, ibn Maja: 4075, abu Dawud: 4315. Al-Nawas bin Sam'an reports that Muhammad had said that day s' lengthen to last a month, a year. They asked him: "This day is equivalent to one year répliquâmes us, the prayer of a day enough? He replied, '' No, but feel it to its value. ''. How fast the Antichrist will cover the earth, demandâmes we? He replied, '' it will pass like a cloud driven by a strong wind. He'll find people, called and they believe in him. ". The Prophet then explained that the sun must rise at sunset, when the Antichrist will appear -see at: Muslim: 2759 Tirmizhî: 2281, ibn Maja: 4068.
The slowing of the rotation of the Earth exists and is known but it is very slow and we did not know the operation in details. If the inertia of the Earth was increased by, for example, the fall of an asteroid: the sun should rise to West when a rotation of the Earth would last longer than a sidereal revolution of the Earth -as goshawks sun to Venus . The Earth can also undergo gravitational influence and have a chaotic motion before stabilizing in the other direction. Every hundred thousand years, the Earth reaches a final distance to the sun, where it is possible to undergo a reversal of the poles tilting on its axis, or no geological Data reveals such a phenomenon. In short, the days vary in length, the length of years varies and according moons, month also vary. Is there a connection with the reversal of the magnetic poles that have occurred at least 170 times since 10 million years? Celestial mechanics ancients believed that frozen has continued to reveal secrets from the time of Muhammad. In 2001, Jacques Laskar and Alexandre Correia -University of Aveiro, Portugal-had explained how Venus came to have a reverse rotation of other planets. It would be the effects of strong and atmospheric tides that would slow the rotation of Venus has stabilized and started to rotate in the other direction, or it would have made a turn on its axis so that the reverse rotation of this so.
They have also shown how it is that Mercury makes precisely three turns on itself the time to do two laps around the sun. American Peter Goldreich and Stan Peale had already imagined this possibility, but maintained that it was only a 7% chance of happening as well. But J. Laskar and one of his former students have involved the other stars of the solar system and concluded that it could only be this way. Kepler's model of the evolution of the planets was static. However, scientific advances have shown how the planets also influence each other in a sometimes violent resonance. The ellipse of the planets and elongates and shrinks periodically every 100,000 years -see al-Bukhari: Book of beginning of Creation about d. U movement of the sun to the apex Hadith reported by abu Dhar, "The Prophet told me once, while the sun went down: '' Do you know where it goes? '. I said, 'God and His Messenger are more knowledgeable.' 'He then explained:' 'It's going to bow down under the Divine Throne, asking to be allowed. This is allowed him, until it suits bow down; then it is denied. He asked again and this permission is denied. We order him to go back where it came from, so he throws on the side of his Sunset. Thus it is written, "The sun runs a predetermined point this is the decree of the Almighty Savant. ". The science meets at least strangely the teachings of the Prophet, while the rotation of the Earth and its slowdown were still ignored. The a priori is that as it is not the sun that turns goshawks of the Earth, the sun may never rise at sunset. Profane imagining that the sun must turn back for it. However, it is the rotation of the Earth determines the sunrise. The gradual change in the direction of rotation of the Earth can cause the birth of the sun Sunset. Muhammad, if it really emanates from him, evokes the slowdown last days until one year evokes somehow this theoretical approach consistently. But it is just assumptions, and this is not based on a text of the Koran, but on a hadith, certainly very likely to be true.
A-32. 396/88 XXVIII Entropy:
"Everything will perish except His Divine Face. "
Contemporary science has shown that any closed system physically eventually lose its energy and therefore must eventually become unstable. The earlier philosophers generally conceive of creating a perpetual cycle. The description herein is accurate and beautiful for its time; and is therefore different cyclical philosophies of Greek, Hindu and others. Carnot, Nicolas Léonard Sadi (1796-1832) was the first scientists to develop the principle of thermodynamics. The verse is much less accurate but wonderfully made.
A-33. 403/55 XXIX Heavenly Punishment.
"The day the punishment will envelop them from above and beneath their feet. We say to them: 'Taste what you did.'. "
Increasingly, experts are considering one or more asteroids can fall out and cause the planet to the end of life on it. A blue fears that Ancient Egypt Egyptian sorcerers threatened to be heard. One example should asteroids approach the Earth in 2019 and there would be a probability of falling to Earth and to cause truly cataclysmic disasters. Undoubtedly, such a cataclysm that would cause many disasters mentioned in the Quran to the end of the world. To say this may give the reader the impression of a concordist thesis, but the fact is really there and frankly astonishing.
A-34. 405/8 XXX Ponder the heavens:
"Do they not reflect within themselves? God created the heavens and the earth and what is between them that really and for a specified term. "
The Qur'an encourages in this passage and in several other passages to meditate on heaven. This was the mystical and spiritual motor investigations in astronomy Islamic World, which, far from being considered a taboo even science was strongly encouraged by the holy book. Do not confuse course astronomy with astrology. Number of stars filling the sky have Arabic names, as well as technical terms of astronomy - see above. We see as our present study the Quran, as the Qur'an mentions many times celestial smoke, heavenly gates, dispersion of star dust, the Milky Way, the expansion of heaven etc.
This verse once again draws attention also to the fact that the universe really exist but for a t'westernemps. What is also a scientific fact. Indeed, cosmic matter really exists and is not virtual according to quantum physics, but the laws governing it will not stand forever despite the enormous energy that was generated to create it. In addition, the second meaning of the verse is that all this would have been created for a purpose and has nothing foolish. See also infra explanations.
We discussed above the informational approach to the reality of the world and the fact that the Order of God materializing immediately joined the wave physics. And that quantum theory has led to a mystical zeal that never ends irritate the rationalists.
A-35. 407/25 XXX The universe exists in time. Why: analysis of subatomic matter (virtual particle> real <). Fallacy of solipsism:
"And among His signs - there is the fact that - heaven and the earth subsist by His command. "
Many times, the Qur'an describes the universe as existing "really" but for a certain period of time. A mystery that haunts everyone is well expressed. The surveys in the depths of matter has shown that the existing cosmic matter must disintegrate with time. This material was produced with such energy that it continues to exist thirteen billion years later.
This, while other particles are virtual and currently appear in space but almost instantaneously disappear and are therefore not "real". The material consists of small waves that are organizing to materialize and possess the properties of matter: mass, volume and load, for a certain period of time, depending in particular on the power that generated them. A virtual particle is an instant result of a tiny fluctuation which immediately disappears.
Similarly, the cosmic laws of physics stably maintain the universe. Theoretical physics of matter made of intricately organized mathematical waves. Limited access to reality gives an illusion of hallucination, as it is difficult to demonstrate that matter exists independently of what we draw as information. For, it is clear that the world exists and has very strict laws that hold true in every moment independently of us, scientific rigor that it is difficult to make a scientific demonstration. The idea of reality "created" could meet as some modern scientists metaphysical inclination both antitheses. Or further explanation below A-60.
A-36. 411/10 XXXI The vacuum energy - The water comes from the sky.
"He created the heavens without pillars that you would see. And the sky We sent down water. "
Scientists agree on the fact that the positions of stars in the sky without crashing against each other is a very difficult event to explain. They invented several concepts to meet this paradox -which again repeat, chipotait the spirit of old at least since antiquité-, including the vacuum energy that would hold up the sky, extending it so accelerated. This reality is the origin of the discovery of the accelerated expansion and thus the origin time of the Universe.
The origin of the water is to be found in comets and asteroids as the same passage might let us think evoke. It is more reasonable to think that this passage refers simply to rain, not the first origin of the arrival of the water. Whatever traditions lean more to situate the origin of rainwater into space, ignoring the phéomène the water cycle. Even if the water was taken to Earth and was withdrawn later under form of hydrogen and oxygen when the Earth was entering its final phase, and to understand the meaning covered by this Qur'anic transition must be of this dimension where the beliefs of the time in the region. The traces of water found in zircon (zirconium silicate crystals (ZrSiO 4)) demonstrated that the existing water on Earth goes back not only to the origins of the planet, but it would have the same characteristics as the isotopic traces existing water in space near Earth. Ten percent of the earth's water would come according to the isotopic data of comets; the rest would come from asteroids.
A-37. 414/34 physically XXXI The unpredictable part of the destiny of the Cosmos:
"The knowledge of the Hour is with God; and He it is Who sends down the saving rain; and He knows what is in the wombs. "
As meteorology and natural death, the end of the Cosmos take nonlinear functions which we can not control the time of initial onset or end. The complex characteristics of the events mentioned in this passage from the Koran are being studied by theorists of chaos. If it is possible to have a relative predictability of these events prior to their implementation, this science is not perfect and may change. Here again nothing supernatural, everyone knows intuitively that these things are impossible to know in advance except by speculation.
A-38. 428/3 XXXIX End of the World and content of the cosmos are linked:
"Those who disbelieve say: 'The Hour will not come' '. Say: 'By my Lord, it will surely come. (It is) the knower of the Unknown. Nothing escapes Him, even a weight of anything in the sky as the Earth. And there is nothing smaller or bigger that is in a Book explanatory. "
A clear link is established between the density of the universe and its end. Depending on whether the universe contains more or less material compared to its size, it will come to an end sooner or later. That the fact that the energy of the expansion will be even more difficult to counter gravitation that the universe contains more matter in it.
The properties of the particles created from the first second will be made as decisive in this end of the Universe, and the recent discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe shows that the end is accelerating. The force that pushes the universe to expand is such that the rate of expansion accelerated. Even though it is not as fast as before the appearance of gravity and mass of objects in it are formed. Galaxies and other structures must counter this super strength to continue to exist. The skies finally undergo a gravitational tear recalling this passage from the Koran: (Cor p.., The stars and their lights through space and time to the speed of light will fade -propre term 532 / 33-8 LV) used in this verse: (Cor p.580 / 8-10 LXXVII.) - and finally it will be partly flayed of any material (Cor p.586 / 1-11 LXXXI.).
These passages from the Koran that resemble in appearance to these modern descriptions obviously not possible to guess at the time, still remain amazing. To get an idea of what a contemporary of Muhammad was to include these verses just read exegetes as Tabari.
A-39. 415 / 4-5 XXXII The creation of the Universe in the days very long:
"God Who created in six days the heavens and the earth and what is between them. Then He installed on the throne. (.) From heaven He directs the whole affair, which go up to Him in one day is a thousand years of your reckoning. "
This passage has no equal in the Bible and in ancient cosmologies. As it explicitly mentions the creation of the heavens and the Earth in six days and cites the variable duration of the heavenly days just after well by juxtaposing these two concepts as we do not find anywhere else on through other cosmologies. Before the creation of the Earth and life on it day were divine days (Cor p.338 / 47 XXII.), Except perhaps the last two days when life was created on Earth: (Cor. p.477-8 / 9-12 XLI)? According to a report narrated by abu Hurayrah (Muslim, Nesaî) "Adam", the first common ancestor of humans was created and expelled from Paradise on the sixth day, or day of Paradise are longer than Earth days according to Muhammad in this If the days of creation are not land at all? But it is highly unlikely that Muhammad is calculated as fine deduction by telling the stories of Adam and creation. It is interesting to guess that Muhammad was to represent when he dictated these verses in a mystical inspiration.
In our time, the design of the day time is still different, when we know the duration from one day to the other planets varies; Venus did so his revolution goshawks of the Sun 225 days and has an axial rotation that lasts 243 days. That fact that on Venus the sun rises in the West. The idea of creation of the Universe in the Divine Days should not be conceived in the time of Muhammad, except by successive periods, which are of course, home-other seven days of the week many Earth days compared to Divine Days. In this passage, the Qur'an thus binds a great way creation in six days the concept of variable duration days. This may at first seem surprising, but the theological concept naturally allows the design of a time of a different scale for the Divine, we explained the outlines here.
A-40. 427/63 XXXIII Hour may be very close:
"People ask you concerning the Hour. Say: 'The knowledge thereof is with God! ''. How do you know? It may be that the Hour is very near. "
The end times can be caused by the fall of an asteroid, for a major earthquake or by the awakening of a volcano. We are increasingly convinced that our future holds a nothing; and we, we pay more and more aware of our weakness as our science evolve. One of the obsessions of Muhammad through the Quran - which reached him by mystical inspiration - was the end of tribes, which end was awaiting his community?
A-41. 428 / 2-3 XXXIV exchanges between heaven and Earth to cosmic objects - the end of time and the weight of atoms.
"He knows what goes into the earth and what comes out, what descends from the heaven and that which goes up to it. Those who disbelieve say: 'The Hour will not come to us.' Say: 'By my Lord, surely it will come to you. This is (Him) the Knower of the Unknown, nothing escapes him were he of no weight in heaven as on Earth. And there are smaller or larger that is written in a Clear Book '. "
This passage evokes the material exchange between the earth and the sky. The Earth is constantly bombarded by meteorites and cosmic radiation happens to cross the solar wind and magnetic field of the planet. As for the link between the content of the Universe and its end we have widely discussed elsewhere in several places. Fragments of a planet are sometimes ejected into space by the fall of an asteroid, and Martian rocks have landed on Earth. The passage speaks as Muslim exegetes of rain, meteorites and angels going up. Some are already added in the second century the rise of water skyward.
It seems to be incredible that the Quran mentions that enters the earth and what comes out in the same context. Astrophysicists have settled in very large subterranean depths to study particles called neutrinos of which come from space and through the ground at full speed, the mass should specifically help to glimpse the future of the universe mentioned in the same passage in the Koran, no one knows why. Its particles are found to have a mass and charge, almost zero but may influence the topology of space-time and thus its future. Neutrinos are so insignificant they cross the planet through and emerge as the objects mentioned in this verse. Other physicists are trying to look outside of terrestrial space of rare particles -bosons, etc.- monopoles which are less likely to approach the Earth. The properties of tiny particles of matter will determine how and when will be the end of time, a strangely raised in our theme verse, with no exegete has explained the reason for the juxtaposition of these ideas together.
A-42. 429 / 9-10 XXXIV drop pieces of heaven on earth:
"Do they not see what is so sky and the ground in front of and behind them? If We will, We the Earth swallow them, or that pieces of the sky to fall on them. "
Meteorites and meteors are fragments of the sky from which they come. The Qur'an describes the asteroids as part of the sky, which is a new concept in astronomy. To believe the Quran, Arab thought meteorites were hardened clouds. Or is there some bad language? Physically speaking, the same quantum vacuum has a physical reality. Elsewhere the Quran speaks of a sky without cracks; (. Cor L: 6): "Do they not look at the sky above them, how We have made it and adorned it, and as it is without cracks. ". Just as our body is composed of atoms separated large distances on their scale, the universe is composed of stars that make the Universe as a whole sounds like a huge object made of stars, asteroids, planets etc. In fact, the starry sky visible from Medina had to be impressive, leaving perhaps not without a star crack?
A-43. 436/13 XXXV Twilight - End of the stars.
"He makes the night to enter into the day, and the day to enter into the night. And He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each of them is moving toward an appointed term. "
The penumbra is a mixture of light and shadow. That is to say, it is neither a shadow nor light, but a third reality is emphasized here. It is interesting to study the issue for theories on the laws of optics. The penumbra proves that the Earth is round. If it was flat, the entire planet would be lit from one end to the other at dawn. We have also stressed that the Quran seems to describe a spherical Earth. But the relationship with the darkness did maybe not report in the spirit of Muhammad when he recites this passage with that.
And as for the end of the stars, it is now recognized that all come to an end in the time required according to the law of entropy. A Koranic phislosophie not own the stars.
A-44. 439/41 XXXV Space does not dissipate:
"God holds the heavens and the earth so that they do not stray. And if they went away who else would retain him? "
The Qur'an describes very clearly the continued expansion of the Universe: (LI Cor. 47). Perhaps from the land area? Astrophysiquement, the universe is probably "flat". That is to say in brief that probably has a speed of expansion adjusted so that it does not suddenly emptied of its material. If expansion is too rapid, the objects could never it organized and it would disappear as soon as he appeared, as described in this passage from the Koran. This was determined from the first second of the big bang. Elsewhere, the Qur'an also mentioned the prevention of falls from heaven against Earth, considering the Universe from Earth (XXII Cor. 65). We have already done elsewhere and rational critical analysis of these approaches, we are back not here.
A-45. 442 / 38-40 XXXVI Rapid movement of the sun; the positions of the moon and their separate trajectories.
"The sun runs to a point that has been assigned. The moon thins in its stations to become an aged palm. The sun will not come to touch the moon and the night does not defeat the day. Each vogue as a curved movement. "
The apparent movement of the sun is relatively slow. But a nomad moving quickly will undoubtedly feel the sun continues literally. In fact, experts calculations, the sun darkens in space as a cartridge; it darkens towards the apex in the constellation of Vega -with the entire Lactée- Way with such speed it travels to nearly 18 million kilometers a day, in real displacement. It is therefore technically correct that runs in the sky, in contrast to its apparent slowness seen from Earth (!) - Illusion. Seen from Earth, the sun seems to be much less far than it is in reality -some ancient beliefs assumed she entered the land the evening- and seems to run but seems very slow; it travels 180 ° 12:00 0.25 degrees per minute or 15 ° in one hour. This does not surprise me the a priori for a person who does not move, a person who moves quickly over long distances will have the impression of being followed by the burning star. This reminds as the Earth also moves following the sun darkens into reality. The same passage then outlined the positions or phases of the moon. This is interesting because, in fact, the movement of the sun is to a point in space; to the apex, in the constellation of Vega, and has a proper motion. While the moon is linked to the sun gravitationally and thus has a relative position. The word mandzil contains well this concept of relativity, since it means post station etc. But this detail has meaning only literal, it is impossible for a man of the Middle Ages to consider that the Earth continues the sun moving in space.
The end of the passage is u, we read that the sun will not come to touch the moon and the night does not outpace the day. The moon goes around the Earth in 29 days, while the period of revolution of the sun apparent goshawks earth is 366 days. The apparent motion of the moon is always greater than that of the sun, and it is always the moon that seems to approach the sun and not the opposite as the verse says, perfect: "The sun will not come touch the moon nor the night will win the day. Each vogue as a curved movement. ". In addition, there is an aspect of the literal meaning of the verse is also interesting but it was impossible to know at the time of the composition of the Koran, the sun does not expand to come touch the moon and the size apparent from the sun and the moon that these two stars are almost equally apparent size as seen from Earth. Similarly, regarding the fact that the night will never exceed the day, it should be noted that the sun is much larger than the moon and medieval beliefs wanting the moon eats the sun plunging us into eternal night is absurd. Demystifying this peure old eclipses like the world is very interesting in this verse, perhaps more than what Muhammad would never have hoped to make it.
A-46. 446/6 XXXVII The stars visible from Earth are not stuck in a firmament, they are closer to the Earth.
"We decorated the earthly heaven with an adornment, the stars. "
This passage is also apparently own the original Qur'an, since he says that stars decorate the first heaven called "earthly heaven." While the ancients believed that the stars were to the bottom of the real universe. The visible sky is only a fragment of the Universal sky in the Quranic cosmogony. According to tradition, there exist seven heavens bunk, the first is called sama ad-Dunya. We see this in all muhaddithîn including al-Bukhari and Abu Dawud. That's what first heaven is described as containing the stars of the Milky Way. What emerges from ancient Greek cosmogony which placed the stars in the depths of the universe and the few planets in lower theoretical layers.
A-47. 453 / 10-1 XXXVIII A heavenly host would stop our appropriation of goods celestial:
"Or do they have in their possession the property of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. Well, there they go up through the channels. An army of allies, right here will be routed. "
The difficulties inherent in aerospace trips add to the mystery of the Qur'an. It seems that this passage refers to the goods of heaven. Which prevents to travel into space, we would have really overcome many difficulties. No doubt a man of the Middle Ages it was impossible to design this with much more ease. Practically, we would have a very important energy source to reach another star system. And these are not certainly not the surreal dimensions of the universe that will encourage humanity to obtain sufficient energy source to cross intergalactic space. Indeed, to reach the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, it takes a minimum of two years traveling at the speed limit of 300,000 kilometers per second. Limiting speed of light that we can physically impossible to violate. Indeed, how can the atomic cohesion at that speed? The relativistic theory preclude a particle can cross this barrier categorically. The known universe that is constantly expanding the borders that stop at 13 billion light years now. These difficulties are further adds the problem of food and medical subsidies. In fact, individuals that eat the spacecraft capable of moving at the speed of light until the next staging post? By imagining that we manage to produce a ecosystem capable of powering the ship travelers should be able to increase production to meet the needs of their offspring, as the trip would last for generations, not to mention it would take for a school next train scientists from the members of the crew. To this difficulty will add to the difficulty of making a ship that is not broken and that will withstand the assaults cosmic, like the ruthless bombardment of cosmic radiation and extreme violence. And we have raised a small part of the problems of human intergalactic travel. For a larger time scale, the ship hosts crossing them suffer over time genetic aberrations and become biologically disabled. In short, once again the realism of the Koran launched this challenge, and it is an indisputable relevance even today.
According to the Qur'an, the universe is protected by a heavenly host. It probably include angels, but not only. We will return later because the Qur'an mentions the existence of live animals and human beings in other lands in heaven. If we tried to capture us, we would be attacked by these armies on Earth itself. It is actually very likely that advanced life forms ahead of us exist somewhere in the vastness of the universe. In many places, the Quran clearly mentions the existence of living organisms into space, joining previous Hindu and other faiths. But the coalition routed the Earth might be preventing wars by human progress to colonize space? This reading also was chosen by some Muslim scholars.
Note that the Quran speaks of extraterrestrial resources, and plans to go to source in space, stressing possible to want access routes and of course by saying that we're not owners. Now, think it is alluded to Paradise. Verses say that God has submitted to us what is in the heavens and the Earth is only a cradle (Cor. 10: XLIII). This verse studied here forbids us to claim the goods all the Universe. The universe is so immense that if we borrowed cosmic ways, our species would be decimated before we reach the edge of the Universe.
In two places, including this present verse, the Qur'an speaks of a heavenly army will prevent escape of space-time. The other verse is even Apocalyptic: (33-8 Cor. LV). While the Qur'an speaks very clearly of live animals or human bodies in space, we must probably understand that it should be of angels. A different concept is very far without any doubt a person of that time can be considered objectively. The allusions to living organisms other than on Earth are very clear, but absolutely no philosophical depth.
A-48. 458/5 XXXIX Earth is spherical - geodesic:
". He wraps the night over the day, and He wraps the day over the night. "
This passage is the most explicit in the Koran regarding the sphericity of the Earth. We have already noted elsewhere that according to the Koran, the Earth is composed of a hemisphere doubled with two leavening and two sunsets. Here we read verbatim Yukawwiru which means that the object around which wrap the night and day is a ball: kuwrah. The magnification of the sun like a balloon, to be closer to the planet Earth is called; (Cor: pp. 586 / 1-11 LXXXI): "izâ'l chamsu kuwwirat". According to ibn Taymiyyah, Bedouin belief at the time was that the Earth was a hemisphere, and indeed, seen from the desert floor, a clever observer can conceive such a geometry intuitively. One can observe that the hump of a camel moving away disappears by sinking ground. Remember the problems that caused such a concept in the West because of its irrational sense And yet she was running. The Koran prohibits so good, not only this approach, but it demonstrates the same as being accurate. Not shocking, since in ancient times the sphericity of the Earth was already defended.
We are told by Ibn Abbas -yarn of the uncle of the prophet that the Earth is spherical and Ibn al-Hazm said that the Earth is spherical and that the one who says she's stupid is flat. (Cor. P.446 / 4-7 XXXVII): "Your Lord is truly unique; Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the Easts. . "(Cor P. 364 / 46.53 XXV.):" Have you not seen how your Lord stretches the shadow? If He had willed, He could have made it still. Then We made the sun the Index; Then We -for ramener- to us with ease. ". The shadow of the Earth is actually projected cone skyward -to God. We will study the verses concerned as we will succeed in our reading of the Holy Quran. The literal meaning of the verse allows such admittedly surprising conclusion. But it is very unlikely that a man of average growing time can consider such an image. We have cited elsewhere that Al Biruni (351-428 H.) already evoked the same rotation of the Earth before Copernicus N. (851-921 H.). If he did not have success it was not put to the stake. The idea of the sphericity of the planet posed no philosophical problem in Islam, except in certain fanatics, inconsequential comparable to difficulties encountered with us Europre.
A-49. 459/6 XXXIX Heavenly Origin of organic matter and atomic elements, panspermia:
". And He sent for you eight cattle in pairs. "
Substantial animal origin is heavenly indeed. But not in the mystical sense. Since the raw material of which living things are made come from clouds of interstellar dust. It may be that the origin of life has appeared in a form of cellular or molecular life that landed on Earth there are more than three billion years of it. The animals were sent substantially on Earth from space (molecules or organelles) and then biologically from the oceans by a virtual development process; -Compare with (XXI Cor. 30).
A-50. 465/67 XXXIX The Earth and the sky ployees as paper rolls:
"They did not consider God as He should then be at the Day of Resurrection, He will make the whole world a handful, and the heavens will be folded in His Right Hand. "
Difficult to imagine that the image was to be a man of the time by reading this passage from the Koran. Astronomically speaking, we must believe that the super clusters of galaxies where Earth is located might collapse to form a black hole local super comparable to the initial shape of the universe. As it will, also, that the universe now become later an immense void of all matter skinned -still a surprising intuition, comparing with (. Cor 1-11 LXXXI) -; particulate matter is being transformed into black holes throughout the universe. This passage speaks of the heavens in the plural, which will be rolled as long papyrus rolls as another passage already studied: (Cor p.331 / 104 XXI.).
The Qur'an very explicitly evokes a universe that goes to tearing, a division and material disappearance. We read well "The heavens are rolled in His Right Hand", it is indeed a plural.
A-51. 474/64 XL Man is created in the Cosmos.
"It is God Who has made for you the earth as station and the sky as dwell. And He gave you shape - what a beautiful form he has given you. "
The Koran is the Earth and the Earth's sky in a huge Cosmos as a peaceful habitat. In fact, on a cosmic scale, Earth is curiously a very quiet place of habitat. Events of extreme violence - supernovae, collisions between stars, falling asteroids or comets on other objects, violence of cosmic radiation etc. - Are active across the space we are protected here. And there must be other planets habitable, perhaps inhabited?
A-52. 477-8 / 9-12 XLI The sky was smoke and nebulae - The order in creation in the Qur'an.
"Say: 'Do you disbelieve Him Who created the earth in two periods, and He will give you equal? That is the Lord of the Universe. It is He who has firmly established the mountains above her, blessed her, and therein its sustenance in four periods, for those who ask. If it is well established in heaven which was smoke and said to it and to the earth: 'Come both of you willingly or unwillingly.' They said, 'We've obedient'. He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and revealed in every heaven its function. And We adorned the Terran sky (the first sky, the Milky Way) lamps (stars) and have protected. "
Whatever extension translations render the passage of this sort, philological and historical-critical study reveals that the original terms were perceived very differently here at the time of writing the Koran. Indeed, the figures and the numbers were a distant sense of their linguistic function in modern French in ancient Semitic peoples. So actually the idea of "creation of the seven heavens in six days" does not suggest an idea other than the perfect formation of the heavens in a finished and completed times.
Function rhetoric use figures among the ancient Semites:
- 2; creative idea: 'male-female', 'sky-earth', 'hot and cold', 'life-death', ... Notion who returns repeatedly in the Qur'an that mentions the separation of the earth (ard, which present) and heaven (sama, which is high). The slot of the seed, the male-female creation etc.
- 4; idea related to the Earth itself: 'North-South East-West', 'water-land-air-fire, ... Creation of the Earth in four full days.
- 6; idea of completeness: 'trunk-two-one-two jamnes arms',' David six-pointed star symbolizing completeness, male-female, heaven-earth, life-death ...
- 7; perfect idea 'seven heavens and of the earth', 'menorah with seven branches',' turn his tongue seven times in the mouth (Semitic expression), ...
- 100: duration of complete human life.
- 1000: idea what is very large, very long ...
Thus, the transition here is to capture in this original rhetorical sense, and not to be taken in the literal sense. The Arabic reader's time did not think this as a modern reader, and grasped the meaning very differently.
The stylistic twist this passage suggests a smoke stage preceding the formation of the Earth, since the creation was completed in six days and that the Koran mentions six days-two days to create the Earth and be completed end of the fourth day.
It is common to read the writings confusing Quranic cosmogony with Biblical cosmogony, or it is a wrong approach. The Bible cites no smoke in the sky -ni other earlier cosmogonies the Koran. Are we to think that originality is due to the vision of Andromeda in the sky? Would the stars born from a kind of smoke? Tabari also compares the word Dukhan with steam, and describes the evaporation of water for the formation of stars. This allows to visualize how the ancients understood this verse.
It is now accepted that organic matter or perhaps even the first living cells have formed in a cloud of dust that surrounded the Earth to 4 to 5 billion years in the past.
When life appeared on Earth, the first generation of stars that exploded were forming molecular clouds throughout the Universe, who was born while only 8 to 9 billion years ago.
The sun was already so for some time -a few hundred million years. Historically, the idea of the formation of the solar system from a nebula was designed for the first time by René Descartes in his Principia philosophiae in 1600 that the solar system was born from a primordial matter animated by eddies that will give the sun and planets.
Immanuel Kant described in Natural Philosophy, in 1755, a cloud of gas collapsing under gravity to form the solar system with the sun and the planets. But the Koran evokes a kind of smoke which Heaven and Earth are produced in this passage.
Photos of nebulae, the solar system was born into a gas and smoke like dust, traces of which still exist throughout the Universe (XLI Cor. 11). To compare with smoke containing sparks (stars).
The stargazing was actually unveiled two generations of stars. The first generation of stars is surrounded by light elements up to the appearance of the Universe. The second generation of which the sun is part and virtually all extant stars are made of heavy elements, product exploding stars of the first generation. Besides a rather important part of the Milky Way still contains traces of this interstellar dust throughout the galaxy, it is the same for the observable universe as a whole.
Let now a detailed explanation of modern discoveries. The stars of the first generation have exploded so (undergraduate) forming nebulae of dust and intergalactic organic matter that fills the universe since then a whole (similar to Koranic sky smoke which God would have formed the seven heavens then ).
At the beginning of this passage the Qur'an explains the specific case of the Earth, at the end of the passage he explained what it was all the rest of the sky. And comes back to the fact that other stars decorate the earthly heaven: "And We adorned earthly heaven with lamps (stars) and have protected." Nevertheless noted that the Koran does not say that the smoke in the sky contained nothing other than Earth.
It should be noted that the smoke is composed of gas and dust, as well as hot ashes, which may have allowed such a comparison from observing the sky. We cited a comment from Tabari, who saw the smoke rather a kind of vapor rising from Earth.
The passage describes the formation of the current universe. Heaven is described as already formed earlier; what another passage in the Koran apparently confirms. There we read; Cor. p.584 / 27-33: LXXIX: "Are you more difficult to create or the heaven; He has nevertheless built? He raised his crest and made homogeneous. He darkened its night and brings out its dawn. And the earth, after all that He fulfilled. He made it out of its water and its pasture. "
The formation of the Earth has physically started from the first moment with -Compare Cor. XXI: 30: "Heaven and Earth formed a single whole and we separated them right after".
A-53. 478/12 XLI The sky has depth.
". We have adorned the nearest heaven with lamps (stars). "
The Qur'an describes the space as vast. He describes the ascent of angels to Allah in one day long as 50,000 Earth years. If the hadith describing the ascension of Muhammad is authentic, it is interesting to compare an image described in the hadith the above verse. The mythical animal called al-Buraq carrying the body of Muhammad spiritule to the Throne of Allah was supposed to move so fast it traveled the distance to the point to instantly reach a target point of the eye. The stars that decorate the Terran sky are located inside the nearest heaven and there are still other lands located beyond according to this passage. It is remarkable that the Qur'an speaks well to the third person to explain the formation of the Earth moves to the second person plural to explain the function of all those objects that are in the Terran space: <Then there is turned to the heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the earth. (.) So avons- We decorated the sky with earthling of stars and have protected.>. Should we understand that these objects were already created and that it is a secondary organization?
A-54. 482/53 XLI They will see the signs in themselves and in the Universe.
"And We shall show them Our signs in the Universe and in themselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the Truth. Would it not enough that your Lord is witness of all things? "
Signs, that is to say for clues Divine demonstrating his t ny-power. Indeed, science has shown us the unimaginable dimensions of the universe and the human anatomy. It is on the basis of this verse that the learned concordist Zindani contacted experts in various fields to make his concordist reading the Koran in his book entitled This is the Truth. Yassin Kassab also quotes this verse in his book, Glory to God. The thousand scientific truths of the Qur'an. (Salam Editions, 2007)
A-55. 483/5 XLII Heaven befitting crack, or the cosmological principle of homogeneity:
"Little was necessary that the heavens were split from their pinnacle when the angels glorify their Lord. "
We have explained above as space-time does not undergo any distortion and that each point composing and is the remains stable. All the forces on each point of the universe fact that there is no preferred direction. In the case where one direction is preferred space would tear the material and which also appear follow. The cosmological principle that describes the isotropy of the Universe and its homogeneity is recognized by astrophysicists and supported by observation. It should probably think by reading this verse, an Arab Century Life had to understand by this Qur'anic passage, the regular distribution of stars in the firmament. In the Quranic design, space also has a depth with inside stars. We spoke above we do not come back in here.
A-56. 489/10 XLIII The Earth, the cradle of humanity:
"It is He Who has given you the earth to cradle and you are drawn paths. "
The idea of describing the Earth as a cradle is very interesting. Because the Earth is thus named as a passenger place which man can come to continue its expansion. The Quran even mentions in several verses the idea that man can go into space, if believed. This however, is not told in two respective verses quoted elsewhere it is a conquest of the immense space as if we were the real masters or we escape before the Apocalypse. Spiritually, the Earth is a cradle where humans must go to Paradise or to Hell.
A-57. 486/29 XLII Animal life throughout the Universe and the encounter with other life forms, possible:
"And among His Signs ago the creation of the heavens and the earth and what is disseminated as living beings in both. It is Able to gather them together when He wants. "
Here the Koran says that forms of animal life exist throughout the Universe. The word Dabbah reports every strolling with legs. The Koran also says that all Dabbah were created of water. The end of this verse evokes a possible meeting with some of these extra terrestrial beings if 'Allah wants. The Qur'an also speaks well of intelligent beings on planets like ours who receive revelations like the earthlings. Mujaahid included this passage, like many old and new scholars, there are animals through the heavens with land like ours. That face in the early exegeses of the Koran. But innovation is not the Koran, such beliefs existed long. Ibn Abbas also mentioned this in his approach to the Koran. The question of life elsewhere in Islam is founded by companions following the teachings of Muhammad own. It must still clarify here is that this real concept is based in the Koran cleanly has no deeper philosophical or spiritual conception. Except perhaps that several passages in the Koran seem to attribute a divine origin to jinn who would go and come from heaven.
A-58. 496/10 XLIV The sky will bring a visible smoke:
"Well, for the day when the sky will bring a visible smoke. "
One of the ten great signs of the end times would be a visible smoke from Earth. The Qur'an also speaks very large earthquakes, it is geologically established that there can be during large earthquakes, faults that are made through earth and volcanic smoke arises. Or it will be the fall of a meteorite also evoked the Book who will raise the dust in the air; (Cor p.. 525/35 to 6.44 LFL): "Were they created from nothing, or would they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? (.) And if they see fragments falling from the sky they say - 'Clouds hardened'; So leave them, until they shall swoon. ". This is literally consistent. Is it necessary to point out that this is probably a coincidence? Many commentators have seen serious Muslims in this verse something already achieved in the lifetime of Muhammad. After a vow prophet against the Meccans very long drought caused a similar phenomenon, Qurayche the prophet prays to implore God for rain and the sky was immediately thunderstruck clouds and the ground was flooded with water (Reported especially by al-Bukhari in - as-Sahih ul-Jami '). Difficult to found a scientific interpretation on such hadith. Moreover, the smoke is cited as a Muslim among the ten signs that will take place in the chain for the return of Jesus. In any case, this coincidence is amazing for what it is.
A-59. 501/24 XLV It's not time that makes live or die:
"They said: 'There is life for us down here. We live and die and only time destroys us'; They have no knowledge about it, and only follow conjecture. "
What time? The time is scientifically studied in recent decades, and we do not know too much reality. It runs continuously and does not intervene in the process of life and death. An experiment in quantum physics of a famous University of Geneva- -The one would tend to prove that at the time the atomic scale are actually more. We treated the process of death on this verse in the chapter: Biology. This is an interesting philosophical approach.
A-60. 502/3 XLVI The sky really exist and for some time:
"We have created the heavens and the earth that really and for a specified term. "
The shape of the Universe and its existence depends on the initial moment when the universe was created. If he had a density too low it would quickly disintegrated, and he had too much density it would have collapsed again to become a black hole. It seems that the density is just right for a flat universe without curvature and very homogeneous. Which adds to the longevity of the universe indeed the magnitude of the big bang is amazingly accurate. The verse makes a testimony of an old questions like the world, why matter exists in time. Did it end?
A-61. L 518/6 The sky is without cracks:
"Do they not look at the sky above them, how We have made it and adorned it, and as it is without cracks. "
The more we look out into space, over the material distribution appears homogeneous, supporting the cosmological principle. At the time of revelation, only a tiny fraction of the stars and planets covered the sky so elegantly. The question the homogeneity of space mentioned in the Qur'an reports of a concept considering the space as an integral component. According to ancient Greek belief the sky was a dome with the afterlife was made of fire. The stars were the fire that pierced the sky. The Qur'an is he, we have seen above, the visible stars in space close to Earth and evokes a multitude of skies devoid of hole or crack.
Black holes, they are places of space that is protected from such failure - faults - which is seen by astrophysicists as a cosmic censorship -Roger Penrose. Black holes are hidden from any outside observer and allow us to avoid infinite numbers that these objects lead us to imagine and that would make obsolete all the physical. An object continues to turn to where the hole is formed which allows to forget the physical laws that resulted in such an event. The collision of two black holes produce gravitational waves that would impact from 2020, Lisa, a spatial interferometer consisting of three satellites, to directly detect black holes shocks. Direct evidence of their existence. So far their existence is betrayed by the deviation of the surrounding objects.
The material is distributed evenly in the space. As space is not cracked and not a privileged orientation -isotropie- more we see far more new stars appear where we noted a darker space.
A-62. LI 521/7 The Galaxy, the first Quranic heaven?
"By the sky perfectly traced routes. "
The Qur'an speaks of seven heavens here compares the Terran sky skies with perfectly traced routes. The Milky Way is indeed a wonderful form in reality. And the ancient Greek called the Milky Way -which is the set of observed stars in the sky night- imagining that the gods have left a trail of milk by making them a scension. The fact that the sun is far enough away from the galaxy nucleus that we have an overview of it which is very beautiful when the sky is clear.
A-63. 522 / 47-9 LI The expansion of the universe and life:
"And the sky We have built our hands, and We are the expander. And the earth We have spread and what a great way We leveled. And of everything We have formed pairs of elements. "
This Qur'anic passage is probably the first written history to evoke the expansion of the universe literally. We read that the continued expansion: "wa inna the Mûsi'ûn." We saw that the Qur'an also mentions that heaven and earth were designed into a single mass in the beginning (XXI Cor. 30), and cited Comments companions of Muhammad. Here, the Quran mentions the expansion of the Universe just before talking about the spreading of sand by the wind into a very nice cradle. We did not linger to demonstrate the correctness of our translation of verses to avoid needlessly complicating our work, but specify all the same here, that the word Musi 'is derived from the word Wasi' which means 'large', 'extensive'. The letter mim actually a common name 'Expander'. As for the Muslim word, which actually means Islamized. Or Muhyi -a names' Allah- derived from the word Hayy (life) He who gives life, etc.
A strange assumption of string theory called brane inflation suggests that a brane and anti-brane traveling to each three-dimensional (?) In a space of 10 dimensions touch so as to produce the energy of the big bang and the inflation. This strange theory -how an isolated three-dimensional space can he travel to another space 10 dimensions - proved valid, it would be funny to note the similarity of this hazardous theory with this passage from the Koran, which explains the creation of the Universe with the Hands of God, and then expand.
There are pairs of elements among particles, from plant and among animals - will be dealt with broadly in section Biology.
A-64. 523 / 5-10 LII The sky whirl a gravitational effect.
"The day when the sky will be shaken by a swirl. "
When Judgment on Earth, the sky whirl. In fact, the Qur'an may be talking about the atmosphere, visible to the human eye. But this is not as clear as it might seem. Furthermore, the Qur'an speaks of heaven as wound rolls of books. It is difficult to imagine how Muhammad had to see this image reciting this passage. But the Milky Way will bind to the Andromeda Nebula and they really enrouleront as papyrus scrolls. But at a very slow speed on a human scale to compare this to a swirl. This type of knowledge is inconceivable recess at the same time by the most ingenious philosophers. Maybe he should seek an explanation elsewhere, in a hadith of Muslim, Muhammad is reported to have said that the day length will shrink to the point to move like lightning. In this case, the sky tourbillonnerait. Such a phenomenon is this possible? In fact, whatever that seems inconceivable a priori, according to some estimates, the axis of the Earth will move forward so that the rotation of the Earth becomes chaotic. And that, well after that life on Earth disappeared long ago.
A-65. 525/35 to 6.44 LII Have they created the Universe? - Fragments of the sky falling.
"Were they created from nothing, or would they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? (.) And if they see fragments falling from the sky they say - 'Clouds hardened'; So leave them, until they shall swoon. "
This verse speaks of the paradox of the existence of the Universe. While it should not exist if there had been nothing special, and raises the problem of solipsism and anthropocentrism. We studied the above problem of the reality of the existence of the Universe and the approach of theoretical physics on several occasions.
The end of the passage also speaks like pieces of heaven fall on Earth. This would for the first time mentioned in the Qur'an, while men would ignore it until then. This verse apparently refers to punishment by the fall of a celestial object that foudroiera men. We have already spoken elsewhere.
A-66. 526/1 LIII The leak of a star:
"By the star when she escapes. "
The word Hawa etymologically means "air". It symbolically means freedom, the pleasure or passion. The passage seems to evoke apparently leaking a star of its gravitational system. This event is quite rare and was observed by large telescopes as a real event. Not to be confused with shooting stars, which are actually meteorites also coming from massive star explosions. It is possible to understand by the fall of shooting stars, the probability to imagine that a genuine star of its leading position being sensitive to the time of Muhammad.
A-67. 527/28 LIII What is a hypothesis:
". and conjecture shall carry nothing away from the truth. "
A hypothesis can not serve as a confirmation. It can at most seek verification by evidence; So we must remain vigilant about this. A philosophical lesson of amazing Qur'an.
A-68. 528 / 1-2 LIV The splitting of the moon:
"The Hour has drawn near and the moon has split. And if they see a Sign, they turn away and say, 'Persistent magic'. "
According to the full tradition of unverifiable beliefs when unbelievers asked for a miracle to Muhammad, it showed the moon the finger and it would separate into two pieces -Sahîh El-Bukhari. Muhammad Hamidullah sees a prodigy who left a still visible trace on the moon. The Russians photographed a crack through the moon from the top to the bottom by the middle with an average thickness of 14 km, impossible to see with the naked eye from Earth. Hamidullah then collecting other traces historic found in India expected to testify this event great. In his el Madjmâ'al Fataawa Ibn Taymiyyah said that during a trip to India he would have noticed a temple with two half moon at its zenith. Having interrogated the monks could have taught that their ancestors had built this temple having observed the splitting of the moon in two in the past. Note that between the sixth and seventh century where this miracle took place, we find almost no written record as the scribes were scarce on this side to that specific time. Scientifically, the belief that an object the size of the moon (which is one third of the Earth) is divided into two and then brings is simply impossible. It really takes the fervor of faith to believe in such a thing.
The name of the crack mentioned by Muhammad Hamidullah close on maps of the moon is called Radley Rille. Not to be confused with magmatic Valley lunar her, 150 km long and 1.5 km wide, named Hadley Rille, thus already higher than similar valleys on Earth. The moon still has other cracks, the crack but we are talking here evoked by Hamidullah and holds the same name as for Radley Radley mountain, traverse the entire moon from side to side, so that the Guardian newspaper spoke before the launch of Apollo 15, July 30, 1971, which was among others studying this fissure named Radley Rille.
The splitting of the moon, the ascension of Muhammad and the revelation of the Quran are three of the miracles the most important of Muhammad mentioned in the Qur'an. Another miracle of the Prophet yet in the Qur'an, Muhammad during a battle would have taken a handful of sand that would have launched and which miraculously reached each of the opposing soldiers, leading to the defeat: (VIII Cor. 17 ). The hadiths relate yet many miracles of the prophet of Islam that are not included in the Qur'an: multiplication of bread and dates, increase the amount of milk and water, evidence of a stone and a deer his prophecy, heightened immediately call for rain and its judgment replacing the eye of a fighter in its orbit becomes more powerful than before, exorcism of a young girl with the vision of black and hairy s genius' fleeing, opening doors of knowledge for a prayer, detailed explanation of the visions of live events taking place disciples kilometers of Medina and subsequent confirmation, etc. Which the Quran makes no mention, reporting a rationalism generally very eloquent. To the point that many experts e critique of history have wanted to see in the miracles mentioned above subsequent exaggerations, without the original text has miracle connotation. Notice that we do not share. The texts are explicit, and contrary to the laws of nature.
A-69. 530-1 / 49-50 LIV Everything created by measure; And creation achieved in less than a blink of an eye (near cosmogony idea of the big bang).
"We have created all things with measurement and power, and our order was not only as a blinking eyelid. "
The measure is what best characterizes the beings who inhabit the cosmos. The word translated 'measure' is biqadar this word is derived from the word QDR and reports done by a force or power (el Qadir) and simultaneously, the measurement and determination (el Qadar). This passage is with the verses (i Cor XX / pi. 30) & (LI Cor. 47) a very intuitive description of the creation of the universe that evokes our astonishment discovered the big bang. The conception of an omnipotent god there is probably a lot.
Knowing that the universe appeared with phenomenal power and that the constituent particles of all things were formed from the first second, this verse is particularly ingenious. This does not even actually request further explanation; but it is interesting that this passage tells us as the creation was done in such a short time. What the discovery of the Big Bang showed provoking our amazement.
According to the prevailing theory, the great battle that took place between matter and anti-matter for existence has left intact a small portion of the material. The amount of material that survived destruction during the creation of the universe has a density adapted to the Universe expansion speed and matter particles are designed so to organize themselves into atoms, molecules and all that is dispersed in the Universe, all at a glance. The grandeur of this epic which began in an object so small that it is comparable to a single particle in which time and even space actually born almost instantly, and then the destruction of nearly all matter particles and anti-matter as to dig a ditch so deep between chaos and order; and laws that determine particle properties are so powerful that we can only marvel just the fact we represent these events mentally.
There is also a very interesting metaphysical dimension in this extract. The creation is compared in this passage and elsewhere to order Divine. But theoretical physics describes the events as laws, so that the same time disappears at some point computations at the quantum scale. At the subatomic level, matter disappears, giving way to pure mathematical formulas. Added to this is another strange thing, since the theory provides that in some cases twin particles undergo transformations in parallel simultaneously and despite the distance between them was checked against all rational expectations. Certainly, this reading of contemporary physics has actually opened a breach in the materialist philosophy to make room to the concept of god and many are inspired thinkers from around a century. But the role of science is not to rule on spirituality. And before Planck remains an area that science is simply unable to explore.
A-70. 531 / 5.7 to 8 LV The sun and the moon exist following a calculation; cosmic and biological balance (varieties.):
"And the sun and moon as calculations. And the Firmament has He raised high. He established and balance. "
Theoretical Physics describes all objects that occupy space-time as waves and calculations. The events are described by matrices and mathematical wave and to which we do not find any equivalent in the macroscopic world. The balance achieved by the ideal density of the Universe and varieties of plants that stabilize ecosystems shows us again as the Koran is very relevant across all its simplicity. Pythagoras claimed that the reality of things was actually conceived numbers or geometric forms. This verse seems somewhat confirm this statement which is also updated in theoretical physics.
Another interesting detail is that the state of the current solar system who presided over the emergence of life on Earth is intriguing. Since the balance of goshawks moon of the planet, the distance of the planet to the sun and the speed of rotation and revolution of the planet are not static at all. Because it should be known that the other objects in the solar system also exert a gravitational influence on the Earth and the moon. So convincing and their imbalance is expected by astrophysicists, what the Qur'an brilliantly described elsewhere (Cor p.249 / 2 XIII.). The moon has played a vital role as it has probably helped to stabilize the chirality stirring the masses of water containing amino acids. Waving water masses has enabled the climate being what it is and life to flourish in aquatic funds. But this balance is calculated for a brief period of time when life and man enjoy the moment. After which the scene will be transformed. The fact to note and admire the order of the planets in the system must have inspired this passage from the Koran very spontaneously.
A-71 532/17 LV There is one opposed to the old world on the globe.
"Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests"
This verse shows that the opposite of the planet the sun rises and sets and on this side it. When the sun goes down here (on the known lands of China fund in Gibraltar and Ireland) it will rise there (in the New World) and when it goes down there he just get up here. In another verse we just read this; (Cor P.446 / 4-7 XXXVII.): "Your Lord is truly unique; Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the Easts. "Because the sun rises around the Earth, including where to us it is the West. Both sides of the planet are inhabited but separate the two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Muhammad described clearly enough the Earth as a sphere, but it is foolish to think that he believed that the other hemisphere was inhabited.
A-72. 532 / 33-8 LV Fleeing the Cosmos: Fire jet - The sky becomes red as scarlet leather (evoking strangely late galaxies cycles, red giant stars):
"Oh! Peoples and humans! If you can cross the fields of heaven and earth, then do it. But you can get out with authority. Which favors of your Lord will ye deny? It will then be launched against you throw fire and smoke. And you shall not be helped. When the sky will tear and be red like crimson red leather. "
This verse is a verse almost futuristic. He teaches us that towards the end of time, there would be allies of men jinn who would cross the room to avoid the Apocalypse. Should they therefore try to get out of the brane of our universe to try to reach another brane? But they would be prevented from making this final step by fire and smoke jets (meteorites?). The sky will be red. As disturbing image, since the sun will become a red giant and a large amount of stars that populate the galaxy will become like him red. Our distant descendants, these beings of the future could they really try to generate a black hole somewhere in space, will form such a hole and then through the space-time before the end of time, not having been too far from the Earth compared to the vastness of a growing universe at an exponential rate. This idea to flee the Earth before its end is truly great.
In the dictionary the word Kasimirski nafadha, here translated means crossing out a body from side to side, move on. We can theoretically draw a parallel with the theory of wormholes. But the hypothesis trips to black holes has been questioned recently -see supra p. 15. Perhaps is it another kind of propulsion to leave the borders of our own universe? And if that prophecy might actually materialize in the distant future?
A-73. 536/75 LVI The relative positions of the stars in the immeasurably vast universe:
" No ! I swear by the positions of stars. "
The text says "positions" and in fact the stars are not in true motion relative to the Earth. Rather, it is the Earth that moves, so that each star has a relatively stable position - our time scale - in its own gravitational system over the entire Universe expanding, and in relation to the Earth. However, the use of the word Mawaki 'not forbidden that stars can rotate goshawks Earth. A belief of the time.
A-74. 541/25 LVII Iron comes from space:
". And We have sent down iron in which there is a formidable force. "
According to modern astrophysics, iron can not have been produced in the solar system, it must have formed in a giant star to have such atomic mass. Iron in the heart of the planet also comes from the area because the sun can not be produced with its low energy. In addition, most meteorites are ferrous - siderites - much fuel at this moment the iron Earth tonnes. We estimate 10,000 tons mass meteorites and micrometeorites falling to Earth in a year, and we think that between 6 and 10% of them are siderites - iron-nickel. It is amazing to find such a verse in the Qur'an, would the iron strength of a connection with the award of a heavenly origin? Hard to say.
A-75. 562 / 3-5 LXVII No disproportion or cracks in the sky - Projectiles made of stars:
"He who has created seven heavens in layers you find any flaw in the creation of the Merciful. Brings back the look, there you see any breach? We have adorned the lower heaven with lamps of -étoiles- We formed projectiles to stone Demons. "
We have already discussed above the question of the homogeneity of space-time, and can design the homogeneity of the provision of the stars in the sky, and the critical importance for its stability and for its existence . This is a decisive arguments to assert that the Universe would have an origin in time.
Meteorites mentioned here, are constituted by stellar matter, when a star explodes in supernova propels it meteorites in space, as if it were a giant super bomb fragmentation. Atoms are all products in the stars except helium and hydrogen. Meteorites are the product of the explosion of stars originally composed of helium and hydrogen processed violently in heavy elements and then meteorites.
Black holes are places in space protected for a failure by astrophysicists as a cosmic censorship hypothesis - Roger Penrose. Black holes are hidden from any outside observer and allow us to avoid infinite numbers that these objects lead us to imagine and that would make obsolete all the physical. An object continues to turn to where the hole is formed which allows to forget the physical laws that resulted in such an event. They prevent visitors from entering such a super inviolable reinforced door destroying all intruders approaching it too.
A-76. 563 / 15.16 LXVII Hurricane stone from the sky and the solar wind (meteor shower?):
"Do you feel secure that He Who is in heaven the earth to swallow you? Here she trembles. Are you away from what He who is in heaven sends you against a stone hurricane? "
Sometimes it happens that a volcano explodes and strong winds scatter the seeds spewed by the volcano. Sometimes during an earthquake, the ground water rise to the surface liquefy the earth so that the objects that are on the surface flow that goes under the earth to dry thus having engulfed the buildings.
Sometimes, a group of meteorites left by the passage of a comet passes through the Earth and can be accelerated by solar winds to fall to Earth itself forming a storm of stones from the visible space from Earth. There was evidence of such events in the past, do not seek out a real anachronism.
A-77. 568 / 3-4 LXIII The cosmic ways: Universe topology.
".And That comes from God, the Master of climbing routes. The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day whose length is fifty thousand years. "
According to this passage the angels following ways for their ascent in space. Astronautics specialists are looking for the keys to an ascent of the easiest ways in which they will be accelerated by gravity as in a tunnel, that to NASA and since the end of the second millennium. There would most likely be special paths through the space where we croiserions minimal objects and where we would be oriented spontaneously from region to region by the gravitational fields of the Crusaders objects. This verse gives in any case an interesting idea on the design of the depth of the sky at the time, especially since in the imagination and beliefs of angels should move very quickly.
A-78. 577 / 7-9 LXXV dazzling sky - the moon should position itself in front of the sun in the middle of the solar disc, without covering it.
"When the sight is dazed, and the moon will be swallowed; And the moon and the sun are united. "
According to these predictions become dazzling the sky towards the end of time when the moon disappears in the sun himself. We now know that the sun will become more precise and more radiant - as viewed from Earth - over time while the moon gradually move away from Earth, is shrinking. The sun will exhausting its reserves of hydrogen cause a contraction of the nucleus and swelling of the surface layers so to become one hundred times larger than at present and red; and it will occupy the bulk of the visible sky. Light and temperature on Earth will be so high (up to 1000 ° C) that the seas will evaporate and the surface of the planet, will become a sea of lava. All this probably in 7.65 billion years.
Probably even the moon will fall eventually into the sun. The book of the passage is again quite disturbing.
Even more amazing is clear in the exegesis of Qurtubi that the sight is dazed from the fact that the sun has grown tremendously. He says the moon will disappear in the sun by joining him and points out that the word Khusuf used to describe the event, which also means eclipse comes in this second sense elsewhere in the Qur'an; (XXVIII Cor. 81): "We caused the earth to swallow him and his home. ".
A-79. 579 / 15-6 LXXVI silver crystals?
"And there will be circulated among them vessels of silver and crystal cups, silver crystal whose content was finely tuned. "
Nanocrystals of silver produced in the lab. A nanometer is 1 / 1,000,000,000 e m.
According to this passage, believers have cuts in silver crystals to Paradise. In fact the main property crystalline materials is their homogeneity. Money would be crystallized very durable. Scientists from the University of Delaware in the United States have developed a composite with microscopic pores around twenty thousand times smaller than those crystals made so far. It is a finely tuned mix of latex beads and microspheres gold that reflects all the colors of the rainbow sky.
Also other scientific manufacturing, microelectronics and for the manufacture of bandages, silver nanocrystals, this past few years. The ability of metals to crystallize is known only from the dramatic advances in physics and chemistry. It is almost anachronistic to find this in a book as old as the Koran.
A-80. 580 / 8-10 LXXVII Stars fading (fossil star that fades!) - Heaven split - sprayed Mountains.
"When will the stars be erased, and the sky will split and pulverized mountains. "
We have already mentioned elsewhere that the particularities of the Quran is quoted different purposes for the stars, leaving the scope of the final fall of the stars on Earth. Here it refers to their deletion. A beautiful image that can evoke that stars that are located far away in space let in spacetime a bright trace of their existence that continues to spread even after they come to an end. This, because the light produced by the latter continues its long way in space at a speed of 300,000 km per second - the speed of light. So when a star dies, its image continues to exist in space until it has cleared the light reaches us, after which it disappears.
The groups of galaxies move away from each other to form separate spaces, and the Universe "to tear" of the sort. Later in time, black hole fall apart and disperse of matter in space-time of our universe. The Universe will tear because at very large scale is not perfectly uniform.
Following the passage is however quite far Forecasts geophysics. The mountains should undergo violent shaking during earthquakes that are mentioned in other verses, it would be accompanied or caused by another verse and several hadiths by the fall of one or more asteroids.
According geophysics mountains term will literally melt under the intense heat from the sun that will raise the temperature on Earth as to cause the molten rock and evaporating seas, that over millions of years . By gravity, the relief of the planet will be smooth and look like a huge magma ocean. After that, the sun will begin to shrink and allow the Earth to cool. The solar wind - the sun will be much closer to the Earth - will then erode the surface of the planet with terrible violence, snatching the remains of reliefs - small mounds - gradually. This is the recent scientific description of the fate of the planet from computer simulations.
In another approach, erosion can act directly on the faults of tectonic plates and prevent mountains grow. We developed this point also see: B-26.
Another important detail is that geologically the main source of CO2 is the volcanism. The most important CO2 sink is the erosion of silicate rocks by acid rain. Indeed when precipitation dissolve atmospheric CO2 they give carbonic acid dissolved minerals from rocks by erosion. So volcanism and erosion of mountains are also related. Relief is finally generated because the interior of the planet is hot, relentlessly pushing the tectonic plates to change. But the interior of the planet cools slowly, and with the tectonic movements have time to stop. The magnetic field of the Earth blocks the solar wind can destroy its surface. However, this field would be generated by mowesternrsquo; a dfont color = font size = font color = underground convection uvements. When the solar wind, it blocks the deadly cosmic radiation that otherwise would also destroy the Earth. Whatever happens the mountains are well doomed to disappear. According to Peter Schröder, Robert Smith and Kevin Apps, University of Sussex located in Brighton, the loss of mass knew the end of life will the sun than Earth is far from him enough not to be destroyed or swallowed. The earth should escape destruction from the sun in extremis.
A-81. 581 / 32-3 LXXVII Solar Eruption?
"For the fire enfer- -to throw bulky sparks like castles, which we take to the red camels. "
A burst of fire with the appearance of a large red and camel head like a castle. We should believe that the Qur'an describes eruptions like those observed on the solar surface. A very violent image, which should encourage believers to be cautious.
A-82. 582 / 18-19 LXXVIII doors will form in the sky.
"The day when the Trumpet is blown you will come in troops, the sky will open and present the doors. "
This passage speaks of the appearance of doors at the end of time. If it is true that black holes are gateways to other universes, it's funny because many black holes will form during the destruction of massive stars. Unless per door we need to understand the birth of spaces between the stars faded or become dust. Concretely, very large scale Universe is like a material object, similar to us, which are made of atoms separated from each other by vast distances at the scale of atoms, but which, on our scale, seem to be an all welded.
A-83. 584 / 27-33 LXXIX The sky was created before the Earth - Homogeneity of the Universe - Light - Plate tectonics and evolving life.
"Are you more difficult to create or the heaven; He has nevertheless built? He raised his crest and made homogeneous. He darkened its night and brings out its dawn. And the earth, after all that He has spread. He made it out of its water and its pasture. And the mountains He anchored them for your enjoyment to you and your cattle. "
This passage from the Qur'an is he who said that the Earth was created after the sky of the clearest way, even if it is understood and to other places.
Photo Cobe proving that the universe is homogeneous on a large scale.
Following the details noted in this passage is equally amazing, since we read that the sky was made homogeneous. The word "sawwâhâ" reports that the sky is equalized in all respects. The stars are distributed wisely in the sky. We read in Surah al Baqarah p.5 verse 29: "wa sawwâhunna seb'a semâwat", "and -the sky-he formed the seven heavens in harmony". Which reminds homogeneity discovery on a larger scale. The small space-time bubble that would have been a little pleated was flattened by a period of inflation explained in these verses; Compare with (Cor P.562 / 3-5 LXVII.).
Light was released in a well-known phase transition presently by astrophysicists. The passage cited the darkness before the light, nothing extraordinary either.
But what is surprising in this Surah in our opinion is that the Qur'an which says that the Earth was spread like a sheet on a carrier -sphérique as other information ailleurs- verses studied, binds the reasons for this structure, this relief, and this erosion life that virtually operates.
The mountains are made for our enjoyment as they contain sediments that cool the earth to be renewed and cultivable. In this sense the mountains can be seen as large dishes across the world in the Koran. We will note that the passage quoted from the same water before the mountains. That's right. Because water plays a vital role in plate tectonics and mountain building and reliefs.
A-84. 586/1 LXXXI The sun will swell or moon fall into it - or white dwarf red giant (star) - Sky skinned (black hole?).
"When the sun will swell, and the stars will become dull. And the skinned sky. "
We have already quoted the commentary on this passage Qurtubi, who says that the sun will become very big and probably swallow the moon. The stars that adorn the sky now will fade very slowly, losing their luster becoming white dwarfs. While some stars will be perhaps even expelled from the space-time during their collapse into black holes.
The genius of the Quranic cosmogony that makes many descriptions brilliantly join the astrophysical predictions is the concept of progressive destruction of everything. Without exception, a beneficial conclusion for the many prophecies about the end of the Universe according to the Koran.
The Universe is completely obscure and not a single star does shine in one hundred thousand billion years. The sky will be finally stripped of its material content, frayed. Extending at an exponential rate, we can imagine the final blow, the expansion of the universe, which will launch the remains of tiny particles to infinity and space so violently scratched, as envisioned in the Qur'an. Even the atoms will turn into black holes according to quantum theory. According to one of its deductions, all atoms should become the iron atoms after an extremely long time lapse: after 10 exposing 1500 years. And turn into black holes after (10 exponent 10) setting 76 years. This is Freeman Dyson who has established, by calculation, the latter conclusion.
A-85. 586/1 LXXXI The formation of the solar system planets.
"For those who withdraw and hide those that run and sweep. "
The literal reading of this passage provides a unique description of the formation of planets. Al Khunnas means to withdraw back, hide in a remote place. al djawâr means gravitate, run and comes from the root dj-wr that signals the neighborhood protection. Scholars have often seen are the planets. In fact, the planets have a period of revolution slower than Earth, with the exception of Mercury and Venus; which has the consequence that they hang back and hide on the other side of the sun. What is interesting is against the fact that they are around the Earth and protect it by sweeping debris from meteorites and dust on their paths. This is same in the material of the scanning so that they are formed. In this sense this passage provides an original reading near the astronomical reality, obviously incompatible with the time of the composition of the Koran, that once again allows the elliptical style of the Qur'an.
A-86. 587 / 1-2 LXXXII The sky rompra- The stars will disperse into dust:
"When the sky will break, and the stars will disperse into dust. "
The question of material homogeneity of the sky which is mentioned several times in the Qur'an has already been studied elsewhere - see above. Other stars explode as supernovae or disperse slowly into dust, as will disperse "tetherat" the works of the disbelievers on the Day of Judgment. On the other hand the clusters and super clusters of galaxies will separate from each other. The description is more realistic for the time.
State to a star after it exploded as supernovae.
A-87. 589/1 LXXXIV The sky will tear: the clusters and super-clusters will separate.
"When the sky will tear. "
Idem, see above.
A-88. 591 / 1-3 LXXXVI Pulsar?
"By the heaven and the coming of night. Who shall tell thee what the night of arriving? It is a star that pierces. "
If we forget for a moment that this text dates back more than a millennium, we are tempted to see a mention pulsars whose powerful jet of double cones light even through the dense clouds of dust. Any pulsar was born of a supernova, throwing debris into the sky meteors and meteorites.
Or would we be tempted to detect the first generation of stars to extreme sizes and very short life that are at the origin of the universal material dating from the dawn of creation. In this verse it we do not have a more precise explanation. The old city also known stars visible from Earth. It can be a single star or a type of stars.
A-89. 591/11 LXXXVI The gravity field?
"By the sky which returns. "
Ibn Abbas, Mujaahid, and other companions of Muhammad understood "which returns the rain," already by Tabari. Are we to understand by this explanation, the magnetic field and gravity of the Earth? The atmosphere under the influence of a field of attraction that makes the objects that are in an area close to the Earth do not escape from it. The clouds, birds and many things fail to go this way. Adnan Oktar emphasizes that the magnetic field of the planet also retrace their steps cosmic particles that otherwise irradieraient land surface and it would make all forms of life impossible. Need I remind you that this is unacceptable, because such knowledge is absolutely ignored at the time?
A-90. Sky high above 592/18 LXXXVIII: cosmic dimensions.
"And the heaven, how he was raised. "
The strong high sky, the stars are visible in the vicinity of our planet. It has such dimensions that it is difficult to imagine an objective way for a layman. It started as a small universe like an electron. It grew by 60 orders of magnitude in an instant. Compare with: (LI Cor. 47).
A-91. 598/3 XCVII The symbolic relativity of time:
"The night of al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. "
This passage evokes as in some other places, but this time symbolically the relativity of time that has indeed no visible reality. Good action in this holy night account for a good work done every day for a thousand months. Thousand months are around 80 years, life expectancy is suitable for a modern man. Hoping to live 60 years and hoping not to miss the night of al-Qadr for 10 years, one comes across 4,000 years.
In our time, it is possible to calculate precisely the births of new moons until prehistory. In us based on the date of birth of Muhammad, the year of the elephant (the army of Abraha who came from Yemen to destroy the Ka'bah), the period of visions and taking into account the added intercalary months in the Arab calendar to match the lunar calendar to the solar seasons until the final determination of the strictly lunar calendar by Muhammad, we can estimate that the apostolic mission in Muhammad began in November 608. Muslim reported that this would be a Monday. However, this is Muhammad within 10 odd days of the month of Ramadan. According to our estimates, it could be the Monday, November 11 608, which should be the 27th of the month of Ramadan of the year when Muhammad had his first vision.